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23382472 No.23382472 [Reply] [Original]

Just Write It!

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION:https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ(embed)
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS:https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC(embed)

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Previous: >>23364009

>> No.23382482

How do I make it right?

>> No.23382497

Wassup anons. Currently writing a scene that is close to the climax of my story. It's getting a bit complicated because there are too mang characters in the same place. So let me set the scene

>the main characters's (MCs) families are taken into a cottage to stay safe from a violent kingpin who's willing to get blood on his hands
>there are 4 families total: MC1's parents, MC2's parents, MC3's parents and MC3's uncle and aunt
The fact is that all of their families had to leave their lives behind suddenly due to the trouble the main characters got into and I think it's reasonable that they demand an explanation. Add to this, there's some "witchcraft" that was involved in how the families escape and their whole world is shaken by witnessing that.

The problem is that I started writing a scene where, after a breakfast, all of the families sort of catch the MC's off-guard and have a type of intervention to explain what all of this is about. And it became a clusterfuck of names talking over each other.

I thought it might be a better idea to just have the MCs sneak out to avoid the ire of their families for this particular scene but I don't think it's realistic that the parents of some adults would not try and get a solid explanation from their sons and daughters. I dunno if this makes any sense but do any of you have any thoughts on how to deal with this without overbearing the reader?

>> No.23382524

You gotta make it write

>> No.23382546

Rumination is a blindfold beset
By thine own hands, it tightens and restricts.
Woe to those of habit, they can't reject.
They know nothing else and themselves can't fix.

What a poor soul does not know what they do
Who ne'er suspects the torment is their own.
Abyss of despair what pit to fall through,
Especially when dug by you alone.

When nothing but a spade is all you bear,
The only option is to dig and dig.
But still another path remains elsewhere.
It's in your grasp, your doubt you must renege.

Simple a fix, but difficulty to see
Do not let up, and then you will be free.

>> No.23382589

So let me get this straight, if I sign up with a traditional publisher and they stop selling it after the first printing, I'm not allowed to then take it anywhere else and sell it myself? Is there a time limit to my contract with them or they just own the publishing rights forever?

>> No.23382626

I'm trending on RoyalRoad. Anons this is not a drill

>> No.23382645

How do I make my story and characters not be a ripoff of the current thing I'm obsessing over? I'm finding it impossible to not plagiarise the shit out of it, while leaving very "clever" and "funny" references for other fans to find and chuckle at. Send help

>> No.23382652

Everything is plagiarized to some degree. What are you trying not to copy? Maybe mix and match the personality quirks of the character so each one is not a straight 1:1 copy.

>> No.23382657

Depends on the contract you sign. But generally, yes.
Write parodies unapologetically.

>> No.23382667

"The sun had been coldly burning for two hours."

I wrote this line because it sounded cool but I don't know what it means. Should I keep it?

>> No.23382679

just write whatever you feel and keep it if you like it

what are you, a faggot

>> No.23382763

Kind of nonsensical and perhaps pretentious

>> No.23382801

Someone asked me for a link to my book. Fuck that guy.

>> No.23383133

Yeah! Fans can go to hell! Only real writers have no fans.

>> No.23383201

How do I tell if my writing is good? What sounds good one day sounds cringe the next.

>> No.23383244

>write scene
>looks pretty good
>read it again
>zero conflict
>hero just gets what it wants right away
Ah fuck.
I already had three previous chapters of him trying and failing. First time he failed, then got injured, recovered, and on the next attempt he just succeeded. Is that alright? I don't want to drag out this cat and mouse game needlessly.

>> No.23383250

What do I do with my writing once I’m happy with it. I don’t really trust that the process of trying to publish something is worth anything

>> No.23383256

>how do I get better at something without feedback????????????
Gee whiz, doc. I dunno.

>> No.23383289

how bout you provide some details. we're not mind readers. genre, word count, etc.

>> No.23383293

I'm trying to decide how the story should end of the heroine, who is in a quest to mercy-kill her own father.
The alternatives I'm juggling atm are:
a) Dies, but is contented by having accomplished her goal
b) Lives, bot her own deeds leave her spiritually broken and lives the rest of her days in self-imposed exile
c) Lives, manages to reconcile with her father before he dies

Also I'm toying with the idea of having her be pregnant with the protagonists's child by the end (if I decide to keep her alive)

>> No.23383302

Short stories, fairy tales

>> No.23383308

so for children?

>> No.23383319

No, aimed at adults. Like Neil gaiman i suppose

>> No.23383337

more like neil GAYman lmao

>What do I do with my writing once I’m happy with it
You wanna share it or are you happy with it staying it the dark forever?
If you don't care about the money and/or don't want to go through the hassle of publishing but still want people to read it you could just share it with a friend or post it online

>> No.23383338

>don't write, it write, just write it and then make it, write

>> No.23383344

do you think it's impossible to get better without feedback?

>> No.23383346

Does /lit/ have a general for posting completed writings

>> No.23383360

I want to write a story about the realm of the unknown

>> No.23383363

How can you write about it if it’s unknown

>> No.23383364

I don't know

>> No.23383366

Good start.

>> No.23383374
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>positive feedback already pouring in
Oh yea, it's in the bag

>> No.23383458

How do you communicate the feeling of boredom while waiting for something to happen in a story without making the reader bored?

>> No.23383467

don't belabor the point. in a very short couple of sentences have your character check his watch, pick the dirt out from under his nails, try and get comfortable in his seat, stand up, then try and get comfortable again. little details that show time is passing and your character is restless. if they're in class have them stare out the window or something
just make sure not to dwell too much. the reader doesn't want to be bored

>> No.23383476

It's during a fishing trip and two guys are waiting for the fish to bite. I can only have them talk so much and the one guy I already have complain about how long it's taking and how he wants to go eat. I'll do the watching checking trick and leave it at that I guess. I assume most readers will understand how boring fishing can be.

>> No.23383571

Include a small detail about nothing happening and time passing. Like the sun moving across the sky, or the tide lowering.

>> No.23383604

Boredom is something you're generally better off not articulating at all. It's the worst kind of poison to any work of fiction, and readers can be surprisingly susceptible to influences. If a character in a story were to say, "this is boring!", there are certain to be readers who will go like, "yeah, it really is!" and can't separate an intentional effect from an unwanted one.

>> No.23384101
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By not providing all the details, by showing only what people experience, with all its incompleteness. This is literally the basis of the "Gothic' genre.

>> No.23384251

Is this a thread where I can post my ideas for writing and things that I’ve written or is there a better place for that

>> No.23384299

Things you’ve written go to the critique thread. Ideas go in the world building thread. There is no good reason to be here.

>> No.23384322


>> No.23384844
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>> No.23384875

Copy it. Plagiarism is a shit hold over from the Enlightenment. If people point it out then congrats bc someone is reading your writing

>> No.23385306
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>Lost a whole chapter just now
Back your fucking work up frens...

