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File: 69 KB, 552x613, til death to us patio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23434688 No.23434688 [Reply] [Original]

no more ghosts edition

prev >>23430767

>> No.23434701

That's cool, I'd do that in my home if I had enough money.

>> No.23434708

I want to fuck an innocent-looking chick with flowing black hair as she is dressed only in outlandishly ornate gold jewellery

>> No.23434711

There is just so much to learn, anons. There are so many incredible writers in so many forms in so many languages, so much math, so much art, so much to do and not only will you never do it all, but the more you try to do the worse you'll be at all of it. How do you deal with it, anons?

>> No.23434713
File: 304 KB, 1031x1272, 1710347139873290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face hurts from punching myself last night, I don't have any bruises though. I guess I have to hit myself harder.

>> No.23434715

Most things are just restatements of the same thing

>> No.23434725

The more I read fiction, the more I realize that it's a waste of time.

>> No.23434731

Waste of time compared to what?

>> No.23434735

Laying bricks, I guess. Think of all the bricks you could lay if you spent all that wasteful time reading doing that instead!

>> No.23434734

If he says philosophy then he's not worth listening to.

>> No.23434748

I'm talking to this chick friend of mine who doesn't speak very good English and we're talking about the different types of nuts that we like and I mention that I like macadamia nuts but I don't eat them often because they're too expensive, even from Aldi which is meant to be cheap. She wrote back "Oh no, nut is so expensive" which is the perfect setup for something like "I can give it to you for free" which would be my immediate response to any of my guy friends, but it sucks that I can't use it on her, what a wasted opportunity.

>> No.23434753

>here is an incredibly boring anecdote about my life
Wow! That's pretty boring. Anyway...

>> No.23434760

You sound like a lot of fun.

>> No.23434765

You could say "you're making this too easy for me but I'll do the right thing and decline the opportunity" which would be funny and more charming than actually saying it but still gets the point across.
Or you could ignore it too whatever you want. I don't fucking care desu.

>> No.23434768

>yikes... that's not FUN... i bet you don't have any FUN like i do... haha... i'm a FUN-HAVER... i have FUN...

>> No.23434773

I don't believe (you).

>> No.23434778

that's nuts

>> No.23434782

I whacked it to some hyper degenerate shit last night and I regret it.
The shit was cringe as fuck too, I had to suspend my disbelief pretty hard just to kinda make it work long enough to get off.
Porn is shit bros, never believe what pre-nut delusion tells you.

>> No.23434800

Is that Love? no, but Death,
A passion, a shout,
The deep in-breath,
The breath roaring out,
And once that is flown,
You must lie alone,
Without hope, without life,
Poor flesh, sad bone.

>> No.23434804

hi girls

>> No.23434814

Hello? Oh, it's just you, sorry, I didn't hear you over the plapping between me and Chad.

>> No.23434820

bit on the nose

>> No.23434834

There's something incredibly pervertedly empowering about making AI sexy photos of women

>> No.23434872

I had a terrible dream last night. I was locked in an empty building during a power outage, hiding in a closet because I knew that you were walking around looking for me and I was afraid of you. I could hear your footsteps growing closer and closer. Eventually you found me and dragged me out of the closet and attacked me and hit me in the face and my nose was bleeding and I was trying to protect my face with my hands but my hands were all bloody, there was so much blood. Then you smashed my head against the cement floor repeatedly until I lost consciousness, laughing all the while. I wish I could erase you from my subconscious. I hate you so much.

>> No.23434912

---- Solaria ----
Majestic Sites

She asserts that the feral cat she named Henry VIII
For his general splendor of color and size

Was once a pet, which
Can't possibly be the case given

The ridiculous disproportion of his alarm
Whenever I appear at night, quietly as a hawk moth in flight

And all too happy to be here.

>> No.23434931

I dont get enthused or excited about much anymore
But I really love cats

>> No.23434938

same here, also films

>> No.23434961

semen retention is one of the stupidest things people do

>> No.23434970

I like some films. And books
But I really fuckin love cats. Just look at em

>> No.23434975

I'm easily moved by any kind of life close to the ground, or close at hand. Jumping spiders, bumblebees of unwieldy size, the exquisite shine of a grackle coat seen from a window on a clear noon.

>> No.23434983
File: 40 KB, 300x406, +_22797d56dd61b7611f312df4e4dad59b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lately begun lucid dreaming unintentionally. I remember reading about methods as how to aquire this power but lately maybe twice a week I become aware I'm in a dream and being the kissless hugless virgin that I am, I, naturally, begin raping the hottest women I can find. I haven't fully tamed this power since I have also realised that becoming too excited means I eject from the dream which is quite easily accomplished when doing the coitus. I am torn on this. The raping feels weird and I know it is wrong but it is my first instinct when lucid dreaming, it the only thing I can think of doing which would be worthwhile aside from jerking around with dream people telling them they're a figment of my imagination. Don't do lucid dreaming guys, it is too weird and also kinda makes you appreciate waking life less.

>> No.23434999


>> No.23435000

>writers block trying to write fiction
>words pour out of me when imagining writing my suicide note

well that doesn't say anything great about me

>> No.23435006
File: 2.93 MB, 300x376, 1716712965061774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failing incredibly again...in the same way as I did 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 1 year ago. Is this just me?

>> No.23435036

I just dont like my face.

>> No.23435079

I enjoy the sheer adventure of REM dreams, and have always made sleeping to that kind of excess a priority. It's not always pleasant, but almost always interesting and instructive. Twisters feature largely in my nightmares, and sociable women in the ones I surface from calmly. I make fun of chicks on sticks, but who doesn't?

>> No.23435082

Have any of you actually had success with debtmaxxing? If debts are forgiven after 7 years and assets aren’t, there is literally no reason not to use max out a bunch of credit cards to acquire assets.

>> No.23435102

Lately I have almost no REM sleep but yesterday I was so tired that I had auditory hallucinations, it was unironically pretty fun.

>> No.23435105

In what country won't they take your assets to pay for the debts
Not just you

>> No.23435107

That happens to me often
It's called schizophrenic-creep

>> No.23435119

I don’t know what country they will. They don’t do that in the USA. Imagine you buy digital assets like crypto. How the hell is a creditor going to take that? They couldn’t even if they were allowed to, which they’re not.

>> No.23435120

I've ignored and got away with about 20K in medical debts. The only one of my relatives who filed for bankruptcy is worth about 2M now, and without much in the way of hard work. On the other hand, there's student debt from which there's no escape except via suicide or a couple of decades or cruel arduour. Which is worse?

>> No.23435121

I need to find a way to make some real money within the next 3-5 years. I need to start a company or go get a hedge fund job or something. I think I could do the latter, but I really don’t want to.

>> No.23435130

Why is everything on the web so small? Right now I'm browsing with a zoom factor of 230%.

>> No.23435136

Most of my friends and I are in our late 20s. I've known them for 10+ years. Lately I've been thinking about parting ways with them. I recently realized that I'm still bitter about the way they treated me when I was younger. We would bully each other a lot as is usually common in guy friend groups. I feel like I have to act a certain way around them and I can't actually grow as a person without making things awkward. They're not really ambitious either and when they're not working, they're playing video games. Despite these feelings, I don't know how to make new friends. Sure it might be better to stop talking to my old group of friends but I don't want to be lonely.

>> No.23435139

Not late 20s. I meant to say early 20s.

>> No.23435140

I ate dinner at 7:00 PM yesterday and didn't eat anything again until around 6:30 PM today. All I had today was a litre of water, a glass of chocolate milk, and some Carls Jr. Probably won't eat again until around the same time tomorrow, I think I like this way of living.

>> No.23435150

Took a week for the bruise on my right cheek to go away after I last punched myself in the face a few times. No one asked me why my face was fucked up.

>> No.23435165

Hope you find some peace, anon... and more realistically, in the knowledge that no one ever really forgets the truly terrible shit that happens to them, that you're able to integrate it into yourself healthily and become stronger for it.

