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23504430 No.23504430 [Reply] [Original]

>takes 10+ years to write a single book

The game of thrones TV show began, aired, and finished before he finished the last book. What the fuck is taking him so long?

>> No.23504436

He'll finish when he needs money. When the hype wears off completely the last book will surge like the coming of Christ and another tv series too. Smart guy

>> No.23504442

Are the Game of Thrones books actually worth reading? "Serious" question

>> No.23504510

I Truly believe that when the show soiled the series, he lost any interest, and is willingly ignoring it over any other work in hopes he kicks the bucket and becomes an unfinished work.

>> No.23504556

Cope. He's just a lazy cuss.

>> No.23504567

Only if you haven't seen the show

>> No.23504585

Let it go, it won't be finish

>> No.23504641

No, you don't understand, it was supposed to be a redemption arc!

>> No.23504724

He’s a good writer. They’re not very deep imo. It’s high quality entertainment. The first one is a bit of a fantasy mystery and then it switches gears into a war story with political intrigue.

>> No.23504905

You need to understand that what drives genre authors is money. This guy has lots of money due to the cultural phenomenon that GoT became so his drive to finish the series is very low.

>> No.23505128
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>What the fuck is taking him so long?

>> No.23505505

He made the GoT world too large with too many disparate threads and for some reason he's desperate to tie up every loose end in the last book and since there's no way of doing that without sacrificing quality, he probably won't bother.

>> No.23505596

I read the first book. It's ridiculously bloated with unnecessary detail, but the dialog and action is very cinematic. You can see why it was so ripe for adaptation. I did enjoy it, but didn't care to keep reading the rest of the series, especially since we know it won't ever be finished.

>> No.23505977

Very good and both parts of the 3rd book are like a whirlwind whereas the book after it is slower so it’s a change in pace that feels odd. I’d recommend pausing for a bit between the 3rd and 4th book.

>> No.23506035
File: 686 KB, 2048x1432, grrm-maisie-williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maisie Williams keeps distracting him by sitting on his dick.

>> No.23506042

He smokes a gargantuan amount of pot, like a ridiculous amount

>> No.23506289

>Gorge Arh Arh Fartin'
>Georgi Ronaldo Rommel Smarty
>Great Retarded Rotund Marzipan
yes I am stoned at 4am
>George Richard Roiel Raymond McRonald
>James Wickan Wedgie Larkin
>Greentext Also Always Stoner
>Jewish Russian Prussian Stalker
>Gluton Roary Regal Manchild
>FATso FATfull FATness FATty

>> No.23506450

Can’t stop eating hoagies to type

>> No.23506469

He's been pretty consistently writing, just not the main series.
I'd say they're well written. In that after having read like 5000 pages, it didn't feel like 5000 pages, it flew by.
As to depth, I don't know what you'd expect, as a history fan I ate it up since it reads like war of the roses with dragons, which is pretty much what it is. I doubt you'll be pushed into existentialism reading it, not that that was ever the point. It's all in good fun. I actually really enjoyed the lore book about the world itself as well, you get a nice burst of flavor from a bunch of different corners to make the world feel that bit more solid than it is in the novels.

>> No.23507092

They're alright. He's not that great at characterization so that element of the show is better. The plot is fun and book 4 is where things really start diverging from the TV series (so unlike what the other guy said they're worth reading if you liked the show even if you hated the last few seasons).

>> No.23507101

>What the fuck is taking him so long?
He said in one of his blogs that he's read so many fan theories of what will happen next, with many turning out true or partially true, that he feels some of the magic has been lost to him already,
>when he needs money
Literally will not happen - he made more money off the show than he ever did from the books, and with the new show being out he's making even more.

>> No.23507114
File: 261 KB, 2000x1333, george-r-r-martin-2000-db460dc818354a968c2e79b39549a7fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anecdote dropped by the writer of the Outlander series keeps coming back to me:


When George told her " you ever killed somebody off that you later realized you knew you needed?" that seems like a big hint as to what the holdup is. Somebody's dead who now would make the story work a whole lot better, or even work at all, if they were alive.

More than that, this isn't a "recent" death, in that I bet it's not a death that happened in Feast or Dance. If it had happened within the last two books it's something he could probably work around. Like, we all know Jon is going to come back.

The character he killed off that he knows he needs is almost certainly somebody who died in the first three books. Somebody who's been dead so long in book-time that it would be inconvenient and implausible to bring them back. But now he knows he needs them, so he's fucked. He's written himself into a corner he can't get out of.

>> No.23507123

Nah. He was already way behind schedule at the time too and the books didn't look near in sight.

I just think he is bored of the books, or is old and fat so he cannot write properly for long now or he is just trilling the readers like "woah you kids thought life is all rosy and you get completion and closure. Lmao no" like his GoT books ( le subversion and dark edgy) so his readers will go "aaaah bloody brilliant that! JRR could never"

Fuck that fat faggot. So what if the theories are true just write what you thought. You don't have to always go Le Subversion you fat fuck.

I don't think it's DnD's fault that season 8 sucked. This motherfucker could have given them more but did not and just went do le subversion because a sign of a great story is subversion nowadays.