>> No.23385315
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>> No.23385358

What’s better for popularity and creativie freedom? Traditional publishing or places like Royal Road?

>> No.23385409

I'm not going to even pretend you're asking a question with more than 1 choice

>> No.23385478

I feel my uni professor was trolling.
Basically, entire course consists of lectures and exam.
So, after completing a final lecture, he basically
>btw, stuff I covered in these lectures will have nothing to do with the exam, and you will have to read these long as 50 article, have fun

>> No.23385514

please report back and share the gains from that spot on the front page.

>> No.23385554
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Numbers and I'll get published this year!

>> No.23385563

And what's the gimmick behind your particular harem isekai novel?

>> No.23385566

“It’s been a long time since I’ve spilt sister-blood. Scant are the moments of true pleasure.”

Rate my one liner.

>> No.23385585
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>> No.23385591

>clusterfuck of names talking over each other.
Just have your characters who's opinions align speak for the other and only differentiate them when needed
>"I can't believe you'd do this" MC mom said to silent nods from the crowd
>"I can believe it, I just don't want to." MC2 dad interjects
you get the idea

>> No.23385594

> general for posting completed writings
>general for (completed) writings
>writing general

>> No.23385596

sister fucker / 10
looking forward to the sequel

>> No.23385622
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Are san serif fonts really that bad for novels?

>> No.23385804

So why does this thread think RR is known for harem? Or is it the same retard saying that over and over? Basically none of the top novels on that site are harem, maybe actually none.

>> No.23385834

Serifs make it easier to decipher letters in words and thus helps you read quicker

>> No.23385844

Make one of them afraid of what the other might do out of frustration/hunger to create tension. Or juxtapose their characters by having them judge each other for being an emotional retard/anodyne pussy for acting annoyed or not. They may be sitting around, but it can still be interesting. The reader hardly cares about the actual catching of nonexistent, fictional fish.

>> No.23386042

I don't want them to speed through my book. I want them to drown in it.

>> No.23386170

Need some advice for a quirk I have.

Seems like every time I write, I end up underwriting. Like I set out to write a certain number of pages but I’m always end up pretty short of that goal. Like I usually have a plot outline, but I hit the beats I want to in a shorter time then what I planned.

I want to write novels but I’m afraid this quirk of mine is going to hinder me.

Anyone have suggestions on how to fix this?

>> No.23386385

You should not set out to write a certain number of pages. This is retarded.

>> No.23386425

Thanks anon. That might be something I experiment with before I scrap it

>> No.23386438

I think the only way that I'll be able to write a full length novel is if I make an outline beforehand, this feels shitty and it makes me feel lesser but I think this is the only way. I'm gonna write a document that's gonna include shit like:
>These are my characters.
>This is what I want the story to be about.
>This is what the town name is gonna be.

>> No.23386460

Why does writing an outline for a novel make you feel lesser? The fuck?

>> No.23386463

If it helps you write it helps you write.

>> No.23386469

Because I feel like I should be able to have this entire book in my head and I should be able to endlessly spew it onto the pages and if I don't then I'm not a creative enough person, my imagination is shit and I'm lesser than people who can do that because they are creative people with good imaginations, If that makes sense.

>> No.23386470

>, If that makes sense.
It doesn't, no.

>> No.23386475


>> No.23386482

Fuck you, Pawell, you fucking piece of shit! Nobody licks you!

>> No.23386507

how am i supposed to 'just write it'? if i don't follow guidelines it'll turn out UNHINGED. maybe i'll try it

>> No.23386521

How do you guys do enough research to write historical stuff? I'm trying to do it but I'm finding it hard, as there's so much information to sort through, and not all of it pertains to what you're writing

>> No.23386535

Accept it will take a long time to complete a work based on researching history. Obviously you will enjoy the process, because I doubt you would be writing something based on or influenced by the history of something you aren't interested in.

>> No.23386642

>back up my work on USB
>be stupid and overwrite backed-up work with new files of same name
>my old versions are lost forever
It's a catch-22

>> No.23386643
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Why? Many people outline. I outline. I fill an outline with related ideas as I come up with them, then when I have enough to fill out a book (or at least a coherent part of it), I write it. This is known as the "chaotic plotter" alignment.

>> No.23386662

I know, it's just like. I see two works. One is the story I want to tell, which I already know most of in the way I want to tell it. The other is the work of deciphering history, which I don't know most of, because I haven't read most of it yet, and history is vast and made of many disparate stories. So I'm just wondering how I should reconcile these two disparate works, what I see as these two opposing methods.

>> No.23386694

use version-control, dummy. git is free

>> No.23386709

I’ve realized I can’t predict how long or short a story might be. Tried to stay under 5k for that /lit/ pulp collection and wasn’t done at 8.5k.

>> No.23386716

I want to write a fantasy epic. Can’t go into details because I’ve shared a lot of my work here before and I am a bit worried about this coming back to bite me if I ever get off my ass and finish the story.
My idea for the conclusion is it all is that after the [big bad] is defeated, his apprentice/second in command/maybe even son(?) comes to kill Protag years later. The protagonist knew this person years ago, back when they weren’t as set on this road. He feels pity that things have turned out this way, and challenges the guy to a fight. The protagonist has him outclasses, yet lets the guy win anyways, and he’s smart enough to tell that Protag let him win. Angered and having the Protag at sword point, he demands a fair fight. The protagonist refuses, tells him if wants to continue down this path he’ll have to learn what it’s like to kill people without honor. The dude is furious and kills him.
The end. But there would be clues and character development over the course of the story to make readers discuss whether the killer went on to be the new big bad, or if he ended up changing his ways out of remorse for killing Protag.

>> No.23386751
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Ask yourself this: if you get some historical fact completely wrong, will your entire plot fall apart because of it?
If it does, you might have to ask yourself if your story has enough universal appeal to those who would equally believe such a "fact" like you did in the first place.
Because otherwise, I think the majority of historical fiction works well when the tiny details fall into place with the narrative. Yes you can have the mountains in the background, this campaign during these years, those famous names in worldly locations; but simple things like "a dining scene but no one sat at tables back then" is what informs and entertains both the reader and the author ('well if he's sitting down instead of being in a chair, then...')

>> No.23386755


>> No.23386760

>write novel
>query agents
>no takers
>write low effort fanfiction
>post online
>get thousands of likes
Literature is dead and agents killed it.

>> No.23386762
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post your paint notes
I know Im not the only fag who doe sit

>> No.23386769

>how many books and articles can i find on the subject?
>read all of them
that's how. historical is a brutal bitch. and the worst insult is that agents only want shit set in the 1900s, which is objectively the most uninteresting and mundane century in all of human history. i am livid. i tell you, livid. chewing on table corners. these cunts.

>> No.23386773

almost everyone outlines. those who don't are more or less outlining with their first draft.

