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File: 162 KB, 904x881, bap_moldbug_authoritarian_surfers_vs_bikers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23429293 No.23429293 [Reply] [Original]

My favorite contemporary writers are Mencius Moldbug, Bronze Age Pervert and Nick Land
Yeah you might look down on such choices because they have already been discussed to death, but there really aren't any authors better than them alive today. None who write about such subjects as they do, anyway.
Truth is, they are all highly insightful and deserve their popularity. I really think these three and their work are going to stand the test of time.
Without understanding their ideas, you will not understand the modern world!

>> No.23429315

Careful anons, this is a psyop thread to get you to follow these grifters.
Don't get grifted

>> No.23429434

they arent grifters. A grifter cynically extracts money from people. None of these people extract much if any money from their work and furthermore they all write sincerely and say what they think
So really by none of the typical criteria would any of them be considered grifters. I call them grifters if they ever start selling alpha male supplements but I doubt that's gonna happen

>> No.23429461


Are you a mischling who posts on Twitter with a Greek statue avatar?

>> No.23429466

These grifters do the same shit all grifters do: they gaslight you first, then they offer their products as solution.
Fuck off out of here shill

>> No.23429480

Poo compounded is still poo. I don't care if you're the hindu Houdini, you keep piling on poo and all you're going to get is bunch of poo. Fuck out of here, dummy.

>> No.23429556
File: 79 KB, 626x668, 1688099893452168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those words just to say you're a Jew.

>> No.23429586

umm is it ok if I dont mind that they are jews?
Ashk are fake jews anyway, just larping italian bankers basically
At the end of the day it matters more to me that someone is high-quality and aristocratic than it is for them being as white as I am... is that ok?

>> No.23429593

Where do these people come from? Are they Thiel-financed bots? What the fuck kind of question is this

>> No.23429635
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>> No.23429643

The practice of charging reasonable interest rates on loans is a normal and accepted part of modern economic systems.

>> No.23429750

I wouldn't mind if they were Thiel funded. I don't agree with Thiel on a variety of things but it's good to have a smart sympathetic billionaire bankrolling people on your side is it not?

>> No.23429788
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No thanks.

>> No.23429821

The point is that he's trying to artificially create a new far-right which is no longer homophobic nor anti-semitic. I'm a White man. I won't be bossed around by Jews and faggots. I won't take part in their schemes.

>> No.23429829
File: 71 KB, 602x302, 71f44b03e7f1d2fbb95184cbbdbc945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An actual Right-Wing precludes both jews and niggers. Modern discourse try to place ethnicity outside of the realms of politics, but it must be placed at the heart of the new political theory, along with other aspect, if it is to break away from the Liberal worldview we have now.

>> No.23429874

I don't really believe in homosexuality and I don't appreciate what that community gets up to
However, I also feel that with the invention of gayness came a new set of prescriptive straightness that otherwise healthy people didn't used to have to cater to
You can see people posing in old photos posing in gay ways, but they weren't thought of as gay. Men enjoyed friendships in a more intense and passionate way without fear of being thought as faggy
To return to this much healthier pre-50s conception of sexuality I think one needs to look beyond gay and straight, and to this end a sort of basic stogy Christian homophobia is an active hindrance.
Taking it up the ass is not and will never be cool nor should it be... but the objective should be in helping sensitive men with artistic dispositions realize they dont have to be fags. You aren't going to do that by promoting "family values"
Of these three writers I think only really BAP talks about this but I think he understands and would agree with what I'm writing. In his book he writes about the gay and trans phenomenon as a sort of state sanctioned developmental disorder which afflicts people of a certain disposition as a response to being abused in certain ways

>> No.23429962

Nick Land isn't jewish though. He's chink-aligned

>> No.23430006

BAP unironically says he will fuck twinks

>> No.23430013

Thanks for posting. I'm going to read BAP even more now!

>> No.23430015

So one’s feeling on jews and homos should be the focus of their whole political outlook? Just lol

>> No.23430017

Good goy

>> No.23430134

Why do people always depict BAP as that one rugby player

>> No.23430245
File: 85 KB, 850x400, Unity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the weather like in Tel Aviv?

>> No.23430371

>two poorly closeted communists, and a gentile accellerationists that will endorse whatever regardless

Mohammedism: blue collar crime (terrorism)
The other: white collar crime (usura)

As long as you're fixed on one or the other as migrants or conspicuously over-represented per capita persons sporting small hats, you're not addressing the invidious and endemic - still active - ComIntern and its fellow travelers. That's the trapdoor idea. Peter Thiel is a techie, a bug chaser, and in possession of a mutilated frenulum-- the real moral transgression is being a catspaw for fucking communism; the rest is incidental and second order.

>> No.23430853
File: 53 KB, 576x457, 15b8638a2c20d647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As long as you're fixed on one or the other as migrants or conspicuously over-represented per capita persons sporting small hats, you're not addressing the invidious and endemic - still active - ComIntern and its fellow travelers

My kike in Moloch, it was your wretched race that invented it, popularized it and spread it and ruled it.

>> No.23430874

Fuck Israel. Fuck these race baiting zionists. We need a second holocaust.

>> No.23432883

BAP and Moldbug, famous believers in "democracy"