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23462370 No.23462370 [Reply] [Original]

What do Muslims in /lit/ think about Kierkegaard's philosophy and his concept of the "leap of faith".

Serious thread.

>> No.23462387

I honestly think he alligns with Islam's ethics because if we exclude the Hadith, I think the Quran gives a clear and concise explanation about how a person must always have faith in Allah and that we must never fear if we have God within our side. I find it great how Quran can sometimes go from Tribal knowledge to Universal knowledge and giving great knowledge within the respective context.

As a Muslim I really love Kierkegaard not also because of his theological arguments but because his philosophy is mature, It Ironically calls for exterminating the escapism other nhilistic philosophers sought to escape, He himself advocates for escaping by advancing in the Leap of Faith but in a manner to exterminate the absurdity of the world.

I don't understand why many Muslim scholars do not talk about Kierkegaard's

>> No.23462390

Unironically the best places to ask people this question is either Quora or Reddit, 4chan dwellers are very immature and childish.

>> No.23462404

I tried and faggots wouldn't let me post there

>> No.23462430


>> No.23462504

Ismailis are quite fond of the ‘leap of faith’.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

>> No.23462530

Kierekegaard was an amazing philosopher, he pretty much was more a muslim when you study him. He was Christian but he shared our attitudes towards the sects of religion and his analysis of the stories of the Bible specifically Prophet Abraham pbuh and the knight of faith was just amazing. The Quran needs analysis of this variety and not mundane surface level Sectarian analysis

>> No.23462850
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I think existentialism is incompatible with Islam. From the Islamic point of view, the "leap of faith" is just a weakness in faith. In Islam, belief in Allah is not a gamble, but a confirmation of an absolute truth, much like in Stoicism.

A believer must strive to absolutely convince himself through reason, examination, experience and self-reflection. This lays the foundation for everything, only with Iman(sureness of the truth of Islam) you begin to understand life's purpose: to worship God alone through every right action

All absurdity is just perceived and comes from a lack of understanding. So we surrender judgement unto God

>> No.23462877

Who cares what Muslims think. It's the most retarded religion with the most retarded adherents

>> No.23463077


>> No.23463156

>Doesn't know about the golden age of Islam
You'll be surprised to know that your intelligence is negated by your idiocracy,a
An Indian is more intelligent than you let alone a muslim

>> No.23463170

Either Say something useful or shut the fuck up, What even differentiates you from muslims

>> No.23463178
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"Have you seen the one who takes as his god his own desire? Then would you be his keeper? Or do you think that most of them hear or reason? They are not except like livestock. Rather, they are [even] more astray in [their] way." 25:43-44

"Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allāh has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allāh? Then will you not be reminded?" 45:23

"Do they not contemplate within themselves? Allāh has not created the heavens and the earth and what is between them except in truth and for a specified term." 30:8

"Those are the ones that Allāh has cursed, so He deafened them and blinded their vision. Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’ān, or are there locks upon [their] hearts?" 47:23-24

"And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allāh. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but misjudging." 6:116

>> No.23463188

That's exactly what's the point to be made in Fear and Trembling, That we must actually submerge ourselves into God rather than "gamble", Existensialism is not in the context of Kierkegaard as to not be content with your knowledge and seek for more, Nay, Even In the Islamic golden age there were philosophers who were translated Plato and Aristotle's books and even Some who even discovered many truths about the world with the Quran.

The problem is that Hadith has negated this discovery of the unknown and limited it to this surface'ish knowledge of Islam, This distorted image of Islam we see nowadays is only caused by the hadiths. Literally what Kierkegaard says is dated in the Quran, We must pledge our soul in Allah in order to gain more in life, Throw our faith for Allah in a manner that will grant us the betterment in life. He tells us that God can even help us in our ephemeral life.

Iman and Leap of faith are the same, Whether the structure is changed it leads to the same Telos which is faith in Allah.

>> No.23463192

Do not waste your time with this bots, they can't even bother to read 1 page of a book let alone discuss philsophy.

