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23410678 No.23410678 [Reply] [Original]

/grrm/ - George RR Martin General

Winds of Winter will be out this year edition

Previous thread: >>23388168

>> No.23410734

6 episodes to adapt The Hedge Knight...
fucking really George?
it could easily done in a 2 hour movie, what will the other 4 episodes be about?

>> No.23410738

buy an ad

>> No.23410752

What if Ned survived after being beheaded?

>> No.23410759

He warged into a pigeon

>> No.23410761

more interesting question is what direction the story would've gone if Ned hadn't been beheaded

>> No.23410769

If he were just imprisoned then the war of the five kings still would have happened.
If he escaped then the north and possibly Renly would have gone to war for Stannis.
If he took out Cersei and her kids then Tywin would have seethed but not launched a full scale war, instead helping anyone he could like the Dornish, Varys, etc to destabilise the crown.

>> No.23410879

Certain reveals probably happen WAY before TWOW and ADOS.

>The thought of Jon filled Ned with a sense of shame, and a sorrow too deep for words. If only he could see the boy again, sit and talk with him...

>> No.23410895

I'm a newfag when it comes to fantasy. What book should I start with when it comes GoT. And also will WoW really come out this year? Haven't anons been complaining

>> No.23410951

What is Qyburn? Is he a mad doctor or a necromancer? Did he actually save Gregor?

>> No.23410959

I guess they're going to make the fight long and add some background and exposition on why all the important people are so eager to take part which would actually be an improvement but there's still at least two episodes too much and most likely we're going to get some new nigger characters in funny shenanigans.

>> No.23411022
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What's his endgame fellas?

>> No.23411024

Necromancer. This is pretty much spelled out in the books. He’s not saving Gregor, it’s possibly not even his head on the final body (it’s set up like a later reveal but still unclear what the reveal will be). George has already made it unambiguous that the dead can return so there’s no reason to play coy about “hrm maybe he just helped Gregor using regular medicine but his brain got fried”. We don’t know what animates the dead though and probably will not know but it’s implied to be unnatural/demonic forces or the work of unseen gods. He acts like it’s all science so that’s a bit of a twist I guess.

>> No.23411033

>What book should I start with when it comes GoT
You can't go wrong with the first three novels.

>And also will WoW really come out this year?
Probably not. Guessing when it will be released has been a losing game.

>> No.23411039
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Dunk and Egg do go for some adventures (e.g. running across pirates in Dorne) off-screen.

>> No.23411102

I wish Frank Muller had done the main series too

>> No.23411172

Anyone here play the warband mods? After immersing myself in the story i always go play some

>> No.23411199

Nah man.

Bros, has any book or series - fantasy or genre or literary - borne so much speculation?
I feel like I watched the community go from accurately predicting everything foreshadowed in the plot to just making shit up cause they were bored and writing frighteningly elaborate fanfiction.

>> No.23411203

>Is he a mad doctor or a necromancer
Both. There is no difference. He’s dabbling either way.

>> No.23411211

>He acts like it’s all science so that’s a bit of a twist I guess.
Scientists five hundred years ago also believed some absolutely insane shit, though. Shit like ejaculating into a horse’s vagina (or dung pie) to produce homunculi. This is why there’s no real difference between mad science (“science”) and magic, sorcery, etc. To me, anyway. It’s all equivalently occult.

>> No.23411221

Because they actually predicted a few things correctly as a community so that will forever fuel the idea they can make it again

>> No.23411232

This is what I don't get about the fat man; if that's the case, write their true predictions. If GoT showed us one thing, it's about the journey not the destination.

>> No.23411237

Imagine being a race of magic dragon riders and not being able to map the entire planet. Lmao.

>> No.23411239

What would have happened if Ned went back to winterfell after he gave up being hand?

>> No.23411242

The world is probably a lot bigger than George previously imagined.

Why the Valyrians were so content to stay within their peninsula is one of the biggest mysteries to me, though.

‘The Land of the Long Summer’, and all considered, it could very well have been a paradise on earth,

>> No.23411287
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>You will live to see an HBO writer do a soft reboot of ASOIAF with a new Dawn Age when someone from Westeros finds a new material rich continent (North America)

>> No.23411292

Stannis would've tried to stage a rebellion and failed.

>> No.23411293

>Shit like ejaculating into a horse’s vagina (or dung pie) to produce homunculi.
Well someones gotta try before you know.

>> No.23411308

Not with the strength of the north and the riverlands. Possibly even the vale.

>> No.23411315

It just depends on when they would've found out about the incest. Stannis was planning to send letters to everyone about it, but the North probably wouldn't have given a shit.
Ned would've been asked to swear fealty from Winterfell, and he probably would've refused, and the North would've likely backed Stannis but not partaken in the conflict.
The Vale, however, would've.

>> No.23411323

The man who did that was the most well known medicinal physician of his day, anon. One can only wonder how in the hell he came to such a conclusion.

>> No.23411325

You think ned wouldnt have supported the true king. Is he that isolationist?

>> No.23411353

I think he would have supported him but not marched for him because winter was coming and he is not a warmonger and had a duty to his people first.

>> No.23411362

I'm assuming you guys are big fans.
Is there ANYONE that is happy with the other stories he has written over TWOW? Or do all of you agree you'd rather have TWOW?
I personally have no interest in spinoffs of an unfinished story

>> No.23411378
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nephews… :3

>> No.23411383

I don’t think there is a single person who is a fan of GRRMs works that wouldn’t take TWOW over anything else he’s worked on since. Elden Ring is the only exception but that would have been good without him anyway.

>> No.23411391

Would the riverlands not pulled him in? If the westerlands moved against it, he would have been honor bound.

>> No.23411452

If they would have, it would not have been the massive army and independence movement it was in the series proper. It would've been like the Hill Tribes and old men in Fire and Blood fighting for Cregan Stark.
The Iron Islanders would have likely raided the Tyrells and Shield Isles earlier, because they're fucking retarded.

>> No.23411564

First 3 books of ASOIAF are A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords. Start there.

And no. WOW will probably no be out this year. It's been a meme that people predict George will have it out by [current year]. Some actually have hope, some have given up (like me). The books are still worth reading, imo

>> No.23411575

Why do people recommend stopping after ASOS?

>> No.23411580

I've read the five books of ASOIAF and really enjoyed them (AFFC was my favorite). Now I have a copy of Fire and Blood. Should I read the whole thing, or is it okay to skip to the Dance of the Dragons.

>> No.23411584

You can honestly jump around in F&B like you would any real history book, though sometimes you'll miss some context and have to go back

>> No.23411603

I personally do it because if the issue for an anon is that it's unfinished, then stopping with ASOS would at least give *some* sense of closure before resuming the series when Winds is dropped, since AFFC and ADWD is pretty much almost all build-up for WOW. The most likely thing that will happen, though, is that if the person really enjoys books 1-3, they'll want to keep reading and end up just the same as us waiting for WOW.

>> No.23411654

I really want an animated and faithful adaptation of ASOIAF. While there was a lot that the show did right, one thing it got completely wrong was the fantastical scale of Westeros's castles, the exotic locales of Essos, and a lot of the characters didn't look book accurate.

>> No.23411685

Same. In terms of the appearance of the characters, the show really got worse as it went on. Jaime and Tyrion stopped being golden-blonde. The outfits became generic and dark fantasy apparel. Sansa somehow hit the wall. Arya was the same size she was at the beginning of the show. Daenerys never had purple eyes. I'm sure there's more.

>> No.23411736

There is not a doubt in my mind that one day (25 years from now) after all the books are out, we will see a ASOIAF/GoT remake. This time just directly adapting the books. It’s too much money left on the table for the GRRM estate and HBO.

>> No.23411761

I agree, but I just don't think there's a 2D western animation studio capable of doing it right now.

>> No.23411764

You're allowed to sex five Ice and Fire women from any point in Planetos history. Who do you pick? Mine would be Asha, Melissandre, Female Other who seduced 13th Lord Commander, Ashara Dayne, and last place is a draw between Visenya Targaryen or Shiera Seastar


Maybe this is why there are adaptations of House of the Dragon, Aegon's Conquest, and Dunk and Egg could be leading into a potential remake or at least ending thins with Robert's Rebellion bookending where the series began.

