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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 303 KB, 1268x861, highbrowlowbrowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23503864 No.23503864[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well anons? What level of brow are you currently operating at?

>> No.23503872

I remember this chart. It's actually reasonably accurate, if a bit too personal in its measures.

>> No.23503878

Reasonably accurate to what? Describing clusters of tastes? I see myself all over the chart really.

>> No.23503894

Describing what it's trying to describe—the distinction between levels of human intelligence by taste. If you're all over the chart, you're probably middling.

>> No.23503903
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>> No.23503908

This chart is not about intelligence but social class.

>> No.23503912

yes love me some unwashed salad bowl, hmm my favourite dish

>> No.23503914

It's about both.

>> No.23503919

>he doesn't know

>> No.23503933

Where's the next page?

>> No.23503987

I’m pretty low brow
I like my beer and westerns and pulps
But I do like my red wine and Beethoven
My games are more chess and poker
And you can miss me with the salad entirely

>> No.23503991
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Me unironically

>> No.23504005

This. Real humans have a vast mix. Unless you are some neurotic NYC Woody Allen type involved in film or theatre or publishing or what have you, you are not just occupied with the top row. No one is like that, listeningbto Gershwin and experimental jazz and only reading literary criticism and owning uncomfortable furniture and indecipherable sculptures.

>> No.23504042


>> No.23504063
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>> No.23504069

If youre anything but all over the place you're less than middling-you're an NPC who was sold their identity as a set piece.

>> No.23504081
File: 290 KB, 1268x861, 8e34e866e3f259d72f29520b004e95d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confused identity

>> No.23504083

Thanks for that obvious cope full of buzzwords. I hope you found in it the solace you were seeking.

>> No.23504086

>genuine identity

>> No.23504179

>complain about buzzwords
>response is just cope
Yeah, you're a doll in a box for sure. Enjoy eating from that unwashed salad bowl yummm rancid is HIGHCLASS baby

>> No.23504183

masons BTFO

>> No.23504250

I lost the game

>> No.23504396

>pleb rages at their place in the world
Many such cases.

>> No.23504478

No brow
The clothes: plain white longsleeve and blue jeans in town, nude in the country
The furniture: none other than a desk and towel to sleep on
Useful objects: Casio f91w
The Entertainment: Bugs
The Salad: Mixed nuts
The Drink: Vodka, Whiskey and Coffee
The Reading: Random junk from internet archive and archived 4chan posts
The Sculpture: Smith
The Records: 8 hours of Ambient music for relaxation and healing
The Games: Mount and Blade Warband
The Cause: Jdimsa

>> No.23505096

Is there a word for the kind of insufferable urbanite that this chart appeals to? High-brow makes me think of an overeducated person who desperately tries to be cultured without understanding what culture actually is

>> No.23505120

Why do so many of you want to be Frasier?

>> No.23505158

>only the low brow man is smiling

>> No.23505231

catch me at the lodge drinkin beer shootin craps with my low low brow niggas

>> No.23505236
File: 121 KB, 499x913, IMG_8348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s over

>> No.23505350

The highbow is outright autistic and academic, something you're born into. It's like going over to a Dean's house and getting out of the parlor into the den where all the modern art and bottles of adequate red are.

>> No.23505565

You know something is ancient when the low class people are walking around in loafers instead of t-shirts and pajama pants

>> No.23505635

I can easily sniff out that you're nouveau riche. We'll tolerate you, but know your place.

>> No.23505695

Explain to me what culture is

>> No.23505775
File: 19 KB, 736x492, Red, Blue & Black Cascade__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calder isn't indecipherable.

>> No.23505781

according to this I dress highbrow, but prefer literally all other things as upper middlebrow

>> No.23505843
File: 382 KB, 1268x861, 1718792440187665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shame, I'm happy with my goyslop

>> No.23505901

Would like to go to the ballet but good luck asking a low class girl to sit through that without embarrassing you. Luckily there is youtube.

