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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 638 KB, 1464x1817, Jim Croce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23467336 No.23467336 [Reply] [Original]

Croce edition.

Previous: >>23465217

>> No.23467339

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.23467347

You are the only social interaction I get.

>> No.23467348

Brb /wwoym/ gonna reheat spaghetti

>> No.23467366
File: 197 KB, 550x535, 1665044656484105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have decided I despise my political enemies enough to want war with them. I think my dislike of my foes has reached the level that I am willing to bring upon myself and others the devastation of war, out of a desire to see those foes and their own ambitions wiped from the world.

>> No.23467367

games whack without me

>> No.23467369

Imagine caring about politics.

>> No.23467388


>> No.23467422

I think I have to accept the fact that my friends are slowly distancing themselves from me.

>> No.23467429

Why would they do that?

>> No.23467434

I honestly don't know. Maybe I've gotten boring over time, I don't know. All I know is that we used to text each other all the time, there would never be a long wait between each reply, but nowadays I'm lucky to get two replies in a day. It's not like their circumstances have changed either, they're still living the same lives they were when we would text all the time.

>> No.23467450

I'm not saying this to be mean but are you a loser? Just objectively speaking. As we get older if you're the loser of the group people tend to walk away

>> No.23467468

>I'm not saying this to be mean but are you a loser? Just objectively speaking.
I am.

>> No.23467476

Yeah. Expect it to grow worse. Accept it. Appreciate the ones who still give you time. Try to stop being a loser, but if it never happens, accept that people will move on and appreciate the ones who stick by you. Leave them room for their lives.

>> No.23467484
File: 145 KB, 1080x754, Screenshot_20240608_020829_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate DHL so much. I hate them so much in fact that every once in a while I will send them an excoriating message, such as picrel which I sent just now. I encourage you all to to the same.

>> No.23467489

I can't imagine how it can get any worse, but I'll keep it in mind.

>> No.23467525

I see your picture and all I hear is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT14Bl3NbEU
My national postal service is currently fucking me over, but DHL is the only company where some stranger who found my package where they dumped it wound up being my delivery service. Twice.

>> No.23467536

The problem with modern literature is that the people who take a pen in their hand most often are the types of people whose greatest potential contribution to world literature would be to never write a single word on a paper - their only potential contribution to its betterment would be their lifelong absence from it.

>> No.23467547

So who should write modern literature then?

>> No.23467548

The intelligence agencies have raped your mind.

>> No.23467549

the geniuses of us that will never write

>> No.23467550

People with something interesting to say? People with talent? Radical idea, I know. Or maybe we could keep hoping that us doubling and doubling and doubling down on being contraselective will eventually loop around to literature being good again, like a cartoon where a character walks out of frame on one side of the screen only to come out on the other again.

>> No.23467552

Nah, from a philological standpoint, as many of you retards should try spelling words you don't know well as often as possible, and it'll all work out well for the aliens who find our smouldering ruins

>> No.23467557

...is this a bot?

>> No.23467561

I hate death. I resent it. I wish to defy it, neither the futility of that goal nor the potential for terrible circumstance that such things might bring.

>> No.23467565

Women are the chatGPT of the human race.

>> No.23467567

No i'm just embracing our fate bby

>> No.23467581

Many people remind me of parts of a ship shot full of holes floating aimlessly here and there on the surface of the water, too damaged and fragmentary to do anything or serve any function, but too large and solid to be broken down by nature so that they may return to the cycle of life at last.

>> No.23467583

I don't know how to appreciate things when they're given to me. A good example is the time a couple of years ago when my older brother paid a couple hundred dollars to fix his old phone and then mailed it to me as a gift and when I received it, I felt nothing. I should've been really happy, I'm still using that phone to this day, but I felt nothing inside. I said thank you and told him that I appreciated it, of course, but that wasn't genuine. I should know how to appreciate things when they're given to me, especially considering how poor I was growing up, but I just can't for some reason.

>> No.23467611

With modern literature, one often feels that the stylistic fireworks are meant to distract one from noticing the lack of substance, or even worse, that the overbearing of style on substance is a vice that the work at hand tries to reinterpret as a virtue.

>> No.23467613
File: 1.79 MB, 1243x2128, e5b5ec517c318f8c4215b58e1df0aec4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of men who only want to have sex with anime girls and egirls only is rising. What are normal women doing about this?

>> No.23467617

who cares?

>> No.23467669

For me it's not the looks of anime women that entice me, it's the personalities, real women just can't hold a candle. And it's not their fault, the sorts of personalities that anime women have just aren't realistic or common, but that's just the way it is.

>> No.23467673

And the gayest thing that I've read all day award goes to....... you!

>> No.23467677
File: 16 KB, 394x280, 551d517f731b9370d35f1ffd9cbdb2e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you could save time in a bottle
What's the first thing that you'd like to do

>> No.23467682

People write books about supposedly antediluvian perennial esoteric knowledge from before the earliest days of Sumer and then follow with "and this is why it supports the status quo".
What a gormless thing to do. You supposedly have uncovered this unfathomably ancient science of the pharaohs and all you did with it was make an argument for the Wilhelmine monarchy?
I guess it was the fashion of the moment.

>> No.23467691

Libs in the west often like to say that we have been experiencing a rightward slide in politics. But could it all be an optical illusion? Couldn't it be that rather than politics sliding right we have been in a lefty freefall and our subjective experience of a supposed rightward shift is merely our ignorance of how we have been sliding left all along? Especially considering that what passes for radical right ideas nowadays are in an almost perfect overlap with the pre-1968 moderate liberal orthodoxy, but the same can't be said about radical left ideas.

>> No.23467705

>Asked my girlfriend why she loves me.
>She said it's because I'm nice and funny.
Three years and all I've been able to accomplish is being nice and funny, any shmuck can be nice and funny.

>> No.23467711

>asked my dog why she loves me
>she said "woof"
Bros...three years and all she could say was "woof"...she should have written an essay about the philosophy of love, at the very least - I deserved, nay, I was owed that much at minimum!

>> No.23467713
File: 8 KB, 233x216, images(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Funny? Funny how?

>> No.23467732

I am a spiteful man. I am an unpleasant man. I think my liver is diseased.

>> No.23467747
File: 497 KB, 1024x576, pain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime girls are often extreamly extroverted and such women exist, its just tha irl they are either extreamly mean and bitchy or annoying and needy and insecure. Ngl I wouldn't mind the latter but often or not they aren't that emotinally intelligent either; nor genereally. It wouldn't be so demoralizing if such women understood that us men are human too.
Hey any women anons here, if you read this here's a tip, do not ever tell any man he has no heart no matter what, its one of the worst things you can tell a man, if you do you may not see the results with a naked eye but he will lose a great deal of trust to you; maybe even forever.

>> No.23467759

>not being able to read the subtext behind that one soulful noise
And that is why you fail.

>> No.23467774

One of the reasons why I haven't searched for a relationship is that the odds of my potential girlfriend getting fat and undesirable as she ages are heavily (no pun intended) stacked against me. If I could know before getting into a relationship that she wouldn't get fat, I would look for one.

>> No.23467784
File: 112 KB, 339x500, bodi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true art can tell lies but still be emotionally honest

>> No.23467814
File: 142 KB, 795x1024, Madoka (282).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love the Eternal Feminine. Kiss the Eternal Feminine on the cheeks. Hold hands with the Eternal Feminine. Hug the Eternal Feminine. Nuzzle the Eternal Feminine. Wake up in the same bed as the Eternal Feminine. Cuddle with the Eternal Feminine. Eat the Eternal Feminine's cooking. Come home to the joy of the Eternal Feminine. Drive a car with the Eternal Feminine riding shotgun. Weed the garden with the Eternal Feminine. Shop with the Eternal Feminine. Eat at a restaurant with the Eternal Feminine. Do nothing on a rainy day with the Eternal Feminine. Be a bad brooding boy and be hugged by the Eternal Feminine from behind for comfort. Write love letters to the Eternal Feminine. Buy gold as a gift for the Eternal Feminine. Overhear the Eternal Feminine murmuring in her sleep. Bring the Eternal Feminine home to mother and father. Stare at the stares with the Eternal Feminine. Discuss the real estate market with the Eternal Feminine. Lust after the Eternal Feminine. Passionately kiss the Eternal Feminine and push her onto the bed. Feel the Eternal Feminine's skin from her thigh to her pelvis. Sniff the Eternal Feminine's rich armpits. Play with the Eternal Feminine's hair up and down. Bite the Eternal Feminine's nipples. Grope the Eternal Feminine's navel region. Take off the Eternal Feminine's panties. Slobber your tongue on the Eternal Feminine's pussy. Lash the Eternal Feminine's clit with your tongue. Insert your penis in the Eternal Feminine's vagina. Copulate with the Eternal Feminine. Sense the Eternal Feminine's heartbeats even as you plunge yourself in and out of her. Quicken your pace fucking the Eternal Feminine. Give it to the Eternal Feminine rough. Wrap your hands around the Eternal Feminine's neck. Tell the Eternal Feminine to moan louder or else. Have the Eternal Feminine fail. Strangle the Eternal Feminine with a double vice grip. Sit in the afterglow by your older sister's body in vague shame as cum pours out of her dead snatch.

>> No.23467828

>horny as all hell
>can’t jack off due to a disc bulge
i am a prisoner of my own flesh and bone

>> No.23467855

Real, individual women I can get into, but the Eternal Feminine is a totem pieced together by men in their subterranean goon cave. Adoration of it can only end in wanting to dash it against the rocks of the cave wall.

