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23404544 No.23404544 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to de/pol/ify my mind because I'm disgusted by all the disinformation peddled there. Is there like a comprehensive written work that dispells their most common rumors? Not interested in leftyslop since they're pretty cringe too.

>> No.23404577

The New York Times
Washington Post
Black Science Man

>> No.23404584

Just stay off /pol/ for a few months and your mind will return back to normal. Welcome to the other side of the alt right pipeline anon.

>> No.23404591

No such thing

>> No.23404606
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the best way to do it is simply detach from online politcal "discourse" and focus on your own world, the relationships you ignore, the hobbies you abandoned etc. literally just close the computer and do anything else

>> No.23404610
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Why yes I am a shill, but this book is honestly pretty good. Just ground yourself by talking to your coworkers, friends, family just anyone you can have a deep-ish conversation with that doesn't mind politics and really just consider heat they say even if you disregard it.
I'm biased but my main news sources are, FT, guardian and Al Jazeera

>> No.23404616
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>Post the wrong fucking image because some psued posted a funny logic greentext on this board
Fuck mylife

>> No.23404670

kids with cancer control us

>> No.23404677

Idk about a "debunking" book, it will be filled with as much propaganda as /pol/ is, and if you've reached this point of development, you'll see through all of that just the same.
What I'd recommend is spiritual books, and some of the more obscure philosophical works. You may also benefit from reading Judaic theology and histories.
Ultimately, there are real problems that these propagandizers touch upon, your goal shouldn't be to "debunk" any of it, but to cultivate a sense of self that allows you to remain above it. Love others unconditionally, while protecting yourself from their barbs and stings.
You can't control what others do, but you don't have to. Only you.

>> No.23404684

Even when I'm not on /pol/ I can't help but notice the ethnicity of people calling for white people to be divested of institutional and political power. Is there a cure for this noticing?

>> No.23404705

>the ethnicity of people calling for white people to be divested of institutional and political power.
most of them are whites

>Is there a cure for this noticing?
looking at the real world and learn to how to research instead of just looking for things that confirm your opinions

>> No.23404712

How serious of a threat are these people really or are they regarded as just as crazy as their alt right counterparts by the general population.

>> No.23404747

Unironically the Bible. Gospel of John because you are missing out if you don’t. Saul and David story arc for a “third way” that is neither Judeo-Christian subservience nor direct conflict that will put you under the sway of false angels. Tower of Babel/Abram called out of Ur -> Moses out of Egypt/Caleb and Joshua being the only Israelites to enter the Holy Land -> Paul on nations pipeline.

>> No.23404756
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>Even when I'm not on /pol/ I can't help but notice the ethnicity of people calling for white people to be divested of institutional and political power.
You gotta admit he's kind of cute tho

>> No.23404802

>Not interested in leftyslop since they're pretty cringe too.
Anon, I...

>> No.23404813

>Is there a cure for this noticing?
Zyklon B. But not for you.

>> No.23404842

I would recommend The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler and The Complete Works of Aristotle by Aristotle. Spengler will be antiseptic for the majority of the /pol/ contamination while also being salient, and then Aristotle will provide a restoration to a more classical vision of politics that guided the ancient polis and medieval kingdom alike.

>> No.23404845

No. Even broken clocks are right twice per day. /pol/ is right about some things. They’re just not right about any one thing in a universal sense or right in a universal sense.

>> No.23404857

They have pretty significant influence on government and institutional policy, so the threat is pretty serious. The question is less about whether this exists and whether it’s a threat and is rather more about what to do. The 20th century German response was misguided. It’s important to understand such forces are able to act and gain influence because of an improper politic and not a weak immune system. Both classical philosophy and scientific thought can come up with answers but it’s the displacement of classical philosophy with scientific thinking is what leads one to treating people as if they were bacteria and not people. The solutions that science offers us we find instinctively repulsive because they are. It’s best to seek the solutions elsewhere, namely in the works of classical and premodern western philosophy in general rather than in some occult theories or scientific speculations.

>> No.23404938

>It’s best to seek the solutions elsewhere, namely in the works of classical and premodern western philosophy in general rather than in some occult theories or scientific speculations.
the intellectual life of the western world has been defined by jews for 2000 years.
You want a jew-free intellect, you go for the mayas or buddhism

>> No.23404964

The problem with your friend isn’t politics it’s this obsession of blaming a boogeyman for all his problems. Give him a self-help book like 12 Rules for Life.

