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23411298 No.23411298 [Reply] [Original]

Holger edition.

Previous: >>23406390

>> No.23411311

Been thinking a lot that youth is the most valuable thing, like "the one thing we have on our side is our youth"
>what about food and water and shelter and money and
you know what I mean
t. 26

>> No.23411314

Corporate world is dead. Look up wealth statistics. The only businesses that make people rich are real estate conglomerates, financial services, insurances, tech (a small percentage), and crypto scam companies (a small percentage). The percentage of wealth and real wealth generated by businesses in these sectors since 2000 is negligible.

>> No.23411354

I got one of the books I ordered from the Princeton sale on Saturday. Still nothing on the other one. No tracking or anything. Should I be concerned I was forgotten or do they do this?

>> No.23411359

Just give it some time, anon, no need to stress.

>> No.23411360

The survival of the Aryan race before it's inevitable extinction bothers me every single day.

>> No.23411365

I hope it gets wiped out so that you cry, I want you to cry, I want your future grandkids (if any woman is ever dumb enough to let you breed with them) to be mixed.

>> No.23411372

You have made the maths without me. I will teach my kids to be severely racist.

>> No.23411384

Won't work, they'll be taught not to be by everyone outside of the home and you won't be able to do anything to stop it.

>> No.23411389

Wrong again, I will build a homestead on a mountain and move there with my wife. Until their early teens my children won't know anyone other than their parents, their neighbours and by-passers.

>> No.23411398
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Which event do you think led to more interracial sex between black men and white women. The BLM riots or the Black Panther movements in the 70s and early 80s? Obviously the Black Panther movement was much more lengthy but still. While the Black Panthers might have been encouraged to fuck white women as a form of 'screw you'' to the white man. The BLM movement was a lot more popular with white women in general, and the dynamics were in a way reversed, as in white women themselves might have been the leading part in the elopement.

>> No.23411402 [DELETED] 

Nogs don't breed with white women in order to 'show it' to white men.
Conscious of their ugliness and inferiority, they do it in a desperate effort to improve their race.

>> No.23411410

Every day I wake up. Every day I wake up alone

>> No.23411412

I accidentally drunk ordered a bunch of books I'm not going to read

>> No.23411413

>Which event do you think led to more interracial sex between black men and white women.
The caravel

>> No.23411416

Today is my 27th birthday! My brother sent me breakfast delivery from my favorite local coffee shop to celebrate

>> No.23411444

Lmao, get real.

>> No.23411448

Happy birthday. What did he order you?

>> No.23411461
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Ah, my anima, Madoka-chan. Wanna kiss, wanna carress, wanna hug, wanna headpat, wanna rape, wanna strangle, wanna stab, wanna kill!

>> No.23411476

I just discovered the genre of emo Christian rock. Really liking it.

>> No.23411494

Man you obviously know nothing about the Panthers

>> No.23411495

Any of you peeps can give tips on how to become a better writer? I really enjoy writing, but I lack the skills

>> No.23411498

He surprised me with a set of very fancy French pastries!

>> No.23411503

A part of me wants to get fired but I don’t think I could get fired even if I wanted to.

>> No.23411507

Read more. If you ask any successful author, that'll be their number one piece of advice.

>> No.23411508

I think the most valuable thing is deeds. Having accomplished feats or achieved things is the most valuable thing you can have. The potential for that via time and I guess youth is second to that.

>> No.23411512

A lot of writers said that they got better by studying and emulating writers they admired. Personally, I also think there’s benefit in reading and writing out loud. Write something, then say it out loud. Read something, then say it out loud.

>> No.23411519

Emulate your favorite writers, once you have a grip on their styles play with them until you find something novel that is interesting to you. Mix and match different styles, make some more succinct, others more verbose etc. have fun with it.

>> No.23411533

Whenever my stomach hurts, I get anxious. Sometimes to the point of panic.
It's weird and has been going on for a couple of years.

>> No.23411544
File: 74 KB, 342x427, 1596576809009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom is sending me to the psychiatrist because she wants grandkids.

>> No.23411560

Are you supposed to seduce the psychiatrist?

>> No.23411562

No, but she assumes some quack with a degree is going to fix me being antisocial and weird.

>> No.23411570

Are you me?

>> No.23411632

I'm addicted to calling people on /biz/ retards. Some of the stuff they say is so stupid that I think they are trolling half of the time.

Side note, if your primary way of arguing is something along the lines of "The experts say otherwise, "where did you get your credentials to be speaking about this?", The studies show...", et cetera. All you are doing is outing yourself as a person who cannot think for themself. All you are doing is telling me you are incapable of independent thought. That you need other people to tell you what to believe, it's very pathetic honestly. Anybody who resorts to appeals to authority like that gets no respect from me. If you disagree with me, use your own words and logic to communicate how I am wrong.

>> No.23411660

I think I've gotten lost in a conception of God as being a person. You can complain to a person. You can't complain to a fact. Saying things are the way they are because God wants them to be that way implies personhood. Saying things are the way they are because there is an immutable order of things in which the human being finds himself, with all his "freedom" and all. That seems to unite different religions, that a major part of the aim is freedom from destructive behaviour. That a person who disregards all religious practice is in fact a slave to base urges, however free he or she may feel. I don't know, it's something about prayer. That seems to be where I get lost. Some things I pray for because I can't think of anything I could possibly do to change them myself, deep things, deep, tremendous flaws where all I can say is "God I see this in me and I wish it wasn't so". I feel like He answers those prayers. But there's a risk with prayer. First of all there's a question of.. because I'm thinking between an abrahamic and a buddhist perspective- prayer can make you grow passive. "Trust in God".. doesn't it almost necessitate a kind of prayer? Or is it just that the human being is flawed with selfishness, and only a promise of a grand order can help her break her bonds. But the problem is that you can kind of.. there's so much room for misunderstanding I guess, in abrahamic religion. What buddhists would call "wrong view". Prayer in buddhism, as far as I gather, is about centering on the intention that you want something to change, which is kind of like what I mentioned above. It does not seem like buddhists do things with God as the.. I don't know the technical english term for grammar, but some kind of secondary object. For instance I [subject] give food [object] to a poor man [object] hoping that God [secondary object] will be pleased. Except they do do that, but with the difference that what abrahamics call God, they call the way of things. The fact. If you can pray to God it seems the implication is that you can alter the way of things, you can ask to have it altered. You can't pray to an impersonal system of karma. On the other hand, buddhists have no explanation for why things are the way they are. For a long time I've figured that things being what they are seems to imply some kind of intention, which seems to imply a subject (God). That is.... basically necessarily false, God can not really enter into subject-object relationships. I don't understand what it should mean to be able to pray to God, and I don't understand how I'm supposed to be able to live if I can not. But there is also the strange thing, with abrahamics getting stuck in weird versions of "wrong view", like questions of free will and determinism. Maybe they got nuked by the greeks. Maybe the only option is shia Islam. Maybe got nuked too, over time, through the influence of the mu'tazila. Either way, I'm lost and unhappy, in a state I think buddhists would call "moha".

>> No.23411671

>If you can pray to God it seems the implication is that you can alter the way of things, you can ask to have it altered.
And if your prayer is not answered you can in one sense understand it that your karma is not clean enough, you haven't been religious enough and are not in favor with God. While that makes a kind of technical sense, it brings one back into a kind of personal accounting with God, The Good God, withholding favor. On the other hand, without ethics there is nothing. It's just weird that it's.. personal.

>> No.23411689

Do you want kids? If you don't then just tell the psychiatrist that. Not really much they can do about something that's a personal choice.

>> No.23411694

I guess one major question between the two traditions would be: what does it mean to be forgiven by God? Abrahamics talk like this, buddhists as far as I know only talk in terms of karma coming and going. But abrahamics also appear to talk about an absolute outcome in the afterlife, or at least the possibility of one. It's really a completely different system, since there is this hope that you won't have to pay for what you've done.

>> No.23411702

The possibility of something being infinite in quantity while being finite in quality (heaven and hell) without that making it not be relative, without it breaching the absolute.

>> No.23411705

But this is where it gets weird, where it always was weird: I know of two sufi masters who seem to claim a cyclical reality. Creation (as a whole) and a return to God (enlightenment?); new creation. Whatever that's supposed to mean: why wouldn't one creation do? Why would they have different outcomes? If they don't, then what's the point of repetition?

>> No.23411716

Had a class on decolonisation. It seems the aim is to let 'disenfranchised' voices to be heard, away from a eurocentric perspective but then the people in power do not belong to that group so no matter what the outcome is always going to be suspect. To be frank I dont know why we have to glorify historical losers this much.

