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23395142 No.23395142 [Reply] [Original]

Shouldn't a subversive, merchantile tribe be the opposite of fascistic blonde beasts?

>> No.23395147

>Bronze age pronoun respecter

>> No.23395149

Even Lovecraft had a jewish friend. And a jewish wife.

>> No.23395161

Boring dweeb who was scared of colours and wrote a couple of boring books. No one cares about that petty nationalistic, philosemetic dork.

>> No.23395173

Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.23395177

Protip: Northerners and Jews have always had each other's backs, ever since Gilgamesh.

>> No.23395195

no, Nietzsche predicted this, Judaea conquered Rome, jews crossed the rubicon and have will to power and have bent Europeans into the slavery of moral terror
of course their kung-fu and martial arts of choice are psychic insofar as they are still heavily outnumbered, but it's still a form of warfare

>> No.23395199

Hitler begs to differ.

>> No.23395275

Céline and Hugo Ball beg to differ to differ

>> No.23395277

Put them all on mute, you don’t have to follow this closely

>> No.23395316
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>Subversive merchant tribe networks and gains behind the scenes support to dominate an online conversation that could result in violence against them.

This is no different to newspapers and journalists coordinating the direction of public opinion.

>> No.23395324

The JQ thinking on the side of Woods, Fuentes seems so ridiculous. It has the simplicity of a fairy tale. To group all these people together according this label and think you understand something about the world. To assume linearity across the spectrum of variables. It's hilarious.

>> No.23395335
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>Stop naming the jew, goyim
>Stop thinking of all these jews as jews
>To even think that all these jews are jews is utterly hilarious.

>> No.23395339

assuming linearity is usually the first step to find a solution to any physical problem, because it's better than no solution at all, even more so on the social order, where severe non-linearities dominate

>> No.23395349

neitxche was pro Jewish so they follow thier master

Schopenhauer was anti jew, but he was also anti nationalism, so he hates pol tards as well

>> No.23395381
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>> No.23395390

I think it's not only Jews but Jews AND Anglos (specifically Protestants). Fuentes has mentioned something along those times but never elaborated.

>> No.23395430

>Akshully it's da COMMIES and da CHICOMs!
BAPfags love blaming a group as long it is not the Jews not matter how ridiculous. Also this tactic of "supporting Israel is actually antisemitic" will never work. Costin already backpedaled and is now getting his simps to think taking any side in the war is gay as a means to protect the Jews from any more criticism. It's all so obvious and BAPfags are retarded including Mikka who is the smartest BAPfag but is still a neurotic loser NEET that can't even learn to code (self admitted)

>> No.23395445

He was not. You can only think in polar opposites. Because he dislikes blind hatred of them does not mean there was much to hate about them. Or anybody.

>> No.23395560
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>yet another e-grifter thread
at this point i only come here to laugh at how shitty and worthless this place is now

>> No.23395586


Post more twitter screenshots fellow retarded faggot

>neitxche was pro Jewish
Did you not read Antichrist? wherein he uses them as an example of a fallen and degraded people that Europeans should not emulate. There's more too, I can't remember them all off the top of my head. To say Nietzsche was a philosemite or an antisemite just shows how limited your thought process is.

Actually nevermind, I'm pretty sure you're trolling aka merely pretending to be an idiot.

>implying ethnic groups don't exist, can't be quantified or qualified
>can't engage with any of the arguments despite them supposedly being childishly stupid
You're the simpleton here, no doubt.

>> No.23395606

Nietzsche himself praised and criticized Jewish culture at varying points. He did the same with European gentile cultures. Favoritism among cultures isn't really Nietzschean. He tried to take stock of their merits and their flaws.

>> No.23395652
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What hot shit are you vomiting? Of course one favors your own. This universalism when looking at Nietzsche is a complete Post-WW2 subversion

>Naming the jew is what they fear

>> No.23395659
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>Why are jews like this?

>> No.23395661

Where did I say anything about universalism you chimp?
Nietzsche regularly praised and critiqued all groups, specifically Europeans and Jews. It's all over his writing.

>> No.23395677

>Favoritism among cultures isn't really Nietzschean
Right here, kike.

>> No.23395697

People oversimplify Nietzsche a lot, you're doing it too. In Genealogy of Morals he derives his conception of aristocracy from the Celts which he says were blonde Aryans, while categorizing the swarthier demographic as inferior and wondering if their growing prominence in society is not a sign of involution.

