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23427128 No.23427128 [Reply] [Original]

He was right. He was so right.
You do something and it's just like "okay what's next?"
And most of the time you get no real outcome and are left wondering why you even did it but even when you do get an outcome it's the same thing "okay I got an outcome what's next?"
You want things. And you never get them anyway. And the worst part is even when you get the things you wanted it's still just "what's next?"
All of life is just a series of saying "what's next" and one day you can't take saying "what's next" one more time and that's when you die.
If you were ever satisfied you would just stop. If you were satisfied you wouldn't even have started.

>> No.23427177

Quit projecting

>> No.23427201

Have you ever been in love or infatuated with someone? Have you ever witnessed or been a part of something so perfect that you actually experience true bliss? I have never been in a relationship, but I have been deeply infatuated with someone where I certainly relished every moment I was near them without wanting more. Occasionally, art or my surroundings will bring me there as well.

>> No.23427245

>I have never been in a relationship, but I have been deeply infatuated with someone where I certainly relished every moment I was near them without wanting more.
You are proving his point. It's because you never experienced the relationship, the idea of it, for you, is in an ideal perfect state. You need to actualize it before you can claim to truly understand.

>> No.23427248

And would you be happy, content at least, if you never felt these things ever again?

>> No.23427265

>It's because you never experienced the relationship, the idea of it, for you, is in an ideal perfect state.
The idea of what? The relationship? I never entertained that idea. I may be proving his point. I do appreciate the state of infatuation.
Probably not, but I do cherish these moments forever. For now, they are enough to feel quite dreamy.

>> No.23427279

>something so perfect that you actually experience true bliss?
You think it's perfect because you haven't ecperienced it yet.

>> No.23427287

How is me, for example, looking out over Puget Sound in awe not experiencing it?

>> No.23427305

This is easily refuted by anyone who's fallen in love or achieved a flow state of mastery in a skill, trade, art or even a videogame. When you're in love, there's no what's next, you are present and full and it's bliss. Similarly, a former job of mine, I could fall into a timeless state doing my work and never tire of it, I never did, the industry just became defunct and what I used to do doesn't get done by people anymore. But I could have imagined doing it til I was 80, just as lots of passionate and skilled craftsman power on with the same thing til their old days, never asking what's next.

It also belies knowledge of Eastern cultures and their peasant type simpletons, particularly in Asia, who never ask what's next. Drive out West in Bali, you'll see countless cunts just sleeping in their roadside fruit stalls, they have zero ambitions and zero worries, just grow their fruit, connect with their enormous families, sleep when they want and again, never ask what's next.

Schopenhauer was a genius but he was only describing accurately his (and I guess your) experience. It's not universal.

>> No.23427378

There was no psychology in his time. He was right about many things but some of his views are a reflection of his mind and not the world.

>> No.23427942
File: 80 KB, 850x400, Scho_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this because two monkeys fucked each other.

>> No.23427958
File: 416 KB, 1369x1897, 1709544031705919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salvation lies in the subject absorbing the object, the world. Hence the description of inner liberation. This salvation is offered by art and love.

>Later in the evening talk about the war brought us back once more to the misery of life. "And yet," says R., "I enter this room and look at the Goethe portrait in its fine frame, presented to me in love, and I feel happy and believe in happiness here on earth." As I smile, he just continues: "I assure you that such feelings make me a complete skeptic toward pessimism, since I tell myself that such delight would not have been possible without great suffering. Genuine love is as rare in this life as genius. The best way is to regard life as a task, a piece of work; anything in it that delights us comes from somewhere else."

>> No.23427972
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>And most of the time you get no real outcome and are left wondering why you even did it
It's not about the destination, it's about the journey. Children's books can tell you this much.
>inb4 I don't enjoy the journey

>> No.23428399

That's life you can never be fully satisfied because then you wouldn't do what's required to keep yourself alive. Existence is continual want without satisfaction.

>> No.23428416

Antidepressants have too many side effects.

>> No.23428456

Wagner looks like Stephen Fry.

>> No.23428692
File: 797 KB, 1200x1534, 1200px-Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portrait_by_Ludwig_Sigismund_Ruhl_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schopenhauer actually does talk about this kind of experience. He calls it the aesthetic experience and he uses the terms 'the sublime' and 'the beautiful' here. A feeling of time standing still, a feeling of universal significance, feeling as if the moment is touched by magic, the suspension of natural fear, feeling as if being taken out of oneself and forgetting one's own existence completely, feeling as if apprehending a timeless reality, etc. Not only does he describe what we would today call a 'flow' state but he gives a full accounting for why the experience is experienced in that particular way. Schopenhauer says most people experience this kind of state rarely and maybe many of them never experience it at all. But the genius, he says, lives in this kind of state predominantly.

