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23418346 No.23418346 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23418394

harry potter

>> No.23418405

my diary desu, also harry potter desu

>> No.23418641
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>> No.23418717

You have the magic in you, anon! Just believe!

>> No.23418728
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His teachings are actually wrong even if this is what you will exactly what you will be taught if you find a master in china.
That said it will point you in the correct direction away from all the westernized Crowley demon worship that got labeled magic.

>> No.23418777

Advanced Magic for Beginners is pretty good. I did the sigil one out of curiosity and it worked nearly instantly but almost cost me my marriage so i imagine there’s always a possible downside to everything you do.

>> No.23418807

There's a reading list on the /omg/ thread on /x/

>> No.23418818
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>> No.23419508


>> No.23419530
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pretty much just meditate and read about ancient schools of philosophy.

>> No.23419568

Start with the Bible.

>> No.23419779

Recently found "the psychonaut field manual". Was a pretty interesting read.

>> No.23420008

Being and Non-Being in Occult Experience Vol. I-IV

>> No.23420081

This shit is too expensive

>> No.23420784

Umineko without a single shred of irony.

>> No.23420849

>so i imagine there’s always a possible downside to everything you do
Yeah, that's because the source is demons working through any person foolish enough to try magic.

The demons hate human beings beyond our comprehension (since they are non-human) and they will use every opportunity to ruin someone's life and send them to hell where they'll have free access to torment such fools for eternity.

>> No.23420896
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>> No.23421502
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>> No.23421507
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>> No.23421596

Do not suffer a witch or warlock to live. The only good magician is a wizard.

>> No.23421608

>when you're so deprived of pussy you pretend magic is real just to cope

>> No.23421612
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>uhhh nowhere in my physics text do they talk about magic!

>> No.23421617

Correct. There are however a plethora of journals who engage with magic claims for example having thoroughly refuted this >>23421502 scam artist.
Go ahead show me a single case of supernatural phenomena.
Until then it's just a cope because you're too lazy to actually fix your life.

>> No.23421625

That's the good part, I don't need to pretend.

>> No.23421632

Well if you have decided not to own up to the world that's your decision. Just promise me when your life is in shambles that you won't claim you didn't know any better.

>> No.23421635

How do you know I'm not a naive physicalist like you? All I said is I don't pretend magic is real.

>> No.23421640

Because that's the only way to read it when you object to "pretending" in the sentence "pretending magic is real".

>> No.23421644

Ok physicalist. Agree to disagree.

>> No.23421876

Who refuted Dean Radin?

>> No.23421988

magic is so fake they had to kill all the druids just because


>> No.23422090


>> No.23422207


>> No.23422276

Can a woman be a wizard? Or is a woman always a witch?
Serious question.

>> No.23422348

Requires years of meticulous study; the closest equivalent being the most hardcore theorethical hardsciences imaginable to contemporary man.

Shortcut version, an esoteric equivalent of a roider who offers his shrinking balls on the altar of sacrificial success. Like a typical woman, every single trick in the book will be tried so long as it does not require actual effort. Do you know those women who would rather get a pair of fake tits and shave off their jawbones, than to workout in the gym for 6-18 months? That's what a witch is.

And to answer your question, a woman isn't always a witch, but by the virtue of the fact that most women personify all of the above, most of those who are into magick are witches, exceptions naturally nonwithstanding. To be fair, same thing can be said to most men as well. At the end of the day, if humanity was 100 individuals, only about 7 would be considered aether. The rest are clay; a massa damnata if you will. Hence the appeal of "satanism" (umbrella term, not really correct). Most people are too impure to pursue light, which is why darkness naturally attracts them.

>> No.23422462

A wizard is a wise magician, so yes. People often associate wizards with wise whitebeards but a wise female magician seems possible.

>> No.23422471

Explain how I'm flying. A couple years ago I even flew from the US to Vietnam.

>> No.23422519

Ironic, anon.
Belief will get you pussy.
Women love this shit.

>> No.23422984

This is why yogi and yogini are much better terms than wizard, even if you hate poo culture.

>> No.23423668
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>> No.23423680


>> No.23423733

The Teachings of Don Juan.

>> No.23423734
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>> No.23424341

The Golden Bough is the best one and the most important one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Golden_Bough

>> No.23424348


>> No.23425330
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>> No.23425337

Red pill me on magic, anons. Is it just a meme and treated as a thought experiment or are there legitimate arguments for what you call magic?

