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23383315 No.23383315 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to ever overcome such a powerful blackpill

>> No.23383324

It's quite easy, read Schopenhauer.

>> No.23383332

>The Good (True & Beauteous)

What is common is disposable, hence the insect and its filth.

>> No.23383383

>One spreads disease, the other doesn’t.

Man these philosophy guys are full of it huh.

>> No.23383396


>> No.23383400

When you overthrow a powerful lord, no matter how evil and depraved he is, so long as he organised a powerful state and inspired fear and reverence, it makes me feel bad
Reading about the overthrow of dictators makes me feel terrible

>> No.23383402

>people are hypocritical
>thus morals dont exist
I hate this retard

>> No.23383412

not my fault nitchi cant make a decent argument

>> No.23383418

I can't kill bugs anymore. They are to me as, I can only assume, I am to something else. Leave the lesser things to their harmless scurrying, as the gods have left us to ours

>> No.23383429

“The arthropods are in silent and meaningless awe of you. Know that we are watching -- when you're tired, when the vision spins out of control. The insects will be looking on. Rooting for you. And when you fall we will come to raise you up, bud from you, banner-like, blossom from you and carry you apart in a sky funeral. In honour of your passing."

>> No.23383443

You really just changed the premise and conclusion of his argument into such strawmen. He isn't talking about the existence of morals (which he would say are social constructs). He's just saying morals are (at least partially) constructed with aesthetic values in mind.

The premise isn't that people are hypocritical. It's just that people cherish certain things and not others purely on aesthetic grounds and that can inform what acts they call "good" and what acts they call "evil"

>> No.23383451

false quote. the last sentence is the givaway, nietzsche never writes that technically

>> No.23383452

Dude literally just look it up lol

>> No.23383456

Cockroaches infest public spaces and carry disease. Butterflies don't.

>> No.23383487
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Nietzsche never said this, it's a fake quote.>>23383324
you're all retards for even replying to this shit troll thread.
then surely you can provide a citation for this quote. what book is it from, and what chapter? should be an easy answer, no?

>> No.23383622

>Nietzsche (""suppossedly"")

>> No.23383633

Yes, just catch the cockroach with a glass and a piece of paper and bring it outside. Notice the difference in effect.
>t. Used to kill mosquitoes, flies, but now do less of that and I set free the bugs trapped in my commieblock elevator hall

>> No.23383634

Mwe, buzzer, wrong. A lot of insects are going extinct and they play a fundamental part in biocycles.

>> No.23383635

>In here, we see a prime example of an Anonymous using the academy and its methods to obliterate another Anonymous by means of asking for a reference.

>> No.23383646

What a dumbass. It isn't chiefly a matter of aesthetics, but of the manner in which those insects live along side humans. This is what happens when you prioritize quotability over content.

>> No.23383692
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>kek, this is what happens when you prioritize quotability over content. Nietzsche DESTROYED
you stupid faggot its not a real quote

>> No.23383694
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>Mwe, buzzer, wrong
NTA. could you have possibly typed anything more effeminate than this? fucking fag

>> No.23385019

Butterfly are pests thoughever, their larvae eat all leaves they can reach

>> No.23385125

Cockroaches are actual vermin that have simply adapted to be able to survive in filth and and squalor, and so there are many of them where there is filth and squalor.

Butterflies are an important and natural part of the ecosystem, cockroaches are a direct component of the demonic order of moloch that humans have erected in our monstrous hive and therefore, their extermination is virtuous.

>> No.23385359

>Kill both and become a herain.

In all seriousness, the judgement of who became the hero and the villain lies in the eye of the beholder; the lover of cockroaches will see you as the villain even if you crush the cockroach, hence everything's relative.