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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 828 KB, 1140x655, 1140-colleen-hoover-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23417755 No.23417755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why Women are so fucking horrible at writing ? They literally have the most simple and platonic books i've ever fucking seen, Like holy fuck all the books have the same patterns and they're literally read by the same demographics. I literally cannot find a Female's book that i have read and impressed me or stayed with me.
Their books are so self centered around their shitty shallow mind and their "toxic" relationships, It's all about them even Male writers write better female characters than Females do lol.

>> No.23417763

You're kind of right lmao I cannot recall a good female's book, All the books i were fascinated with are by Males

T. female

>> No.23417766

Lego did a study once, observing differences between boys and girls playing. What they found was that boys emulate the characters, whereas women turn every character into themselves. E.g. a boy wants to become a knight, but a girl will make the night a girl who wears dresses and does a tea party with his friends. Men look outwards and women look inwards. What you're describing is a manifestation of that.

>> No.23417774

I've seen this study, Remarkable that Females still have the mind of a toddler
Thanks for clarifying Guess not all females are dumb

>> No.23417780

I don't think it's about females being more like toddlers than males. Their approach is important, e.g. when raising kids, who you want to model after yourself. Males and females are best when working together with each bringing their particular strenghts to the table. A culture which forgets that fails, like the modern West.

>> No.23417784

Which books did you read?

>> No.23417787

what 0 pussy does to a mf

>> No.23417792

>Do I fit in yet, g-guise?

>> No.23417795
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Males see outwards I think, They try to take a new approach in life I think Males try to master a new character try to add new dimensions to the character, They try to find a new solution in life a new perspective alas Females who keep repeating the same instance and due to their Narcissism and constant gratification they receive from everyone their brain tries to turn a character to them in order for it to also succeed since they see themselves as being something.

But that study is half assed not all Males like that, We cannot generalize everything on one bullshit

>A culture which forgets that fails, Like the modern west.
True, Many such case.
They want to exterminate it in other cultures

>> No.23417799


I don't wanna fit in dumbass i don't give a fuck about this /lit/ losers, I only want to talk about this phenomena

>> No.23417812

A lot of women do not know how to talk to men in the language they prefer. Men are taught to talk like women to reach them. Also, the subjects women like to write about only interest women while the subjects men like to write about interest both men and women.

>> No.23417817

women want to associate with rage and crimes of passion. It mainly helps them hone their own persecution complex (stalker stories). She needs every benefit of every doubt to go her way when the next person gets sick of her meddling and snaps.

also women love true crime because they love gossip. it's literally gossip that gets juicier and more salacious with every episode.

>> No.23417823
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Notice how Milan Kundera portray Females accurately in his novels ?

>> No.23417826
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This book

>> No.23417836
File: 31 KB, 392x590, 77f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.23417846

Why can't females take criticism and defend their argument instead of blaming and labeling others with bullshit so they can escape the argument?

>> No.23417854
File: 126 KB, 850x447, R (5) (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't chuds?

>> No.23417867

Glad you could join us.

>> No.23417869

I don't hate females retard, I'm just trying to understand why Females are bad at writing. I think there are some good female writers like Virginia Wolf or Jane austen but rest is hot garbage

>> No.23417872
File: 13 KB, 474x266, OIP (5) (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you're just a retard

>> No.23417875

Men are the real empaths.

>> No.23417893 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up female

>> No.23417905

Gtfo the thread retard

>> No.23417918

Male bias in action. There is no such thing as degeneracy or chaos except in relation to another thing. Male "order" is "degenerate and chaotic" from the female perspective.

Women are Dionysian while men are Apollonian. Nietzsche quite literally says this. He also acknowledged that the Dionysian eventually becomes the Apollonian by necessity, which is what happened with the Greeks. There is a balance in sway to these forces.

>> No.23417943

Mald more

>> No.23417947

if women were in charge of civilization, we’d be fucking in mudhuts all day long and live off roots and berries

>> No.23417953

While I agree that there aren't any 'modern' women writers worth reading, if you go a generation back we still had some good ones.

Try reading Clarice Lispector or Angela Carter, they were pretty good.

>> No.23417955

Correct, matriarchal societies still existing today are largely this way.

