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23387822 No.23387822 [Reply] [Original]

So, where's the great modern novel about incelism and NEETdom, a novel about society deemed as "losers"?

>> No.23387830

None of them are motivated enough to write a book thanks to all the cooming. Also they are losers - just have sex my god it’s sad at this point.

>> No.23387847
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Funny how there is never a good enough answer
Oyama shiro The man with no talents gets recommended often.
Is it any good?

>> No.23387908

Ok, femoid

>> No.23387922

Dosto solved the genre, no point in writing anything else.

>> No.23387944
File: 205 KB, 862x991, FinalformofaNEET (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a really good book writing by a eccentric guy that decide to a NEET by the end of the book

>> No.23388097

>he hasn’t read the entire /r9k/ catalog
do you even care about the answer to your own question?

>> No.23388136
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but seriously, the answer is been right before your eyes

>> No.23388176

epub or pdf of this? interested but I'm a neet so no money to buy the book. libgen doesnt seem to have it

>> No.23388177

the epub formatting is fucked up bigly

>> No.23388188

Seconding this. I lived the live for two years, depression, no friends, no education, addiction to research chems, would not leave my apartment often.
Its honestly not worth it and even though Welcome to the NHK encapsulates the feels perfectly, it is not a path to be pursued. Pull yourself out of there, touch grass. Self-help books wont help anyone, it's action that matters. Either it manifests from withtin oneself (it won't) or external factors will either get you on track or break whats left to break.

I'm living a pretty nice life now, even the captcha came pre-solved

>> No.23388278

You lived as a NEET for two years?

>> No.23388470

I'll still take it, I cant find it anywhere online

>> No.23388473

it's on zlib.

>> No.23388483

my diary desu

>> No.23388493

its not

>> No.23388615

Yes, and for another 8 months after I quit a job

>> No.23388621

Borrowable on archive org

>> No.23388715

Anna's archive

>> No.23388818

no incel has the power to produce any great piece of art, the incel is the lowest life form both physically and mentaly, both volcels (monks n shit) and chads can and have produced great works, but never an incel.

>> No.23388823

Cope harder, incel can produce good works of art, I remember a incel that wrote a autobiography online and good a lot of praises.

>> No.23389222


>> No.23389231

Magic Mountain is pretty close desu

>> No.23389256

im literally looking at it on zlib right now you fat spastic. epub and pdf. kill yourself.

>> No.23389262

The epub is broken

>> No.23389275

so read the pdf.

>> No.23389902

No one wants to read about an incel NEET loser. Much of the attraction of fiction revolves around wish fulfillment, and an incel NEET loser is like the opposite of that.
Having said that, there's always this: https://www.amazon.com/INCEL-Novel-ARX-Han/dp/B0C9SNQK9C

>> No.23389904
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>> No.23389935

Unironically Infinite Jest

>> No.23390011
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What about femcel novels?

>> No.23390035
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that girl is legit beautiful unless thats a deceptive angle in the pic. wtf? i want her to roofie me

>> No.23390268

Pretty much exactly the same story here, it’s debilitating and after a while it stops being fun. You feel so much more alive when you start going back to working or school, it’s difficult to re-integrate the first few days you enter the outside world though.

>> No.23390278

>where is the great novel based on a tiny minority of internet subculture!?

>> No.23390301


this. it was done more than a hundred years ago by dostoyevsky, kafka and others. the fundamentals don't change. that's what makes the classics eternal.

>> No.23390333
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In the works

>> No.23390345

neet and you will regret it
don't neet and you will regret it
neet or don't neet, you will regret both

>> No.23390393

Collection of art from the Hikkikimori cultural festival

>> No.23390418

It's not an interesting or transgressive lifestyle. Any work written from such a perpective would necessarily be a fairly facile comedy of self-sabotage

>> No.23390986

>Welcome to the NHK

Seconding this. I tried the manga and anime but they are very different, so they suck - ingnore them and read the book. The book is basically required reading for 4chan users.
I would also recommend Densha Otoko some time, though it's not the same it still deals with 4chan required reading. Again, ignore the other versions - the book has a unique format in this case.