>> No.23467857

My advice? Have your wife or lover apply her mouth/lips/tongue/etc to your penis until you cum.

>> No.23467877
File: 623 KB, 1253x1400, Kyouko erotic (10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's making me compulsively add more bibles I don't need onto my wishlist to hear her λόγος. Fucking stick a white hot iron into her.

>> No.23467885

Tell me if you know what I mean when I say what I'm about to say, cause surely I can't be the only one.

I think I really like Asian chicks more than every other race because they're more "rough" (for lack of a better word). Most girls of other races are more cautious and slick but Asian girls, they're just not. They're not afraid to eat the fish head soup, they're not afraid to get the whole duck from the market, they're not afraid to get down and dirty, you know what I mean? They stick to their roots and I think it's super hot. Do I sound crazy?

>> No.23467892

Office ladies wearing lipstick trying to eat ramen have made it look too easy

>> No.23467909

I don't even wanna fuck or get head, I just wanna kiss...

>> No.23467915


>> No.23467922

I read some academic articles about my faborite painting. How do they manage to make it so boring?

>> No.23467925

Because it's an article about a painting, anon.

>> No.23467931
File: 458 KB, 500x493, 1625243354413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm partially seething and partially jealous at how much time my friends can just blow away doing nothing. They're always talking about plans they have but they're never ever working towards those plans. They're always blowing their time away on vidya and tv and shit and never doing anything productive. It's like as soon as they finish work they just switch off. Like I said, I'm not sure if I'm upset that they're not trying hard enough at life. Or that they seem not to care that we're all stuck in dead-end jobs. Or if I'm just jealous that I'm not content with a 9-5 but boy, it makes me seethe when I see playing fucking Minecraft on the weekend for like 14 hours straight. I simply do not have that in me; if I'm not trying to get better, I melt down.

>> No.23467932

You should focus on getting better at punctuation, holy shit.

>> No.23467936

Always liked to go to Korean bbq with Korean girls. Just order a huge amount of fatty meat and let the soju flow.

>> No.23467938

I wish I was someone who had an exciting life. If I were to ask my father what he did when he was 17, he probably has endless stories. If you were to ask me what I did when I was 17, I'd tell you that I sat in my room and binge-watched TV shows because I was a high school dropout who had no obligations or friends.

>> No.23467941

They're the same girls who will pick meat off of bones in the middle of the restaurant, ugh, I can only get so hard.

>> No.23467970

Sexual desire is of the devil. No way a loving God would create humans with this affliction.

>> No.23467983

God created pedophiles and war criminals, he's not above creating someone with sexual desire.

>> No.23468023

i wish anon, but any movement around my core area is agonizing
also bold of you to assume i have anything other than neetdom, masturbation, and alcohol going on in my life

>> No.23468030

The cure for that is to start taking more risks.

>> No.23468034

Yeah, I know, I just don't know where to start.

>> No.23468064

Give us a list of any 5 things, hypothetically speaking ofc, you wish you could've done if you had to choose

>> No.23468075

how the hell do ppl watch tv that shit is boring af?

>> No.23468076

Uh, camping in Alaska would be cool. Going fishing with an old Japanese man in the Japanese countryside would probably be sick. Being a fire watchman would be cool. Being stuck in a diner with a bunch of strangers while it rained and thundered outside would probably be comfy. And, uh, I don't know, there's other shit, I guess, but I felt cringy enough writing those.

>> No.23468079

It's not for everyone, I guess. If you don't like it, cool, don't watch it. I like it, so I watch it.

>> No.23468094

Guess what: start with baby steps:
Learn how to camp.
Learn Japanese and get your passport.
Become a volunteer firefighter.
Take more trips, even if they're just day trips on your day off.

>> No.23468096

I hope you have an awful weekend.

>> No.23468100
File: 165 KB, 820x713, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you have a great weekend, anon. :)

>> No.23468102

you dropped out of high school and it wasn't drug related? iq issue

>> No.23468115

It was either I dropped out or I killed myself, I can tell you which one my mother preferred.

>> No.23468126

Those are based desires anon. I'm certain you can do it.

So the clear thing about you is that you have the desire for adventure, to go places, and experience things. Very based things. Like this based anon >>23468094 said, start with baby steps. Do smaller easier things that give you the confidence to pursue your larger goals

I'd say start going out more. Start hiking or running, maybe join a hiking club. Learn to camp and live off nature. It's a lovely thing.

Consider doing volunteer service abroad. English teaching or any sort of activity. Could be your way to break into Japan or Korea, etc. lots of folks go this teaching route to experience japan.

If you want to travel abroad, you can easily visit Mexico, Iceland, Scotland, Ireland, and the Caribbean. Easy to travel to and relatively affordable.

I'd say you should set yourself a goal that gets you out and about around the country. The US is a big, beautiful place and there are many adventures that await you.

You have a heart for the wild anon. Just follow it. Don't think too much, and do not be afraid. Godspeed, my friend.

>> No.23468127

People often complain about 'plot armor'.
When I posed the answer of 'have the heroes take wounds that don't kill them', they posed the counterargument that that was 'unrealistic'.
Like what the fuck?
People do know that, throughout history, most people who died from a battlefield wound died from an infection later, right?

>> No.23468144 [DELETED] 

I’m supposed to go on a date tomorrow. I haven’t gone on a date since my mental health started to get really bad at the end of 2022 and I started to isolate myself. I should probably be excited or something but honestly I’m dreading it.

>> No.23468146

I’m supposed to go on a date tomorrow. I haven’t gone on a date with anyone since my mental health started to get really bad at the end of 2022 and I started to isolate myself. I should probably be excited or something but honestly I’m dreading it.

>> No.23468167

how the fuck are these bullshit youtube ads getting through brave? i will not be watching youtube if it has ads

>> No.23468174

How are retards like you still alive.

>> No.23468191

sorry i'm not installing some shady ass plugin in chrome that probably tracks you all over the web, no sympathy when i see you on hn weeping that some malware dickhead bought that plugin you've been using for five years.

>> No.23468216

wiggers are basically sociopaths

>> No.23468225

>The newspaper-sellers looked moist and smelled mouldy; the wet ran off the hats of the orange-venders as they thrust their heads into the coach windows, and diluted the insides in a refreshing manner.
Is this sex?

>> No.23468241 [DELETED] 

ya they have adopted a completely nihilistic worldview that is kind of an extreme caricature of urban culture by way of rap music sort of like how trans women are like man's weird fantasy of a woman by way of porn

>> No.23468250

I don't like either humor or satire in literature.

>> No.23468255

I already had an sour experience today which ruined the weekend.

>> No.23468272

Going to probably watch some of the summer game fest '24 but I'm not expecting good games.

>> No.23468292

You're a disgusting mutter, a disgrace to the human species as a whole.

>> No.23468307

Two kinds of mutters: people who willingly take an inferior breed because they couldn't get any or because they didn't have the energy to take someone at their level, and people who willingly mate with those people to improve their breed.
Muttification is disgusting.

>> No.23468313

My boyfriend is going to plow my hole while I read this to him later

>> No.23468328

Ok sissie boy

>> No.23468333

ya but can they dutty wine properly? i think not.

>> No.23468347

My theory is that Europe is no longer great because all it had of great men either died in wars or moved and disappeared in the colonies: America, Africa, Asia. The proof for this is that most great Europeans of nowadays come from non-European countries. Hell, Elon Musk is from South Africa. He's a rarity though, the last generation of great Europeans is mostly mutted and their blood has passed to the negro and chinkoid species.

>> No.23468362 [DELETED] 

that's why america will always be a factor, we take anybody who's high energy

>> No.23468378

>an sour

>> No.23468382

I took a poo that looked like that once

>> No.23468388

>ask my imaginary gf why she loves me
>she says it's because I created her and compell her to

>> No.23468389

Good luck anon. Is she a qt?

>> No.23468422
File: 14 KB, 692x607, 3daf371f51940e3aaa4386e44c8eb86c-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to add just a few hundred words to a research proposal but dont know wtf I should add.
How am i supposed to do this ffs.

>> No.23468429

Unironically, chatgpt

>> No.23468433

Why do I crave so much sour food today? Lack of vitamin C?

>> No.23468455

having tulpa gf is not healthy

>> No.23468462

Saw a sparrow today

>> No.23468476

My brother was talking about this guy who's from the marketing team at his job and how he's a "genius" at making those irritating ads that stick in your head because they're irritating, I told him that kind of person should be gassed, I fucking hate marketers like that, and he reacted like I insulted his religion. My respect for my brother has been declining steadily over the years but I swear to god I wanted to call him a faggot this time. I don't understand how people can become so entrenched in this soishit consoomer mindset where they worship these fucking kikeish parasites because they're good at whipping the little serfs, I don't understand, I fucking hate looking at ads, people who make ads should all be killed in my book, how does anyone have any kind of respect for people who make ads is beyond me, it's so fucking unfathomable to me that it's almost Lovecraftian

>> No.23468491

I have something sour for you to suck

>> No.23468509

There's a grapist in this thread...

>> No.23468511

You shouldn't talk down on your brother so much. You should red-pill him about what is truly at stake when he works for capitalism. Given that he seems to work in a rather higher-up position only blue-pilled normies get filtered through, you red-pilling your brother would lead to the unassumed inflitration of a fighter into the headquarters of the enemy, and create damage to it. Potentially the destruction of a whole vorporation and thousands of people becoming unemployed.

