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/lit/ - Literature

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23412542 No.23412542 [Reply] [Original]

What's some great books about the most based and redpilled relationship: older women and young boy.

>> No.23412549

18th Century French author.

>> No.23412552

Does anyone here actually had a relationship with a older women?

>> No.23412570
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>> No.23412579


>> No.23412585
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i cry at their scene in eoe every time

>> No.23412589

She was supposed to be his motherly figure btw

>> No.23412593
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then why did she kiss him on the lips and promise to fuck him if he was a good boy
my mom never did that

>> No.23412614

Misato was never supposed to be a motherly figure, from where did you brought that out?

>> No.23412665

>she kiss him on the lips
All mothers do that, accidentaly or not, usually you'll just laugh that shit off.
Manga version i think

>> No.23412697
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that's because your mother didn't love you

>> No.23412699

whoa. its that cool new psyop. nice to see it infesting everywhere I look

>> No.23412705

hebechuds were getting too powerful, the glowniggers had to do something to slow them down

>> No.23412748

Bitter zoomer femoids detect, you will never be loved by a young boy with all his heart.

>> No.23412864

is misato a mother figure for shinji
>Misato Katsuragi from "Neon Genesis Evangelion" is often seen as a mother figure to Shinji Ikari, providing him with guidance, support, and occasionally discipline. She takes on a nurturing role, though their relationship is complex and goes beyond simple mother-son dynamics.
I asked the AI to define complex, he said that it was because misato often acts like a friend and personal guardian to shinji. Therefore the mother figure point is techically right

>> No.23412866

ask it how this scene figures into its interpretation >>23412593

>> No.23412889

Question: If misato is mother figure to shinji then why did she kissed him on the lips
>Misato's relationship with Shinji in "Neon Genesis Evangelion" is complex. The kiss scene can be interpreted in various ways, but it's generally seen as a moment of emotional vulnerability and confusion rather than a typical romantic gesture. Misato acts as a maternal figure for Shinji, but their relationship is multi-dimensional and evolves throughout the series, reflecting the show's exploration of complex human emotions and relationships.
See? It can be interpreted in various ways, dubschud

>> No.23412894

dumb robot

>> No.23412907

Then explain to us, chud.

>> No.23412914

misato is a roastie alkie whore [1] who takes care of shinji because it's her job, she only comes on to him because she's bored, drunk, and/or bleeding to death

[1] sneed

>> No.23412934

Chud tier reply

>> No.23412939
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>> No.23413066


>> No.23413072

>What's some great books about the most based and redpilled relationship: older women and young boy.
Robert Graves _Greek Myths_
Robert Graves _I Claudius / Claudius the God_
Robert Graves _King Jesus_
Robert Graves _White Goddess_

Have to warn you he's into snuff and torture.

>> No.23413077

In the same way Jocasta was meant to be a motherly figure I agree wholeheartedly

>> No.23413332
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In Praise of Older Women
In Praise Of The Stepmother
The Devil in the Flesh by Raymond Radiguet
Cheri by Colette, fun fact about the author she fucked her stepson.
also you can try reading vintage erotic/porn novels from the 70s and 80s like the ones by Kathy Andrews.

>> No.23413337

Penelope is 10 years older than Odysseus…


>> No.23413345

Venus In Furs

>> No.23413372

7 Remake was the best thing to happen to my research folder

>> No.23413398
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Seconding this. I will also recommend the manga My Name is Nero by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko.

>> No.23413483
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yep, that and the Resident Evil remakes have expanded my folders by a tenfold

>> No.23413542

The Reader by Bernhard Schlink is about a 15 year old boy having an affair with a 36 year old illiterate former auschwitz guard.

he reads classical literature to her. later the woman is on trial for something where her being illiterate plays an important role.

>> No.23413563

Rousseau's Confessions

>> No.23413622

She inticed him into her home with tit pics and she drives him to school. I assume he also eats the food she buys. How much more obvious can it be?

>> No.23413776

The lack of recs is sickening, but then again nothing but anime nonsense comes to my mind either. What's an Oedipus fag to do?

