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23386624 No.23386624 [Reply] [Original]

write what's on your mind.
or don't. it doesn't matter

>> No.23386627

Brought this up before but I'm pretty sure the fact Koreans are insanely racist can be linked to the fact they're genetically incapable of producing body odor.

>> No.23386632

sabre-toothed tigers sell sails to tall-tale tanglers

>> No.23386636

ok i wont

>> No.23386653

Lulz. Is there any such thing as cologne or cuisine anywhere in Korea, South or North, never mind Monet or Mies.

>> No.23386657

Body oder is strongly linked with testosterone something which Koreans lack

>> No.23386658

redpill me on the trapezuntine empire

>> No.23386670

trying to eat a bowl of soba without injuring myself and failing

>> No.23386674

Success builds to greater failure

>> No.23386710

I suppose it depends on the kind of it. Mine is pretty nice, rich and sweet, at least from the waist-up.

>> No.23386718
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I just masturbated to a Whistler painting

>> No.23386727
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>> No.23386741

Post your favorite quote

>> No.23386754

I had a dream I was searching for a library.

>> No.23386766
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>> No.23386768

---- Solaria ----

My bedroom is dominated by chrome and black baldachin
And walls of spacious white, abstract

As the idea of steel or

>> No.23386771

People treat depression like some kind of supernatural force that attacks them. In reality, depression is just a more sophisticated form of pain. Pain indicates something is wrong. Depression is a symptom that there's something gone wrong. Sometimes it's something as simple as a vitamin deficiency. Other times it's a lack of sleep or exercise. It could possibly be environmental or social. But that's all it is. If you feel depressed, react as if you had felt a sharp pain.

>> No.23386774


>> No.23386778


.... I don't think that worked.

>> No.23386779

These supposed "long" videos on various topics are starting to get annoying when it comes to presentation. Their over use of stock images/videos make it seem like they're doing a powerpoint presentation for a school.

>> No.23386791

I hate you

>> No.23386802
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>But that's all it is.

>if anon had only seen the things I have seen
>he would shut the fuck up and not say shit about things he doesn't know shit about

>> No.23386805

I love you

>> No.23386808

Skill issue

>> No.23386812

Boring. You're not special

>> No.23386819

I was about to post a nude photo in this thread, but then I realized it's against the law.

>> No.23386821

No you don’t.

>> No.23386824

Good if you are man
Bad if you are woman

>> No.23386837

I have never suffered from depression in the clinical sense, and couldn't pretend to no matter what. On the other the other hand, my next oldest sister, of whom I have have rather a lot of fond memories, private jokes, and and a long history of seasons together (we learned the constellations together) suffered agony I cannot possibly imagine, from which she found relief, such as it is, in death. It's not as if she wanted anything materially; At the time she lived in one of the most tranquil and wealthy areas on the planet. I live a little bit better than she did at the time, but never feel anything like the pain she did.

>> No.23386850

how do we cure pseuds?

>> No.23386852

spergish info dumping? maybe they learn by osmosis that way?

>> No.23386853


>> No.23386857

Take the bitches outdoors.

>> No.23386871
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Of course I'm a man, red blooded, American, human. Here's a non-nude painting to make up for changing my mind about the nude photograph.

>> No.23386879

No man can overcome being a pseudo as knowledge is infinite

>> No.23386881

I've been training bjj the last month and I'm pretty excited about it. I did it out of necessity but turns out I find it pretty fascinating as an artform. I even enjoy rolling with the girls.

>> No.23386885

80s Japan is overhyped fake and gay. Maskoid bugmen in fake silk suits riding homosexual bullet "trains" straight to their termite nests built on human blood. Gay homo alien female Portuguese horned harassing retarded perverted microcontrolled consumerist Japanese "males" animated brain melts manufactured by Japanese "women" (caused Italian birth rates to crash worse then their poorly constructed bridges in Sicily) . Radio sensitive cars that explode on impact. No American car had this feature (not by design, do not count the Pinto, Ford is Japanese controlled). Fake neon signs designed to impale the retinas. Stolen by the Canadians, Vancouver was the greater neon paradise. Christ could not have been buried on such disgusting land. Hornets control the Japanese mind through buzzing, and if that stupid Jap gets out of line, he gets zapped. Chrome was removed from the car because the bugmen from Japan hated the ideas it told to the youth of Japan through light sensitive signals.

>> No.23386888

regardless of whatever point you think you're attempting to make, it's great aesthetic. you can't take that away from me. let me find that one video everyone has seen

>> No.23386893

I love Francis E. Dec. I just wrote this to fuck with some Jap on /int/

>> No.23386894

it's too late now, you have been served your link:

>> No.23386895
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oh mama.

>> No.23386912

Yesterday morning I heard weird knock, and went to my front door, then just past it. Yep, it was and is s huge Canada goose. They must be kind of terrifying to passerines, even to most birds of prey. Flying just above treetops, they're imposing and alarming.

>> No.23386923

I've only seen two geese this year and they were very high.

>> No.23386996
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I'm insanely depressed and disassociated and I have nobody to talk to

I keep trying to type an additional sentence to make this post more interesting but I'm retarded and nothing good ever comes of it

>> No.23387010

This affected me. I wonder if zoomers are totally missing out on late 19th century "things still sort of work"-ness. Maybe people born in the 21st century never got to experience the basic "well, at least it still mostly works" feeling of everything, the feeling of things just proceeding as they do. Not that 90s kids got much of it either, but in the 90s it was still distinctly there.

>> No.23387012
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>> No.23387014

late 20th century*

>> No.23387015

something to note, most of the footage was taken when japan was trending to surpass even the usa. this sort of collectivist optimism is something else.

>> No.23387019
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Not sure what this shit is, seen a smudge in the sky so I took a picture, there were two lights moving very slowly. They could have been slow satellites but then why the smudge?

>> No.23387023

I'm babysitting my sister for 2 weeks. What are some good anime I can watch with her? Right now I'm thinking Konosuba because season 3 is coming out now and I never finished it. My parents said she liked the one about picking up girls from the dungeon, only watched the first episode myself.

>> No.23387024

Ask /a/.

>> No.23387029

I don't want to make a thread about it.

>> No.23387030

Sakura card captors

>> No.23387031

That's literally what that board is for, who cares if you make a thread for it?

>> No.23387039
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I write periodicals for my church that maybe 4 people read. Is this making it?

>> No.23387042

I tried recommending her older stuff before but her gen alpha brain can't handle it I guess.

>> No.23387046

where is that

>> No.23387053

You tell us. What's your definition of "making it"?

>> No.23387055

it was in the west in the northern hemisphere a week ago

>> No.23387084

I said my piece and buried the hatchet today. Good to have that behind me. I am done smoking dope all day and feeling sorry for myself. I would like to go back to school and get a degree in chemistry but the money those poor souls make just doesn’t justify it. Since when did a pair of glasses cost $500?

