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23475904 No.23475904 [Reply] [Original]

barristan's new knights edition
old: >>23433463

>> No.23475912
File: 537 KB, 1653x2060, Tumco_Lho[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a lot of tertiary characters that i want to see more of in the next books. these niggas are among them.

>> No.23475994

I've seen the Hard Fantasy label being applied to ASOIAF and I think it fits. It's a counterpart to Hard Sci-Fi: plausible world with consistent internal logic.

The show fundamentally doesn't understand that at it's heart, it's about legacy and how honour and justness forge it.
Ned and Joffrey are the greatest examples.
>Ned is executed, his reputation and legacy as a just and honourable man means everyone is literally up in arms.
>After his son gets murdered and the Northern Army slaughtered, his throne usurped by the Boltons, the Northerners lick their wounds while engaging in the Grand Northern Conspiracy.
>MULTIPLE (possibly at least 3) conspiracies, most likely. Some are interconnected without knowing it. All started separately, all to save Ned's little ones.
>Nearly everyone who was in any way loyal or friendly to Ned lends their aid to his family, ready to send soldiers to fuck up the Boltons. They're ready to kneel to Stannis, if only he help liberate the northern folk from the Ironborn and find the Stark children.

>Joffrey gets assassinated, everyone shrugs, most are elated the wicked child is gone.

There was a /got/ thread screencap I forgot to save which says all this much more eloquently.

>> No.23476224

Would you consider Robert a kinslayer?

>> No.23476585


No because Rhaegar wasn't a king? He was a prince.

>> No.23476594

Because Orys was a targ bastard?

>> No.23477063

For cause of his grandmother? Because even if you were to consider the Orys thing >>23476594 they are far too removed, its two houses of different races no less. Its not like the Karstark or the Blackfyre which are actual branch houses.

>> No.23477148
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Why did Game of Thrones completely miss the mark at making some good vidya? It was perfect for a Total War tie in. There was only a telltale game and some shitty mobile game.

>> No.23477315

>For cause of his grandmother?

>Aegon V ---> Jaehaerys II ---> Aerys II ---> Rhaegar
>Aegon V ---> Rhaelle ---> Steffon ---> Robert

So is it kinslaying?

>> No.23477617
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the perfect setting for an open world RPG yet it will never come to be

>> No.23477682

Play the Warband mods

>> No.23477722

I don’t think so. Westeros is pretty strange when it comes to kinslaying, it seems to be a title more applied when killing a brother, father, son, nephew or uncle rather than a second cousin. The wiki calls robert a kinslayer but I wouldn’t consider him one, especially since he is of a different house than Rhaegar

>> No.23477748
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>> No.23477753

Weren't both Robb and Jon called kinslayers by two different Karstarks?

>> No.23477792

Robb yes, but idk how true that is considering the Karstarks separated thousands of years beforehand and Rickard was probably just trying to keep his head. If Robb killing him was an act of kinslaying then no noble could kill anyone because there is sure to be a blood link somewhere with all the intermarriages between families. I can’t remember Jon being called kinslayer in the books at least. In the show he killed his aunt, so there’s that I guess

>> No.23477812

What a doofus

>> No.23477916

>Rickard was probably just trying to keep his head
Cregan too, when Jon put him in the ice cells.

>> No.23477919

This man lives in my head and pays $0 in rent. I think about TWOW at least once a week.

>> No.23477932

Found an answer from George:

>> No.23478184

Worldbuilding is a bitch I'm struggling with Essos and Westeros

We're six books in what could he possibly be struggling with to write in Westeros that we haven't seen before? I get Essos is probably a lot harder to flesh out but I think it is Asshai he is struggling with most and how to best bring it into the story my best guess is through either Mel's flashbacks or Moqorro could be used as an info dump on the place if my theory of Victarion saving Daenerys from the Dothraki turn out to be true and she sees it as another miralce of R'hllor potentially adopting its worship and practices as her main relgion

>> No.23478240

I don't think it's the world holding him back but the ridiculously entangled plotlines and hundreds of characters who have to end up in specific places by specific times e.g. Dany actually going to westeros.

remember that he started writing this story as a trilogy.

>> No.23478293

No the houses are not connected. When dealing with different races/cultures being over one generation is usually enough to sever kinship.
The Karstarks ARE the Starks of Kahold, literally. Being a branch house is not just a title retard. They've intermingled the most with them and vice versa over however many centuries they've existed, at any given moment they are like cousins. They do in fact share alot of blood, so even if Rickard wanted save himself his claim has weight. Robb was a kinslayer, albeit a somewhat distant one.

>> No.23478306

He certainly got an object lesson to change his opinion.

>> No.23478344

Karstarks are not Starks. You could argue that they're still a cadet branch but the point of divergence was said to be a thousand years ago. They're as much a cadet branch of the Starks as the Baratheons are of the Targaryens.

>> No.23478494
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Make it make sense.

>> No.23478545

>I am not afraid. Should I die, I will go before the Great Shepherd of Lhazar, break his crook across my knee, and say to him, "Why did you make your people lambs, when the world is full of wolves?" Then I will spit into his eye.
Very cool

>> No.23478601

You’re not wrong.

Season 7 and 8 was probably was an eye opener for him for sure kek.

>> No.23478623

by chance twow releases by the end of this year or next year. Will the old fart still have enough breathe to finish rest of the series?

>> No.23478630


I feel like we'll get some update on The Winds of Winter next month during the 13th anniversary of A Dance with Dragons. It feels like it would be the perfect time to announce the book is done

>> No.23478665

>Brimstone pollution warning in my town from the quarterly volcanic eruption.
So this is what Dragonstone is like, I walked outside before I knew and thought the air was nicer than usual without realizing.

>> No.23478759
File: 35 KB, 1480x156, Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 1.45.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this

>> No.23478772

lol no
If Gurm wants to see his series finished while he's still alive, he'll need to hire a ghost writer asap

>> No.23478792

What George needs on top of a ghost writer is: a small hotel room in western Kansas that he's been locked in, a month's supply of cocaine and adderall, 1 terabyte of porn, and a typewriter. If he had all that, the entire series would be done at the end of the month.

>> No.23478814

at least they've interacted before

>> No.23478963

George has written himself into a corner. He gave away the conceptual ending to the HBO showrunners, they implemented it in the shittiest way possible and tainted that ending. So now he can't find a satisfying conclusion to his story. At least he made bank by pimping out his baby.

>> No.23479068

There is no need to bring Asshai in the story.

>> No.23479394

>assuming that the Great Shepherd of Lhazar would allow in his presence someone who acts like an LA nigga who just ran out of crack

>> No.23479430


At this point I would be fine with a triumvirate of Aegon-Sansa and Bran ruling Westeros after everything is over and done with Bran is Hand but he's some Leto II abomination offering council and advice from his Weirwood throne.

