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/lit/ - Literature

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23458968 No.23458968 [Reply] [Original]

So he's a monist, the monad is the ideal, and the ideal exclusively exists as something material, which is interwoven by a dialectic that gives expression to this ideal, the outcome of which makes it absolute

>> No.23459031

Also instead of taking sides, he tries to unite the opposing philosophical views into 1 holistic system

>> No.23459059


>> No.23459126

This isn't a bad description, I usually see the term 'objective idealist' thrown around but some of these overarching terms are difficult to throw at Hegel, I know he doesn't look like much but his mind was a finely tuned weapon of sorts. Your description does strike me as being derived from the Encyclopedia though so I am inclined to say the description presented would be workable.

>> No.23459141

I've been reading philosophy for a long time, yet I still find descriptions such as OPs hopelessly vague and contradictory to the point of being useless. How can the ideal be also material? It doesn't make sense to even use the terms if we're adopting a monistic framework. Why is the outcome automatically absolute? It just sounds like a way to justify a random number generator's output as being correct each time.

>> No.23459182
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Right. The terms used by OP admit of multiple definitions. Also, OP isn't so much doing philosophy as they're presenting some account of how another person might be categorised or understood, and doing a poor job of it at that.

If Hegel interests us, I guess we could ask OP to actually explain all those terms and how they fit together in that post. If philosophy interests us, we could also ask OP whether Hegel was right/what OP thinks about the actual approach and conclusions of Hegel.

But there are countless pseuds online who lack any genuine philosophical spirit or ability, and who are only capable of regurgitating aimless and unclear descriptions of what past thinkers might have said. Presumably in the hope that nobody notices that they are totally incapable of presenting/defending any philosophical conclusions in their own right.

>> No.23459186

Hegel is essentially doing eschatology. The descent of spirit into matter and the divination of matter by spirit. Ancient alchemical dreams. Christian theosophy.

>> No.23459247

I will defend the OP on his assertion, Hegel had so many replies to so many schools of thought and people and the sheer amount of incorporation he performed makes the task of settling on one overarching term for Hegel incredibly difficult. This is difficulty is further compounded by the split in Hegel's followers, of course there are 3 groups because when we are talking about Hegel 3 seems to be the number. Each of those 3 groups is want to look at Hegel's work and retroactively apply a label that favors their preferred portion naturally. The definition the OP provided is something that strikes me as reminiscent of being derived from the Encyclopedia, so it is not necessarily some wild assertion. If the post is that repugnant to all of you then go read Hegel and come up with a better one, you can all use 'objective idealist' as well since I see that thrown around a good bit, if you are just trying to peddle your meme book about Chinese Greek fusions then go start a different thread about it, there is no need to besmirch Hegel over this.

>> No.23460197

No one's going to buy your shitty book, Tweetophon, now get back to sucking up to Straussian Platonists on twitter so that you can grift off their audiences.

>> No.23460202

I disagree with platonists, straussian or otherwise, retard. I don't even know who strauss is, it's just some german name people mention sometimes next to the name plato

>> No.23460225

>hangs around Athens_Stranger for exposure
>"i dunno what you're talking about, i hate hate hate platonists unless i get money from being nice to them"

>> No.23460238

>So he's a monist, the monad is the ideal, and the ideal exclusively exists as something material
This would mean somewhere in space there's a God object. That is dumb.

>> No.23460250

I think that guy is a piece of shit and I don't hang around with him for exposure or otherwise, though? Anyway this is /lit/, talk about something other than twitter.

>> No.23460255

What's new in Hegel these days? I've heard that Przywara and Ulrich both draw on him and Heidegger in building their systems but I still haven't managed to read their work yet.

>> No.23460257

I don't really understand what this means but I will not, like many dilettantes, dismiss what Hegel is saying here but I am also forced to ask, what exactly is Hegel saying here?

>> No.23460261

Why do you hate Athens_Stranger

>> No.23460282

Why do you care? Just DM me if it is of such interest to you. I only wished to make it clear that I have nothing positive to say about that guy and I'm not being paid by him, or whatever the accusation was.

>> No.23461649

Why is it that idiots who get everything spoonfed to them think they're intelligent enough to scrutinize what has just been dumbed down for them?

>> No.23461704

Oh cool so you pal around with him on twitter for dough but you're too much of a pussy to tell him where to stick Platonism, i see how it is. So much easier to shit on anonymous platonists here than have a spine.

>> No.23462944

He stole his philosophy from late Plato, what do you expect?