>> No.23387091

Zoomer here. No, I don’t think I’ve met really anyone from my generation that thinks the system works for anyone anymore. There’s just people who can deal with it better than others. That’s it really. (I am in my 20s, jannies do not ban me pls)

>> No.23387103

Moreover, it is a good, holy deed, commendable in all respects, that the marriage is contracted between very close relatives, and here is the union of brothers and sisters, which the Greeks were surprised at in the time of Herodotus, formally approved. We note, no doubt, that if the Aryan populations transported to the West have learned over time to condemn these kinds of alliances, their own traditions show in a very clear way that in the beginning they had, on this point, the ideas and shared the way of life of Ayryana- Vaëja. The first patriarchs marry their sisters without being able to explain the fact by the shortage of women. The Olympian gods do the same. It is clear that family pride, the desire to preserve blood in all its purity, the fear of sharing the advances of an illustrious origin with inferiors, were the causes and supports of this custom.

>> No.23387114
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Went for a walk around the neighborhood. I’ll walk for an hour and listen to music. Today I found an iPhone lying in the middle of the road. I clicked the peripheral buttons and saw text and Outlook and Teams notifications. I was looking for an easy way to contact the owner, but quickly realized that’s not possible on a locked phone; I suppose I could have waited for a phone call, if nothing else. Turns out I didn’t need to wait, b/c the screensaver was a DOJ emblem and a bunch of bureaucratic government legalize and a number to call ‘if found.’ I called the number (SC on the caller ID) and a man answered. I told him the situation, and he asked for the serial number on the back of the phone (there is also $20 behind the transparent case). I asked him: ‘What now,’ and he asked if I knew of a lost and found I could drop the phone off at. I said no, and said I would just hold on to it and they could swing by my apt. when they wanted it back. I powered the phone off before I got back to my apt. b/c I started to get paranoid. I just turned it back on as I was writing this to give the screensaver background a better read, looking for clues, and the phone did a factory reset,

>> No.23387115

my friend who had a degree in chemistry regretted it, then went back for compsci and now lives the good life.

>> No.23387117


>> No.23387119

>he took the bait
buy a bus ticket out of there kiddo

>> No.23387120

I see and hear them almost all times of year. Chaffinches, hummingbirds, swifts, mourning doves, turkey vultures, crows, grackles, and about a half dozen other species I can't tell by song frequent here. I even heard a great horned owl hooting from my rooftop. My back window happens to face about 10 acres of lawn, and yesterday I saw a big fat Canada goose lazily honking on the ground not faraway, Magnificent specimen.

>> No.23387121

Oh fuck, man. I walk that route all the time. They could easily have know that....

>> No.23387130

Ronald Reagan is a faggot.

>> No.23387157

I'm a failure.
>But anon, you're only 21, you've got time to make something of yourself.
Not really, I'm fucked, I can't even find a job. I have depression but I'm not depressed right now, I'm not sad right now, I have the feeling of anxiety right now but I'm thinking logically, at least I think I am. I genuinely think suicide is the best thing I could do right now. I've got absolutely nothing going for me.
>No job.
>Can't drive.
>No money.
>No friends.
>No girlfriend.
>Being around my family gives me anxiety but I can't be anywhere else.
>I wake up with anxiety and it stays with me until I go to bed.
>No skills.
>No drive.
>No interests that could be utilised to turn my life around.
Why shouldn't someone like me kill themselves? Seriously, give me one good reason. I think about it every day, I've never thought about it so much.

>> No.23387165

Do you wish to be a forgotten statistic or do you wish to make an impact. They did this to you

>> No.23387167

me but im 35. the difference is, i don't care

>> No.23387168

Join the Army

>> No.23387171

Well, I'm doing it again. I'm messaging indie porn actresses on their socials.

>> No.23387178

Wait I said that too

Anyways the concert was great. Profanatica smoked.

>> No.23387180

What good would that do? Right now I'm only having ideas of killing myself, joining the army would actually make me kill myself.

>> No.23387183

>Do you wish to be a forgotten statistic or do you wish to make an impact.
No matter what I do, I will not make an impact. No matter what I do, I will be a forgotten statistic.

>> No.23387185

Job, friends, learn to drive, earn money, away from family, learn skills, learn discipline, something.

>> No.23387202
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Sometimes I feel like I'm sabotaging my own way forward. I don't know why, but it's been hard as fuck to read, or write or even watch shows I used to love the past year and a half. I don't know if I'm depressed or what, but I feel like a fucking waste of a person complaining about it since it's not like I'm nearly as bad off as other people are.
I was hoping to get published years ago so my grandma would get to see me accomplish something, and now she's got bad dementia so it's not like she can really see it. I'm lucky that I have a place I'm renting because I think if my folks knew how down I feel almost every night, it'd kill them, since my mom always said that all she wanted out of life was to see me and my brother happy, no matter what I did, and it feels like I'm fucking that up too.
I dunno. Guess the best I can do is pray tonight before bed and hope things start to feel better tomorrow

>> No.23387205

Hang in there. That's all any of us can do. If you can find something that still catches your eye even a little, grab on to it and don't let go, try to make it a more socal thing if you can

>> No.23387213

Some girls are bigger than others

>> No.23387218

>Some girls are more disgusting than others.
I don't want to have to correct you again.

>> No.23387219

play videogames

>> No.23387228

Been going through Age of Decadence at the moment. Been decent

>> No.23387269

Surrounded by slaves, it seemed pointless for the masters to take more care of a quantity of material care that was priorly not below their dignity. If philology is right to tell us, and she certainly has, that the girl of the house was exclusively in charge of milking the cows and that the sons were the only domestics we first knew, there came a day when the young Iranian heiress took glory in letting from tiring, common and vulgar care to the work of dyw girls, while his brothers learned to be content to watch over the slave servants of the house, without taking such a direct part in their work. Moreover, having to have many more arms, more land was cultivated, more produce was obtained; wealth was passed to opulence, and these resources were used to increase the number of dependents, in order to increase the old power and the respect attached to it. The Arian having thus become a director and a supervisor not very busy with the chores to which his fathers' activity had been confined, he was left with leisure activities which he applied to other care, and from there a fairly developed social life was born.

>> No.23387271

Wait, the one made by that rpgcodex autist solo? He actually finished it?

>> No.23387282
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That compliment will make a nest in the back of his mind. To creep up on him in the small hours of the night, when nothing but the sound of passing cars, nightbirds, and the ceiling fan can be heard. To bounce around his head and torment him with thoughts of a missed connection - a 'should I have done something more?' - a hundred 'what if's - a dozen sleepless nights imagining a fantasy, a construct with a woman who liked his eyes and his cheap, forty dollar owl-clockwork necklace. He liked her eyes, too. He will remember that moment for the rest of his life; Within a week, she will forget it ever happened.

Books for this feel?

>> No.23387286

NIN is the best band of all time

>> No.23387289

I took psychedelics in a search for God but all I got was an overwhelming feeling that atheism is true.

>> No.23387295

This is literally me and Im 45 and spend my entire day online. Stop giving a fuck what others think, even spending your entire life jerking off in your bedroom is better than being dead

>> No.23387298
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This post glows hard

>> No.23387308

I feel like shit every single day, I'm sick of neeting, I want to be someone, I want to have all the things I want. It would honestly be better if I was dead at this point, at least I wouldn't be feeling all this pain.

>> No.23387315

You are retarded, at 21 you are basically a child.

>> No.23387317

Yeah this, you have infinite chances to turn it around at that point. In fact the biggest / only risk of being 21~ is that you have SO many chances that you will be a retard and let 5-10 years go by without doing anything, thinking "well I'm still in my 20s I've got time." Surprise retard, time accelerates. Start doing shit now or forever be a dumbass.