>> No.23417958

Sounds based

>> No.23417962
File: 361 KB, 1080x746, 1650143615426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I agree, Dan Brown is a great writer! Fuck yeah male power! Fuck them whores won't even fuck me XD
Kys tranny.

>> No.23417978

Average display of histrionics when confronted with female criticism.

>> No.23417982

And if men were in charge, we'd live in those same mudhuts, but we'd spend more time killing than fucking. This is how patriarchal societies existing today work.

>b-but we don't do this
That's because we're neither solely patriarchal nor matriarchal. Civilization is a combination of attributes and has functioned this way for thousands of years. Where it HASN'T functioned this way is in Africa — and life there is either all about non-stop fucking or non-stop killing, with zero technological or artistic innovation, as a result.

>> No.23417983
File: 475 KB, 784x1100, 4cujnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the poltroon

>> No.23417985

Take Germany as an example

>> No.23417993

>More histrionics
>Da pooooooool
Case in point

>> No.23417996

>Female agrees with the OP
>Gets called a tranny
So whoever seems to be holding a good intelligent opinion is a male ? Thanks you

>> No.23418001

Ah yes, all those ancient Greek women writing, inventing and leading, totally not considered as possessions barely more valuable than a horse...

>> No.23418002


>> No.23418005

Men were in charge of the home, the group, the nation, politics, monetary institutions, the arts etcetc. Incidental female participation throughout history does not at all imply the opposite and no, weaving the sails the men used to traverse the world does not mean they were in charge. They had a supportive role and that's all there is to it. I'm sorry but you are wrong.
>inb4 semantics

>> No.23418009

>Thread about shoddy female writing
>White knights show up to call everyone an incel and derail the thread
Every time

>> No.23418010

Frankenstein was cool. That's about it.

>> No.23418027

Yeah agree

>> No.23418028

Male bias in action, again. There is no "supporting role." Both men and women cooperated together to make civilization. Without this combination of attributes, we would have never left the mud huts in Africa.

>> No.23418032

Seething bitch

>> No.23418033


>> No.23418036

>incel make bad thread with shitty opinion

>> No.23418041

I've read a feminist book which i was forced to read by my fucking university feminist teacher.

And let me tell you that this goes exactly as what you described it, The text was so focused on herself and her family, Her mother took a huge role in turning her as the feminist we see in the book, She has this type of writing which is kind of retarded because she seems to be trying to give us "le femme revolutionaire" and completely misses the point.

>> No.23418046

But enough about (You) ;)

>> No.23418050

Ah yes, the Greeks, who had both male and female deities. Those Greeks, right?

>> No.23418051

Didn't ask

>> No.23418052

Do you know what incel means ? Or is it as >>23417846 said
>instead of blaming and labeling others with bullshit they don't understand so they can escape the argument

You didn't provide any argument, Next.

>> No.23418053

>Male bias in action again
>There is no supporting role
According to you. There is almost no difference in role between the mudhut women of africa and the pilgrim females of america. Once again, I'm very sorry to inform you, but you are wrong.

>> No.23418058

Suck my cock woman

>> No.23418060

>"Women are not infallible"

>> No.23418061

I'm sure you do ;)))

>> No.23418062

I'm OP you dumbfuck and I asked.
I've also read some shitty females book and they seemed to contain the same amount of conspicuous childishness and "le trauma is bad" and "man is bad", it's somehow every female seems to be having a bad relationship with a male and wants to be having a toxic relationship.

I don't understand their ruined minds

>> No.23418064

Those female deities who cursed medusa for being raped :)

>> No.23418069

Throughout the whole thread you didn't provide any argument, any counterargument, anything that seems to be coherently satisfiable to defend your thesis, You just made a fool out of yourself.

>> No.23418070
File: 1.16 MB, 500x375, ace372f7575d4262a32299cadf6e00d7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't

>> No.23418073
File: 155 KB, 860x830, 374-3748253_pursed-lips-wojak-hd-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the poltroon

>> No.23418074
File: 168 KB, 500x656, 1714670358212570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have noticed this as well. My gf has been going down the Frieda McFadden rabbit hole, and it's just sad how bad the books are. She listens to the audio books while doing chores, so I get an earful of it every now and again. It's like her books were written in one go with no proofing or structure. Oh the main character just murdered someone, instead of writing out some cleaver way to outsmart the police and get away, the author just said the police gave up after 15 minutes and didn't investigate the murder lmao. I've walked in, listed to a few minutes and successfully predicted the storyline many times. The story is just so shallow, I don't see how it could keep anyone with critical thinking ability occupied, except maybe a few laughs

>> No.23418081
File: 15 KB, 259x195, images (15) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting lol

>> No.23418084

I just got an advertisement for these horny audiobooks and it's painful. It's either murderdrama or horny nanny for a billionaire.

