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File: 2.12 MB, 1293x810, Vajrapani-Thangka-e1640170604967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23396897 No.23396897 [Reply] [Original]

Suggest books on Vajrayana and its Practice

>> No.23396907

I suggest you quit now and seek Christ.

>t. former practitioner, current Christian

>> No.23396911

luh this nigga

>> No.23396915

I suspect 99% of Vajrayana enthusiasts are retarded and trying to jump from no praxis right to the most difficult Buddhist praxis with no intervening steps, simply because it's the most "based" Buddhism.

>> No.23396920

uhhh.... thats me
what do I do?

>> No.23396984
File: 4 KB, 210x153, Ashtamangala 8 auspicious signs BUDDHISM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op but also interested. I spent of lot of time long ago fascinated by depictions of Mahakala and especially Sitatapatra (STPTR)
I'm a visual artist/painter.
I went so far to draw sitatapatra a lot, and even pixeled the Ashtamangala, or 8 auspicious signs

I am just curious about this movement because from reading the wiki:
>Since the practice of Tantra focuses on the transformation of poisons into wisdom,
thats more or less verbatim what i was doing from imbibing DXM in a ritualistic manner, followed by drawing and contemplation. I did this mainly in my early twenties, but in the span of several years of this I produced many works and even believe I ended receiving STPTR's blessing (her white parasol offers protection from all black magic) as I managed to survive an almost fatal collision as a pedestrian with a vehicle going roughly 50mph.

>heres a 7.3mb zip of all the buddhist art i made btw:

HAVING SAID ALL THAT, the Vajrayana practice seems....kinda gross. I just like the imagery.

I also made a bunch of christian art too if you are interested.

>> No.23397136
File: 789 KB, 1160x5256, 1705359942111507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May you be liberated

>> No.23397154

i suggest you learn buddhism instead of garbage like vajayrana

>> No.23397160
File: 295 KB, 365x500, 1687234816467393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People want the cool shit like phowa and so on but really the quickest attainments are made with the simplest, most barebones practices
Four noble truths, noble eightfold path. I like Bhante Vimalaramsi's focus on metta as a fast way to progress through the insight jhanas

>> No.23397191

Pointless suggestion. I began with Soto Zen. Seek Christ.

>> No.23397452

>I began with Soto Zen
Refer to >>23397154.

>> No.23397511

Based. Did samatha meditation for over a decade and it took me a lot of places. Praying the Rosary has taken me to higher places.
Agree with other poster saying that brahmaviharas are very effective. The love of Christ is even higher, deeper, incomparable.
When you have a strong foundation of equanimity you are pretty far along the buddhist path but just beginning to be in a place of conforming your will to God’s.
I could talk all day but I have to take care of my kids. Hope everyone in this thread finds what they are looking for.

>> No.23397528

those colors are amazing
go knicks

>> No.23397977

you can't really practice vajrayana without help and guidance from a qualified teacher, it's simply way too complex and (intentionally) confusing. i suggest you find a qualified teacher, even online teachings are good if you seriously want to practice. don't read the tantras, they are intentionally incomprehensible
that said, some good introductory books are
>john powers - introduction to tibetan buddhism
>patrul rinpoche - the words of my perfect teacher
>thubten chodron - cultivating a compassionate heart
>bokar rinpoche - chenrezig, lord of love
i don't know much about japanese vajrayana, sorry

no serious vajrayana teacher will teach you the most difficult practices before introducing you to the basics, and if you don't have a teacher you are not practicing vajrayana

you are saying that vajrayana practice is gross but you clearly never took vows or attended an initiation, you just did DXM. you also completely messed up almost all of the iconography. please study more before talking.
cool art for the 8 symbols tho

>> No.23398312

Trust me, no Indians know anything worth conserving about Vaj