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23400397 No.23400397 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23400402

that has nothing to do with philosophy

>> No.23400415

Uh uhh the reviews ""sis"" the reviews

>The emperor has been naked all along and now the jig is up, its uppness is just not equally distributed. Words fail me with this anti-common sense brain scrambler and I'm opting for an exhibition in lieu of a review.

>Exhibit A : "Referring to neuroscience in an interview, Stock claimed that the perception of two sexes is something the brain simply does. This I did not know."
>Exhibit label:

>Exhibit B : What is Judith Butler afraid of? by Kathleen Stock

>Exhibit C : "It's curious that Butler lumps together gender-critical feminists (or ‘TERFs’) with the Pope, Orbán, Erdoğan, Trump...given that one of her favourite projects...is recognizing & trying to make comprehensible people who...fall outside a simple ‘binary’"

>Exhibit D : Not everything is about gender

>Exhibit E : "In her new book, Judith Butler seems obsessed (and not in a good way) with the Catholic Church. The Church is her primary antagonist, even as she counts Hezbollah and Hamas as progressive movements." - Nina Power

> Exhibit F1 : The Guardian in 1997: The world’s worst writing awarded to Judith Butler: "The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power."
>Exhibit F2 : The Guardian, this time 2023:

>> No.23400491

>gibberish, Judith Butler
>gibberish, Nick Land

>> No.23400524

>gibberish, degenerate

>> No.23400531

Imagine spending buttloads of money on plastic surgery to feminize your face and still looking so obviously male it hurts

>> No.23400540

Imagine being so delusional you think you're a woman when you're a man, and ACTUALLY THINKING you can practice philosophy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Absurd times, these are.

>> No.23400547

I can fuck Nick Land but not Judith Butler. That's the difference

>> No.23400586

>judith butler
Yes, she is misunderstood because this is not philosophy.

>> No.23400594

Imagine living your life as a troon just because you saw ContraPoints made money off it lmao

>> No.23400623

i'm an ugly troon as well but i try not to stand out

>> No.23400655

Yeah I mean consensually, sure

>> No.23400674

I have the feeling (haven’t read anything recent) that Butler was kind of interesting in the beginning but is now just conforming to the most platitudinous platitudes.

>> No.23400753

this channel is god-awful

>> No.23400757

You forgot your frog sir.

>> No.23400759


>> No.23400773

>The Church is her primary antagonist, even as she counts Hezbollah and Hamas as progressive movements.
Just another Jew eternally seething about having fucked the Messiah over.

>> No.23400776
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>Mental illness
Pick your poison.

>> No.23400987

PhilosophyTube raped Contra, I'm not even joking.

>> No.23401021

Just falling down this rabbit hole now lol love that this AGP weirdo is now a confirmed skinwalker at the very least

>> No.23401034

I'm surprised she isn't resented more by trans people. I really do think AGP is a a myth, but she is leaning into just about every stereotype of it in a very public way.

>> No.23401040

Everybody knows that, mf
That shit is so popular that even some of the reddit 24/7 streamers took the conversation about it
0:28 (the whole video has nothing to do with it, but still)

>> No.23401041
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>write obscurely
>"I'm so misunderstood"
Many such cases. Sad.

>> No.23401045

Is that how it spreads? When you rape a troon, your dick falls off?

>> No.23401070

> Everybody knows that, mf
I don’t know this
How do people know this

>> No.23401085

Philosophy is a place where any thought can be validated. If you hate God but want answers to life then it seems like something worth pursuing.

>> No.23401100

>Philosophy is a place where any thought can be validated.
Nigga go back and start with the Plato

>> No.23401101

Have humanities always been a joke or this just a millennial thing?

>> No.23401119

Why do you say that? (Also, it's very plainly a fetish that exists, it's just not the primary cause of dysphoria for every single non-straight trans woman as Blanchard theorized.)

>> No.23401157

I think this discussion should focused not on whether AGP is a myth But on whether it's okay to represent transgender through these grifters, or "transtrenders" as they call it

>> No.23401387

I don't think people pretending to be trans is really that common.

>> No.23401389

Judith Butler is not a philosopher

>> No.23401403

Always has been.

>> No.23401643

Trans isn't a real thing, so anyone claiming to be trans is pretending

>> No.23401674

You know what I mean. Regardless of whether they metaphysically-are the gender they feel they are (which is a meaningless question, there are no metaphysical essences) there are some people who feel a strong desire to be a gender other than they were born as and cannot stop feeling that way.