That doesn't necessarily mean that he would have supported the nazis (lol, sure), and it's incorrect to label him as a jew-hater (i refrain from using the term antisemite, because it's cringe, being clearly used for political aims while the definition constantly changes), but the idea that he was some egalitarian, humanist hippy who thought every human life was equally valuable is laughable.

>> No.23395711

>Nietzsche himself praised and criticized Jewish culture at varying points.
True. I asked GPT-4o to summarize his praise:

1. Survival and Resilience: Nietzsche admired the Jews for their ability to survive and maintain their cultural identity through centuries of persecution and adversity. He saw this resilience as a testament to their strength and determination.

2. Intellectual Contributions: He praised the Jewish people for their significant contributions to European culture, philosophy, and science. Nietzsche acknowledged the intellectual and cultural achievements of Jews, recognizing their influence on the development of Western thought.

3. Moral and Ethical Strength: Nietzsche often contrasted Jewish morality with what he perceived as the decadence and weakness of contemporary European societies. He appreciated the Jews' strong ethical framework and sense of community.

4. Discipline and Organization: He admired the discipline and organizational skills of the Jewish people, which he believed contributed to their survival and success in various fields despite facing widespread discrimination.

5. Cultural and Religious Cohesion: Nietzsche respected the Jews for their ability to maintain a cohesive cultural and religious identity over millennia. He saw this as a sign of their deep-rooted traditions and strong communal bonds.

6. Strategic Adaptability: Nietzsche praised the strategic adaptability of Jews, highlighting their ability to thrive in various environments and under different political regimes. He saw this adaptability as a form of practical wisdom.

7. Influence on Christianity: Nietzsche recognized the profound impact of Jewish thought on Christianity. While he was critical of Christianity, he acknowledged that its roots lay in Judaism and that many of its moral and ethical teachings were derived from Jewish traditions.

>> No.23395716

I don't follow this culture war nonsense at all, so correct me if I'm wrong, but especially in the younger generation (and I'm not talking about the terminally online kids) I see a very polarised rupture accelerated by what is happening in Israel/Palestine. kids seem to be going either full-on sigma grimeset Elon musk Javier milei make Israel great again, or full-on hatred for all of the above. the "intellectual right wing" is obviously just a very small minority, but because of the algorithms etc, I think it ends up almost naturally coinciding with the former group.

>> No.23395720
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Wow, sounds like he was a based egalitarian and anti-racist! that's good, imagine if the most important philosopher in relatively recent history went against our liberal and democratic values like Donald Trump has done... Although I think Neiztcshe also would have been pro-trans and likely supported BLM since he was essentially a voice for the oppressed. Likewaise he would have been in favor of the judeo-congressional money launder- i mean the war in Ukraine, and he would have told everybody to wear the mask to stop the spread of covid19 too.

Fuck Nazis /poltards.

>> No.23395726

I never said he was an egalitarian. I would say you're imputing a lot of extraneous stuff into the very simple things I've said. All of which are mere descriptive truths regarding his work.
Yeah that's all pretty accurate, but GPT won't tell you the critical side of it due to politically correct programming, so it's a bit too bright of a picture. He did say all of that basically, but he also saw them as too collectivist, too cultish, too driven by embittered vengeance, etc; and his main critique of the situation overall was that while they had an admirable culture FOR THEM, the Europeans didn't have this same thing for themselves anymore and were not understanding how that all works. He was kind of saying, they're tribal, we should be too.

>> No.23395731

Are you having some sort of nervous breakdown?

>> No.23395732

Israel is one of the closest nations on earth to being fascist

>> No.23395741

>GPT won't tell you the critical side of it
I asked it about his criticisms:

1. Foundational Role in Christianity: Nietzsche criticized Jews for their foundational role in the development of Christianity, which he saw as a continuation and expansion of Jewish moral principles. He believed that Christianity inherited what he considered to be the weaknesses and constraints of Jewish morality.

2. Priestly Morality: He associated Judaism with what he called "priestly morality," which he saw as life-denying and resentful. Nietzsche believed that this morality promoted values such as humility, meekness, and self-denial, which he saw as contrary to the affirmation of life and individual strength.

