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23403004 No.23403004 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>23399581

>> No.23403007

Borzois nearly went extinct because communists thought they were bourgeois and slaughtered them. Communists are really the most ugly and spiteful creatures on earth.

>> No.23403008

First for Iran

>> No.23403013

i find peace in the dull greys of rainy days,bodies intertwined like two bowing trees that grow together, swaying in cold winds against grey blue skies,
leaves wet and shaking

but still we hold fast and together, together still

>> No.23403014

>Write What's On Your Mind
the crimes of the jews, it's pretty much all I ever think about

>> No.23403015

I'm dropping out of college, I'm incredibly frugal, obviously never having getting married or having kids and incredibly simple minded and naturally content and comfortable with mindless labor so I don't see why I didn't just become a wagie in the first place

>> No.23403017
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I'm starting to think I'm bipolar and need meds.

>> No.23403018

you just need to find the manic episode that works in then stay in it forever, that's what works for me (for the past 3 days anyway)

>> No.23403021

Just take Lithium
Will solve 90% of your symptoms

t. bipolarbro

>> No.23403023
File: 166 KB, 1024x1024, _15f37f67-1288-402f-8c78-23a01cdd89a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct answer was Tolstoy's The Devil

>> No.23403027

meds are poison, do not trust them

>> No.23403028

Is this a photochrome? I love the style

>> No.23403030

ignorant anon, read a book. How much love is there in your wage slavery-- what do you call colonialism and the modern neo colonialism if not a greedy, spiteful endeavor.

>> No.23403033

For the den of last time
One that works and sweats
Gone but from penny to dime
Money in all eyes, blood and bets
A balance seen in koi
Drained human corpses swell
Repugnant art of grafting toy
Which sat and rot and smell
Olfactory response in rats
A den for buzzing gnats

>> No.23403035

i know a girl who's bipolar and when she's manic she's the best person ever to be around

>> No.23403052


>> No.23403057

This was me after I got out of high school. Decided not to go to college for all the reasons you listed. Worked 7-8 years until I realized that the comfy "mindless" jobs are rapidly becoming automated. Turns out simple work is simple to get rid of. There's literally 0 future for that type of unskilled labor, and soon you'll be kicked from job to job as your worth as a worker gets lower and lower.

>> No.23403058

Long enough on antipsychotics (used to treat bipolar as well) and you probably won't be able to give them up
Have tried to quit olanzapine twice after a few years and both times got hypomanic, so can't sleep more than two hours every two days, and also can only eat literally half a meal a day until I feel like I'll throw up if I continue
Someone else said that olanzapine made it so they have zero appetite even after quitting
So wouldn't recommend if you can avoid it

>> No.23403076
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Birds were my first obsession as a child, even more so than dinosaurs, and ever since reading The Peregrine a couple months back I think the obsession has returned. I went on my second birding "expedition" yesterday while I'm still too autistic to use binoculars if there's any other people in sight, I saw a fuckin Great Crested Grebe and absolutely lost my shit, so yeh I think birdwatching might just be the one for me.

>> No.23403089

You are ugly and gross. You would slaughter pretty people out of spite. Go away.

>> No.23403112

The Shih Tzu met the same fate in China

>> No.23403121

The crossroad has passed, I made my choice to move forward towards what my soul yearns for. I needed to kill my online-persona, not in a gay youtuber way or anything; the me who existed to all those people I played vidya with or talked to on discord. As much as I liked to pretend that I was the same online as I was in real life this was not the case. In addition having an online presence at all in a public way is counter-intuitive to what I want to do with my life. So I deleted everything, and will not be regressing. Has anyone else cut out all the hedonistic stuff in their life? I stopped playing vidya over two years ago, stopped smoking weed four years ago, and now have detached myself from the false socialization that occurs online.

>> No.23403130

falling in love

>> No.23403141

lol you saw that on twitter

>> No.23403150

cool story bro

>> No.23403159

>cool story bro
thanks anon, please tell me your cool story about how you are deciding to stay a neet and play vidya all the time because you want to accelerate the end of society. i am sure that will happen, don't worry the end is only two weeks away

>> No.23403164


>> No.23403169

Next is to stop coming to 4chan altogether. Good luck!

>> No.23403173

A disconcerting but increasingly prevalent aspect of my life is me choosing what financially benefits me over what I consider moral.

>> No.23403177
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I miss living in the country, you see so many cool things stargazing.

>> No.23403179

are you jewish?

>> No.23403180

I saw a raven flying overhead just walking down a busy street and nobody else looked up. They're fucking huge.

>> No.23403182

No, but I freely admit to admiring Jews.

>> No.23403184

I think I'm sick and going to die soon. Please help me with some books to deal with the related stress and anxiety and all that noise. Anything beyond babby's first Meditations would be helpful.

>> No.23403185

Not him but I am Jewish and I would never be able to accept a job that would exploit another human. I can't even lie on a resume/interview despite knowing everyone else does it. Financial world just isn't for me

>> No.23403188

Get your doctor to prescribe you some xanax bro, all those problems will melt away. Id probably read Kafka and Dostoyevsky if I were in your situation though

>> No.23403189

I wish writing general wasn't so trihard. I just want to post my ao3 flicks

>> No.23403190

Consolation of philosophy?

>> No.23403197
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Watched Heaven Knows What and its hobo kino. Are there any books that capture the same energy? I read Box Man and its kind of like that

>> No.23403203

not books but movies:
The Panic in the Needle Park
Midnight Cowboy

>> No.23403206

I was in Edinburgh last month and there was a woman in the street with an owl and a raven one on each arm. Fucker was massive.

>> No.23403215

I'm already going through the medical motions. Where I live thats all at a glacial pace - been a year already with no progress.
>Kafka and Dostoyevsky
I mean, I started reading Brothers K, but I got bored. I want some more target philosophical stuff, maybe something that specifically deals with death, and acceptance of it.

>> No.23403216

I thought the one I saw was a seagull at first its wingspan was so big but it was the wrong shape even in shadow.

>> No.23403217

Are you actually dying or is it just an anxiety disorder?

>> No.23403220

don't play videogames & i'm not a neet sorry! i can tell you a story though

>> No.23403225

Pasiosis in recombinant vocularious malprofisiphism

>> No.23403227

I had an anxiety disorder and felt like I was dying every day. shit sucked

>> No.23403231

panic attacks?

>> No.23403233

im walkin here

>> No.23403241

yeah but also had chest pains, thought I was going to have a heart attack but I must have just pulled some muscle or some shit. Also thought I was going blind but it turned out I just needed glasses. Anxiety is a hell of a thing

>> No.23403242

Death is all around me and society is in the article comments talking about what a nice guy the dude who shot and killed himself and his wife was to shill for the real estate Illuminati and to keep the rent high

No ability to manipulate matter
No scythe
So free
0% down
Like get out of jail
Like water from the moldy soda tap in a paper cup
Like bird

>> No.23403243

Same, it's just that dealing with an anxiety disorder that makes you think you will die is different from dealing with an actual, diagnosed terminal illness.