>> No.23505941
File: 1.11 MB, 1058x764, The-Effeminist_Firestone_diagram-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will keep giving you dollars

>> No.23505991

I was gonna say that I've read schizo occult rantings on /x/ that made more sense then this, but then I found out the author was a literal Jewish schizophrenic who never left her apartment and now I can't stop laughing

>> No.23506521

This is made by someone who wants to be "sophisticated" and "refined" without even knowing why those are good things (they're not). It's the superficial thinking of a spiritual degenerate.

>> No.23506571

Another scoffer self-condemned to mediocrity.

>> No.23506581
File: 2.52 MB, 2170x1349, 1711060690419142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New chart.

>> No.23506585

Not even remotely /lit/, unironically hang yourself.

>> No.23506592

top kek

>> No.23506598

None of those things seem relevant to me. All of those clothes are far more formal than anything I would wear on a regular basis. And the town/country distinction is completely alien. Ash trays and cigarette boxes are not useful objects. Westerns and musical extravaganzas aren't really a thing anymore. Charades? Bridge? Parlor sculpture? Artifacts from an impossibly distant age.

>> No.23506600

That doesn’t make it any less accurate

>> No.23506614

nice. good work

>> No.23506619

Guise look at me I circled each of the things I like with my red crayon and posted it. Isn't my taste so good. Please compliment my personality I'm not insecure. I don't read btw.

>> No.23506625

Culture comes from the folk and it influences the classes around it; it is not imposed top-down by the "high-brow" types however much effort they exert in reaching it. At best they produce a gay sub-culture that nobody but themselves enjoys.

>> No.23506628

It's years old

>> No.23506631

Infinity Brow

Clothes: 4D holographic skin suit.
Furniture: Entire home composed of a material which morphs to fit the will of the inhabitant.
Useful Objects: Human Governments
Entertainment: Global Warfare
Salad: Life-Prolonging Nutrient Cocktail
Drink: Astral-Projection Assistor [injected directly]
Reading: Complete Past-Life Catalogues of Human Demagogues projected directly into the mind's eye
Sculpture: Collected Global Human Specimens from the past 20 Millennia to the Present
Records: Listens to the CMB directly
Games: Public Appearances
Cause: Multidimensional-Intergalactic Biosupremacy

>> No.23506634

Strange comment to make.

>> No.23506635

I think the reasonable consensus is that you want to mix the top strata with the bottom strata, and generally ignore anything in the middle.

>> No.23506640

John Wayne and Shakespeare

>> No.23506651


That's like picking up Amelia Windsor for dinner and taking her to Buccee's.

>> No.23506662

I don't know what any of hat is but it sounds like fag shit

>> No.23506697

I eat every kind of salad listed.
I've transcended brows on the salad level.

>> No.23506725

What a Buc-ee's response.

>> No.23506734

If the chart were made now, anything that's AI generated would obviously be at the top due to challenging existing paradigms and whatnot.

>> No.23506745

Just finding out about this now. This comment appears to be correct
>So, it's like a very large gas station with a very large convenience store. Got it, and moving on......

>> No.23506767

That's not even an eames chair (which is reddit incarnate now btw).
>What level of brow are you currently operating at?
Clothes: I no longer experiment too much in this realm. I've settled on either jeans/corcorans or vans/khakis w/ an obscure band t-shirt for my everyday outfits for the greater part of the year. I have nicer clothes that I wear on occasion. However, at this stage, fashion no longer signifies class / social status very rigidly. Billionaires wear workingman's clothes, suits are for autists and finance bros, the poor dress up.
Furniture: I live in a van. I suppose this category doesn't exactly apply to me. I do have a fold-out camping chair. Was Diogenes's barrel high or low brow?
Useful Objects: Rather vague category. My solar system, moka pot, stanley thermos, yeti cooler, and shit-bucket are all quiet useful, I would reckon.
Entertainment: I primarily read. I also have a helluva flac library from soulseek, and spend quite a bit of time listening to music.
Salads: I only eat the freshest of greens. I frequently forage for my own provisions, freely bequeathed to me by the great body of earth. There are many delectable plants all around that you might not have known are edible. You see those clovers everywhere? Pick one up and eat it. They're quite good. There's foraging guides for almost any region of this planet; pick one up and start collecting the food that is rightly yours for free.
Drinks: I drink sazeracs and pastis.
Reading: Avant-garde literature and contemporary philosophy. I suppose that puts me in the high-brow category. Disgusting.
Sculpture: Sometimes I leave shit sculptures in public bathrooms. Otherwise, sculpture is something to be defaced, not appreciated.
Records: Like I said, I have over 50k tracks off of soulseek. I listen to a bit of everything (and I mean it), but I've found in the past few years that the end of music is drone—that is what I find myself listening to most often.
Games: I don't play silly children's games like these in your picture. I do spontaneously make my own games on occasion, however. Sometimes I see how long I can stare at someone. Sometimes I sneak around and scare people then run away. The other day I was in a different city where they have these poles that have buttons on them to call the police. I pushed it, it went like this.
>911 what is your emergency
>Is your refrigerator running?
>Do you realize it is a crime to call 911 when there is not an emergency? We can track your location.
>Well you better go catch it?
>Ok, I'm sending officers your way right now.
I swiftly walked away. I saw the police come around the corner within thirty seconds. I ducked into an alley. These were everywhere, equipped with cameras. However, it seems, at least for now, I got away. The adrenaline is something else.
Causes: Fringe and avant-garde internet societies. Some are quite extremist, however incohesive, as I have no values.

