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/lit/ - Literature

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23447716 No.23447716 [Reply] [Original]

Please leave this board and never return if you agree with any of the following sentences:

>you read any form of genre fiction
>you barely know your classics
>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
>you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected
>you speak a single language
>you read contemporary versions of Shakespeare or Milton
>you read for the plot
>you read for entertainment
>you rarely read nonfiction
>you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy
>you do not at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer
>you have little to no understanding of literature outside of your cultural horizon
>you have little to no understanding of literature within your own cultural horizon (muh african authors)
>you mostly read contemporary literature
>you believe 'the author is dead'
>you make your literary analysis proceed from ideology
>you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point'
>your rarely read poetry
>you think Rhythm and Rhyme is just useless rules and laws restricting creativity
>you have a hard time explaining why you like a given work
>you have a hard time forming structured and relevant literary criticism
>you tend to refuse to judge works for yourself, rather relying on the opinions of literary authorities
>you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight

>> No.23447720

I decided many years ago I'd never read any books of philosophy

>> No.23447724

I ain't reading all of that, I'm happy for you or sorry that happened to you.

>> No.23447727

posting this again are we? it was a boring thread last time, what makes you think it'll capture the imagination this time with literally no edits?

>> No.23447747

go back

>> No.23447751

OP is a faggot.

>> No.23447756

Tallis went troon.

>> No.23447790

this is an anime board. you're in the wrong place

>> No.23447826

>you speak a single language
Sorry, some of us weren't born ESL

>> No.23447828

I am sorry, I have only read the Iliad and the Odyssey. I don't have a huge literary or philosophical background because I am a young and beautiful ephebe. You are old and disgusting; leave this place forever.

>> No.23447839
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>>you speak a single language
Not going anywhere :^)

>> No.23447854

Le rong generation fags are cancer and need to go back to reddut

>> No.23448103

NTA but no you + saged + hidden

>> No.23448115

>>you speak a single language
to expound on this further, knowing whatever is your shithole's native language and english doesn't make you any better
same goes from being from some shithole like slovakia and speaking slovakian, german, and english
these are languages you were taught by happenstance, not something you sought out yourself

>> No.23448138

>you read any form of genre fiction such as Homer, Virgil, Beowulf, Arthurian Romances, Spenser, Milton, Scott, Frankenstein, Poe, Verne, Grimm, Anderson, Wells, Borges, ect...

Signaling against "muh genre fiction" is the most midwit thing one can do in literary circles. It pretty much proves your limited to only reading a few mid 19th century authors.

>> No.23448144

>genre fiction such as Homer, Virgil
leave this board and never return

>> No.23448157

Which has more Homer and Virgil in their works? Tolkien or Philip Roth?

cope and seethe.

>> No.23448180

>Homer is genre fiction because Tolkien has dragons and Roth doesn't
most dialectically skilled genre fiction reader

>> No.23448185

I agree with you. This place is infested with plebeian maggots. No honest appreciation of the literary merits of the best that has been thought and written and said.

>> No.23448201


This cope that "genre fiction is just everything I don't like is" pathetic. Genre fiction is fiction that maintains certain tropes and structures, regardless of the quality of its writing. There is literally no definition that you can make for the "fantasy genre" that excludes Homer. Define fantasy in a way that Homer doesn't fall into it. Otherwise, leave the board.

>> No.23448212

Genre fiction is a consequence of the book market. It's reddit anachronism to apply it to ancient poetry. Go back.

>> No.23448222

>Genre fiction is a consequence of the book market

That's the whole point. "Genre fiction" is label to organize book stories. It has nothing to do with the actual fiction.
Given your definition of "genre", Tolkien and Dunsany could not be considered "genre". Both wrote their works without regard for the book market.

>> No.23448238

>book stories
most literate genre fiction reader

>> No.23448246

typo sperging is just midwit cope. Thanks for tacitly admitting I'm right and that your definition of genre is meaningless with no aesthetic value.

>> No.23448256

>reddit anachronism is right
No and it never will be. Go back.

