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23491743 No.23491743 [Reply] [Original]

will reading female authors help me understand women?

>> No.23491752

Ec 7,26-28
>And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.
Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account:
Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.

>> No.23491756

I've read female authors just because they were good authors, like Maya Angelou, though I think it does give insight into life from a female perspective.

>> No.23491764

She isn't going to fuck you

>> No.23491817

Yes, and men. Men who ignore women are fools. Women are the other side of God.

>> No.23492123

Go outside and talk to a woman for once in your life

>> No.23492143

No. You can never understand women. Men from the depths of history have wrestled with this.

>> No.23492213

is it even possible for a man to know a woman in her flawed entirety and still love her or are they relegated to forever being idealized icons

>> No.23492224

The opposite, the most common giveaway of a high IQ is a man who ignores women.

>> No.23492236

Speaking as a man who is retarded and wants what you are describing, there are two problems: 1) based on my experience talking to friends, 99.999999% of men are worthless subhumans who genuinely do want their woman to be a combination of submissive sidekick + fetish sexdoll + mommy, and 2) based on my experiences with women, 99.999999% of women only have "flaws" in the sense that they are weak, broken products of their traumas and misfortunes in life. What I mean by this is that they are not interesting, they are not unique "flawed entireties," they are just misshapen unintegrated blobs of their own flaws, governed by a kind of fundamentally childishly selfish desire to be coddled and comforted.

So even if you found the one guy on Earth who is able to see that what he wants in a woman is basically a projection of his own fetishes and his desire to be coddled and praised by mommy, enough to be ashamed of this and repudiate it and create in himself the desire for a true equal and true companion, you'd have to find him the one woman on Earth who is able to see that her innate thrumming pulse of desire to be coddled and babied by daddy is something she has to repudiate, and this means living in constant alienation from herself in a sense (Paglia: "The female body is a chthonian machine, indifferent to the spirit who inhabits it. Organically, it has one mission: pregnancy"), but that this is also honorable and the only path to true self-respect and individuation.

Even if you found these two utter anomalies, they'd be completely schizo and ruin each other's lives with the contingent additional mental problems they've amassed by being such anomalies.

>> No.23492237
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>> No.23492276

Women lie. If you want to be completely misinformed on how the female sex behaves, then by all means please take everything women say at face value.

>> No.23492399

Why would you bother? Feminist thinkers today are so ignorant of their own misconstruals, stigmatizations, and stereotypings of men; the women who believe there is a "male psyche" they can identify and comprehend is just as morally deprived as when I hear people talking about the average black or the average poor person.

Women are either blind to their own perversions or are spiteful and retaliatory in their hatred, take "gaslight gatekeep girlboss" for example.

If one can understand anything, it is oneself, and if you understand the self then you are as close to happy as you can get. With a specific and noncolloquial definition of happy.

>> No.23492407

I thought it was the most common giveaway of a faggot

>> No.23492418

Pride month. Let's respect the bunda bandits.

>> No.23492428

Autistic women yes. Normie women are the poorest comprehenders of the female soul. But autismos understand it better than any many could.

>> No.23492795

Yes butnyou don't want to.
A man can either love women or understand them never both.

>> No.23493231

Wrong. As usual.

>> No.23493233

Fuck you and fuck faggots. They don't get a month. They have nothing to be proud of—though pride is an even greater vice for them than depravity.

>> No.23493293

Discursiveness lends itself to the Novel, women are paradoxically immune from prosody gaffs if they're first rate, whereas you'll see menageries of mid from men.

>> No.23493308

Tranny in training.

>> No.23493325

Unironically Jane Eyre. It’s probably one of the best windows into a female mind and how they perceive romance. Male readers should pay close attention

>> No.23493336

Understanding women doesn't matter. They change right when you think you understand them. They purposely/instinctually have a drive to frustrate and annoy men. Any man who is around women enough knows this.

>> No.23493413
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Trying to pinpoint the female essence is as pointless as trying to pinpoint the male one. Our brains create models of things to systematize reality because abstraction gives the illusion of a stable world with “things.” Of course, the autistic, Nietzschean, master-class, aristocratic philosopher-kings know that the world is a chaotic bundle of stimuli with no unity or Being, but we let the normalfags play their language games so that they can set their alarms and drive to work in the morning to slave for our NEETbux.

>> No.23494048

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.23494061

Indeed women were programmed to give us men eternal struggle
In all honesty it keeps things interesting and I wouldn’t trade it in for a sexbot.

>> No.23494108

Anna Karenina
Jane Eyre

>> No.23494197
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There is very little to understand about women. They have no “essence” that men posses. Any man sees himself opposing the world; his sense of self develops from the constant struggle between his subjective being and the objective world around him.

Women, on the other hand, are completely immersed in this world; they cannot exist independently from it. They don’t struggle through life, so they have nothing to develop their sense of self upon. They are part of the objective world that the subjective in man tries to conquer. Thus, a woman on her own doesn’t exist, her being is always relative to the man. She will morph herself in relation to the man, whether as a lover, wife, mother, or a vile cunt who ruins your life. All four can be the same woman but in relation to different men. The same doesn’t apply to men due to the constancy of men’s character.