>> No.23463214

Kierkegaard's Philosophy can be Abrahamic religion to be honest and i can see why Op thinks it resonates with Muslims because it seems to be the closest into Quranic ethics as Quran strongly encourages to immerse yourself into Embracing God within yourself. Religions differ and God is one, Prophet or not it's only one God, Name or not it's the same God.

Existentialism is subjective, Garnering the truth in a sense that will hinder your faith in God is detrimental but truth in something that will reignite your faith in God is acceptable but either way it's up to the Person to be responsible for what he consumes.

Leap of faith is the same as to having faith in God, I assume you got the wrong misconception but it's the same as submerging yourself in God.

>> No.23463230

At this point the West is so insanely far removed from 19th century intellectuals that Muslims may as well just step in and appreciate them more. People like Carlyle, Tolstoy, Ruskin, Mazzini, Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, etc would surely resonate with a Muslim more than your average fat retarded tranny cattle westoid

>> No.23463237

May Allah guide you. The sunnah complements the Qur'an and Islam is not complete without it. It is very clear for anyone who researches into early Islamic history that the Prophet had teachings outside the Qur'an and we are unaware of any companion who only adhered to the Qur'an.

Allah says "O you who have believed, obey Allāh and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allāh and the Messenger".

The Qur'an can be interpreted and viewed in many conflicting ways, so the only way right way is the way(sunnah) of the Prophet, what he taught and how he applied the Qur'an.

If one does not follow the Prophet, one follows his own desire and what one already feels, when instead Allah says "Enter into Islam completely". So one must dispel of any bias, feelings, ethics or judgement not from Allah and His messenger

>> No.23463267

>Hadith has negated this discovery of the unknown and limited it to this surface'ish knowledge of Islam
In my post I emphasized the worship of God *through every right action*. So this includes the use of the right foot before the left, the right way to prostrate in Salah and the many different Sunnah utterances for every little thing, among others.

Those who do not understand might view these as needless, overbearing, overly-exoteric or unnecessary, but in truth, the Sunnah promotes the rememberance of Allah in every breath, every step, every action and word you utter and it is for the benefit of (You).

We are not like the Christians who only spiritually pay lip-service to God, because they get a free pass to heaven. One attains the mercy of God through refinement of our actions, our thoughts and our understanding of Him. This is what the hadith teach.

One acquainted with Western thought might benefit from identifying the word Sunnah with the Logos.

>> No.23463298

I view the 19th century as a sort of recovery period from the insanity of the 18th century. In the 21st century, we are seeing something similar in the West, where the young are aware of the absolute insanity that was the 20th century and trying to recover a lost tradition and way of living. But like the 19th century, we get the impression that there's something fundamentally missing that will never be recovered without a total upheaval of society. The West ultimately must turn to Islam

>> No.23463321

I believe Quran is the most full form of Knowledge a person can ever acquire and inquire about life, What does a person require from about hadith ? I could say that some parts in the Hadith are true but others are horrendously false and absurd and abstruse. The Islamic caliphate were literally reliant on the Quran and they were so advanced, very advanced that some ideas in the present are literally tied to that history and many philosophers.

And what's funny is the Hadith was not at use at that time, The Quran was the only source of ruling until people started to ask questions beyond the Quran which even Allah exclaimed that
>"O you who believe, do not ask about matters which, if revealed to you prematurely, would hurt you. If you ask about them in light of the Quran, they will become obvious to you. GOD has deliberately overlooked them. GOD is Forgiver, Clement"
Hadith was forced upon people and it negated and forcibly advocated upon never inquiring upon any knowledge and only on the Hadith and you know full well what the Hadith has, Muslims have literally went from discovering that Earth is rounded and even wanted to measure it up, Into actually thinking that Earth is residing upon a fucking whale and that when the Whale moves it causes an Earthquake! No wonder why Mongols have easily invaded Baghdad since they were at conflict whether to include hadiths or not

You know what's the source of mockery and illiteracy upon Islam right now? It's literally the Hadith because it does not permit a person to inquire further upon Quran or upon life. Quran is literally the purest and most knowledgeable form of literary and the Hadith negated all of that

>> No.23463334

It's not Islam you retard, It's about the Individual, If he enjoys such literature then it's not his religion but it's his fucking enjoyment within what he likes.