>> No.23411717

I believe their argument is that a loving God wouldn't make hell permanent, although I don't really know to be honest. One of them said that among the signs in creation is that it is cyclical, what with seasons and all, but that's not really right, is it? We can expect an afterlife, but no one really expects the dead to walk in the flesh in this existence, people are not cyclical as far as the senses can tell, based on outward proofs.

The only question whatsoever in all of this existence as it stands out clearly seems to be the question of whether or not desires can change, and if they should. The argument why they should is that it doesn't end, and this reality is only the opportunity to try and change them. That seems to be what really is the situation the human being is in, that he can try to change who he is with the belief that death is not the end. It's either that or pure hedonism.

>> No.23411722

Can you speak about a loving order of things? In a sense, maybe, given we are subject to a moral reality

>> No.23411725

So that circles back to the question: why is there destructive behaviour?

>> No.23411734

My problem, I think, is that I developed a kind of personal "relationship with God" before learning anything really of religion. God saved my life once, in 2014, as a result of a prayer heard, I can't deny that, but I think I'm holding onto an inadequate view. I'm in the moha, baby.

>> No.23411740

An abrahamic might say "because there is not enough fear of God", which is in a sense to say "because there isn't enough faith". Buddhists don't seem to grapple with this, which is strange. It is of course the central question for a human being: does it end? If we were certain it doesn't, we would all always do what is best, period. If we are certain it does, we naturally fall into selfishnes (YOLO). Uncertainty is our state. Oh boy.

>> No.23411742

that if anything, to me, implies the existence of a God, because the question is too perfect. Why would this existence exist, being centered on this one question on which there is uncertainty, if there is no meaning behind it?

>> No.23411743

I'll crave what I can't have until the day I die.

>> No.23411746

Why end up with -this- question? I think buddhists just say "this is how it is, so this is how it is". But it seems humans are uniquely poised for this question. I don't understand how they come to faith. I've heard it said that in meditation they will realize the karmic bonds of things, why they have suffered and so on, and it will all add up. But they have to start with faith. I suppose you always begin with faith in a person

>> No.23411752

Which in turn kind of proves that there are "messengers of God", since someone has to start these chains of transmission of faith, and they can't have learned from people or else there would only ever have been one religion

>> No.23411756

And so here sits the human being, crying like a baby that he is not the master of things, refusing the Master.

>> No.23411767

There's destructive behavior because people choose to be destructive. Freewill is the reason why. Abrahimics build some complicated metaphysics where God allowed evil choices to make the good choices, real choices. Buddhists say existence is a void, samsara is suffering and people are attached to suffering, so they choose destructive short-term style behavior. These are just ways of coping with the reality that humans have freewill.
It scares some people, so they need a story or a logic that explains why. Some people misuse their free will and it causes them regret and guilt, so they need a framework that let's them redeem themselves or explains their folly back to then. Some people misuse freewill and don't care, and those people rarely believe in anything beyond the Self.

>> No.23411778

But there are hardly any human beings who truly don't care. And besides there is the theological argument that what is limited can not define itself, the order of things can not have caused itself

>> No.23411784

What can’t you have?

>> No.23411818

Anything that becomes what it is under circumstances can not have caused itself, since it can not have caused its circumstances. You could say things like "gravity doesn't have an apparent cause", but the thing is that the *idea* of gravity does, and the only thing we really know to exist is the idea. The buddhists just dodge the question afaik

>> No.23411822

Either way, clearly everything that is to do with the human being becomes what it is under circumstances.

>> No.23411830

In order for something not to become what it is under circumstances, and at the same time exist, it would have to be real under all circumstances

>> No.23411831

Cuppa coffee and a spliff

>> No.23411844

I always get shook when I meet someone who was born in 2000s and they're in their 20s. It feels weird.

>> No.23411855

>anon stealing my thoughts and typing faster than me again
Get em tiger

>> No.23411860

I feel like a rotten husk swarming with insects. I've been dead for years and am just now noticing, but I don't know how to animate my atrophied, worm-gnawed limbs anymore. Maybe I ought to just go back to sleep.

>> No.23411862

I wish we could live in a world where individual achievement immediately translated to human achievement rather than having to go through intermediate categories.

>> No.23411873

That's just the universe professing confidence in your value to continued life on earth, I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe drink some tea so you feel extra beneficent

>> No.23411879

I have been fantasizing about being a shorter version of myself running from a man but in my escape I trip and he lays on top of me “no you’re REALLY going to get it.” He says he then proceeds to tear my pants off and start struggling with me in the middle of it I kick him in the face but this only enrages him he then takes off his pants revealing his hard cock coming near me I stop at this part but sometimes I keep going.

>> No.23411893

Being born in a not-shit country, for starters (the whole planet is going to shit, but some countries will get there sooner).
Also, a creative job I can do from home (even before A.I. this was already hard to achieve, the ones who do have lots of free time and/or grit, both of which I severely lack).

>> No.23411936

I feel great!
I had a nice dream and woke up really refreshed.
Every step I took I took with confidence and as I'm nearing the end of my work day I feel at ease. Heading to the store next to pick out something to cook later tonight!

>> No.23411962

I'm 25 but don't feel like it. I feel like at some point in my adolescence I stunted and stayed mentally a teenager.

>> No.23412001

b-b-b-b-b bonfire!

>> No.23412020

Same. I don't feel like an adult at all but I'm already 27.

>> No.23412088

Does anyone know how to care for a budgie

I found a budgie and I want to make sure he is okay while I try to find his owner. Also I think humans owning and imprisoning birds is immoral. People shouldn't have glorified sentient toys/decorations.

>> No.23412091
File: 349 KB, 1400x1050, left for clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody deserves love. Nobody deserves anything.

>> No.23412102

Well, I successfully saved $50k cash for a down payment on a house by living with my parents but now my car is caput and since my income situation has a good chance of being worse in a year’s time, I’m going to have to go and blow a lot of that cash on a car. I can’t fucking win.

>> No.23412139

You are now ready for Christianity

>> No.23412173
File: 89 KB, 1024x1008, 1714594966418039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through the memory bank now that I am clean off street drugs and my brain is returning to normal, and I just wanna say: fuck all the people who treated me like dirt or I didn't exist when I was going through the worst of my meth and opiate addictions. I'm recalling isolated moments of trying to say hi to a former coworker at the bar and him giving me an utter look of disdain and walking away, piece of shit. On the flipside, all of the people who continued to treat me as a human being and even friend, some who actually helped me with a place to stay or whatever, God bless them, they will hold a special place in my heart for the rest of my days and anything I can do for them I will be happy to. I'm looking forward to the next time I go to the bar and see some of the same faces from years ago now that I'm back to looking really good so I can rub it in their faces their total lack of humanity.

>> No.23412185

I went through something similar but learned to forgive them. I mean, think about it. Can you really blame them? Seeing a person with a drug problem or something is like seeing a leper. You don’t want to run the risk of being infected. And that’s very normal and rational. It’s not fair to resent others for reacting normally to our choices. I hope you get to a place where you feel a lot better.

>> No.23412187

There's no "nice and clean" way out. Everything I could possibly do to get out of my predicament WILL have several downsides. It is what it is, but I really wish it wasn't.

>> No.23412191

I feel you, but there's a difference between just treating me otherwise and outright treating me like scum.

>> No.23412194

No offense or anything but you were dirt. Drug addicts are the worst possible humans possible. Worse even than Indians.

>> No.23412207

I had a job and paid for my habit on my own, aka didn't do anything wrong to anyone by, say, stealing from them or some shit. And I live in an area where there is a massive epidemic of drug addiction, so there should be some understanding, which many of my friends at the time showed. I understand not wanting to be a part of it, and leaving me be to my own downward spiral, but some people almost took gleeful pleasure in seeing me go through it. Fuck those ones.

>> No.23412212

I'm so horny but literally nothing is turning me on

>> No.23412220

No, I've dealt with enough drug addicts in my life. You probably stumbled up to some casual acquaintance like a zombie and started rambling crazy nonsense at them. Drug addicts are seriously the worst people on Earth.

>> No.23412234

I don't disagree that drug addicts, tweakers and junkies especially, can often be dreadful, annoying, and even disgusting to deal with. And yes, I don't blame anyone who would, as a rule, avoid them, but you can still have a heart, and especially someone you were cool or even friends with when they were doing better.

Anyway, we're disagreeing on a matter of degrees, so it's a fruitless endeavor, so you do you, I don't blame you at all.