>> No.23391400


>> No.23391410
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I've been living like this for 7 years at least. Idk why people say it's draining or debilitating or depressing or that it stops being fun. Just like I would have if I had a job, I've just shifted my interests over time and got new hobbies whenever life started feeling a bit stale. I feel like I'll get asked why I've gone this long and you know I've got the most obvious answer. I don't think work would be worth it. Giving up my comfort and a large portion of whatever agency I have over my life just so I can work for shit all and have essentially nothing change in my life except a lack of free time seems pointless. Work or don't, it's not like I'm going to see any upwards mobility. It's not like I'll be able to afford a house of my own with that money. I wouldn't even be able to afford a banged up used car. Hell, I can't even drive, so what am I thinking about cars for? I gave up the hikikomori thing last year and all that's really changed is that I've gained a deeper appreciation for birds and flowers and grass. Maybe if I had some actual desires I'd try to get myself out there and "escape" this, but it's been a long time since I've felt dissatisfied. Honestly, I think the key is to just give yourself something to work towards instead of completely stagnating. Reading a bunch of books and language learning became that for me.

>> No.23391415

>living like this
I want to make it clear that I didn't mean to say I was living like you two in particular, but in a more general way. I've never been into drugs much, I just drink occasionally. I'm big on self-education, so that's different as well. No friends, depression (for the better half of my time as a NEET) do apply to me, though.

>> No.23391526


>> No.23391963

The lifestyle just isn’t possible unless your leaching off someone or rich, and I’m not rich.

>> No.23392034

I feel like there are a very select few who can pull it off sucessfully in the long term - the hardest task is keeping your mind occupied with new tasks and keeping up the discipline not to spend 100% of your time browsing 4chan. In other works, you need to be disciplined enough to keep yourself in line, a quality that prevents people falling for this lifestyle in in the first place. For most people it is in fact very draining. There's a reason you can recognise jobless bums in public so easily. Its not their clothes, it's their mannerisms and drained faces devoid of any meaning. Even wagies dont have this look in their eyes

>> No.23392438

Which language are you learning?
What books have you read of late?

>> No.23392557
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>Which language are you learning?
Japanese mainly. Recently I picked up Spanish, but I'm not good enough to read literature in it yet, especially not the Siglo de Oro stuff. It's a surprisingly neat language, though. I like the way it sounds, too, especially when spoken by a Colombian.
>What books have you read of late?
Amphitryon, Tales of a Traveller, The Broken Commandment, and a couple Conan the Barbarian stories. I actually haven't read much, lately. I read The Temptation of Saint Anthony about two months ago and it was so good that I've had trouble not comparing everything to it. Sorta killed my desire to read anything else for a long time, but I've been forcing myself to read anyway.

>> No.23392711

Someone post the neet books core pic

>> No.23392823


I concur, the author also has released updates on his gumroad though they're pretty different.

I actually think the anime is better then the book but the book is still the best thing at this there is.

I lived like this and still do to :^) just work from home now i dont like being around people

>> No.23393282

I like how you answer this but dodge the anon calling you out for leeching off of rich relatives. Who wouldn't love being a trust fund kid that doesn't have to work and can pursue their own interests without having to worry about the tedium of a job.

If you're not leeching off of wealthy parents though, I'm interested to hear how you get by, since we all need at least a minimum sum of money for life's expenses, even if you keep them small. Are you on some sort of unemployment benefits or disability? And in that case how did you qualify?

>> No.23393300

Shit tier, Mike Ma's own fantasies and delusions on page is all it is.

>> No.23394013

I, too, would like to know. It must be some disability. There should be a guide.
I took the cliffnotes a while ago to the DHS, made an appointment, and was denied relatively quickly. So I didn't do it right. Meanwhile I clearly have sperg disease but they barely helped me. There is some unique set of steps unknown to me.

>> No.23394109

Read it is actually where the self-acknowledged losers go