>> No.23435168

It's all fun and games untill you DIE.

>> No.23435170

Nah, I'm chillin', not even feeling a little hungry, only felt a little hungry during the day too and that went away pretty quickly.

>> No.23435182

I hate that nigger Tom Sawyer so much!

>> No.23435184

I grew up in a big family, and am seldom lonely, except in the horny sense. Sure the sense of humor among friends got a little rough at times, but bullying, never. Often it felt like I was holding court, even while being driven around to where I wouldn't go otherwise. I suppose they found me more entertaining than what's usually found on screens.

>> No.23435225

I did this a while back. I got out of the army at 22 and tried to fit back in with my old friend group. I'd changed a lot and they were still smoking weed and doing nothing. I have nothing against smoking weed and doing nothing, for the record, but it just didn't fit anymore. I realized eventually that I was basically just using them as a kind of security blanket to avoid finding out who I really was street leaving the service. I quit our band, moved to a new state, and never looked back. Seven or eight years later, I'm engaged and have a comfy job and I'm writing a lot. It's a good life I'd have never had without cutting loose and figuring life out for myself. I miss them sometimes, but then I remember that we didn't really like each other much at the end anyway and it goes away pretty quick.

>> No.23435250

If you're in the US and you're not armymaxxing, you're retarded. The amount of benefits that you get from being in the military in the US is crazy. You just have to put up with some bullshit ass people for a couple of years and most likely never even have to see combat and you can get college for free and you don't have to put a down payment on a house, that's insane.

>> No.23435258

I meant just me in the sense of is this who I am now. It seems so hardwired but I never knew myself being different.

>> No.23435270

>buying crypto with a credit card
lol dude come on

If you're going to eat so little, at least make sure it isn't junk

>> No.23435272

>The amount of benefits that you get from being in the military in the US is crazy.
>tfw those benefits are basic social security in other countries

>> No.23435274

This summer I intend to read some selected works by Martin Luther and John Calvin. Then I will read a book overviewing medevial philosophy. I hope also to get some fiction in there in the background.

>> No.23435276

>t. Very boring

>> No.23435285

>I hope also to get some fiction in there in the background.
Like what?

>> No.23435289

The best friend I ever had was a real weirdo, and brilliant in his way. He found happiness, at last, in Estes Park. He could have lived anywhere in the world he liked, and he liked that. Personally I like low elevations, flower gardening. Sometimes I still laugh about his absolute indifference to everything botanical.

>> No.23435290

>If you're going to eat so little, at least make sure it isn't junk
It doesn't matter what it is as long as I feel full and it isn't too much.

>> No.23435291

I'm not from the US and too old anyway but is there any way to join the army and be guaranteed not to see combat? What if you are a coder or engineer for instance?

>> No.23435294

great filename

>> No.23435306

Gonna try to read some Scifi and horror. I have some PkD books that still need reading.

>> No.23435310

I have spent half of my morning spewing my guts out of my ass. This is the last time I go on a 5 day drinking bender.

>> No.23435317

Yes, but a lot of it will be luck (you can also join branches which are less likely to see overseas service, but that might just mean shooting college students at home)
A lot of people accidentally wind up in combat or not in combat because they go for a job they consider safe/likely to be shipped out, and then it turns out the war we're actually fighting needs different skills than the last one. (eg a lot of people learning Russian til a few years ago probably would only get office jobs, but now you might get something closer to the action, so avoiding Arabic did nothing to your chances of not ending up in Kazakhstan)

>> No.23435320

>but that might just mean shooting college students at home)

>> No.23435323

National Guard

>> No.23435328

>This is the last time I go on a 5 day drinking bender.
Yeah, we believe you, anon...

>> No.23435344

Pace yourself. There's such a thing as an elegantly controlled binge. I seem pretty much the same in the middle of one, though afterward my taste in film and music tends to the soporific.

>> No.23435358

>Find a streamer.
>He only averages around 30-ish viewers.
>He's fun to watch most of the time.
>I have to mute his stream every time he breaks out into a stoner bro rant.
It's seriously some of the cringiest shit I've ever heard, other than that though, he's pretty fun to watch.

>> No.23435365

>I'd changed a lot and they were still smoking weed and doing nothing.
Mine smoke a lot of weed and drink alcohol. Some have even picked up cigarettes shockingly enough. I've indulged plenty before but experiences have led me to believe that drugs and alcohol will only hurt me. It's not uncommon that I'm the only sober one when we're together. I hope I'm making the right decision.

>> No.23435368

I don't know what it is with young people and cigarettes, out of my four friends from high school, two of them started smoking for some reason.

>> No.23435377

Whoa, cigarettes? No way!

>> No.23435378

This is a very old thing. In archaeology you often find “robber trenches” where buildings stood. Nice stone is expensive so it gets pulled apart over time. People reuse them in new houses or as walls or pavement. Anything really. In the UK you can find remains of ancient buildings in medieval ones. Roman inscriptions on stones reused for churches. Decorations from medieval churches rebuilt into fireplaces hundreds of years later. It’s quite the puzzle.

Same thing even happened with the pyramids, the outer facing has been hawked away over millennia. It was just too fucking large to remove all of it from the great pyramids. Some of the lesser ones got almost completely demolished though.

>> No.23435379

Haven't been to a funeral since I was around 10, kinda wanna go to one soon.

>> No.23435383

There's no reason anyone should be smoking cigarettes. You want nicotine? There are plenty of other, safer options out there.

>> No.23435412

i like cigarettes and alcohol. I like a lot of other things too, HD 600s, the look of the hundreds of easily available petunia varieties, sleek sedans. I detest black SUVs. Boring bitches and bastards.

>> No.23435422

I got moved to the city when I was 15 and to this day I still haven't acclimated. I don't have any friends, I don't know my way around the place, I don't know where anything is, I don't go out on the weekends, I don't have a job, etc. I don't think I ever will either, I just wanna move back to my hometown, I don't like this place.

>> No.23435498

Is capitalism just another type of communism? Thoughts and opinions?

>> No.23435509

I lived at home till 28, without ever being seriously employed. My dad made no-shits-given kind of money on a 9 to 5 schedule, and didn't mind the expense. Sometimes he worried about my state of mind, but by 22 he never suffered the slightest doubt on that point: He never had friends, and I made them all too easily.

>> No.23435510

I typically go through cycles of not being able to stomach fiction and then reading philosophy for a while and then not being able to read anymore philosophy and then flipping back and forth over and over

>> No.23435513

You may say that now but you're going to feel (and probably look) like shit pretty soon if all you eat is one fast food meal a day

>> No.23435515

Who said that that's what I'm gonna do? Fast food isn't a common thing for me.

>> No.23435543

I really don’t have any idea how anyone can be optimistic about technology and modernity in the age of the internet. The internet is so obviously an absolute disaster for men in particular.

>> No.23435579

I've stayed up too late, damn, less sleep for me tonight, I guess.

>> No.23435580

---- Solaria ----

Astonishing skies, beyond all possible photography.

Some of the cloud tops are a little blinding for how defined they are.

The scene is too ornate for the term,
Dazzling as fragrance.

>> No.23435598

World peace ended when Nazi Germany was defeated, America and ussr were paper Tigers and now we are paying the consequences

>> No.23435599

Why men in particular?
I think for women the internet is a gigantic source of insecurity

>> No.23435605

It’s really hard to figure out what to do with your life nowadays because everything seems so shallow or hopeless. Most people end wanting to just make more money or escape their 9 to 5 life. They don’t really want to become artists, great politicians, writers or make contributions to some intellectual thing. All of that feels hopeless. It’s just money, women, and freedom, but freedom for basically no real purpose. And in modern life, no matter what you achieve, it will always have an asterisk attached to it. Great general? Not like Julius Caesar or Alexander though. You had missiles. Great painter? You had a digital tablet. Rembrandt just had canvas and oil. So it just feels like no matter what you do, it’s hopeless. I think this is a huge reason why people look up to guys like Andrew Tate. What else is there? Your choice is become Andrew Tate or be a loser. At least that’s how it feels.