>> No.23405082

Just read Philosophy of Right and discover how modern left and rightwing political positions are banal necessities of the structure and functioning of the bourgeois state.

>> No.23405096

Factfulness is half true half cringe but give it a try

>> No.23405301

The main group advocating that are whites. Which is a instinctual response to basically not be the guy holding the hot potato when it finally explodes.

Granted, I do think western society is bad. But that's more because the concept is made up and therefore inherently fraudulent.

>> No.23405366

Reject nazism. Embrace pro-feminist, anti-nationalist, anti-dictatorship Aryanism.

> In this life of mutual trust, it was considered that serious and well-founded affection on free choice was not too much; girls had the right to marry only at their own convenience. This was the rule; and when politics or other reasons transgressed it, it was not without exception that the victim brought a relentless grudge into the dwelling, and excited there by those storms which, according to many legends, sometimes ended in complete ruin of the most powerful families, so great and indomitable was the pride of the Germanic wife.

> Indifferent to the genius of the place, the Aryan-Germain is also indifferent to nationality, and brings them love or hatred only according to the relationship that these inevitable environments maintain with his own person. He considers at first all foreigners, even of his people, in a roughly equal light, and the superiority he arrogates to himself aside, a certain bias for his fellows also except, he is quite free of native prejudices against those who approach him, from what distant land that they may come; so that if they are allowed to show real merits in his eyes, he will not refuse to acknowledge them their benefits.

> "Yes," said the Hindu Arian, or Sarmatian, or Greek, or Persian, or Mede, and even the Celt, "yes, fatherly authority is the type of political government; but it is nevertheless by fiction that the two facts are brought together." A head of State is not a father: he has neither the affections nor the interests. While a family head wants only very-difficultly, and by some sort of reversal of natural laws, [...]
Pgs 271
[...] the illness of his offspring, it may well be that the prince, without even being guilty, directs the tendencies of the community in a way too damaging to the particular needs of each one, and therefore the worth of the Aryan man, his dignity is compromised; it does not exist, the moreso, the Arian is no longer himself: he is no longer a man. This is the reasoning by which the white warrior simply stopped the development of patriarchal theory, and, consequently, we have seen the first kings of the Hindu states as merely elected magistrates, fathers of their subjects in a very restricted sense and with a heavily guarded authority. Later, the rajah gained strength. This change in the nature of his power came about only when he commanded far less Arians than mestizos and blacks, and he had the less free hand as he wanted to use his sceptre on whiter subjects. The political sentiment of the Aryan race is therefore not absolutely repulsed by patriarchal fiction alone, it only comments on it in a cautious manner.

>> No.23405374

Just live real life

>> No.23405415

Find a college class that teaches media literacy and research. If you actually use what the class teaches you in everyday life, you'll never have a /pol/ brain again. For example, on why it's a useful skill to learn, let's look at your shitty /pol/ pic. It isn't factual. It's a quote made by a neo-nazi pedophile who falsely attributed it to Voltaire.

Don't ever compare leftism to /pol/ again retard

>> No.23406211

>most of them are whites
The main group advocating that are whites.

There's no way to maintain this belief if you actually look up the ethnicities of the individuals in positions of academic authority, writing the articles in NYT, owners of media outlets saying these things, etc. It's absolutely not mostly whites. The disproportionate reach of a very small minority is shocking when you actually commit yourself to gathering the data necessary to disprove it. That's what happened to me. I wasn't raised this way.

>> No.23406422

i'd stop reading and just start gooning to cuck porn or something that would probably do what you are thinking for. Maybe become an alcoholic, or get into fentanyl or something?

>> No.23407043

>a college class that teaches media literacy
Yeah OP, go take a course where some frustrated adjunct/repressed-tranny loser teaches you how to unpack every piece of media in existence with one simple post-marxist trick! Actually, I'll save you $7,500: capitalism bad...that's the trick.

>> No.23407045

monkey boi

>> No.23407046

It's incredibly easy, OP, it's called thinking for yourself. Wild concept, I know.

>> No.23407062

oh cool anti-white thread #5023569
remember to sage

>> No.23407066

First off, I'm assuming you're deliberately quoting that 'Voltaire' quote, because you're aware that he never said that and that that's specifically from holocaust deniers?

