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/lit/ - Literature

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2339679 No.2339679 [Reply] [Original]

How come most of English/Liberal arts majors fail at math?

I for one know many people who chose to do more science/math but were very interested in philosophy and literature too and used to excel at these courses, but as far as I know most people who majored in liberal arts failed at math in high school and now have a bad image of science. Whenever basic math is involved in a conversation one of them will typically say "ewww this is why I'm not a math major" or shit like that.

Furthermore, I've noticed that people who are good at math have many stereotypes attached to them: they're seen as autists, complete nerds, anti-social fucks, etc. And that's not true. I've worked with teachers and met many students in schools and universities and I swear I couldn't tell who was studying/teaching what based solely on how "nerdy" they looked. Yes, there are autistic nerds. However, I've met over a hundred "science majors" (or equivalents in my country) and only three were kinda weird - and not even autistic. Liberal arts don't have these stereotypes.

TL;DR: Science/math majors are interested in philosophy, Liberal art majors suck at math or hate it, discuss.

>> No.2339687

lets face it most english majors are dumb, lost tryhards who waited too long to get a real hobby

>> No.2339693

i study something a calculator can do faster and more accurately why don't people talke my major seriously ;_;

>> No.2339701

Wow. Sage.

>> No.2339709

I see you haven't been introduced to the joys of "problem solving".

>> No.2339711


i solve problems with empathy and compassion, concepts foreign to math

>> No.2339715

how about you post about books you fuck

>> No.2339717

Liberal arts have different stereotypes. ever met a science major who wrote poetry and wasn't over thirty five?

>> No.2339719

quick what's the derivitive of 7 with respects to x

ill give you a cookie if you get it i promise

>> No.2339720

Wow, you're a terrible troll. I've seen 15-year-olds argue exactly like you.

>> No.2339722


my gut tells me it's one

>> No.2339723
File: 14 KB, 342x456, IsaacAsimov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone call me?

>> No.2339728

Is it true that a liberal arts major will get you ALL THE JOBS?

>> No.2339732

Do you want all the jobs? Seriously, there's less than 1% of jobs I would actually even want.

>> No.2339738

>How come most of English/Liberal arts majors fail at math?
That's a stereotype as well, and it's true to the extent that math majors are
>autists, complete nerds, anti-social fucks
There are examples galore, but I don't think that there is a direct cause, and I think that most people can learn math/science if they wanted to.
>most people who majored in liberal arts failed at math in high school and now have a bad image of science.
This might be the result of shitty high school teachers, but is also anecdotal evidence, a term you should be well-acquanted with.

English and philosophy and math and science require roughly the same amount of intellect, but the latter two require more discipline.

>> No.2339749

I aced all my math courses, but I ended up pursuing English and Philosophy. (I now make six figures working in a--surprise, surprise--completely unrelated industry). The reason math never held my interest was that I never felt involved. You can try and immerse yourself in the pursuit of understanding math, but it exists entirely separate from you. You have no input.

English and philosophy require active participation. Your understanding and interpretation can actually make a difference in how others approach the same topic(s). You don't simply learn steadfast rules and regurgitate them as proof of your education. Instead, you study (and become a part of) something that is organic and perpetually changing.

To me, that is far more interesting.

>> No.2339750

not it's very untrue. ever volunteer at a soup kitchen?

>> No.2339757


you should volunteer at a good post kitchen and get some pointers

>> No.2339758

It's amazing how many posters on 4chan make six-figure salaries. It's like 80% of the richest people sit on their asses, posting.

>> No.2339764


OP here. I have worked with lit teachers, English/German/French teachers, I have met lit students and they ALL said they hated math. It's like liberal arts are a default choice for people who don't like math. On the other hand, very few actual scientists or science majors are autists/complete nerds. Sure, there are some, but I've met three of them so far - out of a hundred. It seems that your choice of major is determined by this simple question: "Do you suck at math?"

>> No.2339776


>On the other hand, very few actual scientists or science majors are autists/complete nerds.

i'm sure that given your reliance upon uncorroborated anecdotal evidence you will have a thriving career in science

>> No.2339780

Well, alright, you're a troll but,
>It seems that your choice of major is determined by this simple question: "Do you suck at math?"
It's more like: "Do you want to do math?" or "Do you think that you'll do anything with math?"

>> No.2339781

Same with IQ and dick size. Most people feel like a piece of shit because they "only" have a 130 IQ or a six inch dick.

>> No.2339783

because math and logic are to autism as literature and philosophical thought are to asperger syndrome. i would try to find a place for schizophrenia but then tl;dr.

