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/lit/ - Literature

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2343441 No.2343441 [Reply] [Original]

>Try having a discussion about foreign films on /lit/.
At first I am met with hostility and am told to go start the thread on /tv/. Even though I do that, people still go for it, and a generally decent conversation about foreign films ensues on /lit/.

>Try having a discussion about foreign films with /tv/ with the same exact thread
Bunch of trolls try to troll me, calling me a hipster for liking "obscure films". No discussions are had about foreign films.

So /lit/, that is why I keep coming here with non-lit related threads. You're quite simply the most intelligent board.

>> No.2343450

>You're quite simply the board most concerned with appearing intelligent.


>> No.2343454
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Oh man, /tv/ is the worst place on the internet to discuss films.

>pleb pleb pleb
>blaah blah hipster hipster hipster hes liking that because he thinks it makes him smart XD
>shitty 'waifu' thread
>tom hardy is so hawt lol
>i just saw drive today its teh best film ever gossling was amasing :D
>shitty 'waifu' thread
>lol why is christian bale so amazing


>> No.2343499

doesn't matter, the end result is the same.

>> No.2343503

post you're top 10 films OP.

>> No.2343506

Yeah, post you are top 10, OP.

>> No.2343514


>You're quite simply the most intelligent board.

So, /lit/ is the winner of the Special Olympics.

>> No.2343519

Yeah, all /tv/ does is fawn over underage celebrities. Wish there was a decent film board somewhere.

>> No.2343540



>> No.2343534


>> No.2343536

Any genre? Shit bros this is going to be really hard (I've never done this before).

Ok, these are my top 10, but NOT IN ANY PARTICULAR ORDER!

The Silence of the Lambs
The Shawshank Redemption
Sweeney Todd
12 Angry Men
The Sweet Smell of Success
Goodwill Hunting
Lawrence of Arabia
The Deer Hunter
The Terminator 2
Forest Gump

Come at me bro.

>> No.2343555
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tsk, not nearly pretentious enough.

'Boys, have at him.

>> No.2343561

All mubi does is circle jerk about Wes Anderson and Ingmar Bergman, and whatever else the Criterion collection tells them to like.

They're aboard full of posturing phonies.

/lit/ would love them.

>> No.2343560
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You've got be someone else besides OP.

That's the most plebeian top 10 I've seen in awhile.

>> No.2343566

>animu reaction pic
Okeh buddeh.

>> No.2343571


go back to /tv/, pleb.

>> No.2343576

>autism detected

>> No.2343589
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>making fun of Lain

You've made a big mistake.

>> No.2343585

/sci/ is as smart if not smarter. Obviously there will be overlap of the smartest people frequenting each but seriously the true /lit/ equivalent of /sci/ would be if the majority of people know basic lit theory, philosophy and liked canonical works instead of contemporary scifi fantasy crap.

>> No.2343596
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Do you work for /sci/ or something?

>> No.2343601


/sci/ is full of arrogant materialists and full of popular science. /lit/ is full of pretentious angst ridden teenagers.

Calling any board on 4chan smart is just ridiculous. The format doesn't allow that sort of thing on a regular basis. There are however other places that are a goldmine for intelligent discussions, but in every case you have to sign up and take on a persona.

>> No.2343608

look at the front page of lit right now and tell me lit is filled with intelligent people. then go to sci and do the same. lit probably was the most intelligent board up until last summer though.

>> No.2343612

Thank the fucking lord you guys don't frequent /tv/ much. You'd be amazed.

Gonna try and compile a top 10 in a minute.

>> No.2343619

Yeah, pretty much. It's full of pedophiles, and I don't even think that they're trolling or anything.

Is this a top 10 films thread now?

>> No.2343623

Oh boy, /lit/'s top ten films thread.

Nothing like a bunch of teenagers pretending they've watched Bergman.

>> No.2343625 [DELETED] 

I wasn't calling any board of 4chan smart, unless the person I was responding to did. Learn to read.

And wow harping at them for being materialists when it's a science board.

^ Someone misunderstood you and posted this? Even though it was asked wrongly I don't see much arrogance.

>> No.2343628

Blade Runner
Taxi Driver
Rear Window
The Celebration
The Graduate

Rushed and not thought out, etc.

>> No.2343631

I wasn't calling any board of 4chan smart, unless the person I was responding to did. Learn to read.

And wow harping at them for being materialists when it's a science board.

^Someone misunderstood you and posted this? Even though it was asked wrongly I don't see much arrogance.

>> No.2343633

>pretending they've watched Bergman.
>implying watching Bergman is some kind of achievement
>exposing yourself as a pleb with an inferiority complex

>> No.2343634

I'm laughing pretty hard about Dogville being in that mix.

>> No.2343635


>> No.2343638


>I wasn't calling any board of 4chan smart


>/sci/ is as smart if not smarter.

