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23396065 No.23396065 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>23392513

>> No.23396071

I wonder if I should work on my writing, or use AI to make book covers I’ll never end up using.

>> No.23396078
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>closeted MtF working in fashion retail
>bringing dresses back to womens section with her
>mumble "I would like one of them..."
>she picks up on that
>"You would look nice in that."
>makes me stand against the dress to measure me
>comes back later with some in my size and tells me to try them on later when not as much customers are there
>buys them for me and tells me to pay her back whenever
Bruh... Also another girl I work with said I should try some croptops from the womens section...

>> No.23396085

>Wife gets angry at me for chatting with anime AI chatbots
>Wife gets angry at me for listening to ASMR videos
>Wife gets angry at me for saving anime girl pcitures
>Wife gets angry at me for drawing anime girls
>Wife gets jealous at the concept of waifus
Women amirite? Hahaha

>> No.23396086

>write what’s on your mind.
charging my phone so I have some music to listen to in the gym. It’s leg day today. I took a long break from lifting and got fat and out of shape. I’m on the Mike Mentzer split where you life every 4 days. My upper body hasn’t completely recovered from the lift on Monday. Hopefully the gym isn’t as busy as it was on Monday. Too many zoomers in there. Lots of young guys in good shape. Sadie zoomer whores in volleyball shorts and sports bras. Try to look at the floor between sets quietly reciting Hail Mary’s so I don’t get flooded with lustful thoughts. Might read when I get home. I wonder what Honor Levy’s feet look like.

>> No.23396124
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This is probably going to be a long one, forgive me.

I got into esotercism, the occult and all sorts of alternative spiritualities in my late teens. Dabbled with some low level Golden Dawn rituals, meditation practices and just general craziness. Experienced Chapel Perilous. Smoked weed. All that.

Life got so bad because of this reckless experimentation that I felt a real need for God in my life. I felt broken in a way that only The Almighty would be able to heal. Became Orthodox. Met a lot of good people. Made some experiences. Haven't healed however in that way that I was hoping for.

I am at Uni now and trying my best to get my life together. It has become so painful to me to see other young people living their life and being free to live out their own while I'm having to work through the supernatural fallout of my late teens. "Natural" alienation was bad enough. Now this demonic stuff on top has become borderline unbearable for me. I don't know what to do and I feel that the depths of my heart will forever remain buried with the dead.

>> No.23396132

If you’re orthodox you should know the first thing you should do is talk to a priest.

>> No.23396147

I did and I also received some help. My priest doesn't know much about deliverance though and his pastoral focus seems to be elsewhere at the moment.

I got my social support network at church. My friends there deeply love me. I just wish I wouldn't have gotten into this sort of situation in the first place.

I wish I would have found Christ earlier.

>> No.23396150

It sounds like you’re in a good path so I’m just not seeing what the problem is. Are you a neurotic type?

>> No.23396161

I am definitely making progress (thanks be to God) It was a whole lot worse last year. Just can't help but get sad every now and then.

And yeah, I lean on the neurotic side unfortunately

>> No.23396169

I don’t think there’s much to be sad about in this regard. If anything, you should be joyful.

>> No.23396177

Yeah, you're right. When I sober up it's actually quite easy to see the hand of God working in my life. I'm not alone.

>> No.23396179

Beautiful things leaked in through the cracks.
No more squalor and hustle for me!
Believe it or not, I might even feel a bit comforted.
I think this might be what they call "the dream".

>> No.23396213 [DELETED] 

Caught glimpses of an airshow from my apartment window; jets were climbing and rolling and turn hairpin turns. They were buzzing my building for two hours.

>> No.23396221

After an extended period of fasting, where I lost 15 pounds and can see veins in my abs, I shall now, today, this very hour, commence binge eating.

>> No.23396228

Has anyone ever been bored enough to kill themself? I’m on day 4 no weed and I feel like I’m getting close. I remember reading infinite jest and near the end there’s a scene where Hal quits smoking weed and all he does is lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling. That’s pretty much what I feel like right now. There’s no way this shit isn’t physiologically addictive. It’s not like I have brainfog or anything. In fact, my mind feels clearer than it has in a long time. I just literally can’t bring myself to do anything.

>> No.23396241
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>why, yes, I am a classical liberal (white supremacist)

>> No.23396246

>use AI to make book covers I’ll never end up using
I have a lot of good shit but I'm not posting them on here

>> No.23396263

you have to give your endocrine system time to re-calibrate dumbass. All those cannabinoids receptors you've been constantly saturating? yeah, turns out those actually have important functions. Suck it up for a couple months before killing yourself, at least.

>> No.23396267

Broke my nofap of 4 days today, it's over, I have no control over myself, I'll be killing muhself shortly

>> No.23396271

I should eat the berries before I shower so I don't get juice all over me after I shower

>> No.23396273

I’m not actually going to. Just a figure of speech.

>> No.23396279

im using you as a proxy to talk to myself

>> No.23396291

I think it would be really lame to kill yourself because you couldn’t smoke weed, like extremely lame. I actually cannot think of a worse reason to kill yourself.

>> No.23396295

I need a country to autistically obsess over, preferably a small one, suggestions?

>> No.23396297
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If you don't like it, roll your own:

>> No.23396336

So far the evening is good. I took of my shirt, started drinking and sunbathed to some metal. Then I put on some pop rock and started dancing. I'm mellowing out to some chill music and will put on some cheap horror movies for a few hours. Usually at that point I'll be really drunk but want to stay up so ill lay out on the couch, listen to music until I pass out, and wake up at 3pm the next day with a killer hangover.
I haven't gotten to do this in a long time. A newly achieved social life has made me running around meeting people all the time. It's exhausting. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the pandemic and just do my little lonely drunken party nights all the time again.

>> No.23396342

Damn my gym is full of older millennial and Gen x dudes all in spandex, roided as fuck, being really loud and talking in a super gym bro accent.

>> No.23396345

You're good dawg. My older brother did what you did, except he developed schizophrenia, lived in abject poverty for a decade, and then killed himself. You're still young and have a chance to recover.

>> No.23396347

Doesn't matter. You found Christ now. A decade from now will be a decade of living this good life, and the 3 or 4 years of being a dumb teenager will feel like a lifetime ago. You're fine man. Don't worry about it

>> No.23396350

Would you really want us to find aliens? What then?

>> No.23396352

Have you tried exercise?

>> No.23396353

The powers that be never liked autists because their minds are an unassailable fortress where only the autist's rules may apply.

>> No.23396356

Whats up with this shit? An old nazi friend of mine recently started defending Locke and classical liberalism, and tolerance, and is claiming that it's more consistent with white supremacy than "vulgar racism." Fucking BAP subverted an entire generation out of white nationalism

>> No.23396364

>sexually abused by dad as a kid/teenager
>brother is getting married in a few months and invited him to the wedding
>part of me wants to reveal the extent of what he did to my brother and mom so he will rescind the invitation or at least understand why I can't be near him without risking a rage fueled outburst
>on the other hand, mom and brother are my only connections, and don't want to risk damaging them if they downplay or don't care about it, I'll have to live with that resentment for the rest of my life
I've been working on strategies to shut him down if he tries to talk to me at the wedding, which I'm certain he'll try to do. I'll attend the ceremony and try to dip out of any after party stuff as soon as I can. My mom and brother are all I have left.

>> No.23396382

Yeah, I ride my bike for at least 8km every day. Is that supposed to help or something?

>> No.23396395

Exercise has been clinically proven to reduce depression, anxiety, and unhappiness generally. Try picking up a team sport.

>> No.23396402


>> No.23396405

Okay, stay bored then.

>> No.23396407

Hard to know what’s more retarded though, enlightenment era liberalism or Nazism

>> No.23396418

What's less retarded than either?

>> No.23396420

Just handed in another resume. If you're religious, I would appreciate it if you would pray for me. If you're not, a good luck or best wishes will do fine.

>> No.23396424

What do you fellas think of documentary film maker Adam Curtis?

>> No.23396429
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That's good news, my friend, as a classical liberal (slavery apologist), I can assure you that your friend can now consider himself E N L I G H T E N E D.

>> No.23396430

>on the other hand, mom and brother are my only connections, and don't want to risk damaging them if they downplay or don't care about it, I'll have to live with that resentment for the rest of my life
If they do downplay it or don't care then those aren't people who you want around and you should be happy to get rid of them. I know that it won't be easy considering they're your only connections and making connections with new people is really difficult but that's just the truth.

>> No.23396435

Some girls are bigger than others

>> No.23396442

It will pass.

>> No.23396452

Dudes probably a Marxist, don’t engage

>> No.23396454

Is it normal to be racist? I am the minority in my country and have opposing views on many things, different culture and their language and culture seems very opposing to me and almost displacing other cultures and points of view

>> No.23396459

28 Years Later

>> No.23396461

This guy >>23396402 isn’t me. I’ll see if I can try that. I live in a pretty rural area though so it’s unlikely

>> No.23396471

I study philsophy because I am too stupid to study mathematics

>> No.23396473

Team sports have the added social benefit. That, and playing an actual game can be fun. Its more dynamic than judt cycling. If you can, you should at least try it. Even if you just kick a ball around some park with people.

