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23500546 No.23500546 [Reply] [Original]

> be sir lancelot
> a hero
> unmatched swordsman, jouster
> give it all up simping for his bro's girl
How do I get into the Arthurian legends as an adult male (not gay)? Specifically the Knights of the Round Table shit. Is it all kidlit or is some of it pretty okay?

t. knows nothing

>> No.23500595

Le Morte D'arthur by Malory is probably the best introduction to Arthurian legends for an adult English speaker, and it's widely renowned as a classic so absolutely worth reading, although be prepared that it's not like a novel and will be "repetitive" at times.

>> No.23500597
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If you think all depictions of courtly love are just "simping" then you might as well skip it

>> No.23500622
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Read Arthur Rex by Thomas Berger. Yes it's American. Yes it's in pigeon old English.

But it's very humorous, and Berger obviously read his Mallory and then some. Lancelot and Guin get a funny and miserable treatment. Gawain is the best Knight because he realizes fucking a new Stacy every other week is ultimately unsatisfying, and he'd rather have a good wife, kids, garden.

>> No.23500704

>all depictions of courtly love
When did I say that?

>> No.23500707

Thanks for this, man. Would you recommend a Modern English translation?

Appreciated, I'll keep this one in mind.

>> No.23500859

It's not just repetitive, the characters have little to no personality until the end. It becomes good only when the cucking gets revealed.

>> No.23500879
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>he fell for the lancelot propaganda psyop
>he didn't read the definitive story of King Arthur

literally ngmi
FUCK lancelot

>> No.23501079

Did anybody here read the avalon series by Bradley and paxsons? What did you think of it?

>> No.23501082

Also have you seen the winter king tv show?

>> No.23501100

Prince Valiant. When the Arthurian drama gets too heavy the main character just leaves and becomes a Hun.

>> No.23501118

Tennyson's Idylls of the King.

People who said Malory haven't read Malory.

>> No.23501125
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>> No.23501135

I have not
I haven't but I'm only heard bad things about it

>> No.23501138

>Would you recommend a Modern English translation?
It's not so much a matter of translation as changes in orthography as the syntax and grammar are nearly identical to modern English, it's only the spelling of certain words, the use of certain letters, capitals and punctuation, and the use of sections and paragraphs that are updated for the ease of the modern reader. It's sort of up to you, but I would personally recommend going for something like the Norton Critical Edition which is a little more authentic to a medieval reading experience and not that hard to read when you get into it than the OUP/Penguin which are more modernising and are a bit more patronising. But if you think you'll struggle with the NCE then certainly go for the OUP/Penguin.

>> No.23501297

This, I've read the Anthology from Mallory to Twain and only this was good.

>> No.23502122

I remember reading this in college. Is it actually Arthurian legend? It felt more like satire.

>> No.23502145

>Gawain is the best Knight

>watch an arthurian adventure show
>Gawain is my favorite
>get into the actual mythos
>Gawain is actually the best knight
feels good man

>> No.23502147
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>> No.23502161

All of it is corruption of older legends that barely survived.
There was once a warehouse full of various literature and most of what the scribes saved was the fun adventure stories. Every seldom now and then an official document is dug up from the isles that is a mentions some odd part of pre-Roman history and then it's dismissed as total nonsense.

>> No.23502184

It’s hard for modern people to wrap their heads around because they don’t feel, and maybe can’t feel, the sort of love that arises of such an instinctual sort of life as that which was lived by everyone during that time. Modern people have effectively intellectually sterilized love. They can’t even have the sort of love their grandparents had. So all sincere love appears as simping to them.

>> No.23502602

lancelot was a fag that never fought

>> No.23502800

I recently bought these. Haven't read them yet but they seem to be the way.

>> No.23502920

Don't give me that, yellow child.

>> No.23502933

Le Morte D’Arthur is the quintessential version of the story, even if is basically just an abridgment of the Post-Vulgate Cycle, which itself is an abridgment of the Vulgate Cycle.
The best work of Arthurian literature, though, is Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach. It’s a German version of the story of the Grail written by a very eccentric Bavarian knight.
And no, none of the medieval stories of King Arthur are for kids.

>> No.23502966

Read Mystery of the Grail

Actually don't, you sound like a child.

>> No.23503662

Chrétien de Troyes' books are excellent, even if incomplete. On the other hand, I read them in French, I don't know if there is a good English translation.