>> No.23411766
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>after all the books are out

>> No.23411773

>laughing crying emoji
I miss that lil nigga, he disappeared like 10 years ago

>> No.23411776

>Keep GOT in pop culture consciousness
>Crank out prequels/spin offs until GRRM finishes ASOIAF
>Return to series with an intention to do it according to “GRRMs Complete Vision” with new cast/reliance on directly adapting the books

The trouble is those characters are who they are to show watchers and replacing beloved characters like Ned, Tyrion, Jon would come off a little “discount Game of Thrones” so you’d really have to sell it as something that is wholly the books. IE make Tyrion disgusting, Jorah is a creepy ugly pedo brute, etc. It would have be a far less palatable adaptation for it to stick ironically.

>> No.23411777
File: 126 KB, 739x276, Screenshot 2024-05-22 12.03.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Storm of Swords
>A Game of Thrones
>A Clash of Kings
>A Dance With Dragons
>A Feast For Crows
>A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms
>Fire And Blood (dumb trivia book, shouldn't even be on the list basically)

>> No.23411785

"A Feast For Crows" is a great title and way better than "A Dance With Dragons"

>> No.23411796

oh sorry I meant the books themselves not just the titles. post was unclear

>> No.23411815

that's why you do an animated series and let most of the actors reprise their roles

>> No.23411823
File: 126 KB, 499x497, Screenshot 2024-05-22 12.28.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>battle scene
>prelude interaction between characters sets tone beautifully
>pacing and tension are nearly perfect
>then all of a sudden
>"... he sounded his sentry's horn once more..."
And he does this many, many times.

>> No.23411825

Don’t see that ever getting greenlit considering the cost to get all the original actors back + doing animation (which is expensive now a days) + the lost revenue from people who just don’t care about animation would make it so it made more financial sense to just remake the whole show.

>> No.23411867

yeah I don't like authors who make up onomatopoeia for drums and horns and other sound effects like George does either. It's a major flaw, but an ignorable one

>> No.23411880

This is a controversial take but I think that ADWD is worse than AFFC on re-read.
ADWD is boring, especially Jon and Dany's chapters. The Reek and Davos chapters are really good but they're such a small part of the book compared to Jon and Dany.
AFFC sucks on first read; you know that Brienne is going on a wild goose chase and the Dorne plot feels unnecessary. But on re-read Brienne stumbles into some interesting situations and Dorne has some interesting twists and turns in the scheming. Also you've got Jaime and Cersei, who both have great chapters.

>> No.23411882

>This is a controversial take but I think that ADWD is worse than AFFC on re-read.
That's not controversial thoughbeit.

>> No.23411898

Also, Sansa's chapters are actually good and a breath of fresh air after her chapters in the previous books.

>> No.23411908

Dany chapters are just bad in general minus the House of the Undying and the chapters with Viserys. I don't think this is a hot take.

>> No.23411911

Sansa now seems like her story should be very good. Too bad the books are never coming out.

>> No.23411919

>Dany chapters are just bad in general
Her chapters in ADWD are way worse than her chapters in books 1-3

>> No.23411926

bed breaking sex with bbw frey waifu

>> No.23411942 [SPOILER] 

>Her chapters in ADWD
I could barely get through them. By the time I got to the assassination attempt I'd completely lost interest. ADWD in general was a slog, with the notable exception of the Reek chapters and a few other bright spots.

>> No.23411947

>listening to the audiobook
Am i allowed here?

>> No.23411951

I think it's just that AFFC is a book with setups and payoffs, while ADWD is entirely setups with all of the conclusions to said arcs (save Jon's) being pushed into the next book due to the book being too fucking long.

Yeah, the audiobook is considered one of the best ever made

>> No.23411961

I personally couldn’t stand the voices he gave some characters. Tyrion sounds completely wrong.

>> No.23411974

Think we're getting anything Westeros related post A Song of Ice and Fire? GRRM clearly likes writing prequel stuff it's already there, he has a clear idea on how to get from point a to b he just needs to fill in the gaps but I wonder if he has cooked up something takin place after A Dream of Spring or if he's done with the universe once he writes.

Would be nice seeing something 200 or maybe 1000 years later from Bran's perspective

>> No.23411997

It sure doesn't help the quality level of Daenery's chapters that no reader has ever given a shit about Slaver's Bay. Westeros has interesting culture and history (with the exception of Dorne), Braavos is fun to read about, Volantis has its charm, heck, Tyrion's journey down the Rhoyne is cool. Meeren is just... boring.

>> No.23412021

George here, you're all allowed to say one thing to me before I go back to writing TWOW (which I am definitely doing)

>> No.23412039

Make the boobs bigger.

>> No.23412060

If George does finish the series(or someone else does based on his notes), how long until we get a redo of the show

>> No.23412071

How long will we have to wait?

>> No.23412084

True. And Arya killed him and traded him for a bowel of brown.

>> No.23412090

There’s no way the series is finished by anyone before 2030. George or no George. Unless he’s writing both simultaneously which I doubt. Assuming the books are eventually finished and the word doenst end I’d say we’d see a GOT remake within 20 years.

>> No.23412110

• 2010: "The First Chapters Are Done!"
• 2012: "I really look forward to publishing it in 2014."
• 2015: "I'm determined to finish it by 2016. I cancelled two convention appearances, anything I can do to clear my decks and get this done."
• 2016: "I am not going to set another deadline for myself to trip over. The deadlines just stress me out."
• 2017: "I think it will be out this year."
• 2017: "I am still working on it, I am still months away."
• 2018: "Work on Winds of Winter continues, and remains my top priority. It is ridiculous to think otherwise."
• 2019: "If I don't have The Winds of Winter in hand by the end of the year, you have here my formal written permission to imprison me in a small cabin on an island."
• 2020: "There is a lot of work to be done on the upcoming spinoff show, but I won't be writing any scripts for the series before finishing The Winds of Winter."
• 2021: "I will make no predictions on when I will finish. Every time I do, assholes on the internet take that as a “promise,” and then wait eagerly to crucify me when I miss the deadline."
• 2022: "I hope to wrap up the story line for one of the viewpoint characters of W.O.W. this week. Maybe even two."

Eat shit George you fat lying fuck.

>> No.23412124

>we will see a ASOIAF/GoT remake
It's good to keep in mind that Hollywood will be long dead by then. There will never be another GoT possible. It'll be entirely AI-generated and customized for the viewer/reader/thrall.

>> No.23412195
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>Asha, Melissandre, Female Other who seduced 13th Lord Commander, Ashara Dayne, Visenya Targaryen, Shiera Seastar

>> No.23412239

Consider how many characters are in later books and how major characters in early seasons would have to share screen time with new characters. Twelve years of writing and rewriting, Martin can't get the story told in his penultimate and final book; how are TV writers going to do it with hundreds of people working on the show, including the actors with growing ego and pay demand? They had to invent the Theon/Ramsey cat & mouse game because you can't tell an actor playing an important character "don't take any jobs for a few years because we need you later". Same problem will happen with every character with fewer and fewer scenes.

>> No.23412250

Consider how many characters are in later books and how major characters in early seasons would have to share screen time with new characters. Twelve years of writing and rewriting, Martin can't get the story told in his penultimate and final book; how are TV writers going to do it with hundreds of people working on the show, including the actors with growing ego and pay demand? They had to invent the Theon/Ramsey cat & mouse game because you can't tell an actor playing an important character "don't take any jobs for a few years because we need you later". Same problem will happen with every character with fewer and fewer scenes.

>> No.23412261

Who will finish the series if George doesn't do it?

>> No.23412264

Uhhh, you do realize that actors work in loads of different projects all the fucking time? Alfie Allen himself had recurring roles in several tv shows during GoT.

>> No.23412322

Joe Abercrombie

>> No.23412430

No, he didn't. He had one recurring role in one TV mini-series. Seven episodes without the prospect of further seasons and further scheduling conflicts. If he was offered a leading role, in his prime, while he's not getting paid for years from HBO he would likely take it and HBO couldn't do anything.