>> No.23468532

Cool larp

>> No.23468538
File: 119 KB, 600x600, displeased kot .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it adds some words but by god I have what i want to research but just need to fill up the word count even further without bullshitting. Idk why its so difficult

>> No.23468541

This dude feels bad about bullshitting as if the institution gives a fuck about quality papers

>> No.23468543 [DELETED] 

the amorphous boundary of awareness fluctuates such that not only does the individual become anchorless should they uproot and change the coordinates of vantage, but once awareness drops away, so too does the ability to remember that which was witnessed or even how to return to it, unless breadcrumbs are left, dropped in a neat row, the voice of the self as a tool for remembrance. for this reason i wrote, and now i forget where i've put my papers, and the anchor of mortal fear has been placed elsewhere, in the fear of the lord.
i take to it (the rapturous cleansing flame) like ethyl alcohol, creeping, a stooped and fluid snake.
combust! erupt now! blow the boundaries in twain! no rest here! no comfort! and so my comforts become my penance, and so my security becomes my torture

>> No.23468550

Cool larp about what?
You think I'm larping, you little shit?
I'm 100% serious about everything I said, and if I was currently living in the West, and working in some corporation, I would be doing everything in my consciousness and power, I'd be investing 100% of my waking energy into causing as much damage to the current establishment as possible.
The libshits have destroyed not only the culture and the civilization of my ancestors, they are aiming at destroying my very people.
And I don't even care anymore about what's going to happen in the future anymore. Wether the West will go on living or wether it will rot.
All I want to, I have decided this and once I decided something there's no way back.
I want to see this pathetic excuse of a society burn in revenge.
I don't want a mere change of the political leadership, or some rather radical changes in the composition of society.
I want to blow the very foundation stones this society is standing on with dynamite.

>> No.23468568
File: 30 KB, 525x618, c15a88773fc86fd7c55c28ffe8d15877-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could take it easy and not care that much desu

>> No.23468581

You can care and then COMPLETE the thought to get over it. Does the benefit of doing this paper exceed the cost of the stress and time?
Choose to do it the difficult honorable way or the bullshit time valued way.
hint: successful people do the 2nd one daily

>> No.23468584

You won't do shit. The End.

>> No.23468603

>hint: successful people do the 2nd one daily
I didnt know this....

>> No.23468634

Is it true that Corsicans are xenophobic towards both Italians and the French and consider themselves a unique ethnic group?

>> No.23468648
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>> No.23468659

Im an non larping 32 khhv

>> No.23468663
File: 305 KB, 934x736, 1717778586601023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranch or Cool Ranch?

>> No.23468676

cant tell. never tasted either of that.

>> No.23468685

I miss my ferrets so much. I miss them so much I miss them so much. I honestly truly deeply miss them more than I can express. My insides are in torment and my heart in pieces. I miss them. I miss them to a gargantuan degree. They mean everything to me and then some. This world is a nightmare without them. What the fuck is the point of any of all this if they aren't here.
They're the best living things I've known. I want to break my fingers. What the fuck is the point of any of this. Why did I spend my time on anything else when they were alive when my time with them was so finite? Why didn't I find a different vet before it was too late? How didn't I realize?
I've failed my one purpose in life, and I don't want another purpose. I'd die before I'd take on another purpose, as that just trivializes their existence, which I don't want to do under any circumstance. I've lost my raisons d'être. My raisons d'être. I'll never recover and I don't want to, because this is a blow I never should recover from.
I didn't know this pain was possible. I thought I had experienced the worst of it a year ago.

>> No.23468686

there's no "red pilling" anyone, you either feel an instinctive disgust that you refuse to address from the earliest age, until you finally give up the preense, or you're cattle forever. Nobody gets redpilled, the color of your pill is like your sex, decided at birth

>> No.23468687

What's nice picture book of ferrets with beautiful or pretty illustrations? I collect picture books.

>> No.23468757

If someone believes society is good than he can have a personality as individual as it gets, it does not make you a mere cattle you just think society favours your presence and developpment and accordingly you accept it's laws.
That might be the case with your brother. He still has too much faith in society because said faith was never broken.

>> No.23468784

I doubt you ever actually tried to say anything negative about shit to a normalfag

>> No.23468826


>> No.23468832

What about them?

>> No.23468869

>be me
>don’t read except assigned texts in school
>im an athlete, athletes don’t read
>get to university
>test out of all English / writing courses
>still hold “jocks don’t read” meme as fact
>late 20’s
>Read No Country For Old Men
>Damn this is sick
>Decide to start reading rather than video games / Netflix / tv
>Working through /lit/ top 100
>Every book I think “damn this is literally the best book I’ve ever read”
Hey I might be late to the game, but this reading stuff is fun! I picked up Wuthering Heights on the recommendation of a buddy and it’s pretty good. I got filtered by Gravity’s Rainbow last year so I’d like to take another crack at it by the end of the year. I got Anna K as a Christmas gift a few years ago and never finished it, so I’d like to give that a go before some more McCarthy. I listened to Blood Meridian on audible but I know that doesn’t count. It’s such a slog to get through.

>> No.23468871

They are on my mind, constantly

>> No.23468877

Why the fuck would you read GR as a n00b? That's exit level. Also start with the greeks.

>> No.23468900

God gives his hardest plays to his strongest clowns.

>> No.23468913

>Michigan Indians
>art work makes them skinny/fit dudes
>grow their own tobacco and smoke it
>men hunt/farm/fish/war, women cook/sew/tan/weave. (I'm bringing this up, in comparison to modern men who sit all day and jerk off/work on glorified excel sheets)
>eat the hearts out of the enemy chief to get his war like spirit
>don't kill entire populations of animals, instead letting some live to keep the animal family alive
>hit and run warfare, and ran to live another day
A whole bunch of other stuff. The book calls them savage, but there's worst. There was no human sacrifices, just heart eating and praying to spirit to heal them, as well as underdeveloped medicine/agriculture. If the book gave detail on what warefare was like/how Indians deal with a losing tribe, I can get a better picture on whether they're savage or not. If they don't sack/rape the women, then they're not savage. Primitive superstitious hunters who never got a chance to get deep in the sciences like west? Sure. Savage? I've seen worst.
Although this book was made in the 1950s, maybe savage had a better connotation at the time than now a days. All I know is damn, they're badass, and even the book says that Michigan settlers needed the Indian's canoe and herb knowledge to settle here.
All the media does is create retarded stereotypes for people. I know a /fit/ as shit guy whose smart and plays piano: he isn't the jock, the nerd, or the band kid, he's a man with a passion to learn, like who we were back then.

>> No.23468933

What are these “hardest plays” you speak of?

>> No.23469006

Wouldn't be able to tell you, I merely reposted what somebody else wrote.

>> No.23469008

Why repost it if you don’t know what it means?

>> No.23469015

Why not?

>> No.23469018

I don't need to know exactly what the author was thinking of to be able to read the words and understand it my own way.

>> No.23469031

I would give anything to be able to drink coffee all day and just have some kind of antidote so that it doesnt make me stay up all night

>> No.23469051

Why not drink decaf or herbal teas with cream/sugar if you just enjoy the ritual?

>> No.23469064

You would probably shit yourself a lot.

>> No.23469083
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Madoka Kaname -> PMMM -> Goethe's Faust -> Gretchen -> ?

>> No.23469101

The world has too many teachers, everywhere you are asked to "learn" but you can never discuss, it's all about sitting down and "learning" from these faggots.

>> No.23469255

Can't find Clannad in the original Jap version ANYWHERE, I mean chances are one or two of the torrents I have right now are precisely that but they're downloading at 30kb/s and even that only some times of day. It'll take over a week to get them, if even at all. I suppose I could look for the Switch version, but I don't even remember where I got Switch ROM's from and god knows if I could even find one that's Japanese. I could swallow my pride and get the PS2 or Xbox 360 versions but I would honestly rather not.

>> No.23469285

Have a feeling I'll look at Hulu and crunchy roll to decide what I want to get for animes then perhaps what's in theaters. I've been watching some Zom 100: Bucketlist of the dead and it's kind of interesting but you already know the MC won't die for like 30 episodes until the bucketlist is done.

>> No.23469300
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I have given up on life and am going to become an accountant.

>> No.23469383

The opinions people have about animals they know by experience must be pretty telling, but I still haven't figured out how any of it works. Other than with mild irritation, I don't take much notice of dogs, except for a few that are old, very amiable, and not not particularly high-strung from the outset. Donkeys are kind of forgettable, but when it comes to horses I regard all of them, without exception, as evil to one degree or another, even one I rode. Canada geese sound absolutely retarded to me, but Holy Shit do they look magnificent when sailing just above treetop level. Pigs actually smell surprisingly like bacon, and chaffinches, not sure if it's the male or female, sometimes make a sound alarmingly loud in the 4 kilohertz range. A mystery that warrants much further study, in my opinion, is why Blue Front Amazons lend themselves so well to over-the-top mimicry and sounds on the sillier side. I've never seen a great horned owl, but heard two of them, one perched on my rooftop in the middle of one night, about 4 years ago. Not sure how you'd measure such a thing, but I'm quite certain field mice are geniuses compared to deer.