>> No.23413783

Thirst for Love, Sons and Lovers, The Devil in the Flesh.

>> No.23413795

>What's an Oedipus fag to do?

>> No.23413817
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i jerked off to this
nobel prize winning ss

>> No.23413861

korbo no matter how mamy boards you spam alice is not coming back

>> No.23413901
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Brünhilde, standing to Wotan in a daughter-anima relationship, is clearly revealed here as the symbolical or spiritual mother of Siegfried, thus confirming the psychological rule that the first carrier of the anima-image is the mother. Siegfried says:

Then death took not my mother?
Was the loved one but sleeping?

The mother-imago, at first identical with the anima, represents the feminine aspect of the hero himself. Brünhilde tells him as much in the words:

Thine own self am I
In the bliss of thy love!

As the anima she is the mother-sister-wife, and as the preexistent archetype she has always loved him:

O Siegfried, Siegfried!
Conquering light!
Always I have loved thee,
For I alone divined
Wotan’s hidden thought-
The thought which I never
Dared to name,
Which I dared not think,
Which I only felt,
For which I fought,
Struggled and strove,
For which I defied
Him who conceived it.…
Canst thou not guess?
It was naught but my love for thee!

The anima-image brings with it still other aspects of the mother-imago, amongst others those of water and submersion:

A glorious flood
Before me rolls.
With all my senses
I only see
Its buoyant, gladdening billows.…
I long to plunge
My burning heat
In the water’s balm;
Just as I am
To sink in the flood.
O that its billows
Might drown me in bliss!

The water represents the maternal depths and the place of rebirth; in short, the unconscious in its positive and negative aspects.

>> No.23413906

The Gambler by Dosto

>> No.23413907

it's implied that Gendo made it quite clear to Misato that if she had to fuck Shinji to get him into the robot, she would be expected to do it. that's why he didn't give Ritsuko the job of looking after Shinji (clearly a better candidate), he didn't want to cuck himself with his own son like that OTHER guy who built giant robots

>> No.23413939

God I want to kneel under her desk and suck her futa cock

>> No.23413950

king, queen, knave, by nabokov. it's a bit shit though.

>> No.23413952

...She was blitzed out of her mind at the time iirc. Misato was at best a mother-figure of last resort, and very much had her own issues going on.

Still absolutely peak in terms of interesting character to try to get in the mind of though. Would spend long nights "talking with"/10.

>> No.23414030

I asked the AI for older women and boys literature example but he was terminated in the middle of writing the answer lol, said that it was because policy something, what a fucking joke robot

>> No.23414053
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You could try pic rel, the book is divided in types of incests, F/D, B/S, M/S etc. just jump right into the momcest section. most incest stories don't have happy endings tho
if she has a penis then how is she going to get impregnate by shotas?

>> No.23414057
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impregnated* dumb autocorrect

>> No.23414063

whoa. the cool psyop enforcers. how are ya? you get paid good?

>> No.23414198
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>> No.23414412


>> No.23414528


>> No.23414529

What’s with this new psyop? It’s pretty obvious that it is a psyop, but who is behind it and what’s their motivation?

>> No.23414533

>What's an Oedipus fag to do?
Admitting your sick perversion is indeed a sick perversion that shouldn’t be indulged would be a good first step if you ask me.

>> No.23414590

>le psyop

Shut it, zoomer girl, are you afraid of mature women stealing boys from you?

>> No.23414604

>new psyop
The MILF fetish is ancient, you terminally online dipshit.

>> No.23414688

I thought they were about the same age.

>> No.23414770


>> No.23415373

Venus in Furs is mommyDommepilled but it's not /ss/
Great book tho

>> No.23415380
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Honestly indulge away if it satisfies the urges, why not?

>> No.23415395

you cant tell something obviously being inorganically forced through media. No, this is not MILF fetish. only grown men ever cared about MILFs. the psyop is grooming young boys and MILFS, and it is very fucking obviously being pushed

>> No.23415405

getting kids to ruin their lives by making something retarded look appealing, same as usual

>> No.23415417

Kill yourself

>> No.23415448

You're a real one anon
Will check it out!