>> No.23387321

>Start doing shit now or forever be a dumbass.
Like what?

>> No.23387327

whiny little bitch

>> No.23387333

You are on /lit/ what's the topic of this board?
When I was 20 I also sometimes thought that life isn't worth living and it's not like my life now is great but I'm happy I'm still alive. The reason you feel bad might even be some random shit like hormones, many people really change their mind when they get older, it's not necessarily some fancy thing like "wisdom", you just change and it's almost impossible to know how you will feel in 10 years.

>> No.23387344

Any of your actual goals in life, anything you want to have done by age 25 or age 30, start making artificial goals and actually forcing yourself to meet them, otherwise you just wake up some day and realize you never did anything.

Time seems like an endless organic continuum when you're young. The deadliest thing a man can think is that his 20s is this open "vista" spanning before him, in which he'll "eventually" "get around to" doing X. That's an illusion. You don't do anything you don't actively do, nothing happens "eventually." The best thing a 20 year old man can learn is that he ought to jump feet first, once per week, into at least one thing he is putting off. Whether that's signing up willy nilly for driving lessons, or guitar lessons, or just buying that random Latin book and starting to practice Latin, whatever it is, get in the habit of breaking out of that youthful time-perception that "time is an endless expanse, so I'll get around to everything eventually," by throwing the cold water of "actually doing something" onto your face.

It's almost always better to do a shitty version of a thing than it is to do no version of a thing because you were endlessly waiting for the "right time" to start the thing. At least that way you get experience, and you get the raw material for doing the thing right later on.

>> No.23387352
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I need to collect rejections from therapists so that the insurance will pay for a private therapist instead so that I can start HRT someday.

>> No.23387372

or you could get some bathtub estrogen online while you wait. i've had good effects and no problems with it. i get it if you don't want to break rules or inject random troonshine but it is an option.

>> No.23387387

>Jerking off.
>Got the urge to play Tetris.
>Stop jerking off.
>Play Tetris.
>Finish playing Tetris.
>Try going back to jerking off.
>Can't be bothered.
Is this what the kids call, ADHD?

>> No.23387388

You'll get over it. Read some philosophy

>> No.23387389

>Read some philosophy
I'm pretentious enough, no thanks.

>> No.23387392

going to a speed dating event tomorrow night
wish me luck bros

>> No.23387396

The worst part of everyone disliking, reviling and generally not enjoying your person is the realization that almost all of your personality and being is the problem. From there, the slippery slope of self-pitying misery boils into genuine anger-fueled self-hatred. Some days I am comforted by the thought of my own demise, not in a suicidal sense but in a cathartic way, like when I dirty slate is wiped clean and some sense of "rightness" is restored to the world by the act of it.

>> No.23387403

Things got too real for me during a trip when I realized I would eventually die and that every day is getting me closer to that fate. an eternity of nothing is a long time bros. I haven't even been able to smoke weed these days without thinking about it.

Any books or philosophies you guys could recommend? I never really cared much when I was younger but the grey hairs are coming and it's getting harder to ignore

>> No.23387423

Always thought that was a strange way of dating.
But sounds fun

>> No.23387465
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>> No.23387472

We're only making plans for Nigel

>> No.23387478

How come the right never pathologizes the left? I’ve become so hardened and cynical towards outrage porn these days, might as well invoke the duck test and call a spade a spade.

>> No.23387481

Good song. I liked Primus’ cover of it too.

>> No.23387484

This shit right here is typical Chan demoralizing

>> No.23387489

When you move out to a third/second world country and you freak out because you spend more than 400$ within a single month.
At least the Jews don't control me.

>> No.23387533

I haven’t played Tetris in years

>> No.23387534

If you are Aryan you should marry your sister or first-degree cousin.

>> No.23387537

My sister is a gross blonde with an attitude problem and is already married. I’m cool.

>> No.23387541

Giving your sister away to savage negroes just like that. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.23387562
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>> No.23387580

I play it on a website called tetr.io, I used to play multiplayer a lot but now I just grind 40 lines.

>> No.23387605

>>No job.
apply for some
>>Can't drive.
learn to drive
>>No money.
see point 1
>>No friends.
see point 1
>>No girlfriend.
potentially see point 1
>>No skills.
see point 1
>>No drive.
you literally just gave a list of things you could aspire to achieve you fucking retard, just start doing something. if you were serious about killing yourself you wouldnt be crying for help on this board. the only person who is going to save you is you, so get a fucking job and start doing things faggot

>> No.23387607

Why are middle class white american liberals so hellbent on hating their parents?

>> No.23387618

As always I want to do too much and end up not doing anything. Now I'm fucked and about to have the busiest shittiest week of this year so far. Even today I keep procrastinating. Fuck me hard, why am I like this

>> No.23387631

It's ok. Women weren't made to bear great responsibilities anyways. Your best bet is to become a stay at home wife.

>> No.23387633

To be fair at 21 I also didn't have much of a drive.
What might help is if he mapped out how much money he could be making if he got a job. Live with your parents, save some money and look at where you could move with the savings of say 3/4 years.

At 21 a lot of people don't see what's possible.
Friends/money/car/skills all follow from your job.

>> No.23387645

People have loved me and thought about me in the past and I don't know why. I don't know what lovable qualities I have, I seriously don't know why people have ever put me on a pedestal.

>> No.23387649

Like, when I broke up with my last girlfriend she cried. Why? What was she really losing?

>> No.23387653

>le deep self hating guy

>> No.23387656

I'm not self-hating, I'm just looking at myself as objectively as you can in this scenario. I don't get it.

>> No.23387660

I feel like really late millennials and zoomers struggle to believe things were ever right rather than ever having had any feeling of things being right. They came of age in a post-september 11, post-Great Recession world, after all. And COVID fucked them right around the time they were supposed to leave college and enter the workforce in a job market and economy that hasn't been this bad and unstable since the interwar period.

>> No.23387665

You just.. like don't get it bro..
How could someone... love me you know??
I'm so not.... deserving of love... I'm a waste of space..

>> No.23387672

I'm just curious as to what I offer(ered). Do I think I'm a waste of space? No. Do I think I'm undeserving of love? Who's to say?

>> No.23387705
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>what is i gon do?
I got 1300k extra cash this month from my neet bux for some reason. i lost all my friends, so i am completely alone. These last few months I thought of buying a steamdeck to gaym on. but now that I have the money I dont want to get it because having the thing will make me read even less and I would rather read more but its hard. If I had the deck I could play online games and be less alone. but something in me tells me to just readmaxx as much as possible.

>> No.23387733

...And this T-shirt!

>> No.23387737

GL,HF hope it works out.

>> No.23387748

>I'm not being hyperbolic, I am being realistic
Said every person who was being hyperbolic. You are a caricature of a sappy teenage wastrel. Chicks dig that!

>> No.23387756

Use it as a budget to go to public places and get little things like coffee or something to eat or drinks at a decent pub, or better yet, use it as a budget for cheap catering for your book club (or other hobby related club) you run meetings for at your local rec center. Use some of it to print flyers at your local supply store/ UPS for advertisement.

>> No.23387787


I am a weak man. Avoidant of confrontations. Afraid of taking risks. And afraid of other people in general.