3. Ressentiment: Nietzsche accused Judaism of fostering ressentiment, a deep-seated resentment and revaluation of values by the weak against the strong. He saw this as the basis for the Jewish (and subsequently Christian) moral framework, which he believed turned weakness into a virtue.

4. Moral Absolutism: He criticized Jewish moral absolutism, the strict adherence to a set of universal moral laws. Nietzsche saw this as limiting and oppressive, constraining human potential and creativity.

5. Ascetic Ideals: Nietzsche was critical of ascetic ideals, which he associated with Jewish religious practices. He believed that asceticism devalues the physical and sensual aspects of life, promoting a harmful division between the body and the spirit.

6. Anti-Natural Tendencies: He argued that Jewish morality went against natural human instincts and desires. Nietzsche believed that this moral system suppressed natural drives, leading to a form of life-denial.

7. Historical Impact on European Culture: Nietzsche felt that the influence of Jewish morality had a long-term negative impact on European culture, promoting values that he saw as weakening the vitality and creativity of Western civilization.

8. Promoting Egalitarianism: He was critical of the egalitarianism promoted by Jewish and Christian teachings, which he believed undermined the natural order of hierarchy and excellence. Nietzsche valued the idea of the "Übermensch" (Overman) who transcends conventional morality to create his own values.

>> No.23395750

Okay, I take it back, that's all a pretty fair assessment too. When I've engaged with it about this in the past it tended to sugarcoat.

>> No.23395764

>just ignore the thousands of kids getting blown up and crushed under rubble, it doesn't concern you!
This is pure evil

>> No.23395766
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>I asked GPT-4o to summarize his praise
All of keks

>> No.23395776

Most zoomers are pro-palestine without ulterior motives(ie 4D chess to own the jews), seeing it in terms of colonist/colonizer dynamics. In the context of "intellectual right wing", it basically manifests itself either as an obsessive, all-encompassing antisemitism, or knee-jerked ultra"zionism" to own the libs without regard to the moral/legal/practical ramifications of the "debate". Of course, their(the "intellectual right wing", that is) opinion is utterly irrelevant in practice and the whole thing is basically just social media version of forum circlejerks with an incredible thin political/intellectual lining to pretend otherwise, so you better off just treating the whole thing like a deathmatch for lolcows.

>> No.23395781

Yeah, crazy how their morality changes completely when they are losing or suffer hardship. This is why the jew is the antithesis of honour, loyalty and the heroic.

>> No.23395783

Ha, nice. That's why chat-gpt is so powerful. It gives low IQ, low info idiots who can't read books the illusion of having knowledge. I guess reading wikipedia articles is even too hard for you, but now you can think that Nietzsche is aligned with your puerile understanding of the world even though you haven't read him. You probably think that Nietzsche would have loved chat-gpt too, right? the democratizing tendency of tech, giving unqualified simpletons like you the power to delude yourselves further, sounds right up his ally!

Why didn't you ask it to summarize his criticisms? that's a rhetorical question, since it's known and obvious that jewish organizations run campaigns all over the web, and IRL. To list them here would be superfluous, although perhaps it would make you even more uncomfortable?

>> No.23395786

>deathmatch for lolcows.
It'd be funnier if it weren't roping in the whole world along with it.

>> No.23395789

He did ask it that right after in his second post. I have read all of Nietzsche, and those gpt outputs are pretty good summaries of the basic ideas.

>> No.23395792
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>> No.23395800

>It'd be funnier if it weren't roping in the whole world along with it.
Eh, I was talking about the "debate" within the "intellectual right wing"(the online one, that is). That actual Israel-Palestine conflict can have effects on the region and by extension the world, but it is a kind of "wait and see" deal.

>> No.23395805

No guys, Israel is a bastion of liberal democracy in the middle east because.....because it just is, ok! also, if you don't support us, you are evil and we will kill you. Also, we don't want any Palestinians anywhere near us, they are savage violent animals and terrorists. BTW, the West needs to open their borders even more than they already have to accept Palestinian refugees we created, if you don't do it you are an evil racist bigoted country, unlike Israel who is a bastion of tolerance and diversity.

Btw, jews collectively are such good people that they have to run billion dollar industries to make sure that people don't hate them. There's no sneakiness going on here, we don't even change our names any more like we used to.