>And wow harping at them for being materialists when it's a science board.

You obviously have no idea what that word means. Also, get back to /sci/.

>> No.2343642

Bergman, Bunuel, Goddard etc are the "go to" directors for any tosser wanting to sound cultured on the internet.

That's why I;m expecting their films to show up again and again,

>> No.2343648

Or perhaps they've directed some good movies, no? Grace me with your top 10 good sir.

>> No.2343653

if you don't like only popular movie from your home country hten ther eis something seriously mentally wrong with you

>> No.2343652

Why? I loved that movie.

Anyway, as I said
>rushed and not thought out.

>> No.2343651
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In no order:

12 Angry Men
Apocalypse Now
Winter Light
Taxi Driver
Andrei Rublev
La dolce vita
Aguirre, der Zorn Gottes
Forrest Gump

>> No.2343654

>/sci/ is as smart if not smarter.
I could mean both were dumb and my statement would still be coherent.

>You obviously have no idea what that word means. Also, get back to /sci/.
I don't lurk /sci/ at all. /lit/ is probably my most frequented board. And materialist has two meanings. You would expect scientists to be physicalists.

>> No.2343660

I would expect good scientists to be open to several metaphysical models

>> No.2343661
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I like spaghetti.

>> No.2343666

Oh wait, I get you now...

You're butthurt that they study in more useful fields that just so happen to also make more $$$ than you do on your history of non-questions course. You think they only study in interesting fields for money since you field the mental exertion required there way too much for the trade off in monetary gain.

>> No.2343672

No, they haven't.

Bergman was a depressing bore, Bunuel was a champagne socialist with no real insight, and Goddard was a self-indulgent twat,

Mine are:
Rohmer's Perceval
The Horse's Mouth
Billy Liar
The Passion of Joan of Arc
The Ninth Day
Bad Lieutennant
House of Wax (Vincent Price Version)
F For Fake
The Neverending Story

>> No.2343673

>I could mean both were dumb and my statement would still be coherent.

Reread what you wrote. That doesn't deter from the fact that you were referring to them as smart, even in a relative context.

>I don't lurk /sci/ at all. /lit/ is probably my most frequented board. And materialist has two meanings. You would expect scientists to be physicalists.

Learn how to read in context.

>> No.2343675

My top ten:

A Clockwork Orange
American Psycho
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Eyes Wide Shut
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
The Matrix
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Butterfly Effect

>> No.2343676

Why would anyone try to fake being cultured on an anonymous message board? Bergman, bunuel and godard get mentioned because they deserve to be. Not my personal favorites perhaps, but they are film canon for a reason.

>> No.2343677

i only took issue with the word "pretending", i agree with you in essence.

>> No.2343685

They're cannon because they allow Bourgeois leftists to feel cultured without actually challenging any of their cherished notions.

>> No.2343692

>Reread what you wrote. That doesn't deter from the fact that you were referring to them as smart, even in a relative context.
Nothing I wrote referred to them as smart, unless the person I was replying to did so(which I already conceded).

>Learn how to read in context.
>discussing the intelligence of the frequenters of a board
>economical position being more relevant to this than a philosophical one
Oh wow.

>> No.2343691

Actually they're Canon because they're MAsters of the Cinematic Art.

>> No.2343693

Says who?

>> No.2343694

I could take or leave Godard and Buñuel, but Bergman is awesome. Anyone can appreciate "Persona".

>> No.2343696

Critics who know what they're talkinag about.. And me.

>> No.2343698


It looks like someone needs to improve their reading comprehension.

>> No.2343705

>>2343694 Anyone can appreciate "Persona"

Sure, after the right number of drinks.

Critics who've been told they're supposed to like it.

>> No.2343706 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 350x468, 1315445729481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was surprised to find that we were making a movie this semester and I'm lost at writing the script.

Only thing I've been able to come up with so far is a retarded janitor, but I don't think this is something I should continue on. Can you help me with ideas?

Only limit to this film is that its supposed to be 3-5 minutes, filmed with one camera, and somehow has an elevator in it.

Please help me plebs.

>> No.2343711

More like, critics who were told that it was good by other critics, and, because of that, they watched it, and then decided they agreed that it was, in fact, good.. OK? This is what everyone does.

>> No.2343715

Bergman's faith trilogy is amazing. Most of the others don't do anything for me though.

>> No.2343723

Critics who were told it was supposed to be important by other critics, watched them, didn't really know why they were supposed to like them, but didn't want to expose their reputations to ridicule so went along with it.

>> No.2343734

It's a vast conspiracy guys! No one actually likes these films! Everyone is faking it!

-what every butthurt pleb thinks

>> No.2343736

I thought they were pretty dumb, to be honest.

"There is no God because I'm sad."

Cheer up, emo Swede.

>> No.2343738

You mean the critics who've written several books about said films? Who've spent their entire lives studying them? Yeah, I'm sure they didn't udnerstand those films at all.