>> No.23412260

No, drug addicts literally become animals. They lose all their dignity and humanity and would universally cause harm to everyone around them. The people who disdained you had good reason. It's a gross way to be

>> No.23412284

Most, sure. Again though, I'm not complaining about strangers looking down on me, but people who were my friends or at least cool with me prior to my habit going off the rails. Anyone who abandons and scorns people when they're going through a bad time without a personal dispute or problematic incident between them is a rotten human being is all I'm saying.

>> No.23412395

Agreed. Drug addiction is a mental illness. You'd be an asshole to treat someone as subhuman simply because they have psychosis or some other mental illness.

>> No.23412410

Nta, but the anon before is right. Drug addicts are literal animals and I don't mean pot smokers. Even if they rehabilitate there's no excuse for ever having become a drug addict.

>> No.23412413

How are you going to treat your fellow man like that?

>> No.23412416

Wept tears of joy when I found out that they actually found evidence of Ilion.

>> No.23412419

>Even if they rehabilitate there's no excuse for ever having become a drug addict.

So you just look down on them and treat them poorly forever?

>> No.23412426

If the quality of vegetables has diminished, so has the quality of humans. It doesn't matter that we have the same genes as our ancestors. A modern farm vegetable might have the same genes as a vegetable 100 years ago, but they are more watery, less fleshy, less thick and burdensome than before. The same has happened to humans. They might look healthy on the outside and be so, but they are compared to humans three hundred years ago the same as modern farm vegetables compared to farm vegetables three hundred years ago.

>> No.23412433

The same as I would treat someone who came out of prison after 20 tears. I wouldn't deny him a piece of bread but generally speaking I'd always know that his ramblings are basically bullshit and that he can't be trusted.

>> No.23412440
File: 64 KB, 379x358, ah fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck non NEETs find time and energy to read, play games or do anything after work ? Im standing 8 hours and lifting all day and im so exhausted that my mind has gone blank for days now. I used to have a keen mind but now Ill think is ''my feet hurt'', ''I want to sleep'', ''I want that can of fish I got at home'' and ''my arms ache''. I also find it harder to restrain my agression and become more bitter, even though im aware of it I can barely control it, is this why normies are so close minded? they work so much they can't think at all anymore?

>> No.23412445

This is a sad way to live. People learn from their mistakes. If you refuse to even hear someone out simply because of a mistake they've made in the past, you are never going to grow as a person.

>> No.23412450

I'm getting angrier everyday.

>> No.23412451

how or why did you become a drug addict? why does it happen to so many people?

>> No.23412453

i don't know, but i am literally a NEET and life is good

>> No.23412457

you must use materialism to defeat materialism, that is its purpose

>> No.23412462

I used to be too, but I needed to buy medication to help me and I got a job to afford it. Worst part ? its bad for the heart and taking it while physically working and standing for 8 hours makes me faint at work so I can't even use the thing that was sole reason I went to work. Fuck me.

>> No.23412463

Is it a forgivable mistake to start blowing heroine and giving a fuck about everyone else? Blowing all your money on drugs and coming back one or two years later, say you're sorry and it's ok that you almost died because you are on rehab now? No, just like I wouldn't forgive a rapist or a murderer..

>> No.23412470

Well, sorry to hear that, anon. I'd say it's a shame we could never be friends but in way you'd be happy not to be mine because of my history, I'd be happy not to be yours with your closeminded, judgmental way of thinking.

For the sake of brevity, the first time I ever tried some Vicodin (an opiate, hydrocodone), it was like finding the missing puzzle piece to a long vacant part of my brain. All the anxiety, all the insecurities, all the depression, all the suicidal ideation, all of the negative thoughts, gone. No more hating life, no more being the awkward person when hanging out with people or at parties, I became the perfect version of myself with the kind of mental disposition and outlook I had only dreamt of. So, in a sense drugs absolutely helped me improve my life, as I eventually was able to take the lessons from those artificial feelings and chemical-alterations and turn it into a genuine love for myself. Problem is, when you abuse drugs (heroin specifically in my case) for extended periods of time everyday, all day, it literally rewires your brain. Sure, the physical withdrawals are bad, but the real demon is your brain becomes altered to elevate the desire for those drugs to the same level as food, sex, and sleep.

>> No.23412487

So a combination of self-medicating to treat mental health problems, of which there is a massive crisis in Western societies, and the neurological rewiring properties of the substances.

>> No.23412492

> close-minded judgemental way of thinking
I've known two guys who went the drug route. One became an absolute fuckup. 22 years old, acts and behaves like a 50 year old alcoholic, constantly bagging his medically prescribed methadone around himself and chuggs a random pill every half an hour, lights a cigarette every ten minutes while throwing his annoying shizo-rants at anyone who comes nearby. Lives in the rehab and doesn't have a job.
The other one, disappeared for 2 years, apparently spent those two years smoking crack and robbing stores with his druggie friends. Came back like it's all good and he became clean and stuff. Chainsmokes all day. Has the personality of an absolute bitch. But it's all good because he's clean now!

>> No.23412496

If they suck they suck. I'm not saying people who have gotten sober automatically deserve praise and your friendship, but they don't automatically deserve the opposite either is all.

>> No.23412498


>I've seen 3 brown cows, therefore all cows must be brown

>> No.23412501

i respect drug addicts for their confused world-flight more than i'll ever respect a loser like this guy >>23412463

i don't think i've ever met a mean-hearted junkie. dissolute, trashy, stinking, sure, but never the type to radiate malice like only a normoid can

>> No.23412508

I’ve managed to build a life where I make 6 figures working just 2 days per week in an industry and organization I care about, but I’m still miserable.

>> No.23412510

Look, I wouldn't have a problem with someone who does drugs responsibly. With that I mean someone who buys the drugs wearing a suit, goes around the city like no one would ever assume he does drugs, finds an opportune moment, closes himself up in his apartment, chugs the drugs and spends the next 12 hours productively and doing something useful with the temporary high and goes on like nothing happened. That's how I would do drugs.
But literally every single drug addict turns into an absolute moron within weeks, looses his job and his apartment, almost dies of overdose, everyone feels sorrow for him, they keep behaving irresponsibly and then they go to rehab and come back and pretend in never happened like in a sitcom show where it was just an episode.
Pathetic. The only people who do drugs I'd have respect for are the ones where you can't notice they do drugs.

>> No.23412519

All we're talking about is you saying you'd judge and look down upon someone who used to be a drug addict even once they've cleaned their life up.

Great post and perspective, couldn't have worded it better myself.

>> No.23412523
File: 153 KB, 1066x1088, 1716411230708106[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord, I have glimpsed the divine through this instance of the sublime.


>> No.23412531

Look, I know a guy who says he was a drug addict but he doesn't seem to be pathetic in any way. He was my boss. Not the type of character you'd think would do a lot of drugs. But he is an exception and most other drug addicts didn't take the bare minimum of responsibility for the damage they have done to society by doing drugs. It's like when you do something like intentionally burning up a house and then you can either take responsibility for it, in wich case I might respect that person, or you can take the route most ex-druggies take and say: yeah, I intentionally burned up a whole house b-but I just am different a-and I went to rehab so it's ok! I have zero respect for those people.

>> No.23412532

i wish classical music wasn't like philosophy so that i didn't need to spend years developing my idiosyncratic taste in it instead of just having a canon of 10-15 works that covers all the good stuff you could possibly get from it. wish i knew where to start

>> No.23412543

>wish i knew where to start

copy+pasting from a post I made for someone over on /classical/ the other day:

"Try Beethoven's 3rd and 7th and then 9th symphonies. Brahms 3rd and 4th. Mozart 39, 40, 41. Tchaikovsky 4 and 6. Dvorak 8 and 9.

Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto no. 1. Beethoven piano concerto 4 and 5. Mozart piano concertos 19 through 27. Bach's Keyboard Concertos (I prefer the versions with piano, look up the ones performed by Schiff). Schumann's Piano Concerto. Rachmaninoff's other piano concertos (1, 3, 4).

Beethoven and Brahms' and Tchaikovsky's and Dvorak's and Mendelssohn's violin concerto. Bach's violin concertos and double concerto.

Beethoven's violin sonata 7, 8, 9, and 10. Bach's violin sonatas and partitas (1, 2, and 3 for both). Mozart's violin sonatas. Brahms' violin sonatas.

Dvorak's cello concerto. Schumann's. Haydns'. Beethoven's cello sonata 3 and 4. Brahms' cello sonatas. Bach's cello suites. Prokofiev cello sonata. Mendelssohn cello sonata 2.

Beethoven's piano sonatas, all of the ones that have a named title (eg Pathetique, Waldstein, Moonlight, Les Adiuex, Tempest). some Mozart piano sonatas. Bach's Well Tempered Clavier, both books. Schubert's piano sonatas D.960 and 959 and 958(?). Prokofiev piano sonata 6. Chopin Ballades and Etudes 10 and 25.

