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23395605 No.23395605 [Reply] [Original]

Hinduism is just retarded paganism for street shitters.
They literally worship krishna's penis and smear cow shit all over themselves
Why did schopie have such high regard for it? Did he misunderstand it?

>> No.23395614

Stop being a retarded /pol/tard and maybe you'll get it one day.

>> No.23395624

Because it gave him an "in." Nobody really cared about his work for most of his life. Later when he read about the East, it was pretty unknown stuff for most Europeans. Think he realized if he could translate the ideas for a European tongue, he could probably carve out a little spot for himself, and he was right so. Worked out for him.

>> No.23395636
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>> No.23395648
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Why does [thinker] love [esoteric doctrine] but follower of said doctrine engage in [exoteric wierd practice]?

>> No.23395658

Ancient Aryan 'religions' are qualitatively superior to semitic religions which proselytize, moralize, universalize, mongrelize, etc., all of which seems foreign to a truly virile White man. Atheists are often preferable to overly religious retards, since lower IQs often use their mutt religions as an intellectual crutch or as an excuse to not study spiritual topics like initiation (or the reality of the occult constitution of man)

>> No.23395667 [DELETED] 

those tiny jeet pp's tho lmao
imagine if those hoes saw some bbc

>> No.23395674

Ancient Aryanism evolved out of Persia through men who weren't white.

>> No.23395682

Exoteric/Esoteric distinction is always just a cope to allow cynical cherry-picking of what you like about something without being “sullied” by the whole.

>> No.23395684

ok schlomo

>> No.23395687

reddit post
consider suicide

>> No.23395719

Yeah, that is why you see all these big brained exoterically initiated buddhist monks not doing retard shit such literally hitting their head against a wall for make it stronger and ooh

>> No.23395724

>literally hitting their head against a wall for make it stronger

>> No.23396422

Well, white man — you'll get filtered by the Greeks themselves, let alone a jeet giving you redemption from your sisyphean pursuit of cuckoldry.

>> No.23396448

Incorrect. Modern genetic analysis shows an enormous wave of conquest pouring out from the Eurasian steppe. The southern groups ending up taking India and eventually Persia. The west took all of Europe. The east took parts of China.

Hinduism is not a "Jeet" religion. It is probably the last surviving indo European religion left unharmed by the abrahamic filth.

>> No.23397090

You're a hormone fueled brat who wants to identify to something when it's all meaningless in the end. You're the problem he's talking about, some inane animal who can't control itself and wants to inflict problems or pain to others.

>> No.23397112

Here, Take this

>> No.23397120

Because he thought he Upanishads were metaphysically more developed than the texts of other religions.

>> No.23397126

>"About the language and wisdom of the Indians" is an art, language and social theoretical monograph by Friedrich Schlegel . It was published in 1808

>In the first sentence of his preface, Friedrich Schlegel refers to Sir William Jones . He was one of the first to notice the similarity between Sanskrit on the one hand and several European languages on the other. Jones' lecture quickly became known in Europe and fascinated many researchers in Germany and other European countries. Including Schlegel, the employed, the question of whether or not to the analogous prime numbers in mathematics Primworte could, original words give, from which the languages of the world draw their words. Jones had now suggested a partial answer with reference to Sanskrit, which Schlegel wanted to pursue.

>In the preface to his work, Schlegel had described that he had various hopes for this publication: He wanted to show “how fruitful Indian studies could one day be”, would like to make known “which rich treasures are hidden here” and finally want to achieve "to stir up the love for this study [...] in Germany too". In fact, Schlegel has a kind of 'renaissance' in mind. Just as the study of the Greek language and culture was pursued and promoted in Italy and Germany in the 15th and 16th centuries , he would like the present to be fertilized by ancient Indian times.

>Franz Bopp (1791–1867), who is considered the founder of Indo-European studies , initially followed in Schlegel's footsteps .

>> No.23397131

And of course IT caused jewish butthurt

heinrich heine in "romantic school":
>It may be worthy of mention, that while Goethe so rapturously celebrated Persia and Arabia in his verses, he expressed the most decided aversion to India. The grotesquencss, fantasticism, and want of clearness characteristic of that country were repugnant to him, and perhaps this dislike originated in the suspicion that some Catholic stratagem was at the bottom of the Sanskrit studies of the Schlegels and their friends. These men regarded Hindostan as the cradle of Catholicism, they claimed to have discovered there the model of the Catholic hierarchy, the doctrine of the trinity, of the incarnation, of penance, of atonement, of the maceration of the flesh, and all their other favorite crotchets.

>The only fault I have to find with the book is its underlying motive, it is written in the interests of Catholicism. He and his disciples claim to have discovered in these poems of India not only the parallels of the mysteries, but also of the whole Catholic hierarchy and its struggles with the secular powers. In "Mahabarata" and in "Ramayaha" these people imagined that they had discovered an elephantine mediaevalism, as it were. And, in sooth, the same interests are involved in the wrangling between King Wiswamitra and the priest, Wasichta, as narrated in the last-mentioned epic, as in the struggles between the German emperors and the popes, although in Europe the point of controversy was called the right of investiture, and in India the cow " Sabala.

>> No.23397143

Back when oriental scriptures were first being translated germans thought they found traditions that have been doing German Idealism for the last two thousand years rather than only a couple decades. They didn't fall in love with the people who smear themselves with cow dung, they fell in love with vedantic philosophy and buddhist epistemology as they interpreted them to be the works of an army of shorter and browner Kants and Hegels holding hands since the days of Alexander.

>> No.23397145

>holding hands
Holding hands through time

>> No.23397150 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23397703

>Hinduism is not a "Jeet" religion
It has been for over 2,000 years. You’re not taking into account all the countless centuries of dravidian influence.

>> No.23398375

He never saw or met the street shitters. He never really read them either, he was jerking off the ten or so Upanishads that were translated then by easily interpreting them his way completely cut off from Indian tradition with no one to bother him about it.

>Hinduism is not a "Jeet" religion.
It very certainly is. You can maybe argue that the very old school Vedic religion (not Hinduism) of >1000BC was the true Aryan but it has little to do with what Schopenhauer was talking about. The Aryan religion was about geting high on soma before having grand drinking parties, battles and ritual sacrifices to then chill with the gods. It was more similar to the archaic Roman religion than to Hinduism.

>> No.23398383

India has a caste system that clearly reflects the difference between the common man's understanding of religion and the spiritual man's understanding of it. It's a mistake to take the vulgar religion and the brahmin religion to be the same, and Hinduism is one of the few religions to make this distinction absolutely explicit.

>> No.23398404
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welp, found what i'm jackin off to tonight *saved*

>> No.23398406

Where did the recent racism against Indians comes from on this site lately. Every few months /pol/ comes up with a new boogeyman I swear

>> No.23398415

ahh ahh ahhhhhhhh shoulda lurked more baybee now everyone knows you're a stinking NEWFAG

>> No.23398466
File: 94 KB, 594x768, meme-pajeet-indian-it-code-programming-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeet bashing has been going on at an intense pace for a decade now. On 4chan it also didn't even start on /pol/ but rather /g/, /soc/ and /int/ for obvious reasons.

>> No.23398492

He didn't defend LGBT rights in any way, so I don't know how he was being anything like the average /pol/ poster