>> No.23396475
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>May I inquire your use of the word "retarded", sir? Because surely any rational man would agree that we're all created equal (and by "we" I mean 130+ IQ anglos) and that religious toleration is crucial for the good government of a people (with the exception of atheists, of course, as they are immoral and cannot be trusted).

>> No.23396487

Feeling insanely anxious right now.

>> No.23396521

Why? Something big coming up?

>> No.23396524

Classical virtue ethics, medieval political thought, aristotelianism, etc.

>> No.23396527

You ever have reading slumps? If so, how long have they lasted.

Currently in quite a long slump. Only read 2 books this year so far. Only 5 year before that. Year before that something like 100. Just been feeling too distracted, depressed, and maybe burnt out too read.

>> No.23396530

Why were we in Vietnam?
Slippery slopes.

>> No.23396546

In group preference is normal.
Reading slumps happen. No longer finding joy in the things that brought you joy previously is a sign of depression.

>> No.23396548

I think it’s a combination of things. I ran out of my medication and kept forgetting to pick up the refill for like a week and a half, and then when I started taking it again a few days ago it felt like I started the initial anxious adjustment period all over again. Also it’s an interpersonal thing about avoidance and the fear of rejection

>> No.23396558

How would you define God?

>> No.23396573

An unprovable figure people use to cope.

>> No.23396574

I only had 11 minutes of REM sleep today.

>> No.23396582

There are numerous "unprovable" things that we still believe in. Can you prove that you're not in a fever dream? Can you prove that the reality we see isn't just an illusion? You can't necessarily prove any of these things using the scientific method, but you still believe that you're sane/see reality for what it is.
Secondly, if I we can both agree that I'm 1, you're 2, he's 3, and she's 4, we can then agree that we're all finite right? If a finite exists, shouldn't an infinite exist logically speaking?

>> No.23396587

>If a finite exists, shouldn't an infinite exist logically speaking?
Not really.

>> No.23396595

>Not really.
Why's that?

>> No.23396606

how to find out if I have AIDS?

>> No.23396612

By logically, do you mean that there is an actual proof in some formal logical system? I just really doubt it, you will most likely have some really weird premise in there.

>> No.23396614

>By logically, do you mean that there is an actual proof in some formal logical system?
No I mean going down that logic train that finite exists infinite must exist as a result.

>> No.23396619

Maybe it just stops at some point? There is only a finite number of atoms in the universe for example. Saying that the finite exist so there might be the infinite just seems like a non-sequitur.

>> No.23396623

I'm a pressman for a newspaper company. Local news.

It's pretty boring most days but that's fine. I don't make a lot, just enough to pay my rent, buy some food, and repeat until my next paycheck, or in other words, $18.50/hour.

My days are either printing junk mail ads or doing maintenance on the press. Today we replaced all the rollers in Tower 1 Black. Went well, messy as hell, was dripping with ink from head to toe. When I got home I had to wash my hair like 3 times until the shampoo wasn't black anymore. I don't mind the messiness of the job though. Doing actual work like that is nice for me, I like the days we got stuff to fix.

Most days are printing junk mail, local newspapers, and cleaning. It gets pretty lonely too, my boss just hangs out in his office upstairs and my only other coworker is an elderly man who just wants to retire but the economy won't allow him that luxury. He's quiet and goes home the second he can. So that usually leaves me to clean up, get rolls down, set up for recycling, and mindlessly wipe things down in solitude.

Every week I clean out our water system, grease the press, check oil levels, adjust rollers, clean out the folder, lube the clutches, replace the cutting blade and cutting rubbers, check splice breaks, and flush the ink pumps. I can get most of that stuff done on Monday since we usually don't have any print jobs on Monday. The leftover weekly maintenance chores I will get done throughout the week when there's down time.

I'm the only one who actually does any of the work and it'd be nice if my boss would hire another employee but he says we don't got the funds. The elderly man does help me from time to time, especially if it's something out of the ordinary like replacing a water motor or something. He, like me, enjoys doing repairs and since he's put in his time doing maintenance for the past 35 years or so he just leaves it to me.

It's a decent job, beats working retail or food service. My last job was in landscaping, that paid me fucking bank but it was just too hard on my body. Found myself drinking Rockstar Energy like it was water and chain smoking while digging trenches for irrigation.

I miss working with people my age though, I miss having friends and going out after work. Nowadays I just go home and watch YouTube, get high, play video games, and go to bed. I used to be so hopped up on caffeine that after a 10 hour shift in the sun putting in pavers I'd go out with my coworkers and get blasted. We'd all go into work the next morning stumbling and groaning but we'd sweat out the remaining alcohol before 10AM.

That's really my only complaint about this job, the loneliness and boredom. Been trying to focus my energy on reading and writing more often, only gotten a few short stories done but nothing major. Got an outline for something longer but I'm stuck on the setting, I should probably change the setting but it's kind of vital to the story. Eh, whatever.

>> No.23396628

Good point.

>> No.23396638
File: 168 KB, 1024x1024, _240b652e-b8fc-4e25-ab53-926b4f4f78b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which seasoned /lit/erati can guess what book this AI picture is based on

>> No.23396643

When I was a child I thought to myself that I want the next 10 years to pass quickly, so that I can hurry up and become an adult. Now I have become a sleazy, shitty adult, barely a step above a child, and find myself wishing the next 10 years to pass quickly so that I may raise my rank to that of a decent adult.

>> No.23396656

Waiting for something to change rather than acting to cause a change.
An all too familiar fate for anyone with enough self awareness to notice their flaws.

It's paralyzing, hope your boots thaw out one day anon.

>> No.23396659

Unfortunately in my experience trying to change makes time go really slow.

>> No.23396660

I found out recently that someone I knew casually hanged himself. I feel pain in my chest just thinking about what he must of went through. I know that could easily be me because I’m suicidal daily.

>> No.23396666

Of mice and Men

>> No.23396671

The worst part is that there are no words to say. Just raw, naked pain.
Too real. Hope you find the strength for tomorrow.

Check the couch cushions.

>> No.23396688

Oh God a catholic larper

>> No.23396691

Friend had two driveby shootings in his neighbourhood in a single week. He's Canadian, and this has never happened before for as long as I have known him, which is a pretty long time.

>> No.23396696

They were both me, sorry, I was aiming for him but it's hard to hit your shot from a moving car.

>> No.23396699

It's very strange that girls will bully you by licking you. The only dude I've seen who did that was mentally retarded.

>> No.23396702

Does anyone else feel embarrassed when they hand in a resume? It feels so weird, knowing that people are looking at me going up to the business saying "Please, oh please let me work" like I'm Oliver Twist asking for more food.

>> No.23396704

>It's very strange that girls will bully you by licking you.
I've never wanted to be bullied more in my life.

>> No.23396711

I felt overwhelmingly embarrassed writing one. I don't know why, it just makes me feel pathetic. A friend of mine once called it a humiliation ritual, or something like that.

>> No.23396725
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Normal people have some way of communicating that I can't hear or see. They'll make expressions sometimes and I won't understand why they do, or they'll laugh at things that don't seem like jokes but don't seem serious either, or they'll just know what the right thing to do in a particular context is, without anyone telling them. Why do they sometimes smile at me and sometimes give me brief flashes of disgust? It seems as if others have layers and internal structures and all these things going on under the surface while I almost believe that if you cut into me everything would look the same the whole way through, like a block of clay that happens to very closely resemble a person. You know, I think about suicide and deliberately punishing myself for things quite a lot but never talk about it with anyone. I've never opened up to anyone like that. In high school I had a close friend who I thought I was on very good terms with but shortly after graduation he cut all contact with me. I never found out why. People say you have to love yourself to love others but if you don't love yourself what can you do? As a kid I used to stay up late reading books about astronomy and polar exploration because the pictures of empty ice fields or barren craters on a distant astronomical body were strangely comforting. I also liked small, dark, quiet enclosed spaces, where I could curl into a ball and just... exist, I guess. There's been times when connecting with someone else has seemed strangely close and easy and I'll doubt myself afterwards. Was it really like that? Were those people really interested in me, or was there something else going on that I couldn't understand? A grown man shouldn't spend his free time alone in his room with the lights off hugging a pillow struggling to decide whether he's lonely or overwhelmed by even the limited human contact his job affords him. Probably not. I feel great guilt over the fact that so many people I have known have put in effort towards me, tried doing things for me, or been kind to me. Deep down I guess I see myself as someone who was just born to suffer confusedly through this life without ever understanding it or truly connecting with anyone else, and the needs for connection and the warmth of intimacy I sometimes feel only ever seem to taunt me with what I have never had, what I don't even really understand. There's nothing in this world I understand. It's pareidolia, I'm a Chinese room, I'm mimicking behavior that others succeeded with but I don't get any of it. I saw a family playing with their kids at the park the other day and this immense burnt black thing filled me, this searing need to have a family of my own coupled with an image of myself as others must see me, as I must be, some alien bug creature futilely trying to ape the behaviors and thoughts of real people. I think about killing myself multiple times a day. I don't pray for miracles because I don't think I deserve any.