>> No.23435614

Yeah that’s true. I think it is worse for men, because it changes the world for men in such a way that it makes things worse for them. Women have basically always been insecure. I agree that they’re more insecure now. But at the same time, they satiate that insecurity more easily. They get the guys via social media or whatever. That same dynamic leaves the guys high and dry. Similarly, look how the internet has changed working life. I would argue that the modern workplace is much more amenable to women than it is man. As a man, you basically have to have something wrong with you to find modern working life worthwhile or enjoyable. It’s pretty much torture. Even soldiers now are more technicians than warriors, and men want to be warriors. That’s what men find meaningful. Physically wielding a sword and studying tactics, all that is more masculine than manipulating a joy stick and a spreadsheet. Women can’t really do the former. They easily do the latter.

>> No.23435616

Can you listen to this in China?

I find it truly and strangely sweet.

>> No.23435618

there was a dense morning fog, though now it's nearing noon. it's getting hot and summer approaching. hope is warmer than the sun.

>> No.23435620

If you could live anywhere, where you would live?

>> No.23435621

The dangers of cigarettes are way overblown. And as a means of consuming nicotine, it gives me the best buzz.

>> No.23435626

How old are you now? I went through something similar when I was 14. Left my nice little exurb/small city for the big city right as I entered high school. It messed me up for years. Actually, I'm 25 now and still a little messed up by it. But I reached a certain point after high school where I realized I was never gonna get a reset on high school and that I had to accept my life for how it unfolded. Making and maintaining relationships is still a struggle for me, but I was able to take control over my life and I have a social circle that is sufficient for me.

>> No.23435632

So I have something to confess. I live in 3rd world. It's already pretty hard to find any book that's not super popular. And I can't warrant spending 1/3 of my monthly salary on a ereader even if it's a one time payment. How do I become intellectual with this setup or are 3rd worlders destined to be idiots and retarded, basically that the game is rigged from the start?

>> No.23435633
File: 1.39 MB, 1289x1600, early-20th-century-female-portrait-in-ex-S5NCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You had a digital tablet. Rembrandt just had canvas and oil.
I still have canvas and oil though. Rembrandt also had a shitload of students. Todays Rembrandt you can learn from is 404 not found.

>> No.23435634

>because everything seems so shallow or hopeless.
All is yellow to the jaundiced eye

>> No.23435637

Just read pdfs on your computer

>> No.23435645

I have two herniated discs. If there was a time to leave my job for something less physical, now would be it. Too bad CS/IT is mind-numbingly boring to me.

>> No.23435648

Exactly where I do now, about 90 west of Chicago. If I could afford absolutely anything I'd live in Wilmette.

>> No.23435649

Not portable enough. I do read on my computer it's just that it hurts my eyes pretty fast. I also hate that 2 page book view causes text to be super small and 1 page makes it that I have to scroll so goddamn much. It's like damned if you do damned if you don't.

>> No.23435650

>The dangers of cigarettes are way overblown.
How so?

>> No.23435652

Become a teacher

>> No.23435654

By not being as dangerous as they are said to be.

>> No.23435655

The towns in northern Chicago are very beautiful.

>> No.23435656

I was just released from a four month stay at my city's "mental health clinic". I was there for simply proposing abolishing the family in a conversation with my illiterate father. The tyrant asked me how I arrived at that idea. I gladly handed him Plato's The Republic, knowing all too well he couldn't read it. After becoming visibly frustrated from his pathetic attempt at "reading", the faggot looked up to see my smirking countenance. He then falsely accused me of being sick in the head and drove me to that wretched place. I tried my best to escape his vulgar Ford Taurus on the way, but the brute abused me so and put the child's lock on. I then attempted to overturn the vehicle by grabbing the steering wheel, but he twisted my arm so hard that I cried. Once we got there he made them believe I was suicidal. I think I shall to flee to Europe soon!

>> No.23435681

Gonna spend the summer in a local court to observe proceedings and receive lectures from judges and attorneys. Pretty excited bros :)

>> No.23435691

>Rembrandt you can learn from
Anachronistic art practice anon here- most good schools will still advocate the academic approach of
>gg or gtfo
The way most students learnt was getting paint mixing lessons and being told to copy as many famous works as possible on their own dime until they could convince someone to pay. You can still do that. In fact, you still should do that if you're looking to do academic art.

>> No.23435695

The North Loop around the Magnificent Mile is weirdly convenient and quiet for how spectacular it it looks. Nice people there.

>> No.23435698
File: 57 KB, 650x778, 34A7E39E-5DBE-4DB6-989F-5FA9F1CCC0A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant tell if she likes me or him

>> No.23435699


>> No.23435701

Lady Lavery was pretty devoted to her husband iirc
Captcha: gjjrk

>> No.23435703

I would be either the kind of jerkass teacher that doesn't ever explain shit and replies "carefully ;^)" when asked how to do X, or the kind who touches the female students inappropiately. Or a mix of both.

>> No.23435707

Nigger Nigger Nigger.

Nigger, Nigger, Nigger.

Nigger Nigger.



>> No.23435720

It's amazing how alone you can be when you're just old. Even the people you do know, who do care to an extent, are old too, and there's this fundamental immaturity about being a "ride or die nigga" for some schizo autistic retard who is losing his shit for the 500th time. It's like a basic instinct that if you haven't sorted your shit out by the time you're old, you deserve to be secluded from the tribe and die.

>> No.23435728
File: 1.14 MB, 256x256, 1711158774254334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be nice. I dont know where to even look or if theyd accept me.

>> No.23435736

Going to download TheMinistryofUngentlemanlyWarfare because it seems alright but I also have to put some effort into finding a new place to live.

>> No.23435737

You need a portfolio to apply. You can also make friends with technicians and access their equipment that way on the cheap.

>> No.23435739

but where

>> No.23435742

I should say >>23435737 only applies for the art school qualifications and equipment access. If you just want to learn to paint you are unlikely to need that. Practically every museum will allow copyists who bring materials that don't make a mess

>> No.23435744

My brother in schizophrenia you need to get off 4chan.

>> No.23435746
File: 2.69 MB, 3264x3264, BeFunky-collage(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My literally me collage

>> No.23435748

Lulz. Nathan wasn't . Cunt is my favorite. Lawn bitches.

>> No.23435754

Listen to Roy Orbison

>> No.23435757

Such a beautiful poem I sincerely loved the part where you described niggers passionately.

>> No.23435763

Sweet guy, but so is Thomas Fehlmann.

>> No.23435767

What made you reply with This Thomas Fehlmann?

>> No.23435774

I haven't read anything in two weeks.

>> No.23435776

Listening experience.

>> No.23435780

I'm not familiar with him, does he sound like Roy?

>> No.23435783

>sensual gf/bf porn
>amateur college
>amateur reddit
>nudes my exes let me keep
>/gif/ and /b/
>caption porn
>sex fantasy stories
>swinger captions
>hotwife captions
>cuck porn
>ntr doujins
>get disgusted, decide to stop watching porn
>week passes
>sensual gf/bf porn

my porn watching cycle, repeats every two month

>> No.23435797

You need to get yourself a rea girl

>> No.23435803

But why?

>> No.23435807

Sounds boring

>> No.23435811

What would it take to save literature?

>> No.23435816

Sounds like you didn't learn anything in there!
You should stay an extra 6 months.

>> No.23435821

Many such cases. Porn fucks with your dopamine receptors on a semi-permanent basis. I'm not saying you should go full nofap, but watching porn will always result in the cycle you described repeating. Eventually you will need more and more extreme stimulus in order to get off and may no longer even be able to get hard without it. The longer you indulge in this self-destructive cycle, the worse it will get.