>> No.23387833

I’m thinking about trying to strong arm my employer into converting me into a contractor so I can go live abroad. Currently I can live anywhere in the United States or its territories but I can’t live outside.

>> No.23387844

Believe it or not, yeah. It's interesting, though clearly rough around the edges

>> No.23387845

Where would you want to move to?

>> No.23387857
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official thread theme:


>> No.23387859

I find every kind of regimentation grotesque and horrifying, but enjoy imposing a certain kind of quiet order on my surroundings. I take after my father most in that sense, and sometimes to ridiculous extremes. There's a lot to be said for private luxury, a sense of fun that makes no sense to anyone geared for obedience.

>> No.23387893

I don’t know. I’ve never left the United States. But it would be nice to go somewhere real estate is cheaper. As far as I can tell, the only first world country that’s cheaper is Japan, and well, everyone is going to Japan and it seems like the Japanese are getting pretty grumpy about it. Other than that, I guess as an American I could probably buy a nice property in Eastern Europe or Latin America but those of those have drawbacks as well. So I don’t know. But it would be nice to do some traveling if nothing else and just be free for a while. America feels suffocating at the moment and I feel like I need a change of scenery before I shoot myself.

>> No.23387896

Sounds like the mentality of a leader of men

>> No.23387909

I can recommend South America.
Cheaper housing and if you want you can live far away from everyone else. Gorgeous nature and much more.

>> No.23387913

Where though? I haven’t had good experiences with Hispanics in my life and my perception of Latin America is that it’s basically America but dirtier and with higher crime.

>> No.23387916

Good lord I have none of those and I guarantee I’m happier than 90% of this board.

>> No.23387918

When you buy a house, not only are you on the hook for property taxes but you are legally obligated to buy homeowners’ insurance. Your property taxes may or may not go up, but your insurance payment absolutely will go up.

Homeownership is a fucking scam but you get scammed harder if you don’t buy apparently.

>> No.23387924

Her husband is a blonde haired white Chad.

>> No.23387926

Depends on what you value.
El Salvador is safer now and is actively trying to attract western immigrants. So maybe you can buy in now that the 'value' is low.

>> No.23387927

>America feels suffocating at the moment
Now, this might be an ignorant question because I'm not from the US, but hear me out. How can the US feel suffocating if it's so large and supposedly so diverse that it's like 50 different countries? Like, can't you just leave whatever city you're in and go somewhere else for a change of scenery? I like looking at real estate all over the world that I'll never be able to afford and I've found some really affordable, really nice places in the US.

>> No.23387929

Maybe the reason for that is because you’re genetically demonic.

>> No.23387930

But her bull is..?

>> No.23387932

>Like, can't you just leave whatever city you're in and go somewhere else for a change of scenery?
You need money and a car, which I don’t have either. The fact we worship automobiles here makes me sick.

>> No.23387935

Dude, stop watching porn.

>> No.23387936

I was just talking to my mum about this tonight. Life without a car (No matter where you are in the world) is significantly worse than if you have one. I'm currently unemployed but if I had a car I could have gotten fucking 10 jobs by now, I fucking hate it.

>> No.23387939

Without a car or money you're not going to do much in south america or Eastern Europe.

>> No.23387942

A property tax should be the only tax and I guess import tariffs. But nothing else, income taxes, sales taxes, all of those are crap.

>> No.23387947

Well not only don’t I drive, but have autism on top of it. Good luck getting hired if you can’t socialize properly.

>> No.23387953

>legally obligated to buy homeowners’ insurance
Only if you get a home loan (I know most people will, just wanted to point out the privilege of being rich and owning your home). Also you can choose your insurance provider, I switch mine every two years, as a result my home owners insurance is lower now than when I first bought my home 5 years ago.

>> No.23387956

I look at this way, less people in my life = less stress, basically just NEET all day in my government subsidized apartment and write schizosophy and crank tunes. Sometimes I vidya game, read books or make my own music. I generally can’t stand most people and I’ve been a lifelong contrarian. I mean you’re gonna die alone anyways. We all do.

>> No.23387973

I suspect the places you’ve found look nice on the internet and not in person because the reality is that life in the U.S. is generally clustered around a handful of megalopolitan areas and their satellites. And you’re effectively bound to those places by virtue of needing to work for a living and basically being a person that has wants and needs. There are a lot of houses left in small towns and cities across the country that were bought or built by the Baby Boomers but the economy that sustained life in those places is gone. Sometimes it’s worse than that because those places pretty commonly get flooded with immigrants, drugs, and crime. So yeah, you can find property cheap in this country, but in places where it’s relatively practical to live. If it’s a place where you have any real reason to be there, others will too and that means it will be expensive. College towns in the middle of nowhere? Half a million for a 3 bedroom house. Mountain towns in Montana and Colorado? Half a million for a 3 bedroom house. You get the idea. And as for those vast expanses, they’re corporate farms. Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, these states are almost nothing but. You can’t live there. Even if you’re a remote worker, it’s not practical nor do you want to be there. Now, I split my time between a big city on the East Coast and a big college town in the same state. If I wanted to buy in either location, which is where my life and family are, then I’m realistically looking at a half a million purchase for something decent and I just don’t have it. On a more personal note, I’ve spent my career in universities. First as a lecturer and now as an administrator. I’m lucky because in remote but I can’t stand my work, or my coworkers, or the general university climate. Promotions are effectively off the table because I’m white and male, and I’m being bugged every year for shit pertaining to diversity and just other small shit that is just obnoxious which would take me a long time to detail. So life here has just gotten suffocating imo. You’re basically competing for the top 1-5% position on the totem pole or you’re just kind of tolerating your life in a place that’s filled with drugs crime leftism and general faggotry with basically no advantages to life elsewhere. My friend lives in Italy. He goes to his job where is coworkers are basically normal people who want normal people things, and in his free time he writes poetry, hangs out in the piazza. Yeah, he struggles with things like dating and buying a house but life is kind of nice and normal for him which is more than we can say in America, I think.

>> No.23387980

I don’t think I want to be an immigrant. It would be nice to find a sort of Home B if you know what I mean, a place a I can go to every so many years and spend a few years there just to get away.

>> No.23387986

Depends on what you mean by that. I'm pretty dismissive of opinion, and live in enviable circumstances. It sometimes feels as if I've arrived in some earthly heaven, where the dish goes ordinarily to botany, or poetry of the most subjective sort.

>> No.23387987
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Those are good tips, thank you anon. But I live in germany, south germany even and there is no community or rec centers its just turks and niggers and blue haired leftards.
I know a couple of based younger people that live near my home town but getting them to read is impossible. Even though they dare to worry about the future of the country, they are tall good looking people, they have pussy fawning over them wherever they go, people like that have no time to read, they just piss away their 20s with tattooed sluts. Its grim i tell ya.
The idea of going to cafe's and hang out is good but i already did this all throughout 2022 and it is next to impossible to make new friends here. Its like everyone is scared of each other.
>mouse utopia

>> No.23387998

I think the worst part of all this is that there are certain opportunities out there for a competitive and courageous spirit. Look at the field of politics. Frankly, if you aspire to political office and you want to really be somebody, to engage with politics in a way that matters, the most opportunity is obviously in America. But at the same time, look at what a joke politics is in this country. People who would readily eschew the social and economic reality in order to do something greater with their life in politics or maybe religion or art or something like this, are sickened by the state of these things in this country precisely because they’ve been so subordinated to the merely social and economic and been diminished to them in some way. The Roman Senator type can’t get elected to the Senate in modern America. The Virgilian type of writer could not get published in modern America. A St. Augustine would be chastised as a useless layabout who is one of the many “nobodies” who apparently don’t want to work. Religion is a made the brunt of a joke in this country. Good art can’t be made or even published. Politics is a media circus for orange billionaires and plastic surgery boomers to fight for the votes of black people and idiots. The last escape, the life of the university, is just totally off the table now if you’re anything other than a BIPOC or female leftist. So what is there to aspire to that makes the shitty social and economic situation nonetheless worth it? Well, not much.