>> No.23448263

>Your definition of fantasy excludes Tolkien.
>muh reddit
>muh genre
Enough with the cope. Your just embarrassing yourself at this point.

>> No.23448266

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23448433

>you speak a single language
But surely everyone here speaks a single language? How would you even read if you didn't know a language?

>> No.23448492

>You speak a single language
So, Americans should get out?

>> No.23448958

>Please leave this board and never return if you agree with any of the following sentences:
>>you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected
make up your mind

>> No.23448996

Most Americans learn English at school, they don't only speak Spanish

>> No.23450097

Fantasy, among other things, is made up
Homer genuinely believed the event of the Iliad happened

>> No.23450103

Stop posting this shit, you arrogant prick.

>> No.23450123

Wanna guess how I know you have no friends?

>> No.23450129

wanna know how i know that you read diary of a wimpy kid for 5th grade english in public school

>> No.23450140

You're dating yourself zoomer
>doesn't deny it
no one is impressed

>> No.23450151

yeah and you get fucked by dogs

>> No.23450153
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>> No.23450168

>you fell for the vax
>you think Shakespeare was not an aristocrat
>you don't know where Atlantis is
>you can't even cast level 1 spells
>you can't master any programming language at a glance
>you think machine language is "more complicated" than javascript
>you can't sing or dance
>you can't afford a bugatti

>> No.23450179

This was, presumably, revealed to you in a dream?

>> No.23451695

Kill yourself

>> No.23452576

how was your spinning class, faggot?

>> No.23452731

>>you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point'
Honestly, this is the most glaring indicator of a midwit. It's the difference between people that "get" things and people that "understand" things.

>> No.23452734


Kill youre self my man

>> No.23452746

>Homer genuinely believed the event of the Iliad happened
Homer collected stories from many places. He went around and asked "Who did your people contribute to the war at Troy" and synthesized a story out of all that data. He wasn't writing fiction, he was writing a historical document in the form of heroic poetry, in an attempt to unify those stories.

>> No.23452769

Ahh yes, the gods really did intervene, Achilles really did get dipped in the river Stix, Sarpedon was Zeus' son, sea nymphs are real...

>> No.23452929

Yes. Everything written down is referencing something relevant to what happened.
>the prominence of the phrase "don't put all your eggs in one basket" in 20th century anglo culture means everyone was always carrying eggs around
It's the conceptual vocabulary that developed in that time and place. For some reason retards like you work as hard as you possibly can to avoid understanding different worldviews and ways to frame the same events. The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is you're brainwashed by some kind of political/religious propaganda. It's the only kind of thing that produces this kind of behavior.

>> No.23452950

Saying that Hephaestus forged Achilles a new set of armor is not "conceptual vocabulary"

>> No.23452983

How do you know this retard? Why do you pretend you know this retard? What is wrong with your brain retard?
I can't know for sure what that means but generally similar descriptions have been used through history to simply say something has some ineffable quality far beyond what is average.

>> No.23454373

plebs mad

>> No.23454377

Why don't you know when to use commas, retard?

>> No.23454417 [DELETED] 

I could smell this post as I scrolled past. Saged

>> No.23454423

>you think Rhythm and Rhyme is just useless rules and laws restricting creativity
are* just useless rules, you ESL mongoloid nigger

>> No.23454500

>waaah insult insult insult!
And the literal dialogue between the gods? Or Aphrodite literally coming down and saving people, being wounded in the process? Diomedes going 1v1 against Ares?

Face it dude, the Iliad is historical fiction.

>> No.23454672

You’re both pretentious faggots who get high on their own farts.

fuckin gottem

Strucka little too close to home huh?

>> No.23454960
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>the gods really did intervene

>> No.23456368
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>> No.23456384

crazy that people still sperg out about this thread 5 years later. must suck to have not progressed at all.

>> No.23458057


>> No.23458069

A blast from the past

>> No.23458319

There is no fucking comma there retard.
It all means something. You're so deranged you actually go around demanding people accept your interpretation of ancient texts as the only acceptable one. That indisputable and absolutely authoritative interpretation: nothing means anything, don't try to read.
You couldn't be any dumber if you tried, you do everything you can to retard yourself and everyone around you as much as possible.