>> No.23412431

why lol she is entirely common, also

>> No.23412475

>tfw Preston Jacobs' fanfiction project is gonna be the closest thing we ever get to Winds actually being finished

better buy the dip now

>> No.23412481

I've never understood the whole Asha thing either.
For me, it's got to be Darcy Mormont. She's a tall warrior tomboy who looks equally good in a dress as she does in a suit of armor. She's also loyal and witty.

>> No.23412491

Missandei (Book Version)
Shireen Baratheon
Myrcella Baratheon

>> No.23412494


Summarize me so far what's happened in Preston's fanfiction? Can't be arsed watching hours of his vidoes

>> No.23412497
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Dacey Mormont as Robb's personal guard makes no sense if she wasn't fucking him. You're telling me you put a hot tomboy with absolutely no repercussions to extramarital sex in her culture (they claim to shapeshift into bears to get pregnant ffs) with a horny 16-year-old upstart king constantly alone together, and NOTHING happened? George, you fucking idiot.

>> No.23412500


If Robb is able to let out his teenage horniness out on Dacey, it's even less likely he fucks up the Frey marriage alliance.

>> No.23412514

Considering that Robb has a phobia of producing bastards, it is likely that their relationship never reached the level of vaginal intercourse. So, long story short, Dacey Mormont is a canonical throat goat.

>> No.23412518
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Is he about to become the greatest antagonist in fiction?

>> No.23412572

welsh tyrion is based shut up

>> No.23412631

Yes it will really come out this year. George has been cryptically hinting at it.

>> No.23412641

One of them flew for 3 years and still didn’t reach the bottom of sothoryos

>> No.23412642


>> No.23412650

Agreed. 2D is what the series always needed.

>> No.23412661

Shiera Seastar, Alayaya, Sansa Stark, Val the wildling, Dacey Mormont

>> No.23412669

It won’t be a direct continuation of the main story, it will be more side story and back story stuff. Tbh I hope I expands on the distant locations more

>> No.23412676

He already is

>> No.23412680

Look at the photos and quotes he put up on his blog. They hint at winds being done.

>> No.23412709
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this is the only quote on his blog i see lmao

>> No.23412711
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>> No.23412716

This is cope.

>> No.23412719

Look at the Faulkner one

>> No.23412730
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am i supposed to be looking at the blue rose? anon i think you might be a schizo

>> No.23412734

>Too much material in a single book to turn it into a high production movie
>settings are too spectacular to pull off in a TV show, even a super high budget one
>also you have casting problems: trying to get someone who is beautiful like book Cersei but is also a good actor is borderline impossible, and that's just one character. Baratheon brothers need to look like actual brothers, especially Robert and Renly, etc.

>> No.23412736

Sansa, Cersei, Margaery and Melisandre

>> No.23412738

>implying his Kraken trick will win the Battle of Blood when Leyton and his daughter turn the Hightower into the Eye of fucking Sauron and laser blast the Iron Fleet

>> No.23412742
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>They hint at winds being done.
this is the /lit/ equivalent of /pol/'s "shadow president" arc in 2020/2021

>> No.23412765
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come on anon, pic related PROVES winds is coming out tomorrow!

>> No.23412834


I just like Asha's personality she's incredibly fun and really laid back but I think she would be really kinky in bed more than the other girls too might even let me keep saltwives.

>> No.23412842

>I think she would be really kinky in bed
Anon... there is literally a scene in the books were Asha and her lover engage in rapeplay. She literally is canonically kinky

>> No.23413026

fair enough i respect that
you are hereby formally invited to my blood orgy with Shiera and Others

>> No.23413174

Is this real casting? I'm surprised their both white. Guess they'll have to shove plenty of blacks to make up for it.

>> No.23413179

this combines george's two great loves, chocolate and sitting

>> No.23413180
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>> No.23413618

Don’t forget all the actors aging

>> No.23413747

But they wouldnt be bastards since the Mormonts claim their children, no?

>> No.23413777
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That quote is a bit trite.

>> No.23413781

Anything he can do to not finish Winds of Winter

>> No.23413932

Why the fuck would you not read a history book cover to cover?

>> No.23414007
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not only that but also the 10 to 30 minutes episode length of animated shows would be perfect to adapt the 1 PoV chapter per episode
also for some reason voice-overs are somehow more fitting in animations - and imo the tv show doing away with the character's thoughts was one of the worse decisions they made

now the real pickle would be on the matter of art style
ideally everyone would want the show to be draw like Amok's art, but obviously that would be to expensive
maybe something like The Mico then? it's clearly cheaper and it's similiar to genndy tartakovsky, so would go down easier with audiences
personally if a simpler style was the choice I would prefer something by Bruce Timm

>> No.23414088
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Kek that art makes her look like a pothead from any urban yoga studio.
Anyway, I’d prefer Treasure Planet style animation. Suitably grand and beautiful while being fluid and lively. Something as stylised as Tartakovsky’s animation would be a mistake, the people should look like actual humans.

>> No.23414096

i think rotoscoping like bakshi's lotr could be used to good effect for an ASOIAF show, mixing realism with fantastic elements. especially battle scenes. the cartoon network art style undermines the bleak tone of the series i think.

u gotta go for the painted backdrops i reckon
i think if it was to be animated on the cheap i'd rather see a scummier style, like this 1992 macbeth animation

>> No.23414131
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GRRM watched and liked the recent Blue Eye Samurai and wanted animated shows of ASOIAF to emulate it.

>> No.23414137

Stephen King thought "maximum overdrive" was the best adaptation of his work

>> No.23414224

It's more fun that way.

>> No.23414638

How the fuck was george not on that flight log

>> No.23414644

He should watch 90s Berserk instead

>> No.23414661

The flight logs were from 90s and early 00s, George didn't become important until the show.

>> No.23414771

Will we ever explore interesting places like Stygai, K'Dath, Mossovy etc?

>> No.23414950

You can ask George one question, what is it?

>> No.23415003

why are you gay?

>> No.23415207

Is magic like a living organism?

>> No.23415393

why do some people think bloodraven and the 3EC are two different entities?

>> No.23415446

biden or trump?

>> No.23415469

meme question: Who'd win in a fight, Darkstar or Aemond?

real question: Are the weirwood leaves red because instead of having chlorophyll, they have some "red chlorophyll-like substance" that absorbs conscious thoughts and converts them into sugar as an alternative to photosynthesis?

>> No.23415569
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there's plenty of plants in real life that have red leaves (all year round) and chlorophyll too, photosynthesis works fine with red leaves. i mean it is a cool idea though. I always wondered if there's connection between weirwoods and the shade-of-the-evening trees in Qarth that have black bark and blue leaves, the opposite of white bark and red leaves

>> No.23415633

There's two exchanges in Bran II ADWD
>"No. They killed him long ago. Come now. It is warmer down deep, and no one will hurt you there. He is waiting for you."
>"The three-eyed crow?" asked Meera.
>"The greenseer." And with that she was off, and they had no choice but to follow. Meera helped Bran back up onto Hodor's back, though his basket was half-crushed and wet from melting snow. Then she slipped an arm around her brother and shouldered him back onto his feet once more. His eyes opened. "What?" he said. "Meera? Where are we?" When he saw the fire, he smiled. "I had the strangest dream."
and this exchange
>"Are you the three-eyed crow?" Bran heard himself say. A three-eyed crow should have three eyes. He has only one, and that one red. Bran could feel the eye staring at him, shining like a pool of blood in the torchlight. Where his other eye should have been, a thin white root grew from an empty socket, down his cheek, and into his neck.
>"A … crow?" The pale lord's voice was dry. His lips moved slowly, as if they had forgotten how to form words. "Once, aye. Black of garb and black of blood." The clothes he wore were rotten and faded, spotted with moss and eaten through with worms, but once they had been black. "I have been many things, Bran. Now I am as you see me, and now you will understand why I could not come to you … except in dreams. I have watched you for a long time, watched you with a thousand eyes and one. I saw your birth, and that of your lord father before you. I saw your first step, heard your first word, was part of your first dream. I was watching when you fell. And now you are come to me at last, Brandon Stark, though the hour is late."

