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File: 14 KB, 390x280, images (1) (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23482781 No.23482781 [Reply] [Original]

Waiting for the shrink edish

prev >>23475963

remember to take your meds

>> No.23482802

I want a white gf bros. im tired of girls of my own race

>> No.23482804

dubs i beat your wife

>> No.23482807

reminder to flush your prozac

>> No.23482816
File: 589 KB, 638x791, catready.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quit watching porn
>search painted nudes instead
its is different right

>> No.23482824


>> No.23482826
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>> No.23482827

I came home from work yesterday and started crying out of nowhere. My depression has been fairly bad for the past couple months,but things have gotten worse since I've started my new job.

>> No.23482828

Hey, I made the OP, neat.

>> No.23482837

I have baguette fever I want a French gf so bad

>> No.23482841

there's nothing else but dopamine

>> No.23482844

Quit your job. Its not worth your mental health

>> No.23482845

You helped me anon. This thread is in your honor.

Go forth bravely into your appointment. And then shit on her table.

>> No.23482856

All I want is to get sloshed, fuck a fat bitch as if she were a dog, and then gorge fried chicken with her after

>> No.23482860

a lot of fat bitches are probably up for this

>> No.23482868

I would but its been pretty hard financially for me, and this is the only job I heard back from after months of being unemployed. It's a decent job with good benefits and good pay, but I can just never handle the work environment. Plus, my mental health has been spiraling for years now; its not jut a work related issue. I'm supposed to be seeing a therapist next week, but I'm a bit on the fence since it would be the first time I've ever seen one.

>> No.23482872

i'm too cool to be posting here

>> No.23482879

going drinking with some coworkers again tonight. last time i blacked out at the end of the night in front of my qt coworkers apartment, smashed my face on the pavement, don't remember shit but she cleaned me up got me home. I had to get stiches. still have bandages on my face. I'll take it easy this time, surely. She said that I said a lot of 'funny' things while I was blacked out, just me and her. I told her not to tell me what I said while I'm sober.

>> No.23482881

i do lines and i cross roads

>> No.23482883

lines of coke?

>> No.23482886

fat bitches are nasty in bed

>> No.23482887

Hello my African American fren

>> No.23482888

Dubs and you beat my dick

>> No.23482890


>> No.23482891

Yeah reddit suit you more

>> No.23482892

I'm strongly considering becoming Catholic.

>> No.23482899


>> No.23482901

church is still the best (only) place to meet trad wives.

>> No.23482904

getting too many digits

>> No.23482912

no ketamine

>> No.23482915

i'm too cool to even be replying to this neeky anon

>> No.23482917
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>> No.23482929

life is sweet, especially after 5 beers.

>> No.23482933

I have a special hatred against television that taught me at a young age that casual sex and unchecked promiscuity was a desirable thing when it in fact an empty soulless harmful act. My autistic 15-25yo self genuinely thought having multiple sex partners and being overly focused on bedding women of every kind and increasing body counts were all that mattered in social life. I fucked over 30 women in this period and I now realize i didn't enjoy even a single second of that sex. I was so retarded to believe that shit. Fuck you television.

>> No.23482935

when americans say a 'beer' what do they mean? like in UK we say pints. a beer there is like 330ml right?

>> No.23482939

Jews did this to you.

>> No.23482940

Standard beer is 12oz, usually 4 to 5 percent abv.

>> No.23482942

How does it feel having a Indian leading your country without your consent? Will the UK ever recover?

>> No.23482945

Why would they? What's in it for them?

>> No.23482950

It aligns most closely with my philosophical beliefs. Additionally, my encounters with religion and Christianity offered small fragments of something more fulfilling and meaningful than the life of hedonism and general debauchery I've lived up til now, which has been very pleasurable and yet totally empty.
Probably, but 1) there is no guarantee I'll meet anyone like that even if I converted tomorrow and 2) I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to connect with other people in that way.

>> No.23482955

I find doggy style abhorrent because my ex was a disgusting fat pig and didn't wash her ass properly. Riding or missionary only forever, not that I get laid anymore anyway

>> No.23482962

dominion over you. a weakened position from whence fighting back becomes impossible for them.
easy sluts for them to pump and dump.

>> No.23482964

as a straight male I have had sex with women I really didn't want to

>> No.23482966

I mean to ask, why Catholicsm specifically?

>> No.23482970

So you were raped

>> No.23482971

3 pints or so. gotcha.

>> No.23482975

I concur. I have had sex with 5 women in my life. I wasn't attracted to any of them. I just saw my opportunity for sex and took it.

I still wonder what sex is like with someone I find very attractive.

>> No.23482976

the UKs been in decline for 80 years. we lead the world in decline. america's only just embarking on that. they're children in the matter of decline. we've been doing it longer than anyone else.

>> No.23482982

Decline why? What's going on there that's causing the decline?

>> No.23482993
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>> No.23482997

loss of empire a clear start. we rose earlier than any other country (with the exception of holland perhaps). we had our revolution a century before the french and the americans. we were further along, and we're further along in decline.

>> No.23483000

It's closing time

>> No.23483007

in the last 2 months i've went out probably 5 or 6 times. i wasn't really trying but on 3 times i could've pulled. but in each case i a) went back to hers and left when she started kissing me b) said no when she asked for my number and c) left her to go meet my dealer
not sure what's up with me.

>> No.23483012

I wouldn't do that if I were you.

>> No.23483014

What ever happened to Yahoo? I used to use it a lot as a kid. What does it do these days?

>> No.23483017

if you were me I'd kms

>> No.23483025

it died a death

>> No.23483027
File: 52 KB, 640x640, 1718213470536887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had stomach pains of varying intensity for like 4 years and I am scared of going to the doctor tomorrow.

I don't even know what to tell them or what to say I even want.

>> No.23483029

I mean yeah - the biggest issue with porn is just how much endlessly varied content there is. Nude paintings tend to be pretty one-note by comparison so aren't nearly as bad to the psyche

>> No.23483032

why are you going to the doctor bro. what's your diet looking like>

>> No.23483034

don't you want to stomach pains to stop?