Or maybe we could get the original ending GRRM planned with a snow covered graveyard stretching for miles and someone standing among it possibly after The Others win but it would potentially hint humanity would recover so kind of bittersweet.


We could still get it through flashbacks of Mel or Moqorro mentioning it but we don't need to go directly there it could still have huge influence on events.

>> No.23479489

The HBO show is without a doubt the worst thing to happen to ASOIAF, but not because they tainted his story outline. The root of all problems is exactly this:
>he made bank by pimping out his baby
The show made him stinkin' rich beyond his wildest imagination and has provided him with a steady stream of passive income for the rest of his days. Relieved of all financial pressure, George has been free to succumb to his worst impulses, which obviously has manifested itself as a penchant for procrastination. He'll happily let himself be distracted by dozens of side projects just to avoid the hard and uncomfortable work of doing his duty as a writer and finishing ASOIAF. There really is no coming back from this.

>> No.23479540

That's fucking hilarious. What a fucking retard

>> No.23479588

Based beyond belief

>> No.23479709
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He's going to announce it at WorldCon I feel it in my bones

>> No.23479767 [DELETED] 

>plausible world
You think 100k people being able to stay in the same place - in a frozen tundra no less - and survive for even a single day is plausible?

>> No.23480567

They had medieval green houses, don't question it sperg.

>> No.23480596

Whatever Dany might learn in Asshai she could learn from Quaithe. Dany can either go to Qarth in Winds or Quaithe could meet her or Quaithe could talk to Dany in a dream.You don't need to have Dany go to Asshai.

>> No.23480605

You do if you want to fulfill the prophecies.

>> No.23480616

Aerys and Steffon saw themselves as kin (I think), but Rhaegar and Robert didn't.
Stannis also didn't use the family argument when he debated why he would consider supporting Robert as wrong. Stannis saw it as illegal because Aerys was his king, not because they were related to the Targs.

>> No.23480660
File: 82 KB, 1832x405, Screenshot 2024-06-12 184352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno about Robert but Rhaegar probably did see them as kin.

>> No.23480713

This and if you want to learn more about the Others, the Long Night, we have Bran, the Children of the Forest (and the Green Men), Sam might learn stuff from the Citadel as well.
Which prophecies?
And the story is about the fight for the Iron Throne and against the Others, both are in Westeros.

>> No.23480726

the one about her having to go east to go west

>> No.23480746

>Which prophecies?
>And the story is about the fight for the Iron Throne and against the Others, both are in Westeros.
Anon, I...

>“To go north, you must journey south. To reach the west, you must go east. To go forward you must go back, and to touch the light you must pass beneath the shadow.”

>> No.23480794
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I hate him so much.

>> No.23480796
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>eboni booth
We gave up the Wall for this.

>> No.23480799

>Eboni Booth dreamed up the story that became “Primary Trust” for a school assignment. She was a playwriting fellow at Juilliard, and she decided to write about a guy who works at a bank. At the time, she drank mai tais, and soon, so did her protagonist.

>> No.23480801

>I’ve been working with HBO, trying to figure out what a television show could be.
Sounds like a real banger.

>> No.23480818

Martin said in 2008 and 2016 that no character would go to Asshai. All we can get is a glimpse of the city via Melisandre's memories.

>> No.23480858

Martin says a lot of things

>> No.23480860

Martin also said "and probably moon boy too *farts* *stuffs meat into mouth*"

>> No.23481073

I tried but I just don't like the base game desu

>> No.23481085

What would've happened if Jaime killed Robert at the trident?

>> No.23481152

We both know that Dany is going to go further east for the sake of le worldbuilding in the next book

>> No.23481311

Essos would be pretty good. You would need to trade to be able to afford to "gift" the Dothraki khalasars passing by, rent Second Sons or buy Unsullied.

>> No.23481412

She has been going east for five fucking books, she is not getting anywhere near Asshai. IF that was ever the plan, it has clearly changed. Quaithe herself is entirely unneeded at point as there are TWO magicians going Dany's way, so you know the fat fuck is course correcting. Passing beneath the shadow likely means Vaes Dothrak not the actual shadowlands.

>> No.23481426

The telltale games choice based point and click is very good! but you can only play it once, and really try to get into the RP

>> No.23481489

I'd say there's a lot in his world that wouldn't really work if you thoroughly think it through, most of the world wonders would never be built for the absurd size alone. But it is cool to think that they're there anyway.
Why not a city with three consecutive walls with degenerate imagery carved into it.
Or a wall of ice that's moronically giant. You need to make a logical leap of faith for any fantasy, I appreciate that in his works if it does it's at least for something that's neat for the sake of it, than to fill in plot holes. Though if winds of winter take much longer that might end up being a feature as well.

>> No.23481503

>Implying the Great Shepherd of Lhazar isn't a freak like that and wouldn't fuck /w LA niggas

>> No.23481724

Idiots. The Lord of the Rings by Peter Jackson aren’t the books either, and the author would have probably hated them for the most part, but they were perfectly acceptable adaptions. His point is that an adaption HAS to suck now. There’s a lot of fucking politics and representation shit in them, and many showrunners are too far up their own ass, to the point where a fuck ton of them think they know better, a lot better, than the actual author.

Compare Jackson’s work to Amazon’s.

>> No.23481730

>His point is that an adaption HAS to suck now
Are you sure that's his point? I am certain that his point is that people who adapt books to film need to stop changing the core content and trying to sound deep by saying "the film is the film, the book is the book". This is ironically funny because this was exactly word for word what George has said in the past about Game of Thrones vs the books.

>> No.23481734

while the hypocrisy is funny, can you imagine watching s1-4, seeing your work being faithfully adapted with actors giving it their all, seeing it explode into a worldwide phenomenon... and then completely fall flat on its face, all because he couldn't finish a book.
It must be soul crushing.

>> No.23481736

>Are you sure that's his point?
Yea? Can you fucking read? Also, why in the actual fuck are you in the grrm general if you’re just going to seethe and be pissy about something you’re clearly not all that grateful for?

>> No.23481738

The man was fine with the changes to his own content, whatever. There’s a limit to creative interpretations, and you’re a dolt if you can’t see that.

>> No.23481752

You seem extra retarded and defensive for no reason. I can still enjoy the story and even like GRRM and make fun of him for his dumb decisions and takes you know.
He doesn't seem fine with it now does he. Maybe he should have known better and finished the books before making everyone stomach that abomination of a show.

>> No.23481775

You can’t into nuance. Sad!

>> No.23481777

those were bad too

>> No.23481787

How so?

>> No.23481859

>muh nuance

You’re a fucking faggot dude.