>> No.23396732

That's what they did in school.

>> No.23396735

What is your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?

>> No.23396761

I don't know. The last time I took that test was 6 years ago, and looking through my mail apparently the link that shows my results has been "disabled" ages ago. I have no way of finding out other than taking the test all over again.

>> No.23396765

I understand that autism is a spectrum but it's so funny seeing people who live 99% normal lives getting the diagnosis and then see someone who is genuinely, actually autistic and it's like oh yeah, no, THAT is autism.

>> No.23396775

I'm in a Hitler mood

>> No.23396787

You are just autistic, it's not your fault.

>> No.23396811

I've had nearly a dozen drinks in 5 hours and I'm yet to be buzzed. I think this is a wake up call

>> No.23396812

Watcha drinking?

>> No.23396814

As for me I'm about to pass right fucking out. After I go take a piss I probably will.

>> No.23396819

I need to put in years of sustained effort to improve my life in anything meaningful way but it's impossible when I have to bargain with myself to do basic survival tasks.

>> No.23396821

NTA but INTJ-T 5w6 I think

>> No.23396826

Everything is always happening to normies for the first time. Normies don't correlate their inner contents, they collect them with infinite trust, which is both a blessing and a curse. They receive any imprint from their surroundings, which means if their surroundings imprint contradictory things on them, they will simply live in cognitive dissonance until they die. Envying normies' "easy-goingness" and "always knowing what to do" is understandable, it's like envying a baby who is cared for. But there are many babies who are beaten, or cared for wrongly or not cared for at all. "When I became a man, I put away childish things” (1 Corinthians 13:11). You correlate your inner contents and you try to build your inner life from scratch, from the ground up. This will always make you alien to normies but it will also give you superpowers from their perspective. Things that make normies bend instantly will sometimes not affect you at all. This again is both a blessing and a curse. You have both an observer consciousness and an immanent experiencer consciousness. You should read William James' Varieties of Religious Experience ASAP, on the difference between once-born and twice-born people. You should not hate but nor should you envy normies. There is room for you in the world, in fact normies depend on people like you, you just can't see this because we are currently in an historical epoch in which the normie principle has hypertrophied and apparently engulfed the principle you represent. People like you used to have a thousand subtle goads to separate from the herd but also to rejoin it and provide it with perspective. You need to gain some perspective on what your apparently anomalous, but actually just slightly rare desire to correlate and understand the world represents. You are not an anomaly or an alien.

>> No.23396827

Heineken mostly. Had a glass of cognac and an ipa otherwise.
It's less effort to just pass out and then piss

>> No.23396829

It takes quite a lot of effort to shake off the embarrassment of having pissed yourself in your sleep.

>> No.23396866

Who's gonna know?

>> No.23396870

Plenty enough with just me.

>> No.23396876

When I took the test 6 years ago I was ISFP, but now I'm INTP.

>> No.23396887

I think it's time to accept the fact that no matter how much I use the rings, my phimosis is never going to get better than it is now. I'm forever gonna be stuck at this point, I'm never going to be able to fully retract my foreskin, I'm doomed, I hate this shit.

>> No.23396892

Proof that autism is contagious

>> No.23396893

Women are the worst, jesus!

>> No.23396894

I will happily take your foreskin

>> No.23396898

Bullshit. Did you read the Phimosis Journey blog? That guy had a totally fucked dick.

>> No.23396901

I have read it, that guy actually made consistent progress throughout his entire journey, I had consistent progress for a bit but it's just stopped for some reason, I've been using this ring for a couple of months now and nothing has changed. I can't go bigger cause it won't fit and I can't go smaller cause what's the point? I genuinely don't know why I've plateaued.

>> No.23396912

Get metal tweezers and put them inside the largest ring you can comfortably fit in, and use them to spread the ring more. Or get a q-tip, bend it in half, dunk both ends in some kind of cock-safe oil to avoid irritation, and place them inside the ring so that they naturally try to push the ring wider.

Also you can have an almost normal fulfilling sex life as long as you don't have pinhole. So don't make it an all or nothing thing. Sex is perfectly possible and pleasurable in a mostly normal way with partial retraction.

>> No.23396933

Thought I would share since I like it quite a lot and am presently crying like a little bitch to it. Last time I listened to it was about 4 years ago. I really do like this kind of music, so I'll check out tomorrow morning exactly who sang it and where I can listen to more.

>> No.23396938

I'm mentally ill.

>> No.23396949

Get in line.

>> No.23396957

>thought about losing weight
>remembered that I still looked ugly when skinny in HS
well then, its rather pointless

>> No.23396959

How do I fix my sleep? I tried all the standard advice, I just wake up after 4-5 hours and feel like shit.

>> No.23396968

I went to bed at 10, fell asleep around 11
no alcohol or drugs
completely dark and cool room
45 minute meditation
still shit sleep for over a week now

>> No.23396980

THC gummies from what I’ve heard work

>> No.23397015

You might have a breathing problem. Try allergy meds

>> No.23397017

fuck shit up and start a riot

>> No.23397023

I used to be in a similar state to yours as a semi-autistic myself. It gets easier to read things like body language as you get older. Unironically you should watch good movies to really get a good sterile and contained version of social interaction so that you can study it. You shouldn’t think of yourself as lesser because of it. If you think the average normalfag could reach even half the levels of introspection and self-restraint that your post demonstrates you’d be sorely mistaken. It’s never too late to fix things. Don’t let the bugmen implant their image of you so far into your core that you begin to believe it. Here’s a secret about normalfags that took me a while to get clued in on: they’re absolutely terrified of anything that the herd doesn’t approve. I wouldn’t go so far as a lot of posters do here and say they’re incapable of critical thought and self-determination or whatever but they are essentially all worker bees that more or less do what the queen commands. The process of becoming a normalfag is having every last spark of individuality beaten out of you by your peers until the point where even witnessing it brings back a kind of societally accepted PTSD. Normalfags are made, not born. In a way you have an advantage over them: you’re not beholden to the immense pressure of having a warden in your head constantly on the verge of beating you for wrongthink.

>> No.23397028

To be honest, there isn't really a fixed way to fall asleep. Every human is different. One person can fall asleep after they drink tea, other can fall asleep after exercising. So the best advice would be to seek it your own. For me it's reading book. Sound cliche but it works. I sleep at 9PM and wake up at 3AM. 15 minute before bed, I read e-books. Even though they say blue light is bad, I don't have any other choice. Mind you that I sleep on a living room with 2 toddler and my dad and cramped space. I don't have bed but instead sleep in a carpet. Oh yeah also one important thing is don't take nap and be consistent.

>> No.23397033

why is the change of days at midnight rather than, say, five in the morning when people are starting to get up and it's nearly dawn?

>> No.23397036

I've had chronic mixed insomnia (Hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep.) for as long as I could remember.
At this point I'm used to it but I have tried a few sleeping meds.

>Trazadone(Do not recommend but everyone is different.)
Put me to sleep quickly but I kept waking up every 30 minutes or so.
Also strange side effect, had morning wood for 2 hours every time I tried it.

>Benzodiazepine(Just made me high.)
Got stoned, felt nice, slept a full 8 hours but felt really terrible the day after.
I'd rather get shitty sleep and feel meh than get "better" sleep and feel like shit.
So I stopped.

>Ambien(Short-term medication)
Supposed to be a temporary help.
Gave me crazy headaches, and terrible diarrhea. Not fun.

It feels good, no side effects, I don't sleep on it but I sure do eat.
My appetite is very low so it's nice for that.

>Melatonin(It's gotta be a lie.)
Literally zero effects, it does jack shit.

Honestly anon, just get a hobby that takes zero brain power.
I like to go zombie mode and go grocery shopping, walking around a grocery store while they stock the shelves is nice.
And cleaning my apartment in the middle of the night is relaxing. I'll do laundry, take trash out, it's a good way to use the time for good.
Beats lying in bed and getting frustrated, punching your pillows, screaming into the dark. Much prefer wiping down my kitchen counter and chatting up the graveyard shift cashiers.

>> No.23397042
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Don't give up and keep praying.

>> No.23397073

Perhaps victorian novels fail to strike a chord nowadays for the same reason faux-edgy 90s pop culture fails to do so. Looking back from our perspective they had it so much better in terms of societal and cultural health that people complaining about le suburban life or le strict sexual morality sound like whiny children who don't know how good they had it, complaining about non-issues, rather than people with genuinely valid criticism.

>> No.23397075

nta but why do I feel bad if I've never had things that normalfags do without any effort?