>> No.23469416

* About the chaffinches I meant to say in the 14 kilohertz range. Probably the loudest creature I've ever heard in the upper regions of human hearing is the brown mantis, which is astonishingly loud around 16 kilohertz despite its small size and demure appearance.

>> No.23469422

become a financial analyst instead it's almost the same shit but more creative cuz u read the company's financial statements and then create a narrative about why the stonk finna go up or down, it's not that different from archaeology or something were you look at a dataset of antique seeds found at the ruins of a trading post in the desert and make up a story about what was going on

>> No.23469464

Hurr durr I am retarded and will thus actively avoid doing things that I happen to believe to be both
>very useful to me
>very fun to learn about
and will instead spend my time staring at the wall like some fucking cripple.

>> No.23469471

>why start w GR?
I started with Crying of Lot bc it was short and I figured I’d get a sense of whether or not I’d like his writing. I really enjoyed it so I figured I’d just go head-long into GR.
I feel really silly looking back at it. Oh well!

>> No.23469475
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I’m in my 30’s and fucking a girl who works at Rita’s water ice

>> No.23469492


>> No.23469536

I have no friends except for my fiancée. I live a double life; I only feel joy around her and everything turns to static when I’m by myself. I feel like a sociopath or something.

>> No.23469557
File: 72 KB, 620x800, i-dont-have-friends-i-have-thousands-of-acquaintances-no-friends-i-figured-i-had-a-wife-and-children-quote-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you think that makes you a sociopath? Friends are overrated. Real friends are hard to come by. Sometimes it's good to have people you can lean on in life but in the end having somebody that really cares is more important.

>> No.23469564

I feel so lonely. I was at a party an hr ago and I only talked to two people for the solid majority of the time. I wish I could've talked to more people but I don't know what to say.

>> No.23469567

That’s a nice quote. I think I sometimes yearn for a close friend group that I can go to when I’m not with my fiancée. I want to do the “normie” guy things like fishing and drinking but I feel no drive to seek them. I don’t know, maybe sociopathy isn’t apt to describe my symptoms of loneliness but I feel like all my emotions are turned off when I’m by myself. I’ve always had a sort of melancholic outlook on life though, and I’m not sure if I can ever get over myself.

>> No.23469570

I went to a bar by myself tonight and sat between two couples with the intention of making some conversation; I tried to talk to the older couple to my right and they either couldn’t hear me or outright ignored me. Meanwhile the couple to my left probably heard everything and thought I was a sperg and refused to look at me. I don’t even know why I try sometimes.

>> No.23469578

I've got an idea. Why don't we just talk to at least two strangers a day (and it doesn't have to be a long convo maybe just a two-three min one)? By a month or so we might be normal.

>> No.23469582

I'm not being ironic here I genuinely want to know.

>> No.23469589

I'm rereading The Sound and the Fury and it's insane how much detail about the other characters is packed into Benjy's section, with most of it likely to go unnoticed as a first time reader is trying to even understand what is happening when and who is who. Tempted to reread Absalom, Absalom too, that one's even denser.

>> No.23469591

Have you tried doing that? How’s that been going? I’ve been trying to make myself more open to conversation (not wearing headphones in public, using open body language, etc.) but I still find it difficult to initiate conversation. For one I’m not very attractive, so I outright refuse to talk to women in public. And I feel like talking to men would just seem eccentric.

>> No.23469592

I think you're just bored and lonely when you don't have anybody else around. Don't worry once you get married there'll be opportunities to meet other people through couple stuff

Read Decline of the West by Spengler. I think he had an interesting take on it.

>> No.23469600

Today has been really gay. I had drop my dad off at the airport, then I had to go move furniture for a few hours, then I just got a call from my dad saying there's an issue and he's gonna be flying back and I have to get him from the airport I dropped him off at this morning. My entire day has been driving around running errands for people. Fuck today is gay.

>> No.23469604

Apparently that boring vietnamese chick who asked me to marry her for a green card thinks I'm a loser with no future and absolutely not husband material. What a bitch. I hate women.

>> No.23469613

That's not gay at all. Let me know when you have to suck off your dad at the airport

>> No.23469620

Well you're going to have to talk to people somehow. If your strategy of seeming open to talk to isn't working then why not switch gears and just try talking to people while waiting in line or talk to one of the cashiers at a coffee shop. I personally haven't tried this strat as i just came up with it, but I'll probably post something in the next few wwoyms about my experience.

>> No.23469629

Tell girls you like their tits or ass if you’re just standing around near them. Lots of girls like it and flirt back

>> No.23469640

I'm proud of you for doing all that and venting in a place that hurts no one's feelings

>> No.23469665


How do you read more effectively and absorb more what you read. What's the best way to reflect and when and how?

Do people really write up little summaries and thoughts after each chapter they read or after each session? Or is it something they do once they complete the book

>> No.23469678

I met a girl who's like half my age. Seemed like we had some kind of connection. I started dreaming about her.
I decided I was going to ask her out. In my mind worked out everything I was going to say to her.
Then the implications hit me. fuck.

>> No.23469692

What implications

>> No.23469710


>> No.23469712

there's nothing more powerful than a BWC

>> No.23469722

I tricked my grandma into thinking I'm smart by pretending to know by saying quantum coherence means that things are so small that physics works differently than larger objects which work by classical mechanics, I literally just made that up.

>> No.23469731

I'm probably going to be just as old as her father. Everybody is going to hate me and call me a pedophile(unjustly ofc but that won't stop them.)
By the time our kid is 20 I'll be 60 years old.
She will most likely have to spend her final years alone.
I'm a fuck-up who's life is a mess and who has no business being in a relationship with anybody.
She probably hates me anyway and the whole thing is just a figment of my imagination.

>> No.23469732

I think I fall in love with every single woman who even so much as talks to me. Is this common but taboo to talk about? I feel like a lot of men feel the same way.

>> No.23469750

only the hot ones though. and the cute ones. probably more the cute ones though.
But yeah. Psychologist will tell you everything is sexual.

>> No.23469752

Super Mario made more than just Time in a Bottle? Like books and shit?

>> No.23469772

This week's been rough. I expected to crash out when the semester ended at the end of April and I had nothing lined up for May but I managed to pull Miraculous Ladybug out of a hat on May 1st. Then when that wore thin I wrote a sequel I had outlined back in November so that kept me busy until literally the night of the 31st. So I kept reasonably busy for the month of May...then I crashed out. Had a family thing on June 1st so that was nice but after that I just crashed out and haven't recovered since. I did get a few mildly productive days but they were each isolated incidents with no momentum to carry over. We'll see how things go from here.

>> No.23469776

The heaviest errands I've ever run were behind the wheel, and most of the time I had fun at it, leaning way back. I hate driving in dense city areas, or around or near airports, but Fuck Yeah do I enjoy driving expressways and interstates where one is pretty much expected to go at least 80 in the fast leftmost lane, usually 85. I scared the shit out of my dad taking him some places, but my friends were almost always surprised at how relaxed and silly my sense of humor got where roads are built to insanely high standards. The last time I drove for far, I touched 100mph for shit and giggles where cops are vanishingly rare, on a 5 mile stretch straight and level as a runway. It was kind of weird, how quiet it was, looking at the heads-up fluorescent vacuum display, as it read 96. Guess it depend on when where you live.

>> No.23469789

Actually I like driving as well. It doesn't bother me so much. It's just that today has been nonstop errands. Everh time I sat down today I got another call requesting me. I was literally pulling a beer out of the fridge when my dad called as explicitly told me to not start drinking because I had pick him up. I have to be at the fucking airport at 10pm.

>> No.23469873

Thinking of getting into a job lately to buy some terabyte drives. I think I've figured a way to be social enough so that I'd be okay and have effortful discussions.

>> No.23469892

I always forget how much I like Kafka till I pick him up every now then

>> No.23469899

Had a moment today where I encountered an Indian man while conducting business and immediately thought something racist about him, then came to be ashamed of myself as he displayed great kindness and patience with myself and others. I grew up on 4chan so it's somewhat natural for me to leap to this kind of thing but truth be told I've rarely encountered people of other races who were genuinely unpleasant solely due to their race.
Also today, I asked the Virgin Mary for her intercession and genuinely meant it, for the first time in my life. I did not grow up in a household where Mary and the Saints were addressed in this manner. I'm slowly changing because I believe I should become Catholic or Orthodox, but the change is glacial.

>> No.23469902

I've read only like 8 or 9 books my entire life and I'm still smarter than 90% of the posters here.

>> No.23469903

Due to my ADHD I have never fully read a book in my entire life and I'm at least smarter than 51% of people.

>> No.23469909

This is why you ask for a list of favorite artwork, aspirations in life, and more.
You sound like a complete pseud Christcuck btw. List your top 10 books.
I treat people with complete indifference and show no facial expressions unless I have metrics by which to judge their worth beforehand. I scowl whenever people say hello to me when I take solitary strolls in nature.
Let the man who watches Michael Bay trash or read YA garbage be ripped to shreds in front of me. I wouldn't lend a helping at all. However, if he is a thoughtful man who watches, say, Tarkovsky and reads high class works, I will help me.
Smiles, friendliness, etc. mean absolutely nothing to me. It's all about vision. Even when I was a child, I would carry a list to share with others for potential friendship.
One person I valued was a boy into Godzilla who was obsessed with heptalogy and had enriching internal mental life. His life mattered, yours most likely does not depending on your list.
If you live an unreflective life, then you deserve nothing but chagrin, no mercy, no compassion - you are beyond the "forgiveness" of any higher metaphysical principle.
Give me your goddamn list and be judged by God (me).

