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23382572 No.23382572 [Reply] [Original]

Books about the sublimification of the feminine spirit?

>> No.23382584
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>> No.23382596

>the sublimification of the feminine spirit
Care to elaborate? Is this an established notion?

>> No.23382600

Also isn't the feminine inherently sublime?

>> No.23382602

Just do something artistic you faggot

>> No.23382605

Yes, but I'm looking for books that deal specifically with a lot of this unknown spiritual ecstasy that comes out of this feminine state

>> No.23382614

Theoretical books or like a novel

>> No.23382617

so we can fuel your femboyisms? no thanks, sissy sissy bitchboy.

>> No.23382624

Either or, novel preferred
Right, because the alternative is being homoerotic? Get over yourself

>> No.23382633

I think i understood what you mean now but i believe your idea of the feminine sublime is little but a masculine fantasy of feminine enjoyment.

>> No.23382639

women are stupid lol

they seek out males for wisdom untold

they have no being of themselves

an empty vessel tells no tales

>> No.23382643
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>> No.23382644
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Read this, women are definitely satanic beings

>> No.23382697

the sufis

>Women, to Ibn Arabi, are the perfect manifestation of the feminine creative principle of the divine. When a man contemplates the beauty of a woman, the philosopher states, “It is none other than He whom he sees in her.”

>> No.23382700

I would punch you in the face if you said that to me out loud.

>> No.23382708

why are there so many faggots on 4chan nowadays? I swear this website has the highest concentration of homosexuals on the internet

>> No.23382713

Completely contrary to Scripture.
"In the image of God He made them; Male and Female He made them."
You've just been psyoped, of course. Don't read esoteric books. They're just dead-end rabbit trails for mids.

>> No.23382716


i love women more than you could imagine

they just constantly disappointment

whatever you hold in high regard, they can't understand

it's up to us to hold them in high demand

>> No.23382724

why don't you monoglot immigrants learn english before posting on /lit/ eh?

>> No.23382727
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because i'm drunk lol

>> No.23383206

>Books about the sublimification of the feminine spirit?

Earl William Flosdorf (1949) Freeze-drying, Drying by Sublimation. This ought to be applicable to females.

>> No.23383388

Lacan Seminar XX

>> No.23383447
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Wagner's dramas are the greatest portrayal of the divine feminine in all art, and in his prose writings he comes the closest to explicating its significance in philosophy. See particularly Wagner's unfinished essay, On the Womanly in the Human Race.

>A woman who really loves, who sets her virtue in her pride, her pride, however, in her sacrifice; that sacrifice whereby she surrenders, not one portion of her being, but her whole being in the amplest fulness of its faculty—when she conceives. But in joy and gladness to bear the thing conceived, this is the deed of Woman,—and to work deeds the woman only needs to be entirely what she is, but in no way to will something: for she can will but one thing—to be a woman! To man, therefore, woman is the ever clear and cognisable measure of natural infallibility (Untrüglichkeit), for she is at her perfectest when she never quits the sphere of beautiful Instinctiveness (Unwillkürlichkeit), to which she is banned by that which alone can bless her being,—by the Necessity of Love.

>> No.23383719

Woolf - The Waves

>> No.23383729

Pic unrelated?

>> No.23383883

>Wagner's unfinished essay, On the Womanly in the Human Race
I can never find that one anywhere

>> No.23384145


>> No.23384156
File: 101 KB, 1000x664, hitler on women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein Kampf

>> No.23384328


>> No.23384378

Yo she cute

>> No.23384409

Yeah I would like books that appeal to the masculine fantasy. Why would I want books that depict women accurately?

>> No.23384458


>> No.23384843
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>Als Kind des 19. Jahrhunderts lebte auch Richard Wagner prinzipiell in der traditionellen Vorstellung eines Antagonismus von Weiblichkeit und Männlichkeit. Seine Ausführungen zur angeblichen Charakteristik „des Weibes“ liest man heute je nach Standpunkt und Befindlichkeit leicht amüsiert oder mit Befremden.
>Auch das Streben der männlichen Hauptpersonen nach Erlösung durch Liebe, ein Kontinuum seiner Werke, mag auf uns antiquiert, bestenfalls rührend wirken.

>> No.23385540

imagine being haughty about your cynicism and proud to never have loved as purely as Wagner's characters do

>> No.23385857

More of a low end guy

>> No.23385863

Not gay, just dated a lot of hoes.
Of course if I didn’t get cheated on constantly I wouldn’t have written 400 pages of Mgtow philosophy and sociology.

>> No.23385926

What a fag.

>> No.23385981

Will never happen. You seriously need to understand the concept of coevolution. If you keep your woman down, she will keep you down in turn. You can seriously try to "groom" your women, but this will just bring you back to tribal society.

Go back to africa you bongo boy.
Have you seen what kind of bitches black women are? Hassle 24/7 and this is what your getting yourself into.