>> No.23386785

>not outlining in your head

>> No.23386795

sounds like an absolutely retarded idea for the first book but a good idea for a sequel

>> No.23386844
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I mapped out the neighborhood where a few chapters happen

>> No.23386866

That situation would be confusing to MC too. So lean into for a short while. Let the MC (and readet) get flustered for a moment with all the new names speaking up and demanding his attention. Let it devolve into a "cacophony of desperate voices, each one in turn rising over the others." Then have MC begin talking and reduce the parties of the conversation to only the most important, with everyone else watching and listening in the background.
This is now a good moment to introduce side characters who may become important later - they will chime in for just a second or two, or even simply watch silently with a stern and skeptical expression (as the author it's your job to point them out).
Sneaking out would beba bad idea as it makes the families seem unimportant (if they were important your MC would be talking to them) and it makes MC seem like an asshole (only an asshole would drag them into a difficult situation and then abandon them to their own devices).

>> No.23386910

It's not really the fault of agents, it's the fault of the market. People prove time and time again that they won't buy something new and original because instead they want the same old mass-produced slop. Look at Marvel movies in the cinema world for the past decade. Original movies which were well acted and well written were ignored by the public in favour of Avengers 37: Revenge of Thanos Part 2. It's only in the past couple of years that people have grown sick of superhero movies, just as they did with westerns sixty years ago. Look at Booktok nowadays. You have the most generic, bland, trope-filled YA slop which consumers go crazy for because some cunt on TikTok creamed themselves to it. Why would any agent take a chance on something original which might not sell a single copy instead of releasing another cookie-cutter NA paranormal romance which every young woman will buy so they can gush about it on TikTok? Agents and publishers only do what they think will make them money, and most of the time that means sticking with the familiar.

>> No.23387007

There's a good movie about this sort of thing called American Fiction, I highly recommend it.

>> No.23387008

Maybe they see seagulls, then one of them gets popped on, oe one of the seagulls suddenly come and steals their fish and they hold onto the fish as an attempt to keep the fish.

>> No.23387020

>The reader hardly cares about the actual catching of nonexistent, fictional fish.
Although it is probably not in anon’s case, the catching of a fish can be an analogy for some phenomena that happen (often, or not so often) in life.

>> No.23387075

Kill yourself tranny faggot

>> No.23387088

>dude just vomit worthless words onto a page from your analytical mind and pretend you're creating art
In King's defense, he never claimed to be an artist. He's never claimed to be anything more than a businessman. But this is the writing general, not the zoomer side hustle generator general.

>> No.23387109

Too bad he forgets the last part. Fuck him for Dark Tower 5-7.

>> No.23387111


>> No.23387131

No you’re wrong

>> No.23387158

Something new I've been working on, not perfect, some things I wanna change.
It's called The Fool.


>> No.23387201

Yes you're right. I saw a post where an editor said his client pumped out a new book every 6 weeks and it sold $80k and it was YA vampire erotica that he said was poorly written trash, flat characters, no story, but yet it's the hotness right now.

>> No.23387235

>I saw a post where an editor said his client pumped out a new book every 6 weeks and it sold $80k and it was YA vampire erotica that he said was poorly written trash, flat characters, no story
I'd love to read this if you can remember where to find it.

>> No.23387237

Artistic and philosophical movements of all kinds should be subsidized by the State and not be driven by profit, so to give a fair chance to all genres and styles.

>> No.23387244

Whoops. I referred to this.

>> No.23387266

Except that's not quite the whole thing. Poor Things was an example of a movie that was "original", but had no humanity. Redditors are the type of people to clamor about "originality" in cinema, but they don't really know what that means. Add onto this the fact that Marvel/Disney is well-aware the fact that making more of these movies is going to cause "superhero fatigue", they've taken a break from making these movies and now want to make entirely new properties based on old properties, eg. the Mandalorian, which pulls its appeal from spaghetti westerns, but is based in the Star Wars universe.

>> No.23387319

Poor Things was basically just rule 63 Frankenstein, with a dash of modern feminism. I don't know whether you can really call it original.
I suppose it would be more accurate to say that people claim to like originality but actually like things which are familiar to them which results in these massive bloated franchises.

>> No.23387337

George Lucas made Star Wars by playing on ideas that were familiar to us. "Originality" is not the end-all be-all of a great work.

>> No.23387356

There's a difference between taking ideas from other places and wholesale copying other works. When Hunger Games came out you had a whole slew of YA dystopias released trying to capitalise on its popularity. How many of them are remembered today?

>> No.23387364

It's not the actual level of originality that matters. It's the level you can convince the audience to think you have. Writing is a magic trick where you put other writers in a box and stab them with your pen.

>> No.23387382
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Every anon here will succeed.

>> No.23387384

at what

>> No.23387391

I'm yet to succeed at a single meaningful thing in life.

>> No.23387407

That's what I do.
I think about my chapter at all times.
It's actually kinda annoying that no matter what I'm doing it's just running in the back of my mind.

>> No.23387446

I'm sure that sounded smart in your head

>> No.23387450

Most my stories start from me reading a book/watching a movie and thinking, that sucked, I can do it better! But though they're outright based on another work, they soon end up having practically nothing in common. When you change one thing, it starts a chain reaction that changes three other things, which each change three other things...

>> No.23387582
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>Want to write fantasy/alt history with strong focus on mystic rituals and gods being used in industrialisation
>Have no background whatsoever about theology, mythology, religious history
Ist es over fur mich...

>> No.23387589

Busy. We'll see if I don't tolerate all of that. I will take you as a warrior. Every attack countered somewhat. And one day you will pay

>> No.23387598

I thought calves need to be taught how to drink from a bucket. I once saw my grandfather do it.

>> No.23387602

Fart in my mouf

>> No.23387708
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you simply need to study. get to work

>> No.23387809


>> No.23387866
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oh yeah I map shit out all the time, Im talking about the when youre too lazy to write

subsidize shitty paint drawings

>> No.23388162

You're succeeding at being Irish

>> No.23388171

But I'm Australian...

>> No.23388317

>Let it devolve into a "cacophony of desperate voices, each one in turn rising over the others."
This is also a solid idea, will experiment with this. Thanks.
>it makes MC seem like an asshole
The MC is selfish but at this point of the story he's beginning to leave that selfishness behind a bit so it wouldn't feel right, I agree. Thanks for the suggestions

>> No.23388323

Read lots on the subjects, anon. Eventually your creative part of the brain will start piecing this research together

>> No.23388476

Recourses and Recommendations link is ded :(
What are some recourses and recommendations? I want to write a book but my writing skills are on par with a broken doorknob.
I'm a little blackpilled anons, I'll never make it but I want to try anyways

>> No.23388515
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Gotta write a mail as to why I didn't write thesis...

