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23452394 No.23452394 [Reply] [Original]

Deep Space Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23443042

>> No.23452406
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I think there are a lot of good Star Wars books actually.

>> No.23452452

is there a single modern author better than Sanderson?

>> No.23452455

me (when I finish writing my story)

>> No.23452459

what will be your pen name so i can buy on release day

>> No.23452469
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I have downloaded Warbreaker from Sandersons site.

>> No.23452651

Is red rising worth reading?

>> No.23452676

Of course not, why would it be?

>> No.23452686
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1200 pages of this shit, over and over and over again. He can't write funny characters. He repeats the same shit like he thinks the reader is a ADHD dumbass. His action sequences sound like someone who has watched too much C-tier Hollywood WHEN THEY EVEN HAPPEN. His characters are one dimensional.
Sanderson is fucking trash and is in serious need of an editor.

>> No.23452687

Yes, unfortunately it is the best book in the series

>> No.23452690
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Reposting my dead thread to this general:

I just read this shit. I thought it was really well written in terms of the characters, but the pace was just too slow and it never really felt like the author knew what the fuck he was doing in terms of plot. Too much description and not enough plot. It also had a very unsatisfying ending and it does feel a bit like a walmart brand Song of Ice and Fire.

Looking for good fantasy recommendations. Particularly anything with a ruthless/Machiavellian/power hungry main character, and dark magic.

>> No.23452692

For some reason I don't just have a hard on for sci fi in particular, but anything related to space and/or aliens. Major plus if hard sci fi too. I have exceptions (like Neuromancer trilogy, Permutation City, HG Wells, Asimov's robot books, and Phillip K Dick), but I usually stick to this archetype. How do I start embracing more types of sci fi.
And what is your preference: hard or soft sci fi

>> No.23452695

What caused the degradation of this general into nothing but YA and chinkshit? Surely some of you read serious writers, right? (Wolfe and Peake are not serious authors btw)

>> No.23452698

I meant the series
Kaladin's life was shit. It was alright for him to mope around in the first book. The problem is the fact that he continues to do so in the sequels

>> No.23452701

I mean the series is pretty good. I made it to Dark Age and then lost interest

>> No.23452707

Yeah it's great, one of the better science fiction series to come out in the last decade. The first book isn't very indicative of the series as a whole though, it's a scifi hunger games but book two onwards it becomes a much stronger space opera as the series progresses.

>> No.23452716

alright I'll try it out

>> No.23452720

I liked the First Law but it's more of a character study than a plot-centric book, imo. The worldbuilding is a bit crude but I don't think it's that important for the story to shine on its own.

>> No.23452721

Dr. FitzAragon, also known as "Goon," the third

>> No.23452723

What are serious authors? (Tolkien isn't a serious author, btw)

>> No.23452725

It's YA nu-scifi slop
>inb4 b-but the mc is white and there are gundams and genocide
still 2010+ slop bankrupt of ideas sorry, anon.
read some REAL scifi (ie everything written before 1995)

>> No.23452735

Tolkien is the only serious fantasy author, actually. Science fiction has a few.

>> No.23452739

thank you noted Goon the third

>> No.23452749

there is really nothing YA about Red Rising

>> No.23452753

ok zoomer

>> No.23452767

>the oldest Zoomers are almost 30

>> No.23452770

NTA but the first one can absolutely lead you into thinking the rest is YA-esque. I do agree with you that it's really not YA as a whole though, especially the soon to be finished timeskip quartet.

>> No.23452775
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>Tolkien is the only serious fantasy author, actually.
*blocks your path*

>> No.23452776

>NTA, but
>, no?
>hard sci fi

>> No.23452777

It's literally for children. The whole series.

>> No.23452781


>> No.23452790

>bro trust me it stops being ya slop after 4 (FOUR) books trust me bro it's basedkino

>> No.23452805


>> No.23452807
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>> No.23452814

i accept your concession :-)

>> No.23452822

If Oprah liked it, it's not serious

>> No.23452835


>> No.23452849

They're the only things that get released regularly, all the old shit has been discussed to death, and there's not enough notable non YA, non chinkshit released to sustain a discussion.

>> No.23452872
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You should definitely check out:
Hardwired Trilogy by Walter Jon Williams
Doctor Adder Trilogy by K. W. Jeter
Ware Trilogy by Rudy Rucker
Islands in the Net by Bruce Sterling

>> No.23452875

Man, I've been trying to remember a book I read as a youngling. A young adult gets Futurama'd to the far future and its an apocalyptic setting. A suit of high tech armor designates him as the president of the U.S. as he is the last human with photo I.D. I can't remember if it was a cyoa style book but it was so neat.

>> No.23452878
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>> No.23452880

>reaction gifs
You have to go back

>> No.23452895

>people beating each other to death
>self mutilation
>mass murder/genocide

>> No.23452903

You have brown skin.

>> No.23452904


>> No.23452909

none of those subjects listed are for children

>> No.23452914

Can I successfully put my fetishes in a work and have no one except internet commentators figure it out?

>> No.23452925

For sure. Look at tarantino. I think if you asked a normalfag on the street most of them dont even know about his glaringly obvious foot fetish.

>> No.23452926
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>there is really nothing YA about Red Rising

>> No.23452934

no they are for TEENS that's why YA and CHILDREN'S FICTION are to different things. even sarah j maas books have genocide are you trying to argue that Maas isn't peak YA SLOP?

>> No.23452936

Fetishes are always without exception glaringly obvious. That shit sticks out like a sore thumb and everyone of your friends and relatives that reads your work will look at you funny for the rest of your life but not say anything about it.

>> No.23452949
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He's finished.

>> No.23452957

Say what you want about him, he finishes his books.

>> No.23452966

There's only two ways this works: either your fetishes are so bizarre that nobody would recognize them as such, or else you take a shotgun approach and cram your book with as much degenerate shit as you can so that nobody can guess which specific bits are your true kinks.