>> No.23418091

Don't be obtuse

>> No.23418093

lmao my gf was just telling me about a McFadden book she was going to start next that was literally both of those

>> No.23418100

Kek, I've had a good laugh thanks.

But to be honest i've also seen a girl who has a collection of the same "colorish" books written by females, They also have the same story and the same fucking retarded structure of blandness and shallow predictability of what's going to happen, Escaping both and oh god this is fucking retarded lol.

>> No.23418101

In modern times, young men without girlfriends or wives typically devolve into junkies who jerk off and play games all day. They don't excel at their careers and settle for living in squalor. Men statistically live better when they're partnered. Why is that?

>> No.23418105
File: 983 KB, 1440x3040, Assemblywomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea lmao, those greeks


>> No.23418106

Lmao when i was coming back from university by the Bus, I saw a girl holding a Coleen Hoover book without reading it lmao

>> No.23418118

Civilization is not merely a function of effective government.

>> No.23418122

>Why do men excel in their careers when someone is at home cooking and cleaning and supporting them
Glad we agree.
Why is it that the super powerful have a plethora of women to do these things for them?

>> No.23418131

I wish I got the ad again because they used a HUNK of a man and a stacey women on holiday too

>> No.23418132

Woman here, please go outside talk to people and stop sprouting such incel opinion like this. We, woman, tend to get icky whenever we saw y'all saying things like this. Eww

>> No.23418136

>Why do business owners hire a workforce instead of doing it all themselves?
I have the brain and ability to run my house, but I can get a hell of alot more done when I got a women to free up my valuable time that would be spent on menial tasks. I don't have to cook or think about dinner, not because I can't, but because if she does that for me, I can use that time and energy to gather more resources to benefit the both of us. Why do you think harems can work incredibly well but the reverse is not so?

>> No.23418137

>Doesn't provide an argument
>Uses the same terms as the mongoloid female norms use

See the difference between you and >>23417763 ? She's called a troon because she seems to be holding a good opinion

>> No.23418142

so is it a function of their mythology instead? because your Ace in the hole was their female gods

>> No.23418147

Ahahaha how fucking wrong you are. This tells me you're core of information is from /r9k/ because you don't know what Males are actually like

>> No.23418161

>Young men without girlfriend bla bla
B-but young men with girlfriend also do the same shit ?? This is literally illogical because i know many males without females are actually succesful with their lives.

This is literally the most retarded shit i've ever read on this shithole by a female

>> No.23418171
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>> No.23418180

This is me except I have a gf

>> No.23418183

He's not wrong

>> No.23418187

One word:
grow up

>> No.23418192

Do you know what grow up means? Because the same applies to you

>> No.23418216

>Makes a post where she acts as a child
>says grow up

Grow up.

>> No.23418265

I once read one chapter of "It Ends with us" and i fucking threw it in the trash

>> No.23418311

Yes, he is you faggot.

>> No.23418340

I don’t think all women are horrible writers. There are a few ones, but they are the minority and the contemporary ones are deeply overshadowed by the shitty ones. This is a big issue nowadays because now any woman can become a published writer just because they are a woman and not because they are talented nor skilled.

>> No.23418360

>now any woman can become a published writer just because they are a woman and not because they are talented nor skilled
And that's the big thing, shitty writers have always existed and noone disputes that but with women writers becoming a thing literature and the publishing industry have gone down the drain. What centuries of male shitty writing couldn't do was achieved by horny female writing in mere decades.

>> No.23418869

Biological sophism

>> No.23418876

Projection every single time

>> No.23418970

Eerily prescient

>> No.23418974

Aww are you crying? Did that hurt your ego?

>> No.23418998

Harry Potter

>> No.23419494

can we make a new secret board without ESLs pretty please

>> No.23419502

>can we
Idk, can we?