>> No.23482008

She'll go to Vaes Dothrak, that's all.
There's nothing in Asshai you can't learn from Bran.

>> No.23482392
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this guys put into words what i ve been thinking for weeks
do you think winds is coming after hotd s2???

>> No.23482404

>Guys are going to get winds after this season?

People said the same thing after S1 dude.

>> No.23482405

At the end of 2023, Martin said he was having trouble with the book, that he hadn't written anything that year.
If he had made progress, if he was close to the end, he would have happily announced it.

>> No.23482407

the wait has turned many into schizos. sad!

>> No.23482409

>do you think winds is coming after hotd s2???

And frankly, I get some morbid satisfaction from the idea that the last we ever see of Dany from Martin's pen will forever be the infamous scene of her shitting herself to death. In a twisted way it's just about the perfect place to leave the unfinished work hanging.

>> No.23482494

Only on book 1. Already bored of dannys chapters.

>> No.23482780
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On my first reading of the five books, I skipped every Dany chapter. Heck, I didn't read a single Essos chapter outside Braavos until Tyrion got there. You won't really miss much by skipping Dany. You can always go back and read her chapters by themselves.

>> No.23482896

Besides her visions, is there really much difference from the show? Other than georges cunny posting

>> No.23483052
File: 424 KB, 1546x1543, 1716630878888366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy an ad

>> No.23483068

Nah I honestly thought at the beginning of the year we'd have it before the start of House of Dragons but it's just over. Especially with George talking about how he's lost in the sauce world building Essos shit recently.

>> No.23483376

I'm not watching the video but i too think TWOW will be out soon
Also buy an ad nigger

>> No.23483406

I've been reading the books since I was a kid. Waiting for Winds has become a part of me.

>> No.23483936

Nah. I gave up waiting on WoW last year. If it comes, great. But it really probably won't.

>> No.23484228

the same that would've happened had Rhaegar been the one who killed him - Targs won, Ned would've probably been spared had he not died in battle, Twyin would support Targs, Stannis is forgiven, Rhaegar takes over the kingdom deposing his father, the realm would enter an age of relative peace and prosperity, Rhaegar possibly brings Lyanna and Jon into court (possible tensions with the Martells), grooms Jon and Aegon as princes and something something prophecy of the Prince that was Promised

but honestly there's no way Jaime would've defeated Robert
in figthing abillities Robert in his prime was the setting's Conan, he could kill the Mountain in single combat

>> No.23484311

how do you give up?
i heard so many people who say that
but i just don t get it, how do you come to terms that winds won t come out and are ok with it
whenever i hear the words winds of winter, i feel sad and wish it were out by now
i just can t understand how one can be at peace that george won t finish the series

>> No.23484365

What is stopping this man from finishing/publishing his next work? Does he really have writer's block, or has he just quietly retired without officially announcing it?

>> No.23484435

What's with Australians and making videos about ASOIAF

>> No.23484515

Okay so
>on a blog he says he'll hope to have more Dunk & Egg done by the time the series catches up
>says he'll only write those after WoW
So... Winds confirmed in the next couple of years?
No! You foolish child.

>> No.23484526

>be GRRM
>it's 1985
>Hmm, today I will write a novel about Jack the Ripper
>ffw to 2015
>Yes I'm going to finish it
>be GRRM
>it's 1996
>Yeah, this Avalon novel really isn't going anywhere... let's drop it
And then you wonder why it is that Winds of Winter fails to materialize?

>> No.23484569

I'm not okay with it, but after 13+ years of waiting for it, you just move on. I'll 100% read the book if it comes out but I've accepted we're never getting it. And even if we did I think it's going to be a massive disappointment because it's going to focus far more on the world than progressing the plot.

>> No.23484593

>alt shift x
>eldric stoneskin
>that one guy who voices certain iconic scenes
Anybody else?

>> No.23484886

>I'll 100% read the book
It better have a banger of an opener or I'll drop it. No patience for the fat man.

>> No.23484901

Was droggos wound actually poisoned or did the goat woman just take credit?

>> No.23484942

Infections happen.

>> No.23484998

What's Arianne's IQ?

>> No.23485053

the worldcon thing is the only real possibility and that is pure cope anyway

>> No.23485067

What is the smallest change that would have the biggest impact on the main story?

>> No.23485074

>Infections happen.
Reminds me of how hólmgöngur, AKA viking duels used to have a much higher than 50% fatality rate. I could swear I read a saga about two dudes fighting such a duel to a stalemate, retiring amicably, then both succumbing to their wounds.
Bran doesn't fall victim to the amnesia trope.

>> No.23485090

Seems more realistic at least. How tf does he have amnesia if his legs were the broken part

>> No.23485096


>> No.23485139

Between 97 and 102. You can dock her marks for being D*rnish

>> No.23485163

Which scenario would you prefer for the A Dream of Spring finale

1) Invasion of Aegon happens then invasion of Daenerys goes full batshit having her roles reversed where she becomes Robert Baratheon in this scenario and Aegon and Sansa are the equivalent of Lyanna and Rhaegar. Daenerys dies. Aegon and Sansa become king and queen after dealing wtith The Others and their Long Night Bran becomes acting as Hand from his Weirwood throne offering council and advice on how to best influence humanity. Peace and prosperity are brought to Westeros as the child of Aegon and Sansa is hailed as The Prince who Was Promised

2) The Long Night happens The Others bring desolation and destruction with them everywhere they go as they march all across Westeros. Bran manages to find safe refugee on The Isle of Faces and there is a 10,000 year time jump or something like that the war with The Others is over after signing a peace treaty things start to rebuild it seems but Westeros is still scarred from the Long Night. The last book is essentially one long Bran chapter in a stream of conscious style as he reflects on humanity and whether they can truly find peace amon all the warfare

>> No.23485379

3) Stannis burns them all

>> No.23485585

I've been thinking of the best ideas for a GOT game lately, and I've come to the decision that I'd like a 'Kingdom Come Deliverance' set in Westeros.

>> No.23485595

Why is magic so evil in this universe?
Why can’t it be static unaligned magic like math?

>> No.23485750
File: 29 KB, 375x377, bran_blood_raven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Bran chapters end at the center of Dance?
Was Gurm just lazy or has something happened to Bran, like he is too merged with the weirwoods and he lost his identity and isn t Bran anymore?
Nobody seems to talk about this.

>> No.23485765

>R + L = J, But it's kidnapping and rape.
Disprove this.

>> No.23485779

>how do you give up?
I mean, I've been coping since 2016 (remember that year when he said he was "months away" from finishing Winds?) and today we're on the same boat. I personally put my deadline of "actively hoping" to last year. If GRRM didn't announce something by the end of 2023 then I'd say fuck it. It doesn't mean I don't sometimes fall for the clickbait of "WOW announced!!" blog posts but if it hasn't come out now even after George said he was months away, it probably never will. IF it does it's probably gonna be around 2035, and that's being optimistic that GRRM lives that long.