Beethoven's string quartets 12-16. Mozart's 'Haydn' string quartets and string quintets. Brahms' string quintets. Dvorak's string quartet 12. Mendelssohn string quartet 6.

Bach's cantatas, 51 and 140.

Try a couple from each and keep exploring whichever form you like the most at that moment. Feel free to come back and ask whenever you can't decide. Come back when you've listened to it all. Enjoy!"

After that, or if you need recommendations for specific recordings, come join us over at /classical/ on /mu/! For the record, I didn't study music at all in school and only seriously got into classical in the past year, though I was listening to it from the moment I awoke to going to sleep many days, lol, but point is, while I know it can be daunting at the start, you just gotta dive in! You don't need to go in chronological order or some other foundational approach like many suggest with philosophy.

Fair enough, anon.

>> No.23412557

thank you

>> No.23412567

Will the West and the white race terminally die to degeneracy and muttification, or will the Slavs of Eastern Europe ascend their throne?

>> No.23412576

Tried switching to decaf coffee but it has the same effect on me. I'm extremely sensitive to caffeine so even the small amount in decaf feels the same.
I can't stop drinking coffee though cause I love the ritual of making it when I wake up, and the smell and taste.
Unfortunately it makes me super neurotic. I think because it messes with my stomach

>> No.23412591

Will the Slavs ascend the place the West has been holding until this day? This situation has never been analyzed before. While most or all of the West turns brown, in Eastern Europe, there's a whole stack of fully or almost fully white states that do not seem to have played any apparent role in history until now. I hypothesize that they are in a situation similar to that of the Germanics during the Late Roman Empire. Despised as dumb and incapable Barbarians, they are actually full of vigour and have all the necessary capabilities to create a whole new civilization once the current one collapsed. They do not cede the Germanics of the 5th Century in neither numbers nor in capabilities.

>> No.23412596

>22 years old, acts and behaves like a 50 year old alcoholic, constantly bagging his medically prescribed methadone around himself and chuggs a random pill every half an hour, lights a cigarette every ten minutes while throwing his annoying shizo-rants at anyone who comes nearby.
Based, I think you're jealous

>> No.23412598

> I should become le edgy cartoon character
If you think that's based, you don't know the meaning of based.

>> No.23412599

ah, word. i may go back soonish for benefits as well. i havent been going to the dentist regularly last few years
gl buddy

>> No.23412601

Spengler said it would be Russians and also that we are running the risk of living in a sort of Russian-run Hyksos period if we lose a war with them, and that’s looking remotely possible right now. So not Slavs so much as Russians, but yet.

>> No.23412603

Decolinization movements are retarded because at the end they keep using eurocentric morals to judge eurocentrism, not to mention most of them came out of think thank or bougie classrooms

>> No.23412617

Well, I mean, the Russians are currently the great empirical representant of the Slavs, but they are not the only potential players of the future world stage. Belarussians, Ukrainians, Moldovians, Bulgarians, Serbians, Macedonians, Bosnians, Croatians, Slovenians, Czechians, Poles and Slovakians, and a few other non-Slav groups like the Romanians and the Hungarians will survive the downfall of the Western society and it's slow devolution to a society of browns without being directly affected by it.

>> No.23412639

i don't know what you're talking about, but china #1

>> No.23412673

The downfall of civilization is a multi-century process so we’re not quite there yet but we probably are at a point where whites should start thinking about how to preserve their race in their ancestral homeland because those prospects aren’t looking great right now. They need to figure out a way to end up a little more like the Chinese and a little less like the Egyptians.

>> No.23412687

I prepare to pause my isolation
Reticent and cautious like some rodent
Peering out from the entrance of his home
A tunnel dug to keep the hawks at bay

It's the same world I was born into but
As of late I feel alienated
At some point I grew apart from the world
Of my youth, that boundless place which made sense

Outside has become a temporary
Destination, and then I race back to
My tunnel, my prison, trading freedom
For safety, friction for drab loneliness

I think of my place in reality
And it extends no further than this bubble
What reason do I have to grab a book
And sprawl out on a sun-soaked public lawn?

>> No.23412729

Do you think we’ll have a big war in the next 2-3 years?

>> No.23412731

no. will something massively fake and massively gay "happen"? likely

>> No.23412733

It’s easier if you ditch tech. Really.

>> No.23412741

>Now to the unmarried and widows I say this: It is good for them to remain unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.
ok but i burn with passion and a happy, good marriage is not a realistic scenario in my future. now what? do i just live with it?

>> No.23412744

ditch what? what do you mean?

>> No.23412752

> The downfall of civilization is a multi-century process so we’re not quite there yet
The height of every civilization is in the aristocracy period. The aristocracy of Athens lasted about 600 years, the aristocracy of Egypt about 800 years. Everything after that is already decadent. The democracy of Athens lasted only 169 years, and although it made a lot of cultural and historical achievements, the period of decadence had already begun and it's span was much shorter. The aristocratic period of Europe lasted about 800 years as well, somewhere longer, somewhere shorter, until about the 18th, 19th and early 20th Century, depending on the country. From the time Germany and Russia, some of the more conservative countries of Europe, lost their aristocracies in 1918, 106 years have passed. Generally speaking, the lifespan left to the West, and the lifespans of great civilizations are about the same average, between 500 and 1000 years for the aristocracy period and 150 years for the decadence period, post-Roman Western civilization in it's current form has about 50 to 100 years or approximately 1.5 generations left, and the end of that period will not mark the beginning of it's decadence, but it's absolute and irreversible collapse.

>> No.23412778

Why is a happy, good marriage not a realistic scenario for your future?

>> No.23412782

So much youthful exuberance is unspent, or exchanged for moments as lasting as spring ephemerals. We should spend that coin on all that is evergreen.

>> No.23412815

That ultrachud attitude. 'Again I lost nothing'. Based.

>> No.23412832
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wank into tissue paper for the next couple decades until your libido goes kaput. Problem solved.

>> No.23412847

i'm too neurotic and i don't think i could attract a woman who isn't also mentally ill and we'd raise little mentally ill retard children. also i'm poor and have no skills so i'd be giving them a shit life.
spanking it is a mortal sin.

>> No.23412853

>spanking it is a mortal sin
No such thing as sins

>> No.23412868

you're dangerously mistaken.

>> No.23412871

What's some good books or articles on how exactly these aristocracy systems functioned and their effects?

>> No.23412908

The best you can do is read all that stuff yourself. I have acquired a small knowledge over the topic after years of reading books, fiction and non-fiction. What is known is that aristocracies were justified in the superiority of the aristocrats over the plebs, usually military, sometimes religious. The supremacy once established, it was maintained with the aids of impermeable caste systems and brainwashing the plebbitry. These ancient societies have little in common though with our current modern society. I have also discovered that there seem to be top-layers over whole conjunctions of civilizations that themselves behave in a logic analogous to that of each particular civilization within herself albeit in a much more complicated manner. Just like the first ancient civilizations of antiquity were absolutely aristocratic, and the aristocracies numerically diminute compared to the colossal masses of slaves that they commanded, the latter societies of antiquity, Rome in particular, have always been more liberal and much more flexible in regards to social mobility. It can be said that, while Rome in itself, was not decadent until it's later eras, regarding the life-cycle of antiquity itself, is but the decadence period of antiquity, but in a way far more abstract than the blatant decadence of any particular society that has become decadent. A similar analogy can be made about the US. The US cannot be decadent, because they are a young society; however, because they have always been democratic, abstractively considered, they represent the decadence era of the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages still haven't passed, we are still living through Middle Age society in it's decay. Modernity hasn't really started yet. It is a whole new era that works under a whole new logic, much like antiquity worked under a whole new logic than the Middle Ages.

>> No.23412929

Most neets just browse 4chan and jack off anyway

>> No.23412932

>Oh no muh hecking fire and brimstone
I'm shaking so scared

>> No.23412935

TS Eliot believed that all we can do is participate in a process of preservation and hope that another golden age will come.

>> No.23412938

i'm not trying to scare you, i'm just telling you how it is.

>> No.23412940

No man, that's all drug addicts. The ones who actually recover and become decent people are the brown cows

>> No.23412943

What do you know that Dante didn't?

>> No.23412950

One of the advantages of Protestantism is that it ended the dysgenic practice of priestly celibacy.

>> No.23412960

Hell doesn't exist. Sin doesn't exist. Keep living in fear though, not my problem.
I'm gonna go spank it right now to some Colombian cam whores.

>> No.23412965

What do you know that Dante didn't?