>> No.23407216

No shit Sherlock

>> No.23407736

the other side is usually trannies.
t.anon who frequented both /lgbt/ and /pol/ and realised they are similar people.

>> No.23407746

this man has restored my faith in this board and possibly humanity.

>> No.23407760

anon im with you, but like all the anons in this thread said. Touch grass, connect with family, friends etc, look up on who finances narratives. i.e. search up the group financing both alex jones, tucker carlson, daily wire, jordan peterson. then look up who finances the other side of the political spectrum and you will realise its just a bunch of zionist and elite anglo-dutch, saxon people playing some dumb dialetical game that we all have to endure.
tldr: its more than the jews and pol is a literal honeypot and echo-chamber. read aristotle and great works to help your mind.

>> No.23408681

>I'm looking to de/pol/ify my mind because I'm disgusted by all the disinformation peddled there. Is there like a comprehensive written work that dispells their most common rumors?
Is this a psyop or someone gathering data for their bot? This does not at all seem like a natural line of thought.

Anyway, the answer to getting rid of the dumb shit in your mind is to meditate. Replacing the dumb shit in your mind with other dumb shit is going to keep you retarded. Abstain from news and politically charged media and practice meditation. Both mindfulness meditation as well as meditation focused on the relevant line of thought should be beneficial.
If you NEED reading I recommend essays by Emerson (Nature, Self-Reliance, Transcendentalism) but he promotes a lot of free thinking anyways.

>> No.23408734

Only get your news from actual academic experts in their field or news agencies like Reuters and AFP. Cut out all political commentators from your life. Stop consuming edrama and following online trends. Stop using social media. Read a book on logic, something on literary theory, consume and evaluate stuff for yourself. When approaching a question like immigration or race, search for the major publications in that field not bookstore slop or trashy op eds, then read both sides of the argument and make a decision for yourself. e.g. tranny stuff is a debated right now. So who are the major trans writers and publications? Give both sides a fair read. If you don't want to go through a reading list of actual publications, check academic encylopedias (e.g. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) that will give you a general overview of opinions on a given topic.

There is no magic book that will de/pol/ify you. Its all up to your own effort and your determination to pull yourself out of your own retardation or not.

>> No.23408789

Anon you're not looking to be convinced, and that's fine. You're right. Just detox from online politics, you've already gotten all the redpills you need.

>> No.23408794

Yes, worshipping weaklings controls society. I am not against it cause it benefits me, but I'm not willing to lie either.

>> No.23408796

>Who finances Tucker?
>Tucker Carlson’s new media company has found a backer. Omeed Malik, through his newly launched 1789 Capital boutique investment firm, has invested $15 million in seed capital into Last Country, the startup founded by Carlson and Neil Patel, according to the Wall Street Journal.
>Malik, Maleek, Malek or Malyk (Arabic: مَالِك or مَلِك) (Urdu & (Persian): مالک) (/ˈmælJk/) is a given name of Semitic origin.[1]

>Who finances the daily wire?
>[T]he Wilks Brothers, are American petroleum industry businessmen... In 1947, Voy and Myrtle Wilks along with Myrtle's father Charlie Cullen Fenter were disfellowshipped from the Churches of Christ and founded a church which was at first called simply “A Church of Christ.” ... in 1982 the church became the Assembly of Yahweh (7th day). Currently the Assembly of Yahweh (7th day) is a conservative Jews for Jesus-type congregation. It teaches that "the true religion is Jewish (not a Gentile religion)" and its members celebrate the Old Testament holidays rather than those related to the New Testament.

>Who finances Jordan Peterson?
>The Daily Wire, see above

I would lmao if I weren't so exhausted from the relentless gaslighting.

>> No.23409917

If your kneejerk reaction is that something is bad because of capitalism your political analysis will be more effective at modeling reality than 90% of the people you meet.

>> No.23409927

I wanna read *this* book tho
>Kafkaesque surrealist mind-bender that will leave you guessing until the last page

>> No.23410124

This sites obsession with trans people is something else. If you truly want to dechud your mind you will have to step away from 4chan entirely

>> No.23410132
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Stop browsing 4chan and start browsin r*ddit and watch TV like the little good goy cuck you are.

>> No.23410188

Oh its another over socialized 4chan user who is conditioned to loving his echo chambers. Don't ask this guy where all the right wing redditors went after r/thedonald got banned. Additionally do not ask this poster where he was before r/thedonald got banned.