>> No.23425360
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These anons are right, it's only about belief.
The Bible is wonderful for this as well. Especially if you treat it as a mystical library, and know that Christ is in you and you must only meditate upon that, and His whole story is your story, especially if you begin to tell others, you will be hated just as he was by churches of his day. But basically, read William Blake, Neville Goddard and this is a good youtube channel as well.
>It is done unto you as you believe

>> No.23425371

This is also why rituals seemingly work, but the practitioner mistakenly attributes the success to the ritual itself and not his belief of it (which is stated over and over throughout the Bible)

>> No.23425376

Faith and belief is all one needs

>> No.23425382
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>when you accept a paycheck from the gubb mint to deny metaphysics on a pornographic imageboard

>> No.23425384
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Only place to start is here.

>> No.23425440
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Nah the demons are cool. They only torture people that are evil, and the past thousand years has held the "magic is evil" narrative so your post is half right by the sheer power of ignorance.

>> No.23425496
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Going forward to the skeptical community and "proving" anything is forbidden (for now). The arts are kept secret by design so it's all but impossible to learn. The potential for abuse is too high to open a public school for it. If you sign on with factions they will have moral requirements that include varying degrees of secrecy. I would argue that the moral and social landscape is changing with the abundance of technology. Therefor the stringency of secrecy should be re-evaluated.
Don't complain at me for pseudo-whatever. 80+% of people that claim some power are fraudulent or insane. Theoretically if the doors were opened more then the imperative to sort fact from fiction would be higher than ever.

>> No.23425676

I'm pretty irreligious, but through my reading (mostly about anomalous phenomenon from a scientific point of view, that is, not scientistic or dogmatic) I've come to think that there is in a certain sense real magic, in that our minds alone (unconsciously) can create real external events, like UFOs, apparitions, etc. And that there are in this world signs, very opaque, that tell of future events. Whether you can intentionally conjure a UFO or a ghost or a god, as in witchcraft, I don't know. I think whatever magical abilities we do possess are usually very minute and mostly unconscious.

>> No.23425697

>all religions say the same thing!
>you are divine!!
>His whole story is your story
This is gnostic blasphemy. The glory goes to Christ. The purpose of the Bible isn't for you to realize that some vague spark of the divine dwells within you; you must realize what he did for you and give all the glory to him.

>> No.23425704


>> No.23425810

So gay...

>> No.23425826

>The glory goes to Christ
>Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.
>To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory
>At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
>Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
>Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

Hmm should I listen to Christ himself, or what churchianity wants me to think.. hard choice. You call it blasphemous, only because you know if people knew the truth, they'd have no use for your worldly church

>> No.23425832

>Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

>And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Yeah, I think I'll follow what Christ said, not what self-proclaimed holy men say

>> No.23425834

>>Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father
This verse especially, probably makes you worrysome

>> No.23425913
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>humans are dirt filth lowest of low miserable things all covered in sin and worthless
>but we're made after God's image and God loves us so much he sacrificed so much and so on

>miracles are absolutely real
>but miracles are heresy except for maybe people recovering in the hospital
>if miracles were real then the pastor would be able to do them but since he can't you probably never will

>the call is to be like Jesus
>and that just means to believe in him

>> No.23425922

Hopefully you have the correct idea, but I don't like to rest on my laurels, so to speak.
>21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

>22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

>23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

>> No.23425929
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>"do not overburden the angels with prayers"
>pray to god directly about the most menial things imaginable

>"test the spirits"
>shun anything peculiar because it's not worth the chance of demons

>anything out of the ordinary?

>> No.23425955

if you love Jesus so much, why don't you marry Jesus?

>> No.23426009

78 Degrees of Wisdom

>> No.23426283


>> No.23426528

>I think whatever magical abilities we do possess are usually very minute and mostly unconscious.
I think I agree with you on this. One of the many reasons I came to believe in God again is that so many things happened in my life that seemed part of a narrative (if that makes sense) back to back that it was legitimately almost impossible for me to think of any other possibility except that there was something spiritual going on in the world that we cannot see. Never mind the countless stories of specters, UFOs, etc. from millions of people.

That's very interesting. Jesus's words come to mind when he implied that humans could basically accomplish bigger things than Him in this world if you had enough belief. There's so much stuff in this world that is hidden from us.