>> No.23483035

I grew up Mormon and generally accepted it until I moved away from home and started reading a lot of philosophy for myself. The knockoff version of Arianism that Mormons practice never really sat right with me, especially because what they call God is not and never was omnipotent or omniscient. It took a couple years but I came around to accepting the Trinity when I was 20 or so.
Culturally I was mostly aligned with Protestants, but it seemed very difficult to square the idea of a Great Apostasy with the material I had read, especially that of important Church Fathers and of people like Irenaeus who lived very close to the Apostolic Age. The arguments about sola scriptura and sola fide never sat right with me either.
I lean towards Catholicism rather than the Orthodox Church because of the fairly fractured nature of the latter, though I hold great sympathy for them. I find some of their criticisms of the papacy to hold weight and find myself annoyed by hardcore tradcath types who seem to find great joy in making noise about how everyone outside the Catholic Church will go to Hell, where demons will BTFO them epic style until the end of time, or some such thing. The aesthetic and cultural forces at play between the Catholic and Orthodox churches are powerful and should not be ignored, but they aren't the purpose of or most important thing about Christianity either.

>> No.23483038

at that level of drunk where the repressed memories flow freely

>> No.23483039
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how many ppl fapped to Mary Magdalene paintings?

>> No.23483048
File: 43 KB, 469x600, Gerard-van-Honthorst-Gerrit-van-Honthorst-Smiling-Girl-a-Courtesan-Holding-an-Obscene-Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish they painted bigger tits more often though

>> No.23483051

Didn't your president freeze up again at Juneteenth
He's doing this on purpose now isn't he

>> No.23483053

Take it as a step to not need jacking off whatsoever (or extremely infrequently)

>> No.23483059

out of gas
out of road
out of car

>> No.23483081

what is it called it i maintain the position that:

>if you are God, everything is deterministic (because you know everything)
>If you are mortal, you have free will (because from your point of view, you have to make decisions)

where does this place me on the determinist/free will debate? hmm

>> No.23483103

I recently came to the realization that the uniquely defining element of catholicism is popism. I just can't accept that one man is infallible and has all that authority. The whole history of schism and conflict in western christendom has hinged on the office of the pope and the Popes desperation to hold onto power. I'm not really trad or reactionary, I'm happily non denominational. But if I felt compelled to accept something like apostolistic succession I would simply have to become Orthodox because the office of the Pope isn't something I find acceptable or justifiable. Desu, I like the Catholic asthetic tho.

>> No.23483110

It places you in a contradiction

>> No.23483111
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Fuck me. I'll make the question again, ravage my anon ignorant ass, please.

Question for the Wittgenstein licking his remains of a dick: how different is his idea of the difficulties of communication with Plato's Allegory of the cave?

>> No.23483114
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>> No.23483115

how so

>> No.23483127

Honestly, I think the position of papal infallibility as defined by Vatican I is more of an innovation than a genuine historical artifact, but my view of the Great Schism is that it's more of a world-historical dialectical apparatus, concerning issues which needed to be brought up and debated vigorously across time, than The Stinky Heretics splitting from The True Church (as it's often framed by both sides).
There were many popes who were not good. The Great Schism occurred against the backdrop of what's termed the Saeculum Obscurum or the Pornocracy. People point to Francis as an antichrist or antipope all the time. Despite these facts, not even the Orthodox have gone so far as to completely declare the office of the Pope invalid. The tension between the Patriarchs and the Papacy was a result of and a cause of immense grief, which continues today, but I believe that this tension was necessary in order for the churches of east and west to develop in the particular ways they did. The idea of one church with two lungs is something I somewhat agree with, as well.
Since we're on this topic, have you heard that the Vatican is announcing a new document regarding the office of the Pope tomorrow? There are rumors claiming that it will be something of an olive branch to the other apostolic churches.

>> No.23483135
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Bad, like always. Lots of carbs and junk food, little greens.
I do but I feel like doctors don't take you seriously. Plus going there feels like I am the asshole for asking for help.

>> No.23483147

I miss the old /clg/

>> No.23483153

Childhood's what makes you

>> No.23483161

I learned Latin because of /clg/. I enjoyed the chineseposting even though I had no idea what they were talking about. Those threads probably had the highest effortpost to shitpost ratio on the site.
All good things come to an end. It was honestly kind of miraculous that they maintained such a level of quality for so many years. I guess it was only a matter of time til the resentful apes noticed.

>> No.23483172

Well sure the Bishop of Rome is a legitimate position, but the concept that the Bishop of Rome has some kind of primacy and acts as Christ's direct representative and uniquely has the "power of the keys" is the major convention. Vatican 1 just defined the problem that persisted through western Christianity and caused the Great Schism. The western Church even tried to reform the office of Pope, at the council of Constance I believe, where they said he answers to the Church, not vice versa. Papism to me is just a form of idolatry, where the Pope is a substitute for Christ.

Anyway, I'm fascinated to see this new document. I recently learned about the Vatican 1 council and it made me realize that the history of the Church in time is still ongoing. For a while I had in mind some kind of "End of History" moment in christendom, and it greatly excited me to realize that Church history is still evolving. Of course in my view, the break from the Constantinian churches by way of the Reformation was the break God used to recover the Church from its decline.

>> No.23483185

Appointment went well, productive. Made me feel a little better honestly.

>> No.23483199

fluorescent lights will make an absence of dark but the light just ain't there still

>> No.23483211

R*ddit is such a depressing place, man. Seeing how most people are dishonest uncritical leftist idiots is such a black pill.

>> No.23483234

i stopped reading the comments years ago and it saved me a lot of headache. i'm also permabanned from commenting, which helps. i'm not even rightwing, either; was banned for bullying shills-- specifically chinese nationalists, and those arguing that russia wouldn't attack ukraine. there is no justice on reddit.

>> No.23483257

I am too old for 4chan

>> No.23483282

why can't these bitches wash they ass

>> No.23483289

Problem is having a disgusting fat pig gf, and also not telling her to wash her ass.

>> No.23483330

I saw a wheel inside a wheel and a tongue of flame with four wings.

>> No.23483364

To be or not to be
To goon or not to goon

>> No.23483379

Gay people can’t biologically have sex (they simulate it), they can’t biologically have children, & they aren’t even monogamous. So why do they need “gay marriage?” The truth is, gay marriage was a trojan horse to subvert sexual morals & the family by normalizing homosexuality.

Does anyone ever consider what “same-sex sexuality” actually is? It’s sodomy. Filthy, violent, humiliating— substituting the anus (waste) for the uterus (birth). If you imagined an ideal world, there would be no sodomy (and therefore no homosexuality) in it.

