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/lit/ - Literature

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23453173 No.23453173 [Reply] [Original]

I posted my work on /lit/, someone said they liked it and offered to edit it for a small and reasonable price. I thought that meant he’d check for grammar and spelling, but he actually went through and rewrote every sentence how he would write it. And every paragraph had notes on how or what he would change in the story (all big things).

The worst part is that after looking at what I wrote months later I realize it was indeed piss and scrapped it back to a rough draft.

Are most editors like this? I just wanted a grammar check :’(

>> No.23453184

Yeah? That's literally what editors do.
What you want is a proofreader.

>> No.23453187

Yes editors do more than correct spelling and grammar. Also I've heard stories of editors complimenting the person they write for, encouraging them to write more regardless of the quality of their writer in an attempt to get more money out of the writer by editing. I would be very skeptical of an editor's comments of my work.

>> No.23453188

> Also I've heard stories of editors complimenting the person they write for
You lie! An editor would never do that.

>> No.23453192

Why would you want an editor over a proofreader? Part of the joy of writing is having complete owenership of your creative work and its final outcome.

>> No.23453201

Every writer worth their weight in words has an editor that goes through the shitfest that every first draft starts off as. You have to polish every piece to sand off any sticking points, but the problem is that most sticking points are often blind spots too.

>> No.23453208

An ideal editor fixes all your mistakes in the direction of what you were going for, usually through huge developmental edits and suggestions and some minor edits to the line level prose, because all prose is bad poetry on a good day. Then you bicker like an old jewish couple over commas and eventually a book comes out.

>> No.23453227


Comments are good. I would not want them rewriting stuff.

>> No.23453237

Because editors know what publishers want, and publishers know that editors know what publishers want, so publishers want work that has been worked on by an editor to make it work for publishers. Or at least that's what the agent is going to think.
It's really quite simple.

>> No.23454542

It's better to offer too many optional changes and give the client his money's worth than only to fix typographical errors, which even software can do.

The hermetic axiom of as above, so below applies to writing. Working backwards from the last line of the story, it should be possible to logically reconstruct what happened. An editor's job is to eliminate anything that is not necessary to this process.

Star Wars is the best film ever created BECAUSE someone cut the Anchorhead sequences. By omitting them, the viewer's IMAGINATION automatically fills in the blanks in Luke's past. Get it? Director and audience are working together to tell the story, because they are the same entity!

Why is Return of the Jedi good? It was originally supposed to be multiple films, including Prince Xizor's criminal syndicate and Darklighter betraying Luke. By deleting entire plot lines and compressing everything into one movie, the DENSITY of what audiences did see was increased. It's like the philosopher's stone: by REMOVING the unnecessary elements, you end up with MORE than you started with.

Reality works the same way. Nothing is taking place other than what the protagonist is doing. Why did the editor delete the Anchorhead scenes? It doesn't matter what's happening at Anchorhead, because it doesn't even exist UNTIL Luke goes there!

>> No.23454593

If you don't like the way I work, you know you can just say something, right? I thought you were fragile so I was nice, but I see now this was the wrong approach.

>> No.23454596
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>not the actual editor

the editor

I've considered doing that, but telling someone to continue a doomed project is morally wrong

>> No.23454597

>Star Wars is the best film ever created
Good bait. I almost bit.

>> No.23454604


the original star wars trilogy is quite literally as good as you could possibly make a movie

>> No.23454615

Give examples of some of the changes and let us tell you if they're good

>> No.23454637

Complete with reddit spacing kek. Perfect.

>> No.23454679

>part of the joy of writing is having complete ownership...
The other part is being read
The bigger part is getting paid, so published. Regardless of what, le' artistic true believers say.
Can an author get published/paid without an editor? Maybe a micro press would give an unpublished author his creative space?

>> No.23454716

nice bait, nearly had me

>> No.23454785
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He's completely right. Really sorry you faggots can't get the stick out of your asses to enjoy a popular film trilogy that just so happens to be one of the greatest achievements of the imagination in the 20th century.
Star Wars (1977) is worth more artistically than your favorite novel, and it's not particularly close nor is it a fact that you could possibly ever change. Get fucked

>> No.23454789

Is it that ugly malnourished loser who spams his shitty editing service any chance he gets? You actually paid that dyel? Kwab

>> No.23454796

Who's a bigger loser? The loser, or the loser who pays him?

>> No.23454806

The biggest losers are the losers you meet along the way.

>> No.23454825

OK, Star Wars pillow case and bedroom curtains.

>one of the greatest achievements of the imagination.
4chan /pol/ is on that list of greatest achievements. BELIEVE IT.

>> No.23455096


>> No.23455684

Star trek

>> No.23455869

BattleStar Galactica

>> No.23455981

Space Balls

>> No.23456022

>I've considered doing that, but telling someone to continue a doomed project is morally wrong
I'd feel bad about it too unless I had a real golden egg. Someone who is already rich and well off who is doing it for fun. But a lot of people are silly, putting so much of their resources into a project or business that will clearly never take off, putting themselves into debt for it hoping it pays off, though it never will.

>> No.23456058

There's different kinds of editing, you wanted a proofreader, he was doing developmental and/or content editing. Don't sneeze at it, people make a living doing that.
I think if his feedback was substantial enough to make you question your book, you can be grateful. Writing is in large part rewriting, so don't be discouraged, take anything you want into account that he said and make your own decision how you want your work to be.

>> No.23456140

>Star Wars is the best film ever created
opinion absolutely discarded

>> No.23456986

editors are essentially an invention of 20th century publishing industry, the death of literature and art. editors are jews and you shouldn't use their "services", edit it yourself.

>> No.23457744


>> No.23457748

Editors dont check for grammar. They assume you know English.

>> No.23457848


>> No.23457880

>one of the greatest achievements of the imagination in the 20th century
Sure. It's just not even close to being one of the best films of the 20th century because film is about more than just
>woah dude check out the big imagination on Brad that's epic!
You must not have watched very much film.

>> No.23458173

The publishing industry will not publish with their editors putting their hands on the work first?

>> No.23458344

most people just can't write for shit

I know someone who had copies printed and realized she misspelled the title

>> No.23458350 [DELETED] 

Ur acting like the most famous canon writers don't do the same thing. Lol Milton mispelled Paradise Lost as Paradise Loft and had to get it reprinted years later. He was literally illiterate in more ways than one.