>> No.2339787

Everybody is going to a top-10 school too.
4chan: making your pathetic dreams come alive!!!

>> No.2339788

Protip: you are your own worst enemy.

>> No.2339790

I can't speak for other English majors, but I developed a phobia for math early on in my education that I never relinquished. In my elementary school they taught math in an extremely unconventional, experimental way that totally failed and probably instilled a lifelong hatred of math in hundreds of students. I don't remember what it was called, but all the calculations
were done using dots and shapes and these little boards they called "computers." It was fucking stupid. If that sounds familiar to any of you, please tell me. I'd like to know what they called

The ramifications of this rippled on down through middle school and high school, where I consistently received the bare minimum grades necessary to pass my algebra, trigonometry, and calculus classes. I bullshitted the homework because it was graded on completion, not accuracy, and did poorly on the tests. I skipped class routinely, almost failing one semester of trig
because of my truancy. Math made high school unbearable for me. I only had it 2 or 3 times a week for 90 minute periods, but that was enough to mar my entire secondary school experience.

I wish I could do math, but it's too late for me now. My teachers fucked me over. So I am pursuing a degree in a field that interests me and that doesn't make me want to inject liquid glue into
my bloodstream.

For more on this subject, read Lockhart's Lament, a disgruntled math teacher's perspective on the mess that is mathematics teaching in the United States.


>> No.2339795

Look, I'm not a troll. I'm not saying math is better than anything, nor that it will do anything better than philosophy or literature. I'm just saying that most lit students/teachers I've met hate math; I'm not even talking about problem solving, just very basic math such as "durr what's the derivative of x^x". However, I know many science majors who are very cultured and read a copious amount of philosophy. This is only my personal experience, I'm just trying to draw conclusions from that.

>> No.2339803

No surprise, white children are a minority in the US classroom today.

Don't expect anything to improve, not while liberals continue to promote treachery and suicide.

>> No.2339805

"Look, I'm not trolling, I'm just making dumb claims I can in no way back up"

>> No.2339811

White children, along with black and brown children are statistically doing the worst in all math and science disciplines. Yellow children outpace them all.


>> No.2339818

OP, the sooner you realize that people can't be categorized the sooner you'll realize shit actually makes sense.

>> No.2339819

If it makes you feel any better about your own job (or lack thereof), I live in Los Angeles where the cost of living is ridiculously high. $100k really isn't that much after the jacked up housing (and grocery) costs.

>> No.2339822

>not buying your grocerys online
>living in a city filled with spics, niggers, kikes, and liberals of the worst sort

>> No.2339827

you know that statistically, you are a fucking idiot who's spewing shit you have no real idea about?

>> No.2339826

>latter two

*latter three

>> No.2339824

Moar like:

Less than 200k a year? Your life is shit.
Less than 7 inch dick? Your life is shit.
Less than 140 IQ? Your life is shit.
Don't go to a top-10 university? Your life is shit.
Never been laid? Your life is shit.
More than 10% body fat? Your life is shit.
Cut, Christian, gay, veggie? Your life is shit.
Didn't have a girlfriend at 12? Your life is shit.
Not white? Your life is shit.
European? Your life is shit.

>> No.2339830

Well feel free to say my personal experience is bullshit and in no way representative of the global picture but then I expect some solid source.

>> No.2339831

Statistically you are so mad. Literally.

>> No.2339832

Good one, stormfront anon, you really got him.

>> No.2339835

Well no. Philosophy != Logic. Boole, Gödel and Turing aren't philosophers, they're logicians.

>> No.2339836

Haha, I must've hit a sore spot. How's it feel being unemployed in a town full of hillbillies?

>> No.2339838

You SUCK at philosophy

>> No.2339840


white nationalist baby wants his bottle

we must secure a clean diaper

>> No.2339847

That's the first intelligent comment that you ever wrote, tripfag. Well done.

>> No.2339851


Actually I had pretty good marks when I had philosophy courses. Being good at philosophy is just being good at using different meanings for the same word in order to prove a point and its opposite.

>> No.2339857

>Being good at philosophy is just being good at using different meanings for the same word in order to prove a point and its opposite.
What do you think it takes to do well in the business world?

>> No.2339855

Sure feels nice to live in a place where you know the neighbors, can carry a gun, and don't have to lock your house/car

>> No.2339859

>sure feels nice to live in a place where any crazy faggot can shoot you out of sudden impulses

>> No.2339861


>> No.2339864

I fail to see how a math major is better than a liberal arts one.

I seriously do.

>> No.2339865

What...what's your point?

Define "better".

>> No.2339866

>*latter three
*all four

>> No.2339868

Speaking of your neighbors, how ARE Billy-Bob and Bobbi-Jo doing these days?