>> No.23412992

>I'm gonna go spank it right now to some Colombian cam whores.
i don't know why people who talk like this think it makes them look cool

>> No.23412994
File: 36 KB, 340x296, 1608776753181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My plan for the next few years, as an unemployable humanities major

* Get over 170 on my LSATs (I just got a 155 on my cold diagnostic)
* Go to a Tier 2 or Tier 3 law school where I get a full ride or near-full ride
* Get a JD-preferred job in regulatory compliance, risk management, or government contracting

Is this a good plan?

>> No.23412998

don't catholics breed like rabbits from no contraception tho

>> No.23413003

>I'm gonna go spank it right now to some Colombian cam whores.
damn brother, you really showed me.

>> No.23413007

Also unscriptural. Priestly celibacy is a great example of everything wrong with the Catholic Church. The were so worried about their temporal power and the heritability of wealth and land that they had to control priests' marriage and sex life.

>> No.23413010

PRIESTLY celibacy
Very true

>> No.23413015

>What do you know that Dante didn't
Colombian cam whores

>> No.23413019

Your phone, your computer, your television. All this stuff drains you. It really makes a difference.

>> No.23413025

You think Dante was ignorant of courtesans, you human filth?

>> No.23413029

Dante knows nothing about gooning to 7 different tabs of Colombian bitcjes whoring themselves out on cam
He was truly an ignorant man

>> No.23413033

>all the great artists of the past would have been coomers/incels/trannies/alt right grifters/etc. if they were born now
my favorite cope on /lit/

>> No.23413034

It’s a bad plan because all of the JD money is in big law. JD-preferred jobs don’t pay well in general. Plan to be a lawyer or don’t go to law school.

>> No.23413036

My first girlfriend, who is the younger sister of a friend I've known ever since I was a child, broke up with me because her brother didn't like me dating her. I couldn't cope with it so I started cutting myself and looking for the means to buy a gun. I told her this, and now she is worried for my life. I feel so unbelievably dejected, guilty, angry, betrayed, etc. But most of all, I feel hatred towards myself.

>> No.23413038

It’s probably true. You look at a guy like Dosto who was a degenerate gambler chud even in his day. Today he’d be a NEET channer with a penchant for gacha games.

>> No.23413039

Well I would have been one of the greatest writers of history if I was born pre internet. I am a porn addict coombrain alt right tyranny incel grifter. Therefore the great writers of history would have been like me had they been born when I was. Air tight logic, anon.

>> No.23413040


>> No.23413041

What if I just don't give a shit about making $200k a year

>> No.23413042

Damn sounds like she dodged a bullet. Good for her brother for warning her about you.

>> No.23413044

I would do anything to get a do-over. I was so close to doing everything right.

>> No.23413048

The were so worried about their temporal power and the heritability of wealth and land

is this not a valid concern tho, not even mentioning that Paul himself said it is better to be single if you can. plus it filters coomer

>> No.23413061

We are to be fruitful and multiply, Paul warns against fornication, not procreation.

>> No.23413064

No, it's not a valid concern. Love not the world, you have been called out of the world, store up your treasures in heaven... the entire notion of temporal authority is the entire antithesis of what Christ taught, and the mingling of the Church with worldly governments was the worst thing to happen in Christian history.
It's true that Paul says it's better to be celibate, but he would absolutely deem it denomic to ENFORCE it, especially on those who wanted to feed the flock. It didn't filter out the unworthy, but was an extraneous rule to protect the church's money at the expense of who would otherwise be useful evangelizers. The Catholic Church strangled the life out of Christianity in pursuit of its own vain and worldly pursuits

>> No.23413075

monastics are the only true christians, and even then they're not immune to politics.

>> No.23413080
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>i don't know why people who talk like this think it makes them look cool

>> No.23413085

You're the libidinal equivalent of an obese person gloating over eating several pizzas.

>> No.23413096
File: 52 KB, 420x420, Png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something bizarre about taking a caffeinated nap.

>> No.23413098

only *m*r*c*ns think masturbating to pornography is cool

>> No.23413100

Power is unnatural because it is all about gaining the advantage and the person who wishes to gain the advantage must be prepared to do anything. The person who has trained himself to do anything has annulled what comes to him naturally. In the name of doing some higher good a man risks of sullying his soul by swimming with the sharks.

>> No.23413102 [DELETED] 

I hate niggers.

>> No.23413110

What if being prepared to do anything comes naturally? Are you Implying people are supposed to act on instinct without agency?

>> No.23413112

a small to moderate amount of coffee wakes me up, but somewhere around the fourth or fifth cup of the day it knocks me clean out. more effective than most sleeping pills.

>> No.23413114

I'm nate higgers

>> No.23413116

>The Catholic Church strangled the life out of Christianity in pursuit of its own vain and worldly pursuits

i don't understand, the Catholic Church is bigger than it's ever been. Catholic families still produce priests, if anything allowing priests to marry and have children would present clear hereditary issues and ultimately pose a distraction as now the priest has to worry about a wife. this is not to say that married people don't have an absolutely massive role in being fruitful and multiplying, it it seemed to me a clear and logical specialization for a larger religious organization to forbid the clergy from such things

>> No.23413136

I like coming here to talk about books but I just can't stand all the hatred lately. So much homophobia, sexism racism, tranphobia, anti-semitism. What drives a man to become such a cesspool of hate

>> No.23413141

You would probably unironically be happier on reddit.

>> No.23413159

I love God.

>> No.23413161

Hmm, interesting, thank you for the post.

>> No.23413178

How was I supposed to learn things contrary to my experiences?

>> No.23413189

in the last couple weeks it seems like there's been some kind of concerted pushback against religion and conservatism on /lit/ and anti mainstream narratives on /sci/. am I imagining it? is it for the best?

>> No.23413218

it comes and goes

>> No.23413227

Well it is 2024. The upswelling of reactionary attitudes began about a decade ago. We are now in a new decade and it should only be reasonable to assume that culture shifts observably from decade to decade

>> No.23413234

It's an anonymous forum different people have different views

>> No.23413236

Who are you tell a man with wife and kids that he isn't qualified to preach the gospel, shepherd the flock, or minister Christ? This unscriptural claim coming from unscriptural authority does nothing but prevent people who might be chosen by God or inspired by Spirit from doing God's work. Enforcing celibacy of the priesthood is just fallen man applying fallen reason to strangle the flow of God's Spirit.

>> No.23413241

Seems to work just fine for Byzantine Rite Catholics and the Orthodox.

>> No.23413251

>David Foster Wallace (DFW) was a highly talented writer who was widely recognized for his exceptional skill and innovative style during his lifetime. His work was praised for its complexity, intelligence, and emotional depth, and he was awarded numerous prestigious literary awards, including the Pulitzer Prize, for his novel "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao."

wow with ai you have so much information at the tips of ur fingers how can humans compete

>> No.23413255

the bots were probably turned on as we get closer to november

>> No.23413282

Well I can never get any notice from my dad now that my brothers I dead. All he does is brood and ruminate about them, and all my success and well being goes unnoticed. They're dead but I'm the ghost.
Before you start bitching at me, it's always been this way. Even as kids, due to the fact that they were trouble makers and I wasn't, I basically went unnoticed my whole life. And now I will never get on the radar.

>> No.23413294


>> No.23413329
File: 139 KB, 1080x839, 209cddb5cff271502cd3b58552bcd8861dc60eda960637ea5e27d0d8f1de79a3_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a different time

>> No.23413339

>before it's inevitable extinction
I hate race doomers, you people are so terminally online. The BBC spam you see on 4chan has absolutely nothing to do with the real world nor how it actually works.

There are too many white people for their race to "die out." Even in America, which has an unusually high racial heterogeneity compared to practically every other country on earth, most white people marry other white people. Hell, at my zoomer university, 90% of the time I see a blonde girl, she's with a blonde guy. I also see just as many white men with black women as black men with white women, but that probably still doesn't make you happy.

But then there's all the other countries around the world. Iceland is one of the only nation-states in the world (alongside Japan) and is extremely homogeneous. There will always be white people and only white people in Iceland, even if you buy that retarded Europe-shitskin-takeover nonsense.

>> No.23413341

too late, 4chan's brand equity has already been ruined. even if they banned every religious blowhard tonight, i'm never gonna post here as much as i did ten years ago. i see this sickly purple and some stale pepe and immediately get the ick.

>> No.23413346

Why are y'all so puritan? If a bloke wants to goon to hot Columbian whores, who cares?

>> No.23413347

>that retarded Europe-shitskin-takeover nonsense.