>> No.23483417

Whenever looking back upon my childhood. I have to wonder how many examples there are of my parents doing things for "my" sake as an excuse for doing something they wanted to do but their conscience wouldn't let them.

>> No.23483420

dubs and i dont fap for a week

>> No.23483428

I am mildly disatisfied with everything in my life.
Except me, of course.
I'm very dissatisfied with that.
Yes, I know it's banal.

>> No.23483431


>> No.23483503

I have a janny guardian angel watching over me

>> No.23483505

I wanna free every single big cat from every zoo, let them roam free in the city

>> No.23483519


>> No.23483524

The tiger is out

>> No.23483531

how old gramps?


>> No.23483550
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Its occurred to me how quiet the outdoors can be. Imagine a windless winter day away from any body of water, it would be dead silent.

>> No.23483555

I think one of my problems is that the people around me are, frankly, losers.

>> No.23483560

Masculinity = good
Femininity= good

Effeminacy = evil

When you think about it, why is literally anything effeminate evil? Whether it's females or males being effeminate

>> No.23483565

It's quite nice. The sense of solitude and quiet on winter days far from civilization is unmatched.

>> No.23483575

That is such a pernicious word.

>> No.23483648

you having trouble finishing that thought, or was that it?

>> No.23483683

Hail Mary, full of grace
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art though amongst women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death.

>> No.23483685

I haven't been happy in 11 years

>> No.23483704

Why would you pray to anyone other than the High Priest Himself?

>> No.23483709

I fucking love mornings. I love waking up right before the sun rises.

>> No.23483711

Is there something wrong with asking someone else to pray for you?

>> No.23483725

The kid will get tired of it soon enough. If anything I'm worried about the average /clg/ poster, who is far too low IQ to ignore something of that level.

>> No.23483726

There is something wrong with praying to someone other than God

>> No.23483745

What is prayer, exactly?

>> No.23483755

Sometimes I larp as a wolf. I've been doing it since I was a little boy. I have the right too, since according to legend at least one of my ancestors was a shewolf. I'll spend the rest of my life larping and loving wolves. I like foxes too, though I have no excuse for that.

>> No.23483762

if i met god i would stop believing in him

>> No.23483777

Playing with chords in death in june strumming style is pretty relaxing everyone should do it you get into trance

>> No.23483805
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 551big (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Narsieh, Sassanian prince, visited the Tang empire, he admitted they had a superior culture to the Sassanids. He would have never said this for the R*mans or Ar*bs.

The Chinese have the greatest traditional culture in this world that influenced Japan, Vietnam, and many others. They all live in China's shadow. Chinese poetry far surpasses both Persian and European poetry. I hold a great deal of respect for figures like Han Shan, Wang Wei, Shiwu, and many others, which also influenced Japan's own hermit poetic tradition with Ryokan, Bassho, and more. The Zhuangzi and Platform Sutta are likewise repositories of great wisdom that expose the Zend-Avesta and Koran as both trash. Go beats Shatranj, Guqin beats santour. Ethereal brushstroke paintings of birds and mountains beat Persian miniature.

I want Iran to be colonized and culturally enriched by China. I want them to sleep with our women en masse and change our gene pool. In fact, many Persian concubines were sent to the emperor Liu Chang, and I hope this is done once more.

Persian culture has been an absolute failure, and I want the future of the country to be chink'd. There is a reason Safavid paintings portrayed themselves as Asiatic. The Asian form with its flexibility, suppleness, and grace is far greater than the inflexibility and rigidity of the Caucasoid form.

>> No.23483815

china lost

>> No.23483830

The Catholic Church does not claim that Mary is God, nor is the Hail Mary a prayer that . There is only one God

>> No.23483848

Are you that autist who has a mental breakdown about the west every other day?

>> No.23483855

>saying you don't accept one's claims of superiority = having a meltdown
Kys, brainlet.

>> No.23483861

if you aren't against industrialization you kneel to the white man right now

>> No.23483863

So you are. Good luck, I guess. When and why did you start thinking about China like this, I don't think you had such opinions last time I saw you?

>> No.23483881
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, ginger_snaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 30 and on only one occasion has a female expressed attraction to me. No smiles from across the room, no making up excuses to talk to me. Eyes are always averted if I walk down a hallway. Never received a compliment. Never been checked out. I'm 6'1, white, kind of muscular. I get really angry when I think about some people I know who've received attention. I'm sick of dealing with anything.

>> No.23483887

Yeah get on your knees, close your eyes, chant some statements todead, faraway person, but it's not prayer because it's just not okay!!! Catholics are pathetic. Read the book of Concord.

>> No.23483890
File: 1.95 MB, 400x231, tumblr_n56ljm0DlK1s1v3r1o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Ginger Snaps poster.

>> No.23483893

>no excuse
That's just foxes a cute

>> No.23483894

I am against industrialization.
I would have preferred being a Chinese aristocrat during the Tang dynasty.
I've had such opinions for years.
I just don't like the Western or Iranian/Persian cultural spirit, but I've always had a deep fondness for Chinese and Japanese traditional cultures.

>> No.23483898

there is no need to be hostile

>> No.23483899

i need to save my soul. how do I do it?

>> No.23483902

pray, and go to church the next day brother

>> No.23483904

I wonder how it feels like to wear a realistic Kaiju suite and destroy a miniature set of a city.

>> No.23483909


>> No.23483911

I want a bearded dragon, but they don't seem easy to raise because you need constant electricity for their habitat.

>> No.23483912

acknowledge your wrongs. understand yourself. genuinely help those in need.

>> No.23483914

you must be really ugly then

>> No.23483916

Of course there is. Catholicism leads people to idolatry and superstition. It upsets me that people pray to humans while neglecting our High Priest who incarnated specifically so He could be a direct mediator.

>> No.23483922


>> No.23483925

>I am against industrialization.
>I would have preferred being a Chinese aristocrat during the Tang dynasty.
uh... based?

>> No.23483926

Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid.

That's is all I need to remind myself.

Do not be afraid.

>> No.23483927

but it is people that are idolatrous and superstituous, whether they are catholic or not, we are all sinners. someone could very well simply worship symbols like a cross or a book like the Bible but not worship what they mean or what they actually represent. these kinds of witch hunts are just not constructive

don't get me wrong, it is good to correct others, have that conversation with people that they may pray only to the Lord. but it must be done with sensitivity and compassion, not hostility

>> No.23483938

What does understand yourself mean? I understand im highly neurotic and cant trust a single instinct or thought i have

>> No.23483944

The Enemy is waging a war against Christendom and the Catholic Church is his number one asset.