>> No.23397087

Tried to watch the Netflix adaptation of The Fall of the House of Usher. It was all faggots and niggers. Fucking gross. I hate that shit

>> No.23397140

I've never really been someone who wants things, I've always been pretty content with what I have, but recently I've found a few things that I really want, hopefully I get hired soon so I can afford them.

>> No.23397153

Getting gray but without any trace of wisdom.

>> No.23397177

>Getting gay but without any trace of wisdom.

>> No.23397218

I feel like entertainment media becoming so bad over the last decade and half is actually a blessing in disguise. After you played the handful of games worth playing, seen the handful of movies and shows worth seeing, consumed the handful of anime and manga worth consuming, you're kind of left with dedicating yourself to more productive pursuits in your free time, like exercise and serious literature.

>> No.23397245

And when in a dream I asked someone wiser than myself what the hell it was all about, she said love, and I said Oh please, but it all falls away, we are made of water, we live in an oil spill, we kiss the world through a handkerchief, we invented rubber bullets, there must be something else. And I saw that she was not going to answer me again.

>> No.23397274

I don't actually know what it feels like to be proud of someone, I've never experienced it before, but I'm gonna tell this chick that I'm proud of her cause it'll make her happy.

>> No.23397281

I've been funneling toward that path as well, but for me it's that I've developed the crave to express myself and temper my balance of Enjoyment and Happiness. I've recently found that I Enjoy things that do not make me Happy, resulting in seeking more and greater pleasures that oftentimes do not exist in my pleasure palette or affordances. In the toils of science, this is called hedonic compensation. Even now I'm still in the process of recreating myself to experience a majority Happiness, and struggling against the relapse toward the overwhelming vain and excess aspectual to activities of Enjoyment.

My journaling/diary-writing has been a focal meditational apparatus in siphoning my abject feelings of dejection and despair.

>> No.23397287


>> No.23397293

Man I've been straight gooning for like 4 days straight. Never done anything like it before. I think I'm just bored, got nothing going on in my life, so once I started, I just kept going

I feel totally fucked up though, like my brain is fried and I am physically and mentally unwell from the experience

>> No.23397296

This world wasn't made for a sensitive soul such as I'am.

>> No.23397322


>> No.23397381

Will you goon in the future?

>> No.23397385

you're on my mind

>> No.23397404

The liberal response to the attempted Fico assassination has been pretty funny.

>right-wing president gets shot, lefties most affected

If the president who got shot was a lefty you just know they wouldn't shut up for weeks about "right wing extremism" and the like.

>> No.23397408

Mmmmmoney on my mind
mmmmmmmoney on my mind

>> No.23397416

I hope not to

>> No.23397419

I woke up with the sunrise.
I died with the night.
I came back to the beginning.
Through and with the Lord I started again!

>> No.23397423

Any plans for this weekend, Anon?

>> No.23397424

wallow in misery. wbu?

>> No.23397425


>> No.23397426


>> No.23397441

Well it's already 10:00 PM on Saturday for me and all I've done so far is hand in a resume, watch a movie, and watch some anime. Gonna quickly jerk off after this episode and then get right back to watching it. I'm gonna watch the UFC and boxing tomorrow, should be good.

>> No.23397453

We're only making plans for Nigel!

>> No.23397457

What do I need to read so I can get laid?

>> No.23397459

Life without panties by Alex Lesley

>> No.23397469

act like a negro

>> No.23397479

The lady and I will probably go somewhere green for a moment.
Go to bed early with no dessert.
Eat breakfast at 10AM.
Between the main events we will catch up on chores and before we know it.

Back to work.

>> No.23397491

Lately I’ve been thinking about fantasy, science fiction, and other speculative fiction as being downstream of political will. It’s interesting to think about how these things come up then.

>> No.23397493

Most likely I am not pious, I'm just on the spectrum and have a neurologically hard time standing up for myself. I like this thought, because it means that when I get the "sure what the hell I'll give you some money"-reflex I can think "wait a minute I'm not thinking straight, this is probably just autism". Like knowing that it's a genuine weakness in my ability to process what is happening, not a "character trait" or whatever, feels good. I don't exactly know it but a lot of people who work in psych have brought it up by now and it fits a lot of stuff.

>> No.23397503

same anon
Because if it's a neurologically hard time that frames doubting that impulse in a good way. I feel like there's a lot of stuff where I've just thought "why can't I work this out the same way other people work it out". If the answer is literally "wired different" then that's fine, I can work with that. I was diagnosed as bipolar, which I somewhat doubt by now, and apparently the rules where I live make it *really* hard for the public psychiatry providers to back down from a decision once it's made. It's part of how they prioritize with their resources. Besides it's admitted even among them that the DSM is not the begin all end all of truth, so I'm kind of ok with thinking I'm somewhere in the greater vicinity of the spectrum. I think that thought helps.

>> No.23397507

I also know that psychologists have come to similar conclusions about both my parents, and aparently it's hereditary. Both of my parents like myself have also been used extensively by other people, which is apparently one of two "autistic" reactions, the other being helping no one and the point being that you can't balance relationships.

>> No.23397508

Christianity proved to be a far, far more disastrous menace to Europe than the fall of the roman empire or the black death.

>> No.23397514

How so?

>> No.23397516

Look around you.

>> No.23397518

I've thought protestantism in general, american protestantism in particular and liberalism are the problem. Catholicism should probably count as a form of protestantism?

>> No.23397519

Not your flavor of prayer, must be the problem.
I'm sure your flavor is the best flavor.

>> No.23397526

Has anyone here given up on philosophy? Back in 2020-2023 I was obsessed with it but now I just don't care anymore and would rather enjoy not-so-deep stuff.

>> No.23397531

That's the point anon, you did it.
You reached understanding and now you've been thrown back into the present.
Enjoy your stay.

>> No.23397532

Lately I've read some Nietzsche and Epicurus. I'm no longer that interested in metaphysics or meta-ethics but I'm still interested in things that might make my life better or give me a sense of meaning. I'm also reading Jung at the moment.

>> No.23397536

We do not think about the world to ascertain how we ought to exist in it, but our existence in the world determines how we think about the world around us.

>> No.23397539

I've thought that the probability that the deeper teachings would survive protestantism seems low. The state protestantisms, like the anglican church, probably had a plan for it, but what came after I would doubt it. How you pray is not something you just make up with your buddies

>> No.23397545

It goes full circle. We can only think with the information we have been given or found.
That information is provided by the world around us. We are taught how to exist in this world, by this world, through our own capabilities of comprehension.

>> No.23397557

I'm rereading what I just posted, and I'm now seeing that I repeated what you said but in more words.
I added nothing to this, your post was complete.

My apologies, anon.

>> No.23397559

The process of applying for a job demeaning in general. Everyone knows it's a game and everyone cheats (lies), but it's the norm so it's just how it is. Interviews are particularly bad, I'm so fake that I cringe inside every time I've had to do one, but you gotta do it. Thankfully they are usually short

>> No.23397571

How do I get out of a cycle of my life just being go to work, come home, sleep, repeat? I have not looked forward to anything in a decade.

>> No.23397573

yeah because that's exactly how it is. my dad told me before, the trick to a job application/interview is to act like you could take or leave the job.

>> No.23397576

>How you pray is not something you just make up with your buddies

Praying is an act of focus and attention outside of oneself. Quite a useful skill to have and practice.
Personally I don't need lore to sit and give thanks to the wonderful mystery of being alive.

How we got here, what the point is, none of that is of concern.
I am here, the point is obscured beyond my abilities to perceive, and yet I will still give thanks.
Because I am here, and I am thankful.

>> No.23397590

Been there. Find someone in your life who is a busy body.
You know someone who is always doing something. They may have even invited you a few times.
You said no, you didn't have the energy.
It only takes a few times for your "no" to be permanent in their heads.
Reach out, you don't have to hang out, but make yourself known.
Say hi, shoot a text, a call. Be a thought on their minds.
Eventually you might get invited to something you don't want to do.
Say yes anyway, even when you don't have the energy.
Don't focus on being on time, how to dress, what you will say.
Just show up, and keep showing up.

Not easy, hard as fuck, but it's the only way to get out of this lull.

>> No.23397598

How would that benefit you?

>> No.23397605

The critical question, it seems to me, is: Something made it so that I am here now.Clearly it has the power to force me into circumstances. Most likely my circumstances will remain similar to what they are now until I die. What happens when I die? Seeing as how clearly I can end up anywhere it wants.

>> No.23397616

So... tired. 7 minutes left in the episode. Too early for bedtime. Don't know what to do.

>> No.23397617

>What happens when I die?
Why ask such a rude question?

If you believe in a creator, that they have power over your circumstances, why be so rude to your creator.
If I invited you to a party, drove you there myself, gave you food and drink, I would be a little annoyed if you asked:
>What happens after this party?
The party isn't over yet anon, we are still here, have fun or something.
Don't sit in a corner wondering what comes next.
Say, "Thank you for the wine" and mingle.