>> No.23429937
File: 134 KB, 678x800, 1709200545274671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nigga the world is fucking ass, things keep getting worse, we're being taxed like dogs while most of the younger generation isn't having kids and is homeless. FUCK ALL OF YOU FOR THINKING THINGS ARE STILL NORMAL, ITS FUCKING NOT, LIFE KEEPS GETTING WORSE!!!

>> No.23429953

Yeah but that love isn't gonna last dummy, Schopenhauer stated that life can be really great and swell but it will always come to an end eventually. You could get sick, your wife could cheat on you with a black bull, video games could be boring and shit now, your trade and money is tiresome when your body breaks down and you can't stand working. We need to better ourselves and make life easier for everyone, not only caring for ourselves and be selfish as possible.

>> No.23429961

sounds like the worldview of some incel who cries because of his lack of a middle school gf

>> No.23429969

go away you dumb ragebaiting nigger, he had kids, he had more sex than you fucking maid bitches nigga. hes so based that pussy doesn't even bother him anymore unlike you you still think having sex is a accomplishment incel nigga

>> No.23430004

Thank you for this, I was replying to OP in isolation. This just shows what an absolute genius Schopenhauer was. Imagine the insight he could have given us today if he was around for the era of easy travel and mass media. If he'd been gifted a few hundred year lifespan he probably could have gotten to the bottom of everything.

I wonder, did he ever delve into Buddhism or Hinduism and the associated states? I've had some contact with that area and those people myself and while their intellects are often shrivelled to uselessness they are still almost having a fuller experience of life than I am.

>> No.23430011

if i'm ragebaiting, why did you choose to rage?

>> No.23430040

Read Péenses, man.

>> No.23430042
File: 399 KB, 1024x1005, 1024px-Cosmological_Mandala_with_Mount_Meru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the Western philosophers, Schopenhauer has the most in common with Eastern philosophy. When he was in his mid-20s he was introduced to Hinduism and Buddhism by Friedrich Majer. Some will say Schopenhauer was influenced by Eastern philosophy but we can verify from his notebooks that his full system was worked out prior to his contact with Hinduism and Buddhism.

Schopenhauer arrives at many of the same fundamental conclusions about the nature of the world as the Eastern mystics, but he does it by a pure reasoning out from direct experience which is available to all. Obvious similarities exist on the subjects of desire, personal will, suffering, self-negation, and so forth. Schopenhauer writes in one of his notebooks: 'I confess that I do not believe my teachings could ever have come about until the Upanishads, Plato and Kant were able simultaneously to cast their rays into one man's mind.' For most of his life he read a few pages of the Upanishads almost every night. He writes, '... it is the most profitable and sublime reading that is possible in the world; it has been the consolation of my life and will be that of my death.' Schopenhauer is still the only Western philosopher to have genuinely grasped Eastern philosophy and related it to his own work. Anyone looking to unify Eastern and Western philosophy for himself would do well to study Schopenhauer.

>> No.23430045

OP btfo

>> No.23430047
File: 41 KB, 488x488, GUEST_a5d3aa62-8ea8-460f-898e-7f28a2e2309f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schopenhauer says most people experience this kind of state rarely and maybe many of them never experience it at all. But the genius, he says, lives in this kind of state predominantly.
Or, cheatcode: pic related. These guys literally put your brain into the flow state. Something about how they work on the alpha waves of the brain.

>> No.23430122

thank you for these quality posts

>> No.23430252

nigga just shut the fuck up for once

>> No.23430264


I haven't read Schopenhauer. But everything you said is true, and every philosopher worth reading has confronted these truths. So what's the distinctive, Schopenhauerian solution to these problems?


>I was happy one time, even for many moments in succession, perhaps a week or two, therefore there is no problem here, and life is fine and good :) Why are you so pessimistic, anon?

>> No.23430421
File: 861 KB, 790x848, 1706977243241230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His soultion is to stop giving a fuck and stop partipating in social games and society expectation. Stop taking women seriously, play video games, make as much money as you can to survive and keep to yourself, also only be friends with people who are close to you and that you can somewhat trust, I always keep my social group extremely small at all times.

>> No.23430499

What a retarded, self-help-tier explanation of Schopenhauer. Might as well not even be reading him.

>> No.23430504

>okay what's next?
hopefully you having the balls what schoppie lacked and kys

>> No.23430509
File: 87 KB, 245x285, 1706846715322731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expect? You can't beat the universe, its better to stop giving a fuck and avoid suffering as much as possible. You can die or get in an accident anytime and you think you're special? It's better to give up at the start of the finish line and enjoy your finite time.

