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/lit/ - Literature

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23413935 No.23413935 [Reply] [Original]

>Give girl some lines from a poem I think is cool (TS Eliots The Waste Land, part one about the shadow of the rock)
>She asks what it means
>I say I don't know, I just think it sounds really nice
>She says "Alright" and stops talking to me
What are some other literary icks?

>> No.23413938

What are we, women? Get real, jackass.

>> No.23413946

sorry grandpa

>> No.23413953

How about figuring out what a poet means before trying to show off. Then you might have something interesting to say.

The Waste Land is a master craft poem. Try starting with simpler things.

Also, this.

>> No.23413962

you don't know what an ick is or are you just refusing to use certain terminology? its a fun term you know exactly what its referring to, you old fuck

>> No.23413971

It's just gay, dude. Your generation is too androgyne. It's even part of your psychology, and it shows in your laissez-faire attitude towards comprehending what you read.

>> No.23413974

>Give girl some lines from a poem I think is coo
Stopped right there

>> No.23413980

understanding poems has nothing to do with masculinity or femininity... you just made that up to go with your dumbass post, like maybe it sounded good in your head. idk whats wrong with you honestly

>> No.23413982

>Give girl some lines from a poem I think is cool ("Your big white belly" by Bukowski)
>replies with ")))))))"
>has sex with me

I'm sorry to say this anon, but unbelievable issue regarding skill.

>> No.23413987

Did I say that it did? This is exactly what I'm talking about, kid. Stop getting emotional like a woman. You're saying shit that doesn't even have anything to do with what I said. Think things through calmly. It's time to start becoming a man already.

>> No.23413996

> Your generation is too androgyne. It's even part of your psychology, and it shows in your laissez-faire attitude towards comprehending what you read.
you definitely imply that I'm not masculine enough and that's why I don't understand a poem. care to explain what the link is between masculinity and understanding TS Eliot

>> No.23414002

Well it's called The Hollow Men, not the Hollow WOMEN, amiright?

>> No.23414003

thats true i admit defaet

>> No.23414018

What I implied, simply, is that you, and your generation of men, are feminized, and that's why you were content not to understand. There's a big difference in meaning. Laissez-faire is about passivity. You have a passive attitude which is feminine. Men overcome. Women are overcome. A masculine attitude to intellectual pursuits is devoid of complacency, just as in any other pursuit. Besides, it's not about (You), save insofar as you are the one to have told this story. You are merely exhibiting the stereotypical symptoms of the disease of the young men of this time (which must be overcome). You're in luck, Poetry can aide you, but not if you're complacent.

Go read a logic book and some basic philosophy. Try Graham Priest's Very Short Introduction to Logic and Plato's Meno. Try analyzing something simple in structure like Blake's A Divine Image.

As for explaining the link. I already did in the post to which you were referring. You just didn't get it. I've now explained it again. The rest is up to whether or not you'll be just another contemporary pancake on the highway of intelligence or not.

>> No.23414019

your mistake was thinking girls care about poetry and not your lack of comprehension

>> No.23414032
File: 36 KB, 974x303, Prideandpoetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>211 years later
>Still falling for the poetry meme

>> No.23414033

They do care, but women are the passive principle (I hate the active-passive dichotomy, actually, but I'm using it here because it is a useful simplification for our current purposes). They need to be energized by male vigor. This is no less true of intellectual pursuits.

Read Song of Songs—Biblical poetry which reveals a lot about the nature of Men and Women. Also keep an eye on the intellectual male-female pairs of history and you'll notice how many times a brilliant woman enters a field because of a man's influence upon her (this works in reverse too, but the reverse process is different).

>> No.23414044

You come across as very insecure.

>> No.23414047


>> No.23414049

good find
excellent summary

>> No.23414059

>pick dumb poem and tell it to dumb girl
>if she asks then answer it sounds nice
>girl will likely feel she is smarter than you or equal to


>Pick complex poem and tell it to smart girl
>if she asks then offer your interpretation and solicit her feedback
>make sure all comments allow her to feel as though she is center of and gravity point of attention and if she has some interpretation make 2 or 3 rebuttals and then let her win


>write your own and give to girl
>if she asks then tell her you wrote it
>explain it to her and make sure she is focal point of attention

If you want to avoid the 'ick' or whatever then try to stick to those 3, or just avoid reciting poetry to her if you cannot back it up. Also keep in mind the rule of thumb that you should not try to cause her to think, especially early on.

>> No.23414076

None of these strategies will work. They are typical of a simp.

Frame and flirting has two steps:
>1. destabilise girl's identity/perspective
>2. complete/fix dissonance by introducing yourself/with a component of yourself
This builds dependence on you to avoid dissonance again. Whoever wants the other the least has the power in the relationship. In your examples, you're reinforcing her identity over yours (since you are asking for feedback). Bad power dynamics.

>> No.23414082

These here two PUAs
>"stick to those 3"
>"rule of thumb"
>"avoid ick"
>"build dependence"
>"avoid dissonance"
>"power dynamics"

>interact with a women the way I feel like
>obtain relationship and/or sex if I want to

You niggas are legit defective fr.

>> No.23414087

shut up zoomer. your generation is retarded

>> No.23414100

>I don't know, I just think it sounds really nice
Well no one's attracted to pompous retards Op, you learnt your lesson.

>> No.23414103

LOL! Then you're as shit at reading people as you are at reading poetry. Nice cope, though.