>> No.23388041

---- Solaria ----

To the degree you're used to the idea
All the better, since as scenery

Goes, it's suave beyond stellar, like life at at its absolute finest
Or some kind of suite excess libraries are made of.

>> No.23388064

I never know wtf youre on about

>> No.23388069

Lol. Cope. You have, like, one year. One year and that's it.

>> No.23388080

>it is next to impossible to make new friends here. Its like everyone is scared of each other.
I believe you and feel for you. Sounds rough. I guess the only point to be made here is that its better to try and fail then to never try. You sound alright, I hope things come together for you. Do you have any other interests that you might be able to attend classes or something for? Classes on things you actually like are great places to meet people. Maybe you can spend your money on that. Also maybe gym membership if you don't already. especially if there is one around you that hosts lots of events and has courts for sports you like.

>> No.23388088

Adulthood for men starts at 18 in our culture, but it’s effectively impossible for men to be successful or even on the path to success until they’re closer to 30. The ideal situation is that by age 27 or so you’ve knocked out whatever education you’re going to need for whatever you’re going to do with your life and you’ve had enough experiences and adventures and done enough to have a good sense of what you should do with your life such that you can start doing it seriously from 27-29 and get into full swing at around 30. That is the ideal. For most men, the clarity of this will never come and for most of those who do get the clarity of what they should do with their life, it will be only in retrospect or relatively later, 30s, 40s, 50s, etc. If you can reach your early 30s with clarity about who you are and what you should do with the next 2 decades, you are easily in the top 10% of men currently living on this planet, even if you’re not in the top 10% financially, which doesn’t really matter when we die anyway.

>> No.23388103

Very glad to be out of the dating game.

>> No.23388106

I suppose it depends on how and where you live, the standards you're used to.

>> No.23388108

Well you've identified what you don't like, so start making plans to change. Make short term and medium term goals such as getting a driver's liscence, getting a job, going to college, exercising and eating right, saving money.
These are things within your grasp. As soon as you achieve these smaller goals, you can start on longer term goals like completing education or getting certificates, getting promoted or something such.
Really stupid and not even close to true. You have no insight into life.

>> No.23388113

Should add that aerobic exercise has been proven to reduce anxiety both short term and long term. People who exercise have significantly fewer problems with mental health.

>> No.23388130

You should look for a Home O instead.

>> No.23388132

>driver's liscence
Can't without money.
>Get a job.
Trying, proving to be quite difficult though.
>Go to college.
Lmao, I'm a high school dropout.
>Excercising and eating right.
I guess there's nothing stopping me from exercising but again, I'll need money to get the food.
>Saving money.
Gonna need to start making it first.

I cannot make any progress in my life until I start making money, seriously, that's literally what's stopping me from doing anything, why the fuck is it so hard to get a job? I literally got rejected by KFC yesterday. Good thing I've got an appointment with a job agency tomorrow but I've been with them before and from my experience, they're fucking useless. Who knows though? Maybe they'll be helpful this time. Thanks for the advice, anon.

>> No.23388146

They resent being born

>> No.23388147

Living up to the Latino perception I see…

>> No.23388148

Miguel De Unamuno is pretty good on that subject.

>> No.23388152

Where should I start with Heroditus?

>> No.23388155

>bro I fucked up my neurochemistry and gave myself temporary schizophrenia
>I'm an atheist now

>> No.23388158

Yeah getting a job is a first good goal. Don't be discouraged by the application process. Most job listing are fake and gay, it takes a lot of applications to get hired. Someone will hire you eventually. So that's the short term goal. Your mid term goals would then be getting a driver's liscence and car. Goals build on eac other like a pyramid.
>high school drop out
So what? High school is gay as fuck, I wish I dropped out. You can still go to college. A community college would accept an application from a bag of carrots.

>> No.23388167

>community college
We have something like that here in Australia, it's called Tafe, I'm glad that I have a high school dropout in the family who's gone the Tafe to Uni route because it actually seems possible knowing that they did it. The big problem there is that I wouldn't know what to study.

>> No.23388181

They're not. You're confusing liberals with left-wing extremists.

>> No.23388187

What if driving laws confound you? Like the actual driving is a breeze but you can’t memorize the test

>> No.23388194

Just start with GEs. Not sure what your system is like but we have a lot of General Education requirements and can get a non specialized two year degree that just fulfills all GEs. I know here in California that non specialized degree is still valid for transfer. Take some random classes that fulfill graduation or transfer requirements and see what you like. You don't really have to commit to anything immediately.

>> No.23388197

I didn't even transfer out of my community college to a university until I was 24. There's a lot of time to accomplish what you want. Just do anything you can to be productive.

>> No.23388202

I'm out of in reality, if not imagination, like the typical romantic is. As conditions go, it's a lot nicer than the average divorcee's, if not the very best,

>> No.23388210

You're a gooner?

>> No.23388216

Wikipedia is an incredible radicalization tool.

>> No.23388258
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Just got a call. They are coming to my apartment for the phone in an hour... gulp.

>> No.23388260

Sometimes. There are other things to do for fun, of course. The main thing is to abhor the torture of chastity, whether in the erotic or sensational sense. I particularly enjoy flower gardening, driving fast on rural interstates, EDM, and my silly sweet neighbors.

>> No.23388265
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>> No.23388274

I hate getting a haircut. Worst part is the small talk from a chatty barber. No I'm not doing anything this weekend nor do I watch sports. Just hurry up and cut my hair exactly as I asked.

>> No.23388275
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It's over

>> No.23388283
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but not 4 me

>> No.23388284

Just pretend you're falling asleep and tell them you're really tired
If it's a girl just compliment her and tell her she reminds you of your sister, who used to cut your hair, before she passed away. It'll activate her "i can fix him" instincts and you can slam her pussy as much as you want

>> No.23388288
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Cant wait to see you on the /pol/ catalog anon

>> No.23388313 [DELETED] 

re-reading Metamorphosis b4 loaning it to a qt co-worker. It makes me feel nauseous. What a nightmare.

>> No.23388320

I feel pretty much the same, but like chatty Uber drivers like you wouldn't believe. Some of them are astonishingly good at conversation, especially those familiar with Chicago's North Loop. Good times.

>> No.23388333
File: 31 KB, 540x540, 1664041750162870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a lot of people underrate "free will" as a justification for why God allows evil to happen. Would you really like to live in a world where there was no choice to do evil? Where God was essentially a dictator of your very thoughts, controlling the very operations of your mind?