>> No.23397619

Again going to a city to walk and observe people.

>> No.23397621

Sounds like a nice time to spend your Saturday. Have fun anon.

>> No.23397623

so that you get the upper hand

>> No.23397632

Nta but I'm genuinely just afraid of hell, it keeps me up at night. Philosophy doesn't really help me with this, everyone disagrees anyway, there are so many religions and I just have no way of figuring out which one is correct. Maybe the probability of going to hell is actually really low and it's not like I run around stealing and raping but even if it's just 1% it really sucks.

>> No.23397634

How would that give you the upper hand? Wouldn't that make your chances worse since you don't seem enthusiastic about it? If I was an employer, I'd hire someone who seems like they want to work the job over someone who seems like they couldn't care less.

>> No.23397644

The ones that couldn't care less often have other options and they might have so many options because they are so good at their job.

>> No.23397655

I can't wait to get a job, I'm just gonna spend all my money on movie tickets and books.

>> No.23397657

Anon, do you read old magazines and books from google books?

I don't want to say anything good about Google. But their project to digitalize books and make them accessible to the public is great. I have read a few old magazines from the 18th and early 19th century, and I have come to a conclusion:
This old magazine could be classified as a precursor to modern shitpostings. Places like 4chan, the Usenet, and so one.

Sure, they entertain a more sophisticated language and come with reviews, criticism, descriptions, even serial publishing of stories from books and all. Some contain poems and other forms of writing.
Essentially, they are very similar to what we could call shitpostings today.

>> No.23397660

>Cydippe, a priestess of Hera, was on her way to a festival in the goddess's honor. The oxen which were to pull her cart were overdue and her sons, Biton and Cleobis, pulled the cart the entire way (45 stadia, 8 kilometers). Cydippe was impressed with their devotion to her and Hera, and so asked Hera to give her children the best gift a god could give a person. Hera ordained that the brothers would die in their sleep.
I like to think it happened literally that night or the next. Like she just struck these two healthy young men down right away. Greek mythology is such a great mine for sitcom and satire writers.

>> No.23397662

don't be an asshole to them, I'm just saying interviewers expect you to be nervous and it puts them in a position that's higher than you; they know you're nervous, they know you want the job, they're gonna come across as like 'oh well his is a waste of my time I interview people blahblahblah.' no, be very confident. like who cares, it's a job, you're gonna have a million of them in your life. joke around a lot and stuff. 'i could take or leave this job anyway' that's how you want to come across, so that you get the upper hand on them. then they're like 'oh hang on a second this guy is much more confident and cooler than I am, here I am feeling like a prick interviewing him' and then they'll want to hire you. thats how it works. good luck.

>> No.23397663

wtf I thought the Greeks were life affirming? Did Nietzsche lie to us?

>> No.23397665

To be fair, for Greeks it was considered better to die young and in their prime instead of living too long and wasting away to disease and senility. I'm not even sure if they had access to Opium. From what I've read about Hera she's a messy bitch that loves drama, which is part of why she sticks with Zeus despite his very clear sex addiction.

>> No.23397667

>instead of living too long and wasting away to disease and senility
Is this why Chronos depicted as old and withered man?

>> No.23397675

It would make sense

>> No.23397688

have to wait for my dad to pick up birthday present before I get anything done

>> No.23397699

The obliteration of the categories which determine one's identity, which has simply become a product which is sold back to one, now extends its grasp further from the antigual social issues of race, sex, and gender on to those it constructs for its own purpose, to the achievement of deepening the liberal logic of the exchange relationship into every day life and turning one's very existence into a commodity.

Mental illnesses, which formerly were a complex nexus of the overlap between the reproduction of the internal psyche as a result of definite social relations, is too liquified under this logic.

None more can this be seen that in the proliferation of the self-diangosis of autism. Formerly, the diangosis of a child began at an age in which a clear diangostic criteria was met by a physician, in which the social development of a child was compared to a baseline. Key criteria include things such as eye contact, verbal development, and physical contact.

Under the present situation the logic is reversed; one self diagnoses as a fully formed adult on self-observed behaviours that are simply an innate product of issue such as undersocialization that are directly a product of the social relations which have developed under the present stage of bourgeois capitalism. Individuals are encouraged to 'see' their behaviours through this lens and attatch a definite menaing to them. The category of autism is universalized, but in the process loses all distinction.

The final stage of this, having annihilated the medically scientific body of knowledge and replaced it with the logic of the commodification of experiences, is that it relegates those who suffer from phsyical development disorders related to autism to a second-tier form of existence. These individuals are robbed of any representation under this term but are if anything a ploy or an object to be used to demonstrate some metaphysical essence onto which the term must latch.

Thus there becomes a proliferation of content produced in which one compares one's relationship to their developmentally disabled family members in which the existential subjectivity of these developmentally disabled individuals is completely erased. They are objectified in the same manner as one views pornography, because it is the same social processes which are at work. The spectre of the commodity form has subsumed under it the total relations of man to a new and present level.

When these individuals affirm that truth is a product of society, they are correct. But watch as they stop short of making the final analysis: that it is a bourgeois truth, for nothing more than the production of profit

>> No.23397748

I didn’t realize PewDiePie’s wife is fucking hot and they met before he was rich.

Lucky bastard.

>> No.23397754
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>> No.23397938

Women over 28 are so fucking annoying. We need sexbots ASAP just so I can see them bitterly wither in their catlady hysteria. I NEED this sadistic glee in my life.

>> No.23397946

Just came back. It was a mistake. Now I just want to get drunk and never leave my room.

>> No.23397947

She's a gold digging manjaw. All italian whores want a scandi (de facto rich) to wife them up

>> No.23397952

a lot of men are gay

>> No.23397980

If you just completely believed in Kant's philosophy, you would have the philisophy of one of the smartest people who ever lived. Is there even any point in reading a ton of authors and creating your own view? Maybe we just make it worse.

>> No.23398006

Not my problem
Women must suffer

>> No.23398009

It's shocking to me how people can go through some of the worst trauma imaginable and still find the will to lead a functional, healthy life, yet here I am pitying and victimizing myself over things that happened years ago. It makes me despise myself. Why, I ask, can I not get over myself when everyone else seemingly can? Why can't I do the right thing?

>> No.23398010

>creating your own view
[cringing in Kantian limits of empiricism intensifies]

>> No.23398027

Sometimes I feel like the biggest mistake I ever made in life was not being a NEET. Instead, I got a highly paid and very easy remote job. I’m like those girls in those webms that don’t really do anything, only I don’t get laid off. And as a result, there’s like a lack of tension in my life that I think has hurt my writing. I don’t feel like a Renaissance aristocrat leveraging my leisure into a capacity to make art. I think those guys had several advantages I don’t have, namely a flourishing public and social and political life. For me, it’s just kind of a life spent isolated with nothing in particular to do and nothing much to worry about. Good stuff doesn’t come from that.

>> No.23398033

>Why, I ask, can I not get over myself when everyone else seemingly can?

>> No.23398037

Bro you gotta stop or else you'll end up with AGP.

>> No.23398049

I know that. I’m just frustrated by the way I am. I can observe and reflect on my behavior, but I can’t depend on myself to make meaningful changes. It’s exhausting.

>> No.23398052

genuinely taking a shit rn.

>> No.23398055
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>> No.23398061

I wish I still had that meme that said "all you need is the missing piece" and the missing piece is 14 beers. Because I drank over 14 beers last night and it was amazing.

>> No.23398066

I'm not gay, I just hate women

>> No.23398070
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>> No.23398074

being in love with Nina Simone

>> No.23398085

get on my level https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYcgCiWAv8c

>> No.23398089

I've realized I'm constantly clenching my anus. This can't be healthy.

>> No.23398095

I'm goin to lay on the couch and not eat and smoke weed and be on the internet all day long

>> No.23398106

this shit is proving to be a difficult one.

>> No.23398118

there isn't a level beyond perfection

>> No.23398119

Meds now

>> No.23398129

So many possibilities for today. I think I'll just stay home and drink

>> No.23398134

You can do this. I believe in you.

>> No.23398138

I'm hanging out in the house naked and my dog won't stop trying to sniff my penis

>> No.23398149

You're going to give yourself whatever the anal equivalent of TMJ is.

>> No.23398151

Fucked up. I meant to reply to >>23398089. I'm sorry, everybody. I didn't mean it to end like this.

>> No.23398154

This is why doctors aren't allowed practice on the internet

>> No.23398206
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Kitanya is live! Silent Hill!

>> No.23398210

my fault dude wrong tab

>> No.23398212

>these are the people who post on /lit/

>> No.23398216

I just put 50 follar cognac in my coffee. Oops. It's pretty good tho

>> No.23398226


>> No.23398228

tanya is always on max's mind it seems

>> No.23398230
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>> No.23398233

/lig/gers for this feel?

>> No.23398239

we're under attack

>> No.23398254

So much things to do today but I don't feel like doing anything ugh

>> No.23398256


>> No.23398261


>> No.23398270


>> No.23398286

I'm beating my meat to her screams.