>> No.23403248

Not even Aphrodite herself could help me

>> No.23403250

It's going better with us in recent weeks. She's more eager to start conversations and tell me about her daily affairs. Starting to like her but not getting too attached. Things are slow but steady. For better or worse she's very similar to me.

>> No.23403251

I walked 12 miles today
To achieve what, I can't say
But I saw the sun
And I saw the moon
Yet, here I am done
The time will come soon
When I do more again
To drink and sin
Oh, but it is mine
This life I live
And it is fine
I take, I give
I am an anomaly
Yes, like you
Like me
What's new?
You'll see
I'm not blind
Like those small people
Fingers signed
Here's the steeple
Across dangerous yards
A river with two cards
Don't gamble on death
She's saving her breath

>> No.23403253

Anxiety disorder, but also undiagnosed problems with worrying symptoms that like I said, are just going through the system and taking a long time to deal with. I'm getting worse though, and the anxiety has gotten so bad that I need to deal with it on my own with the acceptance of a bad outcome. And to be clear I'm not just pissing around, I've had worsening symptoms, biopsies, and increasingly worrying signs with no improvement despite different medications etc.

After a certain point it affects your life, because its always on your mind. Can't work right, can't enjoy anything, fucks with your relationships. Great people have met death and terror head on, whether its facing disease or war or whatever, and written about it. I want something to help me deal with the worst possibilities because my mind is inseparably fixated to them

>> No.23403257

>Communists are
Humankind is

>> No.23403262

I've said nothing of beauty, only depravity. It would seem you only want beauty for yourself-- that you would seek to colonize even beauty. I love beauty, it is our world's treasure, so why should we stand silent when we see it being destroyed? The moral person is against all such evil violence against the individual and their people. The only difference between me and you is that my love for beauty and empathy doesn't end at the border.

>> No.23403263

wtf that's a blast from the past

>> No.23403268

Would like to see this novella be turned into a 90 minute psychological thriller

>> No.23403270

>I love beauty, it is our world's treasure
the word treasure comes from an old greek word for something to hold, to keep

>> No.23403299

I'm gonna listen to this unsolved mystery video on 2x speed, play some tetris, and then watch anime until I go to bed. What's your plan for the rest of the day/tomorrow?

>> No.23403333

I'm sick, I will just stay in bed. Might meditate a bit and if my headache gets better I will read some Jung.
I'm just sick all the time, around a year ago I decided to start an epuc health journey but I just feel worse and worse.

>> No.23403341

There's not a single interesting adult human still alive. Cloned boring retards everywhere repeating the same stale phrases with not a hint of thought behind any of it.

>> No.23403365

Would you rather date an autistic chick or an ADHD chick?

>> No.23403368

Sucks, I'm in a similar situation. I don't know your exact symptoms but often a mystery illness like that is something like CFS, POTS, MCAFS, and at least those illnesses don't kill you.
I was diagnosed with CFS but I'm unsure if that diagnosis was correct, doctors sometimes give BS diagnoses to get rid of you.
I know a guy who was treated for depression for 10 years and in the end it turned out that he had Hashimoto's and was never mentally ill.

>> No.23403374

ADHD girlie all day

>> No.23403375

What's your diet looking like

>> No.23403381

A sort of "clean" keto. Had cottage cheese and broccoli soup with lots of extra virgin olive oil for breakfast. Had salmon and eggplant for dinner yesterday. I also eat quite a lot of meat but it's usually not processed meat, I never did the deep fried bacon thing.

>> No.23403406
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The United States if Joseph Smith became president

>> No.23403416

I don’t won’t to wake up anymore. I’m done. There’s nothing left that I enjoy. I’ve lost the love for my family. Not their fault. It’s just i’ve lost the ability to love anything. I seriously need help. But there isn’t anything or anyone that can help. It’s been too many years like this man.

>> No.23403437

I would rather beat the shit out of you, completely destroy your face.

>> No.23403448

1v1 me then faggot

>> No.23403455

>looks like the starship troopers outpost before the massacre
This affirms my preexisting biases

>> No.23403458

Am I doing a disservice to myself by ignoring popular (on here, not irl) philosophers just because they’re well liked and even criticizing them?

>> No.23403461

Autistic simply because we’d understand each other. I’ve dated too many ADHD broads to care for them.

>> No.23403544
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If I ever get back to philosophy I’m gonna deep dive into East Asian stuff

>> No.23403574

Why bother?

>> No.23403582

Why did humanity divert from It's natural purpose?

>> No.23403583

full insomnia multiple nights in a row. walked 9 miles yesterday, 8 miles today. literally can't tire myself out without my joints going first. miserable, miserable day

>> No.23403614

dua lipa is insanely beautiful
it's absurd

>> No.23403618

I was sleep-deprived a lot in college. Many long and difficult days on literally zero seconds of sleep. It’s just a hellish way to live. I could never do it again.

>> No.23403624

thankfully don't have to do anything today, still two whole days in a row wasted.

>> No.23403627
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Would you agree that the main difference between someone who's controlling, and someone who's overprotective, is intent? That the behaviors are similar, with the main difference being that someone who's controlling behaves that way for their own desire to control, while someone who's overprotective behaves as such for what they perceive as the benefit of the person or animal they're protective of?
Controlling behavior is universally considered abusive, whereas overprotective behavior is typically considered a forgivable flaw if not a positive trait. Does intent really matter so much?

>> No.23403650

I had a coffee and my headache went away. I guess I'm a junkie now.

>> No.23403657

I'm wearing thermal leggings underneath my pants, not only does it feel great, but it's keeping me just that little bit warmer.

>> No.23403662

I'm actively driving people away from this website by reporting them for things that they deserve to be reported for and getting them banned. Do any of these things bother me? No. Do I report them because they shouldn't be allowed to break the rules? Yes.

>> No.23403675

I don't think the distinction matters much but what you describe is basically virtue ethics vs. consequentialism

>> No.23403688

Most people trying to control others genuinely do believe they have the best plan. One's just a way of framing it to avoid the consequences people like, say, your average deposed dictator or child rapist might get for their good ideas.

>> No.23403689

There's levels of over-protective. After a point it's basically the same.
>He thinks a ban actually stops anyone here.

>> No.23403708

My support network always shows up whenever they are neither wanted nor needed and are nowhere to be seen when the opposite is the case.

>> No.23403762

I actually had a headache earlier, took some advil and drank some slightly strong coffee and had breakfast. It’s gone now.

>> No.23403807

Thinking about buying a house in my hometown but I'd need to make money somehow and there are no jobs there, what do I do?