So first, Meera is corrected when she asks if they're meeting the three-eyed crow. Second, Bloodraven seems confused when asked if he's the three-eyed crow.

>> No.23415639

Since the tv show pretty much ignored TPTWP, are we getting Jon his own dragon that isnt one of Danys?

>> No.23415716

>now you will understand why I could not come to you … except in dreams
i always interpreted it as that brynden is old and kept alive by the tree, his mind is turned to mush from flying around time and space in the weirwood network and he barely remembers who he is.

>> No.23415740

This. Somewhat similar to how they portrayed bran in the show

>> No.23415816

George hates questions like these since “If you knew the answer to that, then it wouldn’t the magic, would it?”, and only the truly unhinged wizards get to know that information.

>> No.23415837

Are there any good ASOIAF MUDs? What keeps people coming back to this series?

>> No.23415856

You can change one action(within reason) a character takes in the series, what makes the most interesting change?

>> No.23415982

>Ned seizes Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella without giving a warning to Cersei.
With Jaime captured, Ned can bargain with Tywin to cede all claims to the Iron Throne, declare the children bastards, and give the throne to Stannis as soon as he comes to court.

But I think because Varys and LF both want the realm in chaos, something would probably happen to Stannis on the way from Dragonstone and he'd end up dead. I don't know what the Lannisters can do, but the obvious setup is to cause a succession crisis of "who comes first, the daughter or the uncle?" when Stannis' will says that Shireen is to inherit everything, but a Tyrell-backed Renly will come claiming the throne. Besides, Renly is extremely popular at this time. Tywin and Ned will be allies-of-convenience because Ned wants Shireen on the throne for the same reason he wanted Stannis over Renly, and Ned still holds Jaime hostage. Maybe Tywin will bend over backwards to get some kind of marriage deal between, idk, fucking Lancel and Shireen, insisting that Shireen needs the Lannister's gold and forces if her claim is to ever survive a war with Renly and the Reach. Not sure where it goes from there.

>> No.23416158

I go to Essos. Far from Roberts jurisdiction.

>> No.23416203

Part of me still thinks Seastar potentially could be alive using whatever bullshit magic if Bloodraven managed to do so but I think Bittersteel is well and truly dead. I got a feeling Seastar will wind up being final boss maybe even The Three Eyed Raven, it'd be neat if the end game boiled down to a family feud between Melissandre-Seastar-Bloodraven each with their own champions.

>> No.23416221

I like the theory that Old Nan is Shiera Seastar.

>> No.23416393


I've heard that and other things like how she's secretly a Children of the Forest which gets a little too tinfoil for my taste. Why can't old ladies who ramble about stories just be old ladies who ramble about stories.

Though if we're getting into crackpots about who characters are then I think Coldhands is potentially the offspring of the 13th Lord Coommander and the Corpse Queen.

>> No.23416417

Except he then forms perfect sentences with nary a hint of confusion, he knows who he is. Crazy how seemingly no one stops to think of the power he wields, of the power he has wielded for so long.

>> No.23416442

Within the series? Theon figures out his shit like 20 minutes earlier and refuses Reek/Ramsay's help. Ramsay still fucks him over because he's got all the men on his side but it's a fight at Winterfell instead of a slaughter, leading to a North that's aware of the Bolton betrayal and potentially averting the Red Wedding.
Slightly outside the series? Tywin refuses Barristan's proposal to scale the walls of Duskendale and single-handedly rescue Aerys II. He sieges the town instead wiping out the Darklyns but dooming Aerys in the process. Rhaegar is crowned and must compromise his prophetic nature with the actual business of running a kingdom.

>> No.23416462

Hooded Man is either a member of House Banefort or just a figment of Theon's imagination

>> No.23416954

>or just a figment of Theon's imagination
pretty sure that's the common consensus now 10+ years after ADWD released

>> No.23417085

Thoughts on the elden ring dlc story trailer?

>> No.23417095

Posting a blue rose (like the one that Rhaegar gave to Lyanna) with a quote about dreams (A Dream of Spring) and titling the post "Words of Wisdom" (Winds of Winter) is worth speculating on

>> No.23417187

For some reason I have never been able to picture him being a dragon rider.

>> No.23417243

Does George actually know what gardening involves?

>> No.23417335

Sansa's cover as a bastard is blown by a shoe for some reason. Then she almost gets raped. But she gets saved in the nick of time by Sweetrobin, who suddenly is competent now and thus gets declared a king in his own right.

That's as far as I got with it before abandoning it. Make of it what you will.

>> No.23417381

>"I saw your birth, and that of your lord father before you."
This line always made me think that he isn't old enough to be Bloodraven, since he doesn't say the same for Bran's grandfather and great grandfather, only his father.

My theory is that the "Three-eyed crow" isn't a single person, but rather the collective identity of past Greenseers. So when the current Greenseer dies, he too becomes a part of the "Three-eyed crow".
The current Greenseer was like Bran, simply a successor to this power and will of the Old Gods, same as Bloodraven was once. Maybe the current one comes directly after Bloodraven in succession, maybe not.
His successor will be Bran, for which he was groomed since before his birth.
Basically whatever motivates this entity, that will continues through successive Greenseers. And they manipulate history to suit that will, such as by getting rid of Brandon Stark in order for Ned to marry Catelyn so that they may produce Bran, the next Greenseer (a Bran for a Bran, if you will). It'd be silly to assume that it's only the Targs whose blood was intricately mastered by the Greenseers (like Bloodraven) in order to fulfill some greater purpose. I think most if not all marriages are the result of such interference.
Basically-basically, the 3EC is the written manifestation of the writer's otherwise hidden thought process, responsible for laying the foundations on which the story is built. It is that world's true creator god's (George's) will.

>> No.23417390

looks cool, will pirate

>> No.23417436

Lysa's letter gets lost on the way and Cat convinces Ned to remain in Winterfell.

>> No.23417464
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This is the most recent PDF. Read it at your own pace.

>> No.23417864
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probably not, since it requires both going outside and being able to kneel then stand back up again

>> No.23417992

Why did she alone vanish? Why is she the only one of the Great Bastards we know next to nothing, who just disappears from history? Why does she wear the mask?

>> No.23418166 [DELETED] 

>You're allowed to sex five Ice and Fire women from any point in Planetos history. Who do you pick?
>Alyssa Targaryen
>Shiera Seastar
>Rohanne Webber
>Arianne Martell
>Tyene Sand

>> No.23418174

>You're allowed to sex five Ice and Fire women from any point in Planetos history. Who do you pick?
Alyssa Targaryen
Shiera Seastar
Rohanne Webber
Arianne Martell
Tyene Sand

>> No.23418217

Theon goes back to warn Robb of the impending Ironborn invasion

>> No.23418272

>Rohanne Webber


>> No.23418326
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>> No.23418334

>Gerolld Lannister marries a womanlet
>2 generations later, Tyrion the Imp is born

it was a setup

>> No.23418403

I think FAegon is cooler than Aegon.

>> No.23418430
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>"No." The eunuch's voice seemed deeper. "He is here. Aegon has been shaped for rule since before he could walk. He has been trained in arms, as befits a knight to be, but that was not the end of his education. He reads and writes, he speaks several tongues, he has studied history and law and poetry. A septa has instructed him in the mysteries of the Faith since he was old enough to understand them. He has lived with fisherfolk, worked with his hands, swum in rivers and mended nets and learned to wash his own clothes at need. He can fish and cook and bind up a wound, he knows what it is like to be hungry, to be hunted, to be afraid. Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right. Aegon knows that kingship is his duty, that a king must put his people first, and live and rule for them."

Kevan was shitting himself in that moment, and it wasn't because of the crossbow bolt in him.

>> No.23418453

>The eunuch's voice seemed deeper.
I know some people have a theory that Varys isn't an eunuch. Mayhaps this line implies that?