>> No.23388548

Got my first rejection letter of presumably many. Am I giving up? NO. Just gotta lock in a bit, grind harder, hustle more, take risks, shoot more, ACHIEVE. Yes.

>> No.23388549
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Forgot my picture, it's literally me.

>> No.23389062

>Write two paragraphs of description about where the character is
>Delete them
It's just two paragraphs, what am I doing?

>> No.23389175

I've made peace with the fact that I'm not one of the writers that can churn out page after page of descriptions of the most mundane things and just save that shit for later because it's boring to me, just do a basic description of the area for now and come back to it later

>> No.23389263

Think about how hard that must've been then, and how impressive it is that you succeed.

>> No.23389293


It should be the first reply.

>I'm an editor. I have a client who self-publishes YA reverse harem romance novels on Amazon. Her books are around 45k words each, and she releases 6-8 books a year. She invests a lot into her books to make them successful. She has an alpha reader, beta reader, developmental editor, copy editor (me), proofreader, cover artist, formatter, and advertising. The cost to do all of this averages at $6000 per book, but she makes and average of $80k per book. She's found a niche in this fanfiction type of market, but believe me, the books aren't good. They're rushed, everything is predictable, the characters are weak, and everything else about it's plot isn't very believable, and yet people eat it up. I'll admit, from her cover design, it looks beautiful, something that's hard to scroll past, but it ends there. She wasn't rich before and had no following. She just saved up for a long time to be able to release her first book "the right way" (her words, referring to all the aforementioned editors and such).

He goes more about it in later replies about how it was paranormal vampire romance stories.

>> No.23389343

If your brain is that much fried, at least listen in the background while doing something else research stuff on the topics of your interests.

If it's too fried even for that... I'm sorry
Owari da

>> No.23389473

People are making too much blood!

t. Vampire

>> No.23389481
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>look up religion
>god X was worshipped for bountiful harvests
>he had Y features
>"God X used his Y to transforms the barren soil into a bountiful harvest of (main food product of your culture)

>> No.23389487

Very good. I switched VPNs just to compliment this.

>> No.23389564

Would getting crazy with bloodline connections (with cuckshit but only plot relevant one) be detrimental or despite all positive?

Protagonist and antagonist have fucked up life and motivations because of their parents which are spiritual cucks. I wonder if I should make the father actual cuck since he's a character to loathe and make the twins fraternal with different fathers.
Protagonist being from the cuck of the father and story about him beating the wicked nurture and genes from him.
While antagonist is from a workplace rape and his chimpout killing a lot of people would kinda stem from that.

I feel it's kinda over the top in bad way but also gives me a lot more drama factor.

>> No.23389571

What year would a great grandparent be born assuming we're in 2024?
Also, what kind of clothing would a martial artist from that time wear?

>> No.23389577


>> No.23389584

Like, our protagonist was born in either 2000 or 2001, as he's 23.
His father had him at 19, his great grandfather had his father when he was 25, and his great grandmother his grandfather when she was 26. They have kids young.
Which means the great grandmother would've been born in '31. Seems reasonable enough

>> No.23389655

Came across this in my writing files
I’m actually impressed by it in the sense I wasn’t sure if I wrote it at first
Do you want to be successful? The answer to how is much easier than you realize. The key to being successful ultimately comes down to having the ability to allocate time in a manner that allows someone to work productively. I will repeat. Success comes down to the ability to allocate time that allows someone to work productively. Everyone has this time but they never seize the greatness, because they have been hypnotized by entertainment.
Before I start, I would like to explain what I mean about entertainment. Entertainment in the sense of “doing something fun” is not exactly what I mean. There is nothing wrong with being entertained for the most part unless that entertainment is counterproductive to success. The entertainment I will criticize is the entertainment that is preventing you from achieving your goals and dreams.
Have you ever wanted to be rich and famous? Have you ever wanted to be a rockstar at Bonnaroo or enjoy a martini with mademoiselles in Nice? Most people would agree they do deep down, but notice the difference between the two sets of questions. The first set is the measure of success; the amount of wealth and fame a person has is the measuring stick to success. The second set is the entertainment that begets success the most luxurious
Think about this, a rockstar performing a live show is technically working, however, in reality, they are entertaining themselves. The work a rockstar performs on stage is minuscule compared to writing, recording, marketing, and practicing songs. The dream of being a rockstar is ultimately a dream of being entertained by an audience that is entertained by them. Similar yet is the fanciful evening drinking in Nice so much work goes into that entire city just to be entertaining.
The world RUNS on the desire to be entertained so why is being entertained so bad? Quite simply too much entertainment causes decay.

>> No.23389670

Every time I start writing I end up getting distracted by watching hentai.

>> No.23389726

>I'm surprised I'm not only still alive but relatively mentally functional. 92 years old, and I feel like my body could give out one day, the embers of my life fading to ash.
>1946, I think it was. That's when I met her.
>Her name isn't something I can remember off the top of my head, but it was really weird.
>We were both really young, and we came from similar walks of life. I think I was... I think I was around 17 years old. She was a little older, around 19.
>We both did the same thing on different fronts. I was just a bantamweight prizefighter. I wasn't much but I was able to get away mostly unscathed from most fights. Some people said I was cheating or throwing the fight but I wasn't. I just so happened to have a knack for not getting hit in the head much
>Then I met her and well, things rapidly went in a wildly different direction for a lot of reasons.
>For one, and this is what caught my eye, she was absolutely enormous. I mean that in a good way. This was 1946, so a woman being not only 6,4 but built like a demigoddess of yore was flat-out unbelievable for the time.
>It wasn't just that she was big, it was how well-proportioned she was. Not a single bit oversized or undersized. She was built like the Venus De Milo but sleeker and more predatory in a sense.
>And it wasn't just for show. She was strong, fast and tough to an extent I had never seen in a woman.


>> No.23389727

Write in public

>> No.23389857

My friend, ChatGPT, is helping me write my story. He provides valuable advice.

>> No.23389864

You can move to North Korea and enjoy state-sponsored literature right now.

>> No.23389871

Ask him to help you create an accutiate historical narrative about the life and times of a west african slave hunter who captures members of rival tribes to sell to the dutch for weapons and powder, with which he plans to capture more slaves, please.

>> No.23389911

That sounds boring. Right now we're talking about how to write facial expressions.

>Describing someone faking a smile while keeping their lips tightly closed can convey a sense of forced politeness or insincerity. Here are a few ways you could describe it:

> "She pressed her lips together, attempting a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes."
> "His lips formed a thin line, strained into a tight smile that failed to disguise his discomfort."
> "She forced a smile, but her lips remained firmly sealed, betraying her true feelings."
> "He wore a forced grin, his lips barely parting as he attempted to mask his unease."
> "Her mouth remained closed, a forced smile tugging at the corners of her lips, revealing more tension than warmth."

He writes better than I do. I'm not sure how to feel about that.