>> No.23419522

Jane Austin is better than all your favorite authors lol :3
plus don't pretend you read, no one reads on this board you all care more about being viewed as readers than you care about the contents of any book

>> No.23419528

my teachers who said this to me were spiritually ESL and not in tune with the soul of the english language

>> No.23419537

If you've ever tried to have an abstract conversation with a woman, you'd know this instinctively. Start a stopwatch and see how long it takes for them to try to relate it to themselves and their life.

>> No.23419552

I think you might be bitter ur life is so empty you just can't do it? Most women can self actualize and you can't

>> No.23419558

True in my experience. Even intelligent women see the self in the center, whereas intelligent men usually remove the self from the abstraction. It's all very interesting.

>> No.23419822

>Glad we agree.
That a combination of attributes is essential to civilization? Yes, glad we agree, retard.

So the woman contributes, but you don't give her credit.

What I wrote was statistically correct.

You're all a bunch of fucking faggots who somehow think "species" refers only to one half of it. It's pathetic how goddamn dumb you all are.

>> No.23419860

That’s young men with single mothers. Young men with fathers are just fine. Single or not.

>> No.23419865

No, it's all men:


>> No.23419866

Or I should say, that’s the result. The epidemic of single mothers has created an epidemic of loser men. Sad. Well, let’s all welcome the immigrants.

>> No.23419897

>an epidemic of loser men
That's not what's being talked about here.

The idea that a man can survive without love is unfounded. A woman's power is to love. A man's power is to kill. Together, each is stronger.

There is no king without a queen, no man without a woman, no warrior without a lover. This is just how it goes.

I reject and despise the growing sentiment that men do not need women or vice versa. Cowardice sits at the bottom of all this talk on both sides.

>> No.23420013


Do not merge me with people here, If yoy don't read that's your problem.

>> No.23420129

>my teachers who said this to me
>spiritually esl
sasuga, you took after them

>> No.23420537

That's a very weak contender. Is Jane Austin the only classic lit by a woman you've read?

>> No.23420568

Bronte sisters are pretty good. I like Ayn Rand, JK Rowling has gotten much better, Harper Lee's one hit wonder was good, I enjoyed Sylvia Plath's Bell Jar, and as for someone contemporary, I enjoyed Erin Mortessen's Night Circus.

>> No.23420707

lmao fucking BTFO

>> No.23421099
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>I like Ayn Rand

lol kill yourself

>> No.23421150

There are at least 3 le women bad threads up right now, on this board.
Go to a prostitute or something, nobody wants to wallow with you in your self-pity you maladjusted pizzaface chud

>> No.23421244
File: 141 KB, 300x463, 29044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wah wah boo hoo
>retard hoover is a bad writer
try choosing good books next time
>Le Guin
These are household names, you are a just a retard OP.

>> No.23421286

I was 10x more lazy with a gf because we would just fuck and chill. I happily played vidya with her all evening.
If I play vidya for more than 2 hours on my own I start to feel unproductive.

>> No.23421338

>I enter threads I FRICKING HATE
Lol, don't let that vein on your head pop

>> No.23421406

not your incel hugbox fag

>> No.23421408

Now say it without crying

>> No.23421435

All I know is that women are completely unserious retards who couldn't give a single shit about the things men are into.

>> No.23421465

I just did, can you?

>> No.23421488

You are in charge of curating your own online experience.

>> No.23421518

And yet here you are crying about women

>> No.23421537

>Criticizing shoddy writing is incellesque because women
Go outside, touch sex, get other hobbies besides 4chan. You will thank me for it.

>> No.23421540

Last (You) btw, I should not make it easy for an addict. Log off.

>> No.23421691

Hey listen troon, Criticism over shit writing is not criticizing Women. Stop being a fucking retard

>> No.23421716
File: 39 KB, 474x501, OIP (4) (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a poltroon

>> No.23421759
File: 139 KB, 600x809, fuck off fugly incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have sex, chuddy

>> No.23421798

why is this board so obsessed with women and gender politics. holy shit

>> No.23421807

buddy have you not been paying attention, this board is dogshit these days cause of retards. its unironically over.

>> No.23421812

lots of nazis from reddit flooded here back in 2016. like i literally cant even. why dont the jannies do something about this.