>> No.23452971

Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence. Be warned: first book the protagonist is the edgiest teenager you've ever seen. He ticks all your boxes for being ruthless, scheming, and ambitious, though.

>> No.23453120

>YA and chinkshit
That's all contemporary sci-fi/fantasy is.

>> No.23453141
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Read Donkey Kong country rumble in the jungle.

>> No.23453193

Any recommendations for books with modern or near future settings where people with fantastic abilities are common and widely known? Not necessarily capeshit, but I what some examples to look at for a writing project of my own.
Added to my reading list my goodman

>> No.23453258
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The World of Ice & Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin, Elio M. García Jr., Linda Antonsson (2014)

This is a history book. Everything is told and nothing is shown, except through the many excellent illustrations. If you want an objective history then you'll be disappointed because this is written in-universe by Maester Yandel. That means a lot could be wrong, fabricated, or otherwise not what happened. Yandel attempts to determine what's true, but that's difficult when it's a mix of folklore, oral traditions, songs, legends, mythology, and much else of dubious factuality. There's also that Yandel's empiricism may be leading him astray. He seems to believe that there isn't enough evidence that he's living in a world where the fantastical still occurs, or maybe even that it ever did. An example is that it's commonly accepted that it's impossible to know how long a season will last. It's proposed that world altering magic randomized the seasons because they should proceed as according to the revolution of the planet around the sun. There isn't evidence to support either of those claims, so they aren't believed, and the seasons remain arbitrary for unknown reasons. I like the idea that extraordinary magic was used in the distant past, there are various examples provided, but since magic has all but vanished there remains little that can attest to its existence so most don't believe it, especially not the educated.

The book begins with ancient history that eventually comes to Aegon's Conquest (15%). Next are the details of each Targaryen King's reign (25%). The events that lead up to A Game of Thrones are then briefly covered (2%). From there the book shifts to covering the regional histories of Westeros from ancient history to recent years (36%). The rest covers what's known of everywhere else (22%). The best part was about the Targaryen Dynasty, which is covered more in Fire & Blood, though everything was worth reading. There were a lot of details that changed how I viewed the setting. This book has broadened my perspective of the characters, their world, and its history. If the stories are to be believed, especially the ancient histories of Essos, then it gives a sense of how fallen the world is compared to what it was, at least in terms of what could be accomplished with magic. It's not Dying Earth, though it has similarities.

Reading this has renewed my appreciation for the series. I'd put off reading it because I thought that it'd be dull, boring, and otherwise not worthwhile. I was wrong. I enjoyed it considerably more than expected. However, I don't think this can be recommended to the general readership though. It's easy to see why many wouldn't find it worthwhile. It's definitely an optional sort of reading. I don't believe there's anything included here that you'd need to know for the published or remaining books. You read it because you want to know more.

Rating: 4/5

>> No.23453269

The Burning Isle by Will Panzo.

>> No.23453298

Why do u think the kongs left kong city?

>> No.23453302

I'm about to start reading this. Before I start I want to know if it's pozzed

>> No.23453309
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>> No.23453368

Too many immigrants most likely

>> No.23453387
File: 1.22 MB, 884x1596, IMG_3503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read Beyond Apollo yet, anons?

>> No.23453395

Just finished Unholy Consult. I feel free. Just glad its over. I miss the first book. I was happier then.

>> No.23453414

your """reviews""" are GREAT. stay here.

>> No.23453442

>implying Oprah read it as anything other than le cute bunny book

>> No.23453445

Also, I'd bet my entire life savings Oprah le likes Lord of the Rings

>> No.23453477

Didn't Oprah recommend Blood Meridian?

>> No.23453537

>He can't write funny characters.
Just wait until Kaladin and Shallan start interacting. The shit is insufferable and cringe.
I'm on a Cosmere catch up right now, and I am dreading Oathbringer because Shallan/Kaladin is what made me quit the book and Sanderson years ago.

>> No.23453559

>Kaladin's life was shit. It was alright for him to mope around in the first book. The problem is the fact that he continues to do so in the sequels
He's got depression. You don't just get over that. Its a constant battle, which is Kaladin's story.
Not saying its good, but thats the logic.
Stormlight Archive is basically mental-illness-the-series. Kaladin has depression. Renaming is autistic. Shallan is a schizo with amnesia. And so on. The whole thing is that Radiants are broken people and spren are their therapy buddies.

>> No.23453562

I have never read any of his books but I saw him giving a lecture on youtube and he was teaching students about "Sandersons law" or some shit. A law that he made up and named after himself. From then on I felt like he must be a cunt and never touched his books.

>> No.23453570


>> No.23453573

Not really unless you like hunger games in space and other YA shit. I read the first three then got tricked by someone here to read the next trilogy but I called it quits halfway through book 5. It doesn't get better don't get tricked.

>> No.23453581

does he just write the first draft and sends it in?

>> No.23453585

>He's got depression. You don't just get over that.
You do. Especially once you've suceeded in freeing yourself and your bros and became a magic knight

>> No.23453587

Peak reddit post

>> No.23453603
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Why the fuck does Elric lock his usurper cousin up and not think he will use his magic to escape in the first book? Even Elric's cousinfu says this is a stupid idea.

>> No.23453606

I "got over" depression by lifting weights and reading Second Apocalypse

>> No.23453608

I got over depression by taking Zoloft for 2.5 years. I also got a cool motorcycle which is fun to ride.

>> No.23453610

>replying to Bakkerfags
How new are you?

>> No.23453635

because he is stupid, the entire series is about how he fucks up so many times the world literally ends, remember that elric is the anti-conan and the original white haired emo mc and in the implied ending of conan he unites the whole world under aquilonia's flag and brings and age of peace so obviously elric has to do the opposite which is fuck the entire world over

>> No.23453644


>> No.23453683

it's not a placebo if it works

>> No.23453694

yes it is. that's the entire concept of a placebo

>> No.23453720

I got over depression by fucking milf pussy

>> No.23453735

No idea but wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.23453770

Are you talking about when he locks Yyrkoon up? Or when he makes him Emperor?