I understand needing to relieve yourself from time to time, and there's nothing wrong with that. If you don't have a girl to do it with, just jerk off using your imagination. It will probably take you a few tries to get used to it since your brain is used to porn. It's kind of like if you were to suddenly start eating healthy after years of nothing but junk food. Healthy food would seem lame at first, but eventually your brain would stop expecting hyperpalatable slop and you'd actually be able to enjoy vegetables.

Either use your hand/lotion with light pressure or a fleshlight. Don't fry your nerve endings by overstimulating them. Godspeed anon, I wish you success in breaking this cycle.

>> No.23435837

Im the most boring person here

>> No.23435841

I bet touching boobs feels nice.

>> No.23435845

I like stroking the nipple until it gets hard.

>> No.23435848

>>caption porn
>>swinger captions
>>hotwife captions
I really don't understand this stuff. Not the content so much, but really the idea of "caption porn" itself. It's like jerking off to a meme, and they always read like they written by the dumbest guy alive.

>> No.23435866

Once a man has sunken deeply into porn escalation is he forever tainted?

>> No.23435869

Boobs are boring. When I grab or suck on tits I just think of it as paying the titty tax. I'd rather be doing literally anything else, kissing her stomach, her thighs, her ass, anything. I know women like it and it's important for them, and part of their whole process of feeling sexy and valid for the guy to be like "wowza!! just look at these boobs!! I love tits, I'm a guy!" and suck on their nipples and grab them and so on and so son, so I'd never say that tits bore me. But they do.

Sometimes I feel bad if I'm with a woman I know objectively has great boobs because I feel like they're wasted on me. Donate these to the bad titted gf of some guy who loves tits, give my gf his gf's bad tits I won't even notice.

>> No.23435871

What was there to learn? The people there were either idiots, neurotics, addicts, retards, criminals or all of the above. I pretended that I was a psychologist and examined them thoroughly. This was a game that I loved to play to pass the time. I would ask a different set of questions for each type of person.
The neurotics I would ask questions like, "Do you believe in God?", or "What is your relationship with your mother like?" The former was a surefire way to start up a psychotic episode in those freaks. I once made a grown man cry as he beat his face to a bloody pulp. The criminals, being the clout chasing faggots that they were, loved incriminated themselves further. I would start off by gaining their loyalty through recreational activities such as playing cards or pool. Once I gained their trust, I would make up my own stories of getting in trouble for things such as petty theft or possession charges. Then I would watch in secret joy as I saw their stupid faces tell on themselves knowing I would snitch on them to the authorities to increase their sentences.
I would also steal the addicts Suboxone and then watch as they panicked and failed to procure more. This brought me great amusement. I loved it when they got "booty juiced", and carried off to isolation.

>> No.23435877

Kill yourself.

>> No.23435879

Is this because you prefer small breasts to large, or do you just not care for them at all?
Personally I prefer them small, flat even, but every now and then I appreciate something larger. From a distance, anyway. I'm a virgin.

>> No.23435880

Boobs are most fun when you're torturing and teasing them. Me and my ex used to play with clothespins and ice and hot wax. I totally wrecked those little nips. My favorite part was when I would suck them tiddies til the point of orgasm.

>> No.23435883

okay but how is your valve

>> No.23435884

But why?

>> No.23435891

I guess I like medium or small breasts, if I like them at all. Aesthetically, I prefer small to medium. I just don't get a lot of enjoyment out of suckin' on them or grabbin' them. I don't what switch is supposed to be getting flipped when I do it. Actually I think I could enjoy it if the girl was really into it and not just passively lying there and "letting" me do it, maybe that's it? If she stuffed her tits in my face that would be hot, because it shows agency on her part.

Thanks for this exchange, I just updated my views on breasts as a result of it.

I don't understand the appeal of all that. To me that's like looking at a block of cheddar I'm about to eat and instead of just eating it, slapping it and saying "yeah nigga you like that?" first.

>> No.23435895

You must not get any literary value out of books, you should look into that if you decide to continue reading. Reading is more than “adventures” like how dumb cunts at book stores claim, think high IQ instead

>> No.23435896

You don't have my number

>> No.23435921

It’s nice but there comes a point with sex with any woman where one specific PIV position gets you off and everything else is just disappointing.

>> No.23435926

I wasn't even thinking about sex, honestly. I was picturing something more like hugging someone and feeling her boobs casually press into you or having her fall asleep on your shoulder on a train with her chest pressing into your arm. That kind of thing.

>> No.23435944


>> No.23435954

Hugging a girl while taking a shower together is pretty nice.

>> No.23435971

>he doesn't spank his punish his cheddar

>> No.23435988

My father sat me down and said that he knows that I'm gay and said that it's okay, that some of those people he read about in those books that he would go through between those shifts on the roof in his laborer job had been homosexuals, like Leonardo DaVinci and Tchaikovsky and Alan Turing–the last of whom whose ideas he didn't quite wrap his head around (All of the computer happening on a piece of paper) but which he said I could probably figure out being as smart as I am. That it's probably better being gay and quiet and studying since look at all the good chasing girls back in the Dominican Republic did instead of using his brains and putting them to good use, and that in this world your mind is all you have. He said that when I go through the world and people will judge me for being gay, people like himself, but really it's something I need make my own, to build a sense of rightness about it all from the inside. He said that the fear of homosexuals is a survival mechanism that works behalf of the tribe, which naturally wants to produce more members and finds its expression through this fear but that in this world one can contribute in meaningful ways that go beyond having a child, by creating new ideas or doing new things because truly new things are seldom ever done or created. He patted me on the knee and said that he believes in me, and rose and left to go to work.

>> No.23435996

Maybe I just don’t want to talk to you

>> No.23435997

lol fag

>> No.23436002

It's ok I just want that little thang between your legs

>> No.23436007

Why do parents prefer to believe their son is gay rather than admit he is an autist/incel/volcel/misogynist/misanthrope/whatever?

>> No.23436031

I am not gay, I have relationships with women and sex with men

>> No.23436037

Should I feel bad about having a typical leftist parasite job? I recently considered a run for local political office but my friend suggested I couldn’t win because I didn’t have a real job.

>> No.23436041

> don’t have sex with men
Why do you people find this so difficult? It’s not that difficult. Homosexuals choose to be degenerate and then pretend they were just made that way or that it’s okay.

>> No.23436043

I asked my dad this and he said that really the ones who have rejected this world are the early adapters for what is in store, and that in due time everyone will live in their own world, and as long as nobody comes to disturb them at their home they will eventually set up a lifelike simulacrum of oneself to maintain their relationships with friends and family but they too will do the same. And it will be like a new form of communication altogether.

>> No.23436052

Byron's Don Juan is described in overwhelmingly feminine terms; when he is compared to legendary and mythological figures, it is usually to female ones; and it goes so far that Don Juan ends up wearing women's clothing in order to sneak into a sultan's harem. And one of the things that is noticeable in Byron's Don Juan, since Byron spends so much time on the mode of seduction, is that Don Juan doesn't actually do much. He is almost completely passive all the way through. Byron's Don Juan seduces by taking such a passive stance that women are forced into the role of the sexual aggressor: they respond to him in the ways associated with male lust because he sexually objectifies himself so completely; they chase him because he does nothing but make himself chase-able. Women find him irresistible because he makes himself the woman of the relationship, i.e., because he takes on the role, and engages in the actions, that are traditionally assigned to women.

>> No.23436062


Just a bunch of made-up drama that riles up your emotions.

Best to just meditate.

>> No.23436063

orgasms are like a drug. you get pleasure now but reduce your overall ability to feel pleasure


>> No.23436084


you get no benefit

just the pressure of craving constantly

and health issues

and other societal negatives

better to abstain and not have to deal with the stress of craving an whatnot

>> No.23436085

Social backswing from 20 years of anti-smoking ads, smoking being made socially unacceptable, vapes being made out as a fruity and still-unhealthy alternative, and the ugly truth that smoking is kinda cool. Makes you feel zippy and shitty all at once.