This might be a tangent but have any of you heard of the theories on giants, floods, the spiritual beings that roamed the Earth and how all that is actually tied together? These theories never explicitly say so but it heavily implies that back in the days before Noah the world was a much more "magical" place.

>> No.23426540

>The purpose of the Bible isn't for you to realize that some vague spark of the divine dwells within you
There's a lot of wrong in this one sentence. Even before Jesus God said we were made in His image. You might say that's too vague but the fact is Jesus's words were clear. We had it in us to heal and do great things and that the Holy Spirit would dwell among us all. What is the Holy Spirit if not some divine spark God left behind in the world?

>> No.23426641

>have any of you heard of the theories on giants, floods, the spiritual beings that roamed the Earth
>and how all that is actually tied together?
I know the official story is that before the flood "God's spirit or shield was with man" so people lived a long time. But if you read Enoch (heresy? sure. accurate history? nah. kernel of truth? I think so) it says the giants were from the marriage of angels and women. I'll believe something like it.

>very minute and mostly unconscious
>some divine spark
Everyone has with life experiences have some that are spiritual. Some try to hide it or deny it but few embrace it and go for the answers. Fewer still find them because it requires stillness and meditative focus.

There was this saying that "the language of God is silence" and I used to think that meant he didn't talk at all but there is a more profound depth to it.

>> No.23427028

Because anon >>23425360 implied perennialism which no Christian should confirm. What good is Jesus' sacrifice if any Confucian, Hindu, or New Ager could claim salvation simply by realizing that le God is in le me. There's much more to it than that. Divine selfhood does not come with repentance or a change in heart and lifestyle.
>There's a lot of wrong in this one sentence.
I should have taken more time to answer so I could be more accurate.
>What is the Holy Spirit if not some divine spark God left behind in the world?
The Holy Spirit is God. One must repent to be in contact with the Holy Spirit. Again, simply realizing that God is omnipresent, and therefore dwells in everyone, is not enough to change your life for the good; and that type of thinking often devolves into monism and maya.

>> No.23427077
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There is lots of evidence for the supernatural, from the phenomena of religious experiences and plot armor in history, to the practice of manifestation, out of body experiences and divination, which are proved even by modern science (which falls under the umbrella term parapsychology) in spite of what dishonest skeptics will claim. The evidence is literally clicks away but you've been brainwashed by the neoabrahamic cult of capitalist science so your brain will stop working the moment you see the evidence.

>> No.23427119

And why is Jesus the correct and ONLY way? Also, how do you reconcile the fact that one of the most important and key components of the biblical story is the part where three babylonian magicians from the orient come to visit Jesus with gifts? I thought Christianity denounced magic and magicians?

>> No.23427165

>best books about magic
Depends on what type of books you looking for anon.
can you tell me what branch of magic you're seeking information on?
also, you mean actual occult shit right? or fiction?

>> No.23427191

Real occult shit. Whatever, Rosicrucian, Masonic, Egyptian, etc etc. As long as it works I guess

>> No.23427224

Nobody refuted Dean Radin or parapsychology you fucking pseud. The only time critics even engage with parapsychology is to call it pseudoscience, which is just applying bad philosophy of science and not actual science.

>> No.23427236
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some of these books aren't considered "magic" but they are and I'll give a quick run down on them;

1 = Jinn Sorcery by Rain Al-Alim
>covers magic that works with Jinn, this is coming from an Islamic perspective
2 = The Art of Dreaming by Carlos Castaneda
>covers working with entities accessible via the dreaming realm, once relationship is built in the dreaming world, they will try to interact with you in the physical
3 = The Complete Book of Numerology by David A. Phillips
>helps you understand hidden influences in the world and in particular, your life.
4 = The 4 volumes of 'De Occvlta Philosophia" by Agrippa
>a lot of modern day magical grimoires are based upon Agrippas work, very in comprehensive
5 = Astrology A Cosmic Science by Isabel M. Kickey
>same thing as the numerology book except focusing on use of Planets rather than just numbers.
6 = The Kybalion Hermetic Philosophy by Three Initiates
>Covers the basics of Hermeticism, basically understanding the hidden and underlying forces that run the universe. enables you to 'shift' and 'move' forces into one's favor
7 & 8 = The Bible and the Tanakh
>Reason these are listed is because once you understand Agrippa and the Kybalion, you will see how such Holy Books can be utilized to enact magic - I am not grifting, larping or bullshitting you anon.
9 = Chiero's Book of Numbers by Chiero
>this and another 2 books which aren't pictured as I own them on ebook only for the moment are the most accurate numerology books I've come across. doesn't make #3 worthless but if you start with any Numerology book, I'd suggest this one first then #3 second
10 = Create a Servitor by John Kreiter
>somewhat a Chaos Magick discipline but can help you with creation of assistant thoughtforms. would advise extreme caution with this one
11 = Sefer Yetzirah The Book of Creation
>This is in essence Kabbalah without the bullshit.