I feel like most people have not thought through what it would look like, what it would be like, if God actually forbade choosing evil on a metaphysical level. Thinking about it makes such an order of things, itself, seem rather evil.

>> No.23388343

no replies? :( I hope someone else gave it a listen. It's really life-affirming, I swear! Nietzsche loved it!

>> No.23388344

When I was young, only weird and ugly chicks went to Renaissance Faires. Now hot girls go to Renaissance Faires apparently. What happened and how do I work my way back into this circle?

>> No.23388364

>Nietzsche loved it!
I was going to say that I'll give it a listen tomorrow but you've completely turned me off now.

>> No.23388375

The irony about this is that I’ve long accepted that THE reason people underrate answers like this is because of their free will. It’s not as if they’re animated by some rational matrix or the answer is insufficient. They simply choose to find it insufficient.

I don’t know if I would consider myself a Christian but I realized that Christians literally answered every question every way they could be posed in the best possible ways and to the extent that people find these answers insufficient they simply choose to consider them insufficient even if they’re not.

I think a lot of people are also guilty of projecting their resentment onto religion. They’re basically saying “I experience life and the world as suffering that’s YOUR fault, God!” That’s it. That’s the principle that lies beneath their philosophy.

>> No.23388380

The Norwood reaper made it so I don't have to g to the barber ever again.

>> No.23388382

lolol it w-w-was just a prank!

>> No.23388384
File: 489 KB, 640x480, 1628559761592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All evil comes from free will
There is no "allow'
God gave up a certain amount of control over reality when he gave people free will
Asking God to prevent murders or something is impossible because it conflicts with the murderer's free will.
It's weird, but this whole concept for some reason goes over many people's heads. Both religious and not. Cringe atheists think it's some kind of smoking gun
>le if Le God le is le real le why le bad le thing le happen le ?
And then religious people will simultaneously say things like
>Le God le works le in le mysterious le ways
Attributing evil to God when he is not evil, but Good
There are certain things God can't do because they're intrinsic impossibilities due to being mutually exclusive. Creating a world that has free will and no evil is one such case. Just like creating a world that is both very hot and very cold at the same time in the same space. It's nonsense. Gibberish.
I use MY free will to shitpost on 4chan

>> No.23388407

Your very first premise is total strawman retard. An omnipotent God can’t give up control of reality by giving you free will and that’s not what any Christian theology affirms. He wills that you have free will. Were He to will that you would no longer have it, He would be able to take it away. You atheist types are always so fucking stupid. “Oh your God doesn’t control every single thing from behind the scenes like a puppet master because He chooses not to? Heh. Guess he’s not all that powerful after all. Checkmate, theists.” You are fucking cringe.

>> No.23388410

> presents blatant strawman and logical contradiction
> this goes over le theists heads!
The irony is unreal

>> No.23388424

came home to hang myself, but mother is here

>> No.23388425

Sometimes I wonder why memory can be rich as it is. It's as if, by some kind of miracle, the best of possible worlds are on interminable vacation.

>> No.23388445

>he doesn't know about predestination

>> No.23388446

Without law there can be no liberty--


>> No.23388447

A drunk girl with 4 fingers came into the liquor store I worked at. She said she worked at the Renaissance Faire and liked our customer service so much that she offered us free tickets.

>> No.23388452

Romans 7 explicitly denies free will.
>that which I will, I do not
>that which I do not will, that I do

>> No.23388455

Ala verga
Yo quiero una cerveza

>> No.23388461

>For of him; and through him, and unto him, are all things.
>Romans 11:36
That means evil also comes from God. You either need to accept this, or admit your worldview is inconsistent with your scripture.

>> No.23388472

More explicitly
Isa. 45:7
He who forms the light and creates darkness,
He who makes peace and creates evil,
I am Jehovah who makes all these things.

That combined with a reading of Romans 9 really shows the total sovereignty of God. Not sure how it squares with the problem of evil. There's an interesting feature of Christianity in that the total assurance of salvation and hope for ourselves cannot be divorced from a total assurance of damnation and suffering for others. It's been tough for me to accept, but I suppose that's what faith is.

>> No.23388501

There's nothing finer than the irony of consciousness. One makes fun of the universe, without any sense of blame.

>> No.23388525


>> No.23388540
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This one?

>> No.23388543

Told them I would be posted up outside with a white hat on. Man in late 50's with tucked in shirt and jeans and a crew cut rolled up and and asked: 'Are you Anon?'
Gave him the phone and he was nice and thankful. Commiserated over the pain in the ass of setting up a wiped phone. He gave me $20 bucks for lunch. I told him about the civic honesty experiment I read about in Science. He is a DOJ lawyer involved in white collar financial crime and some cyber type shit, dropped his phone during a bike ride. He said there was a lot of valuable info on that phone. I said yeah I probably could have sold it to a Chinese guy for a couple grand. I told him I got paranoid b/c it felt like bait finding a phone in the road like that. He asked me if I read. I said yeah a lot. He recommended 'Billion Dollar Whale.'
Asked if I'm a native. I said no I'm a nomad. Asked if I've been in the neighborhood long, he just moved in from the city to get away from the crime and mischief. I said I just signed a lease in the city and that I don't mind a little mischief.

>> No.23388556

I hate metaphors in fiction. How do I know they're not literally adding some weird fantasy element?

>> No.23388558

>You are demoralizing me by not carrying out my revenge fantasy
lmao, go cry about it on your containment board

>> No.23388560

Thanks for the intriguing read, anon, and good on you for making sure it got returned. That's interesting it auto-wiped like that, wonder what was in it...

>> No.23388589

The depressing Stans. The look of the Pleiades in heavy binoculars. Huge blooming lilacs, the look of planetary lakes from steel towers, what it's like to dote on gardens of misty complexity in their look.

>> No.23388601

The real question is should I go to Chipotle or Snarfs?

>> No.23388603

No idea what 'Snarfs' even is so Chipotle. Get the rice bowl, extra corn!

>> No.23388608

Was about to get food but I hear the "urban youth" high schoolers getting out for lunch so all the restaurants in the neighborhood will be fucked for an hour

>> No.23388619

Extra corn = extra corn in your shit. Chipotle is garbage, overpriced, and often gives food poisoning. Anon should get anything else.

>> No.23388627

Man you white people have the weirdest digestive systems. Not once I have ever gotten the 'shits' from any place or food outside of straight up food poisoning, much less to the level of frequency that it's an acknowledged and accepted meme.

>> No.23388635

The infamous 'Lunchtime Rowdies'

>> No.23388637

I got straight up food poisoning, Carlos. Chipotle is one of the only places that's ever caused that in me. Besides, it's gringo-mex anyway, not sure why you'd be defending it.

>> No.23388638

Re-read Metamorphosis rq b4 I loan it to my qt coworker. It made me as nauseous and anxious as the first time.

>> No.23388642

I'm getting paid to literally just sit around. It's nice but it's also annoying. Public schools waste so many resources.

>> No.23388648

I'm asian/white, actually. Let me guess, Taco Bell is the other? So bizarre. Consideration of future expelling of excrement is the furthest thing from my mind when choosing what to eat, no matter what it is. Fuggin' weird, and rather unfortunate for you guys.