>For the first one
This is the passage:
'It is too lenient, ' said Cymoril. 'You would be best advised to slay him. Send soldiers now. Give him no time to consider counterplots.'
'I do not fear his counterplots.' Elric rose wearily. 'Now I should like it if you would both leave me, until an hour or so before the feasting begins. I must think.'

He doesn't care. He knows he's more powerful than Yyrkoon, which is true. Of course he is underestimating Yyrkoon here, as he does regularly, but at this point he really doesn't care about anything. He just got done saying:
'Could you not kill them both quickly?' Cymoril asked. 'You know that I do not plead for my brother because he is my brother. I hate him most of all. But it might destroy you, Elric, to follow through with your plan.'
'What if it does? Let me be destroyed. Let me merely become an unthinking extension of my ancestors. The puppet of ghosts and memories, dancing to strings which extend back through time for ten thousand years.'

Of course he regrets this all in like a page, saying this:
Again he had ignored Cymoril's advice concerning her brother--and again she was in danger. Elric's last thought was a simple one:
'I am not fit to live, ' he thought.

Obviously, Elric being Elric and this being the kind of story that it is, this is not the last time he makes the same mistake.

>For the second one
Again, Elric didn't care at all about being Emperor and so he didn't care if Yyrkoon wanted to be Emperor. He didn't take Cymoril with him because Cymoril didn't want to come.

>Doylist answer for both
Elric of Melnibone, the first book chronologically, was not the first Elric story that was written and released. The Dreaming City, in which his alabama waifu dies during his showdown with his cousin was actually the first to be written.

>> No.23453884

After watching the DnD movie (the new one) I thought about dipping into the novels - how are the drizzt books? Reddit says they're alright, but the fantasy side of reddit is frequently super-lame, so I figured I'd ask here.

>> No.23453961

I stopped reading with the 4e books, but I've heard the newer Drizzt books are crap, I've heard.
And the older stuff is not all that great really. Partly because from a modern perspective so much after it did the same thing better. But also... just really not great writing. I do like the story, though.
If you like the lore and shit, give the original batch of books a go, I guess. I'd say stop after the Legacy of the Drow quintet.

>> No.23454005

are you a teenager? who the fuck things red rising is the best book in the series...

>> No.23454006

>hasnt read the best book in the series
>thinks he can claim it doesnt get better

>> No.23454012

kill yourself

>> No.23454018

If it's not a morally repugnant fetish then the majority of your audience will ignore it. Example Tarantino, everyone knows he's got a foot fetish, everyone knows he inserts his footh fetish into his movies, nobody but internet losers spend more than 30 seconds giving a shit about it.

>> No.23454020

I don't think themes of parenthood, racial unity, and fascism are young adult.

>> No.23454071

>like Neuromancer trilogy
lol. Complete ass. Bridge trilogy is his only passable sci fi. Neuromancer might as well be fantasy and terribly written to boot.

>> No.23454111

Yo, looking for a well written adventure story with a young male protagonist that's both heroic and nice.

Any recs asides from WoT (hate the prose)? I don't care if it's a WN or Eastern.

>> No.23454171

Nice like soft nice or nice like actually nice (if I gotta cut off your leg to spare you infection, I'll do it in a heartbeat)?

>> No.23454177
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What's the implication of elf orgasm?

>> No.23454192

>or nice like actually nice (if I gotta cut off your leg to spare you infection, I'll do it in a heartbeat)?
touch grass

>> No.23454204

>it gets good multiple books in

>> No.23454275

That's not an argument, make a fucking argument.

>> No.23454360
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Anyone who read the blacktongue thief who's genuinely excited for this? I don't understand who it's for. Blacktongue was a pretty fun and campy fantasy with some elements of horror, but this just seems like such a tonal shift. I didn't read blacktongue wondering about the backstory for the stoic war veteran of the goblin wars.

>> No.23454380

Which newer stuff do you think did it better? I just like classical fantasy with monsters, clearly different races, spells and heroes and so on.

>> No.23454384

Ah, yes. The trad, based, absolutely non-coomer Tolkien. Well, I'll give him one of those, at least.

>> No.23454487
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Just finished reading this and I fucking loved it. God damn was it good.

>> No.23454498
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What compelled the author to retcon the central connecting theme that he's spent the entire series (19 previous books) developing?

>> No.23454523

Because the middle-ages tier warfare is much more interesting than the space opera shit that comes after

>> No.23454582

I've done both this year and I feel no better...r424aa+

>> No.23454603

>reads sci fi
>is dissapointed by the lack of low tech warfare
some people shouldnt have opinions

>> No.23454614

Is that what I said ESL-kun?

>> No.23454627

why is 99% of fantasy such utter trash

>> No.23454666

>in serious need of an editor.
TOR Books, the publishing house, likes money, and it knows it can get huge sales if Sanderson publishes through them. It needs to keep him happy. One way is hiring subservient editors who won't "impede" on Sanderson's "creative output," i.e., writing thousands of pages of crap, and will do the minimum to get the book out the door.

If Sanderson had a *real* editor, he wouldn't publish his books as often, and they'd be much shorter.

>> No.23454668

He works on multiple drafts that might lead to major rewrites. The version he sends to the publishing house is the manuscript, which is *mostly* complete.

>> No.23454670

What's next?

>> No.23454673

Why complain about fan-fiction-quality/character writing in a "genre" which is definitionally Tolkein fan-fiction?

>> No.23454677
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>> No.23454684

I can't recall too much but it starts with Logen communing with spirits right, and then that never happens again

>> No.23454698

Yes, it is what you said.

>> No.23454700

What I wouldn't give for an editor who hates by writing with a passion.

>> No.23454704

Blame the publishing house that pairs subservient editors with Sanderson.