What sucks is that there was so much potential for ASOIAF. I wish GRRM would just bite the bullet and ask for help writing and structuring his story. I wouldn't think any less of him or hold it against him. Just finish the damn books

>> No.23486276

Wouldn't we all

>> No.23486279

It takes great sacrifice. Only the evil or the desperate use it

>> No.23486302

She's a woman, it could be 140 and it wouldn't matter.

>> No.23486386
File: 1.22 MB, 3584x2391, planetos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are never going to see anything east of the bone mountains (that big ass mountain range) in the main series. i want to see further as well but it's just not going to happen.

>> No.23486415

Do Eastern Asian-looking people exist, somewhere on the map, or are they out of bounds, somewhere? The Westeros nations strike me as influenced by Europeans, and there are Middle Eastern-looking people, but, where exactly do Black and South Asian-looking people fit in? Do you think there is a Native American analogue culture somewhere even further off the map?

>> No.23486566

Blacks are in the Summer Islands. The East Asian peoples are found in the region beyond the Bone Mountains, Yi-Ti being China and the Jogos Nhai, Mongolia.

>> No.23486571
File: 977 KB, 2471x1280, yi ti and man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes they do. yi ti is supposed to be an analog to imperial china. this is yi ti and a picture of a yitish man. the cities on the bone mountains sound like some sort of indian language to me so they're probably the south asians. sothoryos is supposed to be africa (the northwest tip is so clearly egypt) but the people that live on the mainland aren't supposed to be black people, they're called brindled men, they're like ape men or neanderthals/other non homo-sapien humans that never went extinct. black people as we know them come from the summer isles and maybe the surrounding islands of sothoryos like the basilisk isles. i always interpreted everything from slaver's bay to qarth as basically the middle east and as such the people as arabs and other associated groups.
pretty sure george talked about if there are native american/a "new world" once, and he said he was unsure i think, he was definitely vague about it.

>> No.23486761

The wall of ice is the most plausible part. Large sections of antarctica are ice shelves like that. Pyke is the least plausible imo but its cool so whatever.

>> No.23486764

Yeah it would be an amazing hotspot for mercenaries.

>> No.23486768

Robert was apparently 6'5 and built like the irl mountain actor, but we have no indication that he was super skillful. It seems plausible to me a kingsguard member could have killed him. Rhaegar wasn't even naturally into combat, he just took it up one day as a matter of duty.

>> No.23486771

1. Second scenario sounds too ridiculous and honestly the others aren't interesting.

>> No.23486772

I respect it but it wouldn't really show off the setting. I mostly just want a good Total War Rome Remastered mod for it.

>> No.23486813
File: 592 KB, 1102x1210, karstark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fights in a war against the Targaryen Dynasty
>fights in a war against sea-faring rebels
>fights in a war against maybe the most powerful House
not commenting on the actual Lord Karstark story, but damn if he didn't have a point. He had been with House Stark through some real shit. Respect on that man's name

>> No.23486872

>Was Gurm just lazy

>> No.23487110
File: 146 KB, 814x923, RL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would he really utter her name as he was dying if it was rape? Can a woman willful enough to enter a tourney and unhorse 3 knights really be kidnapped and raped just like that? It seems more likely that she'd bite her tongue and kill herself in that scenario.

>> No.23487283

that fanart looks like a Pierre Klossowski drawing

>> No.23487372

Top 5 most unimaginative maps of all time.

>> No.23487600
File: 35 KB, 735x413, 1603428954378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate TarGAYryens

>> No.23487728

More likely sure, but we're talking crackpot theories and headcanons here and it's possible it wasn't so. I really really hate the idea of two lovers, both historical beauties and ridiculously talented plunging the realm into war, abandoning duty for love. That it ended with the prince getting his chest crushed at the trident is somewhat nice, but what really grinds my gears is that Lyanna would have her family tortured to death, and the lives of her younger brothers threatened by her true loves father, and... nothing... no attempt to return and mediate or at least force Rhaegar to. It's like they're off playing Romeo & Juliet while the world burns around them as a direct consequence of their actions.

Maybe the real subversion will be , that she realizes how badly she fucked up, wants to return, but Rhaegar focused on the prophecy, wont let her and it turns bad.

So in short, I think it's better for the narrative and world if Rhaegar is secretly a real bastard, & Lyanna a tricked child or innocent abductee.

>> No.23487918

Yi Ti to westerners:

— ‘A fabled land even in the Seven Kingdoms, Yi Ti is a large and diverse country, a realm of windswept plains and rolling hills, jungles and rain forests, deep lakes and rushing rivers and shrinking inland seas. Its legendary wealth is such as to allow its princes to live in houses of solid gold and dine on sweetmeats powdered with pearls and jade.’

Casterly Rock to easterners:

— ‘The veins of ore run wide and deep, and there are mines, even now, that have been delved for a thousand years and more and are yet to be emptied. Lomas Longstrider reports that, even in far Asshai-by-the-Shadow, there were merchants who asked him if it was true that the "Lion Lord" lived in a palace of solid gold and that crofters collected a wealth of gold simply by plowing their fields.’

I’m sensing a theme of unreliability here.

>> No.23487921

anyone have martin chad face template?

>> No.23487928

Solid gold? Yeah, no, probably gilded, not solid. Can hardly trust accounts of Yi-Ti.

>> No.23487944

The east likely isn’t -as- fantastical as it is made out to be, realistically speaking, but still fantastic.

So too, a lot of the myth surrounding the eastern parts of this world are often nods and homages to other authors’ works.

>> No.23488209
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>> No.23488225
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Not finishing your series is subverting expectations on the highest level.

>> No.23488231

Dont worry guys. He is waiting for me to finish catching up. Im almost done with book one

>> No.23488269
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It's time to let it go. Screenwriting was always his first love and now he's gone back to it.

>> No.23488535

I don't even want him to finish the series.
Whatever he will come up with will fall FAAR below the built up expectations.

>> No.23488744

bran is the hardest character to write he says. so he probably got lost in the sauce after that. first 2 books have 7 bran chapters each. 4 in a storm of swords, none in feast and 3 in dance. Gurm is stalling, probably because bran is too close to the end of his story compared to the other characters, and since he doesn't enjoy writing him as much, bran doesn't get filler chapters like some other characters

>> No.23488759

Remember when Ned thinks to himself that he doubts Rhaegar frequents brothels? A rapist would probably frequent brothels.

>> No.23488895

I want an Other wife and I want one now

>> No.23489039
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Bloated and unfinished.