>> No.23414106

NTA but you do come across as very insecure.

>> No.23414136

Then reread the post you're replying to. My problem is literally the opposite. I have near absolute confidence in my conclusions and the number of humans which can change my opinions are very small in number.

Take you, for example, a typical half-wit pack animal. Low test. Opinions discarded. I'm more likely to find guys like you sucking dick in a bathroom than having anything intelligent to say.

If you weren't such a limp-wristed failed sperm, you'd simply have an argument and we could have had an actual discussion LIKE MEN, but since you're an all too typical FAGGOT you have nothing to say, but the ad hominems hyenas cackle amongst themselves to try and forget that alone they'll be torn to shreds.

You're scum. You're waste. You're less than the illiterate men who pounded asphalt by hand.

Eat shit.

>> No.23414143

No wonder all of you complain about lack of sex so much.

>> No.23414146


>> No.23414148

> I have near absolute confidence in my conclusions and the number of humans which can change my opinions are very small in number.
I was wrong and I apologize.

You come across as extremely insecure.

>simply have an argument and we could have had an actual discussion LIKE MEN

>> No.23414151

Based anon, taking the russian woman pill

>> No.23414153

Holy shit how did you know?

>> No.23414154

>doubles down
Yeah, whatever faggot. You just keep doubling down on having nothing to say. You're just proving your generation is so gay and braindead that not only can you not figure out that you can't impress a woman with a poem you don't understand, but you don't even know what confidence even looks like anymore.

Have fun trooning out. At this rate, it's just a matter of time.

>> No.23414158

>you not figure out that you can't impress a woman with a poem
NTA but I did: >>23413982

And I also agree with anons saying that you come off as extremely insecure.

>> No.23414164

Not sure if you’re being sarcastic and I’m missing something, but only russians (and affiliated) use “)))))” to signify happiness or laughter

>> No.23414168

>only russians (and affiliated) use “)))))” to signify happiness or laughter
I learn something new every day

>> No.23414173

As I said, read the posts I wrote to them then, kid. You think your numbers of agreement mean something? Well, you're right they do. It means it's easy for people of low intelligence to find other people of low intelligence. Congratulations on finding your intellectual and spiritual kin.

>> No.23414176

Ok fair point.

>> No.23414183
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>> No.23414187

It has nothing to do with intelligence. You're just having a meltdown vomiting streams of shit and acting like people have to le engage with your le argument like le men, when you're like a meth bum screaming about muh feminized men and waving his willie on a 7/11 parking lot.

Nobody owes you shit, nobody wants your bum takes, it's disgusting to even engage with you. Fucking of course you come off as very insecure when you run with your willy hanging out after everyone who grimaces in disgust after looking your way.

>> No.23414189

My peepee is erect! Yesssuh!

>> No.23415246
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Btfo kek.

>> No.23415251


>> No.23415265

You sound like a faggot using that kind of language. That's what he means but was too cordial to say.

>> No.23415332

>hurr you're a faggot because you use slang

>> No.23415338

>asks for meaning
>obviously giving you an entry point to make it about her
>say "idk"
Come on, anon...women just wanna be described to themselves. Do better.

>> No.23415340

you're the equivalent of a reddit atheist that thinks hes manly because he wears fedoras and "classy" sweater vests. you're not masculine, you're just cringe.

>> No.23415383

Turns out you not only SOUND like a faggot you actually ARE one. Not beating the faggot allegations.
What does that have to do with anything? You're a woman repellent who uses gay slang, like your opinion matters, fag.

>> No.23415391

your refusal to use slang and your choice to nitpick about the language i use when you could just move on doesnt make you cool, it makes you retarded. no matter how much you repeat that im gay and a faggot, you will still be a stupid fucking incel.

>> No.23415399
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>that gave me the ick!

>> No.23415404

>all lowercase text
>lowercase "I", even
Gross. Stop talking to me, you gay freak.

>> No.23415407

>use the term on any other board
>they have fun with it and actually participate
and yet I use it here and I get butt blasted virgins criticizing the word ick like tehy are going to become gay because they used a word that girls use. fucking off yourself, annoying insecure retard

>> No.23415411

>can't come up with any points
>repeats the word faggot and criticizes my capitalization
read another old book maybe it will increase your iq somehow someway

>> No.23415412

Didn't even read lol

>> No.23415414

thats great, thanks for confirming that you have nothing to say, and are in fact retarded. I will leave this interaction knowing that I won.

>> No.23415427

fag goes online to "win" arguments lmao
ok fag

>> No.23415429

>runs away from the argument just shouting faggot
NPC moment.

>> No.23415437

>thinks xhe presented an argument
Fags are funny, I'll give you that.

>> No.23415452

Are you a bot designed to derail threads or were you just dropped on the head too many times as a kid? you repeating the same shit is boring.

>> No.23415482 [SPOILER] 
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If the truth is repetitive, so be it.

>> No.23415568

Kek what thread? Your OP was never about literature anyway, it was just a stupid Zoomer blog post as per usual

>> No.23415584
File: 225 KB, 975x1024, 1642539857259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the seething low-T Zoomers ITT are our 'competition' for the fertile young Zoomettes
Milleni-chads, we can't stop winning!

>> No.23415602
File: 32 KB, 640x640, 32432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I know right, we'll never run out of young pussy.

>> No.23415611

>was plowing my prime Zoomette gf just this morn
Feels so good, anon. I love life!