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23463971 No.23463971 [Reply] [Original]

How are we to conceive a state of things in which the German Folk remained, but the German Spirit had taken flight? The hardly-thinkable is closer to us than we fancy. When I defined the essence and functions of the German spirit, I kept in view a happy development of the German people's most significant attributes. But the birthplace of the German spirit is alike the basis of the German people's failings. The capacity of diving deep within, and thence observing lucidly and thoughtfully the world without, always presupposes a bent to meditation; which, in the less gifted individual, quite easily becomes a love of doing nothing, a positive phlegma. What in its happiest manifestation places us nearest the supremely gifted folk of ancient Indus, may give the mass the character of common Oriental sloth (Trägheit); nay, even that neighbouring development to utmost power can become a curse for us, by betraying us into fantastic self-complacency. That Goethe and Schiller, Mozart and Beethoven have issued from the German people's womb, far too easily tempts the bulk of middling talents to consider these great minds their own by right of birth, to persuade the mass with demagogic flatulence that they themselves are Goethes and Schillers, Mozarts and Beethovens. Nothing flatters more the bent to sloth and easygoingness, than a high opinion of oneself, an opinion that quite of oneself one is something great and needs take no sort of pains to first become it. This leaning is root German, and hence no people more requires to be flicked up and compelled to help itself, to act for itself, than the German.

>> No.23463990

on the contrary autism is alive and well

>> No.23463997

I wish it was, but as far as I can tell, Germans are still ruining Europe, so no.

>> No.23464115

Kek, this.

>> No.23464912

The German Spirit died in New Zealand

>> No.23464914

Obviously. Been dead for nearly eight decades. And they're not coming back.

>> No.23464920

The German Geist is alive and well in the Jewish people. The Jews have incredible accomplishments in the arts and the sciences, they are racist against the Goyim and right now are committing a genocide against Palestinians. Germans by slaughtering Jews by the million actually transfered their autism to Jews like in the first Chucky movie

>> No.23464928

this but unironically

>> No.23464953

This is extremely awkward.

>> No.23465169

Europe is built on 1) Greek logic, 2) Roman law and 3) Christian morality. Germans are a subspecies in that they are European but dislike freedom, which in a way makes them anti-European.

>> No.23465184

Which of those three grants you freedom?

>> No.23465190

Germany is run by Israelis

>> No.23465235

Don't care

>> No.23465265

Nationalism is nonsense. Germany has only existed for 34 years, only 155 years if you are strict.
There is no Metaphysical 'spirit of Germany'. Its pure spookery

>> No.23465313

This is the German spirit btw. A bunch of brainless soulless cucks.

>> No.23465333

You think Chinese and German people are essentially the same? No national characteristics?

>> No.23465357
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Very true. The Ashkenazim have the Faustian spirit, Hitler was just as schizo

>> No.23465367

Begging the question, noice.

>> No.23466869

An Italian director of Leipzig Conservatiore and debt collector was teaching a class on Felix Mendelssohn, known painter.
“Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Mendelssohn and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”
At this moment, a free, heroic, Wagnerite who had been to Bayreuth 1500 times and understood the necessity of the artwork of the future and fully supported all death-devoted love stood up and held up a copy of the Nibelungenlied.
“How German is this saga?”
The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “not German at all, you stupid nationalist, it predates German nationalism and the German state and was only coopted as a German national poem in the 19th century.”
“Wrong. This is the spirit of the German Volk, like Bach. If it was older than Germany, as you say… then it should be written in a different language.”
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Brahms’ Symphony no 4. He stormed out of the room crying those bourgeois crocodile tears.
The students applauded and all joined the Knights of the Grail that day and accepted Siegfried as the hero who would redeem the world. Two ravens flew out of the room to a distant rock and Valhalla was seen burning in the sky as a shepherd played a joyous tune on his pipe. Schopenhauer’s World as Will and Representation was read several times, and King Ludwig II himself showed up and funded their artistic projects indefinitely.
The director lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He got cucked by the very composer he was conducting for and was dragged deep into the Rhine for all eternity.
Höchsten Heiles Wunder!
Erlösung dem Erlöser!

>> No.23467064

The German Geist is all about following orders. Sometimes it's Nazis or Prussian statemen giving orders, other times it's Americans.

>> No.23467080

German Israelis. Wholly germanized in their thought. Even the Orthodox Jewish god has not survived Krautification unscathed

>> No.23467084

Chinks have been around for much longer than the Germans. I would even classify them as an elder race. Not unlike the Jews

>> No.23467289

Germans have literally been sitting on their same plot of land for thousands of years.