>> No.23454718

I would rather blame Sandwich for having the interpersonal wherewithall of the last lobster in a fishtank.

>> No.23454774

Brandon Sanderson is the Fantasy Peter F. Hamilton

>> No.23454791


>> No.23454797

It is legitimately the best franchise in terms of tie-in novels. Matthew Stover's Star Wars books are better fantasy than gruel like Steven Erikson and Brandon Sanderson

>> No.23454803

Not even close. Peter F. Hamilton is a british pervert who writes exploitative and wild pulp sci-fi with space zombies and interstellar tycoons, whereas Sanderson is a timid mormon autist that basically likes to write the western equivalent to battle shonen manga but in prose format and with all the personality removed

>> No.23454807
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Read Consider Phlebas

>> No.23454846

>battle shonen manga

>> No.23454903
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Yeah, of course.

>> No.23454912

No clue, havent been able to find anything that scratches the same itch.

>> No.23454985

Why did Tolkien want Mr. Tumnus to rape Lucy in Narnia? Wtf was wrong with him? Didn’t he realize it was supposed to be a children’s book?

>> No.23455007
File: 49 KB, 340x499, pastel-minor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you faggots so much. Every time I pop into these threads it's the same shit over and over again. I assume 90% of you are bots and it is just retard spam but if not then I hate you.

>> No.23455011

Any book where a scifi/cyberpunk/deep frozen modern day guy ends up on a low-tech planet/goes through a time machine/isekais to fantasy world and starts doing industrial revolution things, but that process is actually difficult and costly and long and detailed?

>> No.23455017

I read this. I thought it was pretty toothless and shallow. Light was much better, but had flaws all its own.

>> No.23455068
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Finished 6th volume of Dungeon Crawler Carl. And damn, that was good!
I can't remember last time book's epilogue made me absolutely hyped and scared for the next volume.

>> No.23455165

Because Mr. Tumnus is a satyr and that's what satyrs do. He was (rightly) baffled why Lewis would make Mr. Tumnus a satyr and then not have him do satyr things.

>> No.23455171

Let me repeat myself so it becomes clearer for your low IQ brain:


>> No.23455185

Right, why would someone put a satyr in a children's book?

>> No.23455201

>“I hear you’ve been reading Jack’s [Lewis’s] children’s story. It really won’t do, you know! I mean to say: ‘Nymphs and their Ways, The Love-Life of a Faun’. Doesn’t he know what he’s talking about?”
The problem isn't that the satyr doesn't rape the girl, the problem is that the satyr is there/a nice guy in the first place. It's like having Gorgons or Erinyes who are all nice and like having tea parties with passers by.

>> No.23455326

His whole thing was complaining about how mythic creatures got watered down. He even wrote a series of books to rehabilitate elves.

>> No.23455327

Workin on my draft again, can I float an idea by you anons? Thanks.

How do we feel about selfcest? Yay, nay? What about selfcest but with a younger version of yourself whom you have no recollection of being due to a mix of trauma and drugs...

>> No.23455328

Workin on my draft again, can I float an idea by you anons? Thanks.

How do we feel about selfcest? Yay, nay? What about selfcest but with a younger version of yourself whom you have no recollection of being due to a mix of trauma and drugs...

>> No.23455330


>> No.23455335

Wouldn't any sex with the self ultimately just be masturbation, so long as all parties were willing?

>> No.23455342

Guise, Tumnus is a God-fearing, upper middle class, English, by way of Rome, FAUN.
Satyrs are Greek, Dionysian, drunken, incel coomers that fuck animals because they're so bad at seducing nymphs and women

>> No.23455347

>Greek, Dionysian, drunken, incel coomers that fuck animals because they're so bad at seducing nymphs and women
based ngl

>> No.23455350

there is a delete post function. are you smart enough to figure it out

>> No.23455356

It always tells me to "please wait before deleting" so I just give up.

>> No.23455359

so, no then

>> No.23455364

I instinctively reset my IP after every post so I can't delete :(

>> No.23455367

It could certainly be an interesting twist depending on the impact it would have on the story itself. Personally I'm open to basically any idea in fiction so long as it's done in an interesting way.

>> No.23455377

>Personally I'm open to basically any idea in fiction so long as it's done in an interesting way.
People say this but then you get shit like
>That's dumb I wouldn't have written that

>> No.23455384

>I hate you faggots so much. Every time I pop into these threads it's the same shit over and over again. I assume 90% of you are bots and it is just retard spam but if not then I hate you.
Aren't you the one who posts that book again and again?
Harrison is good but he's entry level "literary" fantasy

>> No.23455387

What is "literary" fantasy? Where do I start?

>> No.23455394

Best DnD books, or books in that vein (monsters, spells, different races with distinct characteristics)?

>> No.23455397
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, Brandon-Sanderson-author.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brandon Sanderson of course

>> No.23455413

So you're continually surprised the nerds of 4chan have bad taste

>> No.23455423

King of Elfland's Daughter, The Worm Ouroboros

>> No.23455430

It's all in the execution, no? You're basically agreeing with him.

>> No.23455508

I agree on all counts. I'm amazed by how good they are. It's been a long since I felt the same way.

>> No.23455510

You have to wait 10 minutes to delete.

>> No.23455620

>The book, finally, is DONE.

Words George RR Martin will never say

>> No.23455649

Unless George needs more money, he can just say he's writing until he dies, right?

>> No.23455674

Great post anons, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good?!?!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good???? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?

>> No.23455685

>I want something that is interesting to me
>that was not interesting and thus I wasted my time
> this upsets me
Where is the contradiction?

>> No.23455706

Just finished Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?

>> No.23455717

So why should I read any of these modern slop authors when the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s are a gold-mine of sci fi

>> No.23455747

I loved the first one but to me The Great Hunt is one of my favorites and it really starts getting the ball rolling.