>> No.23403887

Metaphysics gave me brain damage.

>> No.23403889

When a girl leans her head on my shoulder when we're watching a movie, does it mean she wants to get sexual with me or can it be purely platonic?

>> No.23403897

Is she a childhood friend or something like that? If not it's most likely the former, but there's only one way to know for sure.

>> No.23403907

>When a girl leans her head on my shoulder when we're watching a movie, does it mean she wants to get sexual with me

>> No.23403915


>> No.23403923

guess I have to kill myself then

>> No.23403927

She's a very new friend, but i'm kinda fat so should be disgusted with the idea of sex with me.

>> No.23403940

I would still go for it. Usually meeting to watch a movie together is just a euphemism for sex.

>> No.23403950

It's a sad story. Only the lonely sociopaths will be here waiting on the internet to prey on anyone stupid enough to engage with them on the internet. No one worth anything is in a 4chan thread offering their time.
They don't care about you or your post. They want a (You). They are that lonely. They WERE raised here. On this for years and years. It is their only thing in life.
And getting a (You) is actually something to them that they will jealously fight over.
No one on 4chan is a human being or even intelligent at a fundamental level.
They're petty stupid ignorant retards that live on the internet BECAUSE they are intolerable subhuman scum in real life.

>> No.23403951

A man should not expect to marry a pure girl if he is used goods himself.

>> No.23403959

I let her crash at my couch, because she hates being at home with parents, she's 21. And so we watched some movies.

>> No.23403985

Wizardbros... are we back?

>> No.23404007

This isn't true, there are plenty of regular people on here, even those that have been here for 10+ years

>> No.23404038

I'm 28 and I have never even kissed a girl.

>> No.23404049

It’s very hard for a thinking person to not be critical of virtually every aspect of modern American life. Whether you’re a politician or a poet, there’s something that’s gone catastrophically wrong in the culture.

>> No.23404070

It's pretty rad, I'll be honest. My favourite part of kissing a girl is the way they breathe, the sound of it and the feeling of it drive me crazy.

>> No.23404079
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Why did you feel the need to post this?

>> No.23404087

Best is when you catch her by surprise, pull her in by her waist and feel her giving in

>> No.23404110

Hopefully it motivates you to go out there and get some lip.

>> No.23404121

I do not want to interact with whores.

>> No.23404123

And I don't really want to interact with (soon to be) wizards

>> No.23404128

Sounds like a (you) problem.

>> No.23404147

Blah blah blah. You say that shit and then end up genociding a breed of dog. Go away, you spiteful mutant.

>> No.23404155

but maybe there are virgin girls.... but who am I kidding

>> No.23404170


>> No.23404202

exhausted from being so horny. i am in pain.

>> No.23404229
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I signed up for Tinder last night and instantly lost all hope. Half of the women on there are nasty whores and of course way out of my league. I only got one like and I'm pretty sure it was from a bot or some cruel trick played by Tinder, since it appeared automatically. I deleted the app shortly afterwards.
I remember chadfishing as some alpha black guy a few years ago and having my dms flooded by women.
I think I will be alone forever.

>> No.23404237

1 day is nothing if you're an average guy.

>> No.23404250

What do you think is the healthiest way to waste time on your phone? Maybe some kind of geometry or word game.

>> No.23404261

Attempting to balance it in novel and precarious ways

>> No.23404265

I honestly think the only women I'd be matching with would be landwhales

>> No.23404269

That's called karma, anon.

>> No.23404275

Tinder and other dating apps have a sort of ELO system. Its algorithmic based.

>> No.23404284

This is actually true. This is why the strat is to set your profile to "looking for both" because then you'll get a fuck ton of men swiping on you and it'll shoot you up the rankings and show you to more women.

>> No.23404292

Was it mostly white women or latinas when u were pretending to be a nignog?

>> No.23404304

Does this mean it's possible to fuck up by swiping left on too many obvious whores?
I honestly don't remember, too long ago

>> No.23404308

>Does this mean it's possible to fuck up by swiping left on too many obvious whores?
I guess it kind of matters who you swipe on because that eliminates people who could potentially swipe on you, but at the end of the day what mostly matters is the amount of people who swipe on you.

>> No.23404315

Tinder and dating in general are hard. If you don't get too emotionally invested you can just use up your swipes every day and you might get a good match every few weeks but if it does upset you it's probably better to uninstall it. It's not impossible but I also found it too annoying after a while, I did match with a semi cute girl every 2 weeks or so though but it went nowhere, except when I was traveling.

>> No.23404334

I don't know the nitty gritty of it since I don't use dating apps but I'm assuming your "interactions" with said whores plays a part in how you often you're presented to more whores later on. After all, not like they can know if you actually met up with them, the best they can do is how much and how long you interacted with the other.

>> No.23404381

For what, Jamal?

>> No.23404382

You literally only need one good woman to meet up with.
I agree 50% of them are trash, but in the other 50% there's something for everyone I believe.
Maybe less so if you're very ugly or antisocial. But in that case, you can't expect a bombshell virgin

>> No.23404425

>you just need to not be bipolar
Thanks for the advice anon.

>> No.23404447

I wonder what Marinetti would think of Sonic the Hedgehog...

>> No.23404459

>He called for the destruction of museums and libraries.
Well, wasn't he a retard?

>> No.23404463

I've pissed blood twice in my life, I don't know why, I just did.

>> No.23404464
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>> No.23404470

took my friend 2 years but he finally got a 22 yr old, boring, homebody greek gf.

>> No.23404471

The hedgehog may be a symbol of speed, "gotta go fast" and all. But I do think that Doctor Eggman with his fondness for machines is much closer to the futuristic ethos.

>> No.23404475

>greek gf.
My condolences to your friend.

>> No.23404490

have (procreative) sex (within the confines of a heterosexual marriage), incel.

>> No.23404500

i want to kill myself every day i don't work out. i'm miserable if i don't lift. but i have to take a rest day every week. this shit is so gay dude.

>> No.23404504

>My condolences
what insight do you have? all he complains about is that she cries all the time and is boring. but that's a standard wommin

>> No.23404506

Is she hairy?

>> No.23404509
File: 74 KB, 757x475, 1712764704966024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, this is why a proportion of subhuman men (say, 10-20%) will be alone forever, thanks to the modern era

>> No.23404511

ive known greek girls who were hairy but i can't confirm with this one.

>> No.23404512

You're at high risk for trooning out.
See it happen with a lot of gymrats

>> No.23404526

>I only got one like and I'm pretty sure it was from a bot or some cruel trick played by Tinder, since it appeared automatically. I deleted the app shortly afterwards.
Is this really what Tinder is like for the average man? Bleak. The algorithm they use has to be seriously biased in women’s favour or something, because I’m like a 5/10, and when I created my profile I hit the 99+ likes benchmark almost immediately. I can easily get hundreds of matches and messages within a few days, and that’s with only swiping right ~20% of the time. I’ve only ever hit my swipe limit once.