>> No.23469910

being a normie must feel good

>> No.23469911

>help me
help him*

>> No.23469913

What are your top 3 aspirations in life?

>> No.23469916

>Let the man who watches Michael Bay trash or read YA garbage be ripped to shreds in front of me
Ironically, anon doesn't realize he's shopping in the same market as the other adolescent power fantasies he's listed.

>> No.23469919

I said I was smarter not happier or successful

>> No.23469925

List top 10 books, top 3 aspirations, top 10 films, etc. if you're going to challenge me to a duel, then you should go first.

>> No.23469931

I'm going to refuse to answer, and remind you of how we critiqued your inflexible list of sperger questions many times before.

>> No.23469936

Lists of favorite artwork, aspirations in life, and so on when made with honesty reflect contemplative depth and can reveal whether or not one is noble in their mind's direction.

>> No.23469937

My dad never went to or came from the airport except by cab. I hate that shit, and he knows how much I do too. I can't still decide what's more fun, unlimited Uber X rides around the North Loop, or infinitely good insurance for the kind of sedan I own.

>> No.23469947

What beer brand? I doubt you have good taste in alcohol. You're the type to drink piss water Bud Light.

>> No.23469951

>Wasn't tipped off by Michael Bay or Tarkovsky

>> No.23469962

I am 100% serious.
Michael Bay is the director for boneheads. His works don't have any artistic merit at all.
Tarkovsky is a great art-house film director for contemplative men.
If you cannot see that, then you are genuinely an insentient being.

The problem is not with a lack of racial awareness in the modern age, but the problem is with a lack of true elitism, true classism. I am 100% serious.

>> No.23469969

oh fr we have a turbo autist among us?

ok my top 10 Books are

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bag Beginning
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Reptile Room
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Wide Window
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Miserable Mill
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Austere Academy
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Slippery Slope
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Grim Grotto
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Penultimate Peril
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The End

(some of them I never got to read because my school and local library didn't have them available and I skipped pages and chapters of the ones I did read because serialized books tend to remind you of things that happened in previous books constantly anyway)

My top 3 Aspirations are

Crafting lucrative stories

Transmuting my neglect/abuse into money so that I can have an objective boon from my bad experiences to defeat my despair and have peaceful thoughts again.

Preparing a grand funeral for myself but mostly for my attending dearly beloved with plenty of recorded videos and having a quirky contest for 10% total of what I leave behind for them.

top 10 films are

Donnie Darko
The Butterfly Effect
Pan's Labyrinth
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

>> No.23469972

I beat you in a list off duel

>> No.23469978
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>"So this drug is incredibly addictive to the point where it destroys your life? Huh. Ok yeah, I'll try it."

Why are people like this and what's to be done with them

>> No.23469983

On a caste system of 1-5, you would rank 4, which is basically slave. 1-3 would be decently self-aware noble people whereas 4-5 are trash.
Granted, you could change before the age of 33 and begin to live a more meaningful or reflective life.

>> No.23469985

kinda gay ngl

>> No.23469988

That's fine I'm better than you despite being low caste irl
I am gay :>

>> No.23469990

anyone who watches horror films recreationally should be arrested

>> No.23469994

bitch told me i look like clark kent with my glasses on

>> No.23469996

It just means that you're love starved. Im the same.

>> No.23470002

my top 10 Books are

1. The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain (transl. Red Pine)
2. Diamond Sutra (transl. Red Pine)
3. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology Handbook of Bird Biology edited by Irby J. Lovette and John W. Fitzpatrick
4. Biocivilizations by Predrag B. Slijepcevic
5. Metaphysics of Technology by David Skrbina
6. The Peregrine by JA Baker
7. The Reluctant Dragon by Kenneth Grahame
8. The Dark Domain by Stefan Grabinski (transl. Mirosław Lipiński)0
9. The Best of Poe
10. Les Chants de Maldoror (Lykiard translation)

My top 3 Aspirations are

1. Either be involved in a conservationist project to preserve biodiversity or create artwork that increases enchantment and compassion towards the natural world.
2. Meditate and achieve enlightenment.
3. Money for financial well-being [placeholder]

top 10 films are

1. Zerkalo directed by Tarkovsky
2. The Wall (2012) directed by Pölsler
3. Au Hasard Balthazar directed by Bresson
4. Three Lives of Thomasina directed by Chaffey
5. Paulie (1998) directed by Roberts
6. Kes directed by Loach
7. Rent-a-Neko directed by Ogigami
8. The Silent Spring directed by Bergman
9. The House that Jack Built directed by Lars von Trier
10. Cure (1998) directed by Kurosawa

>> No.23470006

On a caste system of 1-5, you would rank 2, which is basically Lord. 1-3 would be decently self-aware noble people whereas 4-5 are trash.
Granted, you could change before the age of 33 and begin to live a less meaningful or less reflective life.

>> No.23470008

dick size?

>> No.23470009

Glowies are getting better at this data mining shit

>> No.23470011

This retard doesn't know the joys of dropping glasses to see them break

>> No.23470013

The Greeks don't have the budget for this shit

>> No.23470021


>> No.23470024

I've already had a FBI visit due to an anonymous tip of antisemitism.

>> No.23470029

You should get better police stories.

>> No.23470032

I don't lie. It's true. What would I gain from lying? The FBI agents said it was in my right to be antisemitic, and I even offered them to look inside my house, which they rejected. I told them I'm a social pessimist with self-preservation instinct and will not act upon my antisemitism.
It was not as frightening as when I shot a black man during a home break in.

>> No.23470034

>and I even offered them to look inside my house, which they rejected
I even offered to let them look inside my house, but they rejected the offer.*

>> No.23470035

I once had to explain to the police why I brought a chair for a three year old to a machete fight.

>> No.23470037

Literal-who film list

>> No.23470046

isn't it obvious? anyone who delights in murder, gore, torture, etc

>> No.23470050

>What if we took catharsis out of Aristotle's theory of drama?
Sorry, anon, the period blood is here to stay

>> No.23470053

There's a certain article about very long range radio interferometry that I find very memorable. I suppose my favorite scene in all of literature is the apotheosis of Homunculus in Faust II. The character in all of Shakespeare most like me is Lucio, though I'm not much of a fop. In the long run I get away with most of what he dreams of, but won't tell how.

>> No.23470055

How else do you watch movies

>> No.23470057

Anyone turn their life around, at least in reading? Years of brainrot has me dead inside, I want to read but I cannot put forth the motivation to do it

>> No.23470068

I am a master over both the light and darkness.
I can give brief reasons for each of my decisions:

1. Zerkalo - captures the meaning of letting go memories for the sake of liberation
2. The Wall (2012) - conveys how solitude in natural scenery can be conducive for wisdom, also encourages being self-reliant and being fine with being alone with oneself, ending is very tragic but profound
3. Au Hasard Balthazar - shows how a donkey can embody Christ-like or Buddha-like virtue better than selfish people who surround her, death can be a release, suicide is seen as an act of repentance by the female lead
4. Three Lives of Thomasina - beautifully conveys Scottish rural communal culture and harmony. The Scottish rural communal aesthetic is Chaffey's main focus. Greyfriar's Bobby is good too.
5. Paulie (1998) - the parrot is cute and it has a wholesome quirky aesthetic without being shallow
6. Kes - shows how lives typically involve broken dreams/aspirations in a society that interprets all passion as childish
7. Rent-a-Neko - Glasses by the same director is probably a better choice, but I like the quirky wholesome aesthetic
8. The Silent Spring - shows that this life is one where you will be exploited and killed if not vigilant, not good to be naive, always watch your back
9. The House that Jack Built - the philosophical discussions between Verge and the MC are haunting
10. Cure - shows how the masses wear masks to conceal their amorphous chaos and how they lash out on others due to stress: the order in post-industrial societies is a facade. Tokyo Sonata by the same director is good too and shows breakdown of communal ethos due to nature of job market

>> No.23470069

Glowies know perfectly well where I stand, which is that that I live too well to be mad about much of anything, and in area too remote from violence for real concern.

>> No.23470070

>seen as an act

>> No.23470071
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>anon doubts we are brofessional moobie watchers

>> No.23470076

>No, i'm fine I live in this nice place called Ruby Ridge and keep to myself
kek ok

>> No.23470079

Also, Three Lives of Thomasina is also about how a familial unit needs both a father and mother figure in order to be complete. Both the father and mother figure need to understand one another to be effective too. It has an esoteric message about the masculine and feminine aspects of psyche.

>> No.23470090

Sublimation nigga

>> No.23470094

Closing one's eyes towards the horrors or tragedies in life is what makes people manbabies or trannies.