>> No.23462963

Nothing was spoonfed. Some retard made a retarded statement and pretended it was summing something up. If you need 500 pages to redefine every term you used then it communicates absolutely nothing.

>> No.23462994

Has anyone even read the book and refuted it yet

>> No.23463272

No one here is going to give Tweetophon money to read him jerk himself off over the profundity of the word "is" while interpolating modern conceptual distinctions into a 2500 year old thinker.

>> No.23463502

Amazon shows it's over 300 pages about "is". But if it's ripping off Plato then it's not really interpolating modern conceptual distinctions?

Anyway, looking forward to the take down when someone here does read it, rather than the reviews that are up so far.

>> No.23463569

>Monad: Abstract Universal that becomes self-beholding and concrete via a noetic Absolute Finite subjectivity

More or less, except the totality of its dynamic entelechy is that One&All, not necessarily the moment of its original undifferentiated unity, is what we're after with The Absolute.

>> No.23463584

>So he's a
coomer german bourgeois

>> No.23463653

>It is said that given an infinite amount of time, a monkey pounding randomly on the keys of a typewriter will almost certainly produce the entire works of William Shakespeare

>But before that monkey produces the works of Shakespeare, they will certainly produce Hegel

Sophist, Charlatan, Windbag. Hegel's writings have been nothing but pure cancer upon the world and if you need proof, look no further than what has been wrought by the people he influenced directly or indirectly. There is nothing of value to be found in his writings for they are nothing but a lengthy stream of verbal diarrhea enumerating pages by the thousands. You will find no value in trying to believe any of his garbage. The value is getting other people to believe his garbage. If you can get them to believe that, you can get them to believe anything.

>> No.23463799

based and truth-pilled

>> No.23463837

I'll read it if it's ever on libgen or anna's archive. Tweetophon is too much of a lazy disingenuous shill for me to rationalize giving him money.

>> No.23464716
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Hegel was a gnosticist trying to popularize the religion to bring Europe out of its secular boredom. His entire "philosophical" work that he is known for was actually a work of theology. It's no mistake that modern systems derived from the man have become full-blown religions.

>> No.23465074

Word too big for you??

>> No.23466161

Filtered beyond fucking belief. Try applying yourself instead of lazily repeating memes. There are literally dozens of volumes of secondary literature written with the express goal of getting filtered people such as yourselves to understand Hegel clearly; try reading one of these instead of continuing this anti-intellectual circlejerk centered around a grotesque parody of his ideas. You don't even have to agree with what he wrote as long as you understand it for yourself.

>> No.23466172

>dunning-kruger levels of filtered
>secondary literature
Name some secondary literature. If it's Anglo or French or published after 1945 I will have a good laugh.

>> No.23466176

Tell me, O wise one, what the big problem with something like Hegel's Ladder is if the aim is simply to guide filtered retards to a satisfactory understanding? Does the scholarship of someone like Harris miss some crucial tiny detail which only the enlightened Teutonic race may comprehend through their pure tongue?

>> No.23466185

The precision of German is lost in English.The difficulties of being precise about knowledge are one reason why English is not considered well-suited for discussions about epistemology, and terms from other languages, notably Latin and German, are commonly used.

Sundholm, Göran (2014), "The Vocabulary of Epistemology, with Observations on Some Surprising Shortcomings of the English Language", Mind, Values, and Metaphysics, Springer International Publishing, pp.203–208, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05146-8_13, ISBN9783319051451

>> No.23466280
File: 18 KB, 250x270, 250px-Carlos_Antonio_López_por_Demersay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, this nigga looked like C.A. Lopez

>> No.23467044

>secondary sources
Nigger, Hegel himself freely admitted he was a mystic in his his own books and letters to colleagues. I don't need your cuck sycophants defending the windbag when we freely confesses it himself

>> No.23467067

>Entire Millenia of Europeans using latin as a bridge language, including Newton's own seminal text on physics
>centuries of translating german to english and vice versa, including multiple intellegence agencies on both sides of two world wars
>English itself is a fucking derivative of German
>Somehow deciphering German into English is only a problem when Hegel gets brought up

Fuck off, charlatan

>> No.23467151

Cite unambiguous passages. If you're getting it from Magee's book, you're aready lost without a map.

>> No.23467153

So this is the power of philosophy, I can look to the indecipherable mystic Hegel or go in circles with Tweetophon saying "is". No wonder nobody on /lit/ actually reads.