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23505088 No.23505088[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>life has no meaning and there's no God, good or evil and thats fine because im a retarded golem moved by my base instincts and peer pressure, life is whatever you make of it or whatever the kurzguesgat says

>> No.23505122
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the bible doesn't say raping a teenaged girl is immoral (as long as you marry her after)

>> No.23505137

marry her *first
but yes

>> No.23505142

Pragmatically it means nothing whether morality is objective or subjective. If your behavior is governed by your fear of hell, then your morality is shallow. If you need your moral facts to be “objective”, I don’t see the point. What would it even mean for morality to be objective? What would change about the universe?

>> No.23505150

>There's a God and everything he says is good is good and everything he says is bad is bad.... BECAUSE THE JEWISH FAIRY TALE COMPENDIUM SAID SO

>> No.23505151
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>he can't keep himself from roping without le epic water walking Harry Potter talking snake book to cope with

>> No.23505152

Atheist: How do you justify your moral reasoning?
By a 2000+ year old text that has proven to create the happiest societies on the planet (at least in homogenous populations). How do you?
Atheist: erm... my feelings?

>> No.23505154
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>> No.23505157

God clearly chose the jews as some kind of joke, they're the most evil people possible, it would be a power play to use them to kickstart the one true faith and then toss them aside so they can seethe about it for eternity

>> No.23505171
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>I dont know dude, life is whatever you make of it, if you dont feel bad doing le bad ur just a psycho incel virgin freak and doubly so if you question our democratically chosen values

>> No.23505177
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None of you matured from adolescence. You just left everything unanswered and watched YouTube videos and psychiatric drugs whenever questioning things

>> No.23505183

Christbros, help me to understand this. Perhaps my logic is faulty:
If Jesus was sent for the Jews AND they accept him immediately as messiah, then everyone else is condemned to hell, no? Since there is no salvation except through Jesus, there is no chance for anyone else to be saved. Is this right?

>> No.23505184

You couldn’t answer the questions. I will ask again: what would it pragmatically mean if morality were objective, rather than subjective? What would change about the universe?

>> No.23505188

I don't know if that's true but per >>23505157 it's pretty clear that God knew exactly what the Jews were going to do to their messiah

>> No.23505193

lol gottem

>> No.23505198

Where's the lie

>> No.23505203

>gods chosen people
You guys are honestly so retarded all the time. You don't even stop to ponder for two seconds what this could mean beyond your immediate first impression

>> No.23505213

you will elaborate on your post. you will respond to specific anons. you will not misrepresent them or generalize their posts.

>> No.23505223

98% of atheists' morality is a bastardized melodramatic version of Christian morality, ie the civic religion

>> No.23505229
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There being actualz physical consequences to sin instead of us just being animals without remorse or desire for safety, wich you can already prove by seeing the natural consequences of our actions in this world

>> No.23505245

You need to be punished and rewarded in order to be a good person? Why can’t you just be good?

>> No.23505249

why should i? if there's no God why shouldn't i satisfy my depraved lust the moment the state isn't looking?

>> No.23505250

Strongest theist argument

>> No.23505251
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>God is for everybody, black people white people , -ACK

>> No.23505258

You still are satisfying your depraved lust.

Also, why do you even believe in god if you don’t care about morals?

>> No.23505259

What is the purpose of life then? You are all evasive and concerned only with me "worshipping kikes" instead of addressing the argument

>> No.23505265

>You still are satisfying your depraved lust.
no i'm not, i want to do a thing and yet i don't do it
>why do you even believe in god
why do you believe the sky is blue? you aren't motivated to, you believe it because it's apparently true.

>> No.23505273

Consider that you're a faggot

>> No.23505278

I didn't design the world, but it was designed in such a way that if you have to ask you'll never get it..you can lead a horse to water, whatever.
Look, they were the exodean people, under the snare of Egyptian rule for centuries. They thought they were the moral race of Hebrew nice people, true with their God, not evil like the Egyptians slavers..they were chosen to fall, can you see this? They were chosen to escape from under Egyptian rule, to themselves become that they hated most, evil Egyptian rulers. Guess what happens next

>> No.23505285

He literally helps the woman 2 verses after this, even though she was not israeli.

>> No.23505286

What argument? Your greentext with a söyjack attached? Go deepthroat a shotgun, faggot.

>> No.23505295
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the cycle repeats

>> No.23505301

Grow up

>> No.23505304

I don't need it to be, it is.

>> No.23505318

Whatever you say, sport

>> No.23505325

Try rationally. Why should I think a human is valuable when such a thing is literally just a random chemical reaction governed by unfeeling laws?
Pls no muh feels muh psychopath muh societal order those are pragmatic reasons not rational ones

>> No.23505361

There is no meaning only consequences.

>> No.23505429

No. Isaiah makes clear that salvation would extend to the entire world.

>> No.23505450
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The Bible literally explains why that happened, lack of faith.

You're just a cowardly liar who doesn't care about the truth so you cherry pick verses and ignore the answers you don't want to hear. You spammed that pic on another board and I called you out for it, but you never responded because you're a cowardly liar.

Atheists have no morals and no answer to the problem of morality.

Did you? God's chosen people is clearly born-again Christians, it's all over the Bible.

Also note how the atheist schizos always use these extremely mind-numbingly retarded wojak memes. Half of them are CCP shills and the Chinese communist party is shitting itself because there are now more Christians in China than communist party members.

You can test it on /his/, notice how atheists posts, and bring up Chinese history and they'll have to divert their efforts from crusading against Christ to rewriting Chinese history.

>> No.23505514
File: 400 KB, 1000x869, Tissot-Abraham-Isaac-sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just sacrifice your son to me bro
>totally normal godlike behavior