>> No.23436090

Your dad takes it up the ass too

>> No.23436091

you actually do get a benefit from nicotine/cigarettes. from that point of view it makes more sense to smoke than it does to consume caffeine.

>> No.23436092

eternally für immer

>> No.23436095

The more I talk with my girlfriend the more it feels like arguing with a retarded 4channel user. It's always (assumption about me) (generalization) (generalization) (generalization) and by the time I take my time diffusing the first generalization she's made, she already 20 more generalizations ahead and assuming shit about me because I don't think a generalization she made is accurate.

She isn't always like this, only when she's stressed out. But I worry my patience is wearing thin.

>> No.23436097

Coming down from a mushroom trip, sharing a shower in the dark with a woman who would give anything to keep you around forever, realizing you'll never feel better around her than in that moment of bodily high and slowly lying your way out of her life while she pleads for a chance at a life with you. Still get chills from the memory of that shower. It was the best I felt. It was the best I have felt. I hope it isn't the best I will ever feel.

>> No.23436098

nothing could be more natural. it's what every animal, that can do it, does.

if you genuinely restrict yourself, that's a slave mentality. you're doing what others say and not what you, as a human being (or as a man specifically), want to do.

>> No.23436102

Women are insecure by their nature and will almost always take things so much more personally than a man can. You know, there are other women out there that are probably less frustrating to be around. But if you can't address this stuff with her directly through conversation then maybe you two aren't lined up enough to make it work long term. Will you marry this woman and accept that things will have to change? Or will you just let the enjoyment fizzle out and dry up until you both hate each other's presence enough to cheat?

>> No.23436104

Not really. You have to smoke a pack a day for those problems to affect you. I experience literally zero negative effects from occasional smoking.

>> No.23436105

Orgasm's are better when they're created from a real experience of physical intimacy with another person. The sensation of closeness and joy that comes from loving sex is so utterly different from a quick jerkoff to some pixels on the screen. Get married and have sex with someone who loves you as much as you love them, and you'll find that with effort and intention you can orgasm harder and more intensely just from a single touch than any amount of prostate stimulating wankfest nonsense.

>> No.23436114

all right mate i wasn't inviting you to get on your soapbox.
did i say anything about porn? i only meant there's no benefit to not cumming, and when you feel like you want to, it's not good for you to not do it.

>> No.23436122


>> No.23436142

Yeah I'm trying. It's pretty difficult to bring things up with her especially right now since she's still stressed. Shes usually fine when she's not. I'm a good listener and try to adapt to her and I accept her input. I can do everything right and sometimes she's just so miserable and actively chooses to remain miserable. I try to introduce her to something healthy that would help her and she rejects it. She romanticizes her misery and hates having options for it for some reason and if she can't get past this or can't find an effective way to destress then it might be over. Some people will call me pussy whipped but I spent 8 hours patiently listening to her vent to me about her day followed by her accusing me of having beliefs i dont have and getting mad at me for it. I am far from overreacting to this. I'm definitely under reacting

>> No.23436143


>> No.23436288

I have two things I want to do with my immediate future but they’re at odds with each other. I can’t do both and I don’t know how to pick one.

>> No.23436307

and i got news for you: that means you're gay.

>> No.23436320

He laughed and said on the phone that the only reason he would ever take it up the ass was if it meant that it would undo the years of colonial trauma that the Spanish had unleashed on our people, but really that was enough of that kind of thing for him. He has actually said in the past that that is what keeps him going day after day and that he in fact respects the extent to which they were able to spread their empire because power is always worth respecting, and wishes for me to remember what my people have survived because this takes an even greater strength, that the lot we have been granted is a gift in comparison.

>> No.23436333

What's the benefit of messing up your face? Why not just slap or do it in a covered part of the body?

>> No.23436348

What am I waiting for? was it actually over long ago?

>> No.23436365

Just keep your head up and know that her misery doesn't have to be yours. If she doesn't want to fix her problems and just wants to vent, you have to tell her you're sick of her venting and that if she wants to maintain a relationship she has to change the way she communicates. If she starts getting angry and reactive, you don't want that kind of shit in your life any longer. Maybe you just need to dump her now and find someone that supports you in a healthier way. She doesn't sound like she's healthy.

>> No.23436402

How do people make high quality friends in foreign countries? Hell, I don’t know how to make high quality friends at home.

>> No.23436411 [DELETED] 

every high quality (good?) friend I've made, I got by being passive.

>> No.23436425

It isn’t over

>> No.23436427
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I have a 7 inch benis

>> No.23436458

Anyone else move back home to a small town in their 20s and end up really regretting it?

>> No.23436460

I want to live a completely different lifestyle than the one I currently have but I don’t have enough time left to invest what I need to invest to make that a reality by the time I want it to be a reality (now)

>> No.23436461

Yes, do not do it unless you have a really sweet job and a great social environment with good outlets. If you aren't married and growing a family, or in pursuit of that with someone who has the same goals, I think you'll be very bored and frustrated by it. There are great aspects of living far away from cities and the problems that cities have, but the most important thing is the availability of healthy social outlets and access to good work. If you don't have those, then the lifestyle will not be supportive of your longterm health and growth as a man (or woman)

>> No.23436470

nah. you're just weak

>> No.23436480

mental how i could batter you

>> No.23436494

Can I get a "hey hey" from any fellow "hey hey" lovers

>> No.23436495

There are plenty of benefits to not stimulating yourself to an orgasm. The average person online who is masturbating is using pornography, so it's not inappropriate to reference it as a component of the concept.

The point is, having self control is what separates us from a lesser version of ourselves. Self control is a core aspects of a civilized person. Being disciplined is important for the vast majority of challenges we face as people. If people weren't able to deflect base urges, we wouldn't have anything resembling a civilized society.

>> No.23436511

discipline means ignoring your intuition (primal wisdom). people in general shouldn't be ignoring their nature.

the main responsibility for civilisations disasters lies not so much in the problems as in the solutions, not in impersonal forces but in human beings, thinking certain thoughts and as a result performing certain actions.

>> No.23436520

The typical man would rather focus on sex than the procurement of a stable house. The typical man is one who focuses on his 'intuition' over structural processes that lead typical men to become atypical men. You're performing some kind of incellectual masturbatory exercise re: shamanism or something. 'Thinking = doing' is one thing. 'Thinking = REALLY THINKING = planning = doing'. Just doing what you feel is inherently primitive, and while we're all capable of acting primitively we are simply not primitive creatures.

>> No.23436534

your intuition is far greater than any logic. what's natural is best (nature created man).
people living in primitive conditions have lower cardiovascular diseases, they're taller, more developed faces. the human brain has shrunk over time.

>> No.23436540

Those symptoms are fundamentally aspects of cruel people taking advantage of others. Diet and cultural emphasis on shitty living is a symptom of weak people, not the weakness of logic. The human brain shrinks when people do illogical, irrational things. Good food and healthy outdoor outlets didn't stop existing. You're not making a coherent argument.

>> No.23436560

they're symptoms of unnatural living. the human brain shrinking has no connection to logic - a bigger brain doesn't mean higher IQ, it means better perception, being able to see further, etc.) QED listen to your body, not what other people tell you. you naturally know what's healthy (like all animals).

>> No.23436576

You are oversimplifying. The sex drive we have and the desire to eat food to survive are base instincts that yes, basically every creature we can conceptualize as 'alive' shares. The difference is that we have the means by which to choose how we pursue those base instincts. There are logical steps one can take to determine what choices are 'better' for a given outcome in pursuing those base needs. Jerking off to satisfy a desire to reproduce (that's all that the sex drive is) is inherently unsatisfactory because we have the capacity to recognize that what we are doing when we masturbate is not reproducing. Same with eating. Shoving unsatisfying, fake food in our gullets because it releases dopamine is not healthy. Having higher order thinking and planning skills, allowing us to determine a best possible path towards achieving the best possible food for our health needs is a distinguishing factor between us and other animals. My dog eats extremely well because I choose to give him supplementary foods, grassfed meat, and offal. He would probably eat styrofoam if given a choice. Maybe that's the difference between you and I.