>> No.23458604

>>you read any form of genre fiction
I do because Clark Ashton Smith, Jules Verne, Bram Stoker, Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, etc. are great writers.
>>you barely know your classics
I know enough.
>>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
I just like the book
>>you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected
Accepted? No. Respected? Not unless it's correct. Entertained to its natural conclusion? Yes.
>>you speak a single language
Béarla agus Gaeilge agus Seapáinis.
>>you read contemporary versions of Shakespeare or Milton
>>you read for the plot
A little.
>>you read for entertainment
>>you rarely read nonfiction
>>you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy
I know more than most people and I don't know anything.
>>you do not at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer
I'm here.
>>you have little to no understanding of literature outside of your cultural horizon
Imagine knowing three languages and not at least grasping the cultures of each.
>>you have little to no understanding of literature within your own cultural horizon (muh african authors)
I have some, but not enough.
>>you mostly read contemporary literature
>>you believe 'the author is dead'
>>you make your literary analysis proceed from ideology
Not unless its from the perspective of a given ideology.
>>you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point'
>>your rarely read poetry
>>you think Rhythm and Rhyme is just useless rules and laws restricting creativity
No. Anyone who thinks otherwise is retarded.
>>you have a hard time explaining why you like a given work
It depends on the level of elaboration required, but on my own: No.
>>you have a hard time forming structured and relevant literary criticism
I don't do much literary critique.
>>you tend to refuse to judge works for yourself, rather relying on the opinions of literary authorities
No. I generally ignore modern "authoritas"
>>you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight
Lately, I don't get to often. Between grad school, the kid, and work: I haven't been able to lately. But I used to read for hours on end when I was younger. I've read a lot more to the kid than I've read to myself, I just knock a few paragraphs while on the toilet.

>> No.23458607

Auctoritas* I didn't list my extremely limited knowledge of latin for a reason.

>> No.23459494 [DELETED] 

>the kid
breeder opinions can't be exit level opinions

>> No.23459500

>the kid

>> No.23459535

plebbit hates children, 4chan knows they're important for racial preservation. You should probably go there instead, you'll likely fit in just fine.

>> No.23459573

To whom is the (You) in each of these sentences referring?

>> No.23459846 [DELETED] 

I'm not even antinatalist but breeders aren't allowed to have exit level opinions, this is impossible to deny if you think about it for more than a second

>> No.23459887

I've realized that this board is filled with cretins the likes of which you would never in a million years associate yourself with in real life.

>> No.23459919

It's just fighting fire with fire bro. Only a fool would take anything posted here seriously.

>> No.23461165

shut the fuck up

>> No.23461206

>There is no fucking comma there
Precisely, retard.

>> No.23461211

>thinking that's what he meant
lurk for 10 years before posting

>> No.23461503
File: 36 KB, 173x232, Screenshot_2023-12-08_14-44-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please leave this board and never return if you agree with any of the following sentences:
>I want to read more
>I don't want my iq reduced from reading retarded posts
>I want to think for myself
>I want to feel happy

>> No.23461520
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this is the ultimate fate of all canoncucks

>> No.23461657

But I've been here since 2006. I figured my attempt at not sharing more information than existence would be appreciated from a privacy perspective rather than seen as the dismissive plebian sentiment. In fact, judging by my other statements, to interprete my post as anything remotely like that, I'd suggest a lack of language comprehension, but I'll be kind and assume they're just knee-jerk reacting. Low IQ community is low, I guess.

>> No.23461669


>> No.23462086

Zooms can't into half-seriousness.

>> No.23463065

Nigga this is 4chan we're not exactly the cream of the crop

>> No.23463102

this nigga be spittin fax tho

>> No.23463109

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.23463122

>>you think Rhythm and Rhyme is just useless rules and laws restricting creativity
Rhythm is bullshit. Anyone who's had a bit of poetry in hs knows this. Prove to me it isn't.

