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23442037 No.23442037 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the Iliad so popular with tumblrite artists who haven't even read it?

>> No.23442044

The Greeks had gay sex.

>> No.23442047

>Why is the Iliad so popular with tumblrite artists who haven't even read it?
The Iliad ISNT popular with them though. They just like Greek mythology. If they got into it through YA fiction retellings of Greek mythology then they're into yaoi and project homoeroticism onto the mythos. If they got into it through wikipedia or anthology books then they see it as a soap opera and are interested in the drama between all the Gods.

>> No.23442054

point any instance of homosexuality in the Iliad

>> No.23442069
File: 74 KB, 440x428, Gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's implied.

>> No.23442089

Iunno, but I liked Circe, good book.

>> No.23442108

Where? :^)

>> No.23442275

I think Gilgamesh gets some popularity for this too

>> No.23442333

that's just how good friends greeted each other back then!!!

>> No.23442336

I've never seen any gilgamesh fanart. which is sad, because I like gilgamesh more than the greeks.

>> No.23442339

My heckin' bad ~ !

>> No.23442655
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>any kind of [current day] Antiquity art
>half the characters alternate between Pakis and Niggers, while the other half are Nordic
I hate you faggots so goddamn much. One day the MED BVLL will rise again and you'll all burn.

>> No.23443857

My problem is that they're gay, why do they have to make them brown? (Rhetorical Question)

>> No.23443909

Meds look like pakis dipshit

>> No.23443921

I don't get it either. I was genuinely surprised to reach the end of the Iliad and realise there hadn't been even a single faint allusion to homosexuality throughout the entire text. And then the Odyssey was just one big tribute to monogamous heterosexuality as the pinnacle of manhood.
I was almost expecting there to be explicit gay orgies based on the internet-zeitgeist around the epics and Ancient Greece in general.

>> No.23443929

Odyssey is about cheating on your spouse, but having the decency to be discreet about it and then returning to your main partner.
t. media literate

>> No.23443943

Are you honestly suggesting that homosex wasn't widely practiced and socially accepted in ancient greece? Because if so you are either very stupid or very misinformed

>> No.23443956

Reported low quality. Saged.

>> No.23443974

Why did they make Patroclus brown

>> No.23443988

they really don't

>> No.23444010

That's just how Greeks kissed back then. Nothing gay about a father kissing his son non-sexually
I bet you think hugging another male family member is gay too

>> No.23444011

Look at any paki who didn't grow up in abject poverty. Clearly visible Med phenotype

>> No.23444079

>Why is the Iliad so popular
This is not something you should need explained

>> No.23444543

I wish I could kiss you ^_^

>> No.23444558

Prove it, revisionist.

>> No.23444582

I think the main reason is just that it's a different manifestation of the continued Western love and appreciation for the Greeks. Assuming we've all actually read the Greeks here (/lit/ I know you lie) then I can assume we know how *good* the Greeks are. The Greeks wrote incredibly human and reflective myths and stories that still resonate even almost 2800 years later. You all condemn tumblrites for what? Seeing themselves in quality works of literature and myth?

Not reading it is one thing, and I can agree that that's pretty damnable. But then, do we mock and deride the many illiterate Greeks then who couldn't read such works but still appreciated the stories and saw themselves in it?

So what if there's a strong queer bend to their enjoyment of Greek myth? Who cares? Shouldn't we care more that there are people willing to learn about and keep these stories alive in their own way? Besides, those who truly and genuinely care about the classics will go into properly learning and reading the classics anyways.

You both oversimplify the complexity of Greek and classical sexuality. This is worth reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_ancient_Greece

But more broadly speaking there weren't concepts of homosexuality so much as there were concepts of masculinity, dignity, and virtue, which really meant you were the one fucking and not getting fucked.

>> No.23444591
File: 2.53 MB, 1219x949, diomedes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It always felt like for a society so "openly gay", they had a surprisingly scarce amount of gay gods...

>> No.23444628

>good book
You have shit taste and should leave this board.

>> No.23444637
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Yeah. The Thebian homo brigades BTGOing Sparta despite being outnumbered is a key example.

>> No.23444640

the fact that the existence of such band was doubted in ancient sources themselves and in any case an unicum rather than the norm literally proves his point

>> No.23444659

That anon is not talking about Ancient Greece.
He is talking about the Iliad, which had zero homosexuality
The whole plot of the Iliad is that Achiles was mad because his slave girl was stolen. His mother also got really angry with this and made Zeus make the Greeks lose until Achiles went back to combat.

>> No.23444724

Zeus, Apollo, Heracles, Dionysus (used a dildo), Zephyrus, Hermes.

>> No.23444728
File: 49 KB, 438x265, yaoi goggles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no gay sex in the Iliad but in ancient Athens they thought there was. Tumblrites are just continuing ancient cultural traditions. I bet back then you also had really annoying people who kept repeating the same three anecdotes about Diogenes

>> No.23444774

same, no homo