What the fuck do you even mean ???

>> No.23463342

Dude the Quran literally also promoted the remembrance of Allah in every breath, Be careful because they also did a lot of mistakening to thinking that Hadith is also the Quran.
The problem is the people Worship Muhammad more than Allah, Muhammad must be respected rather than worshipped, Allah is the only one who needs to be worshipped.

>> No.23463346 [DELETED] 

I know right ? I find it even ironic how Kierkegaard said "What labels me, Negates me" this could also apply here.
What's even the fucking relation of religion and a person in what he likes ? What the fuck ? 4chan is truly the most horrible website on Earth

>> No.23463360

>others are horrendously false and absurd and abstruse
this is (You)r judgement

>they were so advanced, very advanced
One only needs to look at the West to see that technological advancements does not equate to spiritual advancements

>the Hadith was not at use at that time
This is not true and you would know this if you read for example Al-A'zami Studies in Early Hadith Literature. The Sahaba used to hold study groups and share to each other what the Prophet taught and propogate to their students. We have records of the earliest Caliphs being rebuked by other Sahaba for not adhering to what they heard from the Prophet. We know of 'Umar II who rectified the practices of the caliphate and was tutored on hadith by Al-Zuhri, Malik's teacher

>Hadith was forced upon people
Hadith was a common sense system of transmission of knowledge that later developed a rigorous process of authentication through biographical knowledge. For most of early hadith history, transmission of hadith happened organically, sometimes against the State

>forcibly advocated upon never inquiring upon any knowledge and only on the Hadith
You are conflating technical literalism, which was a position in jurisprudence based on axioms and general literalism. Ibn Hazm, who was a fiqhi literalist, wrote works on biology and cosmology. he wrote his opinions on the Greeks and others. Same with Ibn Taymiyya and other Ahl al-Athar, they were all well read

Please do learn about your tradition before unknowlingly mocking it. It is YOUR tradition as a muslim

>> No.23463377

Hadith is not necessary. Do you think i give a fucking fuck about what other humans thought about or what they said ? I'm here to follow the word of Allah rather than other ethics that absurd

>> No.23463382

"He does not speak from his own inclination"

The world would be a better place if the Quranists would just learn more of the Qur'an instead of jumping to conclusions and sharing them with the world

>> No.23463418

>the Quran literally also promoted the remembrance of Allah in every breath
The Qur'an reminds us, but the hadith tells us *how*, in particular, how the Prophet remembered Allah through his every action

>If the hadith are so important, why does the Qur'an not include the hadith?
This question falls into a category of questions about the Qur'an. One that I had was "Why doesn't Allah narrate the story of Isaiah, for example, instead of repeating the story of Moses mutiple times?"

A skeptic can easily find reasons to disbelieve from these types of questions, and I urge muslims to be careful. The explanation I have conceived for myself was that the Qur'an was revealed just as Allah wanted, to question this or that is a fool's errand. Like I said, all things only appear absurd without proper understanding.

The Qur'an was revealed in its state because it is the Will of Allah, that one must sit with the scholars or pore over the books of hadith to truly learn Islam. Or to study the authenticity of the Bible and study its prophecies to fully understand Islam in that context

>> No.23463426

Know that when you find something distressing, in the Qur'an or Hadith, whether that be the age of Aisha or the punishment of theft, Allah is testing you. Allah wants to see if you will follow His Messenger or society, if you will follow Him or Shaytan.

>> No.23463663

How do you know how to pray without the hadith buddy

>> No.23463691

>"Have you seen the one who takes as his god his own desire?"