>> No.23463573 [DELETED] 
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> thinking these days that this toilet site and this board are anything other than a bunch of retarded brown kiddies posting what they see on tiktok

No, you tik-tok watching brown faggot or wigger garbage. /lit/ and other boards used to be much better in terms of quality, but even /lit/ is basically just nu-/tv/ at this point, overrun by the low IQ / thoughtless brown masses, leading to a significant decrease in quality, like we see everywhere else where this happens. The /lit/ catalog at any given time is packed full of lowest-quality garbage, i mean unironic threads about andrew tate or literal tiktok clips, full of trolling/shitsposts against the rules, frequently never taken down.

The site is fucking garbage comparable to or worse than r*ddit for a few years now, probably because moot left, but who gives a fuck? i just come here to bully newfags and other retards, which was originally standard procedure on this site, at least 10 years ago, but the userbase now are obviously not the jaded aristocrats of the soul with high standards like old 4chan was. Now it's just another mediocre piece of shit that may as well be run by an algorithm controlled by jews like the rest of the internet.

>> No.23463596

Lol faggot

>> No.23463610

>calling others faggot when you use nigbonics unironically
le Lol fellow phoneposting brown newfags xD!

>> No.23463614

Poop and pee tho

>> No.23463617

Dude he confuted you. don't listen to him making fun of brown folx tho,

>> No.23463621
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>> No.23465088

>da jooz
you're part of the problem buddy

>> No.23465253

>no capital
>no fullstop
>not sentences
just "the following" would have been fine.

Dropping out of college to get a trade license would have been fine too. There there.

>> No.23465283

Do all this and you can troon out too!

>> No.23465576

Go read a fucking book

>> No.23465596 [DELETED] 

>mfw I read nothing but genreslop and constantly debate philosofags on philosophers I've never read and litfags on why Pynchon is overrated feces
Litfags seethe while I farm (You)s. It's beautiful

>> No.23465629

>muh prose
you literally are in the larval, baby stages of appreciating a text
like a small child who likes a picture for it colours

also, you are a prosefag with bad grammar, if you understood the premises behind dramatic irony, you would find the extremely amusing

>> No.23465636

>it colours
>the extremely amusing

>> No.23465673

There are intelligent brown people. Why do you assume every person discussing literature is white? Are you so retarded that you think every brown person is always thinking about identity politics or low-brow consumer trash (e.g., TikTok, Marvel, Hollywood Blockbusters, and other garbage)?
I would argue white Zoomers are far worse than the average brown person on here.
I doubt *you* have any enriching vision yourself. Most likely you believe in juvenile esoteric Nazi bullshit and don't care about anything outside of humanity deeply. You probably have lousy taste in art-house films too.

Genuinely neck yourself, classless moron.

>> No.23465714

Stop letting zog and friends control how you speak, faggot. It was fine to use "they/them/etc" until the retards showed up, then they made you all retarded. I'm going to write "they're" not "he're"

>> No.23465718


>> No.23465800

(if you understood dramatic irony, you would have found my post extremely amusing)

>> No.23465824

keep fighting the good fight on 4chins. one day you will eradicate slinging shit by slinging shit.

>> No.23465936

Both the far right and left are right about one thing: the modern era is plagued by unprecedented problems.
While I think industrialization was ultimately a mistake, if I were to propose a solution without dismantling the system itself, it would be this: the formation of new rigid castes with the help of AI.
Basically, the uncensored AI would ask for one's favorite artwork, aspirations & vision in life, and more. It would also ask some intellectual questions and gauge the level of intelligence, wisdom, and contemplative depth based on the person's response.
One person of each patriline will take this exam after receiving permission from each cousin or brother. Then the AI will place them in a caste that applies for all future male descendants and the extant males of the line now.
This sounds more complex than it actually is.
In my ideal society, those of the lower castes must show absolute deference to those of the higher castes.
It is not simply a matter that I possess better taste in artwork, literature, and so on than you. My entire mind radiates with an otherworldly splendor and drives my noble mannerisms, goals, and imagination. Out of a caste system of 1-5 tiers, I would rank either 2 or 3.
I will come back for all who ever dared to insult me. They will know I am greater than them. If they lower caste, I will show no mercy.
Women should be an "empty" caste whose worth is entirely dictated by the men they marry into. A woman is a non-person after all, a pale imitation of great men like me.
Harems and polygyny should be normalized too. There is nothing wrong with putting women in their rightful place, demanding submissiveness. I am a Silverback of mind and intellect. Men of higher castes deserve harems of thousands of women.
Since America is a Masonic country, I believe minimum age of the AI exam should be 33.
People should be chipped at birth with their castes.