>> No.2343740

Not faking it, they just don't know any better.

>> No.2343750

Most of those books containing the same regurgitated hyperbole used to perpetuate the myth that these films are important or valuable. It;s more about justification than criticism.


>> No.2343758

I really wish people would stop linking blogs (their own or other people's) as some sort of auxiliary material or "backup" in an argument.

"This credible blogger agrees with me. Look. He has a blogspot account and everything."
It just shouldn't be done.

>> No.2343759

>the crowd that stared at a canvas painted in single color in deep admiration was the crowd that went ga-ga over his films.

stopped reading there, this guy is obviously an indignant dumbass

>> No.2343786

>Forest Gump

Fuck you.

>> No.2343800


Very much related

>> No.2343826

Forest Gump is a brilliant and profound exploration of the cost of slavery on society you fucking pleb. Bubba symbolizes the men who were not afforded civil rights, Gump is a metaphor for unconditional acceptance and Lieutenant Dan the complicit white man.

Do you even read?

>> No.2343875

wow man that's deep I've never thought of it that way before

>> No.2344312
File: 41 KB, 640x425, swedish_girls_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the only Swedish films I have seen:

-En kärlekshistoria (A Swedish Love Story)
-Män som hatar kvinnor (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo)

They both made me rage super hard, and forever spoiled Swedish Cinima for me...But perhaps I am being unfair.

Any recommendations?

>> No.2344425

ett hål i mitt hjärta

>> No.2344460
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>> No.2344478
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>> No.2344482

Interesting. I always viewed Forrest Gump as the relationship between the American right and left (Forrest and the girlfriend). The child represents the centrist new politics of the 90s. But what will become of him now the old left is dead?

>> No.2344496

>unconditional acceptance

How come? I know he's mentally slow, but he seems to express a childlike intuition of right and wrong, which is ultimately justified to be what American society needed (picking up the book for the black chick, challenging the patriarchy). His naiveity is obviously also necessary since he is intended to be the unwitting observer to many historic events etc.

>> No.2344503

I've got into Korean films recently. I can highly recommend:
>Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

>> No.2344505

>not afforded civil rights

you do know that the "civil rights" movement had absolutely nothing to do with actual civil rights, except that whites lost all of theirs?

I also like how liberals just ignore the death of most american cities and pretend the "civil rights" were an adequate trade off for turning this country into a fucking disaster.

And yet when you actually look at niggers, they are worse off in every possible way today, then 60+ years ago.

>> No.2344511


>> No.2344512

Thanks a lot captain obvious. Everything you just said is in most textbooks out there.

>> No.2344516

>mfw this thread refuted everything OP said about /lit/

>> No.2344515

Name one textbook which says anything like that.

>> No.2344519

The one we used for my Western Civ class. Western Heritage.

>> No.2344523

While it wasn't less intelligent, it was more pretentious and gay back then, maybe somethings wrong with your concept of intelligence? People seem to hold this sentiment on nearly every damn board on the internet that it was good before Y or X, here on 4chan we don't have all threads from the past preserved so these people can't be proven wrong.

>> No.2344526
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Chaps, I wasn't being serious. Forest Gump is saccharine sweet Oscar bait and warrants no close analysis.

>> No.2344527

written by jews?

>> No.2344529

>Forest Gump is saccharine sweet Oscar bait and warrants no close analysis.
Being entry-level isn't the same as trolling.

>> No.2344562

Ingmär Bürgërmän(his real name) made mostly completely pointless films(he said this himself) but his good movies are:
Fanny and Alexander(get the 6 hour version asap)*
The Virgin Spring
The Seventh Seal
Cries and Whispers*
*=particularly good

>> No.2344565

This twat isn't me, if I was trolling I wouldn't announce it like that. I like how he also misspelled Forrest the same way as me though, wonder if that was intentional?

Is Forrest Gump necessarily right-wing though? I suppose he's conservative in the proper sense of the word, but at the same time he's far from intolerant and though he's not particularly smart he's also got a good set of morals.

I say unconditional acceptance because from the start he seems to view all men as equal - well, except violent types like Jenny's father and her boyfriend, given that he's a true gentleman. He judges people not by their colour, beliefs or background but by their actions. He is liberal in the more traditional sense of the word.

>> No.2344569

/tv/ here. We really are fucking terrible. The only reason I still go there is because it's pretty much the fastest movie/television board on the internet and we occasionally have fun live threads.

>> No.2344579

I've strayed across /tv/ a few times and it seems okay. Had a few good conversations about British TV and stop-motion animation films. That said, the paedophilia directed towards some blonde 12 year old starlet who I'd not heard of prior to going there did make my skin crawl. People here seem obsessed with Lolita but at least that's fictional.

>> No.2344579,1 [INTERNAL] 

anyone who says anything other than the godfather part II is the best film ever is a total pleb