>inb4 “omg ur so shallow and u just want to fuck chad, i hate women!!!”
Nah. Looks play into it to some extent— there’s a certain base threshold, like if someone’s appearance is actively off-putting it’s an immediate no, but the vast majority of men aren’t in that category and my standards aren’t unrealistic. I try to go for men in the average range, similar to myself, and will swipe left on guys who seem significantly out of my league. A lot of the time when I swipe left it’s based on a lack of common interests, weird shit in the guy’s profile that seems like a red flag, or us having incompatible lifestyles/personalities.

>> No.23404533

Women always have it easier to find sex, not just on Tinder, it's not just the algorithm. It's not completely hopeless for average men but it can be pretty hard. Did you think that all the incels could just go on Tinder and get 20 matches per day?

>> No.23404534

Why would you even need 20 a day?
1 a day is fine for meeting up with people.

>> No.23404541

>what insight do you have?
She's Greek.

>> No.23404543

It was just an example because it sounded like you think average men swim in attention. One match per day isn't great though because most matches go nowhere. On the other hand you don't lose much time on Tinder.

>> No.23404546

>guys who seem significantly out of my league.
You're a woman, there is no such thing.

>> No.23404548

i guess we're all! l'having a problem..,! right now! (because) i guess we're all just have hgn a problem: rite.. i gguuss


hooooohaahahOUIOIOIIII this is mIE!? what ! omg wo'ckT'ETDTDTDTD
naou! GHYIAHAIOOIYIYIauuuu this is mi!? u'l ol hock''etd nawo?! motherfucker! this is me?! WJMSHEWouiOUIouiyourollol. thisi s s zzzzme!?!?!?!?!? o- maiIII G-0WE0DGZZVZV . no wai.

>> No.23404550

i already did that several years ago and went back again. now i'm on steroids. wish i was joking.

>> No.23404552

>Most matches go nowhere
The fact that a lot of men use terrible openers or are poor conversationalists has a lot to do with that tbqh.

>> No.23404554

How about just be content with the body you have.

>> No.23404558

>poor conversationalists
This is a fair reason to not want to talk to someone.
>terrible openers
Come on now, you're just looking for reasons to unmatch with them, what a terrible excuse.

>> No.23404559

This sick society chemically castrated kids and permanently alters their brain chemistry because they won’t sit down and quiet down in the prison-worker joke of a school system.

This civilization is so fucked up. I’ve become so black pilled on how poisoned modern life is recently. There is nothing redeemable about this civilization or its nations.

Nothing short of radical epochal change is in order.

>> No.23404564

That's just how men are, expecting extreme charm, humour or even extreme intelligence is as unrealistic as expecting male model looks. If most men are like this maybe it's just normal, it's not like most women are super good conversationalists either.
Online dating is also weird and not very natural. We don't even need to talk about evolutionary timelines, I still remember the time when there was virtually no online dating, and I don't just mean before Tinder, even before OKC or POF.

>> No.23404565

i don't think it's even about body image at this point. i don't feel anything when i look in the mirror. i dunno what this is about anymore. but i know i feel good when i lift something i couldn't before.

>> No.23404572

Thoughts on plastic surgery?

>> No.23404574

>what a terrible excuse
How is that a terrible excuse? When you have a lot of different guys messaging you, it’s overwhelming to reply to all of them. It makes sense to focus on responding to the ones who send an initial message that actually makes them seem like they might be interesting to talk to.

>> No.23404586

It’s because sex is simply easier for women to obtain. If the pressure of releasing semen and reproduction was as easy as operating a vending machine, conversations would go much smoother.

>> No.23404588

If you don't care about the gains you might as well go do a sport. Much more fun.

>> No.23404590


>> No.23404596

My dad is always warning me to watch out for red flags in women, like broken family life, self destructive behavior, and emotional trauma. Then I realize that I have literally all these red flags and girls are being told by ther parents to avoid guys like me. Feels bad man.

>> No.23404602

Nah, too late.

>> No.23404632

yeah. it's sad that even with this self-awareness I'm basically only psychologically compatible with 'red flag' women. i hope this changes with the healing I'm receiving from church and Scripture but I'm unsure.

>> No.23404649

Have you found yourself feeling like practically all non-creative free time activities aside from reading and working out feel pointless? Anything that isn't making your mind sharper or your body stronger and better feels like opium at best, pleasant but ultimately pointless and detrimental, or outright poison at worst, like most forms of media and non-artistic entertainment.

>> No.23404666

Reading and working out is also pointless.

>> No.23404671

I think something terrible is going to happen to me all the time, so I am on a purely hedonistic streak where I never allow any self improvement (outside of eating a bit healthier). I just play video games, watch TV and porn, when I don't have to work. Anything to not think about my impending doom. Self-improvement only gives you good feelings if you feel you can take advantage of it in my experience. I used to work out and force myself to be in shape / hygenic / etc, when I was in college since I wanted to use the fruits of that labor to hang out with girls and stuff. When you feel like you have no future though, the opposite of what you're describing happens - self-improvement is pointless.

>> No.23404694

>who send an initial message that actually makes them seem like they might be interesting to talk to.

Not that I've ever used Tinder or would -- I get plenty of attention of girls in public irl that I could surely satisfy my needs if I wanted -- but out of curiosity, like what?

>> No.23404699
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Almost went down the Disney adult rabbit hole because of this meme

>> No.23404706

My gf died today. They said it was a motorcycle accident. I have to pee really badly.

>> No.23404708

This pretty girl on the bus is making it impossible to approach her. She finally sat directly behind me today, while I was sitting sideways facing toward the inside of the bus so she was roughly in my periphery of vision, and for a few stops I tried to think of what I should try and do to initiate conversation because she wears big headphones which is a barrier in itself, so I decided to just look at her for a few seconds, hoping to make eye contact and go from there, and like two seconds in she finally does and before I can even smile or do anything, she shyly immediately averts her eyes. Like, great, now what? We're always making long eye-contact when the bus pulls up and she's standing waiting to board, but there's just no opening! All that's left is to flat-out tap her on the shoulder, hope she takes off her headphones or pauses her music, and say hi and try and go from there but that's so forced; why can't there just be a natural window :/

>> No.23404713
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Is it really this easy for an average-looking woman? I'm just about ready to check out from this gay world. I might as well get castrated and become a monk.

>> No.23404719 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23404720

Reading and working out feel just as pointless too. Maybe if you have people you care about, believe in some cause, or have reason to hope for your future -- such as finding a wife and starting a family -- then things won't be so pointless. You can't say that you haven't had moments where the futility of reading and working out has hit you.