>You can see why [in the 1920s] American felt our borders were out of control. [The immigration law passed at the time] stated a preference for Northern Europeans] ... [Restrictions on] Southern Catholics and Jews—this went on to 1964, so all through [World War II] there were incredible restrictions. 1965 comes, we’re reluctant leaders of the world, we have an economic boom, we didn’t have much immigration, and we have a ton of guilt. First, about the Holocaust. [Rep.] Manny Celler was voted in in 1923…he was Jewish, from Manhattan. He was warning about the Holocaust, and everybody was ignoring him. In 1947, he was head of the Judiciary Committee, and he was able to get jurisdiction [over immigration] changed from the Labor Committee. He had control over immigration reform. There was a huge attitude change. Exodus had been published. Israel was popular. The other thing was the civil rights movement. Black soldiers were coming back, and there were Jim Crow laws. Those movements drove the 1965 law. Philip Hart, called the conscience of the Senate, was passionate about civil rights. ... They decided to do away with preferences for work skills, and have preferences for family reunification. That’s pretty unique to immigration law—they gave green cards to extended family members.
>“Manny Celler managed to get immigration into the Judiciary committee,” Orchowski told TAC in an interview. “That changed the whole focus on immigration from a labor thing to a justice [thing].”
>Following the conclusion of the war, Celler worked to liberalize American immigration laws. He helped pass a bill that allowed 339,000 Displaced Persons to come to the United States, including many Jews.
>Over the next few decades, he continued to work to liberalize American immigration laws, pushed by Jews and others who were discriminated against by the current system. That culminated with him writing and passing the INA, which is also known the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965.

>> No.23413349


>> No.23413351

I have a few Asian friends and they're the best people ever, man. Seriously, they're so supportive, encouraging, honest, and they motivate me. Get yourself some Asian friends. I have one from Hong Kong and a few from Japan.

>> No.23413352
File: 32 KB, 550x733, fedora-wearing-neckbeards-that-never-grew-out-of-their-awkward-years-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then return to the land of Reddit from whence you came, where your kind roam free.

See picrel for a typical example of your ilk.

>> No.23413365


>> No.23413367

ever mention how shitty 4chan has become and a bot will immediately call you reddit.

>> No.23413370

Not a bot, but my reply initially got blocked by the spam filter, so you're still right.

>> No.23413374

I'm Late Kiggers

>> No.23413385

it's undeniable that now 4chan traffic has declined to well below pre-pandemic levels. all you losers who got purged from reddit and decided to come here have killed the site.

>> No.23413391

No, it's due to people aging out/killing themselves and there not being a replacement of new users, as all zoomers massively prefer Discord/tiktok/watching endless youtube videos and have little desire to communicate with anyone, let alone discuss a shared interest.

>> No.23413399
File: 19 KB, 495x337, 1714856075615485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My theory is that ever since Elon took over Twitter, Twitter has slow begun replacing 4chan. /Pol/ holds zero sway over American politics and the dissident right mostly gathers on Twitter, since the rules are more lax now and Twitter basically looks like 4chan. This has led to a subsequent decline in 4chan traffic across the board. Further proof of this is that basically every thread is a twitter screencap these days.

>> No.23413400

Zoomers don't "prefer" those things per say, it's that those services are inherently more addictive. I'm a zoomer, and I remember one time I was studying at my University's library and I overheard a girl saying, "I really had to study for this exam, but then I ended up spending 12 hours on TikTok."

Personally, Discord gives me the ick and I'm too afraid of TikTok to try it. Everyone I've talked to has been like, "yeah, it's addictive, I know it is. But I just can't stop." Fuck that.

I have a feeling we're going to end up being the least productive generation, and it won't really be our fault. Unless you think us getting hooked on digital crack is our fault.

>> No.23413407

some boards also have a lot of tiktok videos for ops, it actually makes me think maybe i should cut out the middle man and just go straight to tiktok

>> No.23413412

>it's that those services are inherently more addictive.
This is cap. I've browsed 4chan for 12 hours straight before. It can be just as addicting as any other app with an infinite scroll. I personally find TikTok boring though.

>> No.23413417

I highly recommend you don't do that. See >>23413400

It's a drug, and it should be illegal. Not because it comes from China, what's far worse about it is the core algorithms beneath it. Those are what's unethical.

>> No.23413422

Same goes for twitter. A lot of twitter is just ragebait with a tiktok attached.

>> No.23413423

People can spend 12 hours reading books too. Maybe an anecdote is a poor example, what we have to look at are broader trends.

By and large, TikTok is more addictive than any of the internet or social media services that precede it. Those could still be addictive, but just not to the degree that TikTok is.

>> No.23413428

it's funny like a week or two ago there was that mini scandal where some california professor got doxxed as some guy who runs a rightwing publishing house or something and i was like woah i've never even heard of this dude and i browse 4chan, that's when you know it's truly over.

>> No.23413431

What is even the appeal of TikTok? I try to be open minded but I have a low opinion of people who use it

>> No.23413436

The addictiveness of these services increases with respect to time. Each new algorithmic service is able to hook a larger and larger swath of people. It may some day approach the point where we are all addicted, if this trend continues.

>> No.23413439

I suppose it depends on the person. A lot of probably like 4chan because we can say nigger and faggot and niggerfaggot with impunity. Normies probably don't care if they can say nigger.

>> No.23413441

So /pol/ infiltrated in numbers, changed the culture of the site, then left in mass numbers and there is nothing now?

4chan always largely sucked but it’s borderline unusable. Part of me thinks you just grow up and mature

>> No.23413448

TikTok is as broad in its content as YouTube is but focuses on shorter-form content. Women might get hooked on cooking or makeup videos, while men might get hooked on Warhammer or Trucking content. It can be anything and the barrier to entry for creating content is even lower than it is for YouTube.

However, the algorithms behind TikTok are really, really good, which is really, really bad for you, the user. It means it can quickly find exactly what content will get you watching the longest and show you only that content. Your productivity could likely be decreased by this.

>> No.23413450

>So /pol/ infiltrated in numbers, changed the culture of the site, then left in mass numbers and there is nothing now?
Unironically. After 2016, /pol/ was basically the life-blood of this website. When Biden won, the irrelevance of /pol/ was all but proven, then people started migrating to Twatter and there has been a true right-wing renaissance on there ever since Elon took the helm. 4chan is still occasionally relevant, like when it comes to the latest epic wojak edit or greentexts posted on reddit

>> No.23413464

youtube could have been that but they hired some stupid tv execs to run if for like a decade which prioritized making a small handful of hit channels like mrbeast or whatever and sending no traffic whatsoever to small creators. tiktok spreads out the views to more people. instead of trying to get everyone to watch one 45 minute video like youtube, tiktok spreads it out so anyone can catch 40,000 views, and with more small creators making stuff, there's more range of content to more perfectly fit people's tasted. but it's not just a management issue, and we all know tiktok has a better recommendation algorithm, but the reason they can do those kind of microtargeted feeds is because they have better backend tech. it's easier to stream one single video to ten million people that to stream 10,000 different videos to 10,000 different people. youtube can use all kinds of caching schemes to delivery the content more cheaply. i think the read secret of tiktok is in their network infrastructure. i don't have any specific details, but i believe youtube can't do what tiktok does even if they had the will.

>> No.23413466

I don't get the 4chan doomer mindset. Why bother comparing 4chan to the glory days it can never live up to? You're setting yourself up for disappointment.

4chan is more irrelevant now because the entire landscape of the internet has changed. But you can still come here and look at half-decent memes and say nigger with impunity, just like you always could. If you're like me and that's all that you care about, who cares about anything else?

>> No.23413469

>i believe youtube can't do what tiktok does even if they had the will.
That's probably a good thing

>> No.23413475

so that's 4chans differentiator? you can say the enwird? personally i don't find that a great value prop

>> No.23413476

Isn't it pretty obvious that /lit/ is currently a shithole? I often find higher quality discussions on Reddit or discord than on /lit/ these days, which is pretty sad, because it seems like there used to be more decently intelligent anons here

>> No.23413478
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Father = Tao
Son = Yin
Ghost = Yang
Pic related t. Laozi.

>> No.23413486

these days i have way more fun with the boomer commenters on the wsj, they're mostly conservative, but not insane or resentful, and generally pretty smart. i read that at work, then i come home and look at the shit on /lit/ and i'm like wtf is this crap?

>> No.23413491

It is not the saying of the word itself, but what saying it represents. Think beyond the letters of Anon's post and really read what he is saying.

>> No.23413498

Those sites have far more niche communities discussing specific topics, so it stands to reason they would have better and longer-form discussion of those topic.

4chan's boards are broad by design and /lit/ in particular is not a very active one.

Even so, much like a sewer, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it. Perhaps even more so than those other sites. So, if there's one thing I think we can all agree on, it's that 4chan is a shithole, but it's our shithole. And, personally, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Now please excuse me while I go shoot niggers and bomb Israel.