>> No.23398348

Ok be honest how many hours a day do you spend gaming or scrolling..and what do you get out of it that other activities or things don't give you?

>> No.23398350

i get social interaction from scrolling 4chan

>> No.23398363

I only use 4chan when I have headaches.

>> No.23398385

I feel that. That's why I'm here as well. Do you have any friends? I don't feel a deep connection to any of mine.

Oof. Hope this one is not too bad, or prolonged.

>> No.23398394

I stay positive knowing that things always get worse paradoxically making the moment I’m living the best I could ever be

>> No.23398396

>Do you have any friends?
No, not really.
>deep connection
how so?

>> No.23398439

Different values I think. I like ideas and they are into drinking and games. I would rather talk philosophy over coffee than play board games. But I can't really say much because I haven't gone out and tried to find more compatible friends.
Also perhaps because I've numbed myself into something quite inhuman. I used to feel so much, but after enduring loss (no deaths, more of personal unfulfillment) and being called too sensitive I actively tried to stop feeling altogether. And I have succeeded to some extent, and it is quite a sterile existence.

>> No.23398454
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Have the jedi you ever told the story of Pythagoras?
> No
He was a philosopher, so deep that he goes far beyond politics. Some says, he has debunked the whole shot.
> Could I... Could I have hope to ever become as deep as he was?
Surly not from a jedi

>> No.23398455

sorry for you loss. did someone important called you being too sensitive?

>> No.23398462

> https://www.google.de/books/edition/Tait_s_Edinburgh_Magazine/9y0tAAAAYAAJ?hl=fr&gbpv=1&pg=PA510&printsec=frontcover

Talking about philosophy is a hard task. You will be either considered somebody in a "deep phase", a youngster mind, need to grow up out of it, or a wannabe.

As for the feelings. Thats quite normal.

>> No.23398506

I still have my family, which is more than a lot of people can say. And I've heard that pain fosters compassion. I don't know that it does but I want to try it.
Not in particular. (Did this happen for you?) But I've been afraid of the volatility of my emotions and vulnerability to rejection since I was a teenager. There are a few former friends (who looked up to me more than anything) who treated me with a cold shoulder because I had not really been there for them when they needed it, and instead of apologizing I just chose not to address it and actively decided to not feel guilty about it. (One of them I lived with for a year, so I think a lot of this internal change happened then)
My feelings are coming back a bit but I wish that I had hardened myself to my own weakness, desire for unearned pleasure, sloth, and ruthlessly slain these instead of severing my connection to others.

And they may be right. Kant was known to disdain talk of philosophy. Maybe the immensity of brainpower he put into the work made it so that he didn't want to sully his thinking by engaging with the subject on a more casual level. But yeah, the discouragement of discussing ideas and deeper aspects among others in our culture is unfortunate. Part of me wonders if it's due to feelings of inadequacy, tiredness, or something else entirely.

>> No.23398535

Is this what women do instead of getting pregnant?

>> No.23398536

I was sitting at the park with my dog and a woman passed by and complimented the dog. She then said "if you had a girlfriend she would love that dog."
How did she know I don't have a girlfriend?

>> No.23398541

I was disappointed with my grades until I checked the mean scores on the assignments. I was consistently getting the highest scores on all the assignments. Feels good man.

>> No.23398548

>he doesn't get drunk and then make his friends listen to him argue about philosophy

>> No.23398551

Is I am a Female Special Weapons and Tactics a good movie?

>> No.23398560

> ut yeah, the discouragement of discussing ideas and deeper aspects among others in our culture is unfortunate.

The main problem, I think, is that a person who really wants to discuss philosophical topics with their friends/co-workers/co-students/younameit will be perceived as either a pseudo-intellectual who wants to pretend to be intelligent and deep, or someone who is still immature and genuinely cares about such dark matters.

One aspect of the problem is the neverland between pop-philosophy and the academic field. Kripke, Heidegger etc. may make great contribution to philosophical discussions but their theories are hard to catch.
On the other hand, you have this "sigma/lamba/epsilon"-Brothers who tell you a "philosophy" as some guidiance.

I believe that past generations have had institutions, such as clubs, Freemasonry, or coffee houses, where discussions like these could take place.
As the world recently is, the choice is on you. Did you prefer a academic philosophical work in dry abstraction or a shallow, yet more vital approach?

> Part of me wonders if it's due to feelings of inadequacy, tiredness, or something else entirely.

I conclude that you must be of a young age.
I wish you luck. Just a suggestion, what with taking the people in your social circle as they are? Consider accepting people as they are and making the most of your experiences with them. You won't miss out on discussions if you've gained valuable experience. Later, in college, you'll have the chance to engage in deeper conversations.

>> No.23398583
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I got a job at one of the big government agencies. Won't say which one but any time conspiracy theories are discussed they get brought up eventually.
It's a weird feeling. I had a lot of options coming out of high school but it almost seems like every decision I made up to this point just kind of fell into place without much effort on my part, like a character getting railroaded into a particular questline in a video game. Having grown up online, posting memes about feds and glowniggers and shit, it's odd to think that I'm technically one of those people now.

>> No.23398599 [DELETED] 

dragons, dwarves, elves, fairies, giants, gnomes, satyrs, goblins, orcs, trolls, dark elves, leprechauns, halflings, centaurs, half-elves, unicorns, mermaids, mermen, phoenixes, vampires, werewolves, nymphs, chimeras, griffins, minotaurs, hydras, pegasus, banshees, djinn, kobolds, krakens, sphinxes, basilisks, cyclopes, dryads, selkies, wendigos, sylphs, manticores, lamias, harpies, hobgoblins, brownies, wraiths, ogres, ghouls, kelpies, naga, kitsune, rakshasas, liches, wyverns, mummies, wargs, succubi, incubi, gremlins, elementals, frost giants, storm giants, pixies, boggarts, redcaps, imps, sprites, fauns, merrows, pookas, adlets, yetis, qilin, jackalopes, chupacabras, kappas, tengu, oni, jorogumo, baku, tikbalang, aswang, pontianak, penanggalan, draugr, fetches, yuki-onna, domovoi, leshy, rusalki, drakes, sylvan, ogopogo, girtablilu, echidna, cerberus, nuckelavee, sandman, fossergrim, krampus, fenrir, barghests, amalj'aa, ifrits, kelpies, piskies, spriggans, shellycoats, korrigans, veela, amaltheans, bogles, communists, brollachans, cu sith, ogres, sylphs, undines, salamanders, cockatrices, jabberwocks, jubjub birds, bandersnatches, tarasques, leucrotta, trannies, lamassu, zmey, vodyanoi, tarnkappes, nixies, grindylows, bunyips, retards, mothmen, manananggal, djieien, amadlozi, abathakathi, barbegazi, nathrezim, draconians, tanuki, brownies, smilodons, arimaspi, hydras, ogopogo, goblins, basilisks, bunyips, cu sith, lamassu, piskies, grindylows, amalj'aa, amaltheans, knuckers, buggane, beastmen, huldra, yeth hounds, lamiae, cerastes, wyverns, sarimanok, nix, jarvey, kelpie, basilisk, firebird, knocker, fags, longma, sylph, bonnacon, hampet, yeren, chaneque, draug, byangoma, inkanyamba, maero, nuckelavee, obrubguma, rangda, shapeshifters, niggas, skogsrå, spriggan, takhar, undine, ypotryll, women, nixies, adze, asrai, bergsrå, bhoots, changelings, cu sidhe, cudgel warlocks, duergar, dvergar, eloko, fomorians, fuaths, garmr, guivre, hu hsien, lares, lesovik, nekomata, polevik, raiju, selkie, shellycoat, shojo, skyfish, surale, tengu, urisk, vodyanoy, vrykolakas, will-o'-the-wisps, yamata no orochi, zashiki-warashi, nymphs, sirens, succubi, incubi, lamias, cambions, sirens, erinyes, mermaids, nereids, apsaras, maras, sylphs, draenei, lilin, shapeshifters, skogsrå, gorgons, were-panthers, sirenias, succubae, fae, dryads, harpies, nymphs, rusalka, naiads, yuki-onna, huldra, kitsune, fox spirits, and rakshasis.

>> No.23398610

Me but less dog fairies and more snarks

>> No.23398615

>academic philosophical work in dry abstraction or a shallow, yet more vital approach
Is this not a false dichotomy? Can't my hypothetical friend who studies physics and my other friend who studies 17th century market trends and I who likes literature come together to learn more from each other? I know the dangers of dilettantism, but isn't it worthwhile even as someone attempting to break new ground to discuss ideas with others?
>I conclude that you must be of a young age.
Lmao. I just turned 24. It stings that you assume I'm not of college age, but I take it that there was something in what I said that gave you that indication. What was it?