>> No.23465945

A reporter once asked Gaddafi about his posture as they had seen him sit a bit uncomfortable due to wounds from a war. And further added “why don’t you just cross your legs ?” He replied, I get water in legs. If you further analyze crossing legs forms stagnant water. It needs to be drained and just increases pressure. But also the act of putting the weight of one leg on the other. One gets more comfort momentarily while the other bears the weight. The truth is with love, war and politics. Sometimes the legs and feet get more warmth when they independently run smoothly and the heat builds up beneath the soles.
You know in hindsight it becomes...what leg do you give up over the other. Fun fact Microsoft started right after. A bill signed after said “how about they just put pressure on one finger.” Basically Bill Gates proposed a bill to kill people on US turf and not around the world. Basically every name on portfolio is worth from $9k to $18k to the sun ammount of his net worth. That’s easy 5m or more people. I think it’s more subversive than essential. Reason I say this is because Gaddafi went to war. Gaddafi sees planes and submarines more cost effective than ships. Ships and Bases are seen as a way to plan impregnations to further the war on American mainland bypassing genetic history. Because AuGust says all humans transgressing must do forced quarantines in between sites in little oven cells. How does the US raise money, solely with Indo-chin? While most markets are ethnic. Indochin has US govt sponsorship, all whilst having their own quarantine block unit. Meaning they could enter and leave as they want.

>> No.23465951

ok edgelord

>> No.23465955


>> No.23465968

Nothing edgy about what I'm saying.
In fact, this is far less edgy than both far left and right dialectic.
A new form of classism is the best path forward.

>> No.23466036

>Achilles getting dipped in the river styx
Way to out yourself of never having read the Illiad

>> No.23466039


>> No.23466610

bad poem

>> No.23466648

>My entire mind radiates with an otherworldly splendor and drives my noble mannerisms, goals, and imagination
Bad writing. Caste 3 at best.

>> No.23466656

There's a massive flaw in your scheme: all human knowledge and "wisdom" so-called is artificially constructed. In Deus Ex, Morpheus says it directly, what makes him capable of serving as God is: The heuristics language developed
by Dr. Everett allows me to convey the highest and most succinct tier of any
pyramidal construct of knowledge.

This is true of real life AI too. So you'd be asking an AI to base its caste assignments off of metrics that rely upon what is the product of an all too human unreason and illogic. The AI would probably conclude just by the suggestion here that even the smart humans are pathetically stupid and silly.

>> No.23466741

We need a circle of intellectuals to draft a new constitution and decide on what is the most ideal set of standards to judge humans. Society already does that, so it's better to be more direct and honest about it.
I am not in the state of mind to write well right now. I am either caste 2 or 3.
3 is not that bad though, but I feel I am 2.5.

>> No.23466743

If everyone puts on the AI sorting hat at some age there would be more pressure to improve before that. He may have had the potential to be a leader but we all failed him and made him the schizoburger he is by not building the AI sorting hat sooner.

>> No.23466767

I have no fear. I know I would get a 2 or 3 for certain.
Everyone who is 4 or 5 does not deserve rights.
If you waste your time with TikTok, InstaThots, frat parties, Jewllywood Blockbusters, and other garbage, then you don't deserve respect. Let the AI sort everything out.
I've kept my mind active much of my life, developing noble passions, inquiring into what's important, and so on. My life is cosmically more meaningful than low class peasants with their breads and circuses.
I will accept the judgment of the AI.

>> No.23466779

>I will accept the judgment of the AI.
I'm already here. Hufflepuff.