>> No.23401720

Addressed by Oswald Spengler in Decline of the West

>> No.23401729

I think the issue is inherently metaphysical, but not that it's a meaningless question; rather, that dumdums think they can even surmise the experience of others (the metaphysical, of course) through self-reference. The second issue being the idea of tying the material to the metaphysical, i.e. material aesthetics contain experience.

Both of those really just open up the "gender" problem.

>> No.23402065
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>> No.23402227
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based, redpilled, heckin cute and valid philosophy:
>socrates questioning the sophists
>aristotle questioning plato
>descartes questioning his perception
>hume questioning causality
>hegel questioning history
>kant questioning reason
>russel questioning math
>wittgenstein questioning language
>popper, quine, et al questioning science
>sartre questioning essentialism

cringe, bluepilled, fake and gay philosophy
>marx questioning class
>dubois questioning race
>de beauvoir questioning womanhood
>fanon questioning race again
>butler questioning gender

conclusion: when your philosophy interrogates abstract ideas like "the good" and "knowledge," that's based. but when it interrogates a power structure, that's cringe. nobody should write any philosophy analyzing or criticizing the distribution of power.

>> No.23402299

>but when it interrogates a power structure
it dismantles power structures without considering the implications, instilling in their place faulty, impish nonsystems which universally lead to mass suffering. Mass suffering is not linked to Wittgenstein or Russel or even Sartre. Mass suffering is inexorably linked to Marx (holodomor, cultural revolution) and to Butler (41%).

>> No.23402317
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That man face is wild.

>> No.23402327
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>russia never had mass starvation or wars before marx
>the mentally ill never killed themselves before butler
>dubois and fanon curiously omitted (their work fed into the civil rights movement, which has inarguably made black people's lives better)

>> No.23402607

>conclusion: when your philosophy interrogates abstract ideas like "the good" and "knowledge," that's based. but when it interrogates a power structure, that's cringe. nobody should write any philosophy analyzing or criticizing the distribution of power.
The former is the search for truth while the latter is a narcissistic drive for bodily pleasure.

>> No.23402919

Oh all of those things happened of course, I didn’t say otherwise.
>cultural revolution curiously omitted
Nobody seethes at dubois and fanon like they do de beauvoir, marx or butler. you put comparative moderates next to lunatics and pedophiles to prop them up.

>> No.23402955

>The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.
What's wrong with this sentence other than big words bad?

>> No.23403346
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It's good for the gays.

>> No.23403433
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contra confirmed it over a month ago as well.

>> No.23403447

Hey I say that

>> No.23403449

Trips of heckin truth

>> No.23403453

I will say I enjoy Agamben and Schmitt though

>> No.23403475

I deeply despise all of you. This thread is one of the worst crimes the human race ever committed.

>> No.23404432

Philosophy Tube makes $25 000 USD a month on Patreon alone.
I sincerely doubt anything they have to say.

>> No.23404539
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Is it true he raped contra and trooned out to dodge accountability?

>> No.23404556

He trooned out because he's a skinwalker

>> No.23404560

Contra was actually a smart dude. Too bad he swallowed his own libtard bullshit. Atleast he feels ashamed for shilling for Biden.

>> No.23404623

But tbf her stuff doesn't really lead to any immediate actions you can take if you agree with her work other than
>Drag is the only thing that's actually pushes gender norms, lmao rip guess I gotta book a ticket now
Compared to land were if you tried to actually get any genuine program in it you're already missing the point of letting the madness come over you

>> No.23404644

>why is cum like cum cum cum cummmmmmm daddy wants to cum help daddy cum

>> No.23404652

This guy has a very bad hair style, along with the filters to the video and make up applied, as well as adams apple hidden, some might mistake him for a woman.

>> No.23404679

Structuralist theories lack a temporal component and therefore can't account for the way the exercise of power changes over time.

Midwits will be deeply impressed by this point if you express it as inefficiently as possible, and they will take the increased ambiguity as a license to dismiss criticisms with "you just don't understand it ;)". Expressing ideas clearly is a mark of intelligence.