>> No.23436589

Hey hey

>> No.23436590

logic, from the greek logikon, means 'something which has been arranged in words.' since words never wholly cover the phenomena to which they are applied, those who rely on pure logic cannot be thinking truly.
and actually, if you ate what you craved (and they were natural foods) you would be perfectly healthy. they did a study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1626509/

>that's all that the sex drive is
now that sounds like oversimplification

>> No.23436592

obtuse dingus

>> No.23436597

Are you ever afraid that even if you got all the intimacy you desired, it would either result in you feeling nothing at all, or it would make you like cry uncontrollably and shit because only then would the weight of all the things your body and psyche wanted but didn't get since you became "one of the weird ones" hit you all at once? Like an emotional wound being torn open.

>> No.23436599

oh wow

>> No.23436601

shrooms will get you halfway there. shrooms with a woman who loves you will get you all the way there.

>> No.23436619

It keeps me up at night remembering how cringy I was in college. I have a fear that for the online classes my cringy posts are all archived somewhere.

>> No.23436658

What did you do? Big time niggersayer?

>> No.23436668

If a cute girl hugged me while stroking my hair or something I'd probably cry like a bitch.

>> No.23436692

>Big time niggersayer?
Idk what that means, but just generally very clueless and over sharing personal details. Just generally cringy
For example i once wrote an email to a professor asking for an extension and said I missed a deadline because of anxiety.
Another time I wrote to a professor something super overly personal about a piece of art I created for an elective class.
I really don't know what I was thinking

>> No.23436748

I'm going to be alone for a while aren't I?

>> No.23436764

I think I'd be a bad boyfriend, my trust issues are too bad, they don't allow me to feel love because I don't even know if the person is telling the truth, I'd be a husk who replies with "I love you too" without even knowing what that means or feels like, I'd be a liar.

>> No.23436768

I am convinced that something terrible is going to happen to me, that I am ill and I will die sooner rather than later, possibly with lots of suffering and degradation attached. This is due to both existing health issues and probably mental issues. I am treating both as best I can, but its slow going and inconclusive.

What can I read about to prepare myself for death and suffering? I'm not interested in comments about solutions to my problems; I want to just prepare myself for pain and death, I specifically want to be okay enough with it that I can live whatever I have left without hyper fixating. Like, I'm not interested in afterlife or similar discussions, but philosophical works on the nature of acclimatizing and accepting bad things and living your life in a way where "its ok".

>> No.23436798

I wonder if your body burns calories when it's recovering from a bruise. And can your muscles get stronger if you tenderize them a bit with your fist? Should you keep your muscles tense when you strike or not? Does it matter?

>> No.23436801
File: 117 KB, 500x250, 1642281227239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, never anything, that is whats, on my mind, and when it's on something it's too late, I am held behind, while it dangles in front of me. I wanna reach out, but I am comfortable here. Reaching out any way, then I fall off, and hit the ground so softly there is no reason to get up. Then I see what I want standing over me. Striving, and striving slowly, just out of reach. Like I could reach it, and grab it, and hold, but I don't even want to, I will throw it away too. In the end I just wanna throw everything away, I wanna pull off my skin like clothes, and never put em on again. Never eating another bite, and not feeling my core, no weight. Nothing to fall into, or with anything to fall with. If I get exposed though I will die, which is what I want, but I don't, and want to have a cake, and eat it. Whatever.

>> No.23436810

>when it's recovering from a bruise
Yes, making new blood cells and repairing vessels takes energy
>can your muscles get stronger if you tenderize them a bit with your fist
I don't think you should try this given your other questions, but basically knots in muscle can be broken up to give the muscle relief from repetitive strain which constricts it

>> No.23436818

Suspect other apartment doesn't actually wear clothes and just leaves them in the laundry machines to convince people he's not a nudist

>> No.23436836

I hate myself sometimes. I was furious and punched myself. I wasn't thinking of anything but hurting myself. Consequences never crossed my mind. It's foolishness.

>> No.23436847

I am very tall, just below the freak limit, have a deep voice which I have been told is very good, my physical development has always been very fast(when I was 12 years old I was 180cm and had started growing a moustache some fucking how) and I have been told that my body is in an ideal shape, that is to say, it would be very aesthetically pleasing and well balanced if I were to work out.
On the other hand, I am a suicidal underweight mentally ill retard who is also very asocial. I have previously gone over 6 months without speaking to a single soul(whether online or offline) and felt none the worse for it, have previous suicide attempts, bleed from the nose when I eat, and last had a friend in 4th grade. I feel that if my body were blessed with a different soul to rule over it then it would go up to the very heights of the social hierarchy. Unfortunately for it a retard rules it and the only way for it to be freed is by death.

>> No.23436850

Starting mainly with the millennials — people look different than earlier generations. Previous generations weren’t just more fit, but body structure was also different. Men today for example have narrow necks, more slender shoulders, more round facial features, etc. Older generations of men had wider necks (ie, necks which were as wide as their heads), wider shoulders, bolder / more square facial features etc. Once you notice it you can’t unnotice it. Look at even very fit people today and compare them to older generations and you’ll clearly see the difference. Look at photos of Woodstock for example, even skinny hippie nerds looked fitter and generally more attractive than even Olympic athletes today. It’s the body structure and face features not just obesity. I have NO idea what happened. Micro-plastics? Toxins? Genetic damage from something? Something in our diet which is messing with our bodies from the womb?

>> No.23436856

More animal protein in diet

>> No.23436857

I’m making $73k at age 31. People on the internet tell me I should be unhappy with this pay, but I don’t feel a particularly strong drive to make much more. It would be nice to have more, but making more means giving up my life.

>> No.23436858

it's no trick to make a lot of money... if all you want is to make a lot of money

>> No.23436860

They say men have more estrogen and less testosterone every generation, but I think it’s mostly a combination of higher body fat and having less musculature development, mostly because of lack of activity in childhood. You’ll notice the people who were athletes don’t look like this. They might be fat but they have otherwise normal muscle and bone structure.

>> No.23436861

I did way cringier stuff in college.

>> No.23436865

I should have moved to Japan before everyone and their mother was moving to Japan.

>> No.23436870

Now that I’m thinking about it. There is really no good reason Japan didn’t become an American territory after the war.

>> No.23436879

I've been reading through my collection of Martin Luther's writings. I read the introduction and then I read Luther's preface to his own anthology. Turns out this collection, with the except of the preface, is ordered in chronological order of publication and is intended to show the evolution of Luther's thought. The contents reflect the major events of the Reformation rather than the core, systematic, theology of Luther. In fact, the author of the introduction warns against using it as such because the goal he had in the compilation was to show the man Martin Luther and his maturation in thought through life.
I can conclude that this collection is really only good in terms of historical value. It is not so useful for someone trying to dive into Lutheranism, which I am finding the Book of Concord to me.
Still yet, it probably would be useful to TradCath reactionaries and those who would dispute with them, because it very neatly lays out the abuses of the medevial Church as the Reformers experienced them, and why the Reformation was necessary and good.

>> No.23436882

Hawaii is bad enough. We don't need another gook state

>> No.23436884

>He says, on 4chan

>> No.23436886

>a fucking hundred million people of a completely different culture, religion, race and language to the *mericans
There really is no good reason to make them your territory. In fact you would probably be sentencing yourselves to collapse and death by trying such a thing.

>> No.23436891

I want to be rich and successful enough to the point where I don't need to worry about life anymore. That I don't need to worry about the looming threats to my current situation or my safety. That I can do what I love in my life without having to care about money or worry about not having any food. I just want to be someone constantly surrounded by things he loves instead of reminded of the crushing reality that I won't ever get there.