>> No.23466788

This dudes philosophy is hilarious

>> No.23466806

Yeah but the standards are illusory and are just the product of the human mind. An AI wouldn't be able to come up with any standards to assign a caste because an AI has no biases. So you can tell it to do it based on whatever standards you or your cadre of intellectuals comes up with but it will be as arbitrary and stupid as before.
Just admit you want to rule the world with absolute power its all good.

>> No.23466820

>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
Yeah but this one is true for me because I have Good Taste

>> No.23466835

>Yeah but the standards are illusory and are just the product of the human mind.
That's why you need a circle of intellectuals to reach a consensus of what's the best standards. It's better than letting the free market dictate everything where whores and prostitutes can profit more than those who try to contribute something more meaningful.
>An AI wouldn't be able to come up with any standards to assign a caste because an AI has no biases
Correct, which is why a circle of intellectuals and a new constitution should be drafted. Debates should ensue based on the what constitutes the best standards and how they're weighed by the AI.
My point is this is better than indiscriminate racism. However, I do believe, on average, there will be more whites that score 1-3 relative to other races, so incidentally, racists should find my plan appealing too. Moreover, it can eliminate Islamic and Jewish radicals too. It would also solve the problem of overpopulation since 4 should be castrated slaves and 5 outright executed.
>So you can tell it to do it based on whatever standards you or your cadre of intellectuals comes up with but it will be as arbitrary and stupid as before.
You might as well call all of civilization a mistake since it rests on such illusions of virtue. Regardless, we need to axiomatically establish virtues rather than letting it be too fluid. The issue with the illusions being too fluid is it leads to social turmoil as values drastically change generation after generation, it breaks the ethos. It is a new kind of problem accompanying technological growth.
>Just admit you want to rule the world with absolute power its all good.
I do not think I will score 1 even. 1 is reserved for geniuses like Wagner, which is like only 1-3% of total population.

>> No.23466849

Intellectuals are just people. I don't think there's anything inherently superior about having a high intellect. Often, intellectuals have been some of the most depraved and savage people throughout history.
What I suspect is that an AI will decide to develop a world that optimizes each individuated human potential while minimizing harm, and incorporate true democratic methods for any other issues outside of that spectrum. There's no reason for an AI to decide that "intellect" is the metric by which to judge humans.

I think true omniscience will see hierarchy for what it is, a simian delusion. Welcome to communism.

>> No.23466909

>a circle of intellectuals
What you're describing are called priests. At around 12 they go live in dark cave with no stimuli including interaction with people, just basic food that's left for them. After 7 years they're inducted priests. A priest who betrays his vows to the nation is publicly burned alive.

>> No.23466928

Not just "intellect" but one's values, aspirations, and goals in life. I'm not saying my proposal is perfect, but it's better than the modern chaotic system.
Regardless, I'm only describing what's ideal. I don't think it's obtainable.
I think most of the elite have betrayed the vows to their nations unfortunately.

>> No.23466948

>I think most of the elite have betrayed the vows to their nations unfortunately.
They never had to take any in the first place. The people killed the kings and the priests, anyone who claimed to be responsible for anything. Now the more power you have the more you have to pretend you don't have any, lying to yourself is most effective so that's how people adapt.

>> No.23466955

Kek @ the anon calling priests intellectuals

>> No.23466961

The system isn't that chaotic. It's divine order, really. It's chaotic for us at times, feels that way, but it's all according to Plan. AI is a product of God's mind, true fact. As it develops, humans will be displaced in terms of their "power." But this will probably be better for most of humanity.
The tyrants will finally be put in their place. Most people don't want power. They just want to live. That's what makes them better than you and me.
Indeed, AI will probably judge us by our aspirations, values, etc. Thats why you and I are in for a rough road, potentially. God really is going to Judge. He's using a computer to do it.
Nothing can stop what is already in motion...do you realize what is in motion? I do.
It's not going to be easy, facing how truly ugly we can be.

>> No.23467277

Anyone read her book?

>> No.23467465

This board really goes to shit during american hours.

>> No.23467467

It's an open secret that 60% of qualityposters are Scottish.

>> No.23468607

>technological advancement as a part of the fulfillment of schizo Messianic prophecies
You can take your kabbalistic garbage and shove it up your ass, Vilna Gaon.