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23498893 No.23498893 [Reply] [Original]

>"Directly after copulation, the devil's laughter is heard."

>> No.23498900
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>For it is a matter of demonstrating a path of salvation recognised by none of the philosophers, particularly not by Schopenhauer, the pathway to complete pacification of the Will through love, and that no abstract love of mankind, but the love which actually blossoms from the soil of sexual love, i.e. from the affection between man and woman. It is conclusive, that I am able to use for this (as philosopher, not as poet, since as such I have my own) the terminology which Sch. himself supplies me. The exposition leads very deep and far, for it embraces a preciser explanation of the state in which we become able to apprehend Ideas, as also of that of Genius (Genialitaf), which I no longer conceive as a state of disengagement of the intellect from the will, but rather as an enhancement of the intellect of the individual to a cognitive organ of the race itself (Erkenntnissorgan der Gattung), thus of the Will as Thing-in-itself; whence alone, moreover, is to be explained that strange enthusiastic joyfulness and rapture in the supreme moments of genial cognition which Sch. seems hardly to know, as he can find it [i.e. that mode of cognition] only in repose and in the silencing of the individual passions. Quite analogously to this conception, I then arrive with greatest certainty at proving in Love a possibility of attaining to that exaltation above the instinct of the individual will where, after complete subjection of this latter, the racial will comes to full consciousness of itself; which upon this height is necessarily tantamount to complete pacification. All this will be made clear even to the inexperienced, if my statement succeeds; whilst the result cannot but be very significant, and entirely and satisfactorily fill the gaps in Schopenhauer's system.

>> No.23498925
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>As I lately advocated our searching for the purely-Human in its agreement with the ever-Natural, mature consideration will shew us the only reasonable and luminous departure-point in the relation between man and woman, or rather, the male and female.

>Man's severance from the animal kingdom, on the other hand, might be said to have been completed by the conversion of his 'heat' into passionate affection for the Individual, where the instinct of Species, so paramount among the beasts, almost fades away before the ideal satisfaction of the being-loved by this one individual: in the woman alone, the mother, does that instinct seem to retain its sovereignty; and thus, although transfigured by his ideal love towards her individuality, she preserves a greater kinship to that nature-force than the man, whose passion now mates the fettered mother-love by turning to fidelity. Love's loyalty: marriage; here dwells Man's power over Nature, and divine we call it.

>A remarkable individuality the polygamous can not beget, save under influence of the ideal canon of Monogamy; a force which sometime exerts its power, through passionate affection and love's loyalty, in the very harems of the Orientals. It is here that the Woman herself is raised above the natural law of sex (das naturliche Gattungsgesetz), to which, in the belief of even the wisest lawgivers, she remained so bound that the Buddha himself thought needful to exclude her from the possibility of saint-hood. It is a beautiful feature in the legend, that shews the Perfect Overcomer prompted to admit the Woman.

>The process of emancipation of the Woman takes place amid ecstatic throes.

>> No.23498940

>ugly old incel hates life and beautiful people being in love/having fun
>we're supposed to take him seriously because he's a "philosopher"

>> No.23498958

>retarded normgroid is too butthurt to appreciate schop's message and keeps seething that he never runs out of relevance
don't you have some normie problem like gossiping about your boss with your girlfriend to go back to?

>> No.23498962

Have any of you bros even heard the devil's laughter? That shit is booming annoying loud

>> No.23498982
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>I abhor sex and mirros because they multiply men.

>> No.23498994


The demiurge smiles on your nonsense.

>> No.23499039

>whine about how bad life is
>have 2 kids anyway

He was a piece of shit

>> No.23499325
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This is really intriguing stuff. I've always thought Schopenhauer's take on love was somewhat too dour, you can't help but see couples that actually enjoy each other and think "okay, maybe it's not all just a trick to get us to copulate." Certainly love can be self-destructive, but that's often because we don't really like the people we love, or they don't like us, in which case, love becomes something more like a drug than a salve. Heroin and a low dose of painkillers are similar species, but the latter makes a broken leg bearable and the other destroys your life.

Love as the bridge between species and individual, or rather a blend between the masculine attachment to the individualized Atman that is our instantiation of consciousness (which Schopenhauer says, in so many words, cannot find satisfaction in the will) against the feminine attachment to embodied existence and its flourishing.

Often, when I've listened to beautiful music or read a wonderful turn of phrase, there is a strange and immediate relaxation of the ambient suffering in my psyche (anxiety about the future, anger about the past, boredom with the present, etc.) and dare I say it, there is a kind of sprouting of desire that makes me want to participate more in the world, not less. I think I agree with Wagner more than I do Schopenhauer.

>> No.23499851

It's highly poignant that you mention the experience of music as generating this relaxed state, since Wagner ascribes to music, seen as the eternal feminine (in the same sense in which you contrast the feminine and masculine), more than in any other art a life-affirming quality, because it breaks the bounds of the individual in Dionysian rapture, giving one a direct inspiration towards action. If you're curious to learn more, I encourage you to read pic related, in which Wagner describes all of these ideas in his own reception of Schopenhauer's system. Also his introduction to Art and Revolution is of importance, to see where Wagner was coming from before he read Schopenhauer and why he so willfully latched onto the latter once discovering him. Some relevant quotations:

>What utters itself in the Individual, and shows itself to us as Will, is characterised by just the fashion of the individual’s intellect. It does not manifest the Thing-in-itself in its purity, but tainted with the individual’s mode of apprehension, as Individual Will, which latter – prisoned in principio individuationis – comports itself as the Will-to-live precisely because it feels that this its broken, fugitive appearance is menaced and curtailed at every point by its own counterparts. The purer essence of this Thing-in-itself first shows forth in the genial intuition, where the error of the individuality is thrust aside, and pure perception enters; and then we see that this Will is something other than mere Will-to-live, namely the Will-to-know, i.e. to know itself. Hence the high, ecstatic, blessed satisfaction. Accordingly the Intellect is what it can be, and to fit the Will it should be, only in the genius.
- Richard Wagner's Diary, The Brown Book

>Later in the evening talk about the war brought us back once more to the misery of life. "And yet," says R., "I enter this room and look at the Goethe portrait in its fine frame, presented to me in love, and I feel happy and believe in happiness here on earth." As I smile, he just continues: "I assure you that such feelings make me a complete skeptic toward pessimism, since I tell myself that such delight would not have been possible without great suffering. Genuine love is as rare in this life as genius. The best way is to regard life as a task, a piece of work; anything in it that delights us comes from somewhere else."
- Cosima Wagner's Diaries

>> No.23499864
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>forgot pic
Pic related being his 1870 essay on Beethoven.

>> No.23499877

The only people keeping his metaphysical, life-hating bullshit "relevant" are midwits.

>> No.23499981

If you do your fucking job and make her orgasm, there will be giggling and farting. Incels have always been clueless.

>> No.23500010

true, it do be like that

>> No.23500101

of course they are, it doesn't explain why you can't stop seething

>> No.23500139

Wagner is such a shitty writer compared to Schopenhauer

>> No.23500155

take it to /r9k/

>> No.23500184

>Discussing Schopenhauer is now robot-behavior