>> No.23415508

This was actually beautifully written. I read it at first because of the associated “kink,” but it’s actually something of a really touching story

>> No.23415521

You sound a like a afraid young girl or something about the losing some boys to older women.

>> No.23415778

When I was 18 I sort of dated a 23 year old girl. It ended after about six months

>> No.23415844
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>Honestly indulge away if it satisfies the urges, why not?
indulging in my momcest fantasies made me a better son and a better bf because i treat all my gfs like my mom and i want to fuck her so i can confirm this is true.

>> No.23415879

Venus and Adonis

>> No.23415908

Since I moved out I treat mother's day as a chance to take my mom on a date. She dressed really nice to the restaurant I took her to. I don't regulate as well as I used to when I lived with her, but I am trying to drop subtle hints. I don't want her to blow a gasket, though so I can't just say "we can't help who we love" (she might think I'm coming out of the closet as a faggot anyway lol).

>> No.23415931


>> No.23416376
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i think that's a little too far, anon. i love my mom but i would never confess my feelings for her because i don't want to ruin our relationship, i'm content with just being close to her.

>> No.23416382


>no argument.

I accept your concession.

>> No.23416394

It's very funny when Franz realizes she looks like a giant frog when he isn't horned up, and then still keeps fucking and murder planning anyways because his life is totally off the rails.
The Red and The Black

>> No.23416541

Wait I'm interested in this, what makes /ss/ a psyop?

>> No.23416552

Nothing, it isn't a psyop, who would benefit from the psyop? Older women? Doesn't seem so bad.

>> No.23416646

/ss/ and /feet/ are the patrician /lit/ fetishes

>> No.23416649

>feet fetish


>> No.23416651

/ss/ is not a psyop. Maybe that other anon is right. Sometimes zoomer female seethe because zoomer male tend to seek love and comfort from older women figure. But there's a reason behind it.
First, you need to understand that this is a phenomenon that was born because of socio cultural reason (or maybe socio political), because you see anon, zoomer mom (who are usually gen x) were known to provide zoom zoom generation with care, spoiled them, showering them with love, affection and such, they can also be a friend to them when their zoomer kids becomes a teenager, openly talk about adult things and breaking the old boomer tabooism with it, hence why sex discussion is more common among zoomer kids than their older gen for example.
When zoomer male grows up and go outside, seeing their zoomer female being affected by feminism, father issues, and leading them to openly declare stupid things in social media like being childfree, doesnt want to get married, or having another childish mindset like wearing pink underwear in their head or maybe blaming male for being a male. There's a distrust between zoomer male to their female. Like "these hoes aint got dat motherly vibes fr". This distrust is not only limited to the love between zoomer female to themselves but also a distrust when these zoomer female are bearing their children and raised them.
With this intergenerational distrust, zoomer male tend to look for older women (maybe millennial female or maybe even gen x) for the sake of those love and affection and slightly better way of thinking. Something that zoomer female cannot provide them

>> No.23416656
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>t. fag

>> No.23416665
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there's a film too lol

>> No.23416683

>The Red and The Black
Seconding this. Stendhal is great and almost never gets discussed here, at least when I’m here.

>> No.23416689

So what I learned here is that fucking incels can't analyze for SHIT.

>> No.23416693

>Using incel as a insult

Dumb women, go back to crystal cafe.

>> No.23416695

FUCK. I took a girl I met in Tokyo to see that for our first date. Didn't know a thing about it, "oh this looks like a chick flick". What a shit movie. I guess they aged him up for the film version, I don't remember any /ss/ vibes. I'm still salty about that.

>> No.23416702

Incel should be an insult because it's a deeply disgusting, twisted thing. I'm only calling you what you are, and what you brag about being to cope with the fact that you alone are responsible for misery you live in. You could climb out of the hole at any time, but you choose not to, which is why you earn nothing but my contempt.