>> No.23483945

become a paleo vegan. humans were never meant to eat meat

>> No.23483953

>What does understand yourself mean?
You seek to save your soul. If you have acted in ways in the past that might have caused ruin to your souls and to the souls of others, you must reflect on yourself. Why did you do what you did? How must others have felt? What caused you to act in ways that would harm a soul?

You do this to understand yourself, your mind your actions, and so that you do not harm souls in the future. Godspeed anon.

>> No.23483963


This is only the case for shit skins who evolved in environments with fruit on trees and shit. This is also why shitskins as a group cannot adequately plan for the future or ration their resources.

>> No.23483983

my fucking visa to south korea was rejected, it seems that I am doomed to never leave this 3d world shithole and never go see different places of the world

>> No.23483987

Sucks not being an American. Not that I need to travel anyway. I'm in the world's 3rd largest country. A road trip is enough.

>> No.23483993

lucky guy

>> No.23483999

I want to hurt myself

>> No.23484012

just go to thailand

>> No.23484014

I hurt myself today

>> No.23484021
File: 2.21 MB, 1024x1024, 1679249595234479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some movie recs?

>> No.23484022

Do you still feel?

>> No.23484024

What do you like?

>> No.23484026

Ginger Snaps

>> No.23484028

Edward Yang, Wong Kar Wai, Safdie bros. Typical pseud shit. I just want to know what you guys like so I can branch out

>> No.23484029
File: 46 KB, 520x759, ginger-snaps-movie-poster-2000-1020188686 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. Ginger Snaps

>> No.23484036
File: 3.84 MB, 480x269, 1680497426684648.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I self sabotaged every time ive had girls that seemed interested in me by being autistic. Im older now too but even a few months ago a girl approached me out of the blue with a smile and tried to like talk to me but I just mumbled something and then walked away. Im my own worst enemy

>> No.23484040

I dont watch Canadian films. Sorry

>> No.23484044

Your loss

>> No.23484046

youre loss*

>> No.23484055

Kes or Billy elliot

>> No.23484054
File: 145 KB, 1024x1024, index-43-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23484056

Had a dream where I met all my high school friends again. Most of which I haven't talked to in years, or even a decade. I wonder, do you guys still keep in touch with your old friends?

>> No.23484058


>> No.23484062 [DELETED] 

>use hinge for 4 years
>3 matches
>create new account with new phone and email
>12 matches in one month
dafuq, did they shadow cuck me?

>> No.23484064

All my high school friends moved away. A few of them killed themselves. Im kind of alone now and don't have a way to contact them

>> No.23484068

I miss when doctors would hand out xanax like candy. Living with anxiety sucks

>> No.23484080

It's really rough what this generation is going through. So many deaths of despair. Sorry for your loss. I've experienced it myself. Keep on with life. It's worth the burden.

>> No.23484082

I have a visceral hate for the pro-choice side of the abortion debate and I sometimes think I'd like a civil war over abortion just for the chance to see them die in large numbers. They're vile. This is the great moral issue of our time and they have chosen incorrectly, and I'd love nothing more than to see them all pay a price for that choice.

>> No.23484092

fucking a they/them bitch

>> No.23484094

It's that gay? Or maybe kind of gay? If it's not a man or woman jt has to be at least 50% gay

>> No.23484099

Scarface and Apocalypse Now are some of my favorite films, and I rewatched The Crow recently, which I also recommend. Nothing high-minded really comes to mind, but those are certainly good movies.

>> No.23484102

The soundtrack to The Crow is almost better than the movie itself.

>> No.23484105

>use hinge for 4 years
>3 matches
>create new account with new phone and email
>12 matches in one month
fuckers must've shadowcucked me

>> No.23484108

Fr i didn't know how bad i was living until I got given lorazepam to treat a disc bulge

it was like my insides weren't tense all the time

>> No.23484109

Chronik der Anna Magdalena Bach

>> No.23484110

Its called freedom. Move to the middle east or something if you can't stand America

>> No.23484112

>12 matches in one month
chad gets that in 10 minutes

>> No.23484113

Seen the first two. Was actually thinking of watching the Crow sometime. Wasn't that the one with Bruce Lees son who died while filming it?

>> No.23484115

Kind of irrelevant but ok

>> No.23484119

If life is just a cycle of ups and downs, shouldn't suicidal people wait until they are doing well before committing suicide?

>> No.23484120

You're not free to kill a human life.

>> No.23484122

so? im not here to fuck rando sluts like some soulless manwhore who is a cuck to cheap pussy

>> No.23484124

nigga just solved suicide

>> No.23484126

I go by the Bibles definition of life. If it doesn't breathe its not human. Its not self conscious that it is alive and is part of the body of the woman that is carrying it. Not sure where you got your backwards ass opinion on what a human is

>> No.23484141

all women are sluts

>> No.23484143

Not backwards at all. You're just a moron. It's a unique lifeform with a unique genetic code. Therefore it's human. Sorry your retardation is so severe that it turned you into a murderer.

>> No.23484145

Every time I try to post from a dynamic IP on my phone someone got it banned for cp

>> No.23484147

not true. many are sluts to be sure, but i have met many women that are still of sound morals and have control over their actions. these women are too be treated with respect.

>> No.23484152
File: 123 KB, 260x194, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah yeah every sperm is sacred and masturbation is genocide. luckily people like you aren't going to take away our freedom, you are just screeching into the void

>> No.23484154

its not gay to have sex with a natal woman no matter what meme pronounces they go by

>> No.23484156

Again, you're a fucking retard. A sperm doesn't become human til it hits the egg. Conception is the point a unique human being is made. You're a very low IQ individual.

>> No.23484159

I'm pro-choice where it's a choice, but when birth rates are below replacement rates and cost is the chief reason cited why, i don't think it's a choice so much as a eugenics for the poor meat grinder.

>> No.23484162

Doesn't matter, abortion will never be illegal in this country again so keep crying. Your definition of a human isn't the legal definition in this country.

>> No.23484164

Im the laziest motherfucker alive

>> No.23484165

You didn't contradict my statement, so I accept your concession. You love killing babies. You are evil.

