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/lit/ - Literature

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23446370 No.23446370 [Reply] [Original]

Plato's universal truth is spontaneous and eternal, you can access it immediately (in good faith) by intuition, but when it comes to expressing specific topical questions that arose due to Plato within philosophy, and how his eternal and spontaneous views manifested, I always express it via hegel and hegelianism: is this not me betraying Plato? When engaging in topics that are basically specific particulars, which arose from Plato approaching this universal truth, am I not betraying the whole premise, that this universal truth is not and does not have to be specific? Or is hegelianism itself merely a language of this universal truth?

>> No.23446384

bro chill. breathe.

>> No.23446410
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>> No.23446489

What's the Hegel greentext?

>> No.23446496

ikr I asked this last time too and nobody knew

>> No.23446512

I think it's this
>Hegel was a sorcerer and the Left and Right being lobotomized bastard children of Liberalism and Conservativsm don’t get this. He advocated for a supreme divine state much like the Reich or the USSR’s plans for Europe and so you can take his insights and use them to justify extreme statism or some kind of techno-socialist autarchy. Right Hegelians focus on his dealings with Spirit, Leftists focus mostly on the Dialectic itself and try to secularize that as some type of silent-pneumatic machinery that drives history towards class conflict and communist statism. They’re both insane and Hegel’s phenomenology is a form of memetic psychoactive agent that binds the minds of everyone who reads it. Its venom, pure necrotizing linguistic magic. He was a genius for this reason. Also if you’re not an autistic retard he basically shows you how the techno-alchemical engineers of civilization are transforming humanity into a sacrificial killing field for otherworldly forces but that’s not interesting to rightists or leftists because they’re castrati golem creatures who only exist to poke holes in the barrier between man’s conscious rational awareness and his subconscious cthonic realm. If you wait long enough Hegel’s name will come up in most discussions by these groups. He’s the root of all their lunacy.
which is plainly, obviously retarded bullshit to anyone who's ever read him but has the illusion of enough depth to fool the average normalfag who reads it.

>> No.23446516

>Everything can be made into 3
>Everything must be made into 3
>This is not excluded, so now we have 3

>> No.23446519
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no it's this one:
>Mark my words anons, history will show the German idealists to have been right all along. The current realist common sense metaphysical paradigm is an ever present farce since the time of the dinosaurs (subhuman intelligences) and the descendants of these same dinosaurs have lived on this same earth, and continue to live on this same earth, not necessarily among us, but beyond our major population centers. They have had millions of years prior to the emergence of modern homo sapiens to develop their metaphysics to a degree incomprehensible by the limitations of the present stage of human cerebral development. As Hegel has said, reason runs far ahead of understanding, and this is true: The world is rational, that is, in principle, understandable, but that understanding is progressive and also depends on the progressive development of the physical counterpart to the mind, that is, the nervous system and brain. Have you ever noticed the size of the heads of the Greys? The Blues? Even the Reptilians? That's right, their cerebral capacities far exceed anything we humans are currently capable of, or can even dream of given our current cerebral development. But the German idealists already knew this even 200 years ago, and the limitations Kant set for the human understanding in 1781, are just that: HUMAN limitations, or rather, the limitations of humankinds present cerebral constitution, which, as a our evolutionary theory has made irrefutably clear, is not static but dynamic. We can and must catch up to our current more evolved overlord species (often considered extraterrestrials, although this is also a misunderstanding through ignorance). Ultimately, the categories of the understanding are the necessary conditions for the transcendental unity of self consciousness, this is true, but we need not necessarily stop there-- that unity need not be limited to SELF consciousness, it can, and must, be expanded to RACE consciousness, a Hive Mind, if you will; a super-organism composed of smaller organisms all consciously controlled and identified with ONE consciousness. This way and this way only can we defeat the more intelligent species of creatures on this Earth that have dominated us for centuries. The alternative is indefinite servitude and submission. Gott mit uns.

>> No.23446527

>Am i betraying Plato
I don't know bro but pledging yourself to a dead person is beyond absurd and retarded

>> No.23446530

>t. doesn't know

>> No.23446612

>i-it’s just intuitive, ok? Stop asking me questions heckin chud!

>> No.23446618

This nigga think plato is dead

>> No.23446626

We're all gonna die, You think his philosophy is important in an ephemeral world ? Make the best out of this beautiful world and stop bugging yourself with his garbage philosophy, Leap of faith is the solution to your problems

>> No.23446636

Cool philosophy, bro.

>> No.23446643

LIVE LAUGH LOVE and YOLO was the solution all along? Thank you very much for your wisdom anon

>> No.23446661

The initiated guardians of the Kallipolis are very much not dead and we're coming after OP to give him the appropriate dose of hemlock as we speak.

>> No.23446666

German idealism is basicly chewed Plato. u good

Posted from Chana (only on Play Store)

>> No.23446721

Good. This betrayal can’t go unpunished for OP soul sake

>> No.23446726

There is universal Truth, it is found in a person.

Philosophy leads to theology.

>> No.23446808

I agree

>> No.23446814

And that person's name:

Leeroy Jenkins

>> No.23447081
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>We're all gonna die
Nigga I dont even exist! How the fuck am i gonna die???

>> No.23447222

>I always express it via hegel and hegelianism: is this not me betraying Plato?

Hegel's a sound expositor of entelechy and emanation, and would himself approve of the move to deploy him to regard the intensive.

>> No.23448152

No way I feel like this too. Im actually not reading Hegel because Im too afraid I’ll corrupt my reading of Plato or lose what is original in it. Add me if you want to share readings: wifelife

>> No.23448540

The level of plato simping on /lit/ is absolutely insane

>> No.23450366

You're literally me