>> No.23489133

This is my fear as well. Although how far below expectations is debatable. I think it will be good enough to not taint what's come before so I still want it.
I'm not saying he got cuntstruck and needed a release, that he's gash mad, I'm saying he's a sociopath who's obsessed with prophecy. He wears a cloak of respectability, but he's a sociopath. Why did he pick up a sword and study at combat? Because a book told him he had to. He's a fraud. He no doubt seduced her at first, but then imprisoned her in his tower of rape, the filth.

>> No.23489160

It’s not supposed to be accurate and a satellite view image would look different.

>> No.23489189

but enough about your mother

>> No.23489321

>Robb was a kinslayer, albeit a somewhat distant one.
Kinslaying refers to murder. Just execution does not invoke the taboo, having to execute your own kin frequently was a source of sympathy.

>> No.23490071

Are we sure Sansa is the female self insert? Because the amount of wank Daenerys gets on Elon Musk's website is insane.

>> No.23491110

No but seriously though, what's taking so long?

>> No.23491133

>too old
>had to rewrite
>lost interest
>writer's block
>dead for years
>done but refuses to release it
Take your pick

>> No.23491429

Stockholm syndrome.
I'm sure Persephone also grew to "love" Hades.

>> No.23491510

>done but refuses to release it
This one's interesting to me, I've heard it before but it doesn't hold any water to me after GOT finished.

>> No.23491558

Most likely a combination of writer's block and the sheer complexity of all the intra-personal relationships that he has to keep in mind. And he's probably tired of writing about the same characters for nearly 30 years.

>> No.23492679

i like the cut of your jib

what's your favourite westerosi region and people?
for me its dorne and stormlanders respectively

>> No.23492939

what's the deal with the stormlanders anyway? they don't seem especially distinct from the resteros of westeros. Dorne, the Iron Islands and the North have a distinct culture Riverlands,Stormlands,Westerlands,Crownlands, the Vale and the reach all seem to share the same generic culture.

>> No.23494132

What was the point of sacking King's Landing?

>> No.23494149

It doesn't look any worse than irl asia desu.

>> No.23494156

The biggest factor is all the popularity he got from TV projects and stuff. It's pulled him away from writing many many times.
Apart from that it's also just hard to write, there are a shitload of interweaving plotlines to tie together. By the end of WoW we probably have to be dealing with maybe 1/3 of the total narratives we're dealing with now at most.
He's also rewritten many hundreds of pages that he was unhappy with. In total page count he's probably finished winds twice now.

>> No.23494199
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this is know world in asoiaf....
finish it! draw something beyond!!

>> No.23494211

I want an Other boyfriend and I want one now

>> No.23494212
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>> No.23494223

Even if he does he won't finish Dream in time and if he does it turns out he will need yet another book, and I guarantee you he will not finish that in time.

>> No.23494225

For me it's da norf since it's so intertwined with fascinating lore like greensight, skinchanging, weirwoods/old gods and the long night. Also the culture of oldheads walking out into the snow to 'hunt' once winter comes so there's less mouths to feed is very endearing and selfless.

>> No.23494537

Magic is a sick pedophilic fuck, coveting the sacrifice of babies, and names like ‘CHILDREN of the forest’ are no coincidence!

>> No.23494738

Any predictions on who will be chosen to finish the series when the fat man dies?

>> No.23494749

No one. Martin isn't Robert Jordan, he cannot be replaced by another Mormon nerd.
Daniel Abraham

>> No.23494753

Martin's style is easy to imitate. I bet I could write a solid conclusion if I had access to his notes, outlines and advice from his editors.

>> No.23494937
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>> No.23495586

If that happens, the entire thing is dead. Only the promise of Winds and the conclusion keeps the interest going.

>> No.23495613

Here's my two crackpots

The Corpse Queen who seduced 13th Lord Commander is in prison underneath Winterfell. Ramsey sacking Winterfell was the final seal to be broken allowing her to be free and she is actually The Hooded Man who Theon sees walking around Winterfell.

Craster's kids were actually sacrifices to The Wall. The Others and the Watch had an agreement somewhere down the line but terms and conditions wound up being lost to time. No more children being sacrificed to strengthen the wall guess what will happen? The Wall needs to come down at some point in the last two books and I think this will be bthe big contributing factor. We haven't seen what the consequences of The Others not recieiving Craster's kids will be but I think this will be it. Sam will also be a contributing factor in The Wall coming down, he will see Euron getting ready to sack Old Town and blow the horn out of desperation to warn people but out of irony it will be what brings the wall down allowing The Others to march south.

I also want to know why the only Other female we've seen has been in one of Old Nan's tales while we've only seen males in the present.

>> No.23495675
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>> No.23496155

No living writer could pull it off anyway. Plus Martin has said he won't allow it to happen.

>> No.23496218

>he won't allow it to happen.
Did he say he'd at least release the notes then?

>> No.23496222


>> No.23496272

Yes, he gave his editors the basic outline and notes, basically all we'll get is 3 to 30 pages of "Then Euron dies like in the tv show and actually it's just the tv show verbatim and that's why I didn't finish it."

>> No.23496674

all things considered regarding the show, at least the soundtrack was goated

>> No.23496683

He’s wrote 1 book of the series in what, 30 years? He clearly isn’t interested in it anymore. Probably lots of guys in their 20’s on this site. You won’t have the same passion for certain things when you’re in your 50’s. Just let the series go

>> No.23496694

Come on anon, it's been only since 2017 when his last spin-off book came out.

>> No.23496995

Fire and Blood was 2018. It's only been six years...

>> No.23497069
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>> No.23497077

My sides

>> No.23497934

What do you think The Other Queen's pussy was like when the Lord Commander stuck his warm and hard cock into it

>> No.23498067

Slick and cold, tight as ice, but not to the point of impenetrability. No matter how many times you thrust, her interior remains the same temperature, mostly. Post-nut clarity consists of you losing a bit of your soul. A little death.

Do you want me to describe what it’s like to suck off a male Other now? No, it does not lead to brain freeze.

>> No.23498176

Fucking hell George, this is what you spend your time thinking about?

>> No.23498355
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do you think essos is connected to north?
it would make sense cuz there was "others" in yi ti long night...

>> No.23498436

No it’s not according to George. We know there are forms of magic that mimic other forms of magic, abroad. So… they likely had their own variants.

>> No.23498507

I hope we will see FULL map of planetos.
btw what a stupid name,, planetos

>> No.23498541

I just finished a dance with dragons. He's never going to finish the rest of the series, is he?

>> No.23499214

The ride never ends and more people still choose to get in the trolley.

>> No.23499511

Fat piece of shit sold his soul to Hollywood. ASOIAF is now a cinematic universe.