Yes, go to Dubai, you can see them yourself

>> No.23463797

>Hadith was forced upon people and it negated and forcibly advocated upon never inquiring upon any knowledge and only on the Hadith
I'd like to write more clearly about this. Hadith started with the companions and their students who held study groups, sharing information about what they heard from the prophet. Some of them writing these ahadith. But, by the end of the Umayyad period, hadith had grown so widespread throughout the Empire that there existed many many fabricated hadith that were put into circulation.

The response to these, particularly by the Mu'tazila, were to disregard most ahadith and try to adhere to the Qur'an and what they regard to be the just(al-Adl) and rational(al-Aql) interpretation of it. This group received the support of the Abbasid state.

But, this continued until the Mu'tazila taught theological doctrine that was contrary to the known beliefs of the companions. So a group of scholars(ahl al-hadith), who were experts in hadith, lead a counter-movement, first in jurisprudence and later in theology, upholding what was orthodox.

They argued that through biographical knowledge and objective analysis of chains of transmissions, authentic hadith can be sifted from the weak and fabricated.


>> No.23463800

Muslim philosophers are too high IQ for me. I barely understood this video

>> No.23463821
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These scholars were popular because they had direct and famous lines of transmissions to great scholars, like Ahmad>Al-Shafi'i>Malik>Al-Zuhri>Sa'id ibn Al-Musayyab>Abu Hurayra.

They promoted the position that in jurisprudence and most of all theology, the use of "reason" is highly subjective and defective, and would lead corruption of the religion like in Christianity.

So their tafsirs of the Qur'an consisted of only hadith related to each verse. They took a non-speculative attitude towards the attributes of Allah, insisting that they were literal and should be accepted as is without asking how(bila kayf).

The many detractors of the Ahl Al-Hadith, then and now, often accuse them of being too dumb and scared to partake in speculative theology(kalam), but it must be known that many Atharis used to be Mu'tazilis, Mutakallimun and others. They take this position out of rationality. They are too rational to be rationalists so to say.

And as I've pointed out, many of them were geniuses and polymaths.

>> No.23463826

>Muslim scholars
thats like asking why toddlers dont do philosophy.

>> No.23463829

You'll be shocked to know that Anything you study derives indirectly from the Islamic golden age but what to even be prideful off, Modern day Islam have been fucked up

>> No.23463841

what's with these low iq responses? isn't this the smartest board on 4chan?

>> No.23463853

Ignore them they're just /pol/ or /his/ illiterate faggots who cannot complete a mid sentence.

Dead internet theory is truly right

>> No.23464149
File: 2.28 MB, 1000x10000, islam6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know the golden age of islam
is historical revisionism
the moooslimes stole all their "knowledge" from the greeks
again go fck the goats achmed

totally based

spotted the crybaby mooooslime go kys

spewing drivel from a collectIon of drivel

>> No.23464224

The problem is that Ibrahim in the Qur'an isn't a knight of faith, he's more of a tragic hero. In the Bible, Abraham keeps silent about the divine command, whereas in the Qur'an, Ibrahim tells Ishmael.

The story of Abraham illustrates the teleological suspension of the ethical. The story of Ibrahim is more on par with that of Agamemnon, he still moves on the sphere of the ethical.

>> No.23464313

>When you're such a barren cultural sphere your golden age is made of trying to translate and make sense of greek philosophers
I have never debated with a >100IQ muslim. Arab, sometimes, but anyone who passes that mark renounces their muslim background.

>> No.23465432

The fact you're talking this way implies that you have a very low iq, Why do you think Kierkegaard was still a Christian regardless of him knowing philosophy ? Islam's reputation precedes it but trust me I'm still a muslim regardless of what i know because i like Islam. Even Mainlander cannot convince me, Atheists easily lose belief in their religion because they sought for an escape and ironically Nhilisim mocks them for looking for an escape from faith.
But in reality Ethnicity, Skin or Which country you're from doesn't even share your Intelligence lol you should stop browsing this website for a while unironically

>> No.23465484

Genuinely curious, do the stories of the prophets in the Qur'an leave room for Kierkegaardian absurdity? From what little I know, it seems that the Islamic accounts of the Binding of Isaac (or Ishmael) and the crucifixion of Jesus don't really allow for that essential sort of extreme anxiety-turned-resignation portrayed in the christian versions of the same stories.