>> No.23484167
File: 2.97 MB, 1012x868, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you can do nothing but cry about it, kind of pathetic my guy. Keep jerking off to your power fantisies of civil war tho, im sure in two more weeks it will finally happen

>> No.23484171

Yes and you love killing babies and won't deny it. You are evil.

>> No.23484175
File: 307 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are evil.
Ok. And this is how I sleep at night knowing that.

>> No.23484178

Doesn't really matter. Not like you're getting any abortions anyway. You're just a weirdo jerking off to the idea of dead babies. So sleep on, and when you're dead the born will inherit the Earth

>> No.23484185

Based christian in chastity cage above me

>> No.23484195

Lets just agree to disagree m8. I don't want to clutter up these threads with abortion arguments

>> No.23484202

I accept your concession

>> No.23484236
File: 615 KB, 1351x1615, 1718124792847878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish I had the money to travel. its cheap enough if you just camp in a tent but it doesn't work so well for cities

>> No.23484259
File: 870 KB, 640x853, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Midsummer is next week and Im going to spend it at the summer house. Have somewhat of a tradition where I read White Nights and Death in Midsummer

>> No.23484261

That's the one. I also remembered that I saw The Lighthouse recently and enjoyed that, might be to your interest.

>> No.23484278

unfortunately you need a fuckton of money and shitty visas do so

>> No.23484282

gonna get real high
gonna get real low
gonna climb the wall
gonna swim the moat
got god the father jumping down my throat
got the virgin mary naked on my bed
and got the sweet lord jesus living in my head

>> No.23484293
File: 79 KB, 960x952, 1718095816879864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn its so infuriating to call my parents. Half the damn time they're not paying attention to what I'm saying and the other half they're talking over me when I'm mid sentence. I'm always at the verge of shouting when I'm on call because they can't hear or listen to me. And they wonder why I never call.

>> No.23484336

Just tell them how it is.

I did this, my parents don't talk to me anymore.

Peace has a heavy price anon, prepare for violence.

>> No.23484374

SI I'm back from drinking with the coworkers. I actually did well. didn't get too drunk at all this time. was chain smoking a little but it was ok. one of my coworkers who had had a heart attack before and used to smoke a pack a day came over and sat closer to me to smell the smoke as I smoked.
My face is still bandaged up from faceplanting into the pavement last weekend. none of them know what really happened except me and my...... nvm

>> No.23484464
File: 315 KB, 414x410, 1589382095428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter where I'am or what I'm doing, I'm never really save or too far away from that dreadful scene to play out in my mind. That ditch of debauchery, that haunting hedonism. That scene of Kenzie Reeves fucking a nigger, a backshot of him entering her pussy time and time again until he grunts and empties himself inside. The cock slowly pulling out to give view to a tight little white pussy oozing nigger spunk and she proclaimes, in a pleading voice, 'My hole is so hungry', only for the debasing nigger to go back inside of her and keep rutting. I could be out reading, or buying something in the grocery store, listening to music, playing video games. It does not matter for I'am never that far away from that scene...

>> No.23484475

Again, not feeling work. Weekend save me..

>> No.23484517

there's nothing here to be into

>> No.23484570

Was it something I said?

>> No.23484598

Im feeling guilty for wasting time on vidya and 4chan

>> No.23484614

Is there something better you should be doing?

>> No.23484634
File: 126 KB, 941x900, 1705994605652970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll buy myself a bra to wear underneath my male clothes.

>> No.23484649

Prayer is not worship. Prayers to saints are pleas (for the original meaning of prayer is a request) for them to pray on our behalf. The dead are as much a part of the church as the living, and to believe they can pray for us is to believe we too may be near to our Lord after death, that God may work through us as He does through them.
Mary, as God's Mother, is the highest of the saints, and her unique relationship with God as the Theotokos or God-bearer is what leads us to ask for her prayers, as well as to respect her so greatly.

>> No.23484650


>> No.23484668

I never understood how people get addicted to porn. I watch it too but I only watch same stuff that helps me imagine that I'm in a relationship with someone I like. And often or not, if I have access to it or not I often chose to help myself even without it; I would chose real relationship over this anyday. So I can not ever relate to you.

>> No.23484672

Had a nice birthday week…still have to get my guitar amp hopefully today

>> No.23484675

I’m too sexy for this board

>> No.23484678

Ugh, terrible

>> No.23484684

I wish it was the 60s I wish we could be happy

>> No.23484702


>> No.23484722

I wish you would stop posting the same Radiohead lyrics every fucking day

>> No.23484727

Good or bad idea to jerk it to porn before a date? (I'm really horny)

>> No.23484730

If you plan on having sex with her then my advise is to not jerk off 2/3 days before

>> No.23484755

have you ever considered how much disdain your genetic superiors have for you?

>> No.23484765

No you

>> No.23484823

I don't care

>> No.23484835

Here it is: http://www.christianunity.va/content/dam/unitacristiani/Collezione_Ut_unum_sint/The_Bishop_of_Rome/The%20Bishop%20of%20Rome.pdf
Some highlights that incensed Catholics have already pointed out:
>“96. In the East, "the role of the bishops of Rome was less clearly defined, but grew in importance during the great doctrinal controversies of the fourth and fifth centuries" (id., 7.6). Yet primacy was primarily conceived as a precedence: "From an early stage the East approached the question of ecclesial primacy through the prism of the relationship between the great sees. Rome was consistently granted precedence ahead of sees such as Alexandria and Antioch but was not primarily viewed in the East as possessing a special form of authority in all matters" (id., 7.8).”
>146. This process of ‘re-reception’ has been called for regarding the teaching of Vatican I. The Lutheran–Catholic Dialogue in the USA qualifies this process as a ‘re-interpretation’ and speaks about “the possibility of eventually finding new expressions faithful to the original intention and adapted to a changed cultural context. This process of reinterpretation was already at work in the way in which the doctrine of papal infallibility was treated at Vatican II, bringing new aspects to the fore” (L–C US 1978, 19). A need is expressed to “place the doctrine of infallibility in the theological categories of promise, trust, and hope rather than in the juridical categories of law, obligation, and obedience.

>> No.23484850

>a girl approached me out of the blue with a smile and tried to like talk to me
See, this is what frustrates. Me I know people who have had a cashier at the drive thru write a number on their coffee cup, who've been smiled at at concerts. For me this never happens. She walked right up to you, apropos of nothing? I'm so mad at never having experienced this.

