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/lit/ - Literature

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23429184 No.23429184 [Reply] [Original]

Western Philosophers

Zeno the Eleatic
Zeno the Stoi
Erigena, John Scotus
Abelard, Peter
Maimonides, Moses
Aquinas, Thomas
Eckhart, Meister
Scotus, John Duns
Ockham, William of
Erasmus, Desiderius
Luther, Martin
Bacon, Francis
Hobbes, Thomas

>> No.23429188

Western Philosophers (continued

Descartes, Rene
Pascal, Blaise
Spinoza, Baruch
Locke, John
Newton, Isaac
Leibniz, Gottfried
Berkeley, George
Hume, David
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Kant, Immanuel
Bentham, Jeremy
Wollstonecraft, Mary
Hegel, George W. F.
Schopenhauer, A.
Comte, Auguste
Mill, John Stuart
Darwin, Charles
Kierkegaard, Soren
Marx, Karl
Engels, Friedrich
Dostoyevsky, Feodor
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Hume, David
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Kant, Immanuel
Bentham, Jeremy
Wollstonecraft, Mary
Hegel, George W. F.
Schopenhauer, A.
Comte, Auguste
Mill, John Stuart
Peirce, Charles Sanders
James, William
Freud, Sigmund
Husserl, Edmund
Bergson, Henri
Dewey, John
Whitehead, Alfred North
Russell, Bertrand
Moore, George Edward
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Heidegger, Martin
Carnap, Rudolph
Ryle, Gilbert
Sartre, Jean-Paul
De Beauvoir, Simone
Quine, Willard Van Orman
Ayer, A. J. (Alfred Jules)
Austin, John
Mackie, J. L.
Anscombe, G. E. M.
Rawls, John
Flew, Antony
Foucault, Michel
Baudrillard, Jean
Dreyfus, Hubert
Thomson, Judith
Williams, Bernard
Derrida, Jacques
Rorty, Richard
Dworkin, Ronald
Searle, John
Nagel, Thomas
Rachels, James
Dennett, Daniel
Singer, Peter
Sommers, Christina Hoff

>> No.23429196

Muslim Philosophers

Ibn Masarrah
Al Amiri,
Ibn Miskawayh
Ibn al-Haytham
Ab? Rayh?n al-B?r?n?
Ibn Sina
Al Ghazali
Ibn Bajjah,
Hibat Allah Abu'l-Barakat
Ibn Tufail
Ibn Rushd
Ibn Sab‘in
Ibn Khaldun
Ayn-al-Qudat Hamadani
Shahab-al-Din Suhrawardi
Ibn Arabi
Nasir al-Din Tusi
Mawlana Faizani
Mir Damad
Sadr al-Din Shirazi
Shah Waliullah
Allama Muhammad Iqbal
Mohammad Baqir L Sadir
Allameh Tabatabaei
Ikhwan al Safa
Ibn Sab’in
Rashid-al-Din Fazlollah
Qutb-al-din Razi
Fakhr al-Din Razi
Ibn Taymiya
Zakariya Qazwini
Shams al-Din Mohamamd Amuli
Ibn Khaldun
Roz bahan Balqi Shirazi
Farid al-Din Attar
Umar Suhrawardi
Ibn Arabi
Najmeddin Kubra
Ali Hamedani
Mulana Jalal al-Din Rumi
Mahmud Shabestari
Shams al-Din Lahiji
Abd-al-karim Jili

>> No.23429199

Muslim Philosophers (continued)