>> No.23465792

>I have never debated with a >100IQ muslim.
Same with me, but that applies to both Muslims and Christians but not Jews.
Believing Jews can be high IQ but are genuinely evil most of the time.

>> No.23465837

The list of things you've never done goes on and on

>> No.23466240
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>your golden age is made of trying to translate and make sense of greek philosophers
The Islamic Golden Age was much more than that, and I'm suprised that people are so uneducated about it. During the Islamic Golden Age, advancements were made in algebra, optometry, botany, optics, cosmology, astronomy, physics, philosophy, expounding upon the Greeks among others.

In Mathematics, the Arab use of irrational numbers as numbers and the manipulation of variables to find relations between unknowns. Ibn Al-Haytham also developed something very similar to the scientific method in is optics work.

The commentaries of Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd on Aristotle revives Aristotelian thought and would lay the foundation for Western philosophy for years to come.

The idea that the Arabs "stole" or merely "copied" Greek and Indian works show a lack of understanding of the history of science and a lack of actual knowledge about said topic.

All advacements stood on the shoulders of giants. The difference was that the Muslims were honest and praised the Greeks, while the Christians then benefitted from earlier Muslim works while making images of them trampling upon Muslim authors

>> No.23466677

>One only needs to look at the West to see that technological advancements does not equate to spiritual advancements
Why don't you go ahead tell us about all the spiritual advancements of the Middle East and North Africa, dear retarded anon?

>> No.23466702

>We are not like the Christians who only spiritually pay lip-service to God
>One acquainted with Western thought might benefit from identifying the word Sunnah with the Logos.
Absolute retard

>> No.23466720

>The West ultimately must turn to Islam
That will literally never happen, and you are pathetic for clinging to that idea. Go outside.

>> No.23466729

>The West ultimately must turn to Islam
It's saying stuff like this that validates their desire to slaughter all people of Middle Eastern descent. Kys, retard.
Islam was unable to survive modernization. Deal with it.
That's not to say the present secular liberal order is good though...

>> No.23466750


>> No.23466780

>his concept of the "leap of faith"
Just like Nietzsche with his Ubermensch, Kierkegaard never believed in this shit

>> No.23466845

Not a single rational sentence

>Islam was unable to survive modernization
Young muslims are becoming more religious than their parents, I am one of them. Christians and others like to think that we sell out just like them, but it is the rulers and the elites who have sold out. Islam in its true form is alive within the muslim people even though our enemies detest it

>> No.23466859

The truth: The faithless, secularist, suicidal and cowardly will perish and leave no offspring. The traditional, courageous, labourious and rational will populate the earth and transform the old world

>> No.23466921

Why not just go back to your Islamic home country instead of trying to impose your views onto Westerners?

>> No.23466941
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I am here. It is the westerners who inpose their secular religion onto the world, invading countries, sanctioning them.

My country suffered from hundreds of years of colonization, the British flooded my country with foreigners with different religions, kept them seperate and left the country with a secular ruling class with secular ideals, who created a democratic nation, removed all Islamic law and made legal what was illegal and made illegal what was legal under Sharia

Now, if there exists an Islamic empire, it is obligated to propogate Islam by force, because Islam is true and everything else is false. But the Muslim states are in weakness, as prophesized by the Prophet. So I am not imposing my views unto westerners, but I invite them to the truth which will set them free

>> No.23466962

You're either an inbred towelhead or JIDF.

>> No.23466965

A true Islamic country is very hard to establish. Much of Islamic law and governance is against international law, human rights views etc, and would result in sanctions, interventions, coups and covert operations by secular nations. This is only external.