>> No.23470095

I haven't been to the doctor in about a decade and I'm 90% sure I have cancer or some kind of disease that I'm slowly dying from. Shits radical

>> No.23470096

Can I have your stuff

>> No.23470099

I dont have any stuff

>> No.23470102

three for the gulag

and to you, the last one, your nefarious plot of letting rape, murder, torture, slaughter, etc prevail in the mind simply because it's socially acceptable, you can't imagine how that might be an absurd lie?
you're being trained to delight in hell, not only that, you're paying for the privilege of being brainwashed (if you're not a thief)

take, for example, the concept of desensitization. were you to reach back some eighty years, the horror that stood at the bleeding edge now seems quaint and even charming.
soon the horror will force its way into reality, once the simulations no longer suffice. you laugh, smirk, but you will see, and it won't be the mere barbarism of our ancestors, whose fingernail pulling and mass sadean rapes were the playthings of simpletons, no, they will be cultured, refined horrors, urbane treacheries, penetrative mental atrocities

>> No.23470105


>> No.23470106

no, you're wrong. it's not ignoring violence or rape to refuse to create -entertainment based on the rape and violence and gore-. i posit it's precisely the origin of the grotesque perversions that seek to pervade every corner of society. where once we grappled with REAL hell, albeit a limited one, with reasonable fear and hatred, now we PURSUE a compounded hell, one adorned with the regalia of our deepest fantasies, strengthened by the reward of public approval and worship

>> No.23470112
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I believe it's necessary to know both the light and darkness to be a man. Granted, I privilege the light over the darkness because I am a paladin. I am not a Satanist or transgressive antinomianist. Here is an old image I made.

>> No.23470116

knowing is different from relishing.
to recognize evil or darkness is different from increasing it, representing it on film to distribute to children (which is where it invariably lands)

>> No.23470122

I just want to fuck them

>> No.23470123

One of my favorite sequences in film:


>> No.23470125

I will kill more Hobbits in minecraft with firearms. They cannot stop me. No one can. Not even the elves. I drink their milk and rum atop my tower as they conjure writhing atop horseback only to be gunned down by an M240 Bravo. I love modded minecraft. It makes me feel a certain hatred toward those who seek to dogmatically suppress the elder versions with the *new* dogmatic socially inept hollow versions pushed by the megacorporation that now owns it. In 2018 I pissed off a catholic church only for God's wrath to hit them with their own policies. Can a snake truly eat itself? I saw a video of a man drinking dolphin milk but is he true to himself?

>> No.23470128

open your eyes

>> No.23470129

I do agree to some extent. It's better for the soul to relish in Moomins rather than Maldoror. Granted, a man should be able to confront Maldoror without losing his sanity or virtue.
Being able to watch something like "3 guys and 1 hammer" does make someone stronger in many respects.

>> No.23470134

I've noticed it must be hell for them. It's not really any thinking involved with connecting to them or being persuasive and they just are dumb most times.

>> No.23470137

confronting a virtualized representation of a thing only ensures that when the true thing erupts before him, he will only have a response tailored to the virtualized threat, and as such, he will be consumed.

>> No.23470138

I dont like watching horror movies and I think those who watch gore leaks and rape fantasy pr0n, shit like that, are doing real damage to their minds, but I think you might be stretching the effects of horror movies here. I get your overall point, but I dispute some of it. You seem to think the effect of modern simulations versus real atrocity exposure in the past makes these things worse and makes them fester more, but I think you're inverting cause and effect. Seems like the reason this all persists in the form of modern simulation like films, is because of the timelessness of human depravity, not some worsening of its form over time. If I'm reading you correctly. It's not that modernism has made humans more depraved, it's that the same old depravity isn't expunged by modernism.
For thousands of years, atrocity was distributed to children. People used to take children to gladiator battles and they'd watch men get ripped apart by lions irl. There are tribals out there rn who've barely ever seen a TV, and every so often the tribe has to deal with a deviant from their norms who they must punish. The punishment takes the form of a violent spectacle or execution ritual.
Humans are depraved, not all there is to them, but it's there. That's why the allure of violent films and media exists.

>> No.23470140 [DELETED] 

Even pilots use simulations for training.

>> No.23470141

Everytime I happen to be extremely desperate and whine publicly on reddit, somehow my wish gets granted.

I whined in 2019 about being a virgin. I got laid literally a week later.

I whined in 2021 about never making a profit in the stock market. A week later, my portfolio jumped 20%

In 2023, i was terribly desperate for a job as I was unemployed for nearly 2 years, i got two job interviews the very next week.


>> No.23470142

Even pilots use simulations for training.
Watching or reading horror stuff can make one more cautious for example.*

>> No.23470143

Maldoror's author claimed that the intent of his work was to shed more light on the Good by writing about the depths of evil. He was working on another similar book, where he had surrealist stories that highlighted the good in humanity and was the opposite of the misanthropy exhibited by the first book. Then he died young of some disease IIRC before he could finish it.

>> No.23470146

If humans descended moreso from orangutans or gorillas rather than chimps or bonobos, then they would have been less depraved.

>> No.23470155

Maybe. Gorillas do some pretty wild shit and so do orangutans. Even relatively docile animals like sloths sometimes kill and reject their own young. Depravity seems to be common to all life. But so does benevolence and affection. Life encompasses everything encompassed by life.

>> No.23470161

I know that.
I meant that one is kind of sick if they relish in the scenes where Maldoror dismembered a child or raped a shark.
Granted, there were some parts of Maldoror that did not feel evil to me but may be evil from a Catholic perspective. I actually view the dolphin-man and pelican-man as being better than humans, if I remember correctly. The scene with the dolphin-man and his monologue was sublime.
I'm more Biocentric and Buddhist than Lautremont. I think Buddha argued human beings are in the middle as a skillful means to work towards enlightenment, but I would argue humans *tilt* more towards the lower realms by large. Therefore, I am a misanthrope but not a nihilist.
I would have read Lautremont's other work if it were ever published, but I am doubtful I would have agreed with it.
The entire present post-industrial system is worse than Maldoror. It's why I refuse to have children.

>> No.23470163

not a good example, would you rather your pilot have 100 hours of air training or 100 hours in the simulator?

a fine series of points, your second one i've preempted by vaguely describing the difference between barbaric horrors and urbane horrors. there is no question that at one point, children in a relatively advanced society were regularly exposed to such things, but to suggest they haven't been exposed to exponentially larger sums of it, and more refined styles of it. surely you don't think mankind found all variations of wickedness before the advent of these technologies? surely you don't believe there has been no progress in the development of horrors, else why the monthly jaunt to the theater to see the novel threat dangled before them? I doubt men had shapes and words for the horrors we've developed, and there is often the jest that were a man brought from the past into the future, his mind would be split, i suggest that much of that rending would come at the hands of a broad, native horror which pervades such that we cannot even tell it exists anymore, existential terrors we have become oblivious to in our boredom, in our pursuit for the next amygdala milking stimulus. no, i think we've grown quite adept at novel horrors, with tools of medicine, computers, and the shoulder vantage afforded by our giant predecessors. in any case, i may indeed be hyperbolizing, but not by much. i definitely think that hedonism has stretched too far into pure violence and destruction for it to be anything but a menace to our collective future.

>> No.23470165

sorry, definitely should have proofread that before sending, but you catch what i'm pitching

>> No.23470167

Gorillas and orangutans lean more towards order and relative harmony compared to chaotic chimps and bonobos. Interestingly, both gorillas and orangutans are polygynous too.
The only barbarous act gorillas engage is when another silverback takes over, they kill all the young. Otherwise, they don't cannibalize or rape each other to the extent chimps and bonobos do. They are largely gentle giants.
Orangutans are more solitary but gentle too even moreso than gorillas.
We should imitate certain aspects of their social organizations.

>> No.23470174

The system definitely has serious flaws and is predicated upon banality. And I'm not necessarily a fan of catholicism. Humans get up to a lot of bad shit, most humans seem to. But idk man. I can't help but have empathy/sympathy when I see someone trying to be better after they realize they've fucked up. The only alternatives are demanding perfection, which is impossible because of this being true:
>human beings are in the middle as a skillful means to work towards enlightenment, but I would argue humans *tilt* more towards the lower realms by large.
Or accepting whatever efforts at improvement and "redemption" people try to achieve. I can't help but have sympathy if I see effort, otherwise I'd have to hate and reject humans.
You say misanthropy, I understand. But you think there's no good in people trying to be good? It's always an act or a delusion? Unless I'm misunderstanding

>> No.23470178
File: 408 KB, 680x657, 1000030724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would say what you've said about modernism not being a balm is close to the target.
is there a rising tide of innovative moral solutions which will counter this? is not the progress of horror and righteousness not an uneven one? even something ultramodern like alignment is already corrupted to its core by antinatalist orgy-goers that pretend to have the fate of humanity in mind

>> No.23470182

>Let's get rid of Macbeth
This might be something of a hot take, but, no.

>> No.23470185

You clearly don't read. Horror has been macabre for centuries.

>> No.23470186

evil need not exist for good to be relevant. the contrasting argument is as the tepid hoi polloi call it these days is "cope". we could do away with evil tomorrow, and none would mourn its absence (if they did they would have been eradicated as a rule, given that evil no longer exists in this supposition)

>> No.23470191

Tbf you're kind of fighting fate and history to save him now

>> No.23470193

sure, i've read enough to see the development of depravity. *development*, that is, the progress, the change, of wickedness. that is to say, horror or evil is not the same as it was. we've gotten "better" at being horrific, evil.

>> No.23470199

Lulz. And even by that standard a little horrifying in its dryness.

>> No.23470200

Slight rewrite: ban C-sections a couple decades before the opening. Done.

>> No.23470202

careful whatcha wish for. seriously.

>> No.23470203

Lmao no. Your grasp on history is shit. We don't draw, hang, and quarter anymore.