>> No.23390044 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23390049 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23390063
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>> No.23390065
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>> No.23390075

Depends where they are from, what martial art, a whole bunch of things. A Kung Fu practitioner in China is not going to wear the same clothes as a Kendo practitioner in Japan

>> No.23390088

>Replying to martial arts autist

>> No.23390109


>> No.23390149

Just assume each parent is 25-30 when he has a kid and backtrack the generations from there.

>> No.23390304

i hate you

>> No.23390359

so your guy is missing a hand?
are you gonna give him a chainsaw hand?

>> No.23390524

I got a scene set in a bakery. Is it even necessary to devote words describing what it looks like? I think everyone know what your basic ass strip mall bakery looks like.

>> No.23390590

Why is it set in a bakery if you have nothing interesting to say about bakeries?

>> No.23390599

it's all related to this 'cozy' plague. people actually want shit pacing so they can stay immersed for as long as possible.

>> No.23390624

Because my MC works in a bakery.

>> No.23390638

this is BEFORE he is reincarnated?

>> No.23390647

Yes. He gets run over by the donut delivery truck when it backs up for him to fill it, so I can't change it.

>> No.23390683

the most important part of any bakery is how it smells. for visuals, like one line

>> No.23390798

Awful concept

>> No.23390865
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>> No.23390967

How can your reader tell it's a "basic ass strip mall bakery" if you don't describe it?

>> No.23391188

Is this a parody of shitty isekais or what?

>> No.23391282

If there’s no story what are they immersed in? Did the worldbuildingchads win?

>> No.23391373
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read the section, "Just Write" and the section "Plotting vs. Pantsing" for a redpill on stephen king

>> No.23391407

that honor levy thread really demotivated me what the fuck

>> No.23391650

I wrote a fantasy novel where one of the main characters is a knight. He’s tall, handsome, muscular, a great fighter, noble, and heroic, but terminally shy around women. Several women throughout the story practically yell in his face that they are into him, but he doesn’t pick up on it because he’s too nervous/inexperienced/dense. Eventually, he gains the courage to admit his feelings to his crush, the princess of his land. She, of course, reciprocates his feelings even though they come from two diametrically opposed social castes.

>> No.23391730

What gives him the courage?

>> No.23391749

maybe next life you'll be born a nepo jew baby - and hopefully female so they don't mangle your wang

>> No.23391787

perhaps he's learned something from the previous confrontation that makes it easier for him to succeed?

>> No.23391803

you could have the MC listening to the complaints, gradually tune out and ponder the water and tune back in to the fishing buddy still complaining about the same thing

>> No.23391807

I'll lick him

>> No.23391809

focus on physical details (sights, smells, noises, sensations etc)

>> No.23391818

I'm thankful to Black artists only. But I only respect Latin artists. And as far as who I actually want to spend time with or collaborate with? Well, the white artists obviously! I'm a screenwriter for documentaries btw not sure if that matters I'm sort of hoping to become the midwest emo of HGTVcore

>> No.23391821


>> No.23391825

personally, I'd just write the story first and then do the historical research after. any errors can be fixed in the second draft / rewrite. and maybe that research makes you rethink a scene or ploy point.

>> No.23391847

>What he thought he wanted was not what he really wanted, but rather it was someone else's wish

>> No.23391859

how did he teach them?

>> No.23391966

Anal sex

>> No.23391990

holding their snouts with one hand at the lower jaw so that the nose doesn't get submerged and bringing it up whenever they try to dip it in too far

>> No.23392074
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Where do I find beta readers?

>> No.23392080
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Is "Bin/cat" a good pen name for a /g/ fag that writes fantasy? I love cats and software freedom but interest in writing sci-fi even if my writing has some sci-fi bits.

>> No.23392180

I have such a hard time writing active scenes in which the character is actively doing something, moving etc. My default writing is me writing the character thinking while they do something and then going on long tangents about their thoughts. It's the only way I can get really nice prose and word counts. Anytime I have to have the character do something or be active is when I stall and can't progress.

>> No.23392230 [DELETED] 
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>Got my first 4 star rating
>My stars are forever tampered

Bros... is it over?

>> No.23392330

So you're a good writer when your writing is boring, plodding, and completely lacking in forward momentum?

>> No.23392335

Depends on length. And you're going to have to do a beta exchange.

>> No.23392356

Love the first line! Really great stuff. Not sure what "they can't reject" means. Second stanza is very solid. I like your rhyme scheme and general meter. Solid transition to the idea of digging in the third stanza. The final stanza feels a bit abrupt, as though you were rushing to get to a conclusion. I almost feel like there's a missing stanza between the third and fourth. I'd suggest not beginning every line with a capital letter and instead just starting each sentence with a capital. Since you're following traditional grammar rules, it looks a bit odd to capitalize every line.

Are you communicating that the weather is cold or that it's cold outside? If so, keep it.
I'll post my poem that I'm hoping to get critique on as a reply

>> No.23392368

We tell each other
such good stories
Don't we,
you and I?

Sturdy hardwood table stories
-sawdust clogging up our lungs-
We hammer nail and nail and nail,
we sand out every ridge. We

look each other in our sturdy hardwood eyes,
pass the milk and sugar,
We will ask no questions.

We sneak downstairs with
buckets full of wood glue,
with hammers, clamps, and hope.
We turn our eyes from splinters.

We tell each other
such good stories
Don't we,
you and I?

Dryrot matchbook tinder stories
-thick smoke closing up our throats-
Flames dance on hardwood promises and
we retch out swallowed words.

Pages of a book we never meant to write
eaten word by word by word–
And still,
we vomit stories.

>> No.23392398

I'm still struggling to write. I have a few ideas but I've always struggled with finishing anything longer than 10k words. Pretty sure I have adult ADD or something. Couple that with this mental block I put up for myself when it comes to writing due to several rejections, and I can hardly get anything done. The most I can do it seems is right out a synopsis for ideas. So I have a small journal started, I guess it's better than nothing.

>> No.23392420

>beta exchange
I don't want to have to read their shitty stories.

>> No.23392427

then pay up if you're so much better

>> No.23392435

How much does it cost?

>> No.23392467

Coming up with a magic system is incredibly hard and making it feasible

>> No.23392482

It's magic, you don't gotta explain shit.

>> No.23392485

thank you. i feel very humbled.

>> No.23392488

no it isn't. there are a million magic systems out there already you can simply tweak. here's a couple easy questions.
does the "magic" come from inside the person or from the outside. so mana is either inside, like stamina of a sort, or the "mage" contracts with demons/spirits/magic doodads
can anyone study how to make it work, or only a chosen few
any drawbacks? ie requires flesh or soul sacrifices, using magic is like warhammer and it corrupts the user or whatever else
those are the three major ones. now whether your characters can use elemental magic or whatever else doesn't necessarily matter, because ultimately that's only throwing blue or red bolts vs purple ones

>> No.23392494

I once had an English teacher say never to use the word "harass" in writing because it sounds like "her ass" and is sexist.