The true challenge lies internally. Democracy was created for the sole purpose of conserving the status quo and preventing radicalism from power. Though most people in my country support Sharia law, constitutional restraints, anti-muslim parties from historical immigrants brought by the British prevents its establishment. The secular government centralizes education, creating a secular minded urban generation at odds with traditional society in the countryside.

>> No.23466972

Mossad agents have been proven to be operating in my country and Israel has military ties with non-muslim nations bordering my country, one of which has a history of persecuting Muslims

>> No.23466988
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>go back to your Islamic home country
so those in our home countries like me are just as powerless to "impose" Sharia upon (You) as those in the West. Secular liberalism is a religion, like an octopus with its tentacles suffocating any other competing religion in its path, sometimes highjacking it and creating liberalism with religious flavours.

It is not true that Islam is just the same. Islam too seeks to spread itself, but not through subversive means like liberalism, but through war or through persuasion, which are the only valid ways of propogating Islam. And Islam is true while secular liberalism and its many flavours are false

>> No.23467000

You're just low IQ and savage. You probably interpret anything against Pisslam as "secular liberal". Talking to you is a waste of time.

I put superior idols before Allah and am a polytheist. I bear witness that there are multiple gods, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Demons.

>> No.23467004

So when I say, the West must turn to Islam, I mean its people must abandon liberalism and these dead religions which have sold out. They must have a spiritual revival from a living tradition, which promotes humanity and does not suicidally try to extinguish and replace it. It is the only way the West, as it was known, can survive

>> No.23467009

fools will be fools i guess

>> No.23467049

Can somebody please answer my question

>> No.23467061

I think absurdism is just a response to how Christianity has never made sense. In the Qur'an, we get the impression that miracle and theology is supposed to make sense and have meaning. We are reminded over and over of God's wisdom, so I think it promotes us to find meaning in what many consider meaningless.

In the hadith, for example, we are taught to marvel at regular things, like the dropping of rain, the instinct of animals. The feeling of meaninglessness, anxiety, angst are whispers of Satan, and tests from God

>> No.23467078

One of my research interests is *why* the Qur'an was revealed how it was. This, in and of itself, appears absurd, which many non-muslims do complain about when reciting the Qur'an.

The Qur'an reminds us over and over that God is wise and more knowledgeable. God is greater. To study why God had revealed the Qur'an like this, we can compare muslim society and western society. Whenever anything bad happens, Muslims always say and remind each other, "There must be a wisdom(hikma) behind this". And we see this a lot in Palestine.

While in the West, when this happens, people lose hope in God, become depressed, they say "why would God do this?" This is an expression of absurdity

So, in repeating "God is wise" dozens of times in the Qur'an, and we repeat it everyday in prayer, the whole position of absurdity or even nihilism wouldn't exist, as there is wisdom in *everything*.

And this is a theme in Islamic literature, to prefer the positive outlook over the negative one.

>> No.23467083

Another often repeated idea in the Qur'an is that God created the world "with purpose and in truth". And this is repeated over and over, which leaves no doubt over it for anyone who believes in the Qur'an.

So it cannot be true that God created the world in absurdity, without aim or purpose, just because he can according to the Qur'an

>> No.23467105

I see, thank you. I believe we might have very different readings of Kierkegaard.

May I ask what, in your interpretation, constitutes the difference between the Aesthetic Man, the Ethical Man and the Religious Man?

>> No.23467608

>Young muslims are becoming more religious than their parents, I am one of them.
Never happened with Christianity
> Christians and others like to think that we sell out just like them
Christians don't think about you unless you behead someone for insulting some retarded goat fucker from the desert, since it's in the news
>our enemies
Are they in the room with us right now?

>> No.23467664

>but not through subversive means

>> No.23467667

>which are the only valid ways of propogating Islam
>secular liberalism
not a religion, Ahmed

>> No.23467670
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>It is the only way the West, as it was known, can survive