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/lit/ - Literature

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23426227 No.23426227 [Reply] [Original]

>Brandon Sanderson
>Sarah J. Maas
>Stephen King
>Neil Gayman
>Patrick Rothfuss
>Marlon James.
>Jonathan Franzen
>Michael Chabon
>Stephenie Meyer
>Suzanne Collins

>> No.23426231

What is so epic about this thread that you felt the need to post it again right after it got deleted?

>> No.23426245

Is erikson any good

>> No.23426247

It didn't get deleted, fag. I removed it myself and remade it with a proper subject.

>> No.23426248
File: 54 KB, 640x651, eqgw4lthjdl91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Ernest Cline?

>> No.23426251

I forgot he existed lol yea, that's textbook goyslop.

>> No.23426255

What do we think of Sarah J Maas, /lit/?

>> No.23426271

Neil Gaiman (you spelled it wrong) is an excellent writer.

>> No.23426282

>you spelled it wrong
No, I didn't. Kneel, gay man.
> is an excellent writer.
He sucks. Strictly for reddit-brain retards.

>> No.23426313

boy, you sure know a lot about reddit, you should probably go back there

>> No.23426320

You sound upset, gay man.

>> No.23426321

>He sucks. Strictly for reddit-brain retards.
Never read him (or even know who that is), but do you feel like you'd be able to prove your point in a social environment, absent from intricacies of meme terminology? Can you try it now as an experiment?

>> No.23426325

we don't sign our posts here

>> No.23426329

>no u

>> No.23426366

Add Orwell, Hemmingway and Stephenson to this list

>> No.23426372
File: 106 KB, 626x399, 1714508217087149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you read Hemingway what you are reading is Stein made safe for a middlebrow audience.

>> No.23426379

I've never thought of it that way ngl

>> No.23426400
File: 128 KB, 626x399, 1708812143779711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you read Gaiman what you are reading is Barker made safe for a plebeian audience.

>> No.23426403

>Jonathan Franzen
Bait or don't read? Can't into lit fiction?

>> No.23426421

I had to put down Barker on the shelf for eternity after reaching 20-30th page of Big (or Great?) and secret show. If math is correct that Gayman guy should be sufferable through for at least 10 pages. Well, i can give 10 pages even to mein kampf, will read it probably now.

>> No.23426422

>le nazi buzzword
you have to go back

>> No.23426424
File: 95 KB, 1200x800, HarryPotter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harry Potter bros.. we're not goyslop.

>> No.23426427

This. Harry Potter will always be /lit/core no matter what libs say

>> No.23426429

Are you quoting me or someone else? What buzzword have I used? (in message you think you attribute to me?)

>> No.23426454

Unironically someone should have told this guy to read hentai

>> No.23426462

Harry Potter is the opposite of goyslop.

>> No.23426464
File: 128 KB, 626x399, 1708812143779712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you read Franzen what you are reading is Updike made safe for an Oprah audience.

>> No.23426469

This is 4chan. Get over it, fag.

>> No.23426472
File: 262 KB, 595x1450, Royalroad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is boomerslop. Gen Alpha is reading pic related.

>> No.23426485

So you don't read, just meme.

>> No.23426691

I like the thread concept but OP is a faggot as always

>> No.23426706

I like Neil gaiman and Stephen king

>> No.23426722

>gargantuan breasts
I will be using this word from now on

>> No.23426727

Something (or many things) about this is absolutely repulsive

>> No.23426770

>he's actually willing to die for a mediocre write like Fagzen
You have shit taste lol

>> No.23426795

Revival of pulp magazines in digital form. We are so back

>> No.23426807

each one of them made more money writing book than all of us combined

>> No.23426816

I remember liking Coraline and The Graveyard Book growing up.
I think you're just a contrarian

>> No.23426845

>muh goydollars

>> No.23426847

>Coraline and The Graveyard Book
Goyslop for children.
>I think you're just a contrarian
I just have good taste.

>> No.23426885

Not him but he is largely a comic book writer who also does novels. Is pointing out that his fame comes from comic books from DC comics good enough for you?

>> No.23426891

And Pablo Escobar made more money selling drugs than all us combined.

>> No.23426913

you forgot GRRM

>> No.23427454

Excellent is a stretch but he's certainly miles more talented than Rowling or King. His short stories can be very entertaining. Also his books are fun, too. He is Reddit, though, you cannot deny that. His whole personality is le quirky fantasy author/sexual degenerate (he was in an open marriage and clumsily inserts his odd fetishes into his books)

>> No.23427462
File: 176 KB, 410x274, Wheeze.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23427539

Stubborn skill grinder is kinda good though