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/lit/ - Literature

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23380957 No.23380957 [Reply] [Original]

For the discussion of English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean webnovels/lightnovels.

All forms of litrpg, xianxia, and other genres like Isekai, and media such as visual novels are welcome. Formerly web and now published works are also allowed.
You are free to post your own works(as long as it is WN format) and ask for feedback.

>Websites for Litrpg
>A website that hosts the metadata and translation links of many Eastern web/light novels
>A glossary for those of you who don't know what Xianxia is

Previous thread >>23332974

>> No.23380986

I hate litrpgs, gamelit, isekai and harem. I shan't be reading them

>> No.23380995 [DELETED] 

If I've gotten multiple warnings for posting graphic novels then this shouldn't be allowed either.

>> No.23381018

Your choice
Graphic novels are basically comics

>> No.23381041 [DELETED] 

Web novels are basically fan fiction and explicitly prohibited, while light novels belong in /jp/. It seems there are some young "free thinkers" among the mods now, who want to relax the rules, but all this does is bring the board quality even lower.

>> No.23381046 [DELETED] 
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>explicitly prohibited
Please mark in the image where this explicit prohibition is. I can't see it.

>> No.23381053 [DELETED] 

>based on an existing work of fiction.
How does litrpg, or any other webnovel count as "fan fiction"? Unless you think that every webnovel is made using existing material, which is entirely not true. Excluding the mountains worth of fan fiction, there are thousands upon thousands of original works, all of which are original. Please clarify.

>> No.23381063
File: 40 KB, 997x215, okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta, I'm OP, but yes, fan fiction is not allowed. You aren't really helping my case here.

>> No.23381070

nobody (especially the jannies) cares about those rules.

>> No.23381297
File: 348 KB, 800x1067, derek-paul-carll-The_Mech_Touch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5963 chapters
Almost 6000 chapters......
Someone needs to stop this guy.

>> No.23381473

Why is stuff like this being translated and not something like Kingdom's Bloodline?

>> No.23381559

The Mech Touch isn't translated, it was originally written in english. And iirc, didn't Kingdom's Bloodline start translating again?

>> No.23381568


>> No.23381576

Ahh that makes sense. Qidian debacle killed off fan-translations
Yeah it's being translated again, unofficially, but slower than it's getting new chapters

>> No.23381601

3 chapters a month lol, give or take
Webnovel is notorious for shitty translations that get axed halfway, something like WuxiaWorld is more reliable.

>> No.23381643
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Hmmm.... that changes everything. Perhaps less Japanese stuff? I originally wanted to make this general more focused on the entirety of the online web novel scene(English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, etc.); light novels were a last-second addition. That general seems to be entirely dedicated to Japanese web/light novels, so I think I can make this work without any major collisions.
Let me think some more.

>> No.23381655

Well, I appreciate that you're actually thinking about it rather than being stubborn. Rare non-fag OP.

>> No.23381726

your point? there's nothing in the rules against this thread existing here

>> No.23381749

Maybe some people can’t read fucking moon runes and would instead prefer to read translated LNs?

>> No.23381756

Some visual novels are just superior to other forms of literature.

Find me something better than Fullmetal Daemon Muramasa.

>> No.23381986
File: 186 KB, 640x640, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I stopped thinking 2 hours and 38 minutes ago. Soon.

>> No.23382114

>Fullmetal Daemon Muramasa
Haven't really tried any VNs, so I guess I will start with this one.

>> No.23382446
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>> No.23382920

I don't read japshit I only read chinkshit. Nothing in japshit is as good as reverend insanity. Simple as.

>> No.23383801

Try Ouroboros Record, another good novel with an evil protag. It's Jap btw.

>> No.23383813

They are right to be called "light novels" since most of the ones I've tried seem to be missing majority of the content.
I'm a "heavy novel" enjoyer myself. Glacial pace and a lot of details are what I like

>> No.23384789

Yeah but the mc is reverend isn't evil just for being evil. He is an opportunist with no morals. I'll look at it but novel updates paints a bleak picture of that japbook. Plus the best part of RI is the world building.