>> No.23413508

The sadder the nigger the more it had to be

>> No.23413519

I only come to /lit/ because I actually read. I don’t care about the nigger word, just that this board used to be okay for a reader. That isn’t the case anymore

>> No.23413521


Be me
>Trolling and keking on 4chan as my worldview was just shattered into a million pieces and I am holding onto the heel of Jesus Christ hoping he will restore my faith

>> No.23413527

>TikTok is as broad in its content as YouTube is but focuses on shorter-form content
I don't understand the appeal. Why would i want to watch a bunch of short videos when i can watch one long one?

>> No.23413534

The short videos have pretty colors and prey upon the chemicals within your brain. There's nothing logical about it.

>> No.23413537

I come to this site to have the same shitty arguments over and over. It's been tale for years, yet I still keep coming back.

>> No.23413561

Oh yeah, like you're doing right now?

>> No.23413577

The tale of the true 4chan lurker

>> No.23413589

Twitter has already taken ovet that niche.
Really the only reason you'd use 4chan nowadays (or even places like the sharty but that's different) is to enjoy one of the last sites in the internet that have actual front end anonymity.
You aren't ever going to find this on Xitter.
I go here almost exclusively to say random shit and fuck around without any consequences.
No cliques, no cults of personality, no retarded social games.

>> No.23413590

I post a lot. Its gotten so bad that I can identify certain people I argue with and and preemptively refute some of their points that I know will come up later in the conversation.
Yeah, I've made posts like this several times before.

>> No.23413598

I hope everyone is doing alright tonight. If you had a shit day, I hope tomorrow is better

>> No.23413602

I hope you're all suffering. May every day's pain and horrors exceed the last.

>> No.23413607
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>> No.23413615

Got my learner permit today, texted some family members about it and none of them even said
so much as "good job". I honestly don't care, I just thought I'd point it out.

>> No.23413632

good job anon proud of you

>> No.23413635

As the world becomes a sadder, poorer, bitterer place, filled with subhumans who seem to be the prodigal sons and inexplicable favorites of the regime since they can do whatever they want at the constantly expense of normal people and never get punished (in fact they seem to get rewarded), more and more invisible ugliness like this will seep into the world, and beget more ugliness exponentially. Selfish people teach others by example to be selfish, cynical people do the same, and the whole "feeling" of the age seems to be every man for himself.

>> No.23413645

Bitch ass pussy

>> No.23413646

You should have picked a better family

>> No.23413647

Yeah, I really did choose poorly.

>> No.23413648

Pussy ass bitch

>> No.23413659

there's no way sam hyde could have done any of his early comedy if he wasn't 6'5.

>> No.23413663

Nah Reddit disgusted me by how openly they support Israels genocide

>> No.23413669

Genocide is just a means to an end.

>> No.23413676

It's terrible how those jews are doing that. If only we got more than 6 million this genocide wouldn't be happening

>> No.23413695

I'm tired of people. I just want to be alone all the time again.

>> No.23413699

Gonna get inside of my sleeping bag, chuck on a black-and-white movie, and enjoy myself. Oh, and I'm also gonna have terrible anxiety and stress because I can't seem to land a job. But, y'know, it is what it is.

>> No.23413703

Ass bitch pussy

>> No.23413712

Itchy ass bussy

>> No.23413771

fuck shit up and start a riot

>> No.23413791

I'm gonna fuck your bussy up and start a cum if you're not careful.

>> No.23413807

do it

>> No.23413835

How do I find my niche in reading? I have tried reading a bunch of books but nothing seems to tickle my fancy. Should I just keep on hitting a dart to see if it lands?

>> No.23413851

If you didn't find it in childhood you're not going to find it in adulthood. Tolkien was inventing languages as a child.

>> No.23413862

Seems like it was over before it even started

>> No.23413868
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If I were a woman I would fuck BBCs too, I can't really blame that for trying that out.

>> No.23413870

Just read what you enjoy. If you're not enjoying an author--dislike his writing style or finding the plot boring--move on to another one.
Once you find a author you like, google similar authors

>> No.23413894

Yeah same, but there's something wrong with encouraging it in media and porn. Give me a fair shot with the women in my area. Women are influenced by media just as much as anyone and encouraging interracial relationships in them is wrong. It takes away a rightful relationship from someone unfairly.

>> No.23413896

I think i just had the right idea for the book i would actually want to write. It would be called 48 weeks of solitude.

>> No.23413908

I took 8k steps yesterday and today I'm crashing badly. I guess I'm really just chronically ill.

>> No.23414155

Have any of your ever experienced your parents or siblings just stop loving you? What does it feel like? How do you know?

>> No.23414160

Yeah, my sister. We used to be inseparable but then she became a religious fanatic and the fact i am divorced made her shun me from one moment to the next and now she has nothing but contempt and judgement left for me.
Feels like getting your soul getting burned alive. And there is absolutely nothing you can do about it but just stand there and watch.

>> No.23414210
File: 54 KB, 850x400, Edward Gibbon said what Ive felt about history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enthralled by 1% of history, but abhor the other 99%

There are some historical subjects I will enthusiastically dive into, compiling and organizing all sources, acquiring primary documents, and researching every little detail of for years without loss of intrigue.
This results in people considering my a historian, yet I'm not sure whether I truly am, since these feelings and this work are the exception, and I find the overwhelming majority of recorded human history to be downright repulsive. Reading historical subjects I am not genuinely interested in is torturous work.

Let me give an example; when it comes to WWII, I'm interested in around 5 battles, all of which range from relatively to absolutely obscure. Now, I'm completely fascinated by these battles; I've gotten books in foreign languages on interlibrary loan just to scan them, OCR, and then MTL them, just to squeeze out that little extra bit of information on them.
But if you were to try and sit me down and have me research the Battle of Kursk, it would be like pulling nails. I'd feel physically ill. There would be no interest; just a growing sense of misanthropy.

Am I the only one like this? Is this detrimental as a historian? I mean, at worst I'm left with a cursory knowledge of the context surrounding events I'm deeply knowledgeable on.

>> No.23414244

The sunrise ain't so beautiful when you're only seeing it cuz you've been awake all night.

>> No.23414261

>Just read what you enjoy.
That's kinda the problem most stuff I've tried just doesn't evoke much emotion, maybe I've just gotten less empathetic in general. I'll still try reading stuff but I don't have hope.

>> No.23414307

You don’t have a choice because law school costs $300k. Your $50k JD-preferred job won’t pay off your debt. Besides, trust me on this. The best thing to do if you can do it is go grind it out in big law for 1-5 and then exit to counsel somewhere like government or universities or to some other JD-preferred job. You quickly pay off the debt and five years out from law school you have a nice career. That’s if you can’t become like a professor or something which is the most cash law school career, but that’s the only better option. You do not want to spend 3 years and $300k to make $50k until you’re 33. I’m telling you that for 99% of students, going to law school without plans to become a lawyer is a mistake.

>> No.23414311

Why does she have so many nudes on the internet I thought she was a political influencer or something?

>> No.23414323

i got a job at a library a few months ago and now that i've spoken with basicallY everYone, besides mE there are onlY thrEE other employEEs who activelY rEad

one unmarried librarian (41) reads kids fantasy and reads manga but she also will read adult fantasy like yarros and holly black
one of the unmarried clerks (26) reads kenyon and carey and maas and every romantasy slop she can get and is a feminist
the last is a married librarian (48), he reads almost exclusively nonfiction and always talks about wanting to get into the classics or popular sci-fi but never getting past the first dozen pages

the other ~20 employees confess to not really reading, plenty say they haven't read in years
also, they're all loud and social as hell, there are neither nerds nor readers here, the modern library has fallen, we must go back

>> No.23414380

There should be a despective term for academics, editors and journalists of slightly above mediocre intelligence who regardless ave a very high self percepection of themselves despite living in a bubble.

>> No.23414392

Young women on the internet exist to be whores. There are few other reasons they use social media. I don't think they do it consciously.
It's one of the qualities I dislike most about them.
And this thought does not arise out of sexual frustration; I am deathly afraid of intimacy with women.

>> No.23414431


>> No.23414432

If you’re middle class, there are only two ways into the upper class:
1) starting a business and getting very rich from it (while also being educated at a top school)
2) becoming a highly successful celebrity, artist, writer, etc. (while also being educated at a top school)
Those are the only 2 ways in.

>> No.23414438

People like us that read classic literature and poetry and non-YA slop are probably less than 10% of readers
Libraries were always a stupid idea. They either serve a scholarly purpose for a select group of scholars, or they don’t. And if they don’t they’ll be misused and trashed by the public who does not care about the library or its books.