>> No.23418485

Yeah, that's the line that puts it into question. I think it's clear that Varys' true identity is questionable. Him being Valyrian or a Blackfyre makes a lot of sense to me with his shaved head. His eye color is also never described. I coulda swore he made comments against slavery, yet uses orphan slaves and is best friends with Illyrio, a well-known slaver, but I might be mixing up show canon with book canon.

>> No.23418490

He clearly has the power to change his voice at will, and his regular voice seems to be mostly an affectation.

>. “I will not keep you long, my lord.
There are things you must know. You are the King’s Hand, and
the king is a fool.” The eunuch’s cloying tones were gone; now his
voice was thin and sharp as a whip. “Your friend, I know, yet a
fool nonetheless … and doomed, unless you save him. Today was
a near thing. They had hoped to kill him during the melee.”

what would varys gain from pretending to be a eunuch?

>> No.23418496

>what would varys gain from pretending to be a eunuch?
Something, something, people are less threatened by a eunuch.

>> No.23418514

also keep in mind that Ned, albeit, high on milk of the poppy, never suspected the jailer was Varys. So that's another example of him using a deeper voice.

also pretending you're a eunuch means you have an increased access to women without anyone suspecting anything is up.

>> No.23418537

I wonder what his reasoning will be for decedents of FAegon. They too will see kingship as their right, and even if Aegon passes enough of his values onto his immediate children, surely that proper sense of duty will fade with time. Does he reset and throw a future king into the wilderness?

>> No.23418555
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Should I read these books? I've watched the show and it was okay I guess but people say the books are much better. Is the writing itself actually any good? Or it is more "Get the plot across. Story uber alles" ?

>> No.23418620

I really like George's prose and dialogue.

The books have greater complexity in terms of plot. AGoT is basically "Season 1, but with more of everything" as there is no screentime limit. As a showfag, you'll be able to easily follow what's going on as you'll know most of the characters and won't be jumping to the appendix to remember who is who.

>> No.23418642

I quite enjoyed reading through after watching. It gives you a good basis since there are characters you know already while expanding upon said characters' stories and adding in new ones. As you go along it gets more complex and deviates more from the show, almost completely in a positive direction. George has good prose and excellent character work all while creating an incredibly immersive world

>> No.23418655

I just started and its really good.

>> No.23418679

It's very good. I first read them when I was a kid and loved them, reread them as an adult and love them more.

>> No.23418700

you now remember daenerys dreams of getting mating pressed by a man with bruised blue lips and a cold dick

>> No.23418740

Why is euron's cock so cold?

>> No.23418748

could be zombie jon

>> No.23418803

What is the most convoluted yet clever plan by anyone in the books?

>> No.23418809

Probably Littlefinger and the Kettleblack brothers conspiracy. Those guys are like quintuple-agents at this point.

>> No.23418816

>Littlefinger and the Kettleblack brothers conspiracy.
I forget, how deep does it go? Are they also paid by Tyrion/Bronn or is it just Cersei and Littlefinger?

>> No.23418825

Petyr paid them to be the Lannister's "agents"
Initially they "were" just Cersei's "men", but then Tyrion found out and "turned them to his side"
Their loyalties always lied with Petyr has their father from all apparences does seem loyal to Petyr and the brothers despite being lowlifes, don't seem the type to betray family

>> No.23418874


>> No.23418918

Did Martin write himself into a corner with ASOIAF and call it or did he lose interest?

>> No.23419063

I think you missed the part where Cersei hired them to spy on Tyrion, but then Tyrion "turned" them and made them spy on Cersei, who might have told them to let Tyrion "turn" them. Of course, the whole time they were working for Littlefinger.

>> No.23419198
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>> No.23419267

somehow... ned stark returned

>> No.23419362

Do we need a gardening writing copypasta?

Go read the blog on how he wrote ADWD and you'll see how inefficient his writing style is that he has to write 1000 pages of hypothetical scenarios of which traveling group meets Danaerys first for everything to make sense:

>> No.23419369

If Ned gets sent to the wall, he would tell Robb to declare for Stannis instead of declaring independence.

Jon finds out his parentage immediately

>> No.23419385

>Once they figure a way to work a dead horse, we'll be next. Likely I'll be the first too. 'Edd' they'll say, 'dying's no excuse for laying down no more, so get on up and take this spear, you've got the watch tonight.' Well, I shouldn't be so gloomy. Might be I'll die before they work it out.

>> No.23419403

you've never written anything publishable before in your life you utter pseud
writers delete stuff all the time, only they don't actually get DEL'd, snips and fragments are always hoarded
>he has to write 1000 pages of hypothetical scenarios of which traveling group meets Danaerys first for everything to make sense:
the link itself says he removed 200 pages from the 1500 page final draft, that's not "1000"
and some of those pages will be salvageable for the last 2 books

>> No.23419406

Are you illiterate or something?

>> No.23419520

idk what you're talking about, he rewrote all 542 pages that he had cut from AFFC that were going into ADWD and wrote Quentyn's arrival thrice. It's well over 1000 pages scrapped.

There's more blog posts than just the one that I linked. My bad.

>Now I can explain things. It was a confluence of many, many factors: lets start with the offer from Xaro to give Dany ships, the refusal of which then leads to Qarth's declaration of war. Then there's the marriage of Daenerys to pacify the city. Then there's the arrival of the Yunkish army at the gates of Meereen, there's the order of arrival of various people going her way (Tyrion, Quentyn, Victarion, Aegon, Marwyn, etc.), and then there's Daario, this dangerous sellsword and the question of whether Dany really wants him or not, there's hte plague, there's Drogon's return to Meereen...
>All of these things were balls I had thrown up into the air, and they're all linked and chronologically entwined. The return of Drogon to the city was something I explored as happening at different times. For example, I wrote three different versions of Quentyn's arrival at Meereen: one where he arrived long before Dany's marriage, one where he arrived much later, and one where he arrived just the day before the marriage (which is how it ended up being in the novel). And I had to write all three versions to be able to compare and see how these different arrival points affected the stories of the other characters. Including the story of a character who actually hasn't arrived yet.

reddit has a comprehensive post of how it was resolved

>you've never written anything publishable before in your life you utter pseud

1. That's a false assumption, I have research publications in multiple journals.
2. It's ludicrous to think that gardening is more a efficient writing style than architecting.

>> No.23419524
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>> No.23419532

This but unironically.

>> No.23419534

Edd is the best. honestly

“Don’t mention mice to Grenn. He’s terrified of mice.”
“I am not,” Grenn declared with indignation.
“You’d be too scared to eat one.”
“I’d eat more mice than you would.”
Dolorous Edd Tollett gave a sigh. “When I was a lad, we only ate mice
on special feast days. I was the youngest, so I always got the tail. There’s
no meat on the tail.”

>> No.23419539

I don't remember posting this...

>> No.23419540

>There's more blog posts than just the one that I linked. My bad.
oh okay
>1. That's a false assumption, I have research publications in multiple journals.
so do I, and in fact am currently procrastinating from my current paper
>2. It's ludicrous to think that gardening is more a efficient writing style than architecting.
not saying it's more efficient, just saying that a little gardening is good

ultimately however we all know GRRM suffers from massive writer's block and he has too many fat fingers in too many pies, so there it is

>> No.23419561

>he has too many fat fingers in too many pies
I think it's his age. At some point you just don't have the energy to write anymore.

>> No.23419566

Forgot about Dolorous Edd. Dude's one of my favorites

>> No.23419582

Reminder that the entirety of A Storm of Swords was written in 6-8 months.

>> No.23419611

honestly how the fuck, that's stephen king level output

>> No.23419625

The 90s were his peak performance. Then all of the wind was taken out of his sails when he ̶g̶o̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶H̶B̶O̶ ̶d̶e̶a̶l abandoned the 5-year-gap. Did you know? Mercy was supposed to be the opening chapter for Arya, introducing the readers to Braavos and introducing a young-adult Arya who's been a facelessman-in-training for years, and isn't shy about being sexual. He wrote the original Mercy chapter in 2003 and it still hasn't been officially published.