>> No.23392502

It's partly because I don't believe a novel should just be a story. A novel should be all encompassing. I don't like limiting myself. If I want to go into detail about a particular thing at the time I write it, I will do that. I don't like feeling rushed. I don't mind forward momentum but I want it to be very slow and gradual. I find there's a beauty in transforming the mundane into something profound and then meditating on the result.

A novel ought not be concerned with just the story. That's so limiting. Narrative is only one part. I love when books have essays in it, debates on philosophy using the characters and the experiences as a break from the action. I want a character to sit and drink and spiral deep into their mind just to see what comes up..

People are in a rush. It's sad.

>> No.23392544

>It's partly because I don't believe a novel should just be a story
but it also has to be a story. without a story the fine art of storytelling has nothing at all

>> No.23392572

The art of storytelling is not the end all be all for a novel is what I'm saying. Sure a story should be there, but it exists in equal importance to other things like prose and whatever else you want.

People say to omit everything that doesn't move the story forward. Why? And going further, what even comprises a story? Why can't the meditations on theme or philosophy or whatever else be the story alongside the active narration? Why does narration have to compete to be the #1?

It's partly why I hate the word story because it feels it diminishes my work to it only existing as something you tell children before they go to bed. The written word is endless. A novel ought to encompass all. It should not be limited to just the momentum of of a particular narrow narration.

Why is the Bible considered to be the greatest work ever written when Christ is only in a few books? Why are some parts of the book poetic and some authoritative? The reason the Bible, religious fervor aside, is so beloved is because it is an all encompassing master text. All novels ought to want to do the same. If not, then we need a new word to describe such a thing.

>> No.23392583

>It's partly why I hate the word story because it feels it diminishes my work
right. from what you've said you're not writing stories. so my advice to you is that if you want to captivate a story reading audience you are going to have to get your storytellers craft down pat before subjecting them to your other various musings. now if you were writing an essay, people wouldn't expect a story, but if you're peddling fiction it better have fiction inside it, and not just your brain droppings

>> No.23392639

He can also divide the texts and put story to story, essays to essays, philosophy to philosophy, et cetera, write a few notebooks full, and then he'll have stories to present to the story readers, essays to the essay readers, philosophy to the philosophy readers.

>> No.23392650

Sounds like petty niggling to me.

>> No.23392652

I'd split it up in three evenly sized bits and look at those meanings.

>> No.23392657

Have you ever read "Gormenghast" by Mervyn Peake? It'll either cure you, or set you firmly in your ways.

>> No.23392669

That's the thing. I am writing fiction. But again, you're saying that the story has to be the main focus. Why? Why can't it exist tandem to everything else?

For the record, I'm not writing for other people. That isn't to say I won't put my stuff out there when it's done. But, imo, all art must concern the artist only. It's just that there's almost no word for describing the thing I'm trying to create. I'm not writing essays solely. I could add them in with the narrative, like how it's done in Les Miserables or War & Peace. I also want long, detailed descriptions of architecture like in Hunchback of Notre Dame. Even if the depictions aren't entirely through the characters eyes ...so what? People think that's a waste but it's not. When you write for yourself, length also isn't an issue.

I want to use the word epic to describe what I'm trying to do but that's not quite it either because epic describes scope, which, in my case, is certainly accurate. Maybe the encyclopedic novel?
One of the very very few Fantasy books I enjoy. The prose is infectious.

>> No.23392676

I mean, yeah I could. But I like the concept of a singular volume aesthetically and conceptually that's all tied together in a neat package.

>> No.23392695

>But again, you're saying that the story has to be the main focus
because that is what fiction readers expect. but from you've been saying the story portion of your story is the worst part. so I'm merely pointing out that if you want to dazzle the reader with all the other things you're bringing to the table, you need to work extra hard so that your story - which is what they are expecting to read - is well developed and captivating.

>> No.23392728
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>get told the way I write fiction has the tone of being at a funeral of someone you don't really like
>mfw don't know if that's a complement or insult to what i shared and was too autistic to press on the matter to my prereader

>> No.23392982

>want to write a story
>have nothing to say
I hate being a midwit

>> No.23393281

Can't relate.

>> No.23393295

Sent a rough draft to a friend 3 weeks ago. Haven't heard back until today when she said she somehow "just" got it and will give an opinion. Only problem is now I've made 3 weeks worth of progress on the story so what I sent before reads like dogshit compared to what I have now.

>> No.23393307

in my opinion, sending incomplete drafts for people to read is very disrespectful

>> No.23393313

Why is that? It's helpful to know if there are problems early on so you can address them versus waiting until a year later when you're finished and find out you need to do a full rewrite.

I just sent a couple sample chapters, it wasn't the full thing.

>> No.23393347

Sorry if I'm late, but you should really read The Pale King by David Foster Wallace, which centers itself on the experience of boredom.

>> No.23393352
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Is it a waste of time to write something that is highly derivative of an existing work?
There's lots to love in Funger, but the things that I'm interested in (humans struggling with infinite suffering in a world not meant for humans) was just sort of ignored and forgotten, as the medium (RPGMaker) isn't very conducive for deep narratives. All you get is few lines of dialogue.
I want the story to be just about Olivia

>> No.23393486
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>I want to use the word epic to describe what I'm trying to do but that's not quite it either
Good luck.
Go nuts.

>> No.23393553

At one point near the beginning of my story a character has visions and during those visions I want to include dialogue that the character or the reader can't understand (unless you translate it) that subtly foreshadows future events in the book. The issue is I have no idea how to implement this lol.

I could come up with a code, but if I give the key to the code I'm basically saying "Hey please translate this!!!! It's going to be important later!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!" Also making a code for less than like 12 lines in an entire book seems wholly unnecessary. I could also just put it in english, but it's supposed to be gibberish to the character, so that they aren't mulling over it during the whole story. I even thought about just putting it in base64 or something but idk for some reason having a popular internet code in my book feels extremely gay.

I just want a little something cute and optional for the reader that, when translated, is just as confusing as the rest of the visions, but when the climax comes gives a whole new appreciation for what's happening.

>> No.23393727

You could always pick a relatively obscure language, e.g. Na, as spoken by the Mosuo.

>> No.23393742 [DELETED] 
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join the diskgourd

>> No.23393766
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I'm 30k words into my shitty schlocky sci fi noir novel. I'm just making it up as I go and it's total shit through and through. I'm having such a blast writing it. It's such a joy just to pound the keyboard like a goddam gorilla going bananas. I don't care that it's no good, no one can stop me. 70k+ is my target and in feeling good about reaching it.
>pic related
>it's me, to me

>> No.23393776

Post a paragraph. Let us see.

>> No.23393781

You are a damn hero.

I dream of writing schlocky scifi noir stories, but probably never will.