>> No.23506782

Who the fuck is gonna read this?

>> No.23506798

Nobody. Nobody on /lit/ reads (except for me, of course).

>> No.23506805

We read, we just don't care enough about your personal tastes to read a detailed summary. You're not that important.

>> No.23506810

Then why even post / come to this thread?
>You're not that important
Triggered lol.

>> No.23506818

Also refer to the sticky.
>Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own.
Stop shitting up the board w/ your promotion of lazy-posting.

>> No.23506826
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This whole schema is questionable but this particular hierarchy is sussy

>> No.23506835

That was not an effortpost. Those were the useless meanderings of a strange man. Learn to communicate.

>> No.23506847


>> No.23506853
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>> No.23506878
File: 163 KB, 1170x1626, what the fuck is this shit dr. seuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's mine, just to spite >>23506782
graphic t-shirts and basketball shorts (i don't play basketball)
office chair with broken hydraulics
>useful objects
edh deckboxes
vinsauce, oneyplays, destiny
i don't eat salad
i don't drink
tolkien, murakami, zhuangzi
not present in my mind
magic the gathering; the binding of isaac
none whatsoever

>> No.23506895

If it's not on topic you a have a problem w/ OP, not me. Illiterate fag.
It makes perfect sense. Perhaps you are mentally deficient.

>> No.23506927

Ur both worthless fags

>> No.23506929

An Army veteran who belongs to Elks is probably a more upstanding chap than like 80% of modern men.

>> No.23506947

At first I thought the left green side was highbrow and the right red side was lowbrow and thought it seemed pretty accurate.

>> No.23506981

Lol, nope; don't care.

>> No.23506984

That's retarded.

>> No.23506986

You did a better job than the guy I was responding to.

>> No.23506987

Precisely. I'm reminded of the fact that a lot of the most profound writers I know, like Leo Strauss, were exactly like this. You have to stay out of the midwit trap.
Buccee's is fantastic. You know you have a real one when you can enjoy the best and the most mundane that life has to offer you.

>> No.23506995

High brow culture is a parody of removed observation. Everything creative in cultures comes from the middling and lower castes, barring few exceptions. The higher castes just make a past time of "study."

>> No.23507003

This is actually a brilliant observation. I was just learning about the Satyricon and apparently there's a number of scenes about this.

>> No.23507052

>Reading: Avant-garde literature and contemporary philosophy. I suppose that puts me in the high-brow category. Disgusting
This made me laugh out loud. Well done.

>> No.23507059

When I was little I thought "high-brow" meant like a fancy person walking around harumphing with their eyebrows raised really high.

>> No.23507269

Wrong. Our society today is run exclusively by middlebrow types, specifically of the upper middlebrow kind, and our culture couldn't have be any more sterile. The New Yorker isn't highbrow, it's upper middlebrow.
>everything creative... comes from lower castes
Come on now.

