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/lit/ - Literature

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23444973 No.23444973 [Reply] [Original]

10. Journey to the West
9. Musashi
8. No Longer Human
7. Naomi
6. The Makioka Sisters
5. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
4. Spring Snow
3. Three Kingdoms
2. The Story of the Stone
1. The Tale of Genji

>> No.23444995

is there anything in any of them about the unquenchable lust of Asian women for BWC? I live in an Eastern "European" shithole country and just today during my daily stroll I came across three WMAF couples

>> No.23445005

It’s the Tale of Genji basically just a really long chick romance novel? It’s literally "there’s this SUPER HOT prince and me the super smart and independent woman!" Why do people pretend that it’s a literary masterpiece?

>> No.23445011

Wrong, it’s a deep study into heian period court life and a quest for the search of the meaning of life in general.

>> No.23445013


Where's Heike Monogatari?

>> No.23445014

>the longest possible time span
>from the biggest continent on earth
>using the most liberal definition of the novel

>5. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Fucking dead

>> No.23445015

most of these are shit. they probably erased their best literature thanks to mao

>> No.23445022

Not a novel

>> No.23445038

>no Arabian Nights
>no Mahabharata
>no Ramayana
>no stories by Akutagawa or Akinari

>No Longer Human
Bro what the fuck are you doing

>> No.23445051

genre studies is so retarded. About half of these aren't strictly speaking novels either.

>> No.23445057

Yes, it is that great, you should read it instead of whining like a clueless bitch.

>> No.23445059

Arabian Nights is from Egypt, an African country…

>> No.23445068

Why isn't Three Kingdoms first?

>> No.23445069

You think the entire collection came from Egypt? They're Middle Eastern folk tales. Yes, Egyptian stories are also included, but most of it is from the Middle East and Iran.

>> No.23445072

It cointains folktales from Persia, arabia and India. You faggot.

>> No.23445073

It’s not philosophical enough.

>> No.23445074

OP clearily meant East Asian. Why be pedantic?

>> No.23445078

Call me crazy but I would put One Piece in the top 10.

>> No.23445081

All of these aren't novels

>> No.23445084

Show me where, dumbass

>> No.23445090

Yeah but it is the best and most fun anime.

>> No.23445100

Nah I'm good. Have fun managing the most embarrassing thread on this board rn tho.

>> No.23445102

I don't know. Maybe all the titles he listed being East Asian is a clue.

>> No.23445112

Asians can't write good novels cuz there IQ isn't high enough.

>> No.23445117

>About half of these aren't strictly speaking novels either.
How so?

>> No.23445118

>withoids really believe that

>> No.23445144

White men wrote Moby Dick, War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, Monte Cristo, Ulysses and all the other greats. Your just jealous because your race has 0 accomplishments.

>> No.23445146

>what is a bias

>> No.23445149

>No Longer Human
It's really not that good bro. Time to grow up.
He's decent middlebrow lit, nothing special. The right mix of readability and exoticism to become famous in the West as a jap.
Woman in the Dunes should be in there instead.

>> No.23445152

I'm White and I think you are cringe.

Maybe you are actually a Jew in 'divide and conquer' mode?

>> No.23445171

>no Arabian Nights
>no Mahabharata
>no Ramayana

Although a blinkered convention, in much of the West, or at least in English-speaking countries, people say “Asian” but mean “East Asian”. They’re subconsciously leaving out Central and Southeast Asia (or the Indian subcontinent) and the Near East/Western Asia/Middle East.

You are right though, this just shows some of our subconscious bias peeking out, or poor use of language, at least. And Asia is such a huge continent I do think it makes sense to distinguish between Russian vs. East Asian vs. Central Asia and Southeast Asia (dominated by the Indian Subcontinent) vs. the Middle East.

>> No.23445338

>I'm White
Sure Chang

>> No.23445349

Asian means east of the Himalayas. Aryan or Semitic language = not Asian

>> No.23445384

Based. Top 10 Asian literature would just be india filling the top 10 slots. I don't know why chinos and japs can't write for shit.

>> No.23445387


>> No.23445391

OP meant bugs not Aryans

>> No.23445420

I am.

Your ignoble in your face, muh this, muh that attitude is very semitic and if you aren't a jew yourself then at least your mind is profoundly addled by degenerate jewish memes and influences. East Asians are, like Whites, a noble race who can produce good and beautiful things.

>> No.23445478

>East Asians are, like Whites, a noble race who can produce good and beautiful things.
Kek, sure Chang. The only Asian race capable of intellectual literature are Indians. This is why seething OP arbitrarily limited his post to "East Asians".

>> No.23445499

>The only Asian race capable of intellectual literature are Indians.
whatever you say jeet

>> No.23445519


>> No.23445534

Nice samefagging Chang

>> No.23445537
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Whites are responsible for the greats of literature from romance to epic to strange fiction. Modern science suggests this is down to high-IQ — but I questions that sometimes. IQ is a wide distribution curve. For example: most Sub-Saharan Africans are clinically retarded (around 60-70 IQ iirc), but there is going to be at least a few triple-digit IQs in that population. The elites in every population tend to be the highest-IQ (most successful, marry up or into equals etc) and IQ is mostly hereditary. So….where’s the Sub-Saharan literature? Even if the vast majority of them are low-IQ peasants, what about the priests, chieftains, their families, etc? Was it that there wasn’t ENOUGH of a high-IQ sector of society to develop written literature? Or is there some other factor which made them like that?