Their lives are already ruined, getting broken man-virgins hooked on a weird fetish is just like kiwifags convincing Chris-chan to troon out, it's just reshaping the clay of failure.

>> No.23416721

>weird fetish
Read this >>23416651

>> No.23416737

Oedipal fixation is by definition a "weird fetish". You want a "dommy mommy" because you fear any modicum of control over your own life and want to be coddled as a child. You aren't the great warrior who needs to be soothed by the maiden's bosom on homecoming. You're a stunted perma-adolescent who failed to launch.

>> No.23416743

Life is no longer about repression. No one here is repressed. Take your Freud and go back to the 20th century.

>> No.23416757
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I hate women why do they always try and suck my dick?

>> No.23416774

You dont need to drag ole oedipus here. Its just as simple as zoomer female failed to meet the expectation of ideal female that zoomer male wants, so they resort back into motherly love when it comes to love seeking thing. The key in here is 'failed to meet the ideal expectation'.
Also, do you think zoomer women, who are brainrotten by feminism all the time, blaming men for this and that, sleep around with ojisan, are capable into being a good mother? To provide normal love for their man?
Your zoomer female is not capable into being as good as your gen x mother, that's for sure, and your kid will never get that same level of motherly love and affection from their zoomer mother

>> No.23416798

Get out, woman, go cry about sexuality somewheres else

>> No.23416984

to all who see this:
cease masturbating,
stop projecting your fetish online,
stop using the internet,
embrace the rays of helios

>> No.23417118

No, the causes for it are much more reflective of the spiritual state of the West atm. Read what Jung has to say about homosexuality to get an idea of how sexual patterns can suddenly take hold on society thanks to, as you say, socio-cultural reasons or socio-political. But rather than zoomer women being to blame (such a practical explanation is quite silly), it's the state of zoomer men. Certainly zoomer men turned out this way because of larger culture, their parents, outward influences, etc., but it's not a rational decision made after practical experience with zoomer women. It is a psychological complex originating in youth, it is not something to be chosen, and furthermore the latter would imply that what zoomer men seek from such a relationship is what all men seek from relationships, when it very clearly is not. It is not normal for men to want a motherly gf, rather it is normal for young men to be interested in bright eyed young girls. The difference in partner is reflective of a difference in desire. Now, is this all a bad thing, what are the real consequences of it? Well, first of all, it is very clearly connected, as a community, with the pornographic-fetish world on the internet, and that is very bad because of the perverting influence pornography can have on the mind, like making it harder to distinguish between reality and what one sees on the internet, an encouraging unrestrained indulgence, which is most eminent in that other sexual craze of our times, trannyism, which appears to me like the homosexual complex turned up to x1000; weak men, possessing an effeminate flaw, falling before the entire difficult world of now, giving up any attempt salvage their underdeveloped masculinity, just giving up their existence. Something of this pathetic failing is behind the mother complex, 'the world is too difficult, I need to return to my mummy', but when not driven on by pornography, and when not encouraged by an internet community, when it is simply an authentic psychosexual fact of contemporary society, it becomes much more significant. It may not be a totally bad thing, their need to find this satisfaction, if it is only a minor flaw, and they they do it as a matter of healing, and not out of some desire to give up as a crushed and broken man; and Jung wrote a little about this when he mentions the artistic disposition having relationships with older women; but to a large degree I think a lot of zoomer men will not benefit from it, are instead just becoming regressive, rather than manning up.

>> No.23417121
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>If a young man loves a woman who could almost be his mother, then it always has to do with a mother complex. Such a union is sometimes quite useful for many years, particularly in the case of artistic persons wo haven't fully matured. The woman in such a case is helped by an almost biological instinct. She is hatching the eggs. The man as the son-lover benefits by the partially sexual, partially motherly interest of the woman. Thus such a relationship can be satisfactory in every respect for an indefinite period, but the advancing years would certainly put a definite limit to it as it is not quite natural. It may be that even an artistic nature becomes so adult that the need of becoming a father and a grown-up in general begins to prevail against the original son-attitude. When that is the case the relationship is overdue.