>> No.23507285
File: 29 KB, 350x350, woody_allen_annie_hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a word for the kind of insufferable urbanite that this chart appeals to?
Yes there is

>> No.23507299

Well we live in an antisociety now so it's no surprise that things are upside down. But how that guy described it is how it normally has been.

>> No.23507318
File: 155 KB, 960x850, sitbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you, but I receive my news in prophetic dreams; my hobbies include praxic value-form analysis; and my leisure time is conducting unskilled manual labour unironically. I usually spend about 3 to 5 hours a day in scholarly debate. My friends have asked me why I haven't become homosexual, and it is quite simple: women are meant to be deficient in areas of men's business; the men around me are failing in diké as they are deficient in their proper business. I'd rather have a failed series of mythic relationships with women knowing they were going to fail necessarily, rather than watch something which could and ought properly to succeed fail because of the inadequacy of a boy pretending to be a man. Whc 2hu wdl u quff?

You just need to get good. Start with Hegel.

>> No.23507322
File: 2.93 MB, 2170x1348, 1718850863724839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck bros. I don't even know what to make of this. Who am I?

>> No.23507328

This post is pure SOVL

>> No.23507334

This was made in 1949 and they are all in some way superior to their respective class today.
>Everything creative in cultures comes from the middling and lower castes
In a democracy.

>> No.23507338
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OP here

I think they call it sad boy? Black long sleeve t-shirts with black jeans and some band logo or some spooky shit on it
I have a bed. The rest of my stuff is on a floor
>useful objects
Some pots and pans, I dunno
Some books, shitposts, memes, horror films, american renaissance crime statistics
I don't usually but Caesar is nice
Lager and cider. Sometimes red wine .
Cormac McCarthy
I don't own any but I like seeing Italian ones in museums
80s power ballads, black metal, cheesy 90s love songs, Placebo
Not so much anymore but basically FromSoft and Yakuza
I donated to the DailyStormer once. And homeless charities

>> No.23507468

Progress was never made by anybody outside the aristocracy. All worthwhile thinking, all art, all music, etc., was a product of aristocratic types prior to the mid 18th century. You're thinking of an Enlightenment era cope. Ofc bourgeois people are going to want to think that they're the ones responsible for progress. Then they can count everything since the Enlightenment to be evidence of progress when it's one giant sham.

>> No.23507502

lodgechads rise up

>> No.23507503

this is from the fucking 50s or 60s are you really pretending high status fashion and trends haven't change? way to out yourself as a larping pseud

>> No.23507694

I'm not even lowbrow. The clothes alone disqualify most.

>> No.23507729

Why does everyone emphasize the dumb plate sculptures as opposed to the interesting and innovative wire paintings?

>> No.23507913
File: 71 KB, 828x776, blank faced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20th century pseudisms, huh? The joke is that if you identify with the chart, you're pretentious, right Anon?

>> No.23507938

>thousands of folding chairs

>> No.23507967

Recommend some drone albums

>> No.23507978

Dronevil, amplifier worship, dear, the thing which solomon overlooked, most of Sunn's catalog, Earth, half the Melvins catalog starting with Bullhead and especially Stoner Witch. That's a good intro.

>> No.23507983

Greentext this shit nigga

>> No.23507988


>> No.23507989

Flaubert would use the word bourgeois. Read Nabokov’s essay of philistines.

>> No.23507996

>A philistine is a full-grown person whose interests are of a material and commonplace nature, and whose mentality is formed of the stock ideas and conventional ideals of his or her group and time. I have said "full-grown person" because the child or the adolescent who may look like a small philistine is only a small parrot mimicking the ways of confirmed vulgarians, and it is easier to be a parrot than to be a white heron. "Vulgarian" is more or less synonymous with "philistine": the stress in a vulgarian is not so much on the conventionalism of a philistine as on the vulgarity of some of his conventional notions. I may also use the terms genteel and bourgeois. Genteel implies the lace-curtain refined vulgarity which is worse than simple coarseness. To burp in company may be rude, but to say "excuse me" after a burp is genteel and thus worse than vulgar. The term bourgeois I use following Flaubert, not Marx. Bourgeois in Flaubert's sense is a state of mind, not a state of pocket. A bourgeois is a smug philistine, a dignified vulgarian.