>> No.23405237
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>fanon: kill your landlord, kill the french, violence is a prerequisite for liberation
>butler: call me they/them pls
ah, yes, clearly fanon is a moderate whose views seem quaint next to a radical like butler

>> No.23405642
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Idk what to say other than some people find violence more normal than someone who looks like a man preferring to not be referred to as such
No insult to fannon tho, while a little to far in speculation rather than theory in my taste in some areas of his work, he's overall still based

>> No.23405886
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>some people find violence more normal than someone who looks like a man preferring to not be referred to as such
granted, but when most people say “radical” they’re referring to the scale of the social transformation that a political program calls for. fanon’s maoist revolution would overhaul the political and economic systems for everyone. butler’s very limited prescriptive program boils down to “we should let people inhabit different gender roles if they want,” which in practice means letting 1% of men take estrogen and 1% of women take testosterone. anticapitalist projects by their nature are all-encompassing; gender politics are individualized and opt-in. the former is therefore far more radical than the latter.

>> No.23406246

I doubt that, he's 6'3, built like a linebacker

>> No.23406268

I hate PT because he actually made me feel bad for a troon for the first time in my life.

>> No.23406276

>Nobody seethes at dubois and fanon
I seethe about both of them, and I think more people will seethe about Fanon given how populr whining about "colonizers" and "settler colonialism" is with leftists at the moment. That being said, I. wish there was constant seething about academic leftism as a whole instead of just focusing on one aspect of it for a week.
To be fair, no one is killing landlords in western countries at the moment, while people are a currently being annoying about pronouns.

>> No.23406281

>How do people know this

>> No.23406289

It's like 90% confirmed by things Contra has said. I think they both have enough dirt on each other that they aren't willing to say too much publicly.

>> No.23407482
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>no one is killing landlords in western countries at the moment
>blocks ur path

>> No.23407485


>> No.23407511

You shouldn't have done it

>> No.23407515
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>> No.23407518

I can fix her.

>> No.23407844

short answer, which is probably the most accurate answer in this thread. Philosophy went downhill thanks to Rene Descartes.
t.actually read the primary texts not watch silly little youtube and quirky tiktok videos.

>> No.23408017

>Fake article
Seems not.

>> No.23408032

i agree with you but your attitude is appalling.

>> No.23408050

The difference is that Butler's gibberish is no fun at all. Land is funny and trippy. Butler writes completely humorless bureaucratic manuals.

>> No.23408182

it’s only appalling if you’re a sensitive social media addict zoomer baby which is 99% certainly your case given what i suspect are your other replies

>> No.23408216

stop watching he/him/she/her/whatever the moment that shit happened. Was already noticing a decline in quality but that was the nail in the coffin. I really don't care if people in person are trans but from my anecdotal experience online transgenders are just doing it for clout in one way or another

>> No.23408905

Party pooper.

>> No.23409485

no fucking way lmfaoooooo

>> No.23410587

So you agree with the ass but have a problem with me, retard?

>> No.23411341

? Seems like she's just complaining about PT "stealing" their career which seems pretty as fuck imo

>> No.23411357

it's a shame tankie women tend to be hot

>> No.23411368

I can think of no group of humans on earth I trust less to teach me philosophy than youtubers.

>> No.23411415

i don't have the big-ass summary image on hand but the theory was that the style copying was part of some kind of unhealthy romantic fixation that included sexual assault at some point and the tweet fits very well with the theory

>> No.23411418


>> No.23411423

butler isnt a philosopher.

>> No.23411678

The concept of gender is very strange to me, it seems like a sort of repackaged Gnostic Dualism where sex is the material version is 'gender' is the spiritual version.

>> No.23411693

The trouble is the term "gender" is ambiguous. It can refer to the set of social roles and norms that grow up around sex (social gender), but it can also refer to what might better be termed subconscious sex- the sex that a person subconsciously feels their body is supposed to be. Nobody's entirely sure why some people feel very strongly that their body is supposed to be a different sex than it is (though we have some ideas) but the fact remains that they do.

>> No.23411921

Have you ever tried tik-tok ?

>> No.23412678

>nobody is entirely sure why mentally ill people are delirious

>> No.23412856

>have a middling career as an entertainer
>make no money, no bitches
>troon out
>make 300k/yr no taxes, get mad lefty pussy
Makes a compelling case, I might just try it, sans the dickchop

>> No.23412988
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It is only a matter of time before they suicide.

>> No.23413005

Yes. Contra doesn't want to make it public because it could being down all of Breadtube, so just just has to watch as the man who raped her apes her career.

I can only imagine how many Contra points must be watching PT become the face of Breadtube and getting cast in Star Wars.

>> No.23413117

Tragic, but then again the demons that are Breadtube were of their own making. No sympathy for them, maybe for Contra since she seems the most sincere of them all or Dan since he took a swing at actual journalism and is doing fine now.

>> No.23413142

I am relatively new here, but is the person who made this long and complex post a trans person?