>> No.23430517

sounds a lot like the underground man

>> No.23430707

>Schopenhauer arrives at many of the same fundamental conclusions about the nature of the world as the Eastern mystics, but he does it by a pure reasoning out from direct experience which is available to all.
Ah yes unlike the mystics who got it out of the *actual* astral dimension.

>> No.23430716
File: 132 KB, 680x311, 1634770085556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what Schopenhauer was about, he didn't endorse laziness and superficial pleasures taking up your entire life.

>> No.23430720

Many people have made this observation. For example:

The end therefore which at present calls forth our efforts, will be found, when it is once gained, to be only one of the means to some remoter end. The natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure, but from hope to hope.

— Samuel Johnson, Rambler #2

I suspect both Johnson & Schopenhauer were copying Aristotle actually.

>> No.23430733

thats not what he meant silly

>> No.23430756

The difference is that Johnson supposedly believed in God.

>> No.23430762


>> No.23430764

>Schopenhauer is still the only Western philosopher to have genuinely grasped Eastern philosophy and related it to his own work.
yeah he did not, he should have seen how bogus hinduism is and how based buddhism is

>> No.23430899

Pleasures sure, but laziness? That fuck was lazy as shit himself, he didn't fight in a war and he was rich and privileged..? Being lazy is comfy and not taking life so seriously is the only way to find true peace.

>> No.23430928

Schopenhauer wasn't lazy, he was a relentlessly productive writer and self-educator who could read many languages. His contribution to the world is proof itself he was not lazy. What is your contribution?

>> No.23430961

Anyone can do that if their life is paid for and especially if they live in luxury like he did. What if he had to actually work 8-12 hours every single day just to live in a tiny little room like most people?

>> No.23430982

Not everyone can do it, there are more than enough NEETs with neither the talent nor the motivation. But you are right, if he had no time to study and write philosophy, he would not be a philosopher. If was dropped as a baby he would have brain damage and would also not be a philosopher. Obviously some preconditions have to be met but how does that show he was lazy?

>> No.23430984

Symptoms of having low spirituality . Cultivate

>> No.23431006

What kind of contribution is that? All he did was vent and bitch all the time, they're people who bust their ass and go through hell to have your roads and the inconveniences you take advantage. Plus I contributed and helped many people over the years, I don't need to write some fancy book from a dude was had access to best education and so much time on his hands.

>> No.23431010

>Anyone can do that
No, not anyone can be a philosophical genius if they simply had the time to try it. But the point is that he did work hard, whereas you are advocating for not doing so.

>> No.23431017

Dogs don't pay taxes

>> No.23431018

>how does that show he was lazy?
He never had to work a day in his life retard, if that's not lazy you're brain damaged and nothing will "prove" it to you.

>> No.23431021

>Rich dude who wrote books and spoke out of his ass is hard work
>Not the many people who invented, worked, and serve their countries in their brutal wars

just admit he was just a lazy rich faggot with too much time on his hands, stop circle jerking him so much because he made a vent vent book kek

>> No.23431025

>whereas you are advocating for not doing so.
Where moron? I'm saying that you can "work" "hard" on retarded bullshit like writing WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH SPINOZA whiny crap if you have EVERYTHING PAID FOR IN LIFE like he did. If you don't you can't. How many hundreds of thousands of "great philosophers" do you think humanity lost because they simply weren't rich nepo babies?

>> No.23431026

You can't always get what you want, but it's true that getting it accomplishes nothing.

>> No.23431029

He didn't *have* to work to support himself financially but he still worked. How was what he did not real work? Do you see any kind of non-physical work as work? Do lawyers and accountants work? Should we all work in the mines?

>> No.23431089

Yes actually. If you participate in society that makes some people do it, then you should do it too. Whoever doesn't want to, should be forced to do even worse.

>> No.23431337

Lawyers and accountants have to deal with a lot of BS and kiked by their own employers. Schopenlazy literally had daddy money, merchant for a little while and basic neeted and avoided many conflicts in his life. He wasn't a "hard worker" what so ever, even a fucking janitor is more useful than him writing books about how life is shit when we already know that.

>> No.23431612

>reddit tier pseudo-Buddhist

>> No.23431659

I don't feel that way.

>> No.23431680

But anon, I get what I want all the time.

>> No.23431777

This. Love and courting a beautiful female gives life meaning. Chasing my one-itis gave my life such a clear purpose and the air was so light and things smelled beautiful.

>> No.23432017

based love-pilled anon, rooting for you

>> No.23432759

Why is Shoppy assblasting so many people even today? That's probably the best indication of how true his philosophy is.

>> No.23432767

You're such a cringe virgin zoomer. We'll talk again in 10 years when your hormones have calmed down a bit.

>> No.23432794


>> No.23432839

I fucking love Schopenhauer