>> No.23410194

>Don't ask this guy where all the right wing redditors
>Right wing redditors
>Muh right wing
Dont ask this guy where he came from specifically, most likely a nigger straight from reddit you can tell how he censors his own speech like the pathetic little faggot he is.

>> No.23410199

>Is there a cure for this noticing?
Yes, it's called eugenics. It's not your fault you were born with low class/IQ genes and it's only natural you'd fall for the peasant anti-semitism that is so popular among browns and stupid whites nowadays.
If you want to cure this disease, get sterilized.

>> No.23410203

I know suggesting you come from reddit strikes a soft spot deep in your heart but you don't have to reject it anymore. I too wish you still had your reddit echo chambers so you could stop shitting up this website.

>> No.23410213

>detach from online politcal "discourse"
>Idk about a "debunking" book, it will be filled with as much propaganda as /pol/ is
>What I'd recommend is spiritual books
>Unironically the Bible
>It's incredibly easy, OP, it's called thinking for yourself. Wild concept, I know.
>the answer to getting rid of the dumb shit in your mind is to meditate. Replacing the dumb shit in your mind with other dumb shit is going to keep you retarded.
These, but I doubt OP actually wants this.

>> No.23410215
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I know you think you are clever, thinking that you are impressing anyone on this god forsaken forum which in fact is your first mistake in outing urself as a newfaggot. Nobody here cares about you or ur opinion. I suggest you tie a rope and wrap it around your neck because no matter how hard you try nigger you will never fit in here.

>> No.23410224

Misinformation is just information in a different context.

One man’s fiction is another man’s belief structure

The pursuit of pure truth is a folly. The pure truth that matters is the one you can use to drive convictions forward.

Take anti racism and promoting equality, this requires ignoring science showing that racial differences do exist and have high potential to mean different ethnic groups have different levels of average intelligence, aggression and so forth.

But the principle of equality can be seen as more important than accepting this reality, because a society based around racial classifications is not a good society. It’s a brutal, cold and inhumane one.

Likewise with motivations. Is it “misinformation” when both sides blames the other for X problem? Is one right and the other wrong invariably?

>> No.23410230

What is the "other side"
I am pretty disinterested in chud politics but it's a simple fact pol is right about 80% or so of this stuff

>> No.23410234

Is a society based around wishing away reality a good society? I'd say the "antiracism" of the current year is far more harmful than the "racism" of the previous century, because it is more in denial of reality.

>> No.23410252

Yes. You’re getting it.

They are taking their persuit of the “truth” that equality and progress is the be all, end all of improving society as fact.

They replaced God with the state, and thus the state must make everyone equal in its eyes. Even though they will never be equal. A woman will always be weaker and slower than a man, animal instincts will continue to exist in humans,

After WW2 people said religion died but it didn’t. It got replaced by a new one. Political ideologies are just religions. They dictate your moral code and what you think society should be like.

E.g. Communism as the best example. Wherein the state is God. Morality is based entirely around the material.

It’s why I actually try to follow basic Christian tenets even though I am not a hardcore believer. The teachings of Christ interpreted well and not as a fire and brimstone type are very good IMO

They’re simple ones too. Leaving you plenty of leeway in other aspects. You don’t need to vote for X party because you’re a Christian and they claim to be the traditional party.

Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself.

And forgiveness. I think that is one of my favourite parts of the Christian dogma. A lot of people misunderstand it, think it is weak to forgive those who have harmed you or tricked you.

But forgiving them does not mean you leave yourself vulnerable to them to do it again.

It just means you no longer dwell on it, on thoughts of vengeance or fear of reprisal.

You forgive people for your own sake. Not for theirs. If they were truly dangerous you never need see them again, the point isn’t to become their buddy but to cleanly end the grief of the situation and in a side effect of doing so, offer them the opportunity to improve themselves rather than continue their spiral downwards.

Forgiving those who trespassed against you is just good for the soul all around.

Even with all this, you can’t really take it to the extreme either. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect the father of some daughters who were raped and murdered to forgive the dude who did it. It happens though. I suppose if he is going to be in prison forever it may serve as a clean way to close the chapter on a traumatic part of your life though.