>> No.23508031

>A philistine is not likely to exist in a very primitive society although no doubt rudiments of philistinism may be found even there. We may imagine, for instance, a cannibal who would prefer the human head he eats to be artistically colored, just as the American philistine prefers his oranges to be painted orange, his salmon pink, and his whiskey yellow. But generally speaking philistinism presupposes a certain advanced state of civilization where throughout the ages certain traditions have accumulated in a heap and have started to stink.
>Philistinism is international. It is found in all nations and in all classes. An English duke can be as much of a philistine as an American Shriner or a French bureaucrat or a Soviet citizen. The mentality of a Lenin or a Stalin or a Hitler in regard to the arts and the sciences was utterly bourgeois. A laborer or a coal miner can be just as bourgeois as a banker or a housewife or a Hollywood star.
>Philistinism implies not only a collection of stock ideas but also the use of set phrases, clichés, banalities expressed in faded words. A true philistine has nothing but these trivial ideas of which he entirely consists. But it should be admitted that all of us have our cliché side; all of us in everyday life often use words not as words but as signs, as coins, as formulas. This does not mean that we are all philistines, but it does mean that we should be careful not to indulge too much in the automatic process of exchanging platitudes. On a hot day every other person will ask you, "Is it warm enough for you?" but that does not necessarily mean that the speaker is a philistine. He may be merely a parrot or a bright foreigner. When a person asks you, "Hullo, how are you?" it is perhaps a sorry cliché to reply, "Fine"; but if you made to him a detailed report of your condition you might pass for a pedant and a bore. It also happens that platitudes are used by people as a kind of disguise or as the shortest cut for avoiding conversation with fools. I have known great scholars and poets and scientists who in the cafeteria sank to the level of the most commonplace give and take.
>The character I have in view when I say "smug vulgarian" is, thus, not the part-time philistine, but the total type, the genteel bourgeois, the complete universal product of triteness and mediocrity. He is the conformist, the man who conforms to his group, and he also is typified by something else: he is a pseudo-idealist, he is pseudo-compassionate, he is pseudo-wise. The fraud is the closest ally of the true philistine. All such great words as "Beauty," "Love," "Nature," "Truth," and so on become masks and dupes when the smug vulgarian employs them. In Dead Souls you have heard Chichikov. In Bleak House you have heard Skimpole. You have heard Homais in Madame Bovary. The philistine likes to impress and he likes to be impressed, in consequence of which a world of deception, of mutual cheating, is formed by him and around him.

>> No.23508033

>The philistine, in his passionate urge to conform, to belong, to join, is torn between two longings: to act as everybody does, to admire, to use this or that thing because millions of people do; or else he craves to belong to an exclusive set, to an organization, to a club, to a hotel patronage or an ocean liner community (with the captain in white and wonderful food), and to delight in the knowledge that there is the head of a corporation or a European count sitting next to him. The philistine is often a snob. He is thrilled by riches and rank—"Darling, I've actually talked to a duchess!"
>A philistine neither knows nor cares anything about art, including literature—his essential nature is anti-artistic—but he wants information and he is trained to read magazines. He is a faithful reader of the Saturday Evening Post, and when he reads he identifies himself with the characters. If he is a male philistine he will identify himself with the fascinating executive or any other big shot—aloof, single, but a boy and a golfer at heart; or if the reader is a female philistine—a philistinette—she will identify herself with the fascinating strawberry-blonde secretary, a slip of a girl but a mother at heart, who eventually marries the boyish boss. The philistine does not distinguish one writer from another; indeed, he reads little and only what may be useful to him, but he may belong to a book club and choose beautiful, beautiful books, a jumble of Simone de Beauvoir, Dostoevski, Marquand, Somerset Maugham, Dr. Zhivago, and Masters of the Renaissance. He does not much care for pictures, but for the sake of prestige he may hang in his parlor reproductions of Van Gogh's or Whistler's respective mothers, although secretly preferring Norman Rockwell.
>In his love for the useful, for the material goods of life, he becomes an easy victim of the advertisement business. Ads may be very good ads—some of them are very artistic—that is not the point. The point is that they tend to appeal to the philistine's pride in possessing things whether silverware or underwear. I mean the following kind of ad: just come to the family is a radio set or a television set (or a car, or a refrigerator, or table silver—anything will do). It has just come to the family: Mother clasps her hands in dazed delight, the children crowd around all agog; Junior and the dog strain up to the edge of the table where the Idol is enthroned; even Grandma of the beaming wrinkles peeps out somewhere in the background; and somewhat apart, his thumbs gleefully inserted in the armpits of his waistcoat, stands triumphant Dad or Pop, the Proud Donor.