Ne’mat-o-allah vali kermani
Hossein Kashefi
abd al-Qani Nablosi
Noor ali Shah
Nasir al-Din Tusi
Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi
Sadr al-Din Dashtaki
Mir Damad
Mir Fendereski
Mulla Sadra
Rajab Ali Tabrizi
Qazi Sa’id Qumi
Mulla Hadi Sabzevari
Allameh Tabatabaei
Seyyed Hossein Nasr
Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi
Morteza Motahhari
Ruhollah Khomeini
Musa al-Sadr
Imran Nazar Hosein
Imam Mohammad Ghazali Tusi
Kateb Qazwini
Zakaria Razi
Qutb-al-din Razi
Fakhr al-Din Razi
Nasir al-Din Tusi
Zakariya Qazwini
Farid al-Din Attar
Umar Suhrawardi
Umar Khayyam
Ali Hamedani
Mowlana Jalal ad-Din Balkhi
Mahmud Shabestari
Shams al-Din Lahiji
Nematollah Vali Kermani
Abdol-Rahman Jami
Noor Ali Shah
Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi
Sadr al-Din
Mir Damad
Mulla Sadra
Rajab Ali Tabrizi
Qazi Sa’id Qumi
Tehran School
Mulla Hadi Sabzevari

>> No.23429203

Chinese Philosophers

Guan Zhong
Sun Tzu
Gongsun Longzi
Hsu Hsing
Hui Shi
Shang Yang
Shen Buhai
Shen Dao
Sung Hsing
Yang Chu
Zhuang Zi
Han Feizi
Xun Zi
Zou Yan
Cheng Hsuan
Chia Yi
Dong Zhongshu
Ho Yen
Huai Nun Tzu
Wang Chong
Yang Xiong
Zhi Dun
Han Yu
Juan Chi
Ko Hung
Kuo Hsiang
Li Ao
Wang Pi
Chang Tsai
Cheng Hao
Cheng Yi
Zhou Dunyi
Hu Yuan
Shao Yung
Zhu Xi
Lu Hsiang-shan
Chang Hsueh-ch'eng
Ch'en Hsien-chang
Chiao Hung
Huang Zongxi
Kang Youwei
Liang Qichao
Liu Tsung-chou
Sun Yat-sen
Tai Chen
T'an Ssu-t'ung
Wang Fuzhi
Wang Yangming
Yen Yuan
Ch'ien Mu
Thome H. Fang
Feng Youlan
Hao Wang
Hsiung Shih-li
Hsu Fu-kuan
Hu Shih
Liang Sou-ming
Liu Shaoqi
Mao Zedong
Mou Tsung-san
T'ang Chun-i

>> No.23429205

Hindu Philosophers

Siddhartha Gautama Mahavira
Aksapada Gautama
Adi Shankara
Shri Madhvacharya
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Gange?a Up?dhy?ya
Gadadhara Bhattacharya
Shah Wali Allah
Rabindranath Tagore
Swami Vivekanand
Sri Aurobindo
Mahatma Gandhi
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Amartya Sen
Jiddu Krishnamurti

>> No.23429209

Japanese Philosophers

D?gen Zenji
Zeami Motokiyo
Fujiwara Seika
Miyamoto Musashi
Kumazawa Banzan
Ito Jinsai
Kaibara Ekiken
Ogy? Sorai
Hakuin Ekaku
Tominaga Nakamoto
Motoori Norinaga
Nishi Amane
Nishida Kitaro
Tanabe Hajime
Kuki Sh?z?
Watsuji Tetsuro
Miki Kiyoshi
Nishitani Keiji
Korean philosophers

Wonhyo Daisa
Yi Hwang
Sosan Hyujong
Yi I
Yi Kan
Han Wonjin
Tasan Chông Yagyong
Jaegwon Kim

>> No.23429213

African Philosophers

Anton Wilhelm Amo
Kwame Anthony Appiah
Usman dan Fodio
Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze
Kwame Gyekye
Walda Heywat
John Mbiti
Théophile Obenga
Paulin J. Hountondji
Jan Smuts
Kwasi Wiredu
Zera Yacob

>> No.23429222


>> No.23429259

does that mean spearchucker in ooga booga?