>> No.23436894

Wouldn't matter, everyone else and their mother would still be moving to Japan no matter what, you'd still have to live around them at the end of the day.

>> No.23436896

I already did it. I actually had a sweet job but nothing else. I feel like it’s been a pretty massive step back. I want to move on and live elsewhere but I always think about how weird that would look from a narrative point of view.

>> No.23436897

Why would you wanna ruin Japan like that?

>> No.23436911

Fuck you niggercattle I want to LEARN TO FUCKING DRAW so I can piss away the rest of my life drawing a bunch of happy anime girls smiling at me
Alas the kiked nigger life that I am forced to lead by YHWH will not allow me to drop my present responsibilities to focus on what's really important

>> No.23436916

Lol have any of you guys tried to get therapy only to be passively aggressively rejected by every therapist through excuse making
Oh I'm booked, oh that's not my specialty, oh idk if it'll be a good fit
Haha how fucked up am I if the "fucked up person doctors" are put off by me

>> No.23436927

Are you retarded?

>> No.23436928

Dont think so. Maybe

>> No.23436930

Don't worry, I just figured out that it's bait.

>> No.23436950


>> No.23436958

Just got offered a course by my neetbux place, it's a 7-week course for a cert III in retail, they'll pay for it all and at the end I can choose either a $500 digital visa or a laptop of the same value. Do I go for it? Can't be too hard, right?

>> No.23436960

It exists solely to own you(and me)

>> No.23436964

Usually they give me bedroom eyes and we end up raw dogging right on the couch

>> No.23436970

>should I take this great opportunity to improve my life or should I stay home and masturbate?

>> No.23436973

I wouldn't call it a great opportunity, nor would I say that it will improve my life. It's not a bad opportunity though. I'm just a bit lazy and really stupid.

>> No.23436985

Kennedy exercise program
You need your cannon fodder to have basic fitness. Governments that start bringing in things like mandatory physical education for children and minimum food provisions for nutrition are looking to go to war, and they need 18 y/os (or younger) to come out ready to be drafted

>> No.23436987

Don't be so entitled. They're giving you job training, a certificate, and 500 dollars worth of value, for free. It pains me that lazy retards like you get everything for free while hardworking taxpayers get nothing.

>> No.23436996

>taxpayers get nothing

>> No.23436999

Yeah, I guess so, it's just so much effort.

>> No.23437005


>> No.23437026

I mean, it probably would ruin Japan but a Japan that is 20% white upper class is my fantasy. Imagine getting to play Cecil Rhodes in Asia while based out of Tokyo. Incredible.

>> No.23437028

I wish I would’ve been in better shape in college and taken more advantage of the party scene. I was a drunkard but I was a fat drunkard and I wasn’t in a frat and didn’t go to clubs or anything. I hate clubs but I wouldn’t mind being able to feel comfortable in them.

>> No.23437039

>Cecil Rhodes
Oh, it's you.

>> No.23437077


>> No.23437085

I am not Cecil Rhodes.

>> No.23437093

Get out of my head.

>> No.23437101

3 years on. Why am I still not dead or needlessly using up hospital resources for being unvaccinated?

>> No.23437104

How did we all collectively agree to the concept of the state and the law? Also the concept of money as a means of exchange. It's insane how we just so happened to agree that a piece of paper will give me this much of some other thing.
Books to know more about these.

>> No.23437108

woah anon very nice and checked
I walked to the grocery store and got some beer so i'll drink to that

>> No.23437111

I talk philosophy with my cat. Today's subject is immanence

>> No.23437124

Rewrote the obituary for the 30th time. I keep deleting the file immediately after I write it, and then I just open a new file and write it again, slightly differently. This has been going on for about a month. Starting to think about concrete details about how an attempt should go.

>> No.23437129

How many times has the cat won?

>> No.23437131

I went to the park the other day to jog. It's a huge fucking park. I was carrying a knife with me because I want to get used to carry things like that.
I 've been very paranoid all my life. I always feel observed, judged. As if someone's got a camera pointed at me 24/7. I've been meaning to defeat that notion by carrying my knife, drunk and high.
I carved my initials on a tree, then I broke my knife trying to learn how to throw it. I kept running.
I wanted to listen to music once I was peaking, but I was too worried someone might sneak up on me, rape me and murder me (it would take weeks for my family to find my body since no one knew I was there (even now I feel I'm giving away too much valuable information for whoever has it for me)).
I was stretching when I found out that if I pull my head all the way back and my shoulder blades as well, it feels like I'm strangling myself. I count to ten and I begin feeling disoriented but alert. I did this several times and I had an euphoric feeling like nothing else. I nearly lost consciousness I suppose, because everything turned into a blur and I found myself happily crawling on the grass, feeling it and the dirt between my fingers. I kept doing this over and over because it just felt that good.
I was listening to music by this point. I filled my lungs with fresh air (or as fresh as it could get), pulled my head back and my shoulders, and the music would grow into incoherent noise while I crawled and got back to my feet. I felt so happy then, so amazingly joyful. I felt I got a tiny taste of what dying could be like: all systems going off, all grips on reality loosened. I was near the park entrance and there were a few people around.
But the greatest part of this big joke was when a young couple sat about ten meters from where I was. There was no way they wouldn't see me. Anyway, they were at first kissing like normal couples do, but then I look up and she's giving him head. Right there at the park, not even hiding, she's just there sitting giving him head.
If only I could run faster. I felt an impulse to do something mischevious, no malice to it. It was just such an amazing opportunity for something, but I felt too tired and too slow and not ready to fight yet.
I looked at them from less than 10 meters, not even hiding. I don't know if they noticed me and didn't care, or if they didn't even realize I was there rolling like in dark souls and stretching myself, groaning in pleasure, as I nearly lost consciousness multiple times. It was an amazing moment of random meaningless action that could've been better.
I worried for so long, so so long, and here were these younguns sucking each other off without a worry in the world. I was so worried about the consequences of my actions when a blissful escape into nothingness is always there for me. I've been a fool.

>> No.23437150

Look me in the eye and tell me that I'm satisfied

>> No.23437152
File: 112 KB, 1200x745, 1716920952531220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have everything I wanted and needed.
I have a girlfriend who loves me.
I have a comfy WFH job that pays well and is almost braindead easy.
I have my own home.
Why can't it be enough?

>> No.23437167

Trying to make your de facto rule also de jure rule would have huge costs and possible pusback while offering no real benefits.

>> No.23437171

>use youtube
>”top 4 constipation hacks”
how’d it know

>> No.23437184

Based A- & B-cup enjoyer.

>> No.23437186

>job training, a certificate
Job training and a certificate in retail?? That's worth jack shit.
I'd do it for the $500 but calling it a great opportunity is a stretch

>> No.23437194

>Men today for example have narrow necks, more slender shoulders, more round facial features, etc.
Now that you mention that's true. Even my roommate who is extremely buff and was a football player still has a baby face.
No clue why this would be the case

>> No.23437195

I’m writing a humiliating break up text to my girlfriend of ten years right now. It’s really bad. Should I post an excerpt?

>> No.23437196

yes please

>> No.23437201

Just a middle paragraph that doesn’t give away contact info. I’m almost certainly sending it as-is in a whole humiliating rant tomorrow or the next day, no matter how whiny it sounds. Enjoy my misery.

I know because I have proof. I still have the same phone. I like the part before this where you admitted to avoiding sex with me for (insert excuse). It’s emotional abuse. I should have studied psychology because this is Psych 101, using sex as a weapon to manipulate and control. “I’m too tired. I’m too busy. I don’t like how I look.(?)(So I can’t sext you?)I didn’t think you wanted to. You said you thought you were bad at it. I don’t want to lose you so I refuse to talk about sexual things.” Ignoring messages for a full day when I say anything sexual, trying to train me away from even asking for sex in the first place. It’s really fucking horrifying looking at it objectively.