>> No.23455825

Why is ritualposting not a bannable offense?

>> No.23455837
File: 606 KB, 2821x1255, animorphs chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Animorphs, Everworld, Remnants, and the Endling trilogy

>> No.23455852

The posts are deleted sometimes and maybe they're banned, but that doesn't stop a lot of them.

>> No.23455901

Don't you have a """""philosophy"""" book some incel wrote 600 years ago to be masturbating over?

>> No.23455928

Yeah he does so one other time but it’s never explained why he can do it, what the spirits are, why they are disappearing, nothing.

The whole series had virtually no plot. It’s fucking crazy. Joe Abercrombie should partner with someone else and have them do the plot and world building and he just does the actual writing. He is a great writer but kind of a retard at the same time.

>> No.23455930
File: 138 KB, 400x600, 58643-tenebroum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Tenebroum

>> No.23455932

you answered your question. Just read the old books. Watch old movies

>> No.23455934

If character is male then it’s gay. If character is female then I will allow it

>> No.23455937

Any recs for something that has a lot of monster and beast encounters? Like minotaur and lemuria and harpy and shit like that

>> No.23455944

Either of you Anons like Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter?

>> No.23455947

Never read it but I probably wouldn't like it since I don't care about Darth Maul as a character. He's just a bad guy from Episode 1 that's meant to obstruct the heroes before dying.

>> No.23455949
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I'm ashamed to admit it took me three books of the stormlight archive to realize this. Its even more annoying that he came up with a half decent magic system that is just wasted throughout by his pathetic book long narrative edging. We should have got a fantasy world spanning conflict with the rapid rise and fall of empires in glorious conflict, instead what we got was the literary equivalent of The Wizard of OZ where THE Wizard behing the curtain is just a fat mormon with glasses vomiting out words and shtting up the modern literary landscape with similar drivel.

>Prime example of why multi-pov works are inherently flawed.

>> No.23455954
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The Wizard of Oz books are unironically based thoughmever.

>> No.23455957

Mods don't care about the website or any post quality, and ritualposters like Bakkerfag always come back after any ban they receive, or simply circumvent it.

>> No.23455970
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Many such cases!

>> No.23455972

what does you coming to 4chan after 2020 have to do with sci-fi and fantasy, newfag?

>> No.23455975

>He's just a bad guy from Episode 1 that's meant to obstruct the heroes before dying
Then this is just the book for you. Maul is like the Terminator in this book. Plot involves him chasing down actually interesting characters.

>> No.23455988

Do the heroes defeat him at the end of the book? Something tells me they don't.

>> No.23455995

It's about the journey, anon. Not the destination

>> No.23456056

>the low test reader cuck mentality

>> No.23456082

Naw it's a good read. Only a faggot would approach a tie-in book with the mindset you have.

>> No.23456083


>> No.23456085

I'm reading La Nuit des temps and I think it's cool how the author tries to make it seem real
Like they'll have bits about journalists interviewing people on the street about recent discoveries

>> No.23456143
File: 1.94 MB, 1170x1728, 9A71C101-49B4-42A2-9436-627980C33C46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is everyone in this book a massive douche

>> No.23456147

I’ve had this on my backlog for some time now. Worth picking up a hard copy for my collection?

>> No.23456148

What the fuck?

>> No.23456169

they're fighting for survival

>> No.23456173

Gurney, Duncan, Leto, and Kynes aren't douches.

>> No.23456194

Intéressant. Je le lirai quand j’aurai amélioré mon français.

>> No.23456196

We are NOT entertaining the fucking French here

>> No.23456212

im french btw not sure if that matters

>> No.23456218

>why is everyone
I think for the most part, most of them are just realistic.
Yes, some are, like the Emperor, the traitor, Paul's Mom, and the guy who has to die so Paul so can show he's an elite psyker Emperor to the Fremen

>> No.23456221

Eat a snail, fag.

>> No.23456225

>surely success and money makes it so you aren't sad and depressed.

>> No.23456230

How dare someone like you reply to my post

>> No.23456231

>success and money
The real trick is freeing yourself from the system.
For example, homesteading is more expensive than just living normally, but not being around faggots you don't want to be around is very liberating.

>> No.23456243

The Penric and Desdemona series. Boy meets chaos demon, boy becomes sorceror-physician, rescues orphans from pireates, solves plagues, saves souls etc.

Really good series, also fairly short given that most of the books are only about 100 pages.

>> No.23456250

I'm actually french, but the post was supposed to insult you by calling you french, just like in the classic meme format "I'm trans btw". You lads just can't get anything right.

>> No.23456251

Baguettes are the only good thing to come out of your country other than violently rebelling against your government.

>> No.23456256

la révolution a été une erreur suprême, même si

>> No.23456260

Nah we have an overwhelming amount of great things but the people ain't one.

>> No.23456264

No shit retard

>> No.23456268

The mistake was that you guys didn't instantly return to your Monarchs and kill all the commies in your revolution.
Robespierre died the death he deserved to for being an authoritarian cuck.

>> No.23456276

well none of the people answering my post seemed to get it so fuck off cunt

>> No.23456279

Wisher Beware
(it's coomer, but outside of that it's exactly what your wanting.)

>> No.23456290

I don't like you Frenchie

>> No.23456291

NTA but no. The mistake was letting jews get any kind of influence. The same happened in England and it also went to shit.

>> No.23456302

>I'm actually french

>> No.23456319

Jews support Communism since it backs up their ideals of supporting authoritarianism but doesn't come with the innate (and only) virtue of Fascism (it has an in-group based on the nation's ethnicity).

>> No.23456320
File: 1.30 MB, 1338x1920, Gustave_Le_Rouge_-_Le_Prisonnier_de_la_planète_Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you think of this?

>> No.23456339

The demon looks scared shitless

>> No.23456348

Doctor stone lmao

>> No.23456357

I've read around 20 so far and only disliked a couple.

