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/lit/ - Literature

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2345202 No.2345202 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/,

Back in the merry land of /tv/ we discuss A Song of Ice and Fire quite often. I finished the fifth book a while back and am now starting on The Wheel of Time. A friend recommended me that serie and so far it seems pretty awesome.
As you can see, I'm quite new to the fantasy genre. Just asking, what is your opinion on both ASOIAF and TWOT (back on /tv/ we hear you hate ASOIAF)

>> No.2345215

Is that Victorian Greyjoy? If so, greatest ... picture ... ever.

>> No.2345217

Victarion is probably my favourite Greyjoy after Theon. Yes, it's him, wielding his axe whilst sneaking under Lannisport to set fire to the Lannister fleet?

I'd like an answer though, I really can't see any flaw in the book. I might be retarded though.

>> No.2345220

Everybody hates everything on this board. Personally I don't mind ASOIAF, it's not literary genius, of course, but it's entertaining. TWOT is the same way, only better than ASOIAF.

>> No.2345223

TWOT sucks. It's slow and dumb as Sansa. ASOIF is one of my favorite book series, mainly because it was a refreshing change from all the other shit fantasy book I've read. If you want books like it so you can read them instead of TWOT, check out Gentlemen Bastard and First Law.

>> No.2345229

How isn't it literary genius? Is it the way it's written that must be great, or the storyline? I find it a very compelling story. I know some parts are based on the War of the Roses and a certain death of a certain character comes close to how Caesar died, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it's an entire world that's been put together. I love me some swordfighting and politics and this series sure does those two aspects great justice.

>> No.2345237

Because GRRM isn't really a great author. He took the same fantasy elements from every book, made new characters and places, and made another generic fantasy book. That doesn't mean it's not entertaining, but it certainly isn't literary genius. It's literary average at best.

>> No.2345240

I'm not very far into TWOT, but it seems quite good so far and I don't mind slow books that much. Getting through Feast for Crows was kind of hard (Fucking Brienne and Samwell) but it paid off in the end. I expect this serie to do the same.

>> No.2345250

Don't ever say that ASOIF is literary genius. Especially on this board, but you shouldn't say it anywhere, because it makes you look stupid. Is it amazing for fantasy? Is it original for fantasy? By my standards, kind of? Are his prose beautiful and rich? God no, there passable, but I don't read fantasy for the fucking prose. He writes an amazing story, no matter it takes his fat ass to write it. But it is by no means genius or revolutionary.

>> No.2345252

Oh, ok. Tolkien is literary genius I suppose? Read The Hobbit last year and I felt like he was telling me the story whilst holding me, giving me some hot milk with honey and being snug under some blankets.

>> No.2345259

>"Have you seen Sansa?"
>"Have you seen Sansa?"
>"I said no"
>"Have you seen Sansa?"

>> No.2345261

The Hobbit is a children's book, so you should have felt that way.

>> No.2345263

Could the ending make it up for you in a way? I made this tread to get some opinions on the story and the way it was written.

>> No.2345266
File: 34 KB, 400x303, 1322698808336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tolkien cuddling up with me and putting white liquids in my mouth.
So you have fantasy of fucking J.R.R. Tolkien? Da fuck is wrong with you, boy?
Pic so fucking related.

>> No.2345277

>implying I meant getting fucked.

You're the sick one here, my friend.
If you didn't feel just cozy, you're probably void of emotions. Thanks for fucking up an otherwise nice tread about mainstream fantasy.

>> No.2345275

I've loved the books. I just disagreed with you calling it genius. The perfect ending would be bittersweet and explain the odd seasons (GRRM said the ending would explain). It would also have Bran with Meera (It was really sad in the fifth book when he wanted to hug her, but he couldn't for obvious reasons) . . . while everyone is being slaughtered by Others (This series is written by GRRM after all).

>> No.2345279
File: 79 KB, 400x334, 1310592222110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW Rob Stark died
Also cannot even express how much i love the series into words, got first four for Christmas, finished last one today.

>> No.2345282

Mistborn. Read Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series. Also, The Dresden Files, if you like quick, action packed,reads

>> No.2345285

You did say you wanted to go to sleep with Tolkien. He looks like a total bro in the pictures I've seen, but now that's ruined, because I can think about when I see him is some anon getting railed by him.
I hate you and good night, good sir.

>> No.2345291
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>mfw when Robb, Eddard, and Catelyn died, respectively.
Too dumb to live.

>> No.2345295

OP, I feel sympathy for you.
50% of /lit/ users profoundly hate fantasy and GRRM - even though they didn't read any of it/him -, just don't start threads about that in /lit/.
I found ASOIAF was an enjoyable read, with cool characters and shit. That's just my opinion though.

>> No.2345299

You made me laugh, for which I thank you.
As previously mentioned, he did write a children's novel. I don't expect *insert random bad-ass* to write a children's book.

>> No.2345301

I'll go back to /tv/ after this. Thanks for contributing.

>> No.2345316

>How isn't it literary genius?

Personally I feel that this can only be determined once, if ever, the series is completed.

It is easy to bitch and moan on how he drags shit out and is an inconclusive author when the series is not finished.

If he somehow manages to tie up the entire series brilliantly I think a lot of people here will change their minds about him.

But he is over 60, obese and American.
He is also evidently insecure and indecisive about whether or not he will have a satisfying ending.

>> No.2345337
File: 22 KB, 498x500, perplexed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who wants to listen to a faggot who can't tell there from they're on the subject of literature?

>> No.2345367

Song of Ice and Fire are the best books ever written IMO.
Intelligently formulated with amusing conversations, and the deepest characters I have ever seen. Depicts human mentality and primal psyche in the most shockingly ways I can barely imagine, and yet, it is still somehow realistic!

Ive read alot of stuff throughout my 23 year old life, and I have learnt that ANY other author and any other book is just.....shallow and weak by any comparison.

>> No.2345383

I wholeheartedly agree with this post. The plot twists were unforeseen and suspenseful. If nothing else the series is immensely entertaining.

>> No.2345411
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oh you

>> No.2345420


PhD student here.


>> No.2345433

What're you gay son?