>> No.23484856

This anon speaks the truth. I'm incel ginger snaps kun, and it's so good. And it's funny, too

>> No.23484878
File: 129 KB, 400x250, Goanna in da tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just had a two-and-a-half-hour phone call with my dad, we talked about old movies, old TV shows, and animals, just to name a few things. We don't speak often but every time we do speak we go for hours because we've got so much stuff built up.

Anyway, goanna in da tree.

>> No.23484883
File: 2.59 MB, 1128x1792, 0e56075ffa9e030ffff9d4268fc9e64f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there going to be any great ramifications of the fact so many young men are choosing to satisfy their relationship/sexual needs with waifus/stream thots/onlyfans girls and are avoiding 'real' women for one or another reason?

>> No.23484891

We will provide them with their drug of choice (probably weed) en they can jerk it to porn and play video games in their free time.
You'll barely notice they're there. They might work low skilled jobs or something like IT but outside of work you'll not run into them.

>> No.23484906

Why would I satisfy that stuff with a woman who doesn't meet my standards when I can do it with a woman who goes above and beyond what I want?

>> No.23484910


>> No.23484914

Probably not. In another age they would be pissed off and greatly impact the stability of governments but in this one they're thoroughly enraptured by the virtual opium. They're excess men that will be worked to the bone and then eventually die. I think the only "real" ramification is that birth rates will keep being in free fall.

>> No.23484922

You're just mad because I came up with a good answer to your dumbass question. Why would somebody go for the subpar product when the best product is free for the taking?

>> No.23484945

Who said anything about a subpar 'product'?
A waifu and a real woman are 2 different things. You're coping by falling in love with a drawing.

>> No.23484975

I would love to be in a relationship with a real woman but Im too annoying to live with. Im a extreamly messy person and women detest messy men. I have yet to meet a woman who doesn't mind if I forget to shower or clean my place or not take out trash or any general chores. I can do them but I tend to forget them and Im extreamly incosistent about it to point women start hating me for it. I've seen in in my relationships and my parents (I have it after my dad)

>> No.23484994

Not showering is disgusting. I bet you don't brush your teeth twice a day either.

>> No.23485010

yeah, I do it sometimes but I forget, sometimes I only do it once or non at all. I have yellow teeth. I'm neglectful hence why I understand why women don't want to be in a relationship with me.

>> No.23485055
File: 66 KB, 666x666, 1718021674416667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually got the gf I wanted but my own life is not in order so im scared shell leave because of that

>> No.23485062

the girl i met from hinge and hit it off with really well has started ghosting me
another one bites the dust frens

>> No.23485073

Selaco is ridiculously good and you should play it

>> No.23485137
File: 405 KB, 480x270, 1589173877674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, as a 29 year old, am starting to actually see dating success for the first time in my life. It's an extremely uncanny feeling to have this sort of childish "butterflies" in my stomach sensation whenever I talk to or think about the girl I've been seeing. I'm normally very emotionally guarded around women, especially ones I find attractive, because I've never had that attraction returned in kind, so the only way I've managed to exert any control over that dynamic is to not allow myself to feel any attraction at all towards the vast majority of women. However, this girl and I just seem to be on the same autistic frequency so it looks like things might actually work out.

I am finally getting what I've wanted for years, but I'm also coming to the realization that my existence will fundamentally change because of it. I will no longer be completely singular in my existence. I will be intertwined with another human being and their own flaws in a way I haven't experienced before with other relationships. I am kinda terrified desu, but this is a necessary step in my self actualization process that I cannot shy away from.

>> No.23485148

You're a sweetie anon. Be open, generous, and communicative. You both will have fun time together. Godspeed

>> No.23485150

1. What really scares me isn't to be bad at something but something far worse that most of us are, it's being mediocre.
90% of us will never be great at anything and being bad at something isn't that terrible since you have room to grow. Being mediocre on the other hand means you've tried and that you have reached your ceiling. Loving something you know you will at most be mediocre in, is in my opinion one of the most depressing fates one can have.

2. Most people resent their lives. They are unhappy with the conditions they are born in and the opportunities they have received or made for themselves. A lot of them even sabotage themselves in an act of misplaced search of power over their own lives. Yet they also fear the sweet liberation of death and try to delay it as much as possible.

3. Blood meridian is a good read so far (100 pages in)


>> No.23485152

>robot skellington

>> No.23485219

Noooo, she will rob you of your wizard powers. Fight back.

>> No.23485242

>A lot of them even sabotage themselves in an act of misplaced search of power over their own lives.
Huh is that why so many victims of sexual assault become sluts after getting fucked without their consent? Just a quest for control? I always thought this particular case was weird because we would a person willing continue to do bad shit to themselves after bad shit has already happened

>> No.23485283

I guess that one can find exceptions but to my understanding this is why. I knew a victim of sexual abuse, got raped as a very young kid, she would let herself get absolutely degraded by men (multiple ones at the same time per occasion) who were treating her like shit but would never let guys who actually courted her with pure intentions get close to her.

>> No.23485292

Many such cases. Everyone deals with the terrible shit done to them in their own ways, some healthy, some unhealthy.

>> No.23485296

Wow now that's fascinating. I'm really surprised by this.

>> No.23485298

Just the lack for family formation and low birth rates

>> No.23485308

Optimistically, it could be an effort to mend the Great Schism without nuking the Papacy completely. Pessimistically, it could be an effort to make it more difficult for a future Pope to undo changes that Francis et al are currently attempting to implement, such as the weird synodal path thing or the progressive cardinals getting appointed year after year, by making the papal office less powerful.

>> No.23485313
File: 64 KB, 708x1024, gs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need details on how you accomplished this, also is she hot

>> No.23485348

Also it's not the middle ages anymore. Not like anyone would kill for the pope anymore. Thr office itself is an anachronism

>> No.23485385

any of you old enough to have played the game syndicate in the 90s? i just found out the guy who made that was like a 15 year old intern who is now co-founder of some ai startup. let's be real, if you haven't made it by 16, it's over.

>> No.23485410

Why would I need to "make it" though? I don't exactly have a need for a revenue of ten gorillion dollars a year or whatever.

>> No.23485417

NTA but I don’t. Fluoride is poison.

>> No.23485419

No and even if I did it wouldn’t matter

>> No.23485448

You can use non-fluoridated toothpaste with xylitol, you fucking retard. Or you can even just use a toothbrush dipped in baking soda, or just brush with plain water. Stop making excuses to be filthy. I bet your breath reeks and your teeth have a visible layer of yellow plaque on them.