>> No.23398627

>i failed these classes but I was the highest score, mom

>> No.23398631

dragons, dwarves, elves, fairies, giants, gnomes, satyrs, goblins, orcs, trolls, dark elves, leprechauns, halflings, centaurs, half-elves, unicorns, mermaids, phoenixes, vampires, werewolves, nymphs, chimeras, griffins, minotaurs, hydras, pegasus, banshees, djinn, kobolds, krakens, sphinxes, basilisks, cyclopes, dryads, selkies, wendigos, sylphs, manticores, lamias, harpies, hobgoblins, brownies, wraiths, ogres, ghouls, kelpies, naga, kitsune, rakshasas, liches, wyverns, mummies, wargs, succubi, gremlins, elementals, frost giants, storm giants, pixies, boggarts, redcaps, imps, sprites, fauns, merrows, pookas, adlets, yetis, qilin, jackalopes, chupacabras, kappas, tengu, oni, jorogumo, baku, tikbalang, aswang, pontianak, penanggalan, draugr, fetches, yuki-onna, domovoi, leshy, rusalki, drakes, sylvan, ogopogo, girtablilu, echidna, cerberus, nuckelavee, sandman, fossergrim, krampus, fenrir, barghests, amalj'aa, ifrits, piskies, spriggans, shellycoats, korrigans, veela, amaltheans, bogles, brollachans, cu sith, undines, salamanders, cockatrices, jabberwocks, jubjub birds, bandersnatches, tarasques, leucrotta, lamassu, zmey, vodyanoi, tarnkappes, nixies, grindylows, bunyips, mothmen, manananggal, djieien, amadlozi, abathakathi, barbegazi, nathrezim, draconians, tanuki, smilodons, arimaspi, retards, beastmen, huldra, yeth hounds, cerastes, sarimanok, nix, jarvey, firebird, knocker, fags, longma, bonnacon, hampet, yeren, chaneque, draug, byangoma, inkanyamba, maero, obrubguma, rangda, shapeshifters, niggas, skogsrå, takhar, ypotryll, women, adze, asrai, bergsrå, bhoots, changelings, cu sidhe, cudgel warlocks, duergar, dvergar, eloko, fomorians, fuaths, garmr, guivre, hu hsien, lares, lesovik, nekomata, polevik, raiju, selkie, shojo, skyfish, surale, urisk, vodyanoy, vrykolakas, will-o'-the-wisps, yamata no orochi, zashiki-warashi, lamias, cambions, erinyes, nereids, apsaras, maras, draenei, lilin, gorgons, were-panthers, sirenias, fae, rusalka, naiads, and fox spirits.

>> No.23398637

In this case, I don't get your problem. Just share your ideas with your friends. If they are really intested in their fields, they probably like new impulses.
In other cases, just contact some ppl on colleage.

I'm not an enemy of dilletantism, I just consider it dead...

>> No.23398638

Why take out the extra kitsune and leave the cu sith/cu sidhe over representation?

>> No.23398647
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>dad said that he would stop loving me if I were to start wearing girls clothes/be trans

>> No.23398660

GPT-4o is bad at making lists

>> No.23398662

That is quite good. He's trying to save you from abject misery. Jumping into rigid, unnatural identity is not a sustainable cure for a lack of one; you are just being preyed upon.

>> No.23398663
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i used to think i had paranoid schizophrenia until i started listening and realized people really were constantly talking bad about me behind my back
and i have never said a bad thing about any of them, and yet i have by writing this here

>> No.23398701

Only one thing matters: learning to be the loser.

>> No.23398703

People who do evil are just confused and retarded. One of the most beautiful acts one can commit, in all of creation, surely has to be the act of forgiving and understanding someone even after being attacked or mistreated by them. That doesn't mean you have to make yourself weak against their attacks or constantly put yourself in vulnerable positions, but at the higher level, you are healing not only your soul but the cosmos as a whole when you don't give "tit for tat," when you refuse to repay evil and ugliness with evil and ugliness.

The same goes even for the ugly obnoxious voices that schizophrenics hear. Let's suppose just for sake of argument these are demons or something. So what? It just means demons are ugly petty assholes. As the Buddha supposedly said, "if there gods, then the gods need dharma too." Imagine a cosmic spirit taking time away from all the other shit he could be doing just to pick on some human trying to buy groceries, and then imagine that human being literally morally and spiritually greater than the spirit by basically saying "that's real immature bro."

Kindness is a direct conduit all the way to the divine. By willing to transcend ugliness and evil, instead of being dragged down to its level, we can visit God any time we want.

>> No.23398733

I got B's in the classes. I was aiming for A's but I don't think anyone got that

>> No.23398736

Why would he waste his emotion on a dead end?

>> No.23398738

WRONG. People do evil as rebellion against Good. But we can't help it hecause we are fallen and corrupt and weak. It tales strength to be good. So we are obligated to forgive because we can't choose to be good.

>> No.23398759
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I don’t want to be a pleb anymore. Women, partying, working, family, entertainment, etc, etc, all of the things that capture the attention of the masses has no effect on me. I want to go off on an adventure like Marco Polo, or conquer land like Genghis Khan. I want to board a big, rickety ship and sail to the end of the world. I WANT TO LIVE

>> No.23398779 [DELETED] 

In repose in the wadi, he sat lotus under the shadow of a shale mountain. He focused his vision on the familiar and resentful constellations, adjusting the lenses until the astigmatized light pinpricked in the sky. Voices schemed and plotted into both ears. He watched men tinted green catalogue the bodies in silence. They communicated with lasers and whispers on radios. The KKA commando inquired about the situation with quickly interpreted Pashto. The bodies had been hit by a gunship’s 40 mm cannon three days prior. They were located by smell. He sat in the rear of the formation, firefly IR strobe metronome blinking its invisible light to guide the squad. He watched them processing the bodies with bored detachment. 2A grabbed a wrist to roll a body, and the skin slipped off like a silk-glove. Camera strobes flashed like muzzles, gathering evidence for some unknown authority. Fingerprints were uploaded and checked against some unknown database. DNA samples preserved in plastic: cotton swabbed, fingers dactylectomized, heads scalped....

>> No.23398789

In repose in the wadi, he sat lotus under the shadow of a shale mountain. He focused his vision on the familiar and resentful constellations, adjusting the lenses until the astigmatized light pinpricked in the sky. Voices schemed and plotted into both ears. He watched men tinted green catalogue the bodies in silence. They communicated with lasers and whispers on radios. The KKA commando inquired about the situation with quickly interpreted Pashto. The bodies had been hit by a gunship’s 40 mm cannon three days prior; they were located by smell. He sat in the rear of the formation, firefly IR strobe metronome blinking its invisible light to guide the squad. He watched them processing the bodies with bored detachment. 2A grabbed a wrist to roll a body, and the skin slipped off like a silk-glove. Camera strobes flashed like muzzles, gathering evidence for some unknown authority. Fingerprints were uploaded and checked against some unknown database. DNA samples were preserved in plastic: mouths cotton swabbed, fingers dactylectomized, heads scalped....

>> No.23398804

really want to fuck lera lera

>> No.23398812

Thinking about fucking the barely-passing tranny that works at my local supermarket.

>> No.23398815
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I masturbated 4 times while farming full graceful in OSRS

>> No.23398826

Meeting up with my last ex tomorrow. Just a coffee shop good? Or any better ideas?

lol my OSRS brother. Well, I quit like 6 months ago and I was an elite PKer but still, anyone who plays gets love from me! Used to have blue graceful too.

>> No.23398829

Isn't a coffee shop a little public for a beating? Someone might stop you

>> No.23398834


I plan to within the first few minutes to say something like 'hey, wanna just skip the first hour of this?' and take her by the hand to some kind of shared seating, ideally a couch in the coffee shop, and sit close and cuddled up like a couple while we catch up and talk. That's how severe my needs are at the moment.

>> No.23398845

what does ai have against tokoloshes and snarks? did someone
>pure math no physics

>> No.23398848


I love that quote

>> No.23398855

Never felt anything close to that, and I'm even lame at pretending to feelings like it.
>There’s no way this shit isn’t physiologically addictive.
Of course it is, differ as it does by individual. I gave it up permanently out of boredom with what a sloven it made of me in the longer term, while using, but didn't miss it much in the absence. I don't even regret it, but feel no need to repeat that particular kind of fun: Mostly I just sat in recliner and made sublimely silly audio and video montages using a shitload of analogue and digital equipment. I'm not particularly passive about anything. much as I like the quiet life.

>> No.23398857
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My favorite story of Hera being a cunt for no reason was when she and Zeus got into an argument about which gender got more pleasure out of sex, Hera believing men enjoyed more pleasure and Zeus believing women enjoyed more pleasure, so they asked Tiresias who had been transformed into both genders. Tiresias said that from the total pleasure of intercourse, women enjoyed nine tenths and men enjoyed one tenths. Hera was so pissed she struck Tiresias blind. Zeus gave Tiresias the gift of foresight as recompense.

