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23382748 No.23382748 [Reply] [Original]

Many people, me included, grew up reading these books. I like reading them every few years, and every time, they feel as magical as the first time.

I wonder if people who didn't grow up with them can still like them as much as I do. For example, I find the Percy Jackson books unreadable as an adult. I wonder if I would like them if I grew up with them.

>> No.23383016

>I like reading them every few years, and every time, they feel as magical as the first time.
>For example, I find the Percy Jackson books unreadable as an adult. I wonder if I would like them if I grew up with them.
well said and i believe its much the same with music as well, just tend to like what you grew up with mostly

>> No.23383026

Wherever your beliefs lie, Rowling is A-Grade with the bantz.

>> No.23383030

No I think they're still excellent books
I never had the books as a kid only the films and so I read them for the first time 3 years ago and was surprised by how much I enjoyed them
Btw I'm also trans

>> No.23383076

i only read about 5 pages of the phoenix one the writings quality stuck with me so id say they're good books

>> No.23383105

Only trooning men deny that Harry Potter will be remembered fondly as a classic. That the author was a brave woman who stood up to a anti-human ideology.


>> No.23383211
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It was never good and you don't see it for the dumb little kids book it really is only due to nostalgia. Trans Women aren't Women and Trans Men aren't Men either, and TERFs too can go eat dirt for their Man-hating antics.

>> No.23383213

If you try to read it as an adult you’ll just keep thinking to yourself, “I could write this” and seething because you won’t get shilled by scholastic and get to just wash your ass with money while tweeting out b8.

>> No.23383217


I know this is a stupid bait thread, but - I think they are fine children's books, and I think adults can enjoy them too. Potter adults are weird, I mean just regular folks. I think a lot of the shitting on the books is perfectly valid even without the political angle. That said - it is not high literature; it is escapist fantasies for children, and it kind of grows up with them (if you do the book a year thing that occurred when the series was new until the movies fucked that up) I don't think most kids are going to question why the pro slavery house elves is a weird choice, or why XYZ event does not make sense, or fails to stand to reason - you don't really notice that as a kid, nor really do these problems hit you in the face unless you are actively looking for them. I think Rowling is a dumb cunt, and needs to find something else to yammer on about and lots of people need to let the series go but it works for what it is and that is why it is still popular with its intended age group.

>> No.23383232

How popular is it really? In a family reunion, couple years ago, my uncle mentioned that his daughter read one of those books and didn't like it, an aunt also commented that her youngest son watched one of the movies and didn't like it either, it was my female cousins my age (late 20's/early 30's) that still gave a shit about it, my male peers (myself included) didn't care for it or the ones that did grew out of HP somewhere in high school.

>> No.23383247

it isn't good

>> No.23383253

the opening roughly 10k words of the first harry potter book is excellent. the quality of prose for the rest never approaches that start. go ahead and find a pdf copy and read it. it mogs the rest of that book and the rest of the series.
the only author I've seen with a better start, when compared to the rest of the book, is Dickens with Bleak House. that said the intro to Bleak House in a realm of it's own.

>> No.23383309

The first two books were good, but it was all downhill from there. Trying to make things more adult just made the world less captivating and more stupid.
Exact same as with the video games btw.

>> No.23383322

Its good because she created a world were nerds could self insert into a land of magic and school. Some nerdy kids peaked in highschool in the same way some jocks did but on the other side of the spectrum. But the crazy thing is how people thinks she is hardcore rascit and bigoted, that is funny to me as she is stuffed bear compared to some bongs I have met.

>> No.23383473

The first few were solid kids books. She tried to add more and more serious plot, and by the last book it just collapses under its own weight.

I wrote a half baked take about horcruxes and shit but I deleted it, because who the fuck cares.

>> No.23383481

Every time JK speaks she reminds me of that SNL where Bill Burr doesn't let white women off the hook for slavery. The idea is that straight white women have been right along side straight white men every step of the way, but they try to imply they're all downtrodden because they're 'women' even though 'white women' are extremely privileged compared to other women in the west.

Once you understand that, you understand why JK is so opposed to men becoming women, let alone men that downgrade their social status so much.

She doesn't want equality, she sees it as losing out on social status.

>> No.23383491

I don't listen to any music that I liked growing up.

>> No.23383494

>Many people, me included, grew up reading these books.
You can say that about a lot of books. Arguably all of them really.

>I wonder if people who didn't grow up with them can still like them as much as I do. For example, I find the Percy Jackson books unreadable as an adult.
Incidentally this is very much how many of my generation views the Harry Potter franchise.

>> No.23383506

the only good thing about harry potter is the eating and holiday christmasy feel you get from reading some of the early books. bunch of excited young kids going to a banquet, eating special food, opening presents, older grandparent adult figures watching over them, cozy warm fires, castles and adventures, sneaking around at night, finding treasures and secrets.

i couldn't even tell you what happens after goblet of fire, but you are already suckered into the characters by then so you finish it. the worst of harry potter is the grimdark turn, the weird sexual maturity stuff loss of innocence and the senseless retard political and bureaucratic and evil motivations of the villains.

the writing is obvious bad, but the early books are pure and wholesome vibes. the movies are better than the books with the first 3 movies being excellent, and then it gets progressively worse until it's unwatchable.

>> No.23383567

Elon Musk was right about this bitch obsessively shitting on trannies nonstop. Give it a rest. Do something else. Talk about something else. The only time I’ve seen her comment on something else on Twitter was to support Israel

>> No.23383584
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Why do troons always seethe at a fact.

>> No.23383595

Most books are hailed as masterpieces only because they happened to be a bit different from other books at the time they came out. With the novelty worn off, you can recognize they're actually pretty mediocre works, but nothing can undo their popularity now.

>> No.23383939

On some level I do admire having a series that actually grows alongside it's readers and shifts tone accordingly I feel like as a result of trying to be a more "mature" story it ended up sacrificing the timeless aspect it could have had. Also the story was frankly a bit rubbish anyways.

>> No.23383990

It will be remembered more fondly then GOTs or Dune will definitely.

>> No.23384008

I'd have given you GOT but you're an idiot if you think this shit is gonna be anywhere near as memorable as Dune

>> No.23384028

Thanks I didn't grew up with that shit. The first book I readed was of Sherlock Holmes.

>> No.23384868
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>didn't grow up reading shit
>grew up reading the original "ass-pull to save the mc" books
Sherlock Holmes basically invented "the mc knows the secret and won't reveal it till the correct moment" that's plagued any and every shonen for the last 30 years