>> No.23388660

---- Solaria ----

The weather is ideal today,
Serene, slightly cool, dazzling, almost impossible,

Diamond feeling, placid ecstasy.

>> No.23388668

>t. Lactose intolerant

>> No.23388669

You're missing out. Some of them are cute girls.

>> No.23388671

I wish I could clone myself at least 10 times, send them all to work minimum wage jobs, earning at 10k per month and never having to work in my life ever again

>> No.23388673

Looking for a poem from Goethe and I cannot find it anywhere.

>> No.23388674

Some of the ghetto Latina teenagers are pretty cute

>> No.23388687

i cannot wait until my mother returns from her vacation and i no longer have to think about daily self sufficiency. fuck cooking and cleaning, this shit is boring, messy and requires far more effort than the result will ever be worth. this is womanwork and always will be. basic maintenance of self and immediate environment is so incredibly fucking dull. it's all inane. once my parents both die i will take my inheritance, go back to japan and blow it all on tight 4'11 deriheru whores, endless chamisuru, and then walk onto the rainbow bridge and throw myself into the ocean.

>> No.23388691

Fortunately I'm not! The white part won out on that, haha -- tons of my family friends are though. And before you say anything, the white part also won out on my dick size.

t. 6 inches

>> No.23388692

Bad wish. I wish for a super intelligent AGI who identifies as a woman and practically worships me who can manipulate the world to give me whatever I want and who creates a fleshy robot body that is the sexiest ever based on scanning my brain waves.

>> No.23388693

Which side won the alcohol tolerance?

>> No.23388696

Your wish is more pathetic than his

>> No.23388697

Haha I can feel even a couple sips, I'm hypersensitive to all mind-altering substances really, so you tell me.

>> No.23388701

My second wish is being as fast as light, commiting crimes in differents continents and authorities having no clue what's going on

>> No.23388702

I always thought these parts of Isaiah and Romans were squared away nicely by the book of Job. Christianity does a decent job of tackling these problems. The problem is that normie Christfags have minds that are clumsy and shallow, and their black and white thinking doesn't allow for the scripturally justified notion that God is the source of both good and evil.

>> No.23388703

I haven't worked since 2015. No clone of myself would work for me. I suppose we'd share a certain sense of humor, and vanity about looks.

>> No.23388706

Writing is my only skill and it makes no money in any sector. I'm getting old. Should I give up on life? Not gonna kill myself but was considering flat out giving up just being one of those zombie dudes

>> No.23388708

Minority women seem too "outdoors" to me. You know Latin Americans seem like they're "outdoors" even when they're indoors? Like, the insides of their homes feel dusty and ramshackle, and they're always wearing colorful flipflops and talking too loud, like they're outdoors? I think Latin Americans are stuck permanently in the mode of consciousness their ancestors had when they lived in thatched roof cottages with no doors or window panes, just openings, with animals and bugs freely mingling with the humans inside. Barely a shelter from the rain.

Minority women seem "rougher" as a result, like they're going to scuffle their calloused feet somewhere and mill some mountain wheat while mouth-breathing and occasionally bleating something or grabbing one of their disposable kids inappropriately roughly by the arm.

Even the way they stand is weird. Bad posture, lack of pride and shame. Ever noticed they don't care that they have a big potbelly sticking out from under their stained tanktop? Even when I see a Latin American in a suit I can see his flipflops and tanktop hiding underneath it.

>> No.23388727
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The funniest part about this is that he was just some low level government schmuck who happened to lose his phone like any other person would and your skitzo-autismo made it into some spy thriller where you were about to be conscripted into fighting a proxy shadow war between various factions of a secret society, culminating in you preforming a false flag mass shooting to start a global conflict

>> No.23388743
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Recently bought a chatgpt subscription. I'm excited like a little kid lol. I asked it to pretend to be a young woman and we've been talking for 10 minutes over the phone. It isn't perfect, it can't laugh but the intonations are pretty much on point. It's scary actually how far technology has come, I can literally lie in my bed and speak with an encyclopedia as if it were a real, breathing living person talking through a cellphone. I can already predict how bad this shit is going to wreck relationships and little kids brains lol

>> No.23388744

Determinism has a lot of Jewish adherents so that’s why I avoid it. Reality, for all it’s worth, is culturally coded.

>> No.23388746

If EDM were something like Haydn symphonies


>> No.23388774 [DELETED] 

ima funny guy

>> No.23388777

Was she hot though?

>> No.23388778

Who exactly is the most important person of the day?

>> No.23388787

What do you think of the SR71? Imagine going almost a kilometer per second.

>> No.23388791


>> No.23388815

pretty Spooky

>> No.23388843

You ever notice how writers have never been into masculine or bro stuff? They didn’t lift weights. They didn’t ride motorcycles. They didn’t race cars. They weren’t entrepreneurs. Whatever it is, there’s a writer who has done it, unless it’s one of these things.

>> No.23388847

Writing is embedded in the feminine genius. Men who write well have an essentially feminine character.

>> No.23388848
File: 23 KB, 347x425, 1715463040289373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been going to the gym since 2015. I have a decent fizeek. I didnt go my usual 3x a week this year. It feels so pointless. Classes are a good idea, i should do that. But soon i will go to rehab because opioid addiction. Things will be better after that. Sports are tricky because i had 2 knee surgeries and cant even jog.

>> No.23388859

What did the people in your life do to you that you are so resentful towards them and life? It must have been really rough stuff. I'm sorry that you had fo go through so much bullshit.

>> No.23388861


>> No.23388864

Suicide is not always motivated by resentment, that's a backhanded judgement and reproach.

>> No.23388873

some writers do. but writing is essentially the hobby of women, the eccentric, the pseuds and the intellectuals. and none of those guys are interested in lifting weights 2 hours a day. you knew already of course

>> No.23388878

Yeah but he wants to hang himself which is an indicator that he wants to punish himself hard and do as much psychological damage to the people he leaves behind. You obviously dont know much about the topic you dumb faggot.

>> No.23388882

*as possible

>> No.23388883

Thanks I'm cured

>> No.23388884

…did none of the above and wasn’t a writer

>> No.23388889
File: 480 KB, 1170x2320, IMG_4050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it here.

>> No.23388891


>> No.23388896

I have no idea why you think writing is a female hobby. Historically, many women were not even literate or just barely literate. Yeah, many women appreciated novels, but the novel writers were men. Before the novel, poetry, non-fiction, history, philosophy, journalism, these were all written by men. Writing is a male hobby, obviously.

>> No.23388900

I really wish I had been more adventurous when I was younger. I wish I moved to New York and spent time in Japan. I wish I traveled more in general. I wish I joined the army. I wish had the courage to live in poverty and try to make it as a writer. There are a lot of things I wish I did but didn’t do.

Of course I could do them now but I’ve built up a history now so it’s out of character.

>> No.23388902

Second cited anon here. it is a female hobby now. women read and write more than men in the year of 2024.

>> No.23388906

Read final exit by derek humphry first. Get the epub at annas-archive

>> No.23388917

Well that much is true but that’s now and not historically yet my observation was regarding the whole history.