>> No.23437203

I've had somewhere between 9 and 12 therapists over the past decade (can't remember the exact number), and every single one of them has told me something to the effect of I'm an "unusual case" or they'll have to do some reading and get back to me or they'll have to refer me to a specialist etc etc. The weird thing is that I don't see how I'm all that unusual clinically speaking. My diagnoses are depression (dysthymia), GAD, and autism. I feel like that should be a fairly normal combo for therapy clients to have, but I guess not. I hope you can find someone who is able and willing to help you anon. It's rough out there

>> No.23437204

youre pathetic

>> No.23437205

At the end of the day all these anti-israel backlash is futile because the jews still got the strongest country by their side, with both parties full of zionists. Only a revolution can fixed this mess but it won't happen

>> No.23437207

I’m fully aware now but haven’t been for very long. Like two days.

>> No.23437215

I wish there was something I could say to help, but I realize there probably isn't. I'll just say that I see you, and I'm so sorry things have gotten this bad. I know I'm just an internet stranger, but human to human, you should know that you matter.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself;
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.

If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less,
As well as if a promontory were:
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were.

Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

>> No.23437218

Share the whole thing. You remind me very much of my previous relationship where my ex was using sex as a device of control

>> No.23437219

I say this as a friend (who has also been there): you are dangerously close to drug-induced psychosis

>> No.23437221
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I got through a pretty extensive job screening and interview before I realized the whole thing was a scam. They were pretty slick and professional, and they presented themselves using the identity of a real company.

They might have fooled me, if they weren't using a scamming method I've encountered before and long since gotten familiar with. The old "We'll send you a check, deposit it and send most of it along to another address" scam. Seen it before, actually been hoodwinked by it years ago. They've gotten a lot more sophisticated at running it but the core of the scam is still the same, after all these years.

>> No.23437226

Lauren Chen just had Keith Woods on to talk about zionist influence in government, media, and immigration

>> No.23437231

What would happen if you deposited the check and just ghosted them?

>> No.23437232

I signed up for it, what's the worst that can happen? I learn stuff and get a certificate?

>> No.23437233

are you guys my friends?

>> No.23437242

Only a few more juicy bits for the lonely hearts. This is a full on “You can’t fire me I quit.”

1st message

Damn. You hate my fucking guts and I never even realized. I refuse to work hard to convince someone as to why they should do something sexual more than single digit times a year with the person they’re going to marry and have been in a relationship with for ten years. I’ll just find someone who actually wants to have sex with me more than single digit times a year.

(Screenshot of text saying she’s sorry for lack of sex)

It’s been exactly two years since this. You aren’t sorry in the slightest. You’re upset with the consequences of your behavior. Not once in our entire relationship have you ever initiated sex, I would know because it’s been fewer than 100 times in ten years so it’s super easy to remember.

(This is where it gets really good)

You fucked a black old man people told you to get away from after he fucking strangled you but you had a 45 minute with loud dance music drive home where you got to choose whether or not you were going to be too tired to fuck and you decided nah? Get that shit out of my face.

What’s really sickening is how much of this you would and probably will still try to deny even though I guarantee you on my soul I have receipts for every little claim I made no matter how upsetting. I’ve told multiple people this story as objectively as possible and they tell me I need to wake up and take the hint.

>> No.23437246

They send you a fraudulent check, so there's no actual money behind it. Got me into trouble about ten years ago with my bank. The idea is that they get you to deposit the check, then take out a cashier's check and send it along. Before you know it, they've scammed money and YOU'RE in trouble.

>> No.23437251

>The idea is that they get you to deposit the check, then take out a cashier's check and send it along
I still don't understand. How do they make money if you don't send them any money?

>> No.23437253

I think of you more as a coworker

>> No.23437262


>> No.23437265

Frankie ain't no good

>> No.23437266

If you want me to be, sure.

>> No.23437268

He's alright.

>> No.23437273

Based and Tolkien pilled

>> No.23437277

Found this guy on YouTube who wants to start a company where he sells lectures on business management principles. The whole thing is built around a book he wrote. Being the kinda guy I am I stalked his websites, amazon page, and YouTube channel. This guy has been uploading at least a video every week for the past 4 years. He rarely gets more than 5 views a video. But he keeps going. It's kind of sad really. This guy has put his whole life into trying to be a business coach by gushing out YouTube videos and it just never went anywhere.

>> No.23437291

Looking further into it. Basically his business model was to livestream his consulting sessions on YouTube. I guess the point was to combine his work with his advertisement. That was his proposal in his first video 4 years ago. No one ever took him up on it. Not a single livestream with a client that I can tell really. But he kept on trucking anyway.

>> No.23437299

Dude wtf, is this true? This previous relationship really reminds me of my previous one, except my ex never fucked a black guy. She just had untreated mental issues and vaginismus she refused to treat.

I understand at some point in your relationship, you must've come to a mutual agreement that you love each other, want to be with each other, will get married, and a bunch of other things -- and you must feeling particularly betrayed that she isn't keeping to both her word and previous actions. That's why you are writing this big long thing with constant reference to showing receipts. You want her to be accountable for the pain and suffering she has caused you in the relationship, seemingly out of her negligence, disinterestedness, or broken word.

You can write this whole thing and even send it to her, but only if it's good for you. I'm not sure this chick will have the emotional availability or wherewithal to understand herself much less you and provide you with the kind of closure you might require.

It might not just be that she hates you. Perhaps it is a cocktail of various mental, physical, situational issues, that might've led her to be like this. Ofc I'm not supporting her cuz she's a bitch but just explaining it in case it might help you gain a bit of perspective

Eitherw way This bitch is clearly not for you and must be kept far far away. She is simply not ready for a relationship and isn't bothering (for a very long time) to meet the reasonable needs of her partner.

Next time only get into a relationship based on established actions and behaviors, not promises of change and promises of potential. Godspeed anon

>> No.23437304

Heed my warning: do not put your grievances in writing over text with her. It will be used against you

>> No.23437309

You have to match her actions against your needs. You are trying to find some semblance of justice by matching her actions against her promises.

It's simple. If her established behavior hasn't been a match (for a long time, I might add) for your needs or for your future goals, then she isn't right for you. It seems you have tried but there is not meaningful path forward together. Take control and end things. Tell her you don't see a future together anymore, and respectfully dump her with the clear conscience. I don't think you should give her anything more because women love to play around with this shit for no reason. Forget her, take a break to reevaluate yourself, and then when you're ready begin a search for someone more compatible.

>> No.23437323


idk ur relationship dynamics but lemme give u some perspective

sometimes women just get into relationships for a reliable source of comfort and attention. what im saying is that maybe it isnt about her purposefully withholding sex because she hates you or is concocting a plan to consciously fuck with you mentally and physically. but maybe she doesnt want to have sex for a variety of reasons at this point in her life unrelated to you

this doesnt absolve her of anything tho because she still chose to be in a relationship with you and said she wanted to have sex and all that. so she is totally at fault here. ideally she shouldve understood herself and understood she cannot provide what you need and then had the balls to end things amicably, but women rarely willingly give up free attention

at the end of the day, it doesnt matter cuz u want sex and she aint giving it. so it aint gonna work out. break up, then find a women who wants to have sex with you which im sure are plenty if your keeping urself in good shape

>> No.23437324

Writing this much is never a good idea. Tell her face to face if you have to. Writing like this probably will just make you come across as pathetic to her

>> No.23437330

I noticed that with rappers too. 90s and 00s rappers looked like thugs. Todays rappers look like 13 year olds.

>> No.23437338


>> No.23437342
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>This summer I intend to read some selected works by Martin Luther and John Calvin.
>I hope also to get some fiction in there in the background.
You didn't need to say the same thing twice, Protfag.

>> No.23437346

Funny you should say that when you believe in fictions like papal infallibility and purgatory.

>> No.23438430

The death of Ivan Illych by Tolstoy. An incredibly short but strong book about dying and accepting it.