>> No.23508040

I'm low brow and I'm not ashamed not everyone can be high brow
Know your role

>> No.23508041

>Small boys and girls in ads are invariably freckled, and the smaller fry have front teeth missing. I have nothing against freckles (in fact I find them very becoming in live creatures) and quite possibly a special survey might reveal that the majority of small American-born Americans are freckled, or else perhaps another survey might reveal that all successful executives and handsome housewives had been freckled in their childhood. I repeat, I have really nothing against freckles as such. But I do think there is considerable philistinism involved in the use made of them by advertisers and other agencies. I am told that when an unfreckled, or only slightly freckled, little boy actor has to appear on the screen in television, an artificial set of freckles is applied to the middle of his face. Twenty-two freckles is the minimum: eight freckles over each cheekbone and six on the saddle of the pert nose. In the comics, freckles look like a case of bad rash. In one series of comics they appear as tiny circles. But although the good cute little boys of the ads are blond or redhaired, with freckles, the handsome young men of the ads are generally dark haired and always have thick dark eyebrows. The evolution is from Scotch to Celtic.
>The rich philistinism emanating from advertisements is due not to their exaggerating (or inventing) the glory of this or that serviceable article but to suggesting that the acme of human happiness is purchasable and that its purchase somehow ennobles the purchaser. Of course, the world they create is pretty harmless in itself because everybody knows that it is made up by the seller with the understanding that the buyer will join in the make-believe. The amusing part is not that it is a world where nothing spiritual remains except the ecstatic smiles of people serving or eating celestial cereals, or a world where the game of the senses is played according to bourgeois rules, but that it is a kind of satellite shadow world in the actual existence of which neither sellers nor buyers really believe in their heart of hearts—especially in this wise quiet country.

>> No.23508046

>Russians have, or had, a special name for smug philistinism—poshlust. Poshlism is not only the obviously trashy but mainly the falsely important, the falsely beautiful, the falsely clever, the falsely attractive. To apply the deadly label of poshlism to something is not only an aesthetic judgment but also a moral indictment. The genuine, the guileless, the good is never poshlust. It is possible to maintain that a simple, uncivilized man is seldom if ever a poshlust since poshlism presupposes the veneer of civilization. A peasant has to become a townsman in order to become vulgar. A painted necktie has to hide the honest Adam's apple in order to produce poshlism.
>It is possible that the term itself has been so nicely devised by Russians because of the cult of simplicity and good taste in old Russia. The Russia of today, a country of moral imbeciles, of smiling slaves and poker-faced bullies, has stopped noticing poshlism because Soviet Russia is so full of its special brand, a blend of despotism and pseudo-culture; but in the old days a Gogol, a Tolstoy, a Chekhov in quest of the simplicity of truth easily distinguished the vulgar side of things as well as the trashy systems of pseudo-thought. But poshlists are found everywhere, in every country, in this country as well as in Europe—in fact poshlism is more common in Europe than here, despite our American ads.
—Vladimir Nabokov, Philistines and Philistinism

>> No.23508067

Is it just me or the Highbrow destroyed Western Civilization?

>> No.23508097

Replace cloth on high brow to crocks and all set

>> No.23508300

>midwit seething

>> No.23508316

This is the third time I have lost the game because of this chart

>> No.23508322


>> No.23508629

Fuck, I've been on an 8+ month streak, why would you do this to me.

>> No.23509221

I’m that anon. The other one that responded to you gave you some good choices but are all drone metal. I would recommend hash har tempo, stars of the lid, la monte young, natural snow buildings, and maryanne amacher for some good starting points.