>> No.23456365

Drew karpyshin or however you spell his name is based. I would be weary of anyone else writing Star Wars books though

>> No.23456370

Even Leia Princess of Alderaan is good, and it was written by Claudia Gray.

>> No.23456372

It's a vampire. Vampires are Martians.

>> No.23456380

He looks scared shitless. Not fitting for a vampire either, unless you're going for the classical vampires/daemons are weak ass pussies.

>> No.23456390

Jews support any ideology that advances their interests at the moment be it bolshevism, capitalism, monarchism or even nationalism. They don't care either way. They just want to advance their agenda and increase their influence. In the middle-ages there were court jews so they were often pro-monarchy. In early modern England they were for the Protestants and wormed their way in through them. In the pre-WW1 period they fueled European Jingoism in back handed ways and were in fact on Germany's side initially because they hated Tsarist Russia most (though they backstabbed Germany after the revolution which they of course caused). Now they are often libertarian or neo-con (the neo-con movement was created by formed Trotzkyists (!)). It's correct however to say that today they tend to oppose racial and ethnic nationalism as well as fascism but they won't hesitate to subvert or co-opt even such movements.

>> No.23456391
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>> No.23456394

They do care.
They are the sole cause of anti-American policies in America in the modern day.
Even Islam is like, "hey we like America right now because they don't censor us," but Jews clapped them by having corporations black list anyone who says "free Palestine" in a protest.

>> No.23456395

I found a greentext from 2020 /tg/ that painted his series in an interesting light. Too bad we're four years deep into nonstop shitposting about reading his cartoonishly dark and evil series.

>> No.23456404

>Even Islam is like, "hey we like America right now because they don't censor us,"
A spoonfull of history revision makes the genocide rhetoric go down

>> No.23456411

I'm not saying Islam isn't one of the greatest enemies in the west, but the problem is the Jews punch at such a higher weight that I'd rather take a chance on the Islamists winning.

>> No.23456416

Jews have their pet preference at any given time, yes. And now they mostly support harming White nations (along with Palestinians and others). But at the same time both the left and the right in America are thoroughly controlled by them and they use America as their golem to harm Europe and the Middle-East so in general they tend to support the American political class if not ordinary White Americans.

>> No.23456419

What does a jewish victory look like.
What does an islamic victiry look like.


>> No.23456420

I take a small recourse in the fact that they will eventually be so outbred by Muslims (unless Christians get their heads out of their asses and return to obeying the Bible) that they will be cast down by the one group that hates them more than even Nazis.

>> No.23456427

>Jewish Victory
America is destroyed for the benefit of two percent of the people
>Islamic Victory
America may be destroyed but probably not, since it will just replace Christianity.
Jews will be dead, most likely, since no one reads the part of the Quran about the fact that Jews and Christians aren't supposed to be murdered for refusing to convert.

>> No.23456442

>islamic victory
>america may be destroyed but probably not
Like I said, dumbass.

>> No.23456451


>> No.23456460

Grow up.

>> No.23456464

Books where a society is subverted?

>> No.23456471

The Empyrean Saga by Rebecca Yarros.

>> No.23456473

Red Rising (they're shit though)

>> No.23456484

Red Rising (books 2-6)

>> No.23456493

does literally every thread have to be about da joos?

>> No.23456495

Red Rising (they're excellent too)

>> No.23456500

every thread is filled with simpletons, so yeah

>> No.23456548
File: 918 KB, 906x1613, IMG_3852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much better than Dahlgren and Nova it's almost unbelievable that it's the same author, but enough of his sexual fetishes shine through to know it's still old Sam.
Set in a future where everything is permitted and people walk through the streets mostly unclothed, our protagonist is an ex-male-prostitue, now "metalogician" (metalogics are a topic given lengthy explanations which drag until you realize they're intentionally nonsensical, mocking science fiction more than celebrating it. These are interspersed throughout the novel and even given their own appendices (plural), so get used to them) The solar system is on the brink of war. This might seem to be building up as the major thrust of the plot before our increasingly-unreliable narrator redirects it toward his romantic obsession with travelling musician "The Spike". He stalks her for most of the 300some pages of the book, traveling across the solar system before finally being given a firm rejection. An interplanetary war breaks out at some point, but is only mentioned insofar as it impacts our narrators attempts to stalk The Spike. Following the rejection, he is both consoled and given a stern talking-to by the author's self-insert, his genius naked old gay black roommate. Finally our narrator concludes that women have become too empowered in their utopian society for his traditional ideas of romance and concludes that the only way to find the woman he's looking for is to become that woman. He gets a quick sex-change, but is disappointed to find that men won't approach him because they also don't share his ideas of traditional romance, he cries womanly and the book ends.

Delany is so convincing with his portrayal of a modern man in his so-called utopia that one begins to wonder if any normal person except his cartoonish menagerie of self-inserted misfits and queers would ever accept a society like that, or if we would all ultimately just feel just as lost and disenfranchised as our narrator. A genuinely well-written character study, which doubles as a stinging critique of liberal space utopias. And Incredibly prescient to predict the chud-to-tranny pipeline back in the 70s. Stunning stuff.

>> No.23456558

>"metalogician" (metalogics are a topic given lengthy explanations which drag until you realize they're intentionally nonsensical, mocking science fiction more than celebrating it. These are interspersed throughout the nove
Damn, now I know where Hal Duncan stole it from in Susurrus on Mars.