>> No.23419637

11 year old Arya making out with a 30 year old was a bit odd, even for Martin. Makes sense that it was meant to be post time skip. If only he started writing 10 years earlier.

>> No.23419855

>He wrote the original Mercy chapter in 2003 and it still hasn't been officially published.
worth it
the current form is way less jarring

>> No.23420503

You think this fucker has a Robb skin cloak tucked away?

>> No.23420967

>Elia Sand - "I am almost a woman grown, ser. I'll let you spank me, though...but first you'll need to tilt with me, and knock me off my horse."
>Meera Reed - "Up and down, then down and up. Then up and down again."
>Mya Stone - "Mya is a tall, strapping young woman, with coal-black hair cut short and deep blue eyes. Mya is said to have a mirthful, lusty personality."
>Bellegere Otherys - "as black as a pot of ink"
>Rhaena Targaryen - "her body was more rounded than Daena's; her breasts were larger, her lips fuller. She loved to dress in white and gold, and was very fond of lace trim on her sleeves and bodice."

>> No.23421050

I think I'd make a theme within my harem. This one would be sex training.
>Sansa Stark (the girl who needs to learn)
>Brienne Tarth (Sansa's protector, who has a secret crush on her)
>Chataya (the one in charge of teaching Sansa)
>Jennelyn Fowler (bratty twin that loves to tease Sansa and Brienne)
>Jeyne Fowler (bratty twin that loves to tease Sansa and Brienne)

>> No.23421106

Sansa Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Arianne Martell
Rohanne Webber

>> No.23421389
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Is there a site or resource or appendix or something that i can use to easily find specific parts in the book?
For example if i want to re-read only the small council meetings, it'd tell me "1st small council meeting: page XYZ"
So i don't have to flip through pages looking for a specific part every time i need a specific line

>> No.23421451

I don't look like that but I say that, sadly the lack of the meme arrow implies that you look like that and say that

>> No.23422035

Let's you search for keywords or specific phrases with quote marks. Also you can see how many times a word or phrase is used which is fun

>> No.23422135
File: 22 KB, 810x111, 3d85cb338d4d51e7adee797f09c58f42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George just has a way with words

>> No.23422170
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Wait a minute...

>> No.23422259

Thanks anon, this is perfect

>> No.23422388

I searched "washed down" and "washed it down" and it truly is GRRM's "Harry stretches his legs"

>> No.23422416

Just try "juice" and "chin"

>> No.23422430

This line has lived rent free in my head since 2014, the Dotrice narration seared it onto my brain permanently

>> No.23422450

And the worst part of it is that nobody cares about fucking meereen and nobody would complain if he just dropped that plotline entirely and only described the final outcome (dany and whoever else lands in westeros).

>> No.23422615

>Dany PoV gets dropped after ASOS
>we just hear about her from secondhand accounts and all of these characters headed to her
>the closest we get to a Dany PoV is Quentyn arriving in Meereen and then he abruptly dies

Honestly turning Dany into a mysterybox could have fixed everything, but clearly he didn't want this since he wants us to be sympathetic when she goes full targaryen supremacist hitler on everyone

>> No.23422672

The best spot to drop Dany's POV is the end of AGOT. Seeing the dragons hatch and then radio silence until 3 100 ft long scaly monstrosities show up at the head of a huge fleet/army while still getting enough of her experience to understand she was a scared and abused child forced into fucked up circumstances would be ideal. Especially so if you start getting chapters from her POV again and she is in full imposter syndrome mode and constantly trying to stay in control not only of her dragons but her armies as well until eventually she cracks and goes full Aerys II on Westeros.

>> No.23422700


Feels like the vision of Rhaegar and Lyanna is far too important and symbolic to just merely skim over it. I get what you mean but House of the Undying had some cool moments here and there and I quite liked her chapters in the second book. I think GRRM could've just switched to Barristan's POV in ASOS instead of having Daenerys being the Mereen character there.

>> No.23422716

dany used to be my favorite character in the first few books, her PoV only turned into slog in slaver's bay
and now because of this shit we'll never get winds

>> No.23422822

>"Harry stretches his legs"
that's not even an actual JKR tic
>"bellowed" is

>> No.23422860

>nobody cares about fucking meereen
it's important because it's her first test of what to do when faced with rebelling peasantry instead of set piece battles with slave-masters

>her PoV only turned into slog in slaver's bay
the whole Hizdahr zo Loraq arc could have been cut out however, we could have gone straight from rebelling peasants to Drogon Eats People And Takes Daenerys Away without changing the narrative or the political and tactical setup.

>> No.23423757

>the vision of Rhaegar and Lyanna

>> No.23423759
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Posting my reading order again for a new generation of /grrm/

I'm rereading ASoIaF one POV at a time. I try to imagine I have no knowledge of the books so I can experience the narrative unfolding in broken up, personal ways. I'm still on the first POV, Tyrion. Here's the order I intend to go:
prologue for the series
"main" character, explores every general area/plot
the WotFK from the North's POV
what really went down with Ned and the start of the war, anyway
compare/contrast Ned with Jaime
logical followup to Jaime, nice Honor Trilogy
one off to set a tone for Lady Stoneheart and wrap up WotFK POVs
Brienne is searching for her, so let's see where she disappeared off to
>Jon Snow
gets mentioned in one of/the last Sansa chapter, and he's Lord Commander of the Night's Watch now, let's see what he's doing up there and clear the rumors of what's happening up beyond the wall
Jon thinks of Arya, thinks she's getting involved twice, let's see what Arya is really up to after she vanished in book one
Arya saw the black brother in Braavos, and is also doing spooky magic stuff, so let's cut back to the Wall
let's wind the clock back on Melisandre and see how this Stannis stuff really started
follow the Stannis story, then the North Remembers story to an extent
Jon was away for the battle at the Fist of the First men, so let's go to Chett real quick to see how the Night's Watch is outside of Jon
Let's follow Sam out of the North; the Night's Watch has been thoroughly covered now let's sail back South
it's Pate from Sam's chapter :)
the ironborn are attacking the Reach, so let's see what they're up to
This Ironborn was sent East to the Dragon Queen that gets mentioned from time to time, so let's see if he makes it to her
another Ironborn from the Kingsmoot, and then more of the Stannis plot
I thought Theon died? He showed up in Stannis' camp though? What happened to Theon?
Theon is maybe experiencing some spooky Northern Magic stuff, let's do Varymyr real quick
now this is the real spooky northern magic stuff. What's lil bro been up to?
she's the catalyst for Bran's story, and an antagonist for many others, time for her to have her focus
Myrcella+Dorne time
Myrcella+Dorne time 2
the real Dorne POV, also leading into...
>Jon Connington
so those guys Tyrion trolled really went West, let's see how that all went down
damn, the entire story has been a set up for the Dragon Queen I guess.
Let's go to the Dragon Queen through Dorne POV
the last POV before Dany, and one with an aged perspective of the entire story
let's see how this little girl became the Mother of three dragons

it's not perfect, but may be as good a POV order as it gets!

>> No.23423813

I'm about halfway through Tyrion in ACoK right now. I'll read some more after this post. In AGoT, Tyrion has his intro at the breakfast with his family. A great character intro, imo, and the ending sits well for a first chapter, giving the reader some indication that there are varying levels of trust and mistrust and uncertainty in the Lannisters, while at the same time, if nothing else, Tyrion and Jaime are bros. Then, Tyrion goes to the wall with Ned Stark's bastard, then leaves with an ominous warning from the Lord Commander.

Next, he's being whisked off to the Eyrie, which is quite the jump. The reader learns much has happened since he was away, and Bran from the first chapter's mother thinks Tyrion is responsible for Bran's near-death. Bronn also gets introduced here lol. Tyrion gets two chapters in the Vale, where he demands his trial, then he's walking free, so the reader figures out things went his way. Here he acquires his Mountain Men.

Finally, Tyrion arrives at the Lannister host, back at the Inn at the Crossroads where the reader figures out this is where things went wrong for him with Cat. We are introduced to Tywin Lannister, the death of Robert Baratheon and later Eddard Stark, the battle with the Northmen, and Shae. Tywin tells Tyrion he will go to King's Landing, and that's the setup for book 2.