>> No.23393947

>Why can't the meditations on theme or philosophy or whatever else be the story alongside the active narration?
You put imaginary shackles on your own thinking. If the themes are related and relevant to what is happening, then that makes it an integral part of the story and there's no problem with it being there.

Side content only becomes an issue when the detour has nothing to do with anything, and is basically a story you didn't want smuggled inside a story you wanted..

>> No.23394038

Beginning/Prologue to a Catholic Highschool themed YA novel:


>> No.23394472

Let me find a paragraph that isn't garbage
If you average 200 words a day, you'll have over 70k in a year. You can do it during lunch breaks or a little in the evening. It's all about a consistent little bit over a long time.

>> No.23394713

entertaining but it reads like you're trying to hit a word count, trim.

>> No.23394765

any other writers on loonix? curious what others setups are. LibreOffice and a manuscript template?

>> No.23394836

I''m using libreoffice in windows, my setup is single page view, with single spaced times new roman 12 pt font. exactly how I wrote essays since forever - even if I formatted those at the end double spaced because that's what they wanted.

>> No.23395078

Its going to be a pain in the ass editing it and removing all the slop. In one month, you are going to read it and cringe and when you think about rewriting the 70k words, you are going to sink into despair at the sheer amount of work it will take to get good.

>> No.23395167
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Well ain't you a ray of sunshine. If mucking slop is what it takes so be it. Maybe the half way point is a good place to give what I got a copy editing pass and see where the flow of the story is leading.

>> No.23395212
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>I don't want to have to read their shitty stories.
So, basically you want an editor who will work for free.

>> No.23395391

The Jesuit joke made me laugh

>> No.23395655

Beta readers aren't editors.

>> No.23395704

no clue what "of the female persuasion" means. tranneis?

>> No.23395714

he's right but i hate it
medical professionals are making $40k while tiktok influencers are earning millions a year. this world sucks and i hate humanity.

>> No.23395734

going to post an autistic rant but it infuriates me when agents ask for "the first xx pages" in a query because what the FUCK is a "page", use WORDCOUNT. I've actually formatted a document to print as a book before and while the default display is equivalent to a printer sheet (8.5x11) there is no market book printed in this format, they're all much smaller (4.5x7 or around there). so it is impossible for people writing novels to know what a retarded faggot agent means by "50 pages".

also american agents still believe they can get a virus from opening a docx attachment and demand you dump it all in the email body. WHEREAS BRITISH AGENTS ARE NORMAL AND ACCEPT THE ALREADY FORMATTED ATTACHMENTS. america should be nuked from orbit. i want every american run down in the street and murdered with a golf club. it's an entire country of stupid, fat, self-important, argumentative narcissistic retards and i am tired of having to web format an already formatted novel to align with their ridiculous boomer paranoia about email attachments.

>> No.23395745

Yeah, word count is objective. No idea why agents ask for pages, you'd think they'd know better

>> No.23395752

Nah, just a round about way of saying women. T

>> No.23395814
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Which ironically gets you labeled as "problematic" these days.

>> No.23396097

>why am i not allowed to dehumanize half the population
haha birthrate go 000000000

>> No.23396312

Should I post my work? How many of you will actually read it and give feed back? Or is this a useless shitposting general to contain OC /lit/ content?

>> No.23396332

If it's in my genre I would, but I think that's the problem. Everyone here is writing different stuff.

>> No.23396373

Lol I've seen this criticism before. If you refer to hoes as anything other than women/ladies/kweens, be prepared to have this fag in your comment section. Thankfully my current protagonist is non-human so I can circumvent that quite easily. Retards are always very eager to insert their 202X correctness demands on whatever a fictional character says just so it looks identical to their Star Wars movie.

>> No.23396385

This actually troubles me a lot. I can write entirely new scenes in a matter of minutes, but polishing a single paragraph until it becomes satisfactory from a reader's perspective usually takes half an hour. In fact, editing may as well take 4/5 of my writing time.

>> No.23396431

>join a niche writing group someone posted here once
>the owner is extremely autistic and prone to angerban fits
>most frequent member posts about AIwaifu slop 24/7
>second most frequent member only posts to complain about his daily life like it was his blog
>third most frequent member just posts racewar inane topics
>other members are either inactive or banned

>> No.23396478

For me a scene takes a day. Editing it, refining it so it doesn't sound like kindergartner scribble takes a week. I really dwell over every word and constantly go back and make changes. I still have 1/3 of the book to even write because I've spent so long just revising the first three chapters.

>> No.23396497

Gardner actually made it. What does this mean for these threads now?

>> No.23396511
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Are there similarities to the Magnum Opus/Philosopher's Stone process in other faiths or cultures? It's a really hard and specific thing to Google, so far I know of the idea of Sanctification from Christian faith and of course Jung's process of individuation. I suppose I'm asking what are other good mechanistic and esoteric interpretations of becoming an ascended being across other cultures.

>> No.23396514

Try Buddhism.

>> No.23396522

Ah another good one. At least thankfully there's a running theme of an individual becoming one with a greater whole and vice versa.

>> No.23396541

We all have a chance to make it. Gardner is an inspiration

>> No.23396551

Please, no shilling in the library!

>> No.23396557 [DELETED] 

If anything RoalRoad is know for being a LitRPG dumpster. I'd far more astonished to see a nee non-LitRPG fiction succeed in it since they're few and far between.

>> No.23396562

>23385804 #
If anything RoalRoad is known for being a LitRPG dumpster. I'd be far more astonished to see a new non-LitRPG fiction succeed in it since they're few and far between.

>> No.23396586

I can't even write 200 words a day.

>> No.23396602

I don't get it???

>> No.23396654

Wait, people who frequent 4chan aren't well adjusted?

>> No.23396657

Cultivation consistently trends there too. Progression fantasy does as well, even without litrpg tag, though it's a bit rarer (but not rare)

>> No.23396683

That wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for the fact nobody in said writing group seemed to be interested in writing in the first place.

>> No.23396695

>write standard fantasy adventure
>use litrpg genre tag anyway
>get views because of related story tab


>> No.23396726

Out of the three options, Progression Fantasy reads like the most appropriate if you don't want to bastardize your starring fiction into plain Wuxiawank/LitRPGslop, but I'm way more experienced with the latter, so I don't have much of an idea regarding the progression system.

Let's say the main character is a space bounty hunter and after collecting the big bounty he gets to upgrade his spaceship every story arc or so. Would that be enough to be considered progression fantasy or would it be necessary to add the dreaded stat table?

>> No.23396728

Why is everybody writing fantasy these days?

>> No.23396738

Because the real world kind of fucking sucks lately if you haven't noticed

>> No.23396748

I wanted to write horror but some themes would be considered too edgy today, so fantasy serves as a very convenient melting pot where I can have it in without being the sole drive of the story.