And now I *know* you're a fucking hick when your litmus test for a nice place to live is being able to carry a gun.

>> No.2339871

Sure is defensive in there.

>> No.2339872

>being a freedom hating liberal

Remember, when you need help now, the cops are minutes away!

>> No.2339873

Better as in, better. Chances are with both majors you're stuck being a teacher or sucking dick for crack money. Sure, a math major might feel more intelligent, but a calculator is more useful than him.

>> No.2339874

Sure is trolltastic in here.

>> No.2339877


Are you 18?

>> No.2339879

never answer a question with another question, bro

>> No.2339881

>Better as in, better. Chances are with both majors you're stuck being a teacher or sucking dick for crack money. Sure, a math major might feel more intelligent, but a calculator is more useful than him.

Sure is question mark in here.

>> No.2339882

what is it with this calculator shit

math != arithmetic

>> No.2339885

Actually, I'm voting for Ron Paul (again).

>> No.2339889

This reflects a misunderstanding of what the study of mathematics at a higher level actually entails. The idea that mathematicians do a more advanced form of those rote problem sets you get assigned during high school, is completely incorrect.

>Your understanding and interpretation can actually make a difference in how others approach the same topic(s). You don't simply learn steadfast rules and regurgitate them as proof of your education. Instead, you study (and become a part of) something that is organic and perpetually changing.

All of this can be said about math, once you've surpassed the regurgitation-based approach of math learning that persists through early undergrad-level courses. Sucessful mathematicians develop new approaches, recast open problems using new systems of analysis.

>> No.2339891

Have fun throwing your vote away on an independent.

>> No.2339893

This is all true, but how many math majors actually get to the point where they are ultimately advancing the field itself--rather than simply running numbers for some corporation..?

>> No.2339895

Real mathematicians, that is, those who actually contribute to the field, are certainly creative people, but most who are "good at math" aren't real mathematicians, and can do little more than what a calculator does

>> No.2339900

Have fun voting for a Mormon.

>> No.2339901

People who call themselves "good at math" aren't. Anyway, the ability to compute big numbers in your head has nothing to do with the talent of problem solving.

>> No.2339903


Anyone not voting for Obama this election is throwing their vote away.

>> No.2339905

voting for the person who will win is just as much throwing your vote away.

also: could you imagine what the founders would think if they knew a kenyan nigger who's parents were commies was now the president?

>> No.2339906


>> No.2339910

You know, the founding fathers used to be British. Also communism didn't exist.

I assume you are American.

>> No.2339912
File: 52 KB, 400x300, romney is laughing at you, too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you actually think that

>> No.2339918

>Also communism didn't exist.


>> No.2339920

>voting for the person who will win is just as much throwing your vote away.
>can't into causation

>> No.2339921

Yeah, Mitt Romney is really looking out for you and your guns.


PS. Why are you still posting in this thread? Aren't your dial-up internet minutes about to expire? You should be driving around Main Street back and forth between the two Sonics in your town.

>> No.2339924

Wait... why would a presidential candidate PRETEND TO BE MORMON?


>> No.2339925

Cool story, bro.

>> No.2339926

Rousseau was the communist thinker of his day

>> No.2339932

>16 year old detected

>> No.2339931
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>Implying mathematicians do calculations

>> No.2339928

I'm voting for Obama, you stupid fuck.

>> No.2339936

Not even close.
Y so defensive?

>> No.2339938
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>> No.2339941

>I don't quite grasp what "defensive" means...
What's gonna be your next zinger? "u mad bro?"

>> No.2339942

Yep, blacks-are-monkeys joke.
Pretty good, pretty original.

>> No.2339944

bush = monkey

obongo = ape
oh my god u racist bigot

fuck off nigger lover.

>> No.2339947

I kicked math's ass in high school and college. I just preferred areas of expression.

Now, my fellow English teachers in general do seem to be less intelligent overall than the math and science teachers at my school. It's unfortunate.

>> No.2339952

Just look at /sci/, they fucking suck at anything philosophical or that requires reading comprehension.

>> No.2339956
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>bush = monkey

Where the fuck did he ever imply that you humongous piece of shit?

>> No.2339959

Obama is half white.

>> No.2339962

1 scoop shit
1 scoop ice cream

will you eat it? it's half ice cream right?

>> No.2339965

The way you learn about math is completely different from how people who 'do' math for a living, actually do it. With literature, in contrast, you approach it the same way as career lit scholars: read shit and write about it. Obviously at the career level of the latter you're expected to have read not only the primary works, but a lot of criticism and perhaps historical research, but the basic methdology is similar.