>> No.23429264

>the average millennial /b/tard hentai addict otaku back in 2007 was more well-read than the smartest of /lit/ zoomers

>> No.23429277

>They've gotta fucking suck anyway. Show me a modern eastern philosopher who has their shit worked out as well as Russell did, or Dennett does

>> No.23429284

Picrel is too accurate

>> No.23429529

You can easily identify that the 'log is being dominated by first (or second) year philosophy student these days

>> No.23429622
File: 10 KB, 619x149, 2007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss 2007 4chan so much

>> No.23429848

>list contains multiple philosophers with no extant works

>> No.23429860


That's when I started coming here, and everyone said we were horrible newfags and the site was better in 2005/6. I have not actually noticed a significant change in the culture of 4chan in all this time. Developments, yes, like how /r9k/ went from 4chan-r***t -> what it is now, but it's all the same thing basically. Another development is the growth of right-wing Catholicism, but you could have predicted that since it's the maximally edgy stance to take at this point. I like 4chan because it's mostly funny and non-serious, and you can vent some spleen, but every now and then you'll come across an interesting and insightful post that you would not have seen anywhere else. (/lit/ being toward the top of the pack on this metric). Besides that, it's fun to make people look like idiots; and it's also kind of fun (albeit less fun) to take some half-thought position and then as soon as you start looking foolish, abandon the thread. Whereas on certain "other sites" there is a permanent record of your failures and idiocies for all to see.

>> No.23429884

>certain "other sites"
ah yes that one and the other one

>> No.23429893

I’ve only been on /b/ in like 07 then left the site till I started reading and going on /lit/ in like 14. I’ve heard /b/ is a porn board now which is sad. /lit/ has gotten much worse

>> No.23429896

was that before guenonfag?

>> No.23429900


Man the way I remember it /b/ was always mostly porn, but maybe I'm wrong. I did enjoy the "FFFUUUUUU" threads, being 14 or 15 at the time.

>> No.23429902

BTW Reading this entire list would be a misapplication of your time. After you read the main currents of western philosophy, you should have already developed strong opinions and areas of interest, leading you down more specialized paths.

>> No.23429918

Camus is literally better than most philosophers.
Retards here think that Philosophy is better if it's unknown, If the Philosophy was useful then regardless of the fucking author it is good

>> No.23429942

I don’t remember. I never paid attention to him and wouldn’t know him if it wasn’t for the spam which time has shown to be an outside group making their presence felt. It was out of control and then one day it was gone

Biggest differences are the lack of the novel and poem today, way stronger gatekeeping back then, stricter moderation, and just a different tone or vibe overall

>> No.23430221

>casually missing Kongzi
Total nameslurry, what's even the point

>> No.23430236

Philosophize getting some pussy nigga

>> No.23431536

4chan really hasn't changed much in the past 2 decades huh

>> No.23431693

The only time I've used /b/ was sometime around 2010 to post fake screenshots of an inventory full of steam keys claiming I would gift them to whoever would get dubs (dubs were disabled and these threads would get to bump limit within minutes)

>> No.23431698

I mean soijaks have ruined discourse. I don't have to use any energy responding to you I can just quote
>4chan really hasn't changed much in the past 2 decades huh
and add an image of a seething soijak

>> No.23431710 [DELETED] 

The average millennial /b/tard OP of 2007 is "smart" enough to copy and paste some 'list's' of 'x' philosophers' from Wikipedia, and the average millenial /b/tard reply bot is "smart" enough to copy and paste said list into his goblin's data hoard. Said list is only used to practice namedropping under the 2007 theory that namedropping philosophers scores pussy.

>> No.23432011

I'd agree with you if people weren't finding crazy pics and quoting you with that pic attached years before jaks were in

>> No.23432019

>Hume, David
>Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
>Kant, Immanuel
>Bentham, Jeremy
>Wollstonecraft, Mary
>Hegel, George W. F.
>Schopenhauer, A.
>Comte, Auguste
>Mill, John Stuart
>Darwin, Charles
>Kierkegaard, Soren
>Marx, Karl
>Engels, Friedrich
>Dostoyevsky, Feodor
>Nietzsche, Friedrich
>Hume, David
>Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
>Kant, Immanuel

>> No.23432027
File: 24 KB, 295x295, Yotsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I don't take seriously people who say the site has been ruined, or whatever. I've been coming here since 2007, roughly since that list was posted, and the site has changed but I wouldn't say it's gotten WORSE. Honestly, when people talk about the idea that 4chan has gotten worse, I sometimes think it's not that the site has changed, it's that they, themselves, have grown up, lived through life, experienced disappointments, and what they really miss about "old 4chan" is the days of their youth when things were brighter and more full of promise.