>> No.23485459

I don’t want to, that’s the thing. You’re a retard, too

>> No.23485472

stop being a disgusting nigger, holy fuck

>> No.23485485

Enjoy getting zero bitches for the rest of your life, you grimy fucker.

>> No.23485523

In the animal world it is common to find animals do things which are viewed as immoral by most people. For example, male ducks typically rape and abuse female ducks. Due to producing a lot of children and needing to acquire some energy, some insects will consume their children. I can go on and on, but you get the picture. It's likely that, if aliens with sapience do exist, they will engage in numerous activities we would consider immoral. Assuming they have a concept laws similar to ours, will we, in the future, return to a time of Ripuarian and Salic laws where each people/species have their own set of laws that're believed to be equal to others? Furthermore, how likely is it that we will return to a Bronze Age world where every people/species have their own god amongst a plethora of other gods?

>> No.23485552

We will slaughter every single alien and extinct their species, God willing.

>> No.23485553

sent a super risky text to a chick im talking to about meeting up and hanging around her city. idk how but i feel this might be my first time getting laid since 2018. im attracted to her to so that's a big plus too.

>> No.23485569

followup thought: having sex once and then not having any for 6 years has really fucked me up (sexless 5 year relationship, covid + vaginismus, yes her vagina cucked me). i can't fucking play it cool anymore. the second i realize a girl is into me, all i think about is please god don't make me wait to have sex again, its been so long, i need that intimacy with a woman again soon.

>> No.23485591


>> No.23485592

How is your dick doing? Plenty of cobwebs and spiders and shit in your dick and balls region

>> No.23485645

sex is nice but also overrated. And once you've done it enough time with one person you'll want to do it with others because it's not the sex in itself that's desired but the act towards the other person.

>> No.23485654

I found the woman of my dreams in a Cantonese basketweaving forum

>> No.23485710

Vaginismus is a psychosomatic condition that hysterical chicks use as an excuse to avoid sex. Just gotta not take no for an answer and get her used to the dick.

>> No.23485726

>muh babies r everything
Scum like you treat life as trash except for your vermin human shit babies.
People like you deserve to walk in a forest with baby heads on pikes and hanging on trees in order to go insane. Kys in all sincerity.

>> No.23485784

>Look," said the man. "It don't make no sense. This fella wants eight hunderd men.
So he prints up five thousand of them things an' maybe twenty thousan' people sees
'em. An' maybe two-three thousan' folks gets movin' account a this here han'bill. Folks
that's crazy with worry."
>Maybe he needs two hunderd
men, so he talks to five hunderd, an' they tell other folks, an' when you get to the place,
they's a thousan' men. This here fella says, 'I'm payin' twenty cents an hour.' An' maybe
half a the men walk off. But they's still five hunderd that's so goddamn hungry they'll
work for nothin' but biscuits. Well, this here fella's got a contract to pick them peaches
or—chop that cotton. You see now? The more fellas he can get, an' the hungrier, less
he's gonna pay. An' he'll get a fella with kids if he can, 'cause—hell, I says I wasn't
gonna fret ya."
I did not appreciate Grapes of Wrath in high school, only know do I appreciate how great it is. Also the misspellings are from this PDF site, I'm not sure why it's spelled hundred, maybe a typo on the pdf editor.

>> No.23485816

I'm so sick of Catholics. They have this pretension of sophistication, as if they possess something the Protestants don't, but aside from surface level apologetics they memorize by rote, there's no real depth to what they offer. I've had so many conversations with Catholics where they repeat verbatim the same old arguments that have been circling for 500 years as if it's an act of genius. But then after pushing back on them, they immediately shut down and just appeal to the authority of the Vatican and say ackshually you shouldn't be thinking for yourself. Catholicism is a 3rd world religion and it's rise will ruin America.

>> No.23485817

Its crazy to think about how the universe started, like how long has it been going on for? There is no reason to think things like the big bang were the start and that there wasn't something there even before that. There might have been an infinite amount of time even before that

>> No.23485835

Time is a function of space, or maybe the universe is where time and space collide

>> No.23485853

lmao you fell for that shit?

>> No.23485859

listen to this

>> No.23485876

listen to this

>> No.23485889
File: 95 KB, 708x708, B2A613EC-56B7-400B-B4EA-C7B8B719B8DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the mind, things can be wrong and right, but in the world they can only be different

>> No.23485890

listen to this

>> No.23485900

listen to this

>> No.23485903

Fuck off to /mu/. You have shit taste.

>> No.23485905

it blew my mind when i was reading gravity's raimbow and i got to that part where some chick in africa is buried up to her neck in a fertility ritual and i was like ooooh shit nooo way so THAT'S what that funkdadelic cover was about?!

>> No.23485906

I was looking for something in the /lit/ archive and accidentally discovered an anon who made similar posts (and this one poem) a few times 2020 - 2022. You can make out which posts are theirs. I was reading through their replies to find we are so alike.

>> No.23485907

cope and seethe

>> No.23485919

listen to this

>> No.23485921

I think there is something intrinsically luxurious about raw food. If you think about it, the most expensive foods in the world are often raw: caviar, oysters, and sushi to name a few.

>> No.23485926

I wish people that wear face masks would get raped
Also I tripped and fell coming back from the grocery store.

>> No.23485946

The issue with very rich Jews in America is an issue of Capital in opposition to labor. They clearly have religious pretenses before their vigorous activity in Capital, which to me is similar to having religious pretensing from eastern mysticism to correlate (or be a handmaiden to) to theory in quantum physics.
In a generation or two I don't see why Judea at the highest levels wouldn't disappear under the weight of the realities of 1st world living, science, human psychology, and the readily accessible information about world cultures, religions, history and so on. Because by entering high positions of 1st world society it's not difficult to see why "God" choosing a desert tribe from the stone age as being better than other groups of humans doesn't make sense. New York city is already very agnostic.

>> No.23486023
File: 449 KB, 1171x689, IMG_1031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it only Chinese people that seem to appreciate the beauty of pre-war Western culture? Why is it that Westerners have so little appreciation and seemingly cannot even recognize it when they see it? Do you think it’s possible that things went to shit because Europeans held the reins before the war and then the Americans took over? It’s hard to disagree that we’re to blame for some of the decline…

>> No.23486025

It’s been at least a year since I’ve read anything. I just can’t get in the mindset…

I’ve become one of those people who want to be a writer but don’t even read let alone write.