>> No.23507132

So just do with whatever characters are left you fat fuck. Or do the Jon treatment again. It's not like the fan theorists had those characters either did they? But they still WROTE THE DAMN STORY DIDN'T THEY YOU FAT MOTHERFUCKER

I hope you die you fat faggot like some gruesome GoT fashion death or some fan makes you write non stop at gun point cause it's enough already son of a whore

Either just come out and say fuck you instead of jerking us off like the girl who has friendzoned us

>> No.23507298

Based and inexplicably /lit/core

>> No.23507713

i volunteer to take her off his hands for a while

>> No.23507747


As someone who went through the Berserk cope only to watch Miura die before it was ever finished let me assure you that this series will never be completed. Martin will die and someone else will "have spoken to him," or will, "have notes on the ending," and will look at finishing it but everyone will know, deep down, that it's not the original author's work.

>> No.23508723

I wonder how he will die. Maybe choking on a chicken bone.

>> No.23508761

>some fan makes you write non stop at gun point
A fan left a copy of Stephen King's Misery on his front porch once

>> No.23508842

>when he needs money
So never? He’s a millionaire who doesn’t do anything. Owns a big home. Drives a shitter. They pay him to travel to other countries and visit cons. Where’s the expenses?

>> No.23508850

> In that after having read like 5000 pages, it didn't feel like 5000 pages, it flew by.
You can put the same effort into reading so many other good books though. Books with endings and purpose.
With this, you committed to a reading odyssey hoping it would pay off. Now it looks like it might never finish.
Why would anyone commit at this point? Give it another 10 years and he’ll be dead and you’ll know if he finished it. What’s the rush at this point?

>> No.23508857

But King never stops writing even though he should. He needs someone to just tie him up and leave him.

>> No.23508887

DnD is partially to blame due to them cutting out certain plots and characters entirely around Season 5, but a good amount of fault definitely lies on the fat bastard too.

>> No.23509200

I bet one or more of the fan theorists already guessed the ending and Georgie boy is upset that someone guessed his big surprise. Because you know it's far more important to surprise people than it is to tell a good story

>> No.23509215

He doesnt want to become irrelevant when the series ends like J K Rowling, R L Stein, and Stephanie Meyer. So long as he doesnt finish Thrones he'll continue having reddit cred and getting side jobs "worldbuilding" video game lore.

>> No.23509538

He said in a recent blogpost that WINDS OF WINTER will be done around 2029

>> No.23509543
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>you made people search for this

>> No.23509560

Cruel. King's still got some good stories left in him, though none may ever rise to the delirious peaks of his 70s/80s/90s/ substance abuse days. 11/22/63, Revival, Under the Dome, Doctor Sleep, Duma Key, and more all good books. He's still got it.

>> No.23509565

Because I wanted to.
Nobody's forcing you to read them anon.

>> No.23510154

Why not introduce a pretender? Like, if it's Renly just have Garlan Tyrell or whatever his name was wear his armor to do the plot. Or introduce an agent, "I was told to do X on behalf of dead guy."

>> No.23510637

The problem is the longer time goes on the less likely any ending will be satisfying. He can come up with the best ending ever and it still won't feel like it was worth this wait.

>> No.23511673

He’s rich and no longer gives a fuck simple as

>> No.23511697

Someone said to me that their theory that he gave the ending to the HBO showrunners and when the last 2 seasons tanked he had to tear everything up and start over

>> No.23511987

Honestly I'd be on board with the idea of him finishing them however the hell he wants and if he hates the idea of backlash, just releasing them upon his death. Fuck the rabid hype fueled fanbase anyway. I've already partially disconnected from the main plot simply by reading the extended lore, and I'm more interested in that anyway. I want to hear more of the world and times surrounding the main story and more importantly I want to hear the remaining 4 stories of Dunk and Egg.

>> No.23512125

Col. 3

>> No.23512132

the book releases in august

>> No.23512134

seriously, screencap this
I can't say more

>> No.23513280

Many have stood where you stand now. You are not the first. Nor will you be the last.

>> No.23514099

>the book releases in n = n + 1

>> No.23514467

If this is true, who could it possibly be? No fucking way it's Ned, his death was planned from the start.
Unlikely it's Balon seeing as he never accomplished shit.
Tywin knew a lot but he had confidants.
Jeor Mormont's warged raven knows all his secrets.
Viserys or Khal Drogo? Again plenty of people around who should know everything they knew.
Renly? He was hardly a shrewd mastermind.
At most I can see it being someone like Maester Luwin

>> No.23514477

sure, let me add it to my folder with 100 other screencaps of anons saying the same thing

>> No.23514618

He wrote himself into a corner and now he's stuck. He killed an important character and later found that he needed them. GRRM is a self-styled 'gardener' type of writer. He doesn't plan anything.

>> No.23514633

The book is probably finished or mostly finished as it is.
He just has to wait to pull the trigger for the right time.

>> No.23514640

Books 1 to 3 are perfect and there's a reason the adaptation of those story lines became a global phenomenon during an era where fantasy was as dead as it could be.
Books 4 to 5 are way too indulgent and I am not surprised he is struggling to finish the story. He loves to expand and expand but clearly has a real problem with funneling all the plot lines back into an ending.

>> No.23514661

It's not that he won't finish it, it's that he can't. He can't find a satisfactory conclusion to the story lines. Pretend it was an ancient work only partially preserved, with the rest lost forever.

>> No.23514739

>Pretend it was an ancient work only partially preserved, with the rest lost forever.
At that point writing the ending would be easy. Because you can tap into the aspect of the old legends having many retellings and aspects of the story changing.
With that, you could easily write an ending.

>> No.23514968

It'll be worth it :)

>> No.23515118

would you say it will be worth the weight?