I can say more (on explanation of these books listed but don't want to wall of text you unless you're seriously interested in wordy responses).
Enjoy Anon, and one word of advise - I can't tell you to be "Good" or "Bad" with this knowledge but just understand, "Karma" is real as fuck. what you put out into the Universe will be returned to you in spades.
Have questions, feel free to ask.
FYI - I'm not an expert, just a weirdo with an inquisitive spirit for knowledge and understanding of my place in this existence.

>> No.23427263

>And why is Jesus the correct and ONLY way?
Because no one can see the Father except those who Jesus shows albeit I am an inclusivist. God revealed Himself through Jesus, so why wouldn't you listen to Him if you really wanted to know God?
> three babylonian magicians
they were Maji.

>> No.23427271

>extreme caution with this one


>> No.23427284

When creating Thought Forms with sentience (Servitors) you will be required to have some strong concentration when creating them and attributing qualities and capabilities to them.
If you do this haphazardly you will in essence be creating a poltergeist for yourself or at best a very hard to control thought form with capabilities to interact with the physical world.
Although all of the books I posted should be approached from a sense of seriousness and caution, I believe Servitor creation to be the easiest form of magic that can backfire if done incorrectly.

>> No.23427295

Sounds like you could induce a psychosis or even a split in your personality. Thoughtforms sound like splitting your mind into pieces and having some of them run on autopilot.
Actually subconscious already kinda does that, but forcibly dragging the subconscious content into the spotlight of consciousness tends to induce psychotic breakdowns (see Ayahuasca trips for example, or Jung's self actualisation principles).

>> No.23427310

>Sounds like you could induce a psychosis or even a split in your personality. Thoughtforms sound like splitting your mind into pieces and having some of them run on autopilot.
>Actually subconscious already kinda does that, but forcibly dragging the subconscious content into the spotlight of consciousness tends to induce psychotic breakdowns (see Ayahuasca trips for example, or Jung's self actualisation principles).
(same anon from >>23427236)

No, not psychosis or split personality but you're actually going to be creating a life form (properly termed "Thoughtform") with its own sentience. its different than breaking one's psyche, you're going to be creating a unhinged sentient thoughtform.
Thoughtforms aren't splitting of the mind.
The Subconscious does NOT do this, in any way, shape, or form. the Subconscious is like an iceberg.
the tip of the Iceberg which is above the surface is our conscious mind, the subconscious extends deeper into the depths of the psyche/mind and connects with the consciousness shared by all life. so no anon, its not the same.
Jung's work doesn't equate to Servitors in any manner, and I've studied Jung's work to some degree.

>> No.23427322

Same anon from >>23427236
I'm about to go for a early more smoke and drive, go grab me some junk food from the store. I'll peak back in when I get a chance.
(posting this just so if any questions are posed and I don't answer, I haven't abandoned thread, just doing some witching hour shit - lol nothing magic related, just some shit I like doing, late night/early morning driving jamming music and smoking coffin nails and grabbing some junk food).

>> No.23427373
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You don't know what you are talking about, >>23422519 is correct.
I would still be a virgin if not for my ability to mystify girls with the tarot. Successfully larping as an astrologer or a magician is guaranteed harem. Just look at Rael.

>> No.23428647


>> No.23429143
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>> No.23429890

touch some grass nigga

>> No.23429972

Thanks for the advice

>> No.23429974 [DELETED] 

Because I read a lot?
OP asked for insight into books on magic, I am a book worm and one of my favorite subjects is and has been magic and occult books due to experiences I’ve had since my single digit age years.
I am not like you, you are probably the cunt that posts on /x/ larping, I’m the cunt that posts on /lit/ and /x/ speaking from experience and research,
You should touch books more and experience life more my inexperienced cunty anon

>> No.23429978

"Principles of Human Knowledge" by George Berkeley. It proves that all things are nothing more than ideas within the mind, and therefore that telekinesis/telepathy is fully possible. It is also the first instance of a queer-coded male friendship (Hylas and Philonous)

>> No.23430030

how big are your breasts

>> No.23430071

Literally said I’m male multiple times lol fuck is wrong with you.
All joking aside - you never saw a male with legible and near handwriting? Lol why doesn’t more men have good handwriting?