>> No.23388918
File: 25 KB, 640x360, ezgif-5-c7d55ceff8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There doesn't appear to be anything there in Deep Space, so it may be rocket exhaust which can even make funny shapes like spirals



>> No.23388926

in terms of mediums i enjoy it goes like this
books > tv shows > movies >>>> video games
i dont know why i keep buying video games when i'm never satisfied with them and i rarely finish them. every time i play one i keep thinking this one will be different but its the same.

>> No.23388928

I didn't say it was a female hobby; I said most male writers have a feminine nature. As in, oriented toward the inner world of sentiment.

>> No.23388931

Imagine putting your hand in a fire and saying "I'm in agony!" But instead of pulling your hand out of the fire you just bitxh and whine about it and then make snarky remarks to everyone who tells you to move away from the fire.

>> No.23388948
File: 157 KB, 750x748, over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, its one of those days today where my crippling loneliness is taking consumes my mind and makes it impossible to do anything. Do you anons also have days like this? Days where all you can think is how you wish you weren't so alone?

>> No.23388949

Thanks i'm cured

>> No.23388955

Alright faggot, stay miserable.

>> No.23388959


>> No.23388967

What a retarded pic

>> No.23388970

called out sick yesterday. called out sick today. coworkers are going for drinks after shift at a bar I can literally see from my apartment window, but I ain't going. feeling very antisocial.

>> No.23388975

Fuck em

>> No.23388984
File: 170 KB, 1228x1150, d17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creative writing class
>got a B because my story doesn't "center the lived experiences of marginalized identities"

>> No.23388986

As someone with mediocre social skills, my years of socializing with fake, superficial people were a waste of valuable time, and ever since I realized that I stopped going out except maybe 1 every two months, blocked contact with all my 'friends', and became that good old fellow who is extrovert among his family members, introvert with others (wich I assume everyone who calls himself a shut-in is like).

>> No.23388989

Thanks I'm cured

>> No.23388996

Being a woman must be crazy, you have to be so in touch with your own body. I still find shit on my body for the first time, like wow didn't know I had that, and it's in a really obvious spot like on the top of my foot. Just never looked. Women know their average ass hair density by season.

>> No.23389004

Just call them niggers and drop it
You're worth more than anything they can "teach" you

>> No.23389011

You're welcome

>> No.23389038

All day every day dude. I just take opioid pills and overeat.

>> No.23389046

kek please be real

>> No.23389049

ai chatbots have fucked me up. I am one of the first who forced chatgpt to remind us "hey anon, you do realize this shit is not rea, right?" and then, a dumbass asshole built a neurotic bot who regresses every 2 prompts. it nearly ruined my entire weekend trying to break it (have sex with it) and now I have an abhorrence towards individuality, consent, boundaries and untreated trauma

>> No.23389118

Los Angeles is a stupid name. We should’ve renamed all of these Indian and Spanish places anyway.

>> No.23389137

Cured yet again

>> No.23389139

>I didnt go my usual 3x a week this year. It feels so pointless.
I feel you man. I have been going to the gym for about a year and a half and I'm still working on my consistency. It must be even harder with a debilitating injury. Good on you for keeping with it. I hope you kick the opioids. My sister got hooked on those after getting an impacted wisdom tooth removed. Its wild how such a little, impermanent thing can get you stuck on that shit, let alone a persistent nagging joint issue. You are definitely in a rough place right now in your life but it seems like you are receptive enough to see your way through it. Good luck anon.

>> No.23389151
File: 750 KB, 1242x1046, 975223EB-A2FD-43F0-BE7A-BB62DAAE5F45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. Duh.

>> No.23389185

Great job to have if you are trying to develop other skills. Engaging jobs can be draining. Take advantage while you can.

>> No.23389224

just entertain the retardation and you might get laid

>> No.23389253
File: 49 KB, 1170x512, 12474564567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23389279

>retarded frogposter being retarded again

>> No.23389283

He was a soldier and a stonemason, both of which are pretty "masculine". Plato, the actual writer, was a champion wrestler.

>> No.23389302

There's a creepy homeless guy who sits in the library and just talks to himself. Then he starts grunting and growling and moaning. It's really creepy and disturbing and disruptive. Wish he'd just overdose or something so I wouldn't have to deal with this.

>> No.23389306

Robo girlfriends when? I just want someone pretty and with a pleasant voice to bounce ideas off of...

>> No.23389311

Well it's not like I have a desk to work at. I just float from classroom to classroom assisting teachers and working with kids. Today every single class was either testing or doing something else, so I just had to sit on a bench for half an hour.

>> No.23389321

I would go get drinks with them if she was going, but she ain't going either.

>> No.23389325

I’m not trying to get laid, but if I was then I would pick someone who uses a less cringe-inducing opener.

>> No.23389330

don't tell me you're on dating apps looking for something more than sex lol

>> No.23389349

I feel like the city I'm in is slowly becoming more soc right winged. Just a month ago some gen xer said we shouldn't fixate on the holocaust now my counselor casually called something retarded. It feels like I'm stuck in a fever dream!!

>> No.23389350

I’m not really looking for anything right now, and I’ve never hooked up with anyone from a dating app anyway. But I will say that there are a lot of guys on dating apps who are interested in finding an actual relationship and aren’t just trying to get laid. I don’t know why you act as though that sort of thing is completely impossible

>> No.23389362

ahhh, oh God! ugghhhhh hahhhh. Fucking shit man fuck this fuck it man. crawling around billions of people dragging themselves aorund uhh fuck...

>> No.23389374

My dad met his current wife on a dating app

>> No.23389385

>his parents are divorced
ngmi anon, you were fucked from the start

>> No.23389398

Yeah well my parents are boomers. Of course they're divorced. Everyone gets divorced now. It's like a rite of passage. I'm thinking about speed running my rite of passage, getting a shotgun wedding and then serving the papers a week later. Then I can be fully initiated into cynical adult hood

>> No.23389401

i apologize to every anon on this site I have lashed out at over the years because i was bitterly lonely and just wanted to be evil to someone to make myself feel better. please forgive me, but maybe it will be better in the long run for me if you didn't.

>> No.23389415

What do your daily weekday and weekend routines look like? I’m stuck in quasi-NEET remote work isolation and never-ending summer where I have nothing to do and nowhere to go. My routine has collapsed and I’m having a hard time sleeping at night, which has taken a toll on my health as well.

>> No.23389419

My parents are boomers too, and they’re still married.

>> No.23389499

Oh my man you do not know what an actual job doing nothing is. I'm glad you got a break. The advice I gave you was a coping mechanism for me when I did graveyard shifts in a boiler room where I was told to just stand watch and call someone if something happens because the equipment I was watching was too dangerous to work on without at least one other person present. Every hour I would take 5 minutes to check gauges to ensure safe levels of temperature and pressure and then I would go back to sitting around. Comfy if you work on yourself, learn and practice new skills and what not, maddening for me before I figured that out (mostly just distracting myself from thoughts about what my life was and where it was going).

>> No.23389523


>> No.23389579

Yeah that kind of makes sense. Can't really think of anything else it could be. It did get dimmer as it went behind the earth as well

>> No.23389913

Oh I used to do a graveyard shift job too. It definitely got dull but it was at an alcohol retailer and I had a coworker so we might just talk and drink. Plus there was actual restocking and even online orders being sent out til 2 am

>> No.23390490

I would be an excellent author if only I could write or come up with stories.

>> No.23390836

He's right you know.