>> No.23410607

Unironically a good post anon, especially about forgiveness. It ties to the idea of humility and how alot of people view it as self-doubt, or too much self- effacement when humility isn't about seeing yourself as less and certainly not above others, it's about seeing yourself with clarity.

>> No.23410687

Seems like the "racism of years past" was very shitty for everyone who wasn't white

>> No.23410893

yeah, every time I see a black person in my head I reflexively say "nigger" and it's making me feel quite guilty. Especially now that I'm going through divorce with my wife, I feel like I'm a mind broken racist just because I have been on this website too long.

>> No.23411056

Seems like black neighborhoods didn't used to be open warzones
Compare Minneapolis now versus a few years ago for a recent example of this same thing

>> No.23411229

What is this from?

>> No.23411446

>Truth doesn't exist because it conflicts with my goals
Truth indefatigably chips away at false ideologies precisely because they cannot secure themselves against forces they refuse to recognize. Anti-racist ideologies, to the extent that they cannot acknowledge racial differences, will never be able to "drive forward their convictions" precisely because they cannot in practice deal with problems they claim don't exist. Nevertheless those problems have immediate material effects, which the ideology will be impotent against. Denial of truth is a pathological weakness.

>> No.23411449

This Count Arthur de Gobineau was a true genius, wasn't he.

>> No.23411922

Plenty of high class whites were antisemitic, Shlomo.

>> No.23411931

>the peasant anti-semitism that is so popular among browns
Antisemitism is popular among browns?

>> No.23411939

Nah, he was a POS and you should kys and your entire wretched family both.

>> No.23411946

I didn't really learn much from this book, to be honest. If I recall, his position can be summarized as: "The destiny of the Jews under Trotskyism is assimilation."

>> No.23412334
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>One of the most comprehensive studies of the gassing and cremation operations at Auschwitz-Birkenau. In clear, non-hysterical prose, it presents the case based on evidence that has been meticulously considered, weighed, and analyzed. Packed with photos, diagrams, and charts, the book further solidifies the evidence FOR the fact that Birkenau and its four crematoria served as a killing center

>> No.23412343

> pro-feminism
> pro-liberal society
> anti-nationalist
Go back to plebbit.

>> No.23412884

The best way of realising that /pol/ is to make a thread about the topic 6 months later and see the complete reversal of comments. The same applies to almost every board here.

>> No.23412962

In which countries can you be arrested for saying "kids with cancer control us"?

>> No.23412966

There is no cure for noticing. The truth you have gained will never leave your mind. You will always notice. It's up to you what to do from there.

>> No.23412969

>The best way of realising that /pol/ is to
What did he mean by this? I'm assuming you're missing a word or two.
>make a thread about the topic 6 months later and see the complete reversal of comments. The same applies to almost every board here.
Any hobby board online is going to be filled with 99% of people who subscribe to an ideology, worship the ideology, and only want to talk about hobbies and topics in relation to their ideology, 0.5% of people who are free thinkers and will have ideological talks from the perspective of someone who hasn't drunk the koolaid of either ideology and 0.5% of people who just enjoy their hobby and want to participate in their hobby instead of talking of ideologies.
/lit/ "changes" it's opinion so often because it's a smaller board that gets a lot of tourism from other boards.
All it takes is for /lit/ to be mentioned once on a popular /pol/ thread for /lit/ to "change" it's opinion for the duration of time it takes for /pol/ tourists to get bored of their new plaything.

>> No.23412972

>t. /pol/ glowie trying to meet his quota of terror attacks for election year

>> No.23413059

Can’t criticize the mods, they hide the secrets and truth from us plebs and ban us for making logical assumptions reactions and posts that pertain to the real truth that keeps getting slided

>> No.23413062

Real truth is boring. You're looking for sensationalized schizo theory.

>> No.23414281

>the key to victory is surrendering and praying for mercy
You people are so pathetic. We have nuclear weapons. The entire third world is fish in a barrel. The only thing holding White people hostage is the White liberal conscience. Once that has been destroyed (along with Israel), White global hegemony will be immediately restored. Further, all leftist arguments about muh poor White rural economic interests disintegrate when you realize that there is no inherent discontent between European social safety nets and "social conservativism" (if you want to call it that), we can have both. Racial and class consciousness are not mutually exclusive.
The main left-wing critique of the Nordic model is that it's founded on imperialism. Unfortunately that's an argument for imperialism, not against the Nordic model.