>> No.23470205

I miss my ex sometimes. I blinked and now I realize we haven't spoken in three years. I feel very empty. This is not the world I wanted. There is still many things I can do, and a bunch of things I want to do but don't see the point in doing them alone. Some part of my life got better, more stable, but the one that kept me above the surface is atrophied. My life was better when I was poor because I had her. I should be happy to eat and drink my fill and have a place to crash in, I know. But deep down it's like some guy saw me drowning, and handed me out a winning lottery ticket.

Maybe this isn't really about her, but it doesn't matter. At the end of the day I am more alone than anyone else I know. I haven't spoken to another human being about my true feelings for what feels like years. Sometimes I think "I should hire a prostitute to play smash bros with me" before cackling at the stupidity of it all. This is my position in life right now.

>> No.23470217

first of all, move a little outside the walls of society and you'll see any number of novel atrocities we've come up with and perform regularly.
second, i'm sorry but if you don't think there is innovation in horrific concepts of themselves, i'm not sure there's much profit in you and i discussing the matter further.
seriously, drawing and quartering, hanging, these things had to be developed, they didn't exist one day, and the next, they did. same with facehugging aliens that erupt from your chest and bleed acid.

>> No.23470230


>> No.23470234

The movies are one thing, but these forms of fantasy about depravity existed even back during the hanging and quartering days. They had plays and tales and songs about goblins that ate village children, valiant knights whod chop off heads etc.
For examples of modern horrific innovations, because I somewhat agree with your thesis, I'd think a better analogue than the movies would be things like the Bomb, bioengineered diseases, psychoanalysis, "humane" imprisonment, etc.
It is interesting that modern atrocity is both far more egregious, like industrial genocides, but also far more subtle, like Ritalin.

>> No.23470237

Good post.
I guess I should have said I am "cynical about mankind's collective efforts" rather than a misanthrope.
There are times when I tilt towards evil too, but I do my best to become centered again.
I agree that sincere effort to be good to the best of one's abilities and circumstances is the most important thing in life.
I am not a nihilist or physicalist. I think a big problem in the modern age is the deconstruction of the good due to growing scientism.

>> No.23470239

You're a pretentious moron, unfortunately supported by your own historical ignorance. Humans have always been a viscious species and we are a point of peace and love never before seen. You're clearly too stupid to see it, so please do not reply to me again

>> No.23470240

Mark my fucking words, we are seeing the Chinesification/Indianification of westerners now and we will all be Telemundo watching nigger cattle in another 10-20 years max. Facebook is just full of these obviously Chinese/Indian produced obviously fake "OMG WE FOUND A SAFE UNDERWATER WITH MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN IT" "OMG THIS DOG WAS HURT AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED" videos. They literally hurt the dog preemptively to film the video, you can see the conniving little Chinese/Indian fingers all over it. These fucking third world subhumans have to live this way because they have 2 trillion people crammed into one garbage dump but it didn't have to be this way for us. In fact we have failed the third world by becoming more like them instead of maintaining ourselves as a beacon of what life could be like for everyone if those other countries fixed their shit too.

Europe has a moral duty to conquer the world again. Whatever is left of true European genetic and cognitive stock is basically functioning as the brain and nervous system of this species, with China/India Telemundo scammer slave subhuman sneed scum being the filthy unwashed asshole. The species needs a brain. We can all be equals in 500 years when 90% of the planet isn't composed of subhuman inbreeding peasants with 70 IQ wearing plastic flipflops and scamming and cheating constantly.

>> No.23470244

I had to get busy with something for a moment so couldn't read or respond to this.
I have a cyclical view of history and a basically fixed view of human nature. So as for this:
>i definitely think that hedonism has stretched too far into pure violence and destruction for it to be anything but a menace to our collective future.
I somewhat agree, but I think it is cyclical. We appear to be enduring a decadent phase, but these tend to be followed by a crisis or collapse, and then a new revitalization followed by equilibrium for a while.
The only thing that makes this time sort of novel, and interesting/terrifying, is the Bomb. In the old days, civilizations fell or came close to falling, but this time, what is at stake is Earth and life itself. So who knows. We may all perish horribly. We may just continue to decline and lacerated ourselves. We may stop at the edge of the cliff and produce something even better than before. We may press the button, and create a post-apocalyptic equilibrium out of the remaining few.
I really have no clue. But it's an interesting time to be alive and seems to hold a lot of potential weight.

>> No.23470250

>the modern age is the deconstruction of the good due to growing scientism.
A man (or woman?) after my own heart. I've drawn the same conclusion and this has become my central philosophical concern. Materialism, scientism's father, is a total menace, it's intellectual schadenfreude really.
I couldn't help but cackle when Dawkins recently said he "thinks Christianity is totally false, but must admit I'd be aghast at the loss of our beautiful cathedrals and our cultural sentiments." Almost as if the genius was realizing deep in his subconscious what an idiot he is.
That, along with taking accountability for ones self and maintaining centeredness, to me these appear to be the main battle of the day. For everyone. The essence of the tension in the paradigm.

>> No.23470254

that's an excellent point, far better illustrations of the refined evil versus the barbaric evil, which to me is in the end the depth of cruelty involved.
well, i've embarrassed myself enough, i'm terrible at debate, and i do think there is a danger of censorship at the end of this thought, but i wonder if i'd rather censor than just let horror run free.
i really don't think we can fix this mess, but turning away from horror and evil as pure entertainment could be a start at the very least. Maybe we'll garner some mercy from god.

>> No.23470255

I think every grandson who's not a massive fuckup has a grandma who thinks he's a bright young man, it's a law of nature

>> No.23470259

A distant coworker jokingly strangled me and it was the most intimacy I've had in 4 years and 8 months

>> No.23470262

This is the proof of why love resides in the soul, it is based on different definitions of life, which if one equalize obtain the result.

Life in a biological way can be recognized by the heartbeats. If you can recognize heartbeats, it is living; otherwise, it is not. Therefore, life is intrinsically intermingled with our heart. It lies in the heart.

Life in a spiritual way is linked to the soul because our essence is not in the body but in something else, some kind of dynamic state of the particles of our body, which functions like a Swiss watch until it suddenly stops. What leaves the body once the person dies, which appears to be immaterial, is the soul.

Life in an existential way (Albert Camus) is whatever we do to prevent killing ourselves. Usually, people don't have these kinds of questions when they are in a loving environment. Love is our deepest emotion; it is the only mechanism of relief to the anxiety produced by the realization that we are intrinsically terribly alone in this world because any person that you care for can disappear from your life at any moment. And even with these people, the connection through intimacy is not perfect because two different people cannot interact beyond words and touches.

>> No.23470269

my concern is how do we innovate moral action without resorting to the mass sacrifice, or as you put it, the crisis? how do we manifest deescelations, or reconcile global philosophical (usually economic) and theological differences?

you'd think we'd have come up with some really marvelous things by now, but i don't see them.
this guy's probably right in that i'm incapable of seeing the increase of love due to stupidity, though i'm not sure how to fix that either.

>> No.23470272

Never lose hope in the ability of humans to surprise you. God wouldn't have made them otherwise, he understood the risk. And I hope you didn't see it as a debate, necessarily. I agree with much of what you said. But I like to probe anyone who I think gets it more than the average. Peace to you anon.

>> No.23470283

you're right, it's more of a discussion, i'm just terrible at the argument aspect.
usually i have a lot more resistance, so maybe it's just habit.

As to man's fate, your faith is greater than mine, I pray that you're right, that we'll wise up and get rid of the horror, in the large and small sense.
Peace to you as well!

>> No.23470284

I am unsure of the answer, and if I pretended I wasn't unsure, then I'd really be acting stupid.
But, this is why I say, I'm very fascinated by the introduction of the Bomb. Sometimes I wonder if it's divine intervention. Because you talk about moral innovation, how do we do it without mass slaughter, the downfall, the crisis. Well, it seems like our hands are tied. It's a one way split this time. Any invocation of total war will lead to total annihilation. Any attempt by the elites to institute total domination will lead to total revolt. Any attempt by the peasants to invoke total revolt will lead to the Bomb.
So in a sense, our choices, for every human being alive today, are only between peace and annihilation. The nuke may have been God's righteous hand at work, pointing to the answer.

>> No.23470293

the most absurd bit of all to me is that all it takes is for everyone to just be nice and suddenly the threat dissolves. of course, "just be nice" is an infantile solution, but the only other thing i can think of in direct response to The Bomb is teleportation or some ridiculous technology or another, which seems to be more a prolongation than an actual solution

>> No.23470308

Because of extraordinary circumstances, I was left to my own devices and with little contact with family.
Now that those circumstances are no longer the case, my family has come back and things are supposed to go back to nomral. Unfortunately I took quite a liking to being alone and to my own devices. I am currently slightly irritated at having to deal with all these people again while things are going back to the status quo.

>> No.23470335

I had a dream I met the mom from Daddy o Five and chewed her out for bullying her son. She was pretty chill tho.

>> No.23470343

Adding up all the the circuits in my apartment, the rating is at least 80,000 watts. The water heater and stove alone are about 6K each, total electric resistance heating at max about 10K, air conditioning about 3K, and about 20 outlets at 2K on average. In general the grid and municipal standards where I live are over-engineered to ridiculous, even delightful standards. For some reason I like life best at 73F and 20% humidity. It's almost weird how much I notice departures from that standard.