>> No.23499726

>do you think essos is connected to north?
Martin said no
>it would make sense cuz there was "others" in yi ti long night...
The Others weren't in Essos

>> No.23500236

>Implying he had a soul

>> No.23500777

Planetos isn’t an official name, it was coined by the fans.

George has said before that Westeros would look much different under a satellite view.

The ‘world map’ that so many make fun of? It’s intentionally supposed to look silly. The idiots don’t realise that.

>> No.23501462

>From a smoking tower, a great stone beast took wing, breathing shadow fire.


>> No.23501475

You just KNOW

>> No.23502486

What are the chances he'll die before finishing?

>> No.23502754


>> No.23502805

How attractive do you picture Jon Snow to be in the books? I always thought he was too attractive in the show.

>> No.23502814 [DELETED] 
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Has anyone played the board game? I've been told it's pretty good.

>> No.23502820 [DELETED] 

I think his hair is too curly in the show. Looks feminine. He also doesn't have the long horse face of the Stark. Too much of a gay pretty boy.

>> No.23502952
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Like an 8/10 at least. Val, Melisandre and Alys all want to sex him and he makes Shireen blush.
He was mistaken for being one of Tormund's daughters at one point so I think he is supposed to be somewhat twinky. I agree that Kit wasn't a very good casting choice though.

>> No.23502965

Night gathers, and now my boycott begins. It shall not end until TWOW's release. I shall watch no spinoff, read no cookbook, buy no calendar. I shall wear no tinfoil and create no theories. I shall live and die abstaining from ASOIAF. I am the cynic in the thread. I am the naysayer on the webs. I am the siren that puts GRRM on fraud alert, the detractor that supports no HBO endeavor, the shield that guards new readers from disappointment. I pledge my life and honor to hating this fat fuck, for this night and all the nights to come.

>> No.23502991

Not bad anon. I think the fat fuck would get a laugh out of this.

>> No.23503016

Yes. It's pretty solid, the hidden actions and reveals work with very well with the theme.

>> No.23503110
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Larys is basically Varys.

Even ignoring the names, they both have a disability that they are known for.

They both serve as master of whisperers.

They both send a king into hiding (Aegon II and Aegon VI) to one day come back and retake King's Landing. Larys and Varys both remain hidden in King's Landing throughout the duration of enemy occupation. They both ferment chaos in KL (Larys is behind the riots that force Rhaenyra out and Varys kills all the competent Lannisters during the Sparrow crisis, brings Cersei back into play, and stokes the Tyrell v. Lannister conflict).

They are both behind the death of a hand (Lyonel Strong and Kevan Lannister (You can also attribute Tywin's death partially to Varys in the books). Larys is a confessor, and Varys doubles as a jailer.

If you want to get real crazy with it, Larys is probably cheese in the books btw. How is Larys, who is portrayed as ultra competent, unable to get a shred of information on cheese? Larys is a confessor who is proven to know all the secret tunnels. Varys also was a master of disguise and knew the secret pathways as well. He was able to kill Pycelle and Kevan due to that. It isn't a leap in the slightest.

Sorry to spoil the books for you all, but Varys poisons Aegon VI by the end of the story. The Varys poisoning Dany story in the show was basically taken and attributed to Dany. JonCon will burn King's Landing, and this is what will force Varys to turn against Aegon.

>> No.23503279

i started a game of thrones in mandarin and its filled with so many bullshit over the top descriptive words that i gotta look up making it hard to read. but im gonna continue cus im killing two birds with one stone, or as the chinese say, killing two houseflys with one swat.

>> No.23503699

in the chinese version, the mountain doesn't burn the hound because he's insane, but because he was mistook him for lunch

>> No.23503703
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how often does george attend worldcon? does he go yearly or is this his first time in a while?

>> No.23503822
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>> No.23503824

imagine ever not pirating the books and the shows and imagine ever spending money on some dumbass calendars

>> No.23503924
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>> No.23503992

Am I that out of touch? No, it's the commoners who are wrong.

>> No.23504020

Good except for the mystery meat in the middle.

>> No.23504398

/v/ is losing it over the Elden Ring DLC lore, and they are truly, TRULY pissed.

Is this a taste of what it will be like when the Winds of Winter finally reaches us?

>> No.23504421

Why are they pissed?

>> No.23504459

Furst time in a while

>> No.23504479
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I think when people get their hands on Winds of Winter it'll be over for GRRM. People are expecting a book that will set up end game scenarios for the story when what we're going to get is a gigantic snail pace book that fleshes out the world, particularly in Essos which no even remotely gives a fuck about

>> No.23504543


>> No.23504625

She's Dornish, this isn't a race flip

Moreover she's 5'11" so not really "Too Tall"

>> No.23504683

the dornish aren't sub-saharanid, so it is technically a race flip. the dornish are europid race, ranging from nordid to orientalid depending on subtype. the most correct race to play them would be whites, meds, middle easterners or south asians.
that being said, if they retcon her to have had a summer islander or naathi mother, it'll be fine. though i doubt they will do that as that would be too logical of a decision

>> No.23504701

No, they’re expecting his book to prove their retarded theories right, and will hate him when he does otherwise, because all the readers and “fans” are full of hubris.

>> No.23504735

Plenty of people like that as well, but the larger group of disappointment will be because of the book's content.

>> No.23504761

These things overlap.

>> No.23504770

If they overlap why are you saying no and trying to argue with me?

>> No.23504773

Can anybody point me to Liam Swayne's chatGPT Winds of Winter? It's been removed everywhere I have tried to look for it.

>> No.23504815
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We are going home everyone

>> No.23504819
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um windcels??

>> No.23504827


>> No.23504832


>> No.23504914

They think George considers TWOW to be work worth doing.

>> No.23504960

i wonder if they left in the puppy-eating, child enslaving nature of the ghiscari or replaced it with something that would actually be considered foreign and offputting to a chinese audience?

>> No.23504984

Because fans don’t care about what George wrote they only care about what they think he wrote.

>> No.23505033

Some fans think Martin is hinting that Winds is nearing completion
>Words of Wisdom = WoW
>"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." = satisfaction at work done well
>Tags: life and death, writing
An interesting theory I've seen is based on a rumour about the original manuscript for Winds was a mess and had to be completely rewritten, doubling the amount of time it took to write. If he's writing at the same pace he did for Dance then it'd take about 12 years to come out, more if he was having trouble and considering the size of the book. There were some other things about Dunk and Egg but I cant remember. The point is that some fans think he's teasing a late 2024 or 2025 release.
I'm not getting my hopes up though. I think the fandom's gotten too good at theorycrafting.

>> No.23505080


Varys is Euron

Both have five letters in their name

Varys was the first one to mention and hint at Euron's arrival in the books by name dropping him at the meeting

Varys and Euron are the only two who employ tongueless people at their services with Varys it is the Little Birds but with Euron it is crewmates on The Silence. Maybe Little Birds grow up and graduate go to work on the ship?

