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23398980 No.23398980 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23398984

You are trying to understand the non-sensical.

>> No.23399003

Gonna be honest here, bro, Marx did make some valid criticism to capitalism,

>> No.23399090

True, but he presented no solution

>> No.23399102

Please tell me this is bait

>> No.23399104

Reading Capital Politically.
Getting a job.
Joining your union.
Shooting your boss.

>> No.23399161

Read The Wealth of Nations first. Marx basically builds off of Smith's observations on the concentration of capital and it's relationship to labor in the form of markets. Ultimately, capital will always view labor as a mere input cost, a cost which can be kept as low as possible by forcing workers to labor for bare subsistence. Since all capital has this interest in common, the operation of the market is to push wages down to bare subsistence. In fact, the abolition of slavery was only allowed because it's cheaper to pay bare subsistence to a free man while his labor is needed and then turn him off your land when he isn't needed, thus saving you capital investment and maintenance of an idle worker. Essentially, capital MUST operate along psychopathic lines since this is what the laws of the market favor, thus any capital which operates with charity or compassion will be less efficient, and enjoy a lower return on investment, and consequently grow at a slower pace which results in the landscape of capital consisting of large holdings of psychopathic, amoral cut throats and ever shrinking smaller holdings of charitable but non-competitive holdings. The only answer to this is organized force against concentrations of capital, either by unions, government, or revolution. The works of Marx and others merely flesh out what I have said here. Keynes makes similar striking observations on the fact that labor does not follow the laws of supply and demand as exemplified by the following: when the offered price for a commodity is dropped, it should follow that less of the commodity will be forthcoming. Yet, if a given amount of men are unemployed and searching for employment (offering their labor for sale), a general drop in offered wages would have to be met with some such unemployed men withdrawing their offered labor from the market, a patent absurdity. Thus, at the core of the problem is the fact that men are held over a barrel and are blackmailed by need of sustenance to sell their labor at whatever price can be found. This wild disparity of power, together with the process of profit taking, means that employers invariably exploit their workers, and that the greater the exploitation, the greater the market will reward the exploiter, the greater will the holding of capital grow, and the greater will the ability of that capital holder to exploit to a greater degree. The end result must be violent revolution, since any system to redress this problem is vulnerable to the power that grows out of the exercise of capital. It's all rather bleak, really.

>> No.23399185

Good books about that?

>> No.23399200
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An accessible, modern book would be Capital in the 21st Century by Thomas Piketty.

>> No.23399295


>> No.23399298

How? He literally gives basic examples and graphs of algorithms/divet ends. His more philosophical writings in it I can undersyand, which he stupidly puts a lot of in square in the beginning and end, but the middle parts when doesn’t go into transcendental ramble about the dehumanization of Capitalism and other metaphysic shit; it’s pretty straight forward despite the math errors.

>> No.23399309

The more certain thinkers are shilled on here the less I want to read them

>> No.23399322

You should be pretty familiar with the Hegelian dialectic beforehand. I can only assume it’s the dense theoretics that’s doing it as the rest of the book is really quite obvious to anyone that has ever worked a job before. Read some secondary material on Hegel: Pippin, Pinkard, Houlgate, etc. Avoid Robert Brandom

>> No.23399337

What other books you recommend, bro?

>> No.23399371 [DELETED] 

Older, more foundational:
The Wealth of Nations
Das Kapital
Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
God and the State

Newer, contemporary stuff:
The War on Normal People
Capital in the 21st Century
Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of Mass Media

>> No.23399408

Older, more foundational:
The Wealth of Nations
Das Kapital
Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
God and the State

Newer, contemporary stuff:
The War on Normal People
Capital in the 21st Century
Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative?
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of Mass Media
The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy

>> No.23399410

No he didn't. What he critiqued was definitionally not Capitalism.

>> No.23399434

>It's wasn't capitalism

Then it was what?

>> No.23399444

That doesn’t mean it’s nonsensical

>> No.23399562

theres not a word for it because retards keep calling it capitalism despite it meeting precicely zero of the markers.

>> No.23399731

wage labour for sustenance on commodities sold at market as the primary system of reproduction of capacity to exert?
generalisation of the commodity form seeking profit through the circuit of expanded reproduction?

Pull your head out of your arse new guy.

>> No.23399745


...sorry am I suppose to say more? Or were you trying to provide an example of how retarded people try to define capitalism?

>> No.23399748

Please elucidate us, O great one!

>> No.23399753

Government corruption isnt capitalism.

>> No.23399767
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>> No.23399770

>no argument
Your concession is pending approval.

>> No.23399780

I btfoed you two months ago retard. Your definition isn’t admissible

>> No.23399793

No point in arguing with someone stupid enough to think that anything other than a completely unregulated, unfettered market is "not true capitalism." Please, O intelligent and awesome one, tell me how the private ownership of property for the purpose of profit is not capitalism.

>> No.23399802

You'll want to read Hume, then Kant.

>> No.23399810
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>> No.23399811

No, he's just a fucking retard.

>> No.23399827

>strawman strawman strawman
Kindly throttle your brain stem with a c-clamp

>> No.23399837


>> No.23399844

Dead trees still have roots.

>> No.23400788


>> No.23401342


>> No.23401582

Nah, you are a sane person with average or above average IQ and mental capacity enough to think, so your brain filtered his jargon that usually gets low IQ, non-educated laborers, or nowadays blue-haired and pierced libtard wagies.
Be a retard and go take a huge loan to study some useless degree, or destroy your brain with porn, become a faggot or a furry, and work for Starbucks. Maybe then you'll be able to grasp the holy Marxist man-child entitlement doctrine.

>> No.23402239

Wage Labour and Capital; Marx wrote it to be as accessible as possible. If you're still filtered after reading it then there's no hope.