>> No.23404721

gender dysphoria person: 'i have bad feelings when i look in the mirror.'

so, then, hypothetically speaking: 'the chicken has to cross the street. why (did the pronoun'ded chicken do it?)?'

i know right? had to make it about the pronoun (is it?).

hence, you go to the therapiss and they hypnotize you, hypothetically as described earlier, implying you're somewhere on the other side of life, the street the chicken is not on or it's subjective house, some abstract concept or something. a naive hallucination theory or naive hypnosis, or some such naive view of the world, as like, drug report. 'skepsism rules.'

what i think i know, 'am effectively aware,' is that ad conscious qua current memory, the complaints i would have the therapist address is exactly that 'i pull out my eyes, but i'm really attempting to grab them, hence not real,' 'this aint exactly heaven,' 'you go to a therapist, ask for a lime, and they give you a kettle,' and last but not least 'shits so cache,' like 'PC! Monitor, that's a weird place to deliver patri dish maladapted assists for squatting at pot heads conspiratorily, i mite add,' hence 'the pronoun only accepts cash.'

persecution, or forgiveness rules? but i don't know which. we talk about inside rules, like should I grab at her, i don't usually think like this, this is delusional, it's going a mile a minute, if i grab will the cache be forsaken for my appetite, am i real or not real, how's grades, what time is it, did i forget to take my pills, are we there yet, yadda yadda? occupancy rules.

should the chicken cross the street? is it gradiently sound and convex economically? how's the algorithm over at yadda yadda

>> No.23404740

What should I do if I hate my natural appearance?

>> No.23404765

You are not a woman, it is not your job to be attractive.

>> No.23404775

when i'm listening to hypnosis files it feels like (they're) watching me. and like the more i listen or click around on files, the more (they) get annoyed.

and also, with reference to my previous post, i guess there's nothing to see with grabbing at w.r.t. 'disordered phenomena,' considering i ordered a happy meal, i'll refer to below. i know, i couldn't quite finish the restaurantology thematically talking.
Sitting in order to get an idea

in order, a subset qualification of the happy meal

sitting that get's idea(s), 'to get an idea'

happy meal ideas

we have an idea for you

for you we have one (1)

i don't know how the other ideas relate because i don't know much about harmony and it's analysis

they fall from the trees if no one makes an order in time, because of gravity

are you ready?
i hope you like

bill's read

>> No.23404777

Try your best to looksmaxx I guess. Otherwise, achieve satisfaction and accomplishments you can be proud of in the areas of life you can control, from your fashion to your goals to passions to your personality to skills, and from this you will, beyond the pleasure derived from these endeavors in themselves, attain self-confidence and become in interesting individual, all of which will aid in making you attractive, which I assume is the essence of what you desire when you say you hate your natural appearance.

>> No.23404779

NTA but what if I want to insert my pene in vag?

>> No.23404780

see: >>23404777

>> No.23404781

Have a rabbi perform oral sex on you then

>> No.23404784

Just women. And then have sex with them afterwards.

>> No.23404787

Not how it works

>> No.23404789

Commies mock people for believing in God and then do shit like this.

>> No.23404790

well, that's impossible.
other solution?

>> No.23404793

No thanks. Someone told me to do that and it's just braindead zoomer claptrap. I wish we could shove that entire generation into concentration camps.

>> No.23404795

Women don't let men put their pene in their vag because they think that man is pretty, they let men do that because they think that man is rich, powerful and popular.

>> No.23404800

Sexual reproduction should be purely transactional with no female input.

>> No.23404801

What, the looksmaxx thing? All I meant by that is essentially 'make the best of what you have.'

O-Oh, uh, I mean what's left? Either be physically attractive or attractive by other means, whether it be your personality, status, finances, or whatever. Wish I could just loan you my looks for the day.

>> No.23404806

You really should "check out the gay world," so to speak.

>because I’m like a 5/10, and when I created my profile I hit the 99+ likes benchmark almost immediately
Different strategies. Women don't swipe right as much because men do it so frequently. As a guy on a dating app it doesn't make sense to be selective, you cast a wide net and see what comes of it.

>> No.23404807

Colonialism is based

>> No.23404819

Is she's a childhood friend it's also the former

>> No.23404823

They’re not actually. Girls’ parents don’t really tell them to do anything. They let them do whatever they want and then react to it after it happens.

>> No.23404829

Just incorrect.

>> No.23404830

Being attractive matters a lot for men in 2024 though. At the very least, you have to fit a certain type of not be attractive. For example, the reason Vivek Ramaswamy will never be the President is because he looks like an unattractive Indian man, and not a somewhat attractive Western man.

So it does matter and women care more about it than they ever have.

>> No.23404833

I’m not even sure how to looksmaxxx at this point besides getting a series of plastic surgeries. I’m already in my 30s so this whole achievements thing, I don’t know how I feel about it. I sometimes I think “yeah I could do that” and then other times I think “nope, I didn’t set up a trajectory in my 20s”. Anyway, I'm ranting now. Looksmaxxing is too generic to be helpful advice.

>> No.23404859

>I’m not even sure how to looksmaxxx at this point besides getting a series of plastic surgeries
Good grooming and posture is a starting point. Dress better.

>I didn’t set up a trajectory in my 20s
You don't even have to be "successful," you just have to have something going on in your life. Is there really nothing you can feel proud of?

>> No.23404860

>I mean what's left?
uh, I guess next life is left.

>> No.23404864

Silly anon trying to give tips to a blackpilled anon.
It never works. All they get from this is that they get attention from being sad sacks

>> No.23404871

My grooming and posture are fine but I can’t seem to find a hairstyle or beard that fits with the face I despise. I want to be successful. I don’t want to just get by.

>> No.23404875

I’m not black pilled. Come off your soap box.

>> No.23404877

I refuse to give up on my fellow anons.

>> No.23404880

blackpilled gooncel chuddie

>> No.23404883

today was a bad day, but tomorrow will be better (or i'll kill myself)

>> No.23404886

haha so zany!
I will le kill myself hahaha (I won't)

>> No.23404896

Someone said I have blowjob eyes. That filled with me with disgust. I neither know what that is nor want to look it up.

>> No.23404897

Whoever said that was a porn addicted freak

>> No.23404903

That's horrible. Let me buy you a popsicle and we can talk about it over a long walk in the park

>> No.23404912

Having such a blackpilled worldview, I’m starting to feel that i’m a coward for not killing myself. I really am too pussy to do it. I wish there was an easy painless way.

>> No.23404915

Just don't post about it anymore, will you do that for me?

>> No.23404918

Who else will I vent to? I don’t want to scare my family.

>> No.23404920

ok, you got me, I won't actually kill myself. now what?

>> No.23404940

Suck it up, go to a therapist or tell your family.
The 3 options before you.
Nothing, what do you get out of saying you're going to kys but then won't?