I really don't have a problem with individual jews, in fact I feel sorry for them, since their leaders are so absolutely psychotic that it makes people hate them, when the average jew eating a bagel in new york really isn't a bad guy. Orthodox are weird, but that is the same with all religious zealots.

>> No.23395815

Do you have Asperger's?

>> No.23395818

>I really don't have a problem with individual jews, in fact I feel sorry for them, since their leaders are so absolutely psychotic that it makes people hate them, when the average jew eating

Child rape
>silence from jews
Blm wanting to kill cops and whites
>silence from jews
Global sex trafficking ring
>silence from jews
Repeated attacks on Western Whites
>more silence from jews

Palestine should be free!
>All protests shut down on college when those against whites were permitted even at the height if covid
>People black listed from several industries and professions
>Hollywood completelty silent

They are a cancer and the root of many problems in the world. We also omit the fact that jews also caused every single issue above

>> No.23395831

Love it, BAP will never stop making the Christcels mad
I don't care if he's half-Jooish his ideology is infinitely more white than the rest of the right wing

>> No.23395832


>> No.23395840

Israelis are a lot more violent and dismissive of life than Hitler or Mussolini were to their enemies. See the way they openly talk about Palestinians, even the officials, it unironically is more extreme than "fascists" (a boogeyman). The idea that Israel represent democracy and Western tolerance in the middle east is fucking farcical. Israel are liars, coming up with branding slogans like this to hypnotize people with (i mean controlling/limiting their thoughts), rather than have people think for themselves and realize how horrible they are.

Also funny: they are like all of these other 3rd worlders begging the White man for gibs, they're just better at it / more influential, and probably even less honorable somehow.

>> No.23395870

low IQ post. there are plenty of jews in alt media covering that stuff, you'd probably call them controlled opposition.

everything you're listing is a problem with the collective of jews, it doesn't automatically make every individual jew a piece of shit (sure, if you were to run a big data AI model and determine a spread of the likelihood of being a piece of shit, the results could skew one way). the fact that jews don't talk about those things extends to every other group as well. Muslims and blacks are just as bad or worse. How about when Islamic mongrel-simians target little White girls for the worst sexual abuse, or chop people's heads off in the streets, or engage in rapes at 100x that of the native population. Then muslims still attack anyone being critical of their pisslamic 3rd-world dumbshit religion/people being in the West. Afro-simians prey on old White people for fun while other afro-simians cheer them on, etc.etc.etc..

At the end of the day all it really shows is how multiculturalism is a complete joke, and if you honestly think it is in the best interest of White people/the West to be "multicultural" or really multiracial, then you should give your crypto wallet seedphrase to that scammer who is asking for it, because you are a certified retard.

>> No.23395883
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Now if you had had standards you would have instantly gone beyond grifting astroturfed e-celebs and found real "rightwing" thinkers, not hedonistic bourgeois faggots on the internet/social media whoring themselves out for attention, you absolute nigger peasant.

>> No.23395887
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>> No.23396027
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>There are plenty of jews in alt media covering that stuff, you'd probably call them controlled opposition

Yeah, its wild how easy you can spot them by the very specific and contorted views and by their negative space with regards to ethnicity.

>> No.23396120

At this point /lit/ is just a rants and raves section for twitter personalities (not even good ones) to get into eachother and hash stuff out anonymously. Just scrolling this thread I already recognize half you niggas (you know who you are).

>> No.23396210

Fuentards are all full of resentment, they are utterly incapable of looking at the current world objectively. They also have a completely warped outlook on National Socialists, often subscribing to the Europa "wholesome Hitler" view.
They are utterly humorless and they take jews VERY seriously, they don't read anything besides infographics from 8 years ago, if you disagree with them, you're jewish, if you make an edgy joke, you're jewish, if you criticize any christian behavior, you're jewish.
No thoughts on eugenics (abortion of retards? - very sinful! (and jewish)), no thoughts on marxism (don't bother reading or learning about our enemies, the only thing that matters is that they are jews), no thoughts on islam (one struggle). Just utter retards.

>> No.23396211

>(((them))) and they/them

>> No.23396218

Is defending transgenderism apart of the barbarian mindset or a Talmudic mindset?

>> No.23396888

The Christians are going to win more victories than BAP ever will. If America as we know it comes to an end I doubt it will be gay Jewish bodybuilder disciples that assume the mandate of heaven in the aftermath of the downfall.