Both Euron and Varys are known for being master of disguises

Varys has possibly been theorized to be a merperson or a merfolk or some other half fish and half human Lovecraftian creature. House Greyjoy have a strong influence from HP Lovecraft. There is a legend of House Greyjoy taking a mermaid for a wife, Varys has once said you would be surprised at the results of him being thrown in the water possibly hinting at his true nature as a merfolk.

Littlefinger's ship is called The Merling King. Maybe Littlefinger worked out by accident who Vary's true identity was and what his goal is by claiming he has him completely under his thumb. Exposing his secret to the public would ruin him


I think GRRM is done with The Winds of Winter going back the last two WOW posts and what you have speculated. A little grim but I also think he might've gotten news lately regarding his own mortality especailly how he's been reflecting on death of fellow writers

>> No.23505098

Fuck you man. I don't see how the parallels are not completely obvious.

>> No.23505162

You're missing the bigger picture
>Larys is basically Varys
Larys IS Varys. His ghost haunts the world still.

>> No.23505937

Why aren't people more excited? Worldcon announcement seems very possible.

>> No.23506004

>Tansell too Dark. But she was not too dark for me.

>> No.23506109

>Why aren't people more excited?
Remember when the fat fuck swore if the book wasn't finished by the end of the year, his fans had permission to lock him into a cabin on a remote island? That was five fucking years ago.

>> No.23506146


Is that video true? Is Jon really not a great and honorable warrior in the books but just a mere politician?

>> No.23506150


>> No.23506226

The cope that refuses to die.

>> No.23506439

It's okay, anons. I also went through my stages of grief. Bargaining is a hell of a drug.

>> No.23506444
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>ruins your television

>> No.23506449

Why are they pissy?

>> No.23506456

>Why aren't people more excited?
Because we've accepted the harsh reality that we might never get Winds in this lifetime.

>> No.23506466

Do people like this really exist? Are these the people that have ruined everything? I just cannot fathom that somebody cares that much about such a trivial non-issue

>> No.23506530

what an absolute fag lmao. not a single tear shed for poor pedro trying to get representation for his chilean people

>> No.23507447

eurogamer gave it a 3/5

>> No.23507617

update: i gave up. too many lookups. does anyone else have experience in game of thrones translations being incredibly verbose? when i read game of thrones in english i didnt feel like it was at all, but maybe im remembering hedge knight more

>> No.23507680

The dornish are spaniards

>> No.23507803

Remember when GRRM was asked which character he would like to go on a date with from the books and he said Dany because she's hot? Pedo Peter ass nigga

>> No.23507952
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Too old.

>> No.23507971

House Peake=Mervyn Peake
House Jordaye=Robert Jordan
House Blackwood=Algernon Blackwood
House Vance=Jack Vance

What other Houses were inspired by author's names? I guess you could lump in Hightower with being another nod to Robert Jordan since Hightower was the name of the ferryman in The Eye of the World.

>> No.23507979

The Tor is an area of Dorne which is named for the publishing company, and Ser Patrek that gets killed by Wun Wun is named for Patrick St. Denis who's one of George's composer friends. His shield is a blue star on a white background for the Dallas Cowboys (Patrick's favorite team) and is killed by the Giant Wun Wun for George's favorite team The New York Giants. "Wun Wun" is from one-one as the number 11 Jersey was the quarterback for the Giants.

>> No.23508008

There’s a house willum for Tad Williams

>> No.23508254


>> No.23508276

7 years to write Winds (after scrapping the first draft in 2017)

Also depending how much the cast contrasts by the end of Winds it might be a lot easier to wrap some of the plot threads up

>> No.23508789

If Martin thinks so then it's canonically cool to fuck Dany

>> No.23509566

Write your own shit NIGGER

>> No.23509777
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it was nice of george to homage TW by ripping off swathes of MS&T and becoming wildly successful from what is essentially the same concept but with more rape and murder

>> No.23510013

Saera deserved what was coming to her. Feel bad for Daella and Vissera though...

>> No.23510081

>feeling bad for targshits


>> No.23510250

Moment she mentioned she wanted to be like Maegor she sealed her fate.

>> No.23510297
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>> No.23510354

Fucking everyone in the known world is diferent shades of caucasian, the best he's got are ghiscari mutts who are pretty disgusting all things considered and this nigger here is not only saying the world is super diverse but crying about muh poc. Its rare to find a halfwit you want to cross the screen and strangle but here i am wishing i could.

>> No.23510420
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Who's going to do the Winds audiobook in abscence of the old codger Dotrice? Harry Lloyd is the obvious shoe-in but he can't do voices near as well (at least near as well as Roy did the first 3 books anyway)

>> No.23510434

It should be Lloyd, but it will be some boomer who is a friend with GRRM

>> No.23510914

Iain Glen is bretty gud too.

>> No.23510975

Even if Varys is a merman, how could Littlefinger expose him? How do you tell people this guy is Ariel's brother and have them believe you?

>> No.23511836

He makes great worlds and several good characters but this guy is intellectually spineless.
>Deletes peoples comments
Instant indication of a brainlet who cant handle others opinions

>> No.23511902

Gurm wrote ASOIAF as a fundamentally cynical take on fantasy. No one is coming to save you, and the world is doomed, despite the character's ideals.
To have your ideal taken by the public and embraced via the show and then the books as something to love and look forward to must have been difficult for him. He prob thinks people 'missed the point' or some other gay shit.

He also just has the personality type of starting things and never finishing them. A good organizational writer would have had everything laid out and would have kept the narrative tight. But you clearly see Gurm getting carried away as he keeps adding new POV characters while the rest (eg Dany in slaver's bay) get stalled out

>> No.23511936
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>> No.23512179

What are the possibilities Brandon has some bastards hidden away somewhere and Manderly potentially could use them as a trump card if the plan to bring back Rickon fails? The guy was pretty fucking amourus then again if Rickon is found and the Brandon bastards are legitamized then this maybe could potentially kick start a Dances with Wolves if the north actually becomes independant at the end of the story. The whole scenary could be like Manderly doing his own fake Aegon but the ice equivalent if he does have a cache of hidden "Stark bastards" somewhere.


Good point. Maybe tie him to the prow of his ship or reveal his genitals to witnesses . There has to be something Littlefinger or someone else could use to expose Varys for who he really is I think Arya will probably have a hand since she saw him come up from the well with uncanny swimming abilities back in AGOT

>> No.23512241

"They've made our daughter a whore."

"She always was."

Ice-cold, Jaehaerys...

>> No.23512865

I started reading these years ago but just never caught up because I knew it was gonna be a long wait. I was on George's wild ride the whole time.