>> No.23432040

My life’s gotten better since my early days on 4chan and I think /lit/ has gotten worse

>> No.23432816

obvously being an annoying contrarian has always been the main thing about 4chan, i miss when people actually took interesting positions with some sort of internal logic. the political leaning here used to be extremely libertarian. the proliferation of right-wing catholicisim is the worst thing to happen to the sight, without a doubt

>> No.23432829

>the proliferation of right-wing catholicisim
This is completely nonexistent outside of a brief surge in popularity circa 2016, comparable to the former Buddhism fetish the board had. You don't see any religious sorts period nowadays.

>> No.23432841

Nta but you don’t see all the Claude Frollo types here?

>> No.23433172

no I see a bunch posts about magic and German idealism

>> No.23434703

Back in 2007, the web was smaller, the community more dedicated (to moe anime and otaku culture, as your picture indicates), and the newfags more competent and willing to adapt to board culture. Today's phoneposters don't care about board culture and simply parrot whatever is popular on other sites.
4chan hasn't become worse the same way that a twenty year-old who still can't use a toilet hasn't become worse.

>> No.23434706
File: 103 KB, 677x541, cobson-pipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan really hasn't changed much in the past 2 decades huh

>> No.23435653

Didn't /lit/ use to have actual professors post here back in 2010?

>> No.23435687

Smarter people used to browse 4Chan on all boards, yes.

>> No.23435731

Baby's first chanistential crisis lol but seriously Plato was right about everything.

>> No.23435747

We had an actual mathematician that solved a genuine mathematic problems like....ten years ago? Also OC was far far more common, because you weren't ganged by depressed faggots, because you dared to have fun

>> No.23436556


>> No.23436566

I need to stop using this site. Anything I could have gained from it, I already have. Hell, I don't even think I could get good recommendations from /mu/ these days.

>> No.23436572
File: 54 KB, 1200x392, snap0733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23436602

I'm too dumb to make heads or tails of any math. But I have noticed the quality of discussion going down for some time. But what's worse is that this place hasn't only gotten dumber but less fun and creative as well.

>> No.23436680

There were definitely postgrads who had high end specialized knowledge in certain writers or movements

>> No.23436682

What did he prove?

I can't tell because of the formatting.

What is geq 2?

>> No.23436693


>> No.23436694


>> No.23437742

Because phoneposters don't know how to make OC with their hands. The smartphone is the absolute worst thing to happen to 4chan.

>> No.23437751

It was the same with fedoras and before that calling them plebs.

>> No.23438164
File: 74 KB, 329x323, 1542050193422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just read them all

>> No.23438555

Joyce is the only author who can claim to have read most of the canon after the Renaissance (when there were only a dozen works worth reading).

>> No.23438563
File: 175 KB, 811x501, 4chan is shit 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23439711

Was Joyce autistic?

>> No.23439788

I hate gays

>> No.23440196

>the autist who wrote hundreds of pages of trivia as a novel was not autistic

>> No.23440971

>no one can ever show any commitment or discipline toward a project without some pathology

>> No.23441866

You could call someone a pleb and still discuss the topic of the thread. Now feelsposters derail entire threads into a middle school restroom stall.

>> No.23442465

You guys really haven't noticed the massive surge in orthodoxy which was virtually nonexistant before?

>> No.23443784

I bet all six dollars of my life savings that not a single one of those roleplayers has worked more than a microsecond at their church's soup kitchen.

>> No.23444171

Well, my church doesn't have a soup kitchen but I have been going nearly every sunday the last year and a half

>> No.23444858

>the last year and a half
You are a dilettante.