>> No.23486053


>> No.23486061

did you play rdr2?

>> No.23486073

>classical incel

>> No.23486079


>> No.23486091

>pre-war Western culture
gonna have to narrow that down a little chief, if it's all of western culture

>> No.23486092

I’m getting an amp tomorrow for my guitar and this is good information for me.

>> No.23486107

Have you ever asked yourself how many insect-scale apocalypses you have caused? How many ants lost their family or valued members of their community because your blind and careless ass stepped on them? How many insect funerals have been held, and how many became homeless BECAUSE YOU KILLED AND RAMPAGED THROUGH THEIR HOMES!?

>> No.23486165 [DELETED] 

is it true this is a secret aphex twin cd?

>> No.23486169

Yes which is why I refuse to harm insects. Sometimes I don't mind offering mosquitoes my blood

>> No.23486180

Emotional meeting with an escort today. She cuddled me after fucking and kept calling me her baby and calling herself mommy. Drove by my ex's place too inadvertently as it happened to be the most optimal route. I'm tired.

>> No.23486182

Can't decide what a potential second major or minor should be. I kind of want to do French or Japanese, but I feel there is something else for me. I'll figure it out after this fall semester. I have 45 credits to figure it out by.

>> No.23486185

I've been waiting all day to come home and play Touhou and Yume Nikki. I should work on music but I'm far too tired.

>> No.23486186

Is it an insult if a woman calls you cute? Does it mean she sees you as some effeminate twink?

>> No.23486187

This is so pathetic, lmao.

>> No.23486189

l've been considering hiring one would you say it was worth it?

>> No.23486190

electrical engineering and computer science is usually a good combo

>> No.23486192

i can't wait for reason 13 to drop, as soon as i finish this summer class i'm fucking around with it

>> No.23486194

Point being?
Yeah if you get the right price and she's cool.
Unfortunately engineering isn't an option for me. Too much of a midwit

>> No.23486196
File: 1.07 MB, 1180x1550, IMG_4686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about paint,
thick with impasto
pain is how
you see things
what it is,
could be paint
fumes clouding your
vision, an omission,
blame me and see
I’m not alone,
Despite your followers
none, I’m fine
with that a
years time buys
you no clout
because your fundamentals
may be sound
but your finesse
lacks and your
base knows that.
Tired of explaining why
Must be the colors
The timing of
Each line, each word;
Titanium white catches
Every other dye
Who’s gazing at who?
Scheme of an eye
Looking back attacks
me, creation asks
“Have I failed ye?”
Drawing of me,
You may look
as I do,
see as I
see, everyone knows
you’re real except
Magritte and the
crabs on /ic/
but if you’re curious
as to how
I grew green
askew bitter blab:
When I was
a young crab
I'd often dabble
at depiction what
is visual deception?
I’ll take Shapes
and methods for
400, Alex. This
Rendering and Forming
Box, cube,spheres
are well lit,
kind of like
little not gonna
make its who
idolize me; hard
to be, tough
to see who
is, and who
isn't! Ack! Shills
and me, we're
holding onto some
ember scrapped canvas
with jewel greens
overlapping corny yellow
I’m sick, mean,
Hateful and obscene,
doesn’t mean, I wouldn’t
deny a redline.

>> No.23486200

Never heard of this daw. Looks interesting. I use Renoise.

>> No.23486203

oh ya renoise is p sick

>> No.23486217

i was walking down the street and this song came on my headphones and i was trying so hard not to laugh ppl were looking at me like tf is wrong with this guy

>> No.23486224

round tummy

>> No.23486228

>Fellowships are awarded to applicants who demonstrate the highest artistic skill, with no cap or quota per artistic discipline.
How does one quantify artistic skill?

>> No.23486230


>> No.23486252

Sounds fucking rough man, I hope tomorrow goes better.

>> No.23486256

I don't think you do, I think you learn what the people who review the applications like.

>> No.23486308 [SPOILER] 

no response in hours
it's over for me bros, im so cooked

>> No.23486337
File: 34 KB, 1000x1000, eeeeeeeevvvvviiiiiiiillllllllll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga i just asked my coworker out monday and she said she had to think about it and still no reply. to be fair she might just be hoping i forget about it, but we'll see.
best of luck with your potential girl. hopefully she's just busy or something though we all know girls are always on their phones.

>> No.23486346

Allow me to suggest a third, more ominous possibility. She read it, and -then- forgot to respond.

>> No.23486359

Is it a bad idea to rent a house with my brother and his fiancé?

>> No.23486364

possible but its pretty hard to forget someone asked you out, but then again i say that from a man's perspective.

>> No.23486375

No, you say that from the perspective of someone who just asked someone out, which you've been thinking about presumably for quite some time. People get distracted and forget shit, and if you've already checked it and read it, that lowers the probability of you checking it again. The actual problem here is calling her attention to your question again without making it unpleasant or awkward, which can be a challenge and may take time, though there's also always biting the bullet and double texting.

>> No.23486377

who are we kidding bros, if they wanted to date us, they'd not waste any time. i think we're all irrevocably cooked bros, rip

>> No.23486379

do you love them?

>> No.23486384

I love my brother.

>> No.23486389

Do you love his wife platonically?

>> No.23486394

legit think it was vaginismus bro
even before dating me, she had never been able to put a tampon or her fingers down there
she refused to get it checked tho despite all my support and understanding

>> No.23486396

do you trust him?

>> No.23486398

Chin up anon, being a miserable loser isn't attractive and isn't good for you. You're not irrevocably cooked even if she doesn't want to date you, there are other girls. If you asked this one out, you can ask another out.

>> No.23486404

i would say youre right but to be fair i just found out, overhearing a conversation that she actually has a boyfriend or seems to (kept talking about a specific "he" when my mutual coworker was asking her questions). so I don't know, there could be something between us but there is another guy, and its not impossible she purposely started talking about him while i was within hearing distance.

>> No.23486408



>> No.23486411

Yeah, but not that bad of an idea. It's a worse idea the less independent you are, particularly financially, but it wouldn't be a disaster. They're just going to want their own place eventually, unless you're all ok with the generational family home thing, and it'll cause some amount of friction.

>> No.23486419
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23486448

New thread

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