>> No.23414443

You can also suck dick of rich white old men. You will be tolerated in the circle but never respected.

>> No.23414473
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My friend told me the key to succeeding in nofap is practicing a form of ancient dualism whereby you dissociate yourself from the voice in your head telling you that you need porn (the little monster in Easy-Peasy method)

>> No.23414490

No, you can’t actually.

>> No.23414494

You can if you are a cute underage girl.

>> No.23414495

The only "key" to nofap is either having a job or having willpower.
Nofap is also kinda silly, the same people who do it would probably join groups like nosoda and noyoutube if they existed, because they're unable to muster up any willpower themselves and instead need to feel like they're doing something bigger that will spiritually change them.
That said, I've heard that following the principles of Mazdayasna is the key to succeeding in nofap.

>> No.23414509

No, you can’t. That wouldn’t put you in the upper class. It could just make you high income at best.

>> No.23414539

I have to admit that it’s been more than a little jarring to realize that Sauron is the USG and the orcs are Americans.

>> No.23414600

Somedays I wake up and my long hair looks great; others it looks like garbage and misshapen. I should just cut it all the way down and start from baseline.

Hey, whatever works for people, right? Saying they 'lack willpower' and are looking for something bigger than themselves is part of the problem they're admitting to.

>> No.23414651

I can’t remember the last time I looked in the mirror and liked the way I looked. The best way I could describe my appearance is having the foundation to be extremely handsome but having enough major problems to be more or less ugly. The biggest issue is my eyes and the second biggest is my hair.

>> No.23414678

Owning a farm makes you upper class too. No one can deny this fact. It's about the attitude. To think there's no one above you, and applying that attitude to real life makes you a member of the upper class.

>> No.23414705

No, it doesn’t. 99% of farmers are considered white trash. You’re thinking of the 1% of sort of gentleman “farmers” that are really just rich people who retire to owning their big estate and LARPing as a farmer. Actual farming is considered a business and white trash business, like trucking or blue collar work or whatever. You have to remember that in Western civilization, the aristocracy and gentry are fine and the upper class is actually wealthy highly educated like-minded and mannered professionals, not estate owners and military officers, who were the backbone of the traditional upper class (aristocracy).

>> No.23414733

Guys, if you’re young and considering what career to enter or job to pursue, you ought to think about what you’re good at and what your background suggests. If you were a very bad undergraduate student, for example, it’s probably a bad idea to try to go to graduate school and be a professor. It’s probably a bad idea to skip graduate school and do any job at a university. You can recover, but you have to do it quickly and you probably won’t. If you don’t have a good work ethic, you should try to become a big law lawyer. You’ll be asked to work to the bone, and you’ll fight it every step of the way. You won’t be successful in your career as a result. Instead, you should choose something that engages you and fits with your background. Find your path of least resistance to success, what you’re good at, what engages you, and what your background makes sense in.

>> No.23414744

Is there anywhere I can go to get my brain scanned to see if it's similar to a psychopath's brain? I'll pay, that's no issue, I just wanna know if I can book an appointment somewhere to have my brain scanned and have an old man look at me and go "Yep, you've got a serial killer brain". I'm not saying that I think I do, I'm just curious.

>> No.23414750

> No, it doesn’t. 99% of farmers are considered white trash
It doesn't matter what they are considered. Bankers are hated too, does that make them low class individuals? A farm owner doesn't have to bend over to anyone and never would. That makes you upper class.
> the aristocracy and gentry are fine and the upper class is actually wealthy highly educated like-minded and mannered professionals, not estate owners and military officers, who were the backbone of the traditional upper class (aristocracy).
That's bullshit. What's cultured and well mannered about a consummate industrialist? Look at old Henry Ford's mansion. At first glance, it looks like a highly mannered villa with classy furniture on the inside, at second glance one can't help but notice how much it reeks of vulgar materialism. People who are truly upper class don't subscribe to that cheap materialism of the factory owners etc. Do you want to know what country in the world has a true upper class? Russia. What does an average upper class Russian do? Everything except going to work, and if they are employed somewhere, it is in the military, the police or in some universitary facility. What do those in the universitary facilities specialize in? In liberal arts. Studying economy engineering is peak pleb behaviour. Literally the same materialist plebs of the low classes who work jobs to become rich produce your so-called 'upper class' rich business men. Someone who is truly upper class does either not work, or performs a job that is not vulgarly materialist.

>> No.23414753

Another day, another reminder that you should never be kind to anyone for any reason, because the only thing you'll get out of it is being shit on in return. It's a lesson I've always had trouble taking because I'm naturally an amiable person, but I think it's finally been beaten into me sufficiently.

>> No.23414764

Mom asked me about the metaphysical implications of her colon cancer.

>> No.23414782

Ban pornography!

>> No.23414783

>should just cut it all the way down
Same but idgaf how it looks, I just want the weight off

>> No.23414790

>anon teaching kids to draw

>> No.23414843

Is it better to write “first you fall, and then…” or “first you fall, but then…”?

>> No.23414863

For my sake. I must use the internet in my daily life and the temptation is ruining everything. Help me pls. Sign the petition. ;(
For americhads only

>> No.23414865

Depends on context

>> No.23414892


>> No.23414897

No, I love porn, I love ztronkin' my shit.

>> No.23414902
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>> No.23414914

I love strokin my shit and that's why we need to ban pornography.

>> No.23414929

I love strokin’ my clit and that’s another reason why we should ban it. To hell with it all!

>> No.23414935

Just stop strokin' your shit, simple as that. I do it every November (Reddit challenge!) Yes, I know, but still, it gives me a reason to test my discipline and willpower. I haven't failed for 5 years, I also almost went the entire month without looking at porn last year too, this year I'm gonna stick to it, I can't let myself down again.

>> No.23414945

>Anon wants us to ban porn like he won't immediately get on tor and start stroking his shit again
Do you really need all society involved in your weird fetish?

>> No.23415040

What is that? Is it like some obscure pornography website that bypasses all forms of censorship and surveillance? Should I visit it today?

>> No.23415048

I’m referring to social classes so yes, it matters what the social body thinks of them. The reason bankers are upper class despite being despised by (some) people is because the upper class likes them. The upper class doesn’t like farmers. This isn’t a moral judgement or a political theory. This is simply a description of how social class really works.

>> No.23415052

Can existentialism be a contemporary Western analogue to ancient stoicism? What is the ethical philosophy that Westerners can latch on to?

>> No.23415090

I've never read a sentence this gay in my entire life, holy shit.

>> No.23415171

why do baby boomers think it's ok to call you repeatedly, multiple times a day every day when you don't pick up? my entire family does this and have done this for my whole adult life and don't seem to comprehend that me seeing 6 missed calls from them in the last hour is the last thing on earth that's gonna make me want to talk to them. these are people that didn't even have cell phones until they were already in their 60s, they went most of their lives without being able to talk to anyone all the time, so why do they seem so unused to it? my grandmother literally called the police to do a wellness check on my dad because he didn't answer her for a few days. and the only reason he stopped answering to begin with is because she called him incessantly. if I don't answer her she starts calling everyone else i know telling them to tell me she called, as if I'm not already aware. I didn't answer my grandfather for a few days once because I was extremely ill and didn't feel like talking, and even after my parents explained to him how sick I was he still sent me a bunch of abusive text messages calling me ungrateful and a bad grandson.
I fucking hate cell phones bros, I wish to God these things had never been invented. I only have one because people kept fucking bothering me to get one and now they feel entitled to all of my time.

>> No.23415199

This website is a miserable place. I think I’m done being here. I know that I am unfit socially and will never make a friend, but I think I’m going to spend some time alone now. Goodbye everyone! I wish you the best!

>> No.23415230

see ya tomorrow friendo

>> No.23415276

I feel that, I've had periods in my life where I definitely had an ugly appearance for a variety of reasons (eg, awful hair that covered my face, poor health leading to a gaunt countenance), so I've been on all points of the spectrum by now lol, but based on the way women, and men too, look at me in public I think I'm in the prime of my attractiveness right now. I'm just unsure whether to wear a beanie or get a haircut most mornings lol but I eventually ended up liking my hair today after looking at myself on my phone's camera a hundred times, haha.

Ah you get used to it, or at least I do. I never really care about comfort when it comes to things like that however, because as I always say, "I'd rather look good than feel good!"

>> No.23415302

FINE ill make a new threadu lazy ducks!

>> No.23415311


>> No.23415789

If you don’t understand, just ask.

>> No.23415939

Weird, my parents and grandparents never contact me.
Then again my grandparents are like silent generation, so even cell phones are beyond them