Overall, AGoT is all over the place with Tyrion, but it's FUN to read, above all. Tyrion is written well, the subplots of him going to the spooky Wall from the Prologue, then to the Vale, then the Mountain Men and the Lannister host, the characters Jaime and Cersei and Joffrey to an extent, Jon Snow, Commander Mormont and Ser Aliser, Catelyn, Lysa Arryn and her son, Bronn, the singer Marillion, the Mountain Men, Tywin and Kevan and some Western Lords and the Mountain. Great start to this POV series.

I'm not too far in ACoK, only on Tyrion IV, but so far the story has been Tyrion making moves, characters in King's Landing largely getting their introduction through tyrion not trusting any of them, and him trying to navigate the hazardous new landscape while also keeping Shae safe. Overall, it's more centered and political gamey, yet every chapter some news about the war comes in, with Tyrion recently learning that Stannis and Renly both declared their kingship, and Robb still making gains in the Riverlands with Jaime captive. Cersei is so far brief but hilariously stupid. Tyrion honestly has some darker moments, like when he threatens other characters in general like Varys and Littlefinger, but also more specifically like with the noble smith who doesn't want to forge the iron chain. The more happy, more clearly a protagonist Tyrion of the last novel is quickly giving way to a Tyrion that the reader wants to root for, yet is aware that he isn't winning entirely through honorable means, nor is he a saint himself. Can't wait to give a more full review when I'm done with Tyion in ACoK!

>> No.23423938

Rough, fucking up from the 2nd pov. The main character of ASOIAF is Bran, not Tyrion. It's why Bran I is chapter 1. It's also the direct conclusion to the prologue with Gared's execution. Tyrion I is the 9th fucking chapter of the story, coming in well after 7 Stark chapters.

>> No.23423985

i said "main" to imply that Tyrion isnt THE main, just A main character. But you're missing the point of this structure.

Tyrion's chapters touch on the Wall, the Vale, the War in the Riverlands, King's Landing, Dorne, Pentos/Essos/Volantis, Old Valyria, and Slaver's Bay/Mereen.
This means he directly encounters characters like Jon Snow, Catelyn Stark, Tywin Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Varys, Littlefinger, Oberyn Martel, Jaime Lannister, Sansa Stark, Illyrio, Aegon and Jon Connington, Ser Jorah, and Ben Plumm, and is around side characters directly and indirectly like Bran, Robb, Lysa and Robin, Janos Slynt, Bronn, Mountain Men, Pycelle, the Tyrells, the Kingsguard, Septa Lemore, Marillion the list goes on.

Tyrion casts the widest net, so that's why his POV goes first in this list. His story touches on the most characters, travels the farthest, introduces and interacts with the most subplots, and he is present for many major story happenings, such as the start of the War of the Five Kings, the Battle of Blackwater, the Death of Joffery, and the siege of Mereen, and he is directly involved with the plot in major ways like through both of his trials by combat, him convincing Aegon to go west, him convincing Ben Plumm to turn back to Dany's side, etc.

Tyrion is also one of GRRM's favorites, so the writing is done well. Tyrion's POV is the best sampler platter of what is to come. Putting him anywhere else but first just feels strange; you'd have to go all the way back to Winterfell in book one, and he ends in slaver's bay. It's hard to connect him anywhere else.

A POV order starting with Bran could be interesting, but I dont care to work that out, myself. His story ends one of the more isolated, so the only option I see is to then go to Cersei, whom he saw in the window, and from there you'd have to craft a whole new list.

>> No.23424225

I do look like that and say that

>> No.23424924

Bit disappointed that all the hot loli whipping scenes were cut from the show.

>> No.23425092

What was Melisandre going to do with Edric Storm? More shadows? Something to do with Dragonstone's volcano?

>> No.23425095

Same thing she did with Gendry and Stannis in the show I think

>> No.23425153

she wanted to wake stone dragons with his blood

>> No.23425230

Cannibal or Sheepstealer will be on Skagos. Trust the plan.

>> No.23425253

Im gonna say it, Tyrion defeating an entire host of seafarers was bullshit

>> No.23425270

>loli whipping scenes

>> No.23425317
File: 1.94 MB, 360x562, whipping.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arya gets whipped with a branch on her bare butt and Jeyne Poole is trained to be a good little slut through bloody whippings.

>> No.23425320

>Arya gets whipped with a branch on her bare butt
meh that ain't nothin
>Jeyne Poole is trained to be a good little slut through
lots of rape, I thought

>> No.23425835

Tyrion shouldn't have survived either of the battles he fought in

>> No.23425902

can the anon who posted this last thread tell me where he got it or who drew it?

>> No.23425934

Merret should be between Jaime and Brienne bc the reveal is ruined if you read Brienne's last chapter and it retroactively adds context to Jaime's last chapter when you finish Brienne's chapters.

Also think Cressen's chapter is better when Melisandre is more mysterious to the reader. So putting him after Mel ruins some tension

Pate after Sam is brilliant

Aeron to Vic to Asha is Ironborn fatigue imo. I'm a certified Ironborn lover but at least one of these should be moved to lessen the load. Vic works best because he's removed from the mainland for most of his chapters and ties into Dany's plot. Also his chapter with Euron is way cooler after the kingsmoot.

I think Kevan goes last no matter what for me. It's a mic drop moment for the middle act of the story.

Great reading order though I'll try this out on my next read probably when TWOW finally drops

>> No.23426402
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>I'm rereading ASoIaF one POV at a time. I try to imagine I have no knowledge of the books
I wish I could give myself amnesia at will, I'd forgot all of my social fuck-ups from middle school - early college.

>> No.23426490

>Dark brown hair, fair skin, and mossy deep dark green eyes, average everything else

Based on this description of myself would I be in House Lannister, Tyrell, or Reed? I feel like I'd be one of those three.

>> No.23426529

I don't believe you
post eyes

>> No.23426548
File: 698 KB, 450x700, Jojen_Reed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me

>> No.23426820

I think he's negging us, because my love for him has only increased.

>> No.23426846

What even was the point in trying to get the Mountain to confess about Tywin's involvement in the murder of Elia and her children? Everyone pretty much already knew it was on his orders. Did Oberyn think people would realise Tywin was actually ruthless and cruel? Lol.

>> No.23426858

It wasn't so much confession just straight up revenge. Oberyn just wanted to humiliate the Mountain and make him suffer.

>> No.23426878

He seemed pretty hell bent on a confession.

>> No.23427048

>Oberyn just wanted to humiliate the Mountain
No one condoned the act, even if they would not say so to his face.

>> No.23427124

you'd be a peasant that gets sliced in half by the mountain or a peasant that gets sent to die on the wall for looking at your local lord wrong

>> No.23427175

you only need to take one look at that shitty scott pilgrim animated limited series on netflix to understand that good actors =/= good voice acting

>> No.23427198

Jamie's chapters in AFFC are the peak of the series imo.

>> No.23427226

we've established that Oberyn was a bit of a tard

Oberyn wanted it "out in the open" that Tywin gave the order to kill them; which as Tywin pointed out to Tyrion, he thinks was politically necessary but nobody else had the guts (to be known as That Guy who did it)
maybe there might be some political fallout, but if the Sand Snakes are anything like their father, it is more like Oberyn was a big fan of grand pointless gestures

>> No.23427259

Reverse image search gives this as the original source https://www.deviantart.com/itoman2010/art/Porcupine-173013138

>> No.23427262

I read the first 3 books in high school and never went any further than that. Should I give the series a re-read and finish?

>> No.23427285

anon, I...

>> No.23427525

Peasant that gets sent to the wall for rape despite being a virgin, then accidentally chopped in half by one of Stannis's knights (he mistook you for a willing)

>> No.23427551

I think he was just supposed to remind the Dornish nobles of the murders. Fighting the Mountain is too retarded of a plan, even for Doran.

>> No.23427596

>even for Doran
Doran said he sent Oberyn to scout and represent Dorne, and Oberyn grossly exceeded his remit

>> No.23428140

You know what I meant. Is the series even worth reading after book 3? I like to think George died then and the series is obviously unfinished but 100% good.

