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23400107 No.23400107[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There's no better way to prove the blackpill theory than going to the gym, the girls only talk with the taller and most handsome dudes. Remember: Being tall only is not enough, being handsome only is not enough. You gotta see how these foids behave around these men like complete sluts and they keep taking photos of themselves to post on social media because they're hypergamous and want a rich dude who would take her on vacation because he ain't got options and fuck the tall muscular HTN. It's so predictable man lol
Share your blackpilling gym stories guys

>> No.23400110

Oops I meant to post this on /fit/, mods move it pls

>> No.23400112

>>23400110 (Chud)
I'm not your hoe

>> No.23400121
File: 66 KB, 720x402, C40386F7-9860-4189-B119-FB2946352EB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean to tell me.... women... like.... TALL RICH HANDSOME MEN?


>> No.23400136

/fit/cels say just work out bro just improov bro but that is cope unless you are tall and gl

>> No.23400158

Maybe you'd get some bitches if you did literally anything that's not posting wojaks

>> No.23400162

Oh anon. None of that is the blackpill. The blackpill is that regardless of what is going on around you, whether it be good or bad, whether it confirms or denies your worst fears in any way; you will always find a blackpill, because that is your constitution. You are the blackpill, at least have the decency of character to recognize how deeply and fatefully you despise yourself, like the rest of us who have learned to grow into our skin.

>> No.23400163

>talking to people at the gym
Fuck that. I have headphones in and concentrate on what I'm doing. I try to not interact with anyone unless it's someone I already know (there's a drawback to that though as I had a friend who learned a tonne of shit as a beginner by treating it like a social outlet).

Anyway, why aren't you on >>>/fit/? Did you mistake which blue board you were on?

>> No.23400211

You are such a fucking low IQ loser.

>> No.23400231

Was literally about to post this. Fucking based.

>> No.23400236

The real blackpill that you will come around to realize one day is that you’ve spent countless hours of your life fawning over something as vapid and meaningless as sex when even watching TV all day would have been a better use of your time. I want you to go jerk off right now to get it out of your system and then sit down and read a book or paint or whatever it is you do. That’s exactly what having sex and then getting up to do something feels like. No different. I can guarantee you beyond a shadow of a doubt that losing your virginity won’t make the stars align and the heavens part for you. It’s literally the most base thing a human being can do other than eat and shit. Have you ever had a shit or a sandwich that changed your life? Get your head out of your ass and stop wallowing before it’s too late to do so.

>> No.23400240

Post more ebonics cringe, you dumb simian.

>> No.23400266

Only people who have copious amounts of sex say sex isn't worth it, but those same people have no intention of actually becoming celibate. Reminds of people who say that relationships suck, but they're never single for more than 3 months

>> No.23400277

I am 28 and have had sex twice in my entire life. Grow the fuck up. Not everything in life revolves around holes.

>> No.23400316

>I am 28 and have had sex twice in my entire life. Grow the fuck up. Not everything in life revolves around holes.
t.future suicide statistic

>> No.23400330

I’m 30 and I haven’t had sex since I was 22

It sucks but oh well, there are so many other things that make life worth living

>> No.23400355

I don’t know what else to tell you other than I hope you realize what I’m telling you is the truth sooner rather than later. I’m completely content with my life the way it is right now and a huge part of that was realizing how foolish it is to be obsessed with sex and dating. There are greater things in life. The satisfaction of sex lasts about as long as the orgasm. Then you have to have blasé pillow talk with a bonehead you only wanted to bed and not talk about the hecking universe and how we’re all on a spinning rock and stuff with.

>> No.23400359

This guy is right. Sex is nice, but it's not worth having to interact with w*men

>> No.23400372

You know what's really cool? Finding a woman who gets you and with whom you can have an understanding and loving relationship with. However, I don't know how rare that is, it's possible that I've just gotten extremely lucky.

>> No.23400408

I have this but I still often want to have sex with other women and fantasise about doing so. It’s horrible.

>> No.23400416

She thinks about that too

>> No.23400423

Just because you're an asexual freak content with being alone doesn't mean everyone else is

>> No.23400426

Do you want sex, love, validation, a security blanket, or a doormat and punching bag? Which of these do you want?

>> No.23400431

I want companionship, intimacy, sex, friendship and a family and that starts with at least getting a gf

>> No.23400435

then why are you looking for dating and relationship advice on 4chan? You are a delusional cookie, and worst of all, you are afraid to do the things that you need to do to get what you want.

>> No.23400441

I'm not looking for advice, I simply called out some asexual freak. I'm not delusional, I know I've wasted too much of my time and I'll never catch up so I gave up. It just pisses me off to see idiotic posts saying how sex or relationships aren't worth it because that's how I coped back in my early 20s. If I hadn't listened to all those retarded stories then maybe my life would've turned out differently instead of the inevitable ropepill

>> No.23400447

Sex maybe worth it but relationships in the current era aren't, that's where your delusion lies and if you weren't such a pussy you would go out and find out for yourself just how hopeless it all is. If you are so desperate for a relationship, why aren't you outside the country experimenting with people other than western women? It's because you are pussy who is too afraid of realizing this truth.

>> No.23400452

It's cause I don't care anymore. I'm too old to get my first relationship. There's no excitement or youth left at this point. Also flying to some 3rd world shithole to get some desperate woman who only wants a visa is effectively me telling the entire world what a loser I am. At least now I can keep it a secret only to myself and my family

>> No.23400456
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If it would happened, if it would happened, my life would be completely different if I had sex with the woman I find attractive.

Just being able to have sex with girls you find attractive must be fucking amazing, I don't understand how normies can feel any kind of sadness when they can go to a party, find a pretty girl and flirt successfully to eventually get in bed with her for one night and move on to do the same next friday. I swear if I had sex I'd instantly drop all of my suicidal thoughts, right there on the spot after releasing my load.

>> No.23400460

>"It’s literally the most base thing a human being can do other than eat and shit."
And that's exactly why we, who can't access sex, are coping

>> No.23400468
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>B... But just BEEEEEE uourself!!!!!

The fact of the matter is a lot of people are schizoids and regardless of it is a result of either genetics or their upbringing they CANNOT change to think act and feel the way normal people do. This fact makes normal people very uncomfortable so they simply deny it and blame you for being atypical, it's your fault your brain isn't like their brain, and you could easily change your brain if you wanted to but you must not so it's your fault. The normalfag delusion-cope pattern is a perfect circle that never needs to entertain the possibility that life might be unaccommodating for someone because their existence is at the warm center of life that isn't exposed to something we call reality.

>> No.23400470

More excuses that you are a pussy. If you didn't care you wouldn't have seethed at the guy who said relationships don't matter.

>> No.23400485

I don't care about it myself, but there's plenty of young guys reading that shit who will fall into the same trap and I think it's important to call out those sort of lies. Women were able to get the upper hand because men keep sabotaging each other

>> No.23400492

Listen anon it seems amazing to you but it's worse than what you imagine
And then what will you do
When this idyllic fixation comes true and doesn't fix all your problems like you thought it would

>> No.23400499

No. Women got the upper hand because men like you refuse to accept reality. Delusional romantic retards who think women are innocent faeries that poop ice cream and vomit strawberries. Unfortunately for our soceity, young men reading will not stop looking for pussy, the instinct to have sex for them is stronger than what some online anon might convince them with text, but the tide is changing, more and more young men are getting to the realization that they were dealt an unfair hand in life and that dealing with modern women is ultimately futile.