>> No.23396757
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Hopefully more Gardner appearances with Ethan Ralph. I lost my shit when I saw that.

>> No.23396785

What’s Frank’s origin story for why he became so unhinged?

>> No.23396815

Name one

>> No.23396879

I figure it's just westerners trying to jump on the isekai trend.

>> No.23396921

do you want to be at the funeral of someone you don't really like?

>> No.23396954

If there's free food, why not?

>> No.23396964


>> No.23397236
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>mfw anon overcomes his fears and his vices for however fleeting a time and does good work on his story.

>> No.23397502

Oh so you don’t like my writing? I guess that means I must be doing something write. Lol.

>> No.23397592
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>Hate contemporary fiction
>Forced to compare my book to it constantly

>> No.23397596

I don't honestly know, no I guess. It's just such a specific way to describe a writing style that I'm still perplexed days later

>> No.23397612

Progression Fantasy just means there's an overarching focus on getting stronger. So yeah depending on how you set up the bounty hunter's complete contract & get upgrades arc cycle, it could definitely be considered ProgFantasy
Except it sounds like it's more ProgSciFi, which is an even smaller audience. SciFi does okay on RR but obviously fantasy dominates
It could work on RoyalRoad, but it would have to be much better than the average trending story, and would need a proper release strategy. Maybe even buy ads to ensure you get onto rising stars
tl;dr: depends on the execution, like everything. it's not dead in the water like a lot of the stories this thread posts to RR

>> No.23397709

The main character of my story is asexual. Although the story isn’t about his sexual orientation. It’s just something that comes up occasionally.
How queer does a story need to be for the “queer fiction” label? Does the writer need to be queer?

>> No.23397731

Okay, fine. Name another, dickshit.

>> No.23397785

Earth 2.

>> No.23397794

Shit. You win.

>> No.23397805

do you reckon it's worth paying to enter writing competitions? obviously i cant afford to do it too often but it must narrow down the competition a lot

i'm considering entering the bath novel awards which is for 'emerging' writers with a completed manuscript but it costs £30 to enter and last year they got 2370 entries so my odds are slim
its 5k prize money and a lot of attention from agents and publishers

>> No.23397809

Gonna start my second novel soon, first one did well because of my Twitter account. I’m privileged to have a literary agent in my family so instead of independently publishing, I’m gonna shop to publishers.

>> No.23397822

>a literary agent in my family
did they rep you themselves or just give you tips and connections?

>> No.23397826

Might as well gamble. What a retarded idea

>> No.23397846

how do you write erotica without making it shit

>> No.23397851

obviously 5k is worth having but if your shit is good/populist enough to win an award with thousands of entrants then it's good/populist enough to get published through traditional means

>> No.23397857

>it costs £30 to enter and last year they got 2370 entries so my odds are slim
its 5k prize money

So they made 71k, got tons of free content, gave some judge's kid 5k and everyone was happy. Holy fuck people are stupid

>> No.23397859

What books did you select out of curiosity?

>> No.23397871

Tips so far, with this next one I’m gonna see if I can get her to give emails

>> No.23397875

Why's that?

>> No.23397887

what kind of tips? feedback on your manuscript or how to query well?
>I’m gonna see if I can get her to give emails
so lucky bro, i wish i had some connections to get me going

>> No.23397940

Thanks for clarifying, and yeah I also figured a more niche genre should need more of a boost to be on par with the usual trending suspects. I don't plan on spending a ton of money but if I don't succeed even after some attempts I'd go for Scribblehub since it could be very well a matter of audience divergence (I barely go to RR these days despite acknowledging its higher traffic).

>> No.23397955

Grift as much as possible and take as much as you can.

>> No.23397993

Uh, ScribbleHub's audience prefers even trashier genre fic than RR, typically with gender bender, romance, GL/BL, etc. A sci fi bounty hunter will probably not do well there. But it's up to you. Go for it, I guess
If you release on RR make sure to do it right, because if you don't hit Rising Stars in the first month or so, it's nearly guaranteed you don't go viral and will forever stay at a low follower count. The first 4 weeks are everything. (But again, if you don't care, then it's all up to you brother)

>> No.23398099

I don't think you always need to do excessive description. A reader's imagination can fill in the gaps decent enough and then full on descriptions can be served best for moments that really touch the character and impact them

>> No.23398103

Alright time to resume my editing, if I make it out by next semester you will get to see your digits in the credits.

>> No.23398160

How to get on rising star list? How many chapters/week?

>> No.23398185

What’s this news with F Gardner?

>> No.23398201

Forbidden link, won't let me open.

If you want to git gud at erotica do some erp.

>> No.23398205

Good title, summary, blurb, then spam as many chapters as you possibly can until you hit rising stars, then start to relax.

The typical strategy is like 4-6 on the first day, then 2x a day for a week or two, and if you haven't hit RS by then you did something else wrong, or have an undesirable story or writing style.

But really the more the better, with no upper limit. Your only means of getting exposure early is being on the 'new release' tab and the 'recent updates' tab, so posting chapters scales close to linearly with your early follower gain. Which determines your position as a "Rising Star"

Hence why ads also help, but I didn't have to do that on either of my pen names. Literally just posted lots of chapters and flew up the ranks. Part of it really is just "know how to write something people want"

There's plenty of guides written by some of RR's top performers out there. I recommend you go look at those. If you don't do market research you're probably gonna fail

By TheFirstDefier (author of Defiance of the Fall, probably >1,000,000$ yearly income, knows what he's talking about)

>> No.23398207

Hes gonna get a lot more famous and a lot richer.

>> No.23398248

I didn't, I just skirted around the topic. It's too hard to find a book released in the last 10 years that I've read. Let alone one that bares any semblance to mine.

>> No.23398275

I'm a sucker for my writing being "literary". I have to have a theme and thesis and that thesis must be answered and explored throughout the story. Don't get me wrong it's still genre pulp with some indulgent action and smut that people enjoy, but I have to explore a theme. I do not think this would work for this kind of quantity only approach this guy is pushing. Maybe I should look up guides on how to get big on Kindle Unlimited because based on my metrics so far I think my story is of high quality. (5k views in less than a week)

>> No.23398278 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 2000x1333, sfkjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Anya Taylor Joy was my mom edition

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION:https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ(embed)
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS:https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC(embed)

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Previous: >>23382472

>> No.23398285


>> No.23398306

Yes, from what you said, you sound more suited to trad pubbing and if not that, then self pubbing on Amazon.

>> No.23398392

maybe this works? i’ve done a fair amount of erping, im just afraid of falling into the common pitfalls of poorly written erotica where it’s just very repetitive

>> No.23398400

Real new thread, complete with title

>> No.23398568

>first one did well because of my Twitter account
Explain. What do you do, just throw up a post that it's released or what? You have to already be someone important for people to follow.

>> No.23398586

still doens't work, retard

>> No.23398626

*right, dipshit