>> No.23430073

i don't believe you

>> No.23430088

>no, My and my bros handwriting is atrocious
Funny story, in the military my battle buddies would make fun of me for my handwriting. But I am happy for the legibility and neatest of my handwriting. If I had an italic fountain pen you’d really think I wasn’t telling the truth.
But I am male, just a male who writes and reads a lot. I prefer manual writing over keyboards and only use the latter for online surfing, work and blogposts but sometimes I pre-write blogposts and then type them out.
Give me a few minutes, I’ll snap a shot of another notebook I’m currently working through.

>> No.23430092

are you israeli

>> No.23430099

Lol far from it

>> No.23430120
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I just enjoy the art and process of writing. To me, its similar to when I use paint brushes and a canvas.
Art (be it drawing or writing) is a peaceful and beautiful thing to me.
Not sure how this became a “for females only” thing, you should always want your writing to be aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.23430646

The Art of Memory by Frances A. Yates is about memory palaces, with large sections about their occult background. It is a classic nonfiction book, so may be of especial interest to /lit/ posters, and at the very least you would learn to use memory palaces like a pro. If you like it, check out other books by the author, e.g. Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition, The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age.

As for meditation, I recommend Heart Rhythm Meditation. Best books on market are written by Puran Bair and Susanna Bair. Those are in fact New Age stuff, with a link to Western Sufism. But I never really why /x/ looks down on New Ageism. At least they are honest and light-hearted about their mumbo-jumbo.

>> No.23430701

your handwriting is that of a girl all you're missing is fucking hearts on dots

>> No.23430980

learn cursive

>> No.23430991

Yooooo dis nibba is writing without a fountain pen

>> No.23431033

If someone did magic once they'd try and do it again and after several times we'd have the smallest building blocks of some sort of scientific process to repeat and test the process and report the results which others could attempt.

The closest you'd get is alchemy which combines spiritual development and how the material interacts with the metaphysical

>> No.23431312

Evola is too much of a Larper, but at least he collaborates with some people who are worth reading so there's that.

>> No.23431313

I use it for personal journaling, writings I plan to share with the public is done in print
Lol, I have a few but I really want an italic nibbed one

>> No.23431318


>> No.23431332


>> No.23431359

None of you know what magic even is. It’s psychological not substantial. Religion, magic, esotery, etc, isn’t exactly supposed to be truthful as a rule.

Magic is a veil. A sleight of view. Art.

>> No.23431366

Alan Moore said this too.

>> No.23431383

i raped alan moore in the astral realm

>> No.23431404

and hes right

>> No.23431437

This. Religion fucking mind rapes the asses of the brains of the entire human race on a daily fucking basis. It buttfucks peoples’ ability to comprehend irony, or just into semantics. It has even infected modern scientific thought (“trust the science”) to the point where it now threatens its very foundation, and people are blind to philosophy. The word for pharmacy once meant sorcery/poison in old Greek, and look at pharmaceuticals and their propaganda today! You don’t need mind control powers to mind control people. Ignorance is true power.

>> No.23431443

Don't care about this homolarp thread but yes. There is in depth peer review to all his studies and he's a gigantic conman.

>> No.23431449
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Modern day science is indistinguishable from medieval day sorcery.

>> No.23431483

I really think humans are scared to recognize irony and consider things magic, almost as though they were deeply unsatisfied with their surrounding reality. Magic is deeply personal, different for everyone, and what is magic to one is not necessarily going to be magic to another. You see this in history with the hostile semantics (“magic had! miracles good!”) of the Church. Even today, you have Catholic Christians performing legitimate witchcraft rituals, in Rome, Mexico, Haiti, etc. Haitian Vodou incorporates Catholicism, and fat little Mexican ladies are clutching rosaries and sacrificing chickens to mother Mary.
Mad science is the wizardry of the future.
— ‘no sense of right and wrong’
— ‘all progress demands sacrifice’
— ‘it’s not a matter of could, but should’
— ‘sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension’
— ‘oh-my-science, what have I done’