>> No.23504720

>written by a very eccentric Bavarian knight

>> No.23505227

>If you think all depictions of courtly love are just "simping" then you might as well skip it
If you think fixing on a women like she has some inherent special value isn't simping, then what is.

>> No.23505590

/// Ownership of shoreline property conveys the right to build a pier or wharf /// Parker Posey wants to take a stab at another Scream movie despite her character's grisly death in Scream 3 /// If you're late to work again, you'll be out on your ear /// To what extent is a man of 68 the same person as the callow youth of 18 that he once was? /// Mozart responded with a lilting melody that enhances the regular, sing-song accents of the metre /// After a bad year, Judd's career hung in the balance /// Dan nabbed the seat next to mine /// Per the IOM white paper, about 100,000 people a year die because of medical mistakes /// The bright flavor of paprika, in combination with sour cream, is a perfect foil for the succulent meat of rabbit /// I remember my grandma using that perfume — the scent, and the preening in front of the mirror that went with it /// The old diplomat was shaken to the core to discover that in their correspondence Mozart and his family and friends were gleefully given to silliness and smut /// The negative influence of bereavement on physical and mental health often fades over time /// A wad of money in a gold clip /// How we love that word — cue the trumpets, unfurl the banners, cast a golden light upon the White House /// They welcomed the newest family member into the fold /// The materials and finish give it the impression of a ballroom: velvet on the rear wall, red wall surfaces ////

>> No.23505699

Okay, man.

>> No.23505716

lovely read

>> No.23506532
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After the Death of King Arthur read from From Ritual to Romance and Mystery of the Grail.

>> No.23506589

Picked up the first one recently

>> No.23507012
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Just read Fate or something, if you're still interested in the legends themselves read actual Arthurian literature but if you don't really care then unironically just move on to manga and anime.

>> No.23507032

I DEMAND that everybody in this thread stop everything they're doing and tell me how to get into the Arthurian legends right now. Please! Where do I start?

>> No.23507441

"the first sign of a vulgar man is not being able to understand why men would throw away empires and sacrifice millions of lives for love when he could just 'get another woman' " -Landshark

>> No.23507464

They've already told you.

>> No.23507487

From the street sharks?
You taking advice from a cartoon?

>> No.23507513

european stories are always cuck stories

>> No.23507515

If you dont like Lancelot read the stories before he was added. Lancelot is a mary sue original character added late to Arthurian legend. And someone was so sick of his faggot ass that he decided to make Lancelot cause the fall of Camelot.

>> No.23507517

Le Mort d'Arthur

>> No.23507541
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sir lancelot is supposed to be a warning example of the pitfalls that stain the knights honor, simping too hard is one of them, you trade duty for love
the traitor knight got drunk with power / greed
think of it like the bible for knights, what does it mean to be a true knight in that era, what does it mean to be of upstanding moral virtue

think of the whole story as a silent question "what is a true knight, what is honor, what is duty, what does it mean to be a ruler, what does it mean to be a follower and how does one achieve it without being mislead"
then realize it's literally just propaganda to be a subservient little bitch to some monarch that larp's as worthy of you licking his boot, chivalry died for a damn good reason and the eternal anglo's longbow, women and corruption of the ones at top killed it

>how do i get into it
the fact that you have to force yourself to "get into it" should be all you need to know of it, let it rest in peace the era of honorable combat, duty as a source of honor and upstanding moral virtue is long gone, you were born too late and only thing it gets you now days is mockery and a being a workmule for some ingrate

>> No.23508302

>think of it like the bible for knights, what does it mean to be a true knight in that era, what does it mean to be of upstanding moral virtue
Was this how the post-vulgate was intended?

>> No.23508854

>the fact that you have to force yourself to "get into it"
Where did I indicate that I was forcing myself to get into it?

>> No.23508879

Man I don't get it, this is some of the most boring shit ever written. "And then he came to a forest, and then he saw there a Giant Redde, and he drew his sword, and he Slew the Giant, and then he came up out of the forest, and then he saw thereupon a bridge, and then..." for thousands of pages, that's the Arthurian corpus. The only reason people in the middle ages enjoyed these stories is because they had lead poisoning and were chronically drunk.

>> No.23508894

If you need HELP getting into Arthurian shit then you need help period.

>> No.23510826

this is the only right post here