>> No.23428272
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Are there any notes or uploads about Georgie boys notes? I would really love to see this fuckers process.

>> No.23428299
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>> No.23428344
File: 71 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an arya chapter

>> No.23428408

I really like books 4 and 5 actually
I hardly touch 1-3 now unless I want to see Tyrion as Hand or Jon as a Watch recruit or as a wildling
book 1 feels like a lengthy intro even
cause 4 and 5 is where shit seems to really start paying off

I absolutely love Brienne, and the Jaime chapters are fun because he's matured and you know what he's gone through to get there

>> No.23428421

Reminder that magic-users are retards

>be hedge wizard, calling your phony tricks and sleight of hand “magic” like an idiot
>be woods witch, calling your herbal tea and midwifery “magic” just to be prosecuted
>be maester, studying rare arcane lore that will amount to fucking nothing at the end of the day
>be typical alchemist, drinking mercury like a crazy person, claiming it does wonders
>be pyromancer, making green shit that can barely be handled without blowing up in your face
>be poisoner, drugging and poisoning people like a cowardly and conniving woman
>be warlock, shaving your bald and sipping blue lsd, claiming it’s real mystical insight
>be red priest, staring into flames all night like a dark fearing child, for maybe a lousy vision
>be a dreamer, get dreams that want to hurt you or even kill you, or see harm come to those you love
>be skinchanger, better hope your snow bear or mountain lion won’t eat your fucking face off
>be greenseer, blessed with a short life of suck you end up attaching yourself to a creepy ego-erasing tree
>be crannogman, “breathing” mud like a frog and looking malnourished and worm ridden as fuck
>be maegi, pray to the great shepherd you won’t be raped by horse men and burned alive
>be shadowbinder, consuming mutated fish out of some tainted river like a poor desperate person

What the fuck are they thinking

>> No.23428443
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What about him?

>> No.23428459

Didn’t the magic anon in the last thread say this? That magic is essentially indistinguishable from ignorance?

>> No.23428504

I refuse to believe female white walkers exist. Most likely, he was gay.

>> No.23428523

The battle of King's Landing (or whatever the fuck it's called, it's been years) is like the best part of the entire series, though. Arya on the run with the Hound is prolly the next best.

>> No.23428538

I enjoy the character interactions more than the battle scenes.
I prefer movie Battle of the Blackwater
my favourite battle from the series is probably the defence of Castle Black

>> No.23428611

Could've been a corpse

>> No.23428668

Worth it.
“I know something you don’t know, nyanyanyanya~”

>> No.23428674

The actor is an ex rugby player and really tall. Great cast.

>> No.23428697

I will always believe that TBWB are the true heroes of ASOIAF and a typical hero quest inverted. The reader is just seeing it from the perspective of the politicians. It would be like if a book focused on some middle earth political bickering as Frodo & co passed through without much focus

>> No.23429332

Bran becomes some Leto II abomination but is like a cross between man and tree ruling Westeros from the shadows while the face of his new empire ruling in King's Landing are Sansa and Aegon.

>> No.23429496

The first book is honestly the worst one. It's nice being with Ned and Robert, but the world feels so much smaller and so much more basic. AFFC and ADWD is when things get good.

>> No.23429709

Cersei's going to win her trial by combat not because of her own brilliant machinations or anything like that but because Aegon will storm King's Landing around the same time she is bein judged in trial by combat interrupting the match against Gregor and whatever champion he is facing against. She'll escape in the total confusion and chaos making her way out of the city and back to Casterly Rock through use of the secret tunnels


First book has its moments love the prologue, love Ned's chapters, Cat's are pretty fun, Bran's are great info loredumps on all the folklore stuff, Tyrion's are great, even Daenery's aren't bad because of all the cool and trippy Essos backdrop. I really didn't care much for Sansa or Jon's chapters much but found they improved in later books

>> No.23429854
File: 99 KB, 1080x1068, bunch of nerds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's an arya chapter
>it's a bran chapter
>it's a jon chapter
>it's a daenerys chapter

Why couldn't GRRM just keep it everything in the seven kingdoms?

>> No.23429871

Kit Harington looks so young there, damn. Time really flies.

>> No.23430062

LOTR already *is* seeing it from the perspective of the politicians, the Fellowship basically goes from Rivendell to Lothlorien to Rohan to Fangorn to the Paths of the Dead to Gondor making political deals and forging an alliance

>First book has its moments
for me it's Jon, Tyrion, Daenerys, and early Ned and Catelyn
the King's Landing stuff doesn't have much reread value, but the others are worth revisiting

>> No.23430244

It’s also indistinguishable from madness.

>> No.23430259

Marwyn is Moqorro

>> No.23430272

Half of the fellowship are royalty lol

>> No.23430319

>TBWB are the true heroes
having somewhat raised Edric, you are at least 1/3 correct

>> No.23430386

But they are the main characters. TBWB would be the hero quest but not the main focus or main characters

>> No.23430426

brave of you to assume fAegon will survive for longer than a few months max. all that setup to be the perfect king living with the fisherfolk learning of the faith and hardship etc it'll all be meaningless because fAegon will just drop dead, which us what will send varys into a scramble to find a new pretender, first going to Daenerys them Jon.
the moral being that no matter how much you want to raise the perfect ruler, he is susceptible to folly and death same as everyone and that in such a world those with these good qualities cannot survive in the hostile political environment is exactly something gurm would have a hardon for.

>> No.23430472

Macie Williams is still a virgin there

>> No.23430482


>> No.23430957

I buy it. Introducing 2 fat wizards with secret motives is a bit too much I'd say

>> No.23430963
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which apple bros?

>> No.23430995

I think my favorite chapters were the Dorne ones. Areo Hotah, Arys Oakheart, Arianne Martell.

>> No.23430998

They're both turncloaks twice over, fuck em.

>> No.23431002

>he is the blue man group
>Rob is die, i will kill those bastards over the wall
>Caitlyn is die, will kill those bastards over the wall
>They took Theon's cock, i never liked that fucker but I'm gonna kill all those bastards over the wall
>Jon Snow you suck and i always hated you, and I'm gonna kill all those fuckers over the wall
>Feed me babies
>Arya y

>> No.23431187

Jon is bisexual right? He will pound Satin's fuzzy bussy in the next book right?

>> No.23431331
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>Jon is bisexual right?

>> No.23431592

green obviously

>> No.23431640


I think Aegon will more than likely survive and wind up with Sansa on the throne. Alternatively, GRRM could just kill him off for reasons you listed before he even sits it getting sick in the battle and the cause of death ironically being Greyscale, something Joncon keeps secret and hidden from Aegon and the rest of his men would be pretty poetic justice. Aegon's death would also cause Varys to panic and switch to Daenerys, putting him in an akward position since he originally intended for Daenerys and her brother Viserys to die out in the wastes. He'd have to butter up to her to save his own skin and convince Daenerys why he shouldn't be executed for treason but I think Daenerys will go through with it realizing what his original plan was with her.

>> No.23431647

You are Eddard stark with all of his information at the time he gets to kings landing. What do you do differently?

>> No.23431656

Nothing. I am Eddard Stark

>> No.23431736

better green than wormy

>> No.23431797

What is the best game/mod to play that gives asoiaf feels?

>> No.23431915

ck2 agot for sure. they are a perfect combination

ck3 agot looks infinitely better but it's still incredibly boring

>> No.23431924

Crusader Kings II AGOT mod. Maybe check out the AGOT mod for Crusader Kings 3 in 2 years or so when they've added some more content to it

>> No.23431952

I have the issue that it immediately doesn't feel right 10 minutes after starting

>> No.23431961

Would cersei have let ned cum in her?

>> No.23432460

If varys wanted dany and viserys to die why bother with the plan of selling her to drogo? Illyrio could just disappear them in pentos

>> No.23432486


>> No.23432614

God it really was all neds fault. Fucker did everything wrong

>> No.23433188
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kek and they keep falling for it

>> No.23433465