>> No.23404946

>Nothing, what do you get out of saying you're going to kys but then won't?
it's a bit of hyperbole.

>> No.23404979

I don’t necessarily think there’s any reason to be white pilled but there’s no reason to be black pilled either. What’s got you so down?

>> No.23405025

Women shouldn’t have opinions and usually don’t, they’re slaves to their periods like men are slaves to their erections. Never understood why “don’t think with your dick” caught on but “don’t think with your vagina” never did.

>> No.23405027

Indeed. only spiteful university Marxists and third world vermin complain about it.

>> No.23405038

Being a woman on 4chan is fascinating. I'm shocked by the number of men who don't seem to see us as fully fledged humans with rich inner lives. So many anons talk about women as if they're talking about a particular species of animal and listing out all its care requirements.

>> No.23405043

And this is new to you? Are you a newfag?

>> No.23405045

Is it possible to cure laziness?
Anytime I think of an activity to do, I just don't feel like doing it. Even if it's something I'm kinda into.
One would think that the hardest part is to start but no, I may be hours or days (if we're talking about a trip /out/ for example) into an activity and just think I'd rather be reading or just chilling.

>> No.23405063

I am indeed new here. I like this board because people have interesting discussions about classical literature and analyze things at a very deep level. It kind of feels like being in a discussion group for a 500-level English course, except there's always at least a few people in the corner of the room whipping out their ducks and screaming slurs.

>> No.23405065

Autocorrect doesn't want me to discuss penises apparently

>> No.23405070

The correct etiquette is to not post for the first year. Just lurk. After that don't mention in threads that you're a woman, it's a distraction.
I'm not a fan of these wizards who have a grudge against women, but I also don't ant some nagging woman tone policing anons or get offended over a slur.

>> No.23405089

This is actually the first time I've mentioned my gender on here, and only because I felt it was relevant to the discussion. I haven't participated in many threads yet. When I eventually do, I don't see and reason why I should bring my gender up haha. It is not my intention to tone police anyone. Clearly there is a certain culture here, and I can either accept that or leave. I do genuinely enjoy reading the opinions of those who think about things differently than me. I try to surround myself with a wide variety of ideas so that I don't become complacent in my beliefs.

>> No.23405095
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I want to die!

>> No.23405128

A tree grows fruit because it is a magic tree. Water runs downhill because it is bewitched. The sun shines because it is bewitched. Flowers bloom because they are enchanted. Stars twinkle because they are charmed. Birds sing because they are under a spell. The moon glows because it is bewitched. Rivers flow because they are enchanted. Leaves rustle because they are spellbound. The wind blows because it is bewitched. Rain falls because it is charmed. Snow glistens because it is enchanted. Clouds drift because they are bewitched.

>> No.23405145
File: 17 KB, 563x398, 68d9332f77537926addf94bf92c70993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully you get used to seeing women called holes and foids and seeing people claiming women can't write

>> No.23405148

*breaks every single one of your ribs in one punch*

>> No.23405164

What made you bring it up?

>> No.23405173

I'm such a loser. I'm afraid to and avoiding inviting this girl over because I know it'll result in sex and I'm almost positive I'll cum way too quick, resulting in severe personal embarrassment and then likely sexual disappointment on her end. I would just jack off now in hopes of lasting longer later but then I worry I won't be able to get hard when the necessary time comes. Sigh.

>> No.23405195

Do lots of foreplay and finger her whenever you need a break. Tounge her mouth and her clit and slap her hard across the ass. Don't put yourself down man you got this.

>> No.23405204

My wife is starting to brown.

>> No.23405217

No, we just can't understand birds because we're under a spell. I see how that could get confused, especially with that time we had to remake letters out of trees

>> No.23405218

It did take me a few months to figure out what a "foid" was. I'm now also seeing "moid" and "chud," which I gather are men of some description. People do like to argue about whether men or women are better writers, but I see that as pointless desu.

I didn't want to be accused of white knighting. In hindsight it probably wasn't wise to mention it.

>> No.23405220

The birds are under a spell.

>> No.23405222

Turn her over and cover in foil

>> No.23405224

The birds are fine, you should leave them alone, they know what they're doing

>> No.23405245

My wife caught me vaping and went autistic. She said she hates smoking and I've lost her trust by sneaking around. Shes being cordial but chilly now. I tried to be understanding in the argument that ensued.

By not lying or being defensive, i think i made things worse for myself. I'm so sick of her shit.

>> No.23405250


>> No.23405260

kek she's not autistic she's just mad she married a retard

>> No.23405265

you are wasting money that could have been put up better use, damaging mental and physical health making her anxious about you dying a lot sooner than her (women get extreamly anxious and even hysteric if they even sense yet actually do get seperated from their man for extended time) and top it all off you most likely started vaping as a means of coping with something instead of just asking for a hug or ear to listen from her; unless you started vaping out of boredom in that case she thinks you are a retarded and she has chosen the an imbecile for a partner
also what he said

>> No.23405277

>What’s got you so down?
I don’t enjoy anything. I don’t enjoy stories, it’s all the same cyclical ideas arranged in different ways. Even the story of my experience and yours too. It’s the same thing everywhere. Same with music and art. It’s all boring. How do people convince themselves they’re having fun. Only the type of person who enjoys marvel movies can still be awed by things.

>> No.23405288

I always felt like the reason I couldn’t decide what to do with my life is because I didn’t make enough money and have enough time. Now that I make good money and have a ton of time, I have no idea what to do with my life.

>> No.23405298

Wow I relate a lot. It's easy to find motivation when we're chasing base needs like food and shelter. Self-actualization is a lot more complex. I wish I had advice for you, but I'm still figuring it out myself. Lately I've been spending a lot of my time making art and writing poetry, which seems to help.

>> No.23405304




She had a benign brain tumor a year or so ago. Its made life hard man, its made her distant and exhausted and not available for comfort. Think you might be half right.

>> No.23405307

No sane and healthy woman will see the cutting scars literally from fingertip to shoulder and think "yeah this is a safe guy to date."

>> No.23405312

What's even the point of doing anything when I'm awful at everything and can never learn? Writing, making friends, socializing, romance, making music, being a good son. It's all out of my grasp. Yet I still try to do these things. It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.23405316

The value of doing something is not in being good at doing it.

>> No.23405325

BPD here and I feel I should do the same. Analysis is out of reach and my constant pain is getting tiresome.

>> No.23405326


Showing up is 80% of success, is a phrase I love. If you keep just doing it, it starts to click.

>> No.23405327
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>> No.23405330

Get rich bitch, or die working.

>> No.23405334

I know, but I don't like what I am capable of. Everything I output has a naïve feel to it. I worked in a caretaking position for mentally profound adults and felt that I was one of them.

