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23395001 No.23395001 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23395008


>> No.23395014

> Pentecostal literature
Would that just be a bunch of skitzo scribbles

>> No.23395017

Catholic obviously, I'll be closing this thread now.

>> No.23395032

Which flaming illiterate makes these awful diagrams? I am a classical confessional Lutheran and I have never seen this division used in a published book.

>> No.23395056

this isn't quite right since there are Protestant denominations that claim to be the one true one.

>> No.23395066

>zomg wtf this infographic literally uses GREEN as a background colour for methodist christianity's logo when the background colour to the Holy Cross at my church is slate grey on account of the painted wall behind it What the fuck was this infographic maker (HACK) smoking when he made this?!?!?!

>> No.23395067

Catholic, then Lutheran

>> No.23395084

It was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.23395108

Catholic > Orthodox > Anglican = Lutheran

>> No.23395122

I'm Reformed (Orthodox Presbyterian) so I'll say Reformed. :P

The Reformed Baptists can claim The Pilgrim's Progress though, and that might outweigh most of our literature.

>> No.23395130
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>> No.23395152

Catholics have Dante, the Doctors of the Church (which is a pretty big deal), Shakespeare (yes, he was Catholic, deal with it), Cervantes, Chaucer, Balzac, Mauriac, etc
Orthodox bros have the Way of the Pilgrim, Dostoevsky (does Tolstoy even count as Orthodox?)
Anglicans have CS Lewis, Milton
Was Goethe Lutheran?

>> No.23395163

>does Tolstoy even count as Orthodox?
he was excommunicated so I'd say no. non-denominational, i guess.

>> No.23395172

Pretty much every great German was Lutheran until the 20th century

>> No.23395176

hard mode do the past century
Catholic: Shusaku Endo, GK Chesterton, JR Tolkien, EVelyn Waugh, Wlkaer Percy, Flanner O"Conor, Graham Greene, Robert Hugh Benson, Dean Koontz
Orthodox: ?
Anglicans: Lewis
Other prots:?

>> No.23395192

non-denominational is a specific denomination, as is protestant. The technical definition for Tolstoy would just be a heretic (meaning to pick and choose) unless he was part of some bigger movement then he'd be whatever the name of the heresy is.

There's plenty of just lone heretics who had their own weird ideas though.

>> No.23395211

>non-denominational is a specific denomination
no it isn't. there are similarities between some non-denom churches, but there's no actual organization o theological agreement that could make them a single denom. hense "non-denominational".

>> No.23395216

I fuckin hate these images so much
The pokemonification of theology

>> No.23395222

Then why are they non-denominational as opposed to just being a new denomination? The only explanation would be they share some theological view about denominations or ecclesiology. So there is a fundamental theological agreement underlying the denomination non-denominational. Every denomination has a wide variety of views within it, the actual bounds of the denomination are often primarily ethnic or cultural, maybe if you are lucky they have some statement of beliefs but 0% of the people who go care about that.

The non-denominational identity/cultural group along with the theological views of what Church/denomination ought to be are more then sufficient to consider it a denomination. Claiming people like tolstoy is just cope for losers who have never contributed anything significant culturally.

>> No.23395236

I suppose prots were hard carried by Wittgenstein last century

>> No.23395345

There was C.S. Lewis.

>> No.23395500

>he doesn't know

>> No.23395509

Redeemed Zoomer is based, and very creative with his videos and his iconography system.

>> No.23395524

Shakespeare was a catholic, btw

>> No.23397128

good point

>> No.23397975

Beethoven was Catholic.

>> No.23397978

Loyal to Jewry first and foremost.

>> No.23397996
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>Shakespeare (yes, he was Catholic, deal with it)

>> No.23398021

You mentally breakdown because Shakespeare hated the crown? Fuck the Anglo on his fucking Island acting like a Jew on the world.

>> No.23398026
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>acting like a Jew

>> No.23398035

The Germanic is far removed from the Semitic.

>> No.23398048

And yet they conquered you spiritually. You carry a foreign parasite.

>> No.23398080

Catholic>Catholic>Catholic>Luthernan>>>>>>>>Anglican>>>>>>Everything Else

>> No.23398251

Zoomers need to stop color-coding ideologies and modes of thought into neatly partitioned grids. It removes all nuance no matter how accurately you explain your autism-friendly diagram. The political compass is a meme, Punnett Squares have like two use cases.

>> No.23398283

Stfu Jew. It's the all the same bullshit - if anything this color coding exalts these bullshit ideologies.

>> No.23398325
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Why is it the fastest growing religion in the world then?

>> No.23398329

*gregorian chant*
basaaaatus et redpillaaaaatuuuus

>> No.23398479

Because American NGOs are good at spreading retarded ideas to negroids and Asians?

>> No.23398522

>Orthodox: ?
To be fair they were suppressed by the Soviet Union

>> No.23398531

>thinking negroids read

>> No.23398543

Is there anyone out there who writes about the fracturing of the Church into thousands of denominations as part of a dialectical world-historical process necessary to the development of the Church and mankind? Some kind of Hegelian deal but with an aim towards the small-c catholic church rather than treating Prussian Lutheranism as the final religion?

>> No.23398607
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>Why are "Charismatics" so charismatic?

>> No.23398739
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Isn't that a sign that the Orthos AREN'T the One True Church? It feels like if they were really the True Church of Jesus Christ they wouldn't have taken so many historical Ls. First the Ottomans got them, then the Soviets. That's a solid 500 years where they were being stomped on and unable to thrive outside of their home countries. In that same time, the Catholic Church expanded around the world.

