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/lit/ - Literature

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23413530 No.23413530 [Reply] [Original]

>two protagonists with parallel stories
>black guy who starts out self-hating and trying to live the white man's life, eventually becomes emotionally adept and master of himself and goes on to become the world's greatest hero
>intelligent white guy suffering in self-torture from his environment and emotional state, then physical torture from his government, transformed into an assassin who ends up killing the world's most important man who could have solved humanity's biggest problems, and in the end when all he wants to do is explain his story for a little catharsis he's literally told to shut up by his friends, injected by an asylum nurse, and physically dragged out of the story never to be seen again

Is there a more miserable book ever written?

>> No.23413536

Literally anything written by a witch. Not downplaying the shit you just read but it can be worse. Witches drag all religion through the mud of their own twisted fucked up mind and destroy thousands of years worth of wisdom and value in a single stroke of their hello kitty encrusted nails.

>> No.23414036
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I love the last (i think it was the last, the one with the super computer) chapter of that book
>"Christ, what an imagination I've got!"
The book is so prescient and well written than it doesn't even make me miserable and instead it just left me amazed. The Jagged orbit, also by Brunner has some disturbingly prescient passages too.
>Be an individual!'“ Conroy contrived to make the slogan sound obscene. “And what's this been twisted into? The biggest Big Lie in history! It's no use making your life so private you refuse to learn from other people's experience—you just get stuck in a groove of mistakes you need never have made.
>We have more knowledge available at the turn of a switch than ever before, we can bring any part of the world into our own homes, and what do we do with it? Half the time We advertise goods people can't afford, and anyhow they've got the color and hold controls adrift because the pretty patterns are fun to look at when you've bolted and barred your mind with drugs. Split! Divide! Separate! Shut your eyes and maybe it'll go away!
>“We mine our gardens, we close our frontiers, we barricade our cities with Macnamara lines to shut off black from white, we divide, divide, divide!” A stamp emphasized each repetition of the word. “It gets into our families, goddamn it, it gets into our very lovemaking!
>Christ, do you know I had a girl student last year who thought she was having an affair with a boy back home and all they'd ever done was sit in front of the comweb and masturbate at each other? Twenty miles apart! They'd never even kissed! We're going insane, our whole blasted species—we're heading for screaming ochlophobia! Another couple of generations and husbands will be afraid to be alone in the same room with their wives, mothers will be afraid of their babies, if there are any babies!
>“And for what purpose? Why are we encouraging the spread of this lunacy? I mean we here, in North America. I don't mean the Afrikaners sitting smug on top of their pullulating heap of poor black devils hungry, half-naked and diseased, the richest people in the world battening on the poorest. That's just greed, which is a comparatively clean kind of vice. I'm talking about perversion, horrible, disgusting, systematic, deliberate perversion of the power of Reason to destroy people without killing them, to strip them of their initiative, their joy in life, their hope, for Christ's sake, their last ultimate irreducible human resource, hope.
>Out of sheer desperation millions of people are abandoning the use of reason, bankrupting themselves to buy mass-produced Plastic idols, in a last puerile attempt to outdo the bastards who've made 'Reason' a dirty word.