>> No.23405339

>caretaking position for mentally profound adults

>> No.23405341

Lmao no. Good one

>> No.23405346

Thanks anons

>> No.23405362

Beatmania Mobile

>> No.23405367


>> No.23405400

I fell madly in love with a girl. Asked her out, she said yes and now I feel like I don't like her anymore. This isn't even a humble brag post I'm a actually khhv.
Seems like my mental ailment is more severe than previously thought.

>> No.23405403

I wish my brother was a dutiful son to our mother. He's the successful one, unlike me. But he's a cuck like our dad and so he favors his wife's mother instead. His wife is a fat ugly nigger too. I don't mean that in a racist way. There are plenty of hot niggers to go around, he just picked a fat ugly one.

>> No.23405408

Go out with her, fucking retard. I swear if you pass this up so you can keep wallowing in your misery or whatever I'm gonna backtrace your IP and break into your house to fuck your ass.

>> No.23405424

Google "disorganized attachment style"

>> No.23405433

Personally I really like when they ask about my hobbies and interests, like the books that I like or the music I’m listening to. Anything specific that shows that they actually looked at my profile/bio is good. “How was your day/weekend?” is fine but generic. “What’s up?” is sort of boring but acceptable. I actively dislike cheesy pickup lines and compliments about my physical appearance. If they say “Hey” and nothing else, I generally won’t respond.

>> No.23405488

If I move to a different city for cheaper housing am I the same as the jeets coming here (canada) for higher wages? This thought is unironically vexing me

>> No.23405505

People move to different cities/countries to make more money all the time. If you move somewhere to reduce your cost of living, it's basically the same end result. I fail to see the problem here though.

>> No.23405519

As I get older, I see I'm extremely picky about fiction. I can read any non-fiction book if I like the topic (so no, don't think "the history of non-binary women farting in Thailand" is something I'll read, I mean something cool), but if it's a mediocre fictional book I end up dropping it.
I think it's the author's framing more than anything else. If it's a dry history book, at least it's talking about the subject in an objective lens, and I come in to read about the history so I'm prepared. If I'm reading a fictional book but it sucks in similar ways, I'll drop it because I see it as more of a symptom that the author is boring/dumbass and I lose motivation to finish it. Do you guys think the same way or am I just getting old?

>> No.23405534

But then I can't be mad at third worlders for doing the same thing

>> No.23405543

I've never understood why people get so mad at immigrants. Most of the time they are responsible and hardworking people who are motivated by the desire to improve their lives.

>> No.23405544

Depends. What race are you?

>> No.23405551

Is there such a thing as having no attachment style

>> No.23405556

According to attachment theory, no. Of course, not everyone agrees thar attachment theory is valid. I've personally found it to be a very useful framework for understanding myself though.

>> No.23405557

It's a smokescreen of the real issue. Supply and demand. Immigrants means there's more people in an area, which means that demand goes up. But the supply is the same. Which means that those same goods will cost more. So if you're a native, the competition gets fiercer for each new person. This applies to everything, such as jobs, groceries or even education.
>responsible and hardworking people who are motivated by the desire to improve their lives.
Their children won't be, unless the parents are smart enough to make sure they don't become retards.
>t. children of immigrants

>> No.23405562

Are you a loud, unwashed, foul smelling person with an irritating accent who can barely speak English? Are you planning to cram 15 people into a 3 bedroom apartment to save on rent, and cheat the system by unfairly using social services and foodbanks to save money? If not then you have nothing to worry about. Just gotta integrate yourself into the culture of your new city and behave respectfully. The problem with third worlders is that they arrive en masse and refuse to integrate.

>> No.23405570

I can definitely see where you're coming from with the supply and demand issue. I'd be very interested in reading studies about the economic impact of immigration on various countries. I think people get very caught up in emotionality when discussing immigration, which tends to derail the conversation.

>> No.23405584

I mean this respectfully, but how much of your opinion in this matter is motivated by the fact that you are uncomfortable being around people different than yourself? By no means do I think immigration is always a good thing, but I don't think "they're too different from us" is a particularly compelling argument.

>> No.23405598

Met this kind black lady who said she was a minister, did funerals and weddings. We got to talking about Jesus and she said to her daughter, "I'm talking to the man of God" and I ministered to her, helped her through some of her problems and trauma.

She said that I have a calling and should be a minister, told her I've been studying and working for ministry, cause I have. But I don't want to get any money for it, just want to minister purely out of love for the Lord Christ, so I gotta work a job and make a living.

Today was brutal, 10+ hours in that Alabama sun on the asphalt, neck is so red. On the ride home with the construction crew, the driver put on this Gospel song and we just sat and listened to it in silence. Rocked me to the soul, hope you enjoy it.


>> No.23405611

I'll be praying for you anon. It's rare to have the spiritual gift of ministry. You probably made a big difference in her daughter's life just by being there for her. Wishing you all the best!

>> No.23405644

I won't see her again for some while but I'll definitely go on the date, if she hasn't changed her mind by then. Even if just for the sake of the experience as I've never been on a date before.
Maybe. I was constantly oscillating between a manic
>I can't believe a girl actually likes me
and a despairing
>She's obviously not interested and just being polite
until I suddenly got hit with this streak of seemingly sober resignation that I suddenly feel nothing for her.
I've also started getting paranoid that my friends / acquantainces actually secretly hate me and that I'm bothering them. That they're mocking me when laughing and shit like that, even though there's no rational reason to believe so.
Thanks for attending my TED talk.

>> No.23405645

I guess I just don't like seeing the place I've lived all my life suddenly be filled with indians who were told that coming here would make them rich

>> No.23405649

The accent shit I do find a bit annoying but thats more specific to jeets, and it wouldn't annoy me as much if they spoke at a normal volume and weren't loudly jabbering in large groups everywhere I go. What bothers me more is when they come to a new country claiming to be students, yet they barely understand English and are taking some fake program at a diploma mill in a bid to game the system and get permanent residency, while working and sending all their income back home and failing to contribute to the economy. Got no real issues with people being different in some ways, like wearing cultural clothes, cooking cultural foods, celebrating holidays and traditions. But when you move to a new country with a different culture you need to adjust your behavior to accomodate their values, not expect their culture to adjust to accommodate you. If too many people come to a new place and refuse to integrate, in a generation or so it causes massive problems and the original culture is destroyed. They are turning our country into a low trust society through their shameless abuse of social services, and they drive wages down by flooding the job market with unskilled workers who will accept shit pay. They lack the fundamental cultural values that make our society great, and have an every man for himself attitude with no qualms about scamming people. Their fundamental loyalty is to their home country, and they have no shame about taking advantage of services in their new country to get ahead. If they had the same values as we have, their home country wouldn't be an underdeveloped shithole.

>> No.23405657

NTA but I do actually like to have something in common with the members of my community (assuming you can call a culture vacuum of disparate people a community).