I don't know, I just think that if the Orthos were the real One True Church they wouldn't have had so many obstacles thrown into the path of their expansion. Jesus did say to bring the Gospel to all the nations, and the Orthos really haven't gotten a chance to do that. Maybe it means they're not God's favorite.

>> No.23398748

Catholicism wins.

>> No.23398839

Recently? Catholics. No one else is even playing and they had Gene Wolfe.

Historically? Anglicans and Reformed/Calvinist.

Dickens beats every novelist and Milton beats every poet not named Homer.

In addition, you have Bunyan, Melville, the Brontes, Coleridge, Machen, Carol, Lewis, Dunsany,ect...
Catholics claim Chesterton, but all his great novels were written when he was Anglican.

>> No.23398876

are Catholics allowed to like Dante? Doesn't he talk about how a bunch of Popes are burning in hell? I thought the Pope was infallible in all spiritual matters?

>> No.23398880

>Would that just be a bunch of heretical scribbles
Fixed you.
I genuinely wish every medposter to suffer from legit schizophrenia.

>> No.23399473
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lmao, of course not

Hell, it's only a proper understanding of the history of the papacy that allows any sane Catholic to cope with how terrible Francis is. This kind of papolatry that developed in the 19th and 20th centuries obscured the actual historical reality that a lot of the Popes have been pretty shitty. There's a reason only some of them are saints.

>> No.23399475

CoE are catholics, the *true* catholics, correctly governed.

>> No.23399480

Redeemed Zoomer, he's a YouTuber.

>> No.23399612

>First the Ottomans got them, then the Soviets. That's a solid 500 years where they were being stomped on and unable to thrive outside of their home countries. In that same time, the Catholic Church expanded around the world.
Those are reasons why the Orthodox are the one true church. Whichever church is legit will be persecuted the most and will be hated by Satan the most.
>I don't know, I just think that if the Orthos were the real One True Church they wouldn't have had so many obstacles thrown into the path of their expansion. Jesus did say to bring the Gospel to all the nations, and the Orthos really haven't gotten a chance to do that. Maybe it means they're not God's favorite.
True, the Orthodox are not that good with evangelizing outside of the East, though that shouldn't disqualify them, nor do I think the efforts of non-Orthodox Christians evangelising do not count (they do). They may be heterodox, but they still spread the Gospel.
>Mark 9 38:39

>> No.23399629

AI hasnt ruined memes as much as I thought it would. Sure, you see shit threads devoted to them (that never have any interaction...just people posting their garbage) and a crap meme like yours every now and then but overall I thought it would be a lot worse.

>> No.23399684

Its not just that the Orthodox have ben conquered. They have historically been the most morally degenerate countries in Christendom. Any reading of Russian literature can attest to this.

Catholics counties are better, but no by much.
Protestant countries were the ones that actually encouraged moral behavior in their population. The US, England, Germany, and other historically protestant countries had to explicitly renounce their religion before they feel into depravity. Not so for Catholic and Orthodoxy countries.

>> No.23399686

Meant to say Mark 9: 38-40

>> No.23399726

>They have historically been the most morally degenerate countries in Christendom. Any reading of Russian literature can attest to this.
So what? The jews were far more degenerate time and time again, and even sacrificed their children to idols, but God delivered them out of their iniquity every time.
>The US
A nation creates from the top-down, which was founded by deists, unitarians, and freemasons. They had no love for Christianity. The Protestant denominations and the Catholics also had a history of killing each other.

>> No.23399856

>was founded by deists, unitarians, and freemasons

The most midwit take on US history.

>> No.23399872

If you don't believe me, then you can lookup what the Founding Fathers had to say about Christianity. They had had no kind words for it.

>> No.23399976

>Anglicans have CS Lewis, Milton
kek...Jeremy Taylor, John Donne (was even an Anglican Divine, anon...'ask not for whom the bell tolls..'), Jonathan Swift (cleric), Samuel Johnson, William Wordsworth, ST Coleridge, Charlotte Brontë, etc.
Your level of ignorance is appalling, anon.

>> No.23400024
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St. John Chrysostom assumes the higher up you go in the hierarchy the harder it is to be saved.
So as you go up priest > bishop > pope a higher % will be in hell.
The idea is you have far more obligations and it's far harder to meet them, and you are being given far more graces so you will be punished for rejecting them.

>> No.23400042

Seethe Schmuel, Witty will never be Jewish

>> No.23400045

Because they are the TRVE AND APOSTOLIC CHVRCH


>> No.23400046
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>> No.23400050

>Whichever church is legit will be persecuted the most and will be hated by Satan the most.
By that logic, the (largely pentecostal) underground church in China is the one true church since Christianity is not even legal there and they are heavily persecuted by the government

>> No.23400059
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>True, the Orthodox are not that good with evangelizing outside of the East
>Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Lol it's not even an argument, such insane cope for their random obscure ethnic Churches. Do you even need to look up an EO/OO map to know how obviously bad it is? Like it's literally just deranged. They are either are not the Church or they have totally rejected the gospel.

>> No.23400102

Augustine kinda does in City of God. Part of the reason why both Reformers and Catholics claim him.

>> No.23400116
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The only ones who adhered to the original Christ mystery before it has hijacked by the institution we call "the church"