>> No.23467303


>> No.23467328

>That Goethe and Schiller, Mozart and Beethoven have issued from the German people's womb, far too easily tempts the bulk of middling talents to consider these great minds their own by right of birth, to persuade the mass with demagogic flatulence that they themselves are Goethes and Schillers, Mozarts and Beethovens.
I have pointed this out to [predominantly] white racists of all kinds in my own words. You cannot derive value from your betters, parasites. Superiority is of the individual. That is not to say, however, that an ethnos unified by culture has no essential quality. As for the "German spirit," it was never anything of great importance until Christ came along. Europe WILL fall if it continues to imagine that whiteness, Germaness, or anything, but Christ and God's will rose it up in the first place. Even Rome was permitted it's conquest that the Gospel might reach the world so much the quicker. When whites were Christ's champion, they were the world's as well. Now, they are reverting to a more barbarous barbarism than the pagans of antiquity and will therefore squabble with nations the world over to have a place, or else, repent. And to any nations which wish to secure their future, turn to Christ in earnest, and let the culture of Scripture permeate your people's hearts to the root. You will be an insurmountable force in the world.

>> No.23467329

>Its pure spookery
Said the guy who thinks shared culture and language within a landmass begins with a name and ends with it.

>> No.23467338

More question begging. Please make an effort in your replies, this isn't pol!
Your first task will be to reify the late victorian fantasies of 'race' and 'nation'

>> No.23467350

War isn't a victorian fantasy, it's a reality.
I implore you to live somewhere surrounded by tribes out to rape you, retard

>> No.23467356
File: 155 KB, 800x1236, Emperor_Franz_Joseph_I_of_Austria_Sept._2006_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mozart and Beethoven are both Austrian. And on that note, one thing that must always be kept in mind about the German is that he was forged in the shadow of Austria-Hungary. The "German Spirit" is a spirit of striving and clawing after status, power, and respect, hence their intense work ethic and autistic attention to detail. They are this way because they have always craved what their superiors to the east naturally possessed. Remember, the German word for Austria is "Osterreich," literally "Eastern Empire." The German knows the Austrian is his better and the whole country of Germany exists in a desperate striving against that inevitable fact. The Land of the Habsburgs stamped an inferiority complex upon the German that is an integral part of their "spirit," and which persists even today.

>> No.23467405

>Mozart mentioning German pride regularly in Letters
>Beethoven growing Up in Bonn

>> No.23467417

>War isn't a victorian fantasy, it's a reality.
nta but he said race and nation, not war

>> No.23467481

You go much too far. If you're denying the very possibility to recognise certain traits among a people that makes them more capable at this or that, and that that capability has only ever arisen from conversion to and support of Christianity, then you're literally insane and are willfully blinding yourself for no reason. There's nothing Christian about denying reality; you don't need to deny reality to affirm God's omnipresence in history.

>> No.23467516
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The indigenous Austrian, after the removal of every trace of German Protestantism, had been brought up in the school of Roman Jesuits and had even lost the correct pronunciation for his language; he now heard it, like the classical names of the ancient world, only mangled in an un-German, Romanised way. German spirit, German style and custom, were taught from textbooks of Italian and Spanish provenance. Thus a people, by nature cheerful and jolly, had been educated on the basis of bogus history, science and religion into a scepticism calculated to suppress the true, genuine and free; a scepticism which manifested itself as real frivolity.
This was the same spirit which had given to the art of music, the only art cultivated in Austria, the lowly status of which we have already considered. We saw how Beethoven used his powerful natural disposition to protect himself against this tendency, and we can now see the same strength in him powerfully serving as guard against any inclination towards frivolity in his life or his spirit. Although he was baptised and brought up as a Catholic, the whole spirit of German Protestantism lived in him through these beliefs. This spirit led him as an artist in turn on a path where he was to meet the only soulmate to whom he could bow in awe and whom he could absorb as the revelation of the deepest secret of his own nature. If Haydn was considered as the leader of the youth, the great Sebastian Bach guided the unfolding artistic life of the man.

>> No.23467570

You are reifying remixed Hegelianism.

>> No.23467640

This is one of the stupidest comments I've ever read on this board. Every single sentence is retarded. I'm not sure what kind of deep resentment can trigger this kind of fantasy, but it's certainly beyond mending. KYS today and do yourself and mankind a service.

>> No.23467698

This sentence changes dramatically if this is a typo

>> No.23467736

Kek and saved.

>> No.23468800

Is it retard month or something?

>> No.23469264
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This is the reason your people were thrown in to ovens and nobody gave a rat shit.