>> No.23405669

women are a psyop

>> No.23405697


>> No.23405730

Nice. Yeah I have other things I want to do but that would mean giving up this whole thing. Idk what to do…

>> No.23405771

I appreciate the post.

>> No.23405813

is this chatgpt

>> No.23405880

Does anyone have that picture of the girl hugging the guy from behind where she says something along the lines of "Babe, don't read Linkola." and he says something like "Somebody has to"?

>> No.23405913

Kek I want this too.

>> No.23405925

There’s a bimbo on the cover of the book. She is blonde and she is sexy; She is nowhere in the text. She is a bimbo on the cover of the book.

>> No.23405942

I hate all certified yoga instructors.

>> No.23405959

NTA but “they’re too different from us” is a perfectly valid critique of immigration, especially when it’s occurring on a large scale. My own father’s parents were immigrants, and I welcome people wanting to make a better life for themselves, but the numbers of immigrants Canada is accepting every year is completely unsustainable, both for our resources and our culture (if we even have one at this point).

In my family’s case, my paternal grandfather was able to bring his family to Canada because he had a degree from a technical school and was a skilled tradesman providing a necessary service. My grandparents always worked hard to provide for their family, and would’ve considered it extremely shameful to accept charity or misuse services. They also spoke English and quickly integrated themselves into the local community. It seems like many people (not all) from the recent wave of immigrants in Canada don’t have this attitude, and it’s an increasingly visible issue because immigration is occurring in massive numbers compared to in the 1960s when my grandparents came. The recent wave of Indian immigration here seems like it’s already incurring a backlash for this reason, and I worry that the problem will only get worse.

I’ll preface this by saying that I don’t dislike anyone on the basis of skin colour or race, and have had close family friends who are South Asian immigrants. There are good and kind people from any culture. I’ve even been to India, and there are many great things about the country and culture, although they do have some serious societal problems. But in general I have to agree that their cultural understanding of the social contract is largely incompatible with Canadian culture. That’s understandable though: when you live in a highly populated and relatively poor country where resources are scarce and there’s a lot of crime and no social safety net, you naturally adopt the worldview of doing whatever it takes to meet your own needs, even if that means cheating or being dishonest or taking advantage of other people. It’s what you have to do in order to survive. But when you bring a large number of people with this worldview into a relatively wealthy country with low crime and a robust social safety net, there will naturally be serious cultural clashes and the locals will become frustrated.

This isn’t even touching on the fact that their culture has wildly different gender norms, and condones sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviour towards women to a level that is difficult for people from Western countries to understand. I experienced this myself when I was in India, and have had friends who have been sexually harassed by groups of Indian international students and have been hesitant to report it for fear of seeming racist.

>> No.23406022

No, just an npc. Easy mistake to make though

>> No.23406060
File: 600 KB, 1080x1378, Screenshot_20240509_071143_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave the dog some fresh air before putting him down, he couldn't even stand to eat or go outside. Lived a good life, very happy and loved, long time for a dog. I have dealt with home invasion living on my own but he has scared off a burglar as well, was a good guard dog.

>> No.23406064

I agree with you that people should learn the language of the country where they live. It doesn't do anybody any good to isolate themselves from the surrounding culture and refuse to integrate in any meaningful way. In terms of people sending all their money back to their home countries, it's difficult because obviously it's really bad for the economy of the country they moved to, but at the same time immigration laws make it so that they can't bring their families over with them very easily. It makes sense to me that a father would immigrate to a country where he could make more money and then use that money to support his family that he left behind. If his family moved with him, then that money would remain in the new country, but the downside would be that now there is an entire family pulling from social services. One possible solution could be to implement some sort of law limiting the amount of money/assets that can be transferred out of country, but that's a whole new can of worms. I'm not sure I'd want the government to have that much control over personal finances.

You also mentioned the problem of immigrant workers who are willing to work for less driving down the average salary in the area. I think having more reasonable minimum wage laws would probably help with this a lot. If companies know they have to pay a certain base rate no matter who they hire, they will be much more likely to hire the most qualified candidate rather than just going with whoever will accept the lowest salary.

I don't think that "bad culture" is the reason why underdeveloped countries are underdeveloped. It's obviously a lot more complicated than that.

No one is suggesting that you shouldn't be able to have something in common with the members of your community? Do you think it's impossible for you to have anything in common with immigrants or something?

Nah I'm just very autistic.

I genuinely appreciate your in-depth response. When I first began reading it, I assumed I would disagree with everything you had to say, but as I read further I realized you were making very reasonable points. My main reason for visiting this website is to expose myself to people who think differently than myself, and I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to understand your mindset better.

>> No.23406075
File: 211 KB, 1080x782, Screenshot_20240520_195024_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buried him next to the cat on the left, died recently as well, the orange cat is the only one left.

>> No.23406080

I'm so sorry for your loss anon. I'm sure you gave him a good life.

>> No.23406087

Sorry to hear that.

>> No.23406113

That is life, they are animals, thank you for your kind words. My woman cried a lot, comforted her, tried to convince me to get a new cat, then we go to see the brand new baby niece in North Carolina, holds the baby, becomes baby crazy. Complete coincidence.

>> No.23406114
File: 83 KB, 750x1000, 1702604546989698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image makes me want to worship the virgin mary's feet

>> No.23406121

That can happen haha. Do you want kids?

>> No.23406129

Future historians will unanimously call what Israel is doing a genocide

>> No.23406195


>> No.23406341

Forewards always sap my excitement for reading a book. You pick up a book that you've been looking forward to and some boring jerk you don't care about is now going inundate you with shit you don't care about and blather on about some totally lame shit. But you are coerced into reading it because you think it has some hidden insight or comment that is key to understanding the rest of the book. What really ends up happening is that the forewards are so boring I just stop reading after forcing myself through it.

That's my midwit take for the day.

>> No.23406349

I don't get it. Is it a Christian critique of libertarianism

>> No.23406355

I never knew that people took such issue with Indians outside of the UK. In a generation they'll all be generically American or Canadian or whatever, that's how this shit works

>> No.23406361

This reflects poorly on me, but I have very mixed feelings on the whole conflict. Sure, the footage of Palestinian children is distressing. I wish that they were not suffering.

But these people are Muslims. They would inflict the same pain they are undergoing on me with glee. The core of their ideology is the idea that they will exterminate all other religions. I wish I could talk to a Palestinian Muslim. Having suffered what you have, is the idea of inflicting it on others still so enticing?

>> No.23406391

New thread:

>> No.23406400

I jerked off three times today and felt very pathetic. I'm gonna do nofap.

>> No.23406481

It doesn't mean anything , it's just a gay trad larp icon

>> No.23406487

Did you do it old yeller style

>> No.23406494

have sex

>> No.23406519

pathetic in what way? If you are enjoying yourself why stop

>> No.23406541

Make me

>> No.23407660

I laughed, but it's true