>> No.23470353

Well yes, if everyone followed the NAP and was nice, it would solve itself. Unfortunately, if we're being honest, none of us can expect that from others because we've all had times we didn't follow it ourselves. And when we did it, we thought we were justified. So it's messy.
But the Bomb won't force everyone to just be nice, per se, which is unrealistic; what it may do is force everyone to make it work. To compromise and coexist. Which is a start and perhaps better than being nice.

>> No.23470386

how far does the bomb have to fall before we'll begin the compromise? 200ft? 300? will the whistle be heard from his stoop when he finally hugs his brotherman?

>> No.23470400


> implying human-created rules have any power

>> No.23470405

For some reason rather a lot of my REM dreams recently concern clothing. The most ridiculous episode is when I was in a heavy and floridly ornate heavy wool sweater of vaguely Peruvian design, while running late for a flight to cruise, while one of my sisters took me around closets, in vain, for something more appropriate to wear.

>> No.23470451

*naturally the search extended to huge retail stores, and while I ended up in a hot pink cardigan and jet black chinos, by that point I didn't give a shit how I looked.

>> No.23470468

I get sad thinking about my life and how much I missed. I was wrenched out of the culture, like a salmon being caught by a bear. So many years have gone on now, so I can't have any real hope of reentering the stream. I'll just forever be a freak, an outlier, and outsider. Still this fantasy life plays in my head. The life where everything goes right.
I think I need a therapist.

>> No.23470472

Personally I think everyone should see a therapist at least once in a while, in the same way you go to a GP for a checkup.

>> No.23470478

I don't believe that at all. Only people with actually messed up situations need a therapist. If you're normal then why bother?

>> No.23470483


>> No.23470499

I'm in a vicious circle, I don't want to be alone, I never had friends and only since 2 years I have a boyfriend who can laugh with me and accepts me as I am. my boyfriend is the seed of all my wasted time, all the things I've planned to do are just sifting through the sieve because I'm afraid to be alone, I bite into this hedonistic feeling and just don't want to let go. I think I just have to explain to him that I need time for myself, but then I'm alone again, reading my book or building on my strengths. The next question I wanted to ask myself was “for what, why should I increase my talents?”. I have a goal, whenever I get into doubt, I better visualize my goal and direct my will towards it. What else is life if my challenge and goals are not mastered?

>> No.23470505

There is such a thing as normal.

>> No.23470513

There's such a thing as normative
Normal, idk about

>> No.23470514

Perhaps you mean a functional person who contributes to society and is generally independent of any help?

>> No.23470528

No, he means "people I agree with"

>> No.23470558

It's tough.

>> No.23470587

Just had a nice body massage

>> No.23470638
File: 396 KB, 2048x1536, Trooningtranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically all of these tranny cases are just guys who failed at being a guy. Because they are extreme incels who can't get their dream girl, let alone any girl that they desperately want so much, they decide to become her.

They got so mind broken by the media that hates on men that it completely fucked up their psyche and caused so much self hating. They couldn't handle or accept the pressures of being male because it's so cutthroat with a lot of responsibility so they thought the grass would be greener to be a woman. Just like how in videogames there is the easy option or cheat codes. Instead of accepting that yeah it's hard to be a guy, they thought they could just use cheat codes. Stack that too on the general isolation of society and this being something that makes someone feel accepted. All the positive reinforcement they get, all the likes on social media for trooning out, even finally from women, feed that. It's better than being labelled an incel which has so many negative connotations.

The ironic part of it all is that they are truly the one who are sexist misoginists as their idea of femininity and womanhood is simply dolling up and wear dresses/makeup like some sort of gender blackface.

>> No.23470692

>Do people really write up little summaries and thoughts after each chapter they read or after each session? Or is it something they do once they complete the book
I just think about a chapter, go over some pics I took/highlights I made.
It isn't about the summary, as much as it is about talking to yourself about the chapter, that helps you remember stuff

>> No.23470719

They look like pedophiles.

>> No.23470773

I thought you faggots told me sub vocalising was bad? I just started reading aloud and it's honestly a much better experience. I retain much more, and it doesn't feel as passive.

>> No.23470779

just realised that the only times in my life where i was ever mildly into cuck porn was when my then partners and i werent having enough sex to my liking and when she was purposefully withholding sex in order to punish me

guess me kinda watchibg cuck porn in those times was mind seeking a fantasy of gaining some control over my feeling of powerlessness

>> No.23470805

Why do tripfags anyone cares what they have to say?

>> No.23470825

5:36am and two shits down in quick succession today already. How many shits will I tally today?

>> No.23470915

Like the pine trees lining the winding road

>> No.23470920
File: 220 KB, 1448x2048, MadoTatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Lusting so badly after a fictional character by self-inserting into another fictional character you end up looking at Faust, in turn looking to the myth of Isis and Osiris and finding you mindlessly wrote a fanfic about incestuous resurrection.

>> No.23470937

When I suddenly do all the basic things I've put off (washing clothes, dishes, showering) all at once, it must be very straining on my water and electrical systems

>> No.23471008

Yours can't, and I feel bad for you.

>> No.23471012

Well then don't do it all at once.

>> No.23471015

People like me are the reason >>23470937

>> No.23471021

Starting a course on Tuesday, not excited but not dreading it either, it's 5 days a week for 7 weeks 10:00-4:00, hopefully, this will help kickstart my life.

>> No.23471025

Even if one day I decided I wanted a girlfriend, what would be the point? I've never once felt love for a human, I don't know how to.

>> No.23471036

the wsj has a propaganda article about how "some economists" think 4% inflation should be the new target. what 35 trillion dollars of debt does to a mf.

>> No.23471055

what course, and wdym kickstart your life?

>> No.23471059

7:14am, three shits down now.

>> No.23471067

It's a retail course. I've brought it up once here before when it was first offered to me and some anon told me to stop being so entitled and that there are people who would love to get the opportunity that I've got, so I figured, he's right, and I took it. And what I mean by kickstart my life is that upon completion, this course will give me two different certifications and hopefully these certifications will help me get a job and getting a job will kickstart my life.

>> No.23471079

retail course? you are being trained to be a cashier or something?

>> No.23471083

I don't know what it's gonna entail, all I know is that I'm gonna be getting a cert III in retail (which will be good for me cause the only type of job I'm ever gonna get it retail) and my RSA which means I can work with alcohol. I don't ever plan on getting a job that will need it, but it looks good on a resume.

>> No.23471086

ohhh. You are training to be a bartender.

>> No.23471097

this but unironically

>> No.23471104

God no. Like I said, I don't plan on working a job that needs it, it just looks good on a resume.

>> No.23471108

Any good YouTube ad blocker browser plugin? My last one seems to be broken after the last YT update.

>> No.23471111

so wtf are you going to do that requires training?

>> No.23471117

I'm not going to be using the RSA, I think you're misunderstanding me. I'm gonna use the cert III, but I have no intention of working a job that requires an RSA, like I said, it just looks good on a resume, qualificationmaxxing and whatnot.

>> No.23471124

NEW >>23471122

>> No.23471126

I know but I still don't know what you will be doing then.

>> No.23471130

Working at Target or some shit, I guess.

>> No.23471137

you need training for stacking shelves nowdays?

>> No.23471142

I think the reason why there are so many trannies is that there are no male role models left. Boomers are pathetic, most men are kind of pathetic these days. All the male heroes of the past few generations come from media and they were all pathetic sellout whores in their time but you wouldn't have thought so, but now that they're aging and they don't have that much charisma and leverage left, you see them all botox'd up in these shitty ads for consoomer goods, you see how out of touch they are with the world, I think even the most soi infused faggots have a subconscious understanding that they looked up to false idols. Women have remained relatively unchanged in terms of what you'd expect from them, but men got a lot worse.
I'm straight but I got rather unmanly interests (art related shit), I wouldn't say I'm manly, but holy fucking shit millennial men and younger all look like massive faggots to me and they're kind of revolting in how they are, how they seek validation, the way they approach consumerism, I really hate them. The only men I think are cool and I look up to are like 80+ and even in that age range they're mostly broken little people who had no idea of who they were until they started getting afraid of dying.
That and like 99% of males being chronically hooked on porn, that's coming out too. I remember back when people were normal you'd talk about chicks and the tone was different, now it's like talking to a furfag who doesn't have enough self-restraint to keep his fursona in his pants. You get into dudes talk for 2 seconds and you realize the other guy's fucking hooked on porn like a fucking junkie.

>> No.23471181

Like I said, I don't know what the course is gonna entail and retail is the only industry I'm ever gonna work in so having a certificate for that specific industry is gonna help.

>> No.23471192

honestly you should do research on what the course and jobs you can get from it before taking the course. If you are some neet returning from depression and immedieatly jumping into a job that will require intereacting with people yet alone normies and a lot of them then you will be in world of hurt.

>> No.23471436

Good for you bro. You're doing the right thing. Plus a 500 dollar laptop.

>> No.23471713

I am city
I am the park
I am glow in the mother fucking dark

>> No.23471919
File: 193 KB, 1487x808, Screenshot 2024-06-09 122434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put in one of your writings.

>> No.23472126

This seems like some mega pseud shit

>> No.23472567

Unless one of them is the Holy Bible or the Quran, you aren't smarter than an illiterate man listening to his priest or imam read from it.

>> No.23472572

My girlfriend of 9 years, whom I've known since we were children, just broke up with me. I feel very strange.

>> No.23472579

It's whatever G

>> No.23472596

I appreciate it, and I'm sure I'll get there eventually. I'm just not sure what I'm going to do with myself, she meant an unhealthy amount to me.