The only way for you to understand a woman is make her a part of your being and understand her via understanding yourself. Every woman who doesn’t become this part of your subjective being might as well be an inanimate object.

>> No.23494358

Reminder there's a film where Charlotte Bronte has a long monologue straight into the camera about her addiction to masturbation.

>> No.23494368

How can you see my dreams?

>> No.23495168

source? didn t she fuck her sister

>> No.23495273
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I've had that sense before, that women really "believe" in all this shit about this world. Crazy to me. But you said it more eloquently. picrel would probably agree

>> No.23496223

Watch women-made video content (essays, skits). Trying to understand women through writing is like trying to guess facial features through the residue of slapping one w/ a wet towel, it's just not their specialty.

Priscilla Boye
Blair walnuts
Kate Lavrentios

>> No.23496481

Enjoy a lifelong comedy of errors, mistaking low IQ misogynists and fearful incels for high IQ because you think girl-fear and girl-hate is "the most common giveaway for a high IQ" (as only low IQs could).

>> No.23496489
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>> No.23496510

the female side is the same as the male but instead of sex is attention, which they mistake for love. Due to lacking physical power the foid resorts to underhanded tactics to acquire her attention and power and they call those tactics love since it's not icky and ew like direct male methods. They are such beings of love they kill babies like half a dozen times more often than males, even before abortion.

>> No.23496591

You clearly didn't read or comprehend the entire post then. It starts off seemingly advocating against the "natural instincts of the sexes", then ultimately demonstrates the problems of going against that and trying to honestly "love another for who they really are" without respecting the inclinations of each gender.

I thing a good demonstration of this kind of thing (the fundamental differences of instinct) is the stuff that each sex does that they other just doesn't.

Women are, for instance, never 'cranks'. They may have kooky ideas, but these are basically always gained from or exist in conformity of the kooky ideas of others, like belief in star signs and that general kind of witchery. You just don't see women becoming obsessed with and advocating for highly self original ideas and elaborate theoretical systems or expecting other people to be interested in such things. They only ever seek greatness or power within existing established settings, to be "the first woman to" and never "the first", they are rightly afraid of undertaking that kind of risk. The pioneering spirit that is already rare in men is that rare to the next power in women.

>> No.23496610

I think you have a point sir, you seem smart

>> No.23496622

We've got a 115er with delusions of grandeur here, lol.
All the smartest men in history either hated women or held them in contempt.

>> No.23496624

I agree but I disagree that men and women that stand out in the way you describe are SO uncommon. I would day 99.5% of men are pathetic as you describe and 99.7% of women are too. I have met several people like this. Also, I think you are wrong to call most people sub human, they are perfectly human. I also think that you over estimate how schitzo these people are, especially the men. The women have a harder time with this, which is why I say there are less of them. In any case, I think 'repudiating' matters less for women than it does men

>> No.23496627

No, they simply didn't waste time thinking about them

>> No.23496642

I really don't think there's that much to understand about women in general

>> No.23496658
File: 61 KB, 850x400, quote-women-are-considered-deep-why-because-one-can-never-discover-any-bottom-to-them-women-friedrich-nietzsche-21-45-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23496718

>held in contempt

>> No.23496742

Unless that's a confession, in which case I do not have the power to absolve you, nor would I, you're way off. As I said, enjoy your lifelong comedy of errors, plebian.

>> No.23496908
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yes unironically. Pic related helped me a lot understand a kind of female "sensism", plus the fact that many of the things female do derive from a capacity to withstand more emotional pain than men, as well as a capacity to see humanity as a chain of intertwined individuals rather than unique (and isolated) instances of human beings.
It is also the only genuinely Nietzschean book I have ever read, more so than NIetzsche's books themselves. If you want to read what true strength and what a truly affirmative and dyonisian attitude towards life are - written not by an incel dominated by his sisters but by an actually strong human being - read this.
Her autobiography is even better but I don't know if it's translated in English.

>> No.23497067

Wow just wow. WHen you think you've read it all, all the inane opinions people come up with, something like this comes up. Ranking a fucking literallywho women over Nietzsche. Shut the hell up!

>> No.23497113


>> No.23497159

>99.999999% of men are worthless subhumans who genuinely do want their woman to be a combination of submissive sidekick + fetish sexdoll + mommy
What can I constructively do about this? Genuine question, because those desires prevent me from forming a genuine relationship. My sexual expectations are off the charts, and I can't picture intimacy as anything other than "mommy" roleplay

>> No.23497195

read the fucking book faggot

>> No.23497198

If women aren't deep or shallow, what are they?

>> No.23497204

Les deux Anglaises et le continent (Francois Truffaut, 1971)
Despite what my description may imply, it's a very delicate love story, also referencing another major literary figure, I'll leave it to you to figure out who.

>> No.23497208

All surface, no substance. Appearance without soul.

>> No.23497213

>speaking of himself

>> No.23497215

I'm a man

>> No.23497220

who is the faggot here, me or a fucking womanlover?

>> No.23497242
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Most female authors are nerdy weirdo shutins. They know as little about normie women as incels understand alpha males.

>> No.23497663

Gentlemen, I hate women

>> No.23497667

gravity's rainbow is easier to understand than women

>> No.23497854

That actually makes me want to read it

>> No.23497857

sadly true