>> No.23445549

Why do whites feel the need to insert themselves and their race into everything? The thread has nothing to do with you, it’s a thread about east asian literature, you don’t matter here, you’re not as important as you think you are, get the fuck out, imbeciles.

>> No.23445555

It's mostly a jeet spamming bullshit.

>> No.23445563

>you’re not as important as you think you are
Sorry shitskinbro, history seems to say otherwise

>> No.23445981


>> No.23445991

I feel like you could put at least 4 Mishima novels in the top 10 and it would look better

>> No.23445994

>What are the best works of literature from Asia?

>> No.23446000

>Top 10 Asian Novels of All Time
might as well just be rating the top 10 Mishima novels

>> No.23446016

Because they are a pompous arrogant LARPing race. The best approach is to be as repulsive as possible to them and throw away all literature written by them. I'm planning to empty my library of Euroshit garbage in the future.

Stop talking to them like they're civilized people and life becomes easier that way.
4chan is a place you come onto to try to demoralize and drive people to suicide. It's best to pretend to be a Westernshit and see if you can manipulate them into an heroing. They can go to their special hell where everyone is a smug blue eyed blonde demonic elf like them.

>> No.23446020

>For example: most Sub-Saharan Africans are clinically retarded (around 60-70 IQ iirc), but there is going to be at least a few triple-digit IQs in that population.
Were they selecting men with subsaharan genetics who have gotten a Western education (not in the ghetto) or are they putting pieces of paper in front of farmers and hunter-gatherers who find no significance in these "tests" and dont care to understand them.

>> No.23446030

OP is mad because his Asian crush likes white men AND westerners prefer India's literature to his own country. Stay mad Chang!

>> No.23446036 [DELETED] 

Not OP. I like both Indian and Chinese literature.
I genuinely want to depopulate Western Europe, America, Australia, Canada, etc. Like cut off the heads of your children and put them on pikes as a form of psychological warfare.
The fact that you will die motivates me to study harder.
Keep making enemies, dumb snow nig trash. Eventually Indians and Persians will join in and start dismembering your garbage race too.

>> No.23446037

That would be the other way around. Other races are the ones larping as White.

The envy and resentment are dripping from your lips. The stench is reaching my nostrils.

>> No.23446039

You won't do shit, sissy.

>> No.23446044

Hahaha look at the ching chang chong man seething because of his little penis. Hey champ whatcha "studying", the achievements of white man's science?

>> No.23446062

Not asian.

>> No.23446064

>t. Mental illness, assorted

>> No.23446065

He isn't East Asian. It's some 'persian' mutt who likes to throw tantrums and cry about how he hates Whites. Just ignore him.

>> No.23446108

>Murakami at all
Shit list

>> No.23446276

You have shit taste.

>> No.23446288

Imagine thinking Murakami is high brow lit

>> No.23446310
File: 294 KB, 940x1280, 940A906F-82EC-407B-9A09-6B25024D26FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best African literature that isn’t written by this guy? Things Fall Apart is a must read for all east Asians and western Europeans as well, considering they are just colonies of America.

>> No.23446314

This is not race war propaganda either. Just thought I’d interject my own question into OP’s thread.

>> No.23446351

Imagine thinking he’s not the best writer in the XXIst century.

>> No.23446362

Can’t OP have a different opinion than yours? I thought this was 4chan and not Reddit.

>> No.23446404 [DELETED] 

Are white men really this fragile?

>> No.23446438

Lmao confirmed bait

>> No.23446450

Says the kamifag lmao

>> No.23446459

You tagged the wrong person. I wasn't the one accusing another person of having shit taste for not liking a mediocre novelist who is only regarded for being Japanese. If you actually did intend to reply to me, it's a fact and not an opinion that Murakami is low brow. Whether you like him or not is the opinion.

>> No.23446490

According to you the nobel prize committee is baiting as well, am I right? You’re actually the only smart person on the planet, imbecile…

>> No.23446703

>If you actually did intend to reply to me, it's a fact and not an opinion that Murakami is low brow. Whether you like him or not is the opinion.
I actually hate that nigger so fucking much, but do not consider him low brow.

>> No.23446715

Good list OP. I think I will read Naomi next.

>> No.23446755

How many levels lower is he than Joyce or Shakespeare?

>> No.23446765

2. I don’t care for either of them though.

>> No.23446779

I don’t think in terms of levels because I am not autistic.

>> No.23446784

Above Joyce, below Shakespeare.

>> No.23446794

>Joyce or Shakespeare
I know I will get shitted on by saying this, but I hated every second of reading both of them. I think it is because I was forced to read them in school.

>> No.23446800

Above Shakespeare, below Joyce.

>> No.23446806

You’re low IQ if you don’t like Joyce.

>> No.23446812

Virginia Woolf disliked Joyce.

>> No.23447067

I would expect as much from a woman.

>> No.23447095

Swap Wind up Bird Chronicle for Kaguya Hime. The Tale of Genji is indebted to it, referring to it in story as “the oldest of all romances” so it is top 10 worthy for that alone.

>> No.23447214

Kaguya-hime is not a romance, it was passed down orally.