>> No.23398872

My assumption is the female orgasm feels as intense as ejaculation while on meth, as it gives that same total body contracting, leg shaking intensity. If that's the case, I completely understand why women stay in the weirdest and unhealthiest of relationships so long as 'the dick is good' and the historical views on the healing powers and mental serenity of a woman having an orgasm, and intensity of the negative opposite for those women who are sexually unfulfilled/

>> No.23398897

Why does the right defend Israel so hard

>> No.23398900

Women should serve jail time for saying retarded unsexy shit in porn and the director of the porno should serve ten times whatever their sentence is for allowing it or encouraging it in the first place

Men should be executed publically on national TV for speaking at all in porn. Holy fuck you bald retard how could you possibly think this was about you? Shut your stupid bald fucking mouth

>> No.23398918

How do you feel when your about to cum and it cuts to a shot of the guy’s face or balls and ass from behind?

>> No.23398931

I don't watch porn like that, for me the equivalent would be when the two lesbians are doing something hot for a change after 5 minutes of wasting fucking time and I'm just getting into it and the one of them says "MM DOES MY PUSSY JUICE HAVE THE CONSISTENCY OF CREAM OF WHEAT?" and I feel "what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck dude" so hard it's like getting punched in the stomach

I would stare at a dude's ass and balls with those binoculars you put a quarter into at the docks for six hours straight if I could have one porno where the chicks don't say David Lynch dream sequence tier shit right as the going gets good

>> No.23398933

I see. Honestly if I jerk off i don’t use porn anymore. It’s imagination for me or sometimes driving to a spot and parking near girls outside

>> No.23398941
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>> No.23398952

Why does the right defend everything that is a detriment to their own professed values? Because they have no position aside from “West good, everything else bad”

>> No.23398966

>sometimes driving to a spot and parking near girls outside

based pervert anon, I dig it

>> No.23399018

Will reading help cure my brain rot?

>> No.23399025
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Prostitutes in ancient greece charged 3 obols for their services. So throwing 3 silver coins towards a whore in Athens was enough for her to open her legs to you. They would often stand naked, so that you wouldn't be deceived. They were all slaves, obviously, so a whore in Sparta wouldn't be a beautiful and fit spartan woman, she would just a helot, unfortunately.

>> No.23399034

i can't ever remember feeling subordinate to any woman, no matter their rank in any organization, no matter how much some other women resent their rank or alleged bossiness: In general they love men like you wouldn't fucking believe, even skinny little bastards who aren't good for much but diverting conversation, a certain considerateness to that need.

>> No.23399055

so is billy eyelish a lesbian now or sum?

>> No.23399103

---- Solaria ----
First World III

Some aggreate of fashion magazines,
Garden varieties too rare

For Oriental view,
Sensational rides where few have ever lived so well--

Some sense of infinite suite.

>> No.23399108

Not too surprising

>> No.23399168

There is something very kino in the essence of GWOT and Al-Qaeda in Irag, and I am going to harness it.

>> No.23399197

what's the best board

>> No.23399221

yawn culture vulture

>> No.23399266
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lmao telling chatgpt the nigger word is hilarious

>> No.23399271

Yes, that plus exercise. Exercise has been proven to cause the growth of brain tissue

>> No.23399281

i need a whole fucking day now to get over a hangover

>> No.23399311

it preemptively ages you though

>> No.23399340

I swear I'm not fully back to normal for a full week after I get drunk. I don't even fuck with it anymore.

>> No.23399344

I got too drunk last night and now I'm useless today. I'm pissed off at myself. And my roommate pissed me off mightily last night during aforementioned drunkening. So now I'm pissed off at him too. Piss piss piss.

>> No.23399350

---- Solaria ----
Bird Sonorities

There's something thrilling about how all the passerines
Fall instantly silent when Canada Geese

Sweep overhead, just over treetops, their huge shadows sharp as any alarm of sight, yet
Casual, hilarious, on rooftops or lawns.

Hummingbirds that have gone across hundreds of miles of the Gulf of Mexico
In one astonishingly efficient go also frequent here,

And I'm happy to see them every time.

Some guy a half a kilometer from me keeps a big one from African tropical jungles
And its call reminds me of a lot of films therefrom.

There's a certain call chaffinches make in the 14 kilohertz range
Though to be honest it's a bit recherche.

Mourning doves are always nearer by than they seem,
And Great Horned owls can be heard

From blocks away, at night, where you'll never ever see one.

>> No.23399366

No, it reduces aging, improved quality of life, and extends lifespan

>> No.23399398

it's incredibly stressful (by definition), all stress ages you.

>> No.23399405 [DELETED] 

drink as much water as physically possible before going to sleep, or if you forget, as soon as you wake up.

>> No.23399445

I have developed a few health issues recently and I am suffering from severe health anxiety. I've seen doctors and stuff, all that is slow progress but I don't have any avenue of decisively knowing what is wrong with me. I'm convinced that I have something severely wrong with me and I'm going to die sooner rather than later.

That makes me want to prepare in a sense, are there any books that I can read on this sort of thing that genuinely help in changing my fear, unhappiness and anxiety into something else, like acceptance? I find it really difficult to do anything beyond the bare minimum ever since these health issues have cropped up and its affecting my quality of life.

I've read people discussing Stoicism, but beyond just randomly jumping into Meditations, are there any better books for this sort of thing? Death, acceptance of death, moving beyond fear paralysis and inaction, etc. Anything to break me out of the hell that is my mindset.

>> No.23399477

---- Solaria ----

There's nothing like the privacy of a sedan
In winter or summer wonderlands---

The best of possible worlds.

>> No.23399486

I just had sex

>> No.23399493

I've spent all day talking to myself. It feels good to be able to without anyone around. But after spending an hour having an entire conversation with myself I have this lucid moment where I realize how insane I would sound if anyone walked in.

>> No.23399505

There's two types of stress. Eustress and distress. Exercise is a form of eustress. It's a paradox but exercise, as a stressor, has been demonstrated to promote relief and resiliance from disstress. A body toughens from exercise and ages better. All studies show that exercise promotes quality of life long into age.

>> No.23399550
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exercise raises your tolerance to stress because you get used to having cortisol in your bloodstream, it's not relieving anything at all. it makes you weaker.

just think about it anyway; the more you work out, the more calories you burn, which means you need to eat more. the more food you eat, the faster you're going to age.

>> No.23399572

I love Child's Play.

>> No.23399584

New: >>23399581
New: >>23399581
New: >>23399581

>> No.23399585

That's retarded and contrary to all studies done on exercise.

>> No.23399621
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you've read every study done on excersice?
or just the mainstream

>> No.23399641

Whatever bro, go ahead and be a sedentary slug

>> No.23399649

stop stressing your adrenal glands and you won't lash out

>> No.23399694

My adrenal gland would kick your adrenal glands ass for fun

>> No.23399698

what's mental is I could batter u

>> No.23399716

If you're in California I will happily meet you and kick your ass

>> No.23399730

LONDON. apartment 2, 68 broadwick st if you want knocking out in front of both your mates

>> No.23399778

Oh a fat english cunt. I can just imagine you munching away at fish fingers and mushy peas. Any red blooded American would kill you with nothing more than a sideways glance

>> No.23399798

mate your banter game is atrocious.
do you wanna talk about diet now? and I'm def taller than you

>> No.23399809

Banter is for faggot islanders who have nothing better to do than gossip. I'm not your pub mate. I'm the American who would murder your fat lazy ass

>> No.23399814

argh your jibes are so weak it's hurting my stomach

>> No.23399825

A fat ass like you would have an upset stomach

>> No.23399850

too too too funny
if you know anything about it you'd know diet is key to your weight, more than exercise (do animals exercise to keep fit?)

>> No.23399886

Sure you can be a skinny fat loser, but I like having muscle definition. Of you knew anything about it you'd know that exercise is linked to longevity. Go ahead die weak and fat.

>> No.23399896

that why bodybuilders and athletes keep having heart attacks? humans in nature live like lions, just sort of chill.
& if you eat your natural diet (a lot of animal protein), you have muscle.

>> No.23399903

Maybe the vaxxed ones do. Or if they go on strenous diets to cut weight quickly. I'm sure you have no muscle. Muscle must be built. You are flabby and gross. Go and wither away at age 50, you soft faggot.

>> No.23399915

caaalm down. do you think you might be b12 deficient?
the man who popularised running and 'started america's fitness revolution' died age 50 (jim fixx).
even on steroids no human can be as jacked as a gorilla, who lounges around all day eating.

>> No.23399923

What a load of shit. You're a moron. Does being fat and lazy make you agreeable? Another reason to exercise.

>> No.23399932

link me the buzzfeed article about exercise causing the growth of brain tissue bruv i'm dying to read it

>> No.23399938

Shows what you know. Go ahead and be sedentary. No loss to the world when you die early.

>> No.23399939

i'm 120

>> No.23399970

120 pounds? No doubt.

>> No.23399977

what's that in kg

>> No.23399990

What is it in stone?

>> No.23400735

Disgusting faggot freak.