>> No.23513154

I don't know what any of these abbreviations mean

>> No.23513443

Why does Dark Sister always beat Blackfyre? It isn't fair bros...

>> No.23513466

I've ways wondered why they didn't branch out into video games when shit like Elder Scrolls and Dark Souls were popular around the time the show premiered

>> No.23513493

I talked to gsteff, and apparently there were several failed attempts to launch ASOIAF video games. Expect to see a post about that several months from now because he is so slow.

>> No.23514482

I remember hearing this rumour, i have no idea whether it's actually true or not, but around 2011-2012 when skyrim released people were noticing that there were quite a few references to asoiaf and this rumour sparked up that Bethesda at some point started making an asoiaf game but scrapped it early on, using the few characters they made on skyrim instead. probably not true, but this was the talk around me back then and it was a pretty popular rumour.

>> No.23514763

I also don't share your confidence in bobby
jaime says prime bobby was stronger than him, but he also says he can beat the big boys with speed and skill
we'll never know, granted, but bobby's most notable kill was rhaegar, who wasn't really that great of a fighter

>> No.23514774
File: 1003 KB, 729x735, doesnt look rapey to me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23514775



they tried. the rpg is supposedly decent, mainly due to strong writing, which makes sense since GRRM worked on it.

>> No.23514778

whats wrong with pyke?

>> No.23514797

euron is going to blow the horn from the top of the high tower

>> No.23514982

he doesnt know about the squishers, he's ignorant of yeen

>> No.23515120
File: 108 KB, 1032x602, Strong_belwas_featuring_spoilers_by_sir_heartsalot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's gonna blow me on the high tower if you catch my drift. i'm gonna make that smiling eye cry as i rape his boipussy in front of his whole mute crew. he's gonna be praying at the sound of my name in his ears, he's gonna be pulling on his manhood at the sight of mine. edgy little cutie i'll make him my whore then toss him to the horses for some cavern expansion. and when i'm done, i'll make him beg to eat my excrement, all this and more i vow to you

>> No.23515129
File: 69 KB, 264x412, Rapegar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsure whose point you're proving.

>> No.23515141
File: 136 KB, 1080x1080, Tim_Durning_Azor_Ahai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

place your bets. who will be next azor ahai?

>> No.23515162

There never was an Azor Ahai

>> No.23515184

You mean after Dany?

>> No.23515369

red herring

>> No.23515568

You know what would be funny, if the georgie finished the books. haha. Crazy right?

>> No.23515573
File: 118 KB, 890x892, cat gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23515755

If he finishes the books I'll kill myself.

>> No.23515759

win-win situation

>> No.23516049

>>The ‘world map’ that so many make fun of? It’s intentionally supposed to look silly. The idiots don’t realise that.
Right. But considering the fat man hasn't released a world map, it's his problem.

>"N-no it's SUPPOSED to look silly! If I'd release the entire map y-you'd realise how big a doofus you are by how different it REALLY is!"
The only idiot is the man trusting GRRM.

>> No.23516079


Nah it'll be Sam ALERTING people of Euron's coming

>> No.23516270

Dany, Drogon is Lightbringer

>> No.23516593

that's because you're a dumdum


>> No.23516617
File: 87 KB, 527x175, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't people more excited? Worldcon announcement seems very possible.

Words of wisdom.


>> No.23516682

>doesnt look rapey to me.png
>that's because you're a dumdum
Sarcasm on the internet is hard to detect, and there might be people who take a picture of Rhaegar staring at Lyanna from afar and grinding his dick on a tree but not actively raping her as proof against a later abduction.

>> No.23516749
File: 340 KB, 300x462, Podrick_Payne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the anon rereading ASOIAF in POV-Order.
>Jon Snow
>Jon Con
As I read, i'm trying to imagine I've never read the series before and let the chapters give me a new impression on the narrative. So far, the prologue GoT gave the obvious spooky impression, and now Tyrion's POV has been great. I think he is probably the best character to start this POV order with since he has been involved with so many different stories
Finished Tyrion SoS, here's my thoughts:
Tyrion in SoS is largely a passive character. A lot happens around him, or he hears of things, or information gets presented in his chapters, but a decent portion of SoS takes place inside Tyrion's thoughts. The most interesting moments are anything involving Oberyn, really. As shit is going down, Oberyn spits and the reader really gets their hopes up when he invites Tyrion to Dorne as the rightful heir to Casterly Rock to come see Myrcella crowned. Someone saying to Tyrion he deserves the Rock is so cool.
We are told Tywin is such a monster to Tyrion, understandably. And yet, there is a difference between Tyrion's memories of Tywin and thoughts of his dad and what Tywin does in the scenes with Tyrion. For what it's worth, Tywin does come off as bad through his own words and actions sometimes, but honestly, Tyrion himself comes off as a bit too childish and petty. Tywin frequently makes good points that Tyrion has no answer for.
Part of the fun of this POV order is learning thr story from one anchored vantage point, and marrying Sansa then the Red Wedding were wild. Tyrion gets told he is marrying Sansa, then it happens off page. But even more, Tyrion gets summoned to the council and is told of the Red Wedding. It's all so sudden, yet fun to read.
Bronn is hilarious. It's a sad goodbye to his character. Pod too. FUCK SHAE. Shae is seriously annoying all book she just doesn't fucking get it. And tyrion is stupid for keeping her. Tyrion has too many sex scenes in this series. I dont enjoy them.

The biggest character moment may be Jaime. Tyrion gets his first scene with Jaime, and the entire three books he thinks of Jaime rescuing him. Jaime is a figure that inspires Tyrion. Then Jaime just appears to literally save the day, and he lost his hand somehow. Tyrion quips at him, so Jaime trolls him back, saying "actually yeah youre annoying enjoy getting killed." It's great. The Tysha reveal felt a bit forced, like Jaime came back to save the day but also randomly admitted this about Tysha, but I understand its place in the narrative so it's fine.

Overall, great book, but Tyrion-only POV is kind of weak for SoS. The best moments are with other characters. tyrion kinda just sits around King's Landing until shit goes down.
Looking forward to finding out where whores go next book

>> No.23516832

just giving you a (You) to let you know I'm enjoying this

>> No.23516927

Can you rape somebody you love?

>> No.23516984

yeah, dumdums
thats the isle of faces and she's holding a winter rose; its a special romantic wedding getaway

>> No.23517640

watch the announcement be for some dumbass piece of shit house of the dragon bullcrap instead of winds

>> No.23517655

Surely he's not that out of touch
Surely he wouldn't go on stage to be booed

>> No.23518178

No one.

>> No.23518183

>Hey girl, you like prophesy?
>Come to my bedroom and I'll tell you all about it

>> No.23518550

I don't think there would be an explicit reveal