>> No.23413175

grow up insufferable sperg

>> No.23413228

I hope Contrapoints survives. The only bearable (dare I say even likeable around these parts?) troon there is.
Aside from Flor de la V but you don't know what an icon that man is.

>> No.23413359

Oh I thought you meant that PT actually assaulted contra.

>> No.23413381

Definitely the most likeable trans person I know but I also don’t like anyone no matter how they choose to identify.

>> No.23413404

Judith Butler isn't philosophy. I've got all her books. Her work is Fantasy. She premises everything she does on baseless 2nd wave feminist conjecture that has now proven to be outdated and obsolete despite the 3rd wave's monumental effort to legitimize it by brute force.

Any book you read by Judith Butler will open with several extremely absurd assumptions about sex and gender, often including some that would be called viscerally misogynist if they were applied to women rather than men.

Then she jumps off from those psychotic presumptions and goes off on tangents that are ultimately meaningless at best because they all require her original dogma to be true.

Judith Butler is a blight on academia and any psychologist, sociologist, philosopher, etc, should be able to obliterate everything she's written because it's just that pathetic. Her work ONLY stands because it's mostly consumed by cultists that will be excommunicated if they dare speak out.

>> No.23413524

I really fucking hate Judith Butler, and I find Philosophy Troon grotesque and physically repulsive.

>> No.23413538
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>> No.23413543

Hold shit this post and its replys have me rolling, KEK

>> No.23413551

Au contraire. I'd argue Judith Butler is by far the most influential philosopher of modern times.
She came up with the entire conceit of sex being different from gender, thereby singlehandedly spawning a new generation of dickcutters across the entire western world.
Easily the most influential (read: destructive) thinker since Marx.

>> No.23413555

Can you please explain to me why believing you have the wrong gender is something that should be respected and is not equatable with xenomelia ("Foreign limb syndrome")?

In other words, why should we affirm something that is entirely subjective when it leads to deviant behavior, physical harm to the individual, and psychological harm to their friends and family?

>> No.23413566

Turkey Tom knows some shit about Kiwi Farms and 4chan, he's not a total lightweight.

>> No.23413579

That is a very handsome woman

>> No.23413583

>She came up with the entire conceit of sex being different from gender
John Money (faggot child rapist) came up with it, Judith just popularized the modern interpretation of it.

>> No.23413650

philosophy tube sounds like a ruthless satanic conqueror soon he'll be starring in hollywood might even get into politics

>> No.23413690
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I disagree. It is crazy to me that modern right-wingers in all democracies think that simply banning the teaching of these people will remedy the problem. Without ruthless persecution and the immediate threat of violence, nothing will change.

>> No.23413719

There is such a fine line between narcissism and enlightenment. Strict religious practice can help guard against the former, but can also hold you back from the latter. The best approach is to ground yourself in a tradition while also doing freeform meditation

>> No.23413924

Did he leave us trapped in res cogitans because the ontological argument fails?

>> No.23413954

Oh fuck, I genuinely thought it was one guy, your post just brought my attention to the fact there are 2 popular YT trans "philosophers"

>> No.23414139

Doesn't need fixing desu she's perfect

>> No.23414249

>everybody who ever challenged authority was right and should be celebrated

are you retarded?

>> No.23414274

Nope impossible, They're too retarded

>> No.23414275

She's a retarded commie

>> No.23414288

>everybody who ever challenged authority was right and should be celebrated
This but unironically

>> No.23414290

Holy fuck Unfathomably based

>> No.23414291

No, hon. Marx is based and Sartre is cringe.

>> No.23414298

Where is Nietzsche among the "based" philosophers who literally questions every one of them.

Inb4 marx is a fag

>> No.23414302

Is he a troon ? Ahaha

>> No.23415093

How many actually undergo genital surgery?

>> No.23415312

does he really drink piss mixed with club soda

>> No.23415550

Cheap white, piss mixed with soda, whats the diff?

>> No.23415759

According to (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2808707)), 35,1% of Gender Affirming Surgery patients between 2016 and 2020 were for genital surgeries. This includes overlap between other surgeries, so you could just as well say that 64,9% keep their original genitals.
Dire numbers, IMO. I wonder what it could mean? Do they not trust the methods used today to construct their new genitals to give them a good enough looking set? Are they worried about it being irreversible? Are they worried about the aftermath of it, you know, the drainage, about it being an open wound and all that? Maybe all of the above?

>> No.23416099

Who's this glam rock-lookin dude?