>> No.23456565
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>Queen America
>Millennial, Goddess of Rot

>> No.23456619

kill yourself

>> No.23456629
File: 57 KB, 667x1000, My evil wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X-Wing is kino, just a bunch of rebel friends commiting war crimes together with some deep bonding moments in between each crime.
i was pleasingly suprised by that, the terminator comparison is accurate the only reason i read that was because i wanted to read Coruscant Nights but to understand the books and backgrounds of each character i needed to read Shadow hunter (and medstar) so i started reading it almost out of obligation but it has some of the best sequences i have read of the prequel movies novels and i say this as a person who thinks darth maul is lame, that book really changed my perspective of him.
also i think it's funny how the underworld of coruscant it's just 1970 new york but in space lol
same, i think i've read around 30 and the only ones i outright disliked was the Crystal Star and The Callista trilogy (darksaber had it's moments tho) which i thought i was going to love since Barbara Hambly is a great writer

>> No.23456635


>> No.23456664

I don't care who it is, all reviews using that form factor are shit

>> No.23456683

>how are the drizzt books?
Mogs 80% of modern fantasy
>“Because of the friends I have known, the honorable people I have met, I know I am no longer the solitary hero of unique causes. I know now that when I die, I will live on. That which is important will live on. This is my Legacy; and by the grace of the gods, I am not alone.”

>> No.23456709

That excerpt could be from 80% of modern fantasy...

>> No.23456720

modern fantasy authors would put a snarky comment or a quippy remark

>> No.23456741

>I'll summarize the entire book so that you don't have to read it for yourself

>> No.23456745

What is this "form factor" you speak of? Writing in paragraphs?

>> No.23456746

>Ohnonono not le heckin spoilers
Grow up. Nobody here was reading it anyways.

>> No.23456773

>two paragraph review followed by numeral out of 5 score

>> No.23456796

It's a very natural format for a short review.

>> No.23456797

it's so obvious you don't read. you just base your opinions off of youtube videos and screencap threads.

>> No.23456798

There is nothing natural about out of 5 scores

>> No.23456822

>There is nothing natural about out of 5 scores
>This is why 99% of websites that have user ratings for anything use a five star system

>> No.23456833

7 point scale is better, 5 point has too many psychological hangups and biases attached.

>> No.23456836
File: 1.16 MB, 2773x1820, NINTCHDBPICT000431020597-e1561486587853-4238955620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ad populum

>> No.23456843


>> No.23456846

ad hominem

>> No.23456853

>Muh falacies
Kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys kys

>> No.23456861

>still no argument
your concession has been accepted

>> No.23456874

It's not a fallacy to appeal to popularity because I'm not trying to argue for it, I'm only trying to argue that it's natural. Naturality follows from popular use. I'm not trying to pioneer some new grading scale, I'm just trying to review a book. Calling you a retard is not a fallacy because you're retarded.

>> No.23456885

>It's natural because a lot of people do it
that is indeed a fallacy, as shown by the picture you ignored

>> No.23456896

Different definitions of natural.

>> No.23456906

More like youre just using the wrong definition.

>> No.23456907


>> No.23456908

this is getting a little too autistic

>> No.23456923

Project harder lmao

>> No.23456935


>> No.23456942

I accept your concession

>> No.23456946
File: 469 KB, 1169x1920, tumblr_ba3df224d2cf245b47d57bad6e80e6eb_c5686153_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone forgot to take their meds
anyways read The Belgariad and The Malloreon

>> No.23456957

This review is now a 6/7 rating after having been lowered from 6.3 in accordance with the Likert Act.

>> No.23457027

Ratings should be out of 2. Either you recommend it or not, nothing else matters.

>> No.23457061

rating should be purely conditonal statements. numerical ratings are unnatural

>> No.23457078
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>approaching starwars schlock
I now see your problem.

>> No.23457080

Oops I meant never read The Mallorean

>> No.23457213


>> No.23457214

That's basically the thumb up/down scale
Personally I think 1-30 is the best scale. A 7 shouldn't be so close to an 8

>> No.23457215

...and Call me Conrad, Zelazny

>> No.23457229


>> No.23457235
File: 118 KB, 603x1000, 71-YWugn+OL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Fall of Hyperion. So why did Moneta turn into the Shrike in the first book when she and Kassad were fugging? Why was the Shrike Martin's muse, like why did the computer god care about his poem? What happens with Hoyt's cruciform, is just left unknown? How was Lamia able to kill the Shrike, was it simply because she was pregnant with the human god? Why did the Ousters look the way they did, it said somewhere they were genetically modified, but also Kassad gets taken to some time and sees them there, were they humans from the future? Did Simmons plan to write more books afterward, or was the second book supposed to be the end? I was only going to read Hyperion, but it leaves you hanging, so I had to read Fall, and I liked it, but it felt longer than it needed to be.

>> No.23457310

That reminds me. You don't need the dislike rating, just use the heart system. Every big tech company is realizing this.

>> No.23457318

The worst possible rating system.

>> No.23457336

i use the MeowMeowBeenz™ rating system

>> No.23457352
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>tfw the authors fetish doesnt arouse you

>> No.23457385
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>> No.23457390

Junior, you dare??

>> No.23457537
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What the fuck is this

>> No.23457657

>book about bugmen by bugman

>> No.23457733
File: 38 KB, 699x463, 24363462-6573-48EA-BDF6-481AED2C4064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese translated by a mediocre translator. Although it’s fairly good for a web novel. At least it isn’t google translate.

RI is slop but it’s gourmet, 5 star slop. Like black tie McDonalds. The main character is compelling, the plot is decent enough, and it’s entertaining to read.

>> No.23457755

great posts, anons ;) truly incredible

>> No.23457757


>> No.23457780

It's garbagio, the MC is literal Rick and Morty tier, writing E=mc2 on your lab coat is extremely cringe. Also, the crafting is wildly unrealistic, and there's some shonen retardation going on.

>> No.23457782

Yeah I read Shadow Hunter and happened to pick up Coruscant nights without realizing they were connected. Reaves was cooking some good stuff in his little corner of the universe.
>As a person who thinks Darth Maul is lame
I had the same problem but wanted to like him which lead me to Shadow Hunter. Now he's one of my favorite star wars characters. Especially love the small detail of Palpatine thinking Darth Maul was too wrapped up in hating the Jedi to see the bigger picture of galactic conquest.

>> No.23457981
File: 359 KB, 245x140, 712415ba4a89133adbe82493a2210f76.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting into Drizzt: the transitions
>starts with a time-skip of like a hundred years
>Orcs are suddenly cool now and nice guys
>'actually we shouldn't be killing them'
>even elves are suddenly cool with orcs
WTF kind of introduction is that? WTF happened? How the hell was Drizzt in a coma for 18 years? I don't understand
why the hell did anyone think killing off Innovindil was a good thing!
I can see why those are the worst-rated books in this epic

>> No.23458051

When there's an edition change with D&D there's huge changes with the books. 4th edition was especially catastrophic for the Forgetten Realms. So much so that eventually it basically killed off the entire book line in a few years.

>> No.23458116
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>4th edition
you're telling me this is going to get worse? dear god

>> No.23458157

5th Edition reverted most of the changes from what I understand, but I had stopped reading Forgotten Realms novels around 2010 so I can't confirm in terms of the books. It's just what I've seen. I don't know how this newest edition affects it.

>> No.23458176
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When did authors stop taking psychadelics? Everything seems too grounded and realistic now to have been conceived of on any drugs worth taking. I'm not saying I want something cartoony, just something a little outlandish that's not just medieval history plus casting fireballs.

>> No.23458442

Jesus fucking christ, can Cassius catch a god damn break? I thought it was bad enough when Mustang left his ass on read with an arrow in his throat. But being used and abused by some hyped up twink with a god complex takes the cake.

Also am I reading that last bit right? Does Lysander intend to an hero and take red and gold with him?

>> No.23458444

Sorry didn't mean to reply to you.

>> No.23458446

Trips means the universe forgives your transgression

>> No.23458453

made a new bread for this which i regret but as i said i don't come here often >;(
anyways here it goes...
Hello /lit/
I don't come here very often. I recently finished the available books from a song of fire and ice and I am looking for recommendations for similar high/epic fantasy series. I would prefer series that are complete as I am kind of bummed that I may wait years to finish game of thrones/asofai or that it may never happen. I have read LOTR as well. I am also open to science fiction although have not found a series i've started and really wanted to finish (including Dune). I have browsed the internet and found some that have been recommended over and over but no idea where to start. The list i've compiled is:
Kingkiller Chronicle
Stormlight Archive
Wheel of Time
Malazan book of the fallen
The First Law
Faith and the Fallen
As i've said previously i'm not a huge /lit/ guy, and yes my interests are normie tier, however I just want another series to dive right into as when I do eventually find a novel/series I enjoy I tend to not be able to put the book(s) down.
Great high fantasy standalone novels also welcome as well as scifi.
Thank you for your assistance

>> No.23458464

>Kingkiller Chronicle
>Stormlight Archive
>Wheel of Time
>Malazan book of the fallen
>The First Law
why even
>Faith and the Fallen

>> No.23458465

I think that generation just died off and all the newer generations are all shut in nerds.

>> No.23458470

These are answered in the second duology, but I wouldn't call the conclusions particularly satisfying.
I don't hate the second two books as much as most do, but the reasons I like them for are not the ones that I was hoping to like them for. If you end up finishing the series I would say give yourself a good break before starting Endymion, because they are very much different. If not, I think the way Fall wraps things up is pretty fucking kino, and I would still be happy to have just stopped there.

>> No.23458633

>Faith and the Fallen

whats going on here

>> No.23458645

Most of those are unfinished, but they are among the most popular and enjoyed by those with normie tier interests.

>> No.23458660
File: 117 KB, 291x399, book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fantastic. Thanks to whoever recommended it. I hope this writer is loved in England. Never heard of him before here in the states. He is now on par with some of my favorites like Wolfe or John Crowley.

>> No.23458729

just read the synopsis
looks like shit

>> No.23458763

Bait, I havent read either. Are they good?

>> No.23459370

You can't just say no to everything anon, let us hear what crap you like so we can shit on it in turn.

>> No.23459401
File: 464 KB, 1625x611, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody seen these? I think it's a pretty interesting way to review a book. I used the Night Land vid to trick my girlfriend into reading it cause the guy praises it as a love story.

TSOTT is a cool vid if you wanna learn about the Book of the New Sun without a single real spoiler. If you read it already, he says nothing you don't already know, but if you would like to get into the series without spoilers, this is a cool teaser.

The Night Land video has spoilers and it's not as good as the other vid.

Sadly there are only these two. Other vids on the channel are some gaming related crap

>> No.23459431

I've recently read every book that takes place in this world that he's written, and while I can say the highs are good, the lows are so very low.
Many plot threads that go nowhere, the big bad being simultaneously capable of world wide plots but unable to stop literally one person from ruining everything he's spent centuries creating, the house of the maker mattering precisely once despite the cliché fantasy world turns industrial happening in the last trilogy, Ferro literally disappearing and not mattering.
I could go on for ages, as others have said his world building is good, but he's not sure what to do with what he's got.

>> No.23459477

haven't read the sequel trilogy
does the dragon cult that goes down like a weak ass bitch from Red Country show up again at all?

>> No.23459547

lol, lmao even
There are references to some of the characters, and some of the characters make a reappearance, but that's it.
Hell the fucking flatheads (y'know, the orcs) that are supposed to be the end of the world are "central to the plot" if you can call it that.

I'm honestly disgusted with myself for pushing through, had the books ONLY been about glokta I feel he'd have done better by his world.

Not to mention the author's barely disguised fetish coming full into play in the final trilogy.

>> No.23459560

alrighty then
his fetish being? please be feet

>> No.23459612

I actually replied to your thread since it appeared above this one on page 1.

>> No.23459620

Incest of course, with a light sprinkle of homoeroticism for flavor.

>> No.23459665

>Kingkiller Chronicle
>Stormlight Archive
>Wheel of